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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 444x295, hornyoni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11030027 No.11030027 [Reply] [Original]

Would a human even survive sex with a youkai?

It's pretty much like sex with a grizzly bear. Or worse.

>> No.11030031

Only if they're oni.

>> No.11030038
File: 536 KB, 1920x1080, 1370980937595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is sex with a grizzly bear like?

>> No.11030053

I don't think grizzly bears are particularly violent lovers. Plus what's a few cracked ribs and a scratched and scarred back. Your kid will think you're a badass.

>> No.11030065

It should go pretty well, assuming it's tied up and you're the one putting it in.

Your kid will BE a badass, assuming it'll be conceived in the act.

>> No.11030093


If she orgasmed she would probably accidentally rip you in two.

>> No.11030121
File: 477 KB, 1106x1016, 1280373404391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they can probably control their own strength, except for ones like Rumia or Okuu.

>> No.11030136

Rumia doesn't seem particularly strong. Or bright. Or even in good health.

Okuu can manipulate atomic fusion, but I don't think she has super strength beyond of that of a hell raven.

Yuugi or Yuuka might be the ones who can snap you in half though.

>> No.11030150


Even Rumia is much stronger than humans.

>> No.11030155

To kill small children, the slow, the weak and the stupid? Sure.

Anybody else can outrun her.

>> No.11030156


We're talking about fucking her here, so you're going to be in close proximity.

>> No.11030158
File: 319 KB, 1000x1414, df163679bde15c918a382407361a36d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magicians are probably the only safe kind.

Unless they accidentally release spells during orgasm.

>> No.11030160

spells to make your dick harder

>> No.11030206

According to her lore, Patche has to inchant long to get her spells going. Since she will be too busy moaning to focus on her magic,she is pretty much as safe as an asthmatic, anemic girl.

>> No.11030209

Or spells to transform you a giant dick that can talk by changing the diameter of its urethra while ejaculating, or spells to have extra dicks sprouting out of your tongue and nipples and ears, or spells to force all your virility and manliness into your ejaculation and leave you as a young lady after your singular, ultimate orgasm.

It never pays to take your chances with magicians.

>> No.11030212

Humans probably won't since male youkai fuck them first.

>> No.11030214

That's not what my doujins tell me.

>> No.11030219

I think they might be able to do serious damage, but I think they'd be hard pressed to kill you during sex. As stong as youkai are, the human body is surprisingly resilient.

>> No.11030222

>male youkai

no such thing

>> No.11030234
File: 1.03 MB, 900x891, 29117979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always pick a fairy instead.

>> No.11030242

The fact how Rinnosuke was born still baffles me so.

>> No.11030249
File: 570 KB, 1708x2136, ShutendojiSMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello onii-chan~ What do you mean 'who'? It's me, Suika!"

>> No.11030253


Fairies are the onaholes of Gensokyo.

>> No.11030254

Youkai mother/father loved faceless woman/man from the village. Seeing how no mention of them is ever made, they must be dead by now.

Speaking of parents, why does Marisa live in the magic forest when she has a father? And where the devil are Reimu's parents? And Sanae's?

>> No.11030255

>Speaking of parents, why does Marisa live in the magic forest when she has a father?
She's not good with her father? Then, how Mima happened to be her boss?

>> No.11030257

The fairy rape touhou doujins are particularly grimdark. How many times do they get killed at the end?

>> No.11030263
File: 1.12 MB, 2108x3016, 739742418_the_gatekeeper_lady_is_my_partner_04_123_336lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fine if you're a young boy. Youkai like breaking in boys and riding shota dick until there's nothing left in their balls. Didn't you know?

>> No.11030265

For Marisa I don't think her father liked the fact that she was into magic.

>> No.11030273

>why does Marisa live in the magic forest when she has a father?

Her father molested her, so she ran away.

>And where the devil are Reimu's parents?

They left her when she was born and she was adopted to be the next Hakurei miko.

>And Sanae's?

Probably somewhere in the outside world still worried about her, since she ran away without telling them.

>> No.11030280

Sanae's are presumably in the outside world somewhere. Reimu is a mystery.

>> No.11030284

I don't think I've seen seen a single one where they would be killed at the end.

>> No.11030286

Reimu's mom was killed by EX Rumia.

>> No.11030288
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>> No.11030293
File: 488 KB, 850x1216, amen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why youkai even bother to get laid with human if their nature is only to eat them?

>> No.11030290


I don't think that's the problem. Sex can get violent and chaotic. When the other side is 20 times stronger that can end really badly.

>> No.11030296

That... is a good thing. Most of those I have seen end up badly.Sure, there are a bunch of gang rape doujins of all other touhous, but they usually end with mindbreak and ahegao, but not so for the fairies. They just die.

>> No.11030299
File: 604 KB, 1200x1711, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>riding shota dick
i think you got that backwards

>> No.11030300

This was so unexpectedly good.
Fits the thread too. I think a lot of the more intense youkai sex would go like that.

>> No.11030306


>> No.11030308

Yeah, right. Link these doujins you're talking about.

>> No.11030311


>> No.11030327

I imagine the one he's talking about is lunar fall. Not many others spring to mind immediately.

>> No.11030336

Man, if you wanna have sex with a youkai, you should use some sort of power limiter. She might not like that idea much, but eh, safety first.

>> No.11030340
File: 333 KB, 1074x1517, inRan10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The villagers are almost asking for it.

>> No.11030346

>or spells to force all your virility and manliness into your ejaculation and leave you as a young lady after your singular, ultimate orgasm.

w-worth it.

>> No.11030352
File: 576 KB, 1281x1600, IP-Lursa-Betor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, they are youkai, not Klingons

>> No.11030357

Just reverse image search it you lazy assholes.

>> No.11030360

That's what they did, it shows nothing.

>> No.11030368


Fuck nature. Human males should've been the weaker gender that stops growing up around 16.

We will never get physically dominated and raped by females because nature was a dick.

>> No.11030370

Instead, we get the chances to rape them instead. God be praised.

>> No.11030371


Youkai are much stronger than Klingons though.

>> No.11030375

The sauce extension is currently broken, just go to the site and reverse image search it manually.

>> No.11030382
File: 278 KB, 922x711, justhanditover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware of that, that's why i did just that and it still shows nothing.

>> No.11030401
File: 50 KB, 1212x282, g01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11030409

>no url box
Doing it wrong.

>> No.11030415

is the site down?
I'm just getting a page with a panda who looks upset.

I was unaware ex had a file search feature, thanks!

>> No.11030422

Now you need to wipe your cache or get the sad panda extension.

>> No.11030435


I was joking dude


>> No.11030440

It's broken by saying ``found: 0'', but if you click it again you'll get the source just fine.

>> No.11030565
File: 536 KB, 1393x2000, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11030595
File: 1.12 MB, 2113x3049, 10 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11030646

Where's my doujin of Sanae finding a group of several dozen school boys on a class trip to the Moriya shrine and gathering all of their faith?

>> No.11030660

that one was pretty good. the sequels weren't quite up to par, though.
i give it 5 faps.

>> No.11030662
File: 150 KB, 820x553, From-Fear-to-Faith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11030867


Patchy one was good.

>> No.11030873


Please write this idea to Satellites or Ito.

>> No.11030886

Ito as in Ito Life? He doesn't do group sex.

>> No.11030894

I prefer Satellites!!

>> No.11030898

They could do it like a monster story, where she kidnaps them one at a time. It would help raise the tension and fear in the group.

Although that doesn't really sound like ito life either.

>> No.11030922

He could do something a little more forcey than that one assertive Wriggle book, that'd fit.

>> No.11030987

Youkai sex is such a fascinating subject.

>> No.11030993

It's not, really. For all practical purposes sexual behavior of youkai is whatever gives you the most sexual gratification.

>> No.11031145 [DELETED] 

It's probably like this <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/N7Ujd7RDg9g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.11031149

I pictured it being like this http://youtu.be/N7Ujd7RDg9g

>> No.11031158

Meh. Could be worse.

>> No.11031160

Chen and Orin.

>> No.11031187
File: 98 KB, 372x488, 1336776053694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Cirno!

>> No.11031191

Wait, I dotng et it. Did the cat not like the dick or something?

I assumed all cats that mates make it look extremely unemployable and painful.

Why can cats enjoy sex like the rest of the earths organisms can?

>> No.11031193

Male cats have spiked dicks, so that might be a factor.

>> No.11031213

I imagine something like the first scene in Berserk

>> No.11031224

That should not be a problem though. I mean shoulder the female cat have a vagina to accommodate the respective male sex organ? Isn't that how all species have it?

I mean if cats hates sex they would simply have gone extinct or something and yet all the stuff I hear and or learned about mating cats is that they seem to hate it, a lot.

Very perplexing.

Maybe I am assuming too much here and that video was just one of the few instances where that happens and the majority of the time the cats have enjoyable sex.

>> No.11031225

I never watched berserk

>> No.11031237
File: 11 KB, 184x184, ahe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the pain *stimulates* the female cat into releasing more eggs. It is one thing to be in heat (and fertile), another to improve the chances of impregnation.

On that note, women who had rough sex have a higher chance to get pregnant than those who do it slow. Like rape. Maybe humans are not supposed to be all lovey dovey, after all?

However, women that did have rough sex throughout their lives have a higher chance to grow tumors or cancer. It all confuses me.

>> No.11031251

Cats are weird like that. The spikes serve to stimulate ovulation and scrape out other cats sperm. Cats can get pregnant from more than one father in the same litter too.

And ducks seem to be in an arms race of defensive corkscrew shaped vaginas for the females and offensive penis mechanisms for the males.

>> No.11031264

Don't forget all the rape flights, rape killing, necrophilia, assorted violence and homosexuality.

>> No.11031290

hmm just looked this up and apparently duck do, apparently, indulge in this.

And I think I remmebr reading somewhere that some kind of primate masturbates regularly.

It makes me think if these things occure in nature, is it considered bad?

>> No.11031298

Morality is a human thing.

Nature doesn't care.

>> No.11031299

animals shouldn't decide our morality, that's retarded.

>> No.11031308
File: 106 KB, 528x727, 1369921200951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing how some of the females end up dead, and are growing ways to avoid getting raped, I would say: Yes, it is "bad".

She cannot choose the best, healthiest partner instead of just the best at rape. I mean, other birds don't even HAVE penises.

>> No.11031311

Why do people assume stronger than humans = able to burst through walls and bend steel and tear off arms with their little fingers?

Also on the subject of animalsex: Traumatic insemintion

>> No.11031316
File: 842 KB, 1078x1600, img000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11031320

That picture is hilarious. How is that man even alive let alone functioning.

>> No.11031324

>I remmebr reading somewhere that some kind of primate masturbates regularly

Our closest relatives, Bonobos, live in a matriarchal society where everybody fucks everybody. Homosex included.

The funny thing is females are weaker than males just like with humans and chimpanzees, but they rule the society through lesbian and mother/son alliances.

>> No.11031327

This, the rest of the thread is secodaries

>> No.11031352
File: 278 KB, 700x628, 26465527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11031358
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>> No.11031370

Holy shit it's a Spess Mehreen.

>> No.11031375
File: 73 KB, 800x800, 28455433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole cancer thing seems (to me) like there's something else behind it causing the correlation. Like, women who enjoy having rough sex are predisposed to lifestyle choices that promote cancer.

Or who knows, maybe we need to take great caution in giving girls the D.

>> No.11031382

Fuck thats a brilliant idea

>> No.11031392

Female Youkai are bored of their abusive male counterparts, so they want to try dominating weak human males.

The entire series is 5 out of 5 faps.


>> No.11031425
File: 462 KB, 720x900, d3e694e0439d408b67da23df24b6c5ef[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11031500

Probably the roughness creates tearing, which allows HPV to spread easier, then they get the cancer from that.

>> No.11031547

I wish more rape doujins did that.

Or maybe they're looking for love and/or a relationship that isn't a youkai power struggle?

>> No.11031544

There are human/youkai marriages in actual Japanese myth so yeah.

>> No.11031552

Well, who knows, maybe. I'm sure there's some medical paper out there that could settle the score.

I still wanna powerfuck sluts though. I mean I ain't the one coming down with cancer. And I mean when it comes down to it girls are primarily meat, for the purposes of fucking. Not trying to be edgy; sexually dominating women gets me hard.

>> No.11031553

>You ejaculate inside her.
>Your manliness turns her male.
>You go around wearing pretty dresses while she follows you around begging you to help her turn back.

>> No.11031599

>Female Youkai are bored of their abusive male counterparts, so they want to try dominating weak human males.



>> No.11031616


But there are no male youkai.

>> No.11031620
File: 47 KB, 249x374, indecent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11031624
File: 59 KB, 304x566, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I know the second that doujin was posted, you'd be in this thread?

>> No.11031629

Because it's a nice doujin.

>> No.11031635

No! Too cold!

>> No.11031670

No need her to give her the cold shoulder like that.

Keep your cool, anon.

>> No.11031682
File: 182 KB, 800x1000, 28611827_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you settle down with a nice country goddess instead?

>> No.11031687

Those gods are all about fertility. Not ready tp father 10+ demigods.

>> No.11031692
File: 151 KB, 578x599, Okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11031714
File: 931 KB, 1280x1280, 1358886527925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am!
Let's aim for 20+ demigods and try our best!

>> No.11031771

What's the source of this image?

>> No.11031776

I have come to terms with this fate.

>> No.11031780

I have a hard time seeing Yuuka kill a person in the act. She's much too refined to lose control like that. She seems to be the type with vast reserves of power to draw on, more than having great strength by default like Yuugi.

>> No.11031782


Our deaths will be magnificent.

>> No.11031784

I hate this.

>> No.11031785

He already linked it in the previous post.

>> No.11031790
File: 57 KB, 600x1000, 33191465_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be redeemed by sword and fire.

>> No.11031792

Yuuka loosing control?
I'm thinking of that one Yuuka happy sex doujin duo. You know the one, I hope.

>> No.11031793

You're obviously not in your right mind.

>> No.11031798

I don't have any Yuuka sex doujins period. I don't like her like that.

>> No.11031796

What? Huh? No, I hate this.

>> No.11031799
File: 777 KB, 2489x3536, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11031800
File: 551 KB, 1107x1600, yuuka proposal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for no taste.

>> No.11031807
File: 319 KB, 1024x768, a4fc1a8f64b5b807ca687efae1f59306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more that she's an old, old flower Youkai that came by her power not by virtue of birth but by age and effort. Oni are strong as hell. All Oni and any Oni are, and Yuugi more than most; she's always been strong. Furthermore, Yuugi only associates with Youkai who are similarly strong, while Yuuka comes into contact with a wider range of people in her seasonal wanderings. Yuuka is probably more familiar with the limits of her strength and how to exert precisely the amount she needs.

>> No.11031814

I was hoping you weren't going to link that one. I adore cowtits but that doujin makes her out to be a weak-minded, graceless individual with no fashion sense.

Yes, something like that. Yuuka's power isn't instinctive or reflexive. It's carefully considered, with the coolness appropriate for a youkai who personal safety is never, ever threatened, and who's lived so long that she's unaffected by the heat of the moment.

>> No.11031937

Leaves god best god

>> No.11031943

Yuuka needs to be treated to the joys of napalm

>> No.11031960
File: 500 KB, 1066x1000, sanae leaf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is!

>> No.11031974

There's someone that doesn't like that doujin? I'm surprised.

Why so mean?

>> No.11032004
File: 306 KB, 700x945, c4bbb7d02ad9823f8405ed71635e4330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot of things. Yuuka being weak, emotional, and easily romanced is definitely most of it, and having cleavage that absurd is another part.

If it means anything, my favourite H-doujin is The Sun And The Moon.

>> No.11032087


>> No.11032089

Eh, I didn't think she was weak. Good taste with Sun and Moon being your favorite, at least.

Do ghosts count as youkai for the purpose of this discussion?

>> No.11032165

It's been a while since I've read it, so I may be misremembering, but I don't think Yuuka should ever be in a position where she's emotionally dependent on a human being. Not that she can't be happy, in love, or have sex, of course. But I don't think it should ever be an equal relationship. Her one true love is plants after all.

Ghosts? For some reason, from the way you type, you strike me as more of an Aya fan.

>> No.11032204
File: 140 KB, 555x800, tbn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...how the fuck did you do that?

>> No.11032218

I have had sex with a youkai and survived.

However, it was necessary for us to establish spellcard rules beforehand. She would declare four normal spellcards and one survival card; I would start off with two lives and three bombs, with the opportunity to collect life and bomb fragments if I captured a spellcard or impressed her in the way I handle a non-spellcard pattern. During her first non-spellcard danmaku pattern, I was required to collect at least 6,000 graze before being allowed to attack. I was also asked to try to release no more than one bomb per spellcard if I could help myself, but I said I couldn't promise anything and would give it my best effort. In exchange, she made sure I had enough time during spellcard casting and in between normal patterns to safely hit the point of collection and return safely somewhere beneath her without hitting a bullet unexpectedly.

It was fantastic, though the rules she declared were a little weird in forethought. It's a shame I didn't bother asking her name.

>> No.11032249


>> No.11032262

More like good end. It's an honor to give your life for the mistress!

>> No.11032265

Ahahaha. So I was right after all.

Sorry, foolz went down before I could type a response re: Komachi, but I don't think this is the place to do it.

>> No.11032285

Do me next!

>> No.11032303
File: 31 KB, 640x480, desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was raped by a youkai. Now I am nothing anymore. Life is nothing anymore. I cry myself to sleep at night. No one can hear me though. No one can. They see my scars and laugh like its all just a joke. Like my whole life is a joke. I guess they're right. Maybe I deserved to be treated like this. Maybe its just a test. But, does this sound like a test to you?

"Hey cutie." A youkai said to me when I walked into the onsen.
"Back off." I said shyly.
"Oh come on. Why don't you dance for us? Shake that sexy ***!" They whistled.
"Not a chance, demon. Back off." I kept walking.
They followed.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted at them.
"Come on cutie. I got $50." She thought I was a male prostitute I guess.
"I'm not a prostitute!" I couldn't get her to leave me alone.
"Come on just one date.' She said almost begging.
"Not a chance. Go the **** away *******!" I should've ran. I didn't.
"Your really gonna make me force you? That's sad cutie. Im gonna ask one more time and then its gonna get ugly for you little cutie."
"Stop calling me cutie! **** off!" I turned to leave. She grabbed me by my waist and dragged me behind the courtains.
"let go of me!!!" I screamed. She pinned me to the ground, then got on top of me. Her body crushing mine. I knew what was going to happen. I tried to fight her off. I knew it wouldn't do any good. But, I still tried. She hit me really hard with her club. I don't remember much after that. When I came to she was putting her clothes on. She looked down at me and smiled.
"You never forget your first. Thanks cutie." You never forget your first? Was she talking about me or her. I don't know. Then I realized that I was a virgin before this happened. I'm not anymore.

>> No.11032301

Oh. Yeah, probably not.
...no, really, how the fuck did you do that?

>> No.11032332

>Sorry, foolz went down before I could type a response re: Komachi, but I don't think this is the place to do it.

I have a feeling this message was for me. I'm hoping foolz gets back up quickly, I just got on and I was really pumped about tonight.

>> No.11032346

You shouldn't be. Isn't going to be much going on tonight.

>> No.11032351

Shame. I was still pretty pumped. I just enjoy it anyways.

>> No.11032354

You have a decently individual typing style which I just finished reading a bunch of. It's no great feat. What made me think it was you, though, was your apathetic, half-hearted tone, and what I'm sure is sentence structure you've used before. "Eh," and then an opinion you didn't really feel like backing up. Acknowledgement of a shared taste, and then "at least".

If we'd been chatting for a long time, I'm sure you'd be able to pick me out of the crowd as well.

As I said before, I do think we might have a few things worth discussing: feel free to leave some kind of contact info if you'd like to get in touch at all.

No, it was for the other fellow, I'm afraid. The one who doesn't use language as active as "pumped".

>> No.11032374

>apathetic, half-hearted tone
Damn it, that's not good.

Wait for foolz if you've got stuff to say, cuz I'll probably want to hear it.

>> No.11032380

I got wet reading this.

>> No.11032381


>> No.11032399

Hah, no, it makes for charmingly detached narration.

I will do that, although I don't have THAT much in the way of suggestions.

>> No.11032439

I just want a Yuuka doujinshi where she's loving but somewhat assertive and not just submissive.

>> No.11032449

So >>11031800

>> No.11032479

Pretty sure Humans can be stronger than youkais (Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya)

Stop saying shit you don't know, OP.

>> No.11032504


Spiritual/magical strength is very different to physical strength, stupid.

>> No.11032519

I'm talking about physical strength.

>> No.11032529

Yes they can, do, and have, but you really need to make sure that they are the kind that will let you live afterword and won't steal your soul.

>> No.11032549


In that case you're wrong. None of those mentioned are physically capable of standing up to a youkai.

>> No.11032557
File: 39 KB, 600x800, 1318963791721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Letty got beat up by a normal human.
So much for weaker Youkai being stronger than humans.

>> No.11032588 [DELETED] 

Spiritual strength augments physical strength. It's why Byakuren can Superhuman all over people despite being a magician and why Reimu is busy flash kicking everyone to death. right now

>> No.11032595

Spiritual strength augments physical strength. It's how Byakuren can Superhuman all over people despite being a magician and why Reimu is currently flash kicking everyone to death.

>> No.11032806

I think the Klingon Empire could subjugate Gensokyo.

>> No.11033144

Delete this picture right now.

It reminds of a girl.

>> No.11033178

It's a cute image. Please don't delete it. Don't be oppressed by the minority.

>> No.11033294
File: 346 KB, 666x448, furries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open video
>see furry ad
damn youtube

>> No.11033448

Shhh. He's a space marine in training

>> No.11033519

Mating hurts.
The female fights back.
Only the strongest males who manage to subdue her get to fertilize her.
Natural selection.

>> No.11033527

She's a fairy though, so she respawns later or something.

>> No.11033739

That's pretty hot. Imagine her discovering this curious substance which can actually hurt someone as powerful as her and use it as lubricant.

>> No.11033941


I'm pretty sure Yukari alone could subjugate Klingons.

>> No.11033981

>Would a human even survive sex with a youkai?
Go from behind or tie her up or slap a charm on her or something. I'm sure she doesn't want to accidentally maul her lover, either.

>> No.11034080

Why do you project your fantasies on mating behavior of cats?

Makes me remember the thread on /a/ when some nerds seriously thought that horses do gang rapes because they saw that in a doujin.

>> No.11034841

That's a dubious claim; how does she expect to conquer all of Klingon space, if she couldn't even conquer the moon?
