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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 118 KB, 499x600, mootberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11033093 No.11033093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

moot freakin owning u fags LMAO

>>You swap cum in your mouth with others?
>only my favorite 2hu

>>moot, you were in a dream I had a few nights ago. You were shitposting on /jp/ as Anonymous. Why do you do such things?
>but did i sage?

>> No.11033100

damn, /jp/ got SHIT ON

>> No.11033104

Posting with sage on /jp/ is in no way essential.

>> No.11033105

holy fuck /jp/ got owned into the stratoverse

>> No.11033107

I wonder which pal of his sucks him off and keeps him up to date on all the latest epic /jp/ jargon in return for janitor status

>> No.11033110

Go back to your shithole.

>> No.11033113


Is favorite Touhou is HM ( probably Hong Meiling )

i'm okay with this

also the sage thing he's right if it's a shitpost or something not important you should use sage

This thread isn't /jp/ by the way

>> No.11033114


>> No.11033119

I'm already here.

>> No.11033122
File: 5 KB, 201x251, hi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11033124

oh my god sick sah-gey related burns

>> No.11033127

Being quoted by moot and OP!

>> No.11033128


>> No.11033129
File: 61 KB, 225x225, 1368800079537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11033136

I think moot realized that letting this place live would be a far worse punishment than banning its members or deleting the board and releasing us from the uneventful, autistic tedium of /jp/.

>> No.11033154

No need to be so obvious.

>> No.11033160

I bet moot doesn't even know what sage does

>> No.11033164

Jealous of the close bond we /jp/ bros share?

>> No.11033167

/a/ is getting shat on so they're retaliating here

you shouldn't have fucked with m00t

/a/ deserves to go through this kind of troll, for once m00t ignoring /jp/ is a great thing

>> No.11033181

Yeah dude /jp/ is getting raided so hard.

>> No.11033183


To be honest, I don't see why this guy should be worthy of any praise when he is a hobby-less, hipster, with nothing better in his life other than to be here for show.

In one of his Q&A, he admitted to rarely watching Anime anymore and even collectivized someone as a "Weeaboo" when asked a question about Narutards spamming /a/.

Additionally, when asked about his hobbies, he consistently has been dodging the question. When I told him if he at least had interest in comics, he said with a resounding "meh."

This guy has no shame. He is a talentless hack who doesn't even like Anime or Comics and yet, has all of those images on the 4chan banner.

What a pathetic, dipshit, hipster faggot.

>> No.11033188

So basically he would fit perfectly into /jp/.

>> No.11033201

When is moot getting married

>> No.11033205


Not exactly. More like the /b/ crowd if you ask me.

Moot doesn't have any interest in Jpop nor any pop-cultures as far as I know anymore. All he cares about is "Interent Culture" and his extreme fascination with online memes.

He doesn't have a life. He is worse than an otaku. Because those who waste their lives on just Internet memes and culture are pathetic.

>> No.11033208

Once he finds the right guy.

>> No.11033212
File: 110 KB, 374x380, 1363907487966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi five

>> No.11033228

He probably was a Gaia-level weeaboo when he started the site, so I don't think he ever had a real interest.

Although the drama bomb (thread at world2ch) where he posted many years ago made him seem much more mature than now. He actually sounded like a good poster. What the hell happened?


Is he just playing around or is "moot" another person now?

>> No.11033240

>Because those who waste their lives on just Internet memes and culture are pathetic.
F5ing websites all day is pretty fucking pointless but most people aren't doing any better with their lives.

>> No.11033301

People take themselves very seriously when they are young. Once you grew up, you take it easy.

>> No.11033359

How is defending subhuman SA goons in any way a good thing?

>> No.11033404

That thread makes me feel sad. Each summer brings with it irreparable damage.

>> No.11033415


He was probably a Japanophile back in the younger days. But from the looks of it, he is now discouraged from the interests he initially held and has now become a full-fledge Internet Meme/web culture addict, which I can't say is very meaningful way to live your life.

Still can't see the so-called "maturity" in him, especially the way he has been dodging questions and responding in his Q&A.

And the way he has responded to us regarding to his life....is just dull and makes it appear he actually has nothing genuine in him. Does he have any passion for all the Anime/Comic series shown on 4chan banner. I sincerely doubt it.

Moot, which is supposed to be some Iconic web guy, just seems to be like a very shallow, empty fellow with nothing better to do other than to look "different" from others. In other words, he is a full-fledged hipster punk who rallies on his existence solely on this website. Its a damn shame really. He could sure use a hobby or two. He was probably better off as a Japanophile(despite how misleading his ideas were) much more than a full-fledge Internet meme avatar.

>> No.11033474

Playing video games or watching anime (4chan's two most popular hobbies) does not actually make you any deeper of a person than someone who doesn't.

>> No.11033510

I bet his Japanese is better than yours. And he had a beer or two with ZUN, that's like, a lightyear ahead of your avarage /jp/sie.

And why the hell would anyone take what he said (probably sarcastically) about himself in the Internet seriously? I don't.

>> No.11033513

He already has. However, the Prince Namibia blow-up doll doesn't count as a person. Not even with that AI-gudied voice chip.

>> No.11033516

He still has ties with those faggots last I heard. I am neutral for the most part on him, but he doesn't seem pretty honest with us on what he actually thinks about us. I assume moot has "grown up" and no longer cares about anime and imageboard culture, he is just managing the site and letting 4chan be what it wants to be. He won't say this just so he can remain credible with the current userbase and I don't blame him. It disappoints me, but that's the fate of these places, come and go.

>> No.11033520


Last year he showed us the extent of his Japanese language skills on a livestream, they were non-existant.

"What does wwww mean?" - moot

>> No.11033522


Actually, it does. With video games, you can intereact with the game and at times, you get a narrative, or characters to talk about.

In Anime and Comics, you get a clear narrative with a series of characters introduced that you may or not relate to. In this instance, if you play video games, watch Anime, or read comics, you are actually doing something fullfilling in your life.

You are reading the stories, or playing with the creations of others.

When you do any of the above, you actually have something to talk about. You have characters to talk about, or a plot device.

With Internet culture or memes, you have very little to almost none. Because you are rallying around mostly "memes" created to poke fun at or distort/twist in an existed idea, which isn't really creative.

In Anime, Manga, Comics and Video games, you have something to entertain yourself with and to share about with your friends. In Web culture and memes, however, you don't and are severely limited to memes fresh off the spot. Once they lose their appeal, you're not going to have a lot to talk about.

Also, /co/ and /pony/ board are currently the most trafficked boards. /a/ has lost to /co/ because the interest for Anime/manga have declined due to the medium becoming taboo.

>> No.11033524

Why the fuck do you care so much about what moot is doing with his life? It's starting to sound like you have a personal grudge against the guy.

If anything anyone here should just be concerned with what he does with the site; as long as he doesn't like the boards to Facebook he can whore his ass for money in the street for all people care.

>> No.11033565

I met him at a conference and heard his talk on running a startup on a shoestring, where I learned all the 4chan servers and office furniture is either second-hand or dumpster dived.

I met him after to shake his hand, and say hi from a long time user. Some other faggots came up and said he should go head to head with the 9 g.ag founder who was also there at the conference. This made him visibly uncomfortable. I cracked a joke about "how to recognise an extroverted programmer" - he'll look at your shoes instead of his own, and he laughed.

He's a rather placid guy, he listened carefully to all the people coming up to him with questions or business offers at the end of the presentation. I guess that shows he has a lot of time to listen.

He said in the presentation that his skill set is uniquely focused on running 4chan, but he doesn't even have the hard technical skills to code. It also takes up all most all of his time. He's a college dropout, so when this place dies, moot is pretty fucked.

As to his hobbies:
It seems the lifting he did a year back wasn't continued, as he is still very skinny. At least he isn't a fatass like he was back in the day.

He also smelled incredibly neutral.

>> No.11033601

>he also smelled incredibly neutral

>> No.11033651


Wow thanks!

Its probably the best description we'll ever get on this guy.

He's a "College Dropout", who knew, than again, College isn't the key to life's treasures but if you haven't laid out any goals you plan to do in life, you're pretty screwed.

As for his "hobbies" I'm not surprised that he actually has nothing really to do.

Moot is really in need of a life, and I'm not joking. He needs to separate himself from his web avatar and try to make something for himself. He needs to stop listening too much to what others think of him and try to define a purpose in life, because from the direction he's going, he is very close to becoming a full-fledged web dweller.

>> No.11033663

Can you please leave already, normie? Not every one wants to "do something" with their life.

>> No.11033680

The guy had gone through hard shit just to maintain 4chan. Advocating discussion with anonimity is his purpose in life.

Now you stfu and go befriend him or something, maybe you could learn from the guy and stop being a faggot.

>> No.11033686

Given that he's making money and building a network, I think he's doing pretty well.

I don't think we NEETS/ businessmen on /jp/ can judge him, regardless of our successes in our respective fields.

>> No.11033691

I want to believe that Moot makes /jp/ sound bad on purpose to keep all the bad things out.

If he had no hobbies and he didn't like /jp/, why would he meet ZUN so often? Why would ZUN even agree to meet with him if he didn't like Touhou?

I don't know what Moot is like because I'm new 2009 but I think he likes Touhou. He just doesn't want to tell anyone about it. Moot has the ability to shit up 4chan for a day just by posting an emoticon, so god only knows what would happen to /jp/ if he publicly declared his hobbies and interests. I doubt he wants to seem partial either. That would be pretty bad if he openly displayed favoritism to particular board subjects.

>> No.11033728


Well to each to there own I guess, although if I were you, I rather define a purpose and LIVE my life the way I see fit than to be a sore loser who is very insecure about his hobbies and does not have any self-respect/dignity for his own life.

I almost certain you guys will discover it someday. Live your life, not survive it. You only have one life, when the time comes, will you live it with fulfillment? Or regret?

I'll live it up to you and take my live. See ya! :P

>> No.11033732

Phew, I actually thought you were being serious for a moment.

>> No.11033759

some people are happy just floating along. its peaceful. Not everyone has to do something, not everyone will be a great person. As long as you're happy, whats the problem?

>> No.11033763

>than to be a sore loser who is very insecure about his hobbies and does not have any self-respect/dignity for his own life.

How do you know that? Being reserved doesnt mean you have no self respect, it just means you like to keep your own privacy.
