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11009701 No.11009701 [Reply] [Original]

So the Umineko Chiru PS3 conversion was just finished


>> No.11009706

Lib was a fucking liar. He said it was going to be released in may.

>> No.11009710

Better late then never I guess

>> No.11009711

It was supposed to be March before that

>> No.11009722

He never announced a March release, though he did say late April.

>> No.11009733
File: 14 KB, 300x100, they mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009737



>> No.11009752
File: 631 KB, 636x475, tweaked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded it, looks pretty freakin good. I guess it's time to re read umineko then.

>> No.11009758

Cool. I never read 7-8 so this is a good opportunity to go back.

>> No.11009761

When the hell is Ryu07 gonna start producing his shit at 1080p? It's 20 freaking 13.

>> No.11009766

jesus christ?

why rapidshare?

why no mega?

>> No.11009771

so wait, is this FOR the PS3 or Win?

if you dl it will you be able to upload it to your PS3 or will it only work on PC?

I'd rather put it on my PS3 since it's hooked up to my tv and it's not HD anyway so...

>> No.11009772

Doujinsoft doesn't generally use high resolutions.

>> No.11009774

They said there will be an upload on Mega shortly.

>> No.11009775

Liberatedliberator: Hello!
It's about to be doen actually haha
13 minutes

>> No.11009776

>Wanting to download from a honeypot

>> No.11009781

Of course it only works for PC. If you have a PS3, just use the actual game. You don't need a conversion pack.

>> No.11010006

the PS3 version is 1080p, but they have to scale all the graphic down for PC because they don't know how to run the program.

There was a version of episode 1 in full 1080p, but the guy who worked on that was some Russian that just didn't finish the work.

>> No.11010039

Seeding at 3.5 MB/s

I hope you guys are grabbing from Mega to help since I'm doing at least 90% of the seeding

>> No.11010040

I'm all giggidy goo now.

>> No.11010111

actually, 1080p is just a shit ton of work to make all effects work at that resolution. it's not just replacing sprites, you know.
forexample ep. 1 1080p's rain effect looked somewhat shit. anyway the team *might* work on a HD version later.

>> No.11011761

All these poor people using the torrent

>> No.11011806

I was thinking about reading Umineko again anyway these past few days.

>> No.11011830

Eh? It took like two hours to download.

>> No.11011835
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, looks nice, but holy shit the costs involved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high-resolution bullshit is driving up costs like mad for VN developers, who aren't generally known for their huge profit margins. They'll either have to take away budget elsewhere with customer demand being so strong, or do it in addition to using so much budget for other stuff, leading to dangerous costs. BokuTen looked nice, but not nice enough to have Overdrive declare bankruptcy before the end of the year because they sold "only" 4k.

And that's without developers even reaching 1080p - Bokuten was 1024x576, and even the 'true hi-res' games are only 720p.

Stop bitching about the graphics and let developers invest their budget in things with a greater effect on the game's quality (compared to the amount of cash that needs to be invested for it).

>> No.11011845

Didn't Witch Hunt say not to use their translation with any PS3 patch?

>> No.11011867

Why not?

>> No.11011869


Something about not wanting to cut 07th Expansion's profits, I don't recall clearly.

>> No.11011873

Why is making a still image slightly larger that much more expensive? This isn't high end animation. It isn't even animated at all.

>> No.11011945
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, supipara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: 100 million yen?! Where does all that money go?

A: The largest cost is CG production. Unlike anime, CG consists of still frames, so each frame must be incredibly high-quality. It’s difficult to clean up lines, color in multiple gradients and add effects. It’s a labor and time-intensive process, and it’s impossible to do without many staff members. The more CGs there are in a game, the more expensive it’ll be to make. In addition, since players will be looking at background art a lot, quality control is paramount.

Resolutions on computer screens have been going up lately. This has had a negative impact on our costs. In the past, games were produced at 800×600, but now we’re talking 1920×1080. To put it simply, we have to color in 4.3 times the space. Not only does it take more time to produce each CG, but we must also become more and more careful with our quality control. We also have to consider the specifications of our customers’ computers. It’s unlikely that all of our customers have the newest, most high-end PCs, so it’s hard for us to think about what kinds of OSes and systems we should support. Unlike console games, PC games can’t assume uniform specifications across all machines.

It must be noted that minori has been spending ridiculous amounts of money on art even since before the hi-res hype (so the 100 million yen figure is not applicable to all companies), but the fact remains that costs have gone up tremendously for art.

>> No.11012278
File: 588 KB, 1280x480, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.11012318

But the graphic creation/edition software is progressing too. It shoud catch up with the demand eventualy, making that kind fo work faster and less expansive, right?

>> No.11012377

Well there's only so much that graphic processing software can do, a lot of the art needs to be done by person. It's a lot of work, takes a lot of time from a lot of people. And people like us are just taking it for free. The downfall is inevitable.

>> No.11012382


>> No.11012437

Because Witch Hunt is now very close to Ryukishi (they are almost official translator by this point), and they don't want to endorse what is simply pirating the PS3 game.

I understand their stances, but it won't prevent me to use this patch.

>> No.11012470

I really, really like Ryukishi for his stance on fan projects.
Okay, maybe "like" is the wrong word.
More like respect.

>> No.11012484

Me too, anon. Me too.

>> No.11012493

That's pretty cool, shame all of us who were interested already read it and know it's disappointing enough to not bother re-reading.

>> No.11012524

This is cool. I haven't read ep 8 because I was waiting for this. uo

>> No.11012578

Well, it isn't cutting into their profits - we aren't in the eligible customer group to begin with. Even if we stopped pirating, no one would buy the games themselves. In fact, the lack of pirated copies to translate reduces Western awareness of the games, which means less people going overseas for the games and less profits. If we can't play them, no one's going to go to Japan just to get a physical copy, while plenty of people do that now both to rip it and because they've played the (pirated) game before and liked it.

>> No.11012615

Same could be said about anime.
Absolutely NO ONE would go to, say, Madoka movie showings if it weren't unlicensed fansubs being spread around.

>> No.11012633

This is different.

What you're basically describing is the situation of the original Umineko games. The translation was a huge boost of western popularity. The rampant piracy was actually a good thing because it allowed people to have access to a VN they wouldn't normally have.

But, here, we're not opening the game further to the western world. We're only ripping the work of several people for only a minor cosmetic gain. Thus the wins of the patch are largely overshadowed by the losses.

>> No.11012660

Well, in fact we are opening it further. The anime is popular, but the VN is still niche. If we were to stop circulating the crack, awareness of the VN would drop as old members leave the fandom and new ones come in. The result is a steady drop in awareness in the Western fandom, and eventually the absence of any Western buyers of the game.

>> No.11012704

This doesn't include the voice acting right?

They only ever made the voice patch for episode 1 right?

>> No.11012772

everything is voiced. rondo has been for a long time, chiru (5-8) is now sprited+voiced too

>> No.11012831

Hyped for the uuu~s

>> No.11012975

Shut the fuck up Maria.

>> No.11013085

>I really, really like Ryukishi for his stance on fan projects.
Welcome to doujin as opposed to commerce.

>> No.11013103

>Stop bitching about the graphics and let developers invest their budget in things with a greater effect on the game's quality
I think the visuals are very important in visual novels. I for one really don’t want to go back to the time when everything looked like ~ONE~.

>> No.11013277

Expression on the left: Derisive
Expression on the right: Constipated

>> No.11013318
File: 2.22 MB, 2080x720, little busters vs rewrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that there should at least be a minimum quality. Personally I consider Kanon's art good enough, but plenty of people will disagree with me. Improvement beyond that can definitely increase the quality of the visual novel in general (art in Key games kept getting better slowly, and it always felt like an improvement to the games as a whole). However, the jump from Little Busters to Rewrite was just unnecessary and a waste of budget (considering how much it increases costs).

>> No.11013357


They look the EXACT same stop bitching

>> No.11013551

Mike Tyson on the left, Cindy Crawford on the right.

>> No.11014046

What group was it that made Ougon?

>> No.11014334

The faces in Rewrite are still fucked up in a lot of cg

>> No.11014536

huh? What?

>> No.11014561

>>11014536 (You)
What what?

>> No.11014567

Which group was it that made Ougon?

>> No.11014588

>>11014567 (You) (You)
I am the one that asked that question.

>> No.11014679

but what do you mean by that?

Which group made the game?

>> No.11016336

It says 07th expansion developed Ougon Musou Kyoko, but obviously it couldn't just have been him, he probably hired in some people. If I remember correct wasn't ut those Tasosomething Frontier? those that made the Touhou fighters, did alchemist make it?

>> No.11016351

It doesn't feel like a Tasofro fighter at all, so I very much doubt that. (By the way, the full name is Tasogare Frontier, or alternatively Twilight Frontier.)

>> No.11016871

I remember R07 saying that it was the work of several groups, rather than 07th expansion.
So it's kinda hard to answer that.

>> No.11016943

So when is the next when they cry coming? what is ro7 even working on? has he said anything? he usually releases something every winter and summer right?

>> No.11016964


Alchemist only made the 360 port.

>> No.11022154

In short, the way I get it, the wide-screen format is making things more expensive more so than the level of the resolution itself.

>> No.11022268

I only answer you because I like to discuss 07 stuffs. I don't make an habit to answer all the poorly worded, dumbass question from Internet. I don't have the time to indulge on these useless fantasies.

Ryuk is actually working on the four seasons of Rose Guns Days. It's actually selling very well in Japan. There is some theories coming from a line on his blog saying that he's working on something 'new but old' for after RGD, theories pointing toward a new WtC, but it's fanwank for now.

Two years ago, at the end of Umineko, he said he was deeply tired of WtC and wanted to take a break. At the same time, he promised us a WtC, so it will be done eventually.

>> No.11022268,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just want more Higanbana.

>> No.11029266
File: 1.57 MB, 990x1321, e43d7e273feafc45b7972f5ff53c7c5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really glad this came out. I was actually thinking about re-reading it starting this weekend. Any word on how stable it is?

>> No.11029270

Nice work, looks pretty nice, although I like the butterfly text window the best.

Why did they stop working on the 1080p version though? I want to read ep8 on my TV.

>> No.11029275

Nevermind, I'm shit for not reading the thread.


>> No.11031818 [DELETED] 

Where can I download the patch for ep 1-4?

>> No.11033270

I just change my monitor's resolution to 800*600 when I am reading this.

>> No.11033432

Is it possible to only apply the voice patch? Or do I have to apply the image patch too?

I want to reread Umineko but it just won't be the same without Ryukishi's art...

>> No.11034640

Wait. No. I declare shenanigans. This is total bullshit. What does he mean "we have to color in 4.3 times the space"? He says that like CGs are some kind of pinnacle of high art that take years of handcrafting and are folded ten thousand times.

Any actual artist in the thread can tell me why I'm wrong? Because I want to be wrong.

>> No.11034829

I am seconding this.

>> No.11034836

Seems it can't be done, which is pretty damn stupid.

>> No.11034880
File: 187 KB, 800x600, 2163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason most eroge were at 800x600 for so long was due to size and hardware restrictions (ie everyone had smaller monitors and hdd's), the only reason high res cg backgrounds would cost more would be because you can't hide lack of details at higher resolutions, besides the character art would take the same amount of effort to make, I mean look at any old eroge, is anyone retarded enough to think that all the artwork was done originally at 800x600 resolution?

>> No.11034955

I asked the same last thread. Somebody suggested deleting the .arc file with the image files from the patch folder. That's what you do with the patch for the first episodes, but I don't know if it'd work this time.

>> No.11035160

The voices aren't exactly good anyway. Well, actually most of the VAs are fine, but a handful of them did such a terrible job that I had to mute the voices during several scenes.
I'm thinking about :
- Yui Horie (Maria) : I liked her in her old roles (Naru in LH, Eri in SR...) but in most recent ones (Hanekawa in Bakemonogatari and Maria here) she's just annoying. For some reason her voice in-game is the loudest of the cast, which makes it even worse. The "uu-uh" are supposed to be annoying though, so at least she did a perfect job with that.
- Mugihito (Kinzo) : so overplayed it hurts. I know Kinzo is supposed to be eccentric, but that was just silly and removed a lot of the chracter credibility.
- Marina Inoue (Jessica) : She's fine for comedic roles like Kana in Minami-ke, and I can see why the production thought she would fit the character... but unfortunately she's downright awful in every serious part. The funniest moment was her coughing fit in EP1 (due to asthma). Oh god that was so bad.
- Daisuke Ono (Battler) : I can't understand why they would pick this guy for Battler. It doesn't click at all for me. Not to mention that his performance was rather bad, although not as horrible as the VAs mentioned above. Right now I can't think of a perfect fit for this role, but even a generic voice like Sugita Tomokazu would have been leagues better.

All of the other VAs did at least decent, especially the group of older siblings and their partners (Krauss Natsuhi etc) who were all convincing. I always liked Miki Itou's voice (Eva), who did Takano in Higurashi, and she didn't disappoint me. Rie Kugimiya as Shannon did an okay job, although they probably hired her more for her name than her compatibility with the character. Sayaka Oohara (Beatrice) was average at best and they surely could have found someone much better, but at least I never had the urge to mute her like Maria.

>> No.11035195

Why don't you do the VA work for those characters then anon? oh that's right because you are a lazy good for nothing neet just like every one else here fukking nerdlord. They wouldn't hire your fat ass to be the janitor let alone voice one of these characters.

>> No.11035199

You don't have to be a cook to claim that something tastes bad.

>> No.11035203

Oh, that's a good one. I have used "You don't have to be a politician to vote", but yours is clearer. I'll keep it.

>> No.11035207

so mad

>> No.11035210

aw snap you #rekt me m9.

>> No.11035248

I personally hated the performance of Ohara, but it might not be her fault.
What I couldn't stand was her exaggerated slowness in talking. I ended up skipping most of her dialogues because I couldn't stand to wait the 3-4 seconds pause she made between every sentence.

>> No.11035256


>Sayaka Oohara (Beatrice) was average at best and they surely could have found someone much better

You can't be serious.

>> No.11035269


I'm talking about Ohara in Ougon Musoukyoku and the Umineko anime not Ohara in the Umineko VN by the way.

>> No.11036640

Nice! This is certainly an encouragament for me to read Umineko again. Though I will surely miss Ryukishi07's amazing troll art.

>> No.11037499

since this is an umineko thread i'm gonna ask here.
does anyone have problems with the voices in fuwanovel's release of umineko 1-4?
for me, whenever characters have long lines. one sentence is cut off and then the next sentence continues

>> No.11044611

delete all fuwanovel shit. Download normal game and ps3 patch stuff. Profit.

>> No.11045256

that's because the voice direction in the anime was shit
OnoD was awful there too

>> No.11046484


In the anime yes but in Musoukyoku is very good.

>> No.11046748 [DELETED] 

