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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10998700 No.10998700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10998714

judgement desu no

>> No.10998718

>>showing child violence in cartoons

See Japan, this is why nobody likes you.

>> No.10998724

this is what I'd do if i heard her voice irl

>> No.10998726

What does it sound like when a voice irles?

>> No.10998736

I think it sounds like water going down a plughole.

>> No.10998742
File: 16 KB, 275x277, WPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.10998750

I like her voice.

>> No.10998791

Yeah really what's with this scene? Is it just out of contxt or something?

Everything in Japan is abusive or violent against girls. Why is that?

>> No.10998798

The guy was robbing a bank, Kuroko tried to play hero and messed up, then she got her shit rocked like in the pic.

>> No.10998807

Not everything at all, the people who make animu, mango etc are misogynists by their nerdy nature. Plenty of issues to go around.

>> No.10998813

This is a really, really bad thread.

>> No.10998818

Me in the back.

>> No.10998816

Feminist garbage

>> No.10998817

I disagree

>> No.10998822

It's more like equal opportunity abuse.

>> No.10998828


But isn't this for like teenagers and shit? Not ugly worthless adult otaku types?

Isn't that kind of counter productive, especially in light of their population problems and their possible extinction?

>> No.10998825


When did it become unacceptable to show concepts in media?

>> No.10998826

who are you quoting?

>> No.10998832

It's Railgun dude.

>> No.10998830
File: 411 KB, 900x695, Hayao_Miyazaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In real life, I do think women get a bad rap in most anime. I get that it's mostly aimed at guys, but it's the sort of thing that ruins my immersion and completely takes me out of whatever I'm watching.

It is possible to make anime without it being misogynistic garbage, and it works fine. Pic related.

>> No.10998833

There's like 120 million japanese people, I don't think we need to revalue them on the extinction-index.

>> No.10998834
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>> No.10998835




Retards good company.


>> No.10998836


This may seem silly, but a lot of shit like this is still in network broadcasting standards. Even for adult programming, you can't show a knife piercing flesh, show hard drug use in a positive light, etc.

>> No.10998837
File: 28 KB, 718x349, tenchi slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best kind of abuse

>> No.10998838

But men are rarely seriously abused or even killed in Japanese media these days. It's usually the wacky punch into space after walking in on her dressing or something.

But the violence against girls in shows is constant these days.

And really, violently face kicking a kid? What's the appeal in that?

>> No.10998839

Oh my god please put up a trigger warning. Comical violence scenes give me terrible flashbacks.

>> No.10998843

It's called slapstick and it's intended to be humorous.

>> No.10998844

Yeah, Index is a LN series, typically aimed at teens and young adults.

What is your point?

>> No.10998845
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, ss (2013-05-24 at 12.49.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But men are rarely seriously abused or even killed in Japanese media these days. It's usually the wacky punch into space after walking in on her dressing or something.

That's still abuse.

>> No.10998846
File: 431 KB, 800x600, jarjar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious, I couldn't give a shit about feminism, but I give a shit when feminism or misogyny affect my cartoons. I feel the same way about fanservice. The outside world shouldn't affect the story like that. Characters shouldn't wear certain clothes because it sells merchandise, nor should their tits conveniently land on the camera because it gives teenagers something to jerk off to.

It's pandering and dumb in the same way the Star Wars prequels were. I don't want a toy advert or the "cool shit" the producers think the fans want, I want a good story that stands by itself.

>> No.10998847

No, that's >>10998843

Much like how >>10998834 is harmless as far as I'm concerned but >>10998700 is in another category.

And I'm not even including the sexualization, objectifiication, infitilization, etc etc.

>> No.10998848

>I'm serious
Even worse.

>> No.10998852

You shouldn't assume that the majority of fans desire the same things as you.

>> No.10998856

A man getting hit for no reason isn't abuse now but a man hitting a woman because he has an objective and that girl is trying to arrest him is abuse?

Fucking feminist.

>> No.10998853


I really cannot fathom why you'd be watching such a medium with that attitude.

>> No.10998855
File: 1.59 MB, 320x240, reagan-slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a relic of a more conservative time. Watch any movie from the 50s, you see men slapping women when they get hysterical or whatever. Obviously that wouldn't happen (in real life or in cinema) today. Japan is a little behind, that's all.

>> No.10998858

So the constant rape as a plot device is just as benign as slapping?

Or kicking a kid across the fucking face?

>> No.10998860

He should prostrate himself before her while checking his male privilege.

>> No.10998861
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>And really, violently face kicking a kid? What's the appeal in that?
Maybe she was being a bitch. Do you even know the context?

>> No.10998862

Did you even watch the show? Him kicking her wasn't a random act of abuse.
