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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 201 KB, 854x780, 065 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11016230 No.11016230 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck happened?

>> No.11016233

Those are from different producers.

>> No.11016236
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11016237

Da Capo series were always shit, nothing new.

>> No.11016241

>summing up most baseless harem and 'romance'/'comedy' anime

>> No.11016244

>da crapo

>> No.11016245

I mean, Korori's route was so bad they had to make a game just to make people to shut up.

The soundtrack is the only good thing.

>> No.11016257

Who cares, both look like shit.

>> No.11016258


>> No.11016262

>What the fuck happened?

Is this a new meme?

>> No.11016263
File: 201 KB, 800x600, 1304107029479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, Korori's route was so bad they had to make a game just to make people to shut up.
Wasn't it the opposite? Kotori's route actually being good and everybody falling for her, so they made a lot of spin-off material to milk?
Because Kotori route was kind of good, but the other Kotori themed games were horrid putrid fucking disasters.

>> No.11016269

>Kotori's route actually being good
>everybody falling for her

Nerds got so mad when her ending was shit, make your own conclussions.

>> No.11016273
File: 29 KB, 300x300, That's just like your opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kotori's route actually being good

>> No.11016337
File: 35 KB, 471x700, minaduki_c01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an epic one.

>> No.11016341

requesting the dildoman

>> No.11016342
File: 141 KB, 475x253, classicgoodvq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Produced with inferior technology
>Produced with modern computers


>> No.11016354

I'm too lazy to find specific examples, but I like 90s VN art. Though I hated the trend of re-releasing DOS or PC-98 games for Windows with "enhanced" graphics. May Club DX looked awful compared to May Club. Gone are the beautiful pixels, instead we have gradients gradients gradients.

>> No.11016366

It's because of the increasing resolution standard and how that has impacted eroge art trends as a whole.

>> No.11016380

Oh it's this thread again. And eroge art only got better with time so OP is still horribly wrong. Keep fighting the good fight or something.

>> No.11016390
File: 15 KB, 320x235, psp_vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys think of using 3D models and animation? Not for pre-rendered backgrounds and what have you, but for characters.

Related video:

>> No.11016409
File: 244 KB, 640x480, 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post proof. Eroge art is stale and everyone uses the same coloring style because it's SHINY. There's very little detail in the art and the dudes look terrible.

Yu-no is from fucking 1996 and it still looks better than 99% of eroge. Modern eroge art is pretty nice if you hate variety though!

>> No.11016415
File: 462 KB, 1087x611, capture_001_09062013_140309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More games should make use of it, assuming they're done well.
Sadly most 3D eroge I've played were optimized like utter shit and ran below 30FPS even at lowest settings.

>Post proof.

>> No.11016419

Are there any VNs with "live" backgrounds? Either moving 3D, like Touhou, or full animation (not just two frames).

I know some VNs are fully animated, but I'm thinking ordinary character sprites laid on top of a moving background here.

>> No.11016427
File: 310 KB, 1280x1024, 129528e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game has terrible art. The coloring is still the typical shit you'd find in every eroge. I remember some of the cgs having fuck awful anatomy though.
The most talented people have moved on to other things.

>> No.11016428

Dude everything drawn in anime in Japan uses 3d models for reference. Characters are already bases off 3d models. They've been doing it since the 1980's

>> No.11016435
File: 23 KB, 640x400, Kizuato_192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Are you being serious?

>> No.11016440

Cel shading didn't exist before computers. Animation existed in one tone, and very rarely went over it. It's not a change in style, and you can see the 3d models behind the animation if you're used to that sort of thing. That's why traditional 2d animators hate anime. It's 3d animation drawn by hand, not pure 2d.

>> No.11016446
File: 53 KB, 600x623, 458337495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing something that's animated to a single cg isn't exactly fair.

Older eroge were produced in only a few months compared to the 6-12 month average we have now. Yu-no had 5 months and Kizuato and Shizuku were made around the same time.
So with a more limited timeframe they produced higher quality art compared to what we have now.

>> No.11016448

Yeah, you're clearly retarded.

>> No.11016456

You can argue all you want and I still see the point in OP's picture, but I honestly think that Da Capo's art is way cuter, way better and honestly I just prefer it overall rather than the other.
And I'm judging basing it only in that picture.
And don't give me that generic art bullcrap. That's personal, and I personally think it's the other way around

>> No.11016453

old productions like Akira used wavefront and newer ones lightwave and xsi. It's just hiddn in the pipeline of most animation studios.

>> No.11016460
File: 154 KB, 1013x734, writersguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan uses 3d models for reference. Characters are already bases off 3d models.

u wot m8

They use model sheets like this, then send them off to the animators. Since Japanese animation has become more homogenized and each studio pretty much has its own style, I'm guessing it's even easier now. "Here's a front view of the character, here's a portrait view, here are the colors we want, get to work."

Characters are "off model" when they don't match the original model sheet.

>> No.11016466

Have you ever been to a studio? I gaurentee that they use 3d models 100%.

>> No.11016472

What kind of stuff are you exactly looking for? I usually like both old and new styles but you have to admit that "the good old days" also had it's proper share of shitty looking titles.

>> No.11016478

I wish there was one studio that purposely uses soft colors to mimic the 90's.

>> No.11016483

Let's be honest: we'd hate them for trying.

>> No.11016480

It's generic when the art follows every trend.

>> No.11016481

Oh I mean anime wise. Everything felt better that way.

>> No.11016482

Amateur using Xsi:

They stuck in a lot of effects to make it look giid and all that crap for television series.

Ever wonder why Toie had a lab? For experimenting in 3d assisted animation.

>> No.11016485
File: 61 KB, 324x445, T17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying the art wasn't tied to just being lazy and adding shiny effects. Different studios had their own styles even if they were shit.

Itaru sucks but her art was unique in One - Clannad. Recent promo art by her is SHINY and less detailed compared to Clannad's. If they have years to works on something why is it coming out half-assed?

>> No.11016488


As long as they aren't trying to "save" anime and just the color thing them fine. When the low res video of Rinne came out, everyone thought it was beautiful because it looked like something straight out of early 2000's or it looked like Aria.

>> No.11016489

Yes, and Toei has several shows that air each week. And this is mostly used for cars and nothing else.

Please think before you speak, anon-kun.

>> No.11016494

The labs in the 70's to 80's. No harm if you don't want to believe me, I'm just trying to shed a light here. First hand experience.

>> No.11016496

protip: 2D isn't 3D.

>> No.11016507

>I'm saying the art wasn't tied to just being lazy and adding shiny effects.
Perhaps it's the same as with current video games and their "art styles"? Better tools, bigger resolutions and improvement in hardware opened up new possibilities but instead of utilizing them properly the graphical designers just use bloom, filters and other quickly added shit instead of trying to stand out with proper hand drawn artwork. A thing which they were forced to do before. >>11016236 looks especially bad; even I could be able to "draw" that lighting.

>> No.11016510
File: 46 KB, 270x383, 10168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macross Plus hit the traditional-with-CGI sweet spot. Everything since has sucked. I guess the idea is "We have better technology, we can use it, so we might as well go ahead."

>> No.11016511
File: 56 KB, 231x481, T19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you hit the nail. Smaller studios back then made eroge because you loved them, not for money like the millions of moege devs you have now. Niche titles are getting rarer and rarer.

>> No.11016512
File: 340 KB, 1600x900, titles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, this thread again. Only this time it's with VNs on /jp/.

I have a few eroge on my computer right now, let's pick some titles, see what we got.

>> No.11016513
File: 244 KB, 1042x615, nekonade distortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nekonade Distortion. A favorite.

Good art, excellent backgrounds. I already don't know what the hell you're talking about OP.

>> No.11016519
File: 172 KB, 800x600, 家族交感.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kazoku Koukan, I use this to show contrast. 2005, still modern by your standards. Different art style, still good backgrounds, since it's not a fantasy setting you'll probably complain

>> No.11016517
File: 689 KB, 1280x720, 063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pftahahha. Nekonade is the game where Tsukinon attempted to have a different style, but failed. The cat is the only one with good cgs and maybe the imouto.

>> No.11016524

Do we really need to see your shitty wallpaper in every thread? Crop it out next time.

>> No.11016520



why do gooks even try

>> No.11016522

Why do old-timey limitations make things better?

Traditional art is better than digital art, film is better than digital video, optical effects are better than digital effects, puppets are better than CGI, hell, even a lot of pixel art is way nicer than full color high resolution artwork.

Obviously there are a ton of exceptions and I don't think the new technologies are inherently bad, I just think they're generally not used very well.
Is it because those older tools are more difficult and required more skill? For example, I'm sure a lot of traditional animators could pick up RETAS pretty well, but I doubt many artists who grew up with 3DS Max could create great-looking animation by hand.

>> No.11016523


ugly as FUCK


>> No.11016526

>Good art
wait until you get to the arrest CG

>> No.11016528

I don't think sending away the cels to China for coloring requires any more skill then letting a computer do it.

>> No.11016532

We need to know he's an ephebophile (lol Tor) and such a hardcore otaku that he has a cartoon wallpaper. He sure doesn't have to worry about girls seeing that picture, because he's a "truNEET" and we all need to know!

>> No.11016534
File: 171 KB, 1024x640, もぐもぐもぐもぐ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do old games look like shit compared to newer ones?

>> No.11016535
File: 434 KB, 800x600, ms0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random nukige
Nice cg background

>> No.11016537
File: 189 KB, 1044x618, sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all are the cgs like that, haven't even seen that one yet anyway. Sounds like they're being experimental, I don't have a problem with them trying new things.

too lazy

>> No.11016540

And that's he's changed the system locale. Also he changed the time to military and is using some sort of weird calendar order that puts the year first.

>> No.11016541

dude are you a pedo

>> No.11016542


I like my brightly colored moe artwork too but you have to admit >>11016535 is better.

>> No.11016547
File: 194 KB, 800x600, フレンズ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can literally do the same thing.

Your argument is stupid

>> No.11016543

e3 is tomorrow what are you doing here >>>/v/

>> No.11016546

It doesn't take that much effort to open up an explorer window and direct it to your desktop folder.

>> No.11016551
File: 365 KB, 640x480, 0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one from 1999
Thanks for posting more evidence.

>> No.11016550

More lines != better.

This is why I hate traditionalists.

>> No.11016557

That's a pretty decent background.
My argument is that they had better artists back then.

SHINY COLORS != better

This is why I hate you

>> No.11016566

What if something used a fuck ton of lines and shiny colors? Would that be good?

>> No.11016572
File: 166 KB, 800x600, フレンズ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, it was made in 2006

>> No.11016575
File: 39 KB, 640x480, ELISE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if it's shiny like the image he posted.

>> No.11016580

2006 is decently old by now.

>> No.11016583 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2444x3496, 077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My argument is that they had better artists back then.

Art and knowledge about art has boomed present time. We have plenty of good artists today.
Now I can really tell you're from /v/ or just having the "back then everything was better phase" that will wear off in a week.

>> No.11016586

Anime and cartoons should be bright and colorful. Maybe this isn't the right medium for you.

>> No.11016594
File: 2.16 MB, 1600x900, kimi to boku to eden no ringo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your argument then? I don't even understand it. What is modern to you? It's nonsense.

Kimi to Boku to Eden no Ringo

Fantastic backgrounds, oh no shiny characters. I think it's incredible artwork. I can only imagine you're complaining because each pixel wasn't had selected over 40,000 times each image.

>> No.11016600

Why do you even bother, OP?
These people obviously haven't played older games and they are accustomed to consuming shit, much like in any other medium. You can't blame them if that was all they were exposed to.
But I will agree that a lot of today's artwork is pretty good, in the sense that it's fappable. You couldn't say that for most of 90s eroge.

>> No.11016605

OP went full retard when he called Monobeno's art shit.
There comes a point where you are so deluded that you start wasting everyones time with this "I like shitty retro art, I'm such a special snowflake!" -shit.

>> No.11016614

Nobody is going to waste their time pumping out kekai kotaki style images for a porn game that probably will only get a few lines of text and won't show up in the CG rips because people only care about the sex scenes. Get real now.

>> No.11016615

>Why do you even bother, OP?
>These people obviously haven't played older games and they are accustomed to consuming shit, much like in any other medium. You can't blame them if that was all they were exposed to.

>> No.11016613
File: 470 KB, 1222x1740, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's wrong, anon. You can be colorful without blinding your audience or using it to hide your shitty lineart.

Nice argument.
Sure, we have G-yuusuke and a few others but that's nothing compared to the ones who moved on to working on anime and other works. However, I don't see how you can deny the lack of style in most eroge art. Older eroge artists were mostly mangaka who did most of the work themselves instead of having an entire crew to assist them.

>> No.11016626

Maybe you should read my posts?

-Most of the talented artists are gone
-Companies playing it safe by using generic styles
-Using shiny colors to hide their shitty art since people eat it up anyway.

Anyway, Carnelians assistant who did the art for the game is one of the few, but that background isn't showcasing your argument.

I think you're the one who's deluded. Enjoy your lazy art, moefag.

>> No.11016636

Modern would be things produced recently with recent fads.

>> No.11016641 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I judge eroge art by its fappability. As such, the old shit looks about as good to me as a pic of Ron Jeremy masturbating. Pre-2005 is the dark era of eroge art, it's all fucking garbage. People just didn't know how to draw stuff that can give males boners back then.

>> No.11016650

Big tits = Good art

>/jp/ in charge of art quality

>> No.11016662

>Big tits = Good art
see, you got something right today. Ain't that nice?

>> No.11016670
File: 519 KB, 832x468, 845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent wave are artists are people with very little experience. Are only capable of drawing portraits of cute girl, and will use rocks, gross and other random shit to hide their lack of talent. Coloring team uses shiny lighting effects to fool their readers. Proceed to release art books while people with actual experience are practically ignored.

That feeling when Comic Party expressed this over a decade ago. Than you, leaf

>> No.11016678

It was eroge. Erotic game. It was closer to erotica than to pornography, whereas a lot of new games (not just nukige) are almost entirely pornography. Or at least, the H-scenes are. Newer eroge feel like [story scene] [story scene] [story scene] [H-scene] [story scene] [H-scene]. It's binary and the story scenes are there to segue between H-scenes. This isn't how true erotica works. This is how softcore pornography works.

>> No.11016679 [DELETED] 

>Most of the talented artists are gone
They are still there bright as day. Open up an artbook sometime.
>-Companies playing it safe by using generic styles
Style is artistic license. Toheart 2 had the same "style" since forever.
>Using shiny colors to hide their shitty art since people eat it up anyway.
Look at the concept art sometime and watch the dvd "how colors effect you" from the teaching company.

>> No.11016682

The apparent bounciness of the tits, the texture of the underwear, it all comes together to create a high-quality fapping experience and was not possible in the dark age. An eroge-reader from 2000 who is used to art abominations like To Heart would be fucking ecstatic seeing something like this.
Time to accept that you're a fucking weirdo OP.

>> No.11016686
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, ドーテー?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer how himanatsu handled the ero by having all of the story for the routes and then right after the credits, would have h-scene after h-scene.

>> No.11016685

oh lord this looks like something I fapped to when I was 10

>> No.11016694

That's just like your opinion man. Big tits is a fetish, not a degree of artistic quality.
Though it probably wouldn't fit into OPs criteria either way because of the colors. They're acceptable for everyday raburabu moege but I wouldn't mind if we got to see more use of darker color palettes too. For a change of pace if nothing else.

It seems like stuff like this is the Japanese equivalent for west's grey and brown.

>> No.11016690

>Most of the talented artists are gone
They are still there bright as day. Open up an artbook sometime.
>-Companies playing it safe by using generic styles
Style is artistic license. Toheart 2 had the same "style" since forever.
>Using shiny colors to hide their shitty art since people eat it up anyway.
Look at the concept art sometime and watch the dvd "how colors affect you" from the teaching company.

>> No.11016701
File: 191 KB, 640x480, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't talking about ToHeart.

G-yuusuke doesn't have an artbook as far as I know, but people like the Hatsusaku artist do. Your point is invalid.

"how shiny colors effect retards" morelike.

>> No.11016700

What are CGs like this supposed to represent? A "snapshot" of a moment in time?

Say the CG fades to the same shot but with her eyes closed, or the boy is gone, or there is more semen. Does that mean she stayed in that exact position the whole time? Are her tits stuck like that, or is she just bouncing them very precisely?

>> No.11016708
File: 97 KB, 800x600, capture_012_08112012_123423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Companies with good artists:

>> No.11016706

Yes and now you only fap to mature "is this supposed to depict sex I can't tell" -retro art for mature people like yourself.

>> No.11016710

>shiteater attempting to form an argument

>> No.11016728


>> No.11016729

you're adorable, anon-kun

>> No.11016736

Yeah, if you care for obscure artsy fartsy garbage maybe.

>> No.11016739

>what is point of thread

>> No.11016740

It's funny the japs just love their shiny moe garbage and don't care what the /jp/sie thinks.

>> No.11016742
File: 386 KB, 1280x720, yomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makura games are pretty moe though

>> No.11016750

Eroge art is far better than it has ever been on average. Ye olde times of eroge were basically made up of the stuff you find on dlsite by doujin producers nowadays when it comes to art. It was fucking terrifying. The fuck is wrong with you OP?

>> No.11016745
File: 80 KB, 640x605, omake_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, if you care for artists with actual experience

I'm glad you understand. Maybe now you can graduate from moege!

>> No.11016747

now that rises a question, do japanese people actually like all this eye-piercing crap? I mean if they're still making it then...

>> No.11016757


Of course they do. Go over on youtube and they make videos every single day unboxing moe goods from their favorite companies. First they show the time on their iphone and then slowly unbox the box and then spend 10 mintues talking about how chitose is the cutest of them all and the next 5 minutes staring at their monitor.

>> No.11016754
File: 651 KB, 1280x720, 0083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this had decent art for a $1 doujin game on dlsite

>> No.11016760

what is with their chins they look like they can hurt somebody

>> No.11016767


the better to peal oranges with my dear

>> No.11016769

Wow, it's like your obscure fascination with retro shit that's 100% unfappable QUALITY CGs is not shared by most people. Whou would have thought.

>> No.11016771
File: 95 KB, 800x600, 274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you haven't exposed yourself to much then.

Go take a look at some stuff by Elf, Sca-ji, Motoyon, Minazuki Tooru, Kawata Hisashi, Nakamura Tetsuya, Nagaoka Kenzou, Takamichi, Koike Sadaji, Oyari(has moved on to super SHINY), and Carnelian. These are all veterans.

>> No.11016786
File: 43 KB, 576x376, I_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C's Ware has some decent things too. Divi Dead's artwork is incredibly atmosphere with a focus on darker colors to create the perfect mood for the game. The game is pretty nice to boot.

>> No.11016847

I hope that isn't supposed to be an example of good art, because the facial anatomy is horrible (yes, even for anime standards) and the whole muted colors with grainy patterns doesn't really make it any better than moege trash with clear sharply contrasted colors and well-defined lineart

>> No.11016860

How come they don't produce many 1080p VNs that aren't console ports?

Do most otaku seriously not have a 1080p monitor by now?

>> No.11016865

>because the facial anatomy is horrible
Welcome to anime, anon-chan.

>> No.11016874

I sure love retards who leave important bits off of their quotes to make them suit their needs.

>because the facial anatomy is horrible (yes, even for anime standards)
>yes, even for anime standards

>> No.11016877

Wow, >>11016847-san actually said that?! What a baka.

>> No.11016882
File: 293 KB, 640x480, 0116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left it because it's untrue.

>> No.11016881

computers took a step backwards so televisions could catch up

i was playing quake at 4800x3600 on my voodoo card in 1997

now a powerpoint picture game in 720p runs slow on my computer from 2006

it makes sense to wait for other industries to get their shit together before everyone moves on together

>> No.11016891

But it is completely true.

Interpupillary distance is too large, eyes are disproportional to other elements (debatable since animu) and worst of all, the whole face/head looks completely flat because the right eye is almost connected to the right ear despite that perspective.

>> No.11016895
File: 162 KB, 1280x1024, a8688c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for describing his artstyle.

>> No.11016898

I merely described his mistakes.

>> No.11016901

Wait. Flaws = art style?

>> No.11016909
File: 202 KB, 1360x768, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old art looks old, and if you somehow expect people to share your appreciation for something that is an aquired taste at best you're really not very smart. People want to look at attractive females and not be distracted by the impression of low quality that permeates this stuff from an era that is long gone (good riddance), like the pic you posted. If you can't realize why someone would think it's from some shitty doujin game you're just being dishonest as fuck. An eroge artist needs to draw cute females, nobody gives a shit about your weird obsession with muted colors.

>> No.11016910

I wish the translator would finish this game but with an option to choose the 1990 version.
the games like 80-90% translated but was out off.

>> No.11016922
File: 354 KB, 800x600, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest.

>> No.11016928

But you claim that the modern era sucks then you move your goalposts by saying 2006 is classic oldschool. Your whole argument has fallen apart.

>> No.11016930

ito's art is always cute

>> No.11016942
File: 138 KB, 646x512, 4534534532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall saying they all suck. I said there are a few. Work on your reading comprehension.

>125 posts and 41 image replies omitted

>> No.11016946

Older = oldskool

>> No.11016954

two lazy pieces of shit who don't actually do anything

>> No.11016952

Was this game being translated? who is doing it?

>> No.11016958

Aoiro Rinne translator is doing it.

>> No.11016961

When did you say that? I have no idea which poster is you. All I see is some jackass making a clear blanket statement that they had better artists back "then"

>> No.11016966

fuck it you know what? I give up, you'll just change your stance again. I'm closing this goddamn thread. Get fucked.

>> No.11016969

I think it's completely amazing how OP always posts these pics from old eroge that obviously look like total dreck while being 100% convinced that they look amazing compared to "modern" stuff. He's some special dude.

>> No.11016973


Guilty Gear Xrd shows us 2D-like style in 3D can definitely be done properly.

>> No.11016979

I would hate for my Chinese porn games to look like that though.

>> No.11016985
File: 54 KB, 800x600, EV_424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said that most of the talented people no longer do eroge. I don't see how you can deny that most eroge illustrators are talentless hacks who can't do anything by themselves.

Unless /jp/ is seriously going to say random moege artists are better than people who worked on manga before working on eroge.

Show me some fresh new talent besides things done by people who have been doing art since forever. I don't expect them to compare to Craftwork's artist, however I do expect them to be able to draw something other than closeups of girls eating.

>> No.11016996
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, sak04a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry you can't read, anon.

Not uguu enough for you? Here ya go, anon.

>> No.11016990

>Perhaps it's the same as with current video games and their "art styles"? Better tools, bigger resolutions and improvement in hardware opened up new possibilities but instead of utilizing them properly the graphical designers just use bloom, filters and other quickly added shit instead of trying to stand out with proper hand drawn artwork
What did you think of the no-dying PoP game’s looks?

>> No.11017007

I haven't changed my argument. Most of the veterans are gone and they were replaced with artists with generic art. Most of those veterans are from the 90s with past experience with manga. Because lack of staff they also did background work too. This is why characters don't appear to be floating on the background since they were done by a single person.

>> No.11017012
File: 183 KB, 1200x703, cg_c004_a_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what they call cherry picking otaku?

>> No.11017024

I don't think this guy is actually serious. I mean, he seriously posted this kind of pic as an example of good art. I think I could actually draw something like that.

He's an amazing troll though

>> No.11017026
File: 128 KB, 528x787, sca_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a few of those veterans have had their art plastered with rushed and tired coloring techniques.

Another anon compared this to Hollywood abusing the bloom effect. I understand why they're doing it. They're playing it safe by targeting people who don't care about art quality. I'll try my best from now on to open your eyes!

Other arguments here consist of essentially....nothing. I'll be willing to take some recent releases so you guys can compared cg direction and coloring if you want me to..

>> No.11017028

That was an example of recent bad art, genius.

>> No.11017030

Most = all

>> No.11017050
File: 269 KB, 1366x768, delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an eroge artist can't draw cute girls he's a fucking failure. I mean, what the fuck is that. Two people, standing in water, as observed from a distance. And it still somehow looks wrong. More effort went into this girls pantyhose than the entirety of that sorry excuse of a CG.

>> No.11017056

It looks just like the stuff he posted as examples of good art though. This guy is complete nutjob.

>> No.11017064
File: 161 KB, 1024x600, guishen_0511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's what my post was getting at.
It looks wrong because the awkward stances and the background be drawn separately from the character lineart.

Whereas games with objectively good artists who put actual effort into things, backgrounds and characters are done in similar styles. Backgrounds and lineart are drawn with both of them in mind.

Eustia is another example. Great background art, but characters just kind of hover over it.

You can take notice of the coloring in your picture, too. It's impossible to distinguish coloring styles from each other.

The image I'm posting shows how most eroge artists have never looked at characters from different perspectives beside them looking straight at you.

>> No.11017070

Also, why are her panthose shining like rubber?

>> No.11017071

>implying sayooshi's artwork is bad

Go back to your moege.

>> No.11017072

Because that’s erotic.

>> No.11017076

To accentuate smoothness. Are you stupid or something.

>> No.11017077

Do you fap to plastic?

>> No.11017078

These niggers seriously complaining about art in porn.

>> No.11017082

Silicones gets me really hard.

>> No.11017087

Rubber isn't how you illustrate a soft texture, moron.

>> No.11017097

I said smooth you dumb fuck.

>> No.11017095
File: 755 KB, 1280x720, 003_ev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at that anatomy. It's as if they actually used anime templates and referenced obscure porno #10039939538 that about 10 people bought and would never know they actually copied from it!

>> No.11017103

No need to get mad. Maybe you can grab a pair of pantyhose to see how they actually look. Express your shock when you realize they aren't greasy rags that reflect off nothing.

>> No.11017113


In the anime world, they are greasy rags that reflect off nothing. Hard to believe I know.

>> No.11017116

if we wanted something that looks like real life, why would we be fapping to these games?

>> No.11017123

Maybe when you're a shitty colorist for some nukige brand.

>> No.11017128
File: 306 KB, 1024x768, pantyhose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because light reflection.

>> No.11017133

ew, is that plastic or something?

>> No.11017138

Those are blue and they aren't rubber.

>> No.11017145

Someone who can't appreciate shiny 2D pantyhose is not worth paying attention to.

>> No.11017140

Saving eroge one step at a time.

>> No.11017141


I'm sure whoever did color that just didn't give a flying fuck and color picked the colors from something he drew previously just to meet his deadline so he can get food. It is the choice of the client to make her panties shiny, not the artist.

>> No.11017158


I can "appreciate it", but I'm not going to say it's a good thing.

>> No.11017160
File: 111 KB, 600x900, black-pantyhose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11017170

You got me there.

>> No.11017167

I wonder if these are the same people who hate Oyari's art because his faces are different.

>> No.11017169
File: 1.42 MB, 1024x1024, 1370225908879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a good thing.

>> No.11017176


Drawn and colored by one guy. Or do they work in sweat shops now and hand the finished lineart to a colorist? It is still up to the client to make the decision if they want the pictures focus on her pantyhose thus making it shiny.

>> No.11017185

Re-read my original post pls

>> No.11017193

>I don't expect them to compare to Craftwork's artist
All of that dudes females are completely disfigured in a way that could only be possible in that era. This must be some stupid joke.

>> No.11017217
File: 52 KB, 450x636, POS04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are beyond help. Meanwhile he recently had an art gallery with a famous eroguro mangaka.

>> No.11017229

Here is the original
>Also, why are her panthose shining like rubber?
That. Is. not. up. to. whoever. draws.colors.the.stupid.drawing.but.the.c-l-i-e-n-t in charge of releasing the porno with text.

Person colors the drawing. Shows it to client. Client says "make her pussy shine" and colorist does what he/she says to get paid or else.

If it was up to him and he had his own way of hacking things, it probably wouldn't be so rubbery.

>> No.11017233


The original post yo responded to

>> No.11017245

His reply still holds then. It’s not that the person doing the colouring is shitty, it’s that this is what the client wants.

>> No.11017243
File: 63 KB, 320x240, Toheart_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main hurdle I have to overcome when I want to play an old eroge is the horrible art. Can't say I understand where OP is coming from.

>> No.11017266

People say the same shit about Oyari and he can't draw attractive females to save his life either. Eroge are not their forte, that's pretty obvious.

>> No.11017277

Well I was blaming the colorist but his posts made it sounds like I was blaming the person who did the lineart.

This is what you call aged art, not horrible art.
Swap the face with Itaru or Nishimata and you're all set.

>> No.11017289

The problem is that you have no taste.
ES is proof that he's been taken recent trends, though.

>> No.11017294

Epic bait, mate.

>> No.11017295

>This is what you call aged art, not horrible art.
this stuff doesn't really age like fine wine, the girls are either cute or they're not, and in most they're really fucking not when it comes to the old stuff.

>> No.11017305

Well there's always To Heart PSE if the original doesn't catch your fancy.

>> No.11017338

Uziga is only famous (mostly e-famous) for how fucked up his drawings are and I'm pretty sure he is more regarded as someone who draws bizarre porn as opposed to people like Suehiro Maruo. I mean, his works were published in some fetish anthologies.

>> No.11017356

>published in fetish anthologies

>> No.11017367

Not all artists get their work published in fetish anthologies.

>> No.11017420

You made your post sound like having an art exhibition with Waita Uziga is some kind of a big deal. I just wanted you to know that he's not as famous as you might think and now I'd like to add that he's not even a good artist on top of that. If it weren't for his fucked up drawings, he would never gain any kind of popularity and he would end up as another generic h-mangaka.


This is a single issue of a magazine he used to have his works published in. You might notice that all other artists (save for Horihone Saizou maybe) aren't very good and that the magazine itself is pretty niche.

>> No.11018126
File: 345 KB, 566x800, POS08b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's popular enough considering what he draws.
Also, I never said he was a good artist, just that he is popular.

>> No.11019635
File: 150 KB, 200x470, 4758-474169137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got the Ange chin

>> No.11020079

This argument seems a bit odd. I mean, artists on average won't be magically better now than they were 10-15 years ago. Sure, digital tools to improve an artists productivity have gotten much better, but so have expectations in terms of image quality and quantity. You can't make a premium priced game off a few dozen 640x480 stills, no matter how beautiful you think the artist's works are.

>> No.11020142

Nostalgiafags are the fucking awful no matter the medium. Old or new, pleasant art is pleasant. Cherrypicking on either side proves nothing and you cannot state a general trend as evidence because it boils down to a subjective understanding of art and aesthetic.

Art is a conspiracy.

>> No.11020173

So green, i wonder who you might've been quoting?

>> No.11020304


>> No.11022143
File: 154 KB, 1024x576, guishen_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not nostalgiafagging.

Go look at recent releases and see how many games you can find that don't use SHINY effects instead of actual effort put into the art.

It's a fact that very rarely do character artists also work on backgrounds now.

If I worked on manga I'm sure as hell going to be better than some random jackass who draws kawaii girls eating for a living.

It's fine that you like SHINY unfinished art, but don't try to deny it. The new guys can't draw besides the guys Liar-soft finds. Others just draw closeups and they never have a chance to improve their skills.

Sure, there was plenty of shitty art back then, but they had their own style. Which is more than you can say for LENS GLARE smothered eroge.

Which sucks is that even some of the few veterans left are being affected by this trend.
Compare ES to his pastel stuff for Little Witch.

Here's a shitty lens glare image

>> No.11022161

>What the fuck happened?
Different team.
Anyway. "Generic art style"? It's pretty much the same style.

>> No.11022172

Holy shit, the sun on the bottom picture looks awful. So fucking lazy.
DC has been around all these years with the same artist and they're still just as bad.

>> No.11022746
File: 266 KB, 1200x1724, Leaf_Style_Book_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare White Album 2 to Tennai

>> No.11022758

That looks awful.

>> No.11022778

>I don't like the direction eroge art is taking!
That's what you sound like , besides its not like your current social groups can do anything about it except act butt frustrated

>> No.11022783
File: 614 KB, 1200x1698, tasogare001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to WA2? No. Are you the same guy who thinks Little Witch's art sucks?

>> No.11022788

I am not sure how you could possibly think >>11022746 is a mark of quality.

>> No.11022798
File: 23 KB, 512x288, YU_NO_1574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun eating shit, man.

>> No.11022803

I like little witch but I think everyone just has their own opinion on what makes "good" art, I can also see why some people would not like Ashito's loooong girls.

>> No.11022811
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you not read? You're pretty dense.
>compared to

>> No.11022815

Sure, but I don't see how you can deny the lack of technique being applied to the art.

>> No.11022821

It might be better, but is it a different style?

>> No.11022826

People aren't cardboard cutouts, so yeah his style is pretty different there.
