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11005469 No.11005469 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11005475
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>> No.11005481
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>> No.11005482
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>> No.11005483
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>> No.11005487
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>> No.11005489
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>> No.11005491
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>> No.11005496
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>> No.11005498
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>> No.11005820

What'cha looking at, Cirno?

>> No.11005829


dat cirno is so lovely

>> No.11005831

there must be a pile of arab cocks on the other side

>> No.11005842 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11005850
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>> No.11005957

but wait isn't it usually women who wear these things?

>> No.11005976


but who cares?

>> No.11006093

but wait isn't it usually butts I fap to?
Sorry I clicked the wrong thread.

>> No.11006248


>> No.11006267

wait butt isnt it usually dudes who where these things

>> No.11006278

Who cares. They're cuties.

>> No.11006283

and I want to lick their asses

>> No.11006338

I wonder about who was the guy wanting the Tsukiko kig yesterday.

>> No.11006453

does anyone else notice that a lot of the japanese kigurumi performers in japan on their twitter about me

At the very end of the twitter about me they list an the letters sns and some random number does this mean anything or is it some secret kigurumi code

>> No.11006474

Secret (kigurumi) Niggaz Society.

>> No.11006509


If you want help to understand what they mean, you gotta give some examples. We don't know who are you.

>> No.11006578

wow can you at least grammar

>> No.11006706
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I think we should all post gibberish and pretend to reply to each other. It would prevent cancer-like "discussions" from developing. I'll go first:
Lasst night in the place there was place and I saw something arboretum and it felt how dare you. Did you saw the arkansas snake did see kigugugumi and there wasn't enough time. France sea-shells happiness?

>> No.11007030
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How dadaist.

>> No.11007040

they like to tweet about 4chan and more specifically the reposting of their images, so if you're doing that then yeah they'll refer to you indirectly

SNS means Social Networking Site, it'd usually refer to mixi or something but in the context of kigs it probably means the ayame-store one

>> No.11007066
File: 352 KB, 960x1280, 311b3fea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may have been me. I was the anon replying to the suggestion that someone should create the kig.
I went on to say that I was planning to commission one made.

About what are you wondering?

>> No.11007099


I was the anon asking yesterday and today. I just wanted to know who you are. You seem to have good taste.

I just expect that you are short and small, because Tsukiko is small and cute :3

Whose mask are you planning on? I totally see her done on a Nuko's one.

>> No.11007169
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Well thank you, anon.

To be honest, I wish I was shorter. I stand 5'7 right now.

Now that you mention it, one of Nuko's masks would be a good start to that kig. The only problem is that most of the masks I've seen lack the stoic emotionless feeling that would be needed.
I had previously just planned to see what GKO would be able to do.
Call it brand loyalty. I got my first mask from them.

>> No.11007217
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Avoid doing Tsukiko then. Too much of a small frame. Think of another character.

I see her working either on
or in some of the models:

GKO is a good maker, I see it working on his masks too, biut I personally think that depending on the GKO's model used it'll lack the "innocence" needed.

>> No.11007312
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Ah, a fair point.
I mentioned in the other thread that I'd only thought about it passingly.

I disagree on those Nuko selections though. Great masks, but I still think she should be done on an original construction.
Oh well, it's not my place to say. I'll save my project money for my other ideas.

Do you have any character aspirations anon?

>> No.11007361


Some, and they're pretty lame. I'm still thinking.
The issue with me is my physique, so it's pretty hard to choose someone (Not that I'm fat or something like that, it's more of a frame problem), and most of the time I keep thinking in a way to solve the problems that I found that will happen. It doesn't need support, it's more a matter of lack of evidence actually.
Sometimes I wonder about not doing kig after all and going all the way for photography, learning to make some masks, or doing something like that. I suppose some people are simply not born to play kig, so I guess I have to accept that fact.

>> No.11007362


Different anon here. You have a gko? Tbh I'd just recommend another one of those. Just be specific with him and he'll probably manage to do it quite nicely.

I have one from him myself. And it turned out pretty much as I intended. Kinda curious as to which is yours now :q. As for stoic. I think he could do it. Due to how he seems to be able to customize eye and mouth shape easily enough.

as for 5'7. That's similar to me. Honestly you can probably do whatever character you want with that height. It depends more on your build than anything.

>> No.11007374
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But Tsukiko is freaking small.

>> No.11007391
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So? Alot of performers are around about that height and play whatever character they want. Head size vs body proportions is everything.

>> No.11007437
File: 764 KB, 1366x768, Hentai-Ouji-to-Warawanai-Neko-Episode-2-Image-0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope this picture explain what I've been saying
You can try doing her, but then you wouldn't be able to take a picture with any other performer.

>> No.11007490
File: 183 KB, 478x800, 1_5_20110720103308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know that feel anon.
The reason I got into kig was because of my best friend who was obsessed with it. He was sad that he'd never be able to kig because he was 6'5 and said he had terrible knees.

He introduced me to animegao a little over a year ago, and taught me everything I know about the hobby.
He acts as my handler and photographer, and helps me assemble outfits.

It still makes me sad to know that I'm doing what he really wants but is unable to do.

>> No.11007508


Yeah, it sucks
I lack options now, so maybe I'll act as a handler or maker, rather than performing.
I wanted so much to wear one, but there's no point in doing one if it'll suck.

>> No.11007551


Then clearly your drive to do this character wasn't too big in the first place. She's super short yes. But very few people are actually that height. Just try to work with it.


I can't even imagine what that's like. I'm so fucking glad I'm the height I am. Along with having other small features such as small hands and okay shoulders.

If I knew who this guy was I would encourage him to try. Why not let him try yours once. Assuming he's never even done it before himself. Let him experience it. It must feel awful not to get to do it at all.

>> No.11007565

>You can try doing her, but then you wouldn't be able to take a picture with any other performer.
I.. need to take a break fro ero-games. I just misunderstood your whole post.

>> No.11007590 [DELETED] 


If that anon wants, then do it. I'd recommend it only if you're shorter than 5'7" though.

And the guy probably already tried, but it sucked so much for him that he didn't want to try it again. Sometimes it's just better to give up, because there's nothing much you can do.

>> No.11007616

We talk about kig often as friends, and to the best of my knowledge he has never tried.
He told me that he wouldn't spend the money or time for something that wouldn't work well.

>> No.11007619


Nobody is telling him not do it. It's unlikely that you'll find someone with that frame, but I wouldn't recommend you trying if you aren't short. 5'7" is pretty much the limit for that character.


As I deleted the post, let me update with that. Yeah makes sense, it's the same dillema as mine.

>> No.11007682
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It might just be a coincidence, but is it possible that some kigus might have made their pictures more private or even purge their albums because we kept posting the pictures here?

>> No.11007702


Yes, because we don't post the source.

>> No.11007768

5'7 is pretty much average height, but it depends on were you live

in Japan you would be tall, in America they'd consider you a shortie

>> No.11007774

5'7" is average for Japanese males, not tall.

>> No.11007789


Whatever, you need to be short to perform that character at an acceptable level, something between 5' ~ 5'5".

>> No.11007873


>> No.11007879


Or because it's 4chan.

>> No.11008670

Explain. (You..........?)

>> No.11008703


They usualy see 4chan as place of drama and internet catfight, maybe due to all those Facebook issues and drama that happens to be dropped here instead of being solved privately.
Add to the mix name dropping, private picture dropping and this kinda shit, and you'll understand why they blame stuff on 4chan (especially because people don't show their names).

>> No.11009181

hey anon, lurker here.

sorry for bring this all of sudden, are kamituro and tissue hime is same person? people on youtube say that.

just curious, and sorry for my bad english.

>> No.11009220


Will wait on another anons to confirm that.
It isn't likely, as they don't have the same bass models.

>> No.11009420

I am Legion, for we are many.

>> No.11009426


That'd be you implying that I care about that.

>> No.11009477
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>> No.11009479
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>> No.11009482
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>> No.11009487
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>> No.11009499
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>> No.11009503

Why would they need fake boobs? Why not use their .. ohh.

>> No.11009504
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>> No.11009509
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>> No.11009511
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>> No.11009518
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>> No.11009515
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>> No.11009521
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>> No.11009522
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>> No.11009530


fake boobs look better than real ones

>> No.11009540

Care about what?

>> No.11009539
File: 369 KB, 1333x2000, 1325829516404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like people in anime suits

>> No.11009545

Wow, very nice pic... Source?

Drama stuff. I just want to see nice kigu pics.

>> No.11009554

New penetration vids where?

>> No.11009573

Turning a running gag into something relevant. Nice anon!

>> No.11009610
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I think its from the build up studio site
they have some pretty pro type kig

>> No.11009637

I want to fuck a kig so bad.

>> No.11009652

I want to hug a kig so bad.

>> No.11009668


You're not alone anon.

>> No.11009682

Please hug me

>> No.11009691


I don't have a kig but I'd pleased to do so.
*hugs anon*

>> No.11009721

oh anon

>> No.11009897

Nobody paid attention to my comment getting lost among all the drama, but I found this while searching: http://www.manga-time.com/comic_kaburumon/index.html

Dunno if anyone knows anything more about it. Would be nice to see the complete comic.

>> No.11010014

Man, now I feel bad. You don't suppose we should post the source along with every photo we put on here?

>> No.11011327
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>> No.11011330
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>> No.11011336
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>> No.11011341
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>> No.11011354

There are tons of kigs dreaming of being fucked and raped. Just keep asking, anon.

>> No.11012506


We should, but sometimes we simply don't know.
By not posting the source they get less audience in their blogs and then they probably get angry. Seems like we're stealing photos.
Although there's some that have been already posted too. Personally, I bookmark every single source posted here.


Why the fuck do you kigs get so mad when someone says that they wanna fuck you? It's so childish that it's even funny. Just ignore him.

>> No.11012509
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>> No.11012697
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>> No.11013346


Here's the thing, I'd like to know the height of certain performers, especially KigCasey (I think that's her nickname, she's the owner of http://ozkig-voice.blogspot.jp/).).
If someone is able to inform me, it'd be REAAALLLY helpful. I'm trying to know if my kig would work and she seems to have pretty much my height and it seems to work.

>> No.11013487

IIRC casey has said that he's about 180cm tall.

>> No.11013514


Nope, she doesn't have the same height as me. Yeah, guess I'll have to drop the idea.

>> No.11013671

What gave you the idea that >>11011354 is mad?

>> No.11013693


He just sounded sarcastic.

>> No.11013809


Anyway, what you've said doesn't seem to make sense, because Wyu and KigCasey probably are the same height by looking in pictures, and then Cici is probably as tall or even shorter than Wyu (seeing how both look in photos and dividing their masks height by their body sizes (something like 6.5 heads or 7 heads)), and Cici is 6'4" as I saw them commenting on KCS chat thingy.

Are you sure of that anon?

>> No.11014217
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>> No.11014228


Everyone knows by now.

>> No.11014281
File: 41 KB, 690x360, they-know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're talking about you. Hide quick.

>> No.11014355

In case they are still watching, here's a feeble attempt at speaking Japanese:


>> No.11014378

I think I may have been off a smidge, but I did get that info directly from casey on ustream once. And I remember being surprised to discover that he's under 6' tall, despite how he looks.

>> No.11014391


So yeah. Then there's no way of me doing this kigurumi thing. I'm over 6'.
I should kill myself already. No, just kidding. There must be a solution. I just don't know it yet.

>> No.11014407

As long as you aren't in public no one would know, I'd think, provided you keep an eye out for proportions.

>> No.11014430

Well have you seen how tall that one kig named Hikari? They are a giant. And Rekia is over 6 foot as well. Long as a you got a mask that is a little bigger it will hide your height in doors, but if your out doors then find your self some flats my friend.

>> No.11014465

You could always kig as a well-known character that people will know is tall. Then you won't look as out of place as a little cutesy character that people are expecting to be 5'0"

>> No.11014462


There's no mask that can fit proportions. That's exactly the problem.


Please, provide pics or at least links. I doubt they look good, even indoors.

>> No.11014464

*that can fit those proportions

>> No.11014472


Lol that guy does nothing but take pictures of his bulge.

>> No.11014477


Yeah, I already know that and the chars I want to do are not that short (Their art doesn't look at least). Yet, it doesn't work. Mask-wise I mean. I've been experimenting all day long, taking pics with a ruler and applying the measures of a lot of different mask makers, it simply doesn't work.

I could go with a SIGMA though (by what I've been testing) but it's simply not available.

>> No.11014482
File: 581 KB, 842x1191, CIMG4223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1m76 , average size.

>> No.11014491


And by art I mean, DAT LEGS.


It looks nice, but it seems that I won't find any in my range.

>> No.11014710

And now he's my favorite kigurumi. He's got the cutest bulge I've ever seen!

>> No.11015037


I just want to grab his little bulge.

>> No.11015067

I want to kiss it, maybe rub my face against it. Imagine his cute little cock trying to rise, pushing against it's fabric prison. It's cruel bonds hold it down where it gives silent testimony to it's owner's almost hidden masculinity.

>> No.11015117

I'm considering getting int kig but I dunno

I'm 1m 73
hands and feet sorta big
but on the other hand very little muscles due to hikki and whoremoans and shoulders by some miracle in female average range

should I try or just give up?
I don't want to have some horrible super-tuck up pig result like some kigs do

>> No.11015252

If you want to do it, then do it.

Please do your best at it too.

>> No.11015261

If you look good, post photos. If you don't look good, don't post photos. If you don't look good and post photos, don't cry that people don't like it.

>> No.11015267


This sums up the subject.
I envy you because I can't do kig. (I could but it'd suck, as I'm 1m 94)

Most of kigus are actually 1m 75 something.

>> No.11015670


Wait you talking about your natural hormones or supplements?

I really regret missing out on doing something like that to get a small frame but kinda late now.

>> No.11015680


Anon pls.

Reminds me of that one kig video where two of them were lovingly rubbing each others bulges together.

Oh how i desire that.

>> No.11015802

looks pretty cool, shame i cant read or understand a word of it

>> No.11015812

even if he was, he's probably right, a lot of kigs have a fetish for it aswell as just general performing, they just aren't very vocal about it

>> No.11015865


Hey anon. 11011354 here.
that's a fact not sarcasm.

Of course you don't just say "hey nice to meet you. can I fuck you now?". common sense

>> No.11015876

Not many people dream of being raped, so it comes off as sarcastic. It's like saying that people all over the world dream of being murdered.

>> No.11015878


Chill. My dear sir. chill.

- thread 404'ed
- yeah it expired and a new one was created
- ugh can't find new one
- WTF!?!?! (posts screenshot)

>> No.11015883


6' is way too tall. Unfortunately you will look like shit no matter what.

You shouldn't kill yourself (well if you do, don't make a fuss out of it coz no one gives a fuck). There are other beautiful things in life, yes?

>> No.11015922

>>11014710 >>11015037 >>11015067

These are the gayest posts I've ever seen in here. Yeah some of you guys are probably bi, but still.

Respect any lady kigurumies that might be vieweing this thread, FOR FUCK SAKE.

I should go to bed.

>> No.11015956


I wouldn't be surprised if a good few kig dudes are secretly gay/bi

>> No.11016110

Any pics of kigs 6' and taller? I got really curious.

>> No.11016282

Absolutely no sarcasm and irony here. The kig stuff and virt do go alone, and there are kiggers willing to do that stuff. Not all, of course. Also there is a concern of improper mask pics going on, typical solution for that would be either a noname not known mask, or restrict virt only for someone you know or someone known from kig community

>> No.11016816

I want it too. I want a whole range of things though. Hand holding, hugging, massage, footjob maybe? I don't want sex though. Sex is disgusting.

He might have been trying to exaggerate rather than be sarcastic? Lots of people in these threads complain about not being able to fuck a kig so he took the opposite extreme and implied lots of kigs are desperate whores.

no girls on internet lol
But seriously, I thought the ladies loved gay men the same way we love lesbians. If a lesbian said to you "yes, your muscles are massive and you are indeed the pinnacle of masculinity in this age, but I'm just not into that" would you get offended?

I know at least one is. I think the majority aren't attracted to other people. Transvestites can get in relationships but we are attracted to clothing, not the people wearing it.

>> No.11016817


Yes, I know there's a lot of other beautiful things in life but since I saw kig I was "Fuck, I just wanna do that thing and look good".
There's no way as it seems. Fuck this shit world.

>> No.11016827

I've had that experience several times myself. Do what I do. Let the world burn itself out while you descend into dreams and fantasy. If you don't want anything from the world the world cannot let you down.

>> No.11016878


Nah, dude, it doesn't work that way. I don't care that much for the world, but I'm my worst judger. I am worried because it'll look bad, and if it looks bad, I won't like it. It's simple as fuck. I'm not doing that for pure fetish, maybe a bit, but not in its entirety.
If that was the only reason I was going into kig, then there'd be no point of trying to get a good mask, a good hadatai and a good costume from the character you like. You'd just pick a shit Wyu mask, with a shit zentai and shit girl clothes. It's way more cheaper, and fetishist enough.
It's not what I want.

>> No.11016892


Not no matter what, just in public/next to people who are short.

>> No.11016951

Big masks might help but there's a limit to it. Consider body proportions, limb thickness, muscle, overall body build, list goes on. Even u get a cute Wyu mask, but you've got really strong biceps. What's the point?

So why not get a girlfriend or so, convince her into wearing it for you?

>> No.11016967

Some kigs, no matter what, look awful. And not plain awful. But awfulness that causes discomfort and trauma. Awfulness that leads everyone seeing it into crying WTF.

And THEN there is awfulness by comparison. Especially when you stand next to a girl in a con, or just taking a shot with another short kig.

Natsuki is tall, but looks good on his own. When he goes on event or so, everything suddenly becomes so obvious.

>> No.11016970


Dude, just be aware that when you alter your frame, your shoulders alter together and mask stays at the same size.
Unless I get a custom, there's no way of looking good. (And looking tall next to short people is nice actually, I want to take some pics as this, just after I take indoor pics to shock the viewer :) ).
But as I said, as the frame grows larger, it fucks up with the proportions. No way it is going to work.
Still, is Wyu only 1m 80 then (as it is the same height as Casey)?
It doesn't look like that, but I guess I'll trust anon in that matter.


I have like none muscle. I'm kinda of "narrow" when you consider my height. Which is why I thought it might work.
Wyu masks suck, I don't even consider that option.

Getting a girlfriend is nice, but it's kinda unrealistic at thsi point.

>> No.11017198
File: 113 KB, 1024x682, BMVMJh2CEAAZe2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why be a cute girl if you can be a cute boy instead?

>> No.11017220


Girls are more appealing.

>> No.11017244

>You will never be a sugoi anime man

>> No.11017274

Girls are less appalling.

>> No.11017290

I'm convinced. Still gonna wear a skirt though.

Imaginary girls maybe.

fuck. I spent all that time learning the kamehameha for nothing.

>> No.11017401


At least for me, girls are more appealing.
I don't like any boys in anime.

>> No.11017421
File: 216 KB, 960x639, 120826-144326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How tall Natsuki is? Comparing to some other kigus, he doesn't seem so.

>> No.11017454

Not even the ones who are basically girls with penises? That's all I want. A nice girl who will let me suck her dick.

>> No.11017463
File: 250 KB, 426x640, off0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's bending his knees and leaning forward to look shorter in the photo.

>> No.11017465


That one is Casey, not Natsuki.
And Casey is the tallest one that comes into my mind right now, thus why I asked his height.

>> No.11017483
File: 127 KB, 440x330, ushicon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case have a picture of Natsuki in a Sailor Jupiter kigurumi mask standing next to Rabbit who's 6' maybe 6' 1 and Yuri.

>> No.11017485
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>> No.11017509


Are we talking about the same Natsuki then?

>> No.11017522
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S.K.A. Natsuki, yes. Natsuki visited the US and attended Ushicon in Texas a long time ago. You can find pictures on Yuri's website. Yuri was a performer who died about 5 or 6 years ago.

>> No.11017523
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>> No.11017540


Wait so in that case, the anon who said Casey was under 180 is lying?
Turns out it's possible now with that new info.

>> No.11017564
File: 14 KB, 183x275, 162610_181390568554994_100000521561475_561378_4889677_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People lie.
You will find a lot of performers lie about height and weight to project themselves as being more feminine then they are.

>> No.11017570


There's something weird though. Some performers are really short and the mask looks somewhat small on them.
Most of the masks targets 170cm range too (This include Natsuki's masks too) and with that info Natsuki maybe 6'3" right?
What the fuck am I missing here?

>> No.11017593


*may be

>> No.11017800
File: 407 KB, 960x639, nani sore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

外国人? !

>> No.11017846



>> No.11017997

I wish It was more realistic to get a custom if you don't live over there.

So annoying knowing that my only option is to try and make one myself.

>> No.11017998


Just a question, what standard mask should you get if you are 6'+ then? (Personally I'd like a char-based mask, but, if that's not possible, then whatever)

>> No.11018010


Yeah, it's kinda annoying. Especially if you have no skills in sculpting.

>> No.11018030


I know a guy who's trying to make one soonish. He seemed confident so let's see how that goes.

>> No.11018187

Nope, no lie. Here's some food for thought: average height for most Japanese guys is about 5'6" to 5'8", and that is what most kigs you see are. They seem gigantic next to girl cosplayers because the average height for a Japanese girl is under 5'4", and is closer to 5'2". Now when you see a really tall kig like Natsuki, chances are he's actually just around 5'10", not 6'+. Remember, this is Japan! Casey is marginally taller than Natsuki, so maybe he is around 5'11", but I definitely could swear that he mentioned being under 6'. Now it is possible that he undersold himself a bit like someone said, but I really don't think he is as tall as lots of people believe. Then again, a lot of people on here seem to be pretty bad at judging people's heights.

>> No.11018262


I wouldn't say Casey is marginally taller than Natsuki. He's trying to look smaller on the pic, I'd say at least 10cm of difference, which is 4 inches.

I really don't know. Until some of them post their height in this thread (which by what >>11017564 said, is unlikely), there's no way we can possibly know.

Which is shit, because I'm trying to plan my shit here, to know either if I can or cannot kig, and I simply don't have a clue because I don't have proper info.

>> No.11018378

Why are you still debating this height stuff. It's been like several threads now??

Either get a kig that will proportionally work suit your height or don't kig at all. There's no "mystery" to it.

>> No.11018394

if 3~5 inches are stopping you do not even bother.
oh Im 2 inches taller cant kig booohooohooo

>> No.11018390

Well you shouldn't let how other kigs look to determine whether you can do it or not. Instead, maybe you can look up to tall girls that cosplay for inspiration. There's some pretty good ones out there, and they look as feminine as any shorter girl

>> No.11018449
File: 226 KB, 667x1000, kotorini13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What can be considered as proportional? Do you have any examples? It's obvious that it should be proportional, but how proportional it should be?


Funny you. Well, how about thinking that Natsuki is pretty much close to the border where it is acceptable, and like, if you go 5 inches further it loses proportionality? How about thinking the limit for the width in a head without ears in manga style is at minimum half of the shoulder size, considering the ideal close to 1/3, and if the mask does not fit in that range, it doesn't look proportional?

Think before making stupid claims. It's not an easy question. I'm not crying over here, c'mon, I'm trying to find a solution to my problem. Then if there's no mask that can fit me, I can't kig, it's simple as that.

>> No.11018503

Just don't kigu then. Save us all from your complaining.

>> No.11018507
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I won't then.

>> No.11020177
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>> No.11020949

Mountain over a fucking mole hill faggot. Worry if your 6'8" or some shit. Anyone over 5'6" is going to look a bit off playing little girls. YOU think before making stupid claims that a few inches is going to matter.
Worry more about if the mask will fit your inflated head.
I can understand if you want a specific mask that is known to run small and worried it wont look right. But you are not, your wining and being a bitch about a few inches. Proportionally it will not matter.

Take mask measurements, dummy up cardboard and put it over your head or be a neckbeard and fucking pixel count your photo and overlay the fucking mask on. You will see your leg torso ratio is more important and your width in shoulders will matter much more than height.

You are crying here, every post is a bunch of wining and complaining.

do some research like all the other faggots here instead of relying on everyone else to do your fucking work for you.

>> No.11021137

seriously? why is that? do you just watch it for the sex appeal?

>> No.11021670


I did. I just wondered if I was wrong. It's not just a mountain over a mole. It's a real problem. I've been using the data provided in the mask's sites and they seem off either for even smaller people. Then I compare with photos and get a mindfuck.
I've been trying to gather new data to solve that problem, but it seems I'm all alone because people actually see this as complaining and whining, instead of real questioning.
Dude, I'm cool if things don't work out. I just don't like to have a doubt in my head.


No, it just happens to be. I guess I watch too much moe, that's why.

>> No.11021732


I just ask about height because this changes how shoulder looks and stuff like that. I know it's more important. It just happens to be a question in one sentence.

>> No.11021750
File: 50 KB, 800x600, o0800060011809697293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of things come into play when trying to look more feminine in a mask other than mask size. Hair can help offset shoulders, poses will also help, the size of breast your choose as larger also helps offset shoulders, and so on. You can't assume that it is mask size alone.

>> No.11021787


You're right. I'm taking this into account. Right now the mask doesn't fit even. I don't know, most of the mask makers apparently measure not the inside as width, but instead, the outside with ears.

>> No.11022136
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>> No.11022566
File: 64 KB, 640x960, 130529183450-1369787171119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it feel like to look into a mirror and see this looking back at you?

>> No.11022576


I'd like to know too.

>> No.11022582

I saw this one at Fanime.

>> No.11022657
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>> No.11023096

Do you take request pics by any chance?

>> No.11023540


How tall are you?

I want a nukopan shell like yours but I'm quite afraid of being too tall since I am well aware that the masks are made for shorter people.

Using a nukopan shell would be so nice..

>> No.11023568


It's stated on Nuko's site that the masks can't be properly used by people taller than 175cm.

>> No.11023665

I wanna fuck a kig like >>11023096 so bad.
At the same time I wanna dress in a kig and get fucked so bad.

And yeah, I do have kig stuff.

>> No.11023904

Really, how do you look in it?

>> No.11023929

wink JP

>> No.11024011
File: 796 KB, 2448x3264, pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a definition on the different types of mask?
I have seen some where it is full head others just the face using the wig to hold it on or elastic. And the biggest thing is where do you get wings for these things? Standard wing looks to be way too small and thin.

>> No.11024157
File: 453 KB, 720x1080, IMG_9559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has short and nice body, just perfect for kigu. do you agree anon?

>> No.11024165


I agree.

>> No.11024387

that person looks really tall from the backpack

>> No.11024431


>The person is probably 3.5 backpacks tall.
>Supposing the backpack has 50cm height (which is a realistic measure), we have 3.5 * 50 = 175
>1m 75cm

>> No.11024445


You really have to ask the maker. Most are full masks though. From what I know, only Nuko's 4.x series are half masks.
Some masks hang on your nose though, putting a lot of pressure on it.

>> No.11024451

that's very tall, unless you're a nigger

or caucassian

>> No.11024497


>Wikipedia says Japanese male average height is 1,707m

Above average, at most.

>> No.11024645
File: 160 KB, 720x480, Yuki17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be unethical to try and create copies of other styles of masks using a 3D printer, but scale them up to fit and look right on taller performers?

I plan to get a 3D printer someday, and this is one of the main things I would want it for.

>> No.11024665


If you get an authorization from the owner of the original model, I don't see why not.
Hell, you can even do business with them. You 3D model and print and they finish it with wigwork, painting. Custom masks will certainly drop prices.

>> No.11024744


Well what if I don't speak Japanese?

>> No.11024752


Then you're screwed.
You can always talk to someone who knows both Japanese and English and use them as intermediate between you two guys.

>> No.11024830

Do you realize how rough and imperfect the surface finish is of 3d printed plastic models? Even high-end, commercial level machines produce parts with a slightly rough finish. The amount of work it takes to make it perfect really negates any perceived benefits of going that route. Then there's the fact that you will have to piece it together since there is no machine that can print parts that big or with drafts that deep. 3D printing isn't the answer to everything...

>> No.11024850

It is very unethical to do so.

>> No.11024872


Which can be solved over time and with proper sanding. Piecing it together doesn't seem a hard task too.
Seems you're just trying to negate it because it's a different way to do stuff and neglecting all possibilities that exist of future improvement.


Only if you don't ask for proper authorization to do so.

>> No.11025169


If I didn't sell them and only made them for my own personal use, would that still be bad?

>> No.11025174

>visible bulge
Yes, I like.

>> No.11025201
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, 1361141235842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, I'm from another board and I need your help with something.

I want to make a costume of this character named Luckyuro. He's a villain from the latest season of Super Sentai. When I look at his face, it very much reminds me of a kigurumi mask, so I wanted to ask how I would go about making or ordering a custom Luckyuro mask. Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated.

>> No.11025215

Luckyero more like, he's got an onnahole for a face.

>> No.11025225
File: 98 KB, 480x700, 34280175_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, his expression is a little odd, but that's just how they made him.

>> No.11025245

Yeah, like a big slutty-onnahole face.

>> No.11025247
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>> No.11025249
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>> No.11025258
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>> No.11025251
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>> No.11025259
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>> No.11025262
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>> No.11025267
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>> No.11025269
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>> No.11025270
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>> No.11025271
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>> No.11025275
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>> No.11025273
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>> No.11025277
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Eh, you get used to it after watching the show. Besides, he grows on you.

>> No.11025278
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>> No.11025276
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>> No.11025281
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>> No.11025283
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>> No.11025284
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>> No.11025296
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Oh I am watching it and I do like him, /m/ is the only other board I frequent - doesn't change the fact that he has a big onnahole face and does double peace signs.

Luckyero is the only character as good as Ramirez.

>> No.11025305

You have good taste, fellow /m/an.

>> No.11025323


How the fuck do you put that one on?

>> No.11025359

Fuck off

don't tell us what you plan to do. Do it then post pix here.

Reminds me of Wyu's forum flooded with posts like 'what character do you wanna do?' 'I plan to do blah blah blah. it will be really great.'

Do it at wyus forum

>> No.11025411


As harsh as this anon is. This.

Too many people plan and don't actually do anything. It's annoying. So few actually proceed with their plans.

Admittedly I used to be like that. Difference is I'm actually doing this now.

>> No.11025443
File: 19 KB, 386x366, 1366672602111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


like drinking soy milk because it has "estrogens lel"?

>> No.11025470

I would love to use that performer's butt as an sex object if you know what i mean

>> No.11025687
File: 575 KB, 600x900, Tio17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, is that a vote for "ethical", or do you just have zero reading comprehension skill?

>I'm not all talk, I'm doing it!
>posts no pic

>> No.11025739


Well I meant more making shit. But yeah okay. I blundered. I'll kindly fuck off till I do have something presentable.

>> No.11025776

I think the entire discussion is for wyutards like you. yeah?

of course I have reading comprehension skills. If not so how am I responding to you now? But I feel wyutards like you and >>11024645 shouldn't be welcomed here.

so the FUCK OFF applies to you too.

Oh, and there are people copying masks, FYI.

>> No.11025791

Actually that particular mask is a 2-part mask with a front and back. Wig is detachable. And there's a buckle to keep the two parts together.

You don't put it on. Someone put it around your head. Of course the same applies to removing it.

>> No.11025799

your probably better off going to someone who does mascot work, I know some people did custom anthros but i dont think theyre in the business anymore

>> No.11025806


Oh is that an old style nuko with the back plate?

Fuck I'm so mad i missed out on those.

>> No.11025807
File: 147 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mo7evqY2WO1rjadpto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look guys a vaguely accurate leafa that doesn't look like a slut who got her lips enlarged

>inb4 sub par posing
yeah i know

>> No.11025815

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11025832
File: 272 KB, 874x1166, d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it yeah, although his newer ones have backplates to as far as i can see.

I think some of these masks though have the wig on some sort of bendable back( or the wig is very rigid) and they have a sip going down the middle so you sort of peel the 2 halves back then zip it up

pic unrelated but sort of relevant to the height thing i guess?

>> No.11025846

not quoting anyone, I'm using it to highlight a section of the post, I wasn't aware green text was only for quotes

>> No.11025871


No. Look at his legs. He's wearing some self made Helicopter leg things from that stupid fanservice anime.

>> No.11025895

>I wasn't aware green text was only for quotes
Is it possible to be any more new?

>> No.11025899

I dont know man, i only come on this board for the kig threads and other boards use it for things other than quotes

>> No.11025954
File: 218 KB, 600x850, ciel04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fuck off

Are those the only insults you know?

>there are people copying masks

That's not relevant. It was a question of should you copy, not could you copy. Maybe you should give up on english, it might be too hard for you.

>> No.11026283

>Are those the only insults you know?
nope. But I'm saddened by the fact that this community is contaminated by sick and socially disadvantaged people like you.

> Maybe you should give up on english, it might be too hard for you.
maybe; but that's none of your business

>> No.11026350


At least for me, my plans have too many holes that I need to correct before proceeding into doing it.
It'd be stupidity to do without any good plan behind, so I plan and ask for feedback.
Then people like you say: shut up and do it. And then we have a lot of failures going around.

Oh yeah, everyone should leave that planning thing to Wyu's board. Try asking things there and see they saying to do things and not properly plan before doing it.

No wonder everyone sucks.

>> No.11026972

Fuck off Wyutards.

>> No.11027010

As of today I'm still looking for a Girlfriend who will be willing to wear any kig costume I purchase for her. I am having no luck finding a girl who is not fat to do this. Maybe soon I'll start including traps or girly boys in my search.

>> No.11027019


I suggest first that you stop looking in Murica. I have found one. She wants me to wear the kig though. Good luck on your quest.

>> No.11027452
File: 316 KB, 1600x1071, DSC_1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly have no idea what is involved with 3d printing.
3d printing is no where near what the hypemachine wants to distract you with, least in the consumer market. The high end shit is no where near affordable right now. I have done work with these large expensive machines. Parts costs hundreds to thousands each.

Current consumer or hobby grade printers are basically hot glue guns on a plotter arm.
These produce ugly low rez and hollow objects. Either out of Polycarb or ABS. Neither sand well and neither glue well and all look like a world textured on corduroy. They are VERY limited with complex shapes. no overhangs or fine details. See attached image. Maybe liberal application of fiberglass+resin and final layer of bondo or other molding surface could be used on a sub-frame with this method.

newer higher rez and very expensive hobby machines use UV to harden a resin or thermo plastic Basically a tub of goo that the "head" pans across and hardens. This would be ideal but then again COSTS of materials and the machine. Results are not 100% either they still have funny grooves all over.

B9 Creator cost 3k kit 5k assembled
1kilo of b9 resin is 89usd.
Only small objects like rings and belt buckles can be printed.

Final issue is weight. The high res printing method would result in a mask so heavy it would be like a helmet.

You could hire out a company that uses a high grade professional machine but the final product wont be what you expect nor would it be cheap.

For those people keep mentioning those damned low poly DDR models you are going to need to model a subdivided model that is airtight with a exterior and interior in high rez none of this 2k model shit, but a million poly mesh because everything has to be physical, those DDR models look smooth but when you print that shit out it will be all faceted and ugly as hell because real objects do not have a poly smoothing algorithm.

>> No.11027495


You're right, I don't know anything about 3D printing, but you ignored this:
>neglecting all possibilities that exist of future improvement.

Aye, I knew you were going to prove that they suck nowadays.

>> No.11027555

In other words, you're a dreamer.

>> No.11027560

You might as well wait for the kigurumi mask printer that's coming in the year 2138. It will print out perfect kigurumi masks for you.

>> No.11027566


Not at all. From what I know 3D printing is one of the most researched areas in the last few years.


Being pessimistic, 2030. I still believe it's a matter of two or three years.

>> No.11027695
File: 47 KB, 640x376, imoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 or 10 years maybe someone affluent can produce a rough form needing finishing, maybe from an advanced laser based liquid bath printer.
I still think you would have to be forced to use this as a positive to a mold for the final mask. You would need some massive advance in the materials side of things to make a 3d printer useable for final product.

3D printing has been under development for more than 30 years. I remember watching shows in the 90s with machines printing fairly high rez objects in a resin bath. They were comparable to the SLA printers And also those printing resin machines that printed into cornstarch making all those pastel models you see all over the net. Nothing fundamentally has changed in all that time. So no, I would not call it the most researched in the last few years. It has however been horribly hyped by media in the last few years.

A lot of what people are misled into thinking is we will have press a button "thing" makers in a few years that are akin to replicators, take blob of inert matter feed it into magic box and out comes your product all ready to go on a tray on the other end. I have seen reporters insist this is just a few years off and it will only cost as much as a laser printer today.

If you dead set on 3d printer the best thing I have seen is a 3d mill. Most are large machines used to make metal useable prototypes. We have used one to make housings for gearboxes and fiddly crap like injector nozzles on aircraft. BUT I have seen one of these as a small box that mills plastic and nylon blocks. Scale it up to say a large desk 36X36 and maybe it could "print" your mask. I have seen larger units in use in hobby stores on some Japanese documentary. I would still only use this to make a base object for casting a mold.

>> No.11027734

The only problem with this argument is that somebody actually printed one a few months ago, using ABS. I think he posted about the progress quite frequently on here and Facebook.

>> No.11027779
File: 65 KB, 720x960, broke-in-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about using vacuum forming in a negative mold to produce a mask? Even a positive mold could be used since there are not any sharp details on the things. It would get around the use of all the nasty chemicals and glass fiber.

Only thing I would be concerned with is rigidity. The wings look heavy and might distort the mask.
Knowing that Japanese masks are FRP which is fiberglass with poly resin means they want rigidity and light weight. But I could swear I have seen event pics of white masks that looked a lot like VF. Can't find the images anywhere.

>> No.11027785


Well, if you use it to create a model, make a silicone cast and fiberglass it, then sand the FRP mask, why not?

>> No.11027806

Wow, the ruffles in her skirt and socks are perfect.

>> No.11027889

I would fuck her outfit

>> No.11027932
File: 25 KB, 471x478, prolevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said they COULD NOT, I said it was not really ready to be used in such a manner and that it would not be a print and wear solution. If you think my argument is you cannot then your missing the point.

I bet he did as I said would have to be done. Which is re-enforcement of the printed shell and major filler and sanding. Which wont stick to abs well. The easiest to obtain and print large items is the maker bot which poops hot plastic. ABS or Polycarbonate ABS is like the little toy cars they give to toddlers not much affects it but heat. Polycarb can be sanded painted and glued chemically.

If this guy was so successful where is he now? Where are his photos of his kig? If you have pics post em so at least it can show those considering it what to expect. Then they can go from there. Personally me, I would go the route of sculpting foam then using clay to create a positive for a mold.
Attached is the only image I could find and that I can remember that it was a real wip post. from dec2012

>> No.11028000

I found stuff on google but it is all that wyu forum that makes you sign up to see anything.

>> No.11028011

It was in the Facebook kigurumi group, I believe. Can't be arsed to check back as far as I want, since it makes my browser laggy if I do.

>> No.11028026

I know how to do all the stuff to make a mask but where do you get wigs for them? Do you just go out and get something off ebay or a store?
Is there some resource you guys get info from? I see comments about knowledge that clearly is not from here or the photos.

>> No.11028028

damn I do not facebook

>> No.11028055
File: 38 KB, 334x720, erika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Erika, guys?

>> No.11028082 [DELETED] 

I dunno from google cache I was able to see bits of things and I see a nick or name of JustinBailey it might be or might not be the person >>11028026 mentions.

>> No.11028085


I'd like to know any resources. Most of the things I post here about mask things and how do they work are plain assumptions (so don't trust everything you read in 4ch, although my assumptions are clearly demarked) because a lot of kigus either provides misleading information, don't even know about what you're talking or are too afraid of you being a troll.
Which is sad :(

>> No.11028087

I dunno from google cache I was able to see bits of things and I see a nick or name of JustinBailey it might be or might not be the person >>11028011 mentions.

>> No.11028116
File: 59 KB, 960x720, 67393_143194169163744_1196895918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's it. I remember now.

>> No.11029397
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>> No.11030380
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>> No.11030466

I wish the kigus tweeted more pictures... A lot of them seem to be about food and random game crap.

Sometimes they post about personal life stuff too... Don't they have separate twitter accounts for that kind of stuff?

>> No.11030490


Do you wanna know the difference between japanese and western kigus?
There are a lot of japanese ones who do not care about hiding their identities, most of the time. No wonder why a lot actually answer questions like: "What's your real gender?".
A lot of westerners do that because of social pressure though and are afraid of being judged, which is kinda weird, because this sort of insecurity is what makes people judge them, at least in my humble opinion.
I appreciate way more the work of a kigu who admits that it's male, and simply overcome that difficulty and become a female character, as an example.

>> No.11030547

But that still doesn't change the fact that it's a kigurumi twitter account. I mean I think they should keep their private life separate because not all of us care what they do daily.

>> No.11030557

some masks are small enough to accommodate normal large wigs, i know for a fact that larger masks like wyus use 2 wigs sewn together in a certain way

Im not 100% sure on this but I think some japanese companies make them themselves
if you look in this video it looks like a fairly regular wig to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxw0mI1-AFE

the information you're referring to probably comes from wyus forums if its western, ill see what i can dig up

(you could also try emailing japanese mask makers and ask them about wigs, again GouKaOu seems very friendly when it comes to queries, they sent the picture earlier on in the thread with the mask dimensions to me after i asked)

>> No.11030586


It's just a pain in the ass to manage two accounts. No one will do that just because you want it done.

>> No.11030632


I don't think it would be that hard.

You are already putting effort by performing as a character. Why can't they just put a little more effort into separating their twitter accounts. Performing is an art and requires work.

Using one twitter account seems lazy and unprofessional. Also personal posts ruin the magic. I can understand if they are in character posts, but I do not see any one doing that sort of thing.

>> No.11030668


>You are already putting effort by performing as a character
Exactly, and theoretically, a lot. Which is why is a boring thing separating both things.

>Using one twitter account seems lazy and unprofessional
They're mostly amateurs.

>Also personal posts ruin the magic
No, they don't. It's only you wanting them to be female on the web too to get your dick hard or something like this. "Oh onii-chan please don't! No! No!"
Some do it because it's cool, not because they want to get kink. Get around it.

Personal posts don't ruin the magic because it's just a hobby for some people. You post pics of your hobbies on your personal pages, don't you? Was there any magic on it, on the first place? For me, it's just cool.

I don't know, it's more a personal thing, probably you see some sort of magic on it.

>> No.11030670

And when people have like 3 or 4 characters.. then what? 5 twitter accounts???

>> No.11031067

Very cute!

>> No.11031122

#1) Who says they are "performing?"
#2) Only silly Americans always consider dressing in kigurumi "art."
#3) Ruins the magic for who? You? Oh, so it IS about what YOU want. Isn't that quite selfish?

>> No.11031303

He's not the only one who wants it that way...

>> No.11031319


I agree it'd be simpler for us who watch those accounts in Twitter, but it's not simpler for the performer so it's unlikely that they'll change.

>> No.11031499

I know there are people with separate accounts. I consider them to be better performers as well.

Most of the people who mix them together are really awful even if they have a good mask.

>> No.11031531

I was looking around again to look for answers regarding this SNS thing that a lot of Japanese Kigurumi seem to reference. It seems to be a kind of social networking site for kigurumi performers; unfortunately it seems like it is Japanese only. Does anyone have further information regarding this? It seems to be hosted by Ayame-Store strangely enough... I'm not a fan of their masks though... Is it something related to only Ayame-Store?

SNS seems to be an acronym for the term "Social Networking Site". So maybe there really is a kigurumi network for only kigurumi?

As I stated earlier in my post, it would be very nice if someone can come forward and explain this to all of us since we all have an interest in kigurumi.

Also here is the link to what I have found. I cannot gain access to it and it does not seem like there is a way to register.


>> No.11031564


Yeah, there is and it's probably invite only.
It's probably not japanese only (there's a combobox to switch the language). I assume they wanna keep it private to some performers thouh.

>> No.11031578

Does anyone have invitation privileges? If so would it be possible to send us invitations?

>> No.11031582


Not that I know. I'm just assuming it. If someone who leaks things was invited we'd know by now.

>> No.11031596

Want an invite

>> No.11031604

Please do not invite. It is a private site.

>> No.11031607


I told ya.
I suppose you must be a (good) kigu to get invited.

>> No.11031610

ask kuri for invite

>> No.11031618

if you want to have an invatition then just email me

>> No.11031648

That sort of thing is kind of what I've been looking for, more places to post stuff --
I guess it's destroyed already if people are just inviting randoms off 4chan now.
(Not that I'd be welcome anyways)

>> No.11031680


Oh, and I'll fall for invites that are easy as this, oh sure.
You get to earn your way into that, I'm pretty sure of it.

>> No.11031685

can someone upload this to mediafire or different filehost?

>> No.11031708

well, after search the username, that forgotten grove is kuri.

>> No.11031820


Please don't. We don't want just anyone in.

>> No.11031826
File: 175 KB, 1296x972, enaena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat with me:
>height doesn't matter for kig
>height doesn't matter for kig
>height doesn't matter for kig
>height doesn't matter for kig
>height doesn't matter..

>> No.11032012


Well, don't invite the ones you can't trust then.
There's plenty of westerners who are trustworthy though, you just gotta have a filter.

>> No.11032048


That person is inviting randoms.

Invite actual worthwhile performers. Not a public invite fest here on 4chan. It will ruin the SNS.


I hope you get banned.

>> No.11032092


Nah, I'm not a performer but I'd like to enter it. I mean, I gotta ask questions to people about this stuff (the only place I thought they could be answered is 4chan and no one is able to answer too :\), but I can understand you guys are closed as hell to other people because there was a lot of shit being done to the "community".
Guess I'll have to try figuring out by myself, and probably miss my only shot to do this thing.

>> No.11032145


The people there will not answer your questions. 99% don't even speak English. You're not even a performer.

I'm going to guess you are that guy who won't stop talking about his height.

>> No.11032153


I guessed so.

>> No.11032294
File: 79 KB, 720x960, tall_kig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice which kig has the worst looking hadatai and costume. Maybe tall people just don't care and should stick to basketball.

>> No.11032323


Yeah, I noticed. On the other hand, I care deeply.
The pic you've sent is just a short guy with "stilts", it doesn't count.

>> No.11032383

>implying the hair on your mask will be like that and you'll be able to keep it like that

>> No.11032411

not actually kuri. someone trying to get her in trouble.

>> No.11032424


>implying the character doesn't have short hair
>implying it's more than only taking care
>implying the wig can't be changed

Well, Tsukiko has short hair which is easy to maintain. I don't see it being a problem to that anon.

>> No.11032478

Implies she has one. lol

>> No.11032518

>implying she doesn't always back pedal and try to have people sympathize with her

>> No.11032523
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>> No.11032525
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>> No.11032539


No drama, pls.

>> No.11032568

Oh god has anyone seen that "thing" in the newly uploaded images section on KCS?

HOW? HOW? How is it possible to see that and think "this is good"

>> No.11032641

Care to elaborate?

>> No.11032659
File: 299 KB, 597x440, FuckNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's there to elaborate?

Go here.


Scroll down to the specified section.


Rip out eyes.

>> No.11032715

I think someone did an amazing anime representation of Gallagher.

>> No.11032738

I regretted asking.

>> No.11033237
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>> No.11033242
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>> No.11033249
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>> No.11033252
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>> No.11033257
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>> No.11033253
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>> No.11033262
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>> No.11033269
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>> No.11033266
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>> No.11033272
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>> No.11033276
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>> No.11033280
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>> No.11033285
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>> No.11033290
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>> No.11033296
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>> No.11033303
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>> No.11033308
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>> No.11033316
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>> No.11033318
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>> No.11033321
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>> No.11033329

Is it really necessary to post this many images of the same kig? Just provide a source or rar after like a dozen images.

>> No.11033340
File: 189 KB, 600x903, 769336280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11033342
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>> No.11033346
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>> No.11033352
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>> No.11033360
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>> No.11033355
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>> No.11033367
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>> No.11033372
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>> No.11033375
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>> No.11033378
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>> No.11033384
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>> No.11033389
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>> No.11033393
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>> No.11033397
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>> No.11033401
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>> No.11033407
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>> No.11033412
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>> No.11033420
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>> No.11033424
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>> No.11033429
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>> No.11033433
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>> No.11033437
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>> No.11033441
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>> No.11033446
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>> No.11033451
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>> No.11033456
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>> No.11033458
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>> No.11033459
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>> No.11033478

