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11001593 No.11001593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, fellow NEETs. What do you do when you're depressed?

I haven't been depressed in months. Life in general sucks and the next thing I know, my heart feels heavy. What do?

>> No.11001595

I just go to sleep when I feel depressed.

>> No.11001601
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Get a hobby. I recommend weightlifting.

>> No.11001607

It will only get worse if you don't go see a psychiatrist. When I first started my NEET-hood I had just random bouts of mild depression. Now I'm a Hiki and am incapable of enjoying anything. I don't play games or read or do anything in all of my free time that I should be enjoying. I just browse the internet aimlessly, only feeling negative emotions.

>> No.11001611

I look for new games to play. It's like an adventure, and adventure is fun.

>> No.11001616

This is going to come across as very lame, but breathe deeply. If you're depressed because of worry, start letting it go. Focus on just breathing.
Then start to think of the good things that can still happen in life. It can be simple, but try to think grand and delusional. The more optimism you build for yourself, the better, even if you know it's fake. Just think of the good things that can happen.
Now here's the tricky part: eventually you have to realize that while very little of what you just thought is possible, it's okay. Come to terms with the fact that you won't get to do all the awesome things you just thought. You're still going to have a good life, it just won't be THAT awesome. But it won't always be this shitty, either. You'll have moments like these, where things just SUCK, but there will be some good times, too. Just take everything in stride as often as possible.

>> No.11001622
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Play some games, read a manga, listen music drink alcohol, start taking some antidepressives, do whatever it helps to forget existence, you gay nerd, keep your mind busy, you won't have the time to feel like shit,

>> No.11001632

I lived as a Hiki for 2 months. I can't say I was negative or not enjoying life, but it was a bad time for me. My solution? I opened the fucking door and went for a walk. I started hanging out with my friends again. I TALKED to people.
Go interact with people, you'll get better. Like, not tomorrow or the week after. Today. As close to right now as fucking possible. Close down these shitty threads, turn off your computer, put on some shoes and go for a 5 to 10 minute walk. It'll start from there.

>> No.11001640
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I go to work every day and I hate going outside and talking with people. I can't wait until I'm back inside and I can shut myself in to lurk /jp/ and look at cute 2hus.

>> No.11001642

Go singing loudly in the woods for a few days. Eat an animal.

>> No.11001647

Oh look, its another "Dude just go outside and everything will get better" posts. I love these ones. Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere, if I go outside all I see are open fields. There's no one around here. I've given people like you the benefit of the doubt a couple of times and "wen't outside" I actually got on the local transit bus and wen't to the library in town. It was an awful experience to say the least. Not a single person talked to me and when I tried to initiate a conversation with some random girl in the magazine section, she seemed scared like I was going to rape her or something and ran off. Yeah man, that really improved my mood when I got home. (Sarcasm)

Just face it, the world is shit and some people just have shitty luck and were meant to live a shitty life and die alone.

>> No.11001654

>if I go outside all I see are open fields
Dude, where in the world do you live? Wanna switch places?

>> No.11001658

lie in my bed and listen to music in the dark, hoping i get the courage to kill myself
i cant even f5 imageboards if i am depress, cant do anything

>> No.11001662

I have the same situation as him.
I'll switch you two weeks out of each month.
I want to experience being a city shut in for a while

>> No.11001663

>if I go outside all I see are open fields

And you are fucking complaining
Fucking neurotypical wannabe scum

>> No.11001664


>> No.11001665
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>Just face it, the world is shit and some people just have shitty luck and were meant to live a shitty life and die alone.
right in the feelios

>> No.11001672

age 8^)

>> No.11001670

Depression and feels go to >>>/r9k/

>> No.11001678

The janitor disagrees don't bother him about it!

>> No.11001688


>> No.11001689

i've been a NEET for a month now and i'm incredibly bored and i feel like i can't even do anything

>> No.11001690

Ha, ha. Now you'll *never* get out! Welcome.

>> No.11001692

Somebody to talk to about it might help. If you want I mean...

>> No.11001695

It gets shittier in the upcoming months.

Been a NEET for a year.

And now I realized that my existence is a fleeting one.

>> No.11001693

Kill yourselves! Then you won't be depressed anymore.

>> No.11001694


Just a month and you're already feeling bored and helpless? Try two years for starters before you consider yourself stuck in a hole.

>> No.11001700

>I lived as a Hiki for 2 months

Its cute when people say nonsense such as this

>> No.11001702

