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11022439 No.11022439 [Reply] [Original]

What are some loan-words the Japanese use from english that are really strange choices?

Like "high tension!", isn't there a Japanese equivalent?

>> No.11022446

Jump. Why don't they know what jumping is?

>> No.11022450


They have a word for that, but in games and stuff they use jump in english. Still don't know why.

>> No.11022453

I love how they didn't have their own word for sexual harassment.

>> No.11022452

Japanese people were too proud to bend their knees before the Westerners forced them to kneel. They just goose-stepped everywhere.

>> No.11022489

Naisu Taimingu

>> No.11022505


What kind of backwards ass country doesn't have a word for that?

>> No.11022506


>> No.11022512

it just isn't used in a same way. there is shisoo

>> No.11022528

Is there actually an equivalent word in English to how "tension" gets used in Japanese?

>> No.11022535

How is it used in Japanese?

>> No.11022810


What did they say before KISSU? Did they not have a word for it?

>> No.11022816

I like the ones that are recent, legit loan terms, like sekuhara (sexual harassment). It shows what a backwards country Japan is that they didn't come up with a term like that for themselves.

>> No.11022822


Does anyone have that old woodcut that shows English words that were being introduced at the time?

>> No.11022827

It's used to indicate the mood or how excited people are.

>> No.11022830


>> No.11022898


>> No.11022895


>> No.11022905

>What did they say before KISSU? Did they not have a word for it?

"mouth rape"

>> No.11022906

エネルギー for energy.
why not エナジー? that's more how it's pronounced. I never see it as エナジー.

>> No.11022919

The way nips use "bitch" always throws me for a loop because what they mean with it is "slut", not "woman with a bad personality".

>> No.11022921


>> No.11022967

Not this shit again. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Energie

Also, they say エナジー too, whenever they want to be all 英 and hip.

>> No.11023003

well excuse the fuck out of me for not knowing German, dick.

>> No.11023035

It just makes you seem like an asshole wjen you assume they only take wordz from English, you asshole.

You threw the first stone. Dude informs you and you cunt out like a woman.

>> No.11023038

口マンコ is such a hot word.

>> No.11023040

I didn't assume they "only" take words from English. I just didn't know that was the German pronunciation of energy. Sorry. Seriously. I didn't "cast the first stone." You got all buttfrustrated because someone didn't recognize a word as German.

If it's any consolation, I know about the word arbeit being German, but I didn't know this one. Someone's lack of knowledge is not always an attack on you, faglet.

>> No.11023042

No wonder everyone hates eurofags.

>> No.11023055



>> No.11023069

Calling people "dick", "faglet" and using all those other curse words is an attack, though. All because I informed you you made a really common mistake. Someone's knowledge is not always an attack on you. Though if you don't want to get an answer, there's a solution - don't ask.

>> No.11023081

>Not this shit again.
You used curse words first, so don't even try and pull that garbage on me.
It's not that I didn't want an answer. It's that you were an asshole about the answer and then when I called you on it, you started crying and calling me a woman and stuff. So seriously, take that shit and shove it so far up your stupid yuropoor superiority complex-having ass and then suck my cock, dude.

>> No.11023093
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>Being this mad.

>> No.11023098
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>> No.11023119

>You used curse words first, so don't even try and pull that garbage on me.
You are honestly completely fucking pathetic. "Not this shit again" is not a directed insult. It is a sign of exasperation.

>It's that you were an asshole about the answer
Well too fucking bad. Cry me a river, pussy. Oh wait, you already did.

>> No.11023127
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>> No.11023122
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>> No.11023131

trolled hard

>> No.11023138

wow this thread got very epic

>> No.11023149
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>> No.11023156
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>> No.11023158
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>> No.11023171

I was watching Tamayura when one of the characters said "Go back to your home!". It was cute though.

>> No.11023167

Back to reddit

>> No.11023174


>> No.11023181

It's not English, it's German.
Just like a job - バイト is from Ar(beit).

>> No.11023185

I know. Thanks for reading the thread.

>> No.11023182


Oh please, its not English hasn't borrowed most of its language. Its just that we don't use a different font for our loan words.

>> No.11023188

Yeah, we can't have him interrupting our shitposting with something pointless like that.

>> No.11023199

Oh sorry for interrupting, shitposter-kun.
As you were.

>> No.11023234

hahaha. fag lashes out at someone else trying to explain it, again, like a woman. then samefags afterwards. haha.

little princess.

>> No.11023263
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>> No.11023270
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>> No.11023274

>like a woman
Because a woman is totally the worst thing anyone could be ever.

>> No.11023285
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>> No.11023294
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>> No.11023308


Don't use Keine-sensei for such crude posts

>> No.11023447

Terebii is a unique one, don't you think?

>> No.11023884

彼はハイテンションだ。 Like mean "He is very excited." or "He is in a highly wrought-up state."

>> No.11023977

Because the word Jump in Japan can also mean fly. Japanese are superhuman and they use English just to tone down the action for us inferior being

>> No.11023991

Chance. Though I assume it's from some Romance language and not English.

>> No.11024048

the pleasure of cumming inside

>> No.11024078

isnt pan a dutch loanword?

dont they had a word for bread before?

>> No.11024083

Do you guys got any idea of how many loanwords English has?

>> No.11024091

Not sure where it comes or how it is in dutch but bread in portuguese is "pão" which sounds similar to pan

>> No.11024250

Pan is bread in Spanish.

>> No.11024808

Pain in bread in French but it's pronounced more like pan than pain.

Pane in Italian but I don't know about the pronunciation.

>> No.11025581

ah okay, seems I was mistaken. Its not dutch but portuguese.


>> No.11025602



>> No.11026192
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>> No.11029050

What is café?

>> No.11029060

口 is censored for christian imageboard

>> No.11029104

