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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10990740 No.10990740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/

Can somebody please identify this song for me? I really think it might be a song by the circle Knights of Round, or at least by one of their members (Toshinori Hiramatsu or Jesus is Dead).


Can someone please confirm if it is or isn't a Knights of Round song? I've already tried reverse-searching it on Audiotag.info, but it failed.

>> No.10990809


>> No.10990889

Bass is gay.
With that said does anyone know where I can get authentic japanese guitar tabs, of /jp/ quality?

>> No.10990896

Bass is not gay.

Are you retarted?

>> No.10990895

>Bass is gay
I don't play it but I call you on your bullshits anon! Bass is a true friend and dear companion of us guitarbros.

>> No.10990905

It's gay, man up and play a real guitar homolords.

>> No.10990910

Im not gay!

I play my violin like a true artist~

>> No.10990916

Enjoy your no low end.

>> No.10990954

Implying you can even hear that shit in most songs. inb4 but muh $500 headphones

>> No.10991012
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I have some easy 2hu piano stuff, why don't you give up guitar and start learning the piano?

>> No.10991517

You can try here: http://gakufu.gakki.me/
Also bass is beyond gay, I have only ever seen low IQ normies play it. That's why you see a lot of women play it in jap bands.

>> No.10991531

But are any of them good bassist?

>> No.10991667 [DELETED] 

Of course, I only listen to highly obscure, and highly technical japanese bands. Of course it doesn't take much to be a godly bassist, at least compare to a guitar.

>> No.10991671

Of course, I only listen to highly obscure, and highly technical japanese bands. Of course it doesn't take much to be a godly bassist, at least compared to a guitar.

>> No.10991701

If you can't hear the bass on bootleg speakers and $10 headphones, you're fucking deaf, son. Get your ears checked up.

>> No.10994899

Anyone got any violin sheet music?

>> No.10995434

Why is Aya such a bitch?

>> No.10995521
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All female journalists are like that.

>> No.10995532

She's not that bad.

>> No.10996050

Spoken like a true guitarhero fag.
Get some musical knowledge you dipshit.
7/10 you upset a bass player

>> No.10996059

No one fucks the bassplayer so you are correct.

>> No.10996105

Have you ever been on stage playing with a band before? You sound like that kid who likes guitar hero and probably never even be on stage and thinks playing bass is "Gay".

>> No.10996107

How does it feel to be gay?

>> No.10996139

who GRIDLINK here

>> No.10996145

I dont know, since im not gay? I dont play the bass btw, though i have played guitar for 10 years.

>> No.10996149

look at all these crossboarders using punctuation, capitalization and not saging

>> No.10996165

use your ear faggot

>> No.10996176

Bass is for people who are shit at guitar.

>> No.10996299

Upsetting Bass players isn't hard.

>> No.10996303

how do I get better at doing that?

>> No.10996327

Who Les Rallizes Denudes here?

>> No.10996330

Use your ear for progressively more complicated songs. Practice identifying separate guitar parts when listening to songs.

>> No.10996370

I can play both and they are each difficult in their own ways.

>> No.10996378


Start off listening to something simple. Like Seven Nations Army. Then turn the difficulty up to 11 by listening to anything with many instruments. -- Fail miserably, then go back to something simple and try it out.

Repeat until it becomes a passive skill.

>> No.10996877

So I'd have to have a pretty good handle on the scales and stuff.

>> No.10996889

Google The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory. This is probably the best guide to that kind of stuff you can find, and despite the name, the content is quite interesting.

>> No.10996958

I'd also recommend Ravenspiral's guide. Google it. It's informal and not very "academic", but it's good.

>> No.10999774
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Alright, thanks.

>> No.10999971


I've been on stage a lot. We went through a dozen bass players trying to find one that wasn't gay.

>> No.10999969

lol i bet i can play faster on bass than you can on guitar

>> No.11000050

Yeah, shame you only have 4 strings to take advantage of that. Maybe 5 if you're slightly less gay.

>> No.11000069

>needing more than 4 strings

>> No.11000094

>le green text who am i quoting maymeey
Yep, typical Bass player. And being satisfied with 4 strings is one of the defining qualities of being gay.

>> No.11000090

Funny, I've had the same problem with guitarists.

>> No.11000101


We tried to find a second guitarist at one point and it was a disaster.

>> No.11000117

So, what kind of bass does everyone have?

>> No.11000134

>second guitarist

>> No.11000141

Rhythm and lead.

My own band did so for a while.

>> No.11000150

>guitar player refusing to admit he is wrong about something

what else is new

>> No.11000149
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Iron Maiden has three.

>> No.11000159

You already have fucking bass and drums for that.

>> No.11000167

I'm a keyboardist and think they're both being ridiculous.

Instrumentalists are instrumentalists no matter what they play. Though, if they play the triangle....

>> No.11000168

why is /jp/ trying to be /ug/

>> No.11000185
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That might work on your homeboard /v/, but not here turbonerd.

>> No.11000189

It's called "rhythm" not because they're keeping rhythm - rhythm guitarists tend to syncopate and strum muted and open chords/power chords into 8ths and such in order to provide a fuller tone, freeing up a lead guitarist to focus on the lead section, which cannot (or is verrrry difficult) also be played simultaneously to playing the rhythmic sections.

>> No.11000193

And I always thought that was retarded.

>> No.11000196

Also, having "duelling" original guitar solos live onstage with a hyped up audience is awesome beyond words.

>> No.11000204

I haven't even posted in this thread but you retards are fucking retarded. Jesus christ. Fuck you all. I hope you fucking die.

>> No.11000201

>rhythm guitarists tend to syncopate and strum muted and open chords/power chords into 8ths and such in order to provide a fuller tone, freeing up a lead guitarist to focus on the lead section
As I said, bass.

>> No.11000213

Why are Bass players so immature /jp/? Do you think there is a link between being gay and being immature?

>> No.11000227

The bass encompasses the subs and low-mids, from around 20Hz-100Hz and fits into the mix perfectly. Absent a second guitarist, you'd have to modify a current source's frequencies for the purpose of filling some of the open space in the 80Hz-400Hz range, add another source (backing track or another instrument into the mix), or risk having your live mix sounding very empty.

>> No.11000268


>> No.11000310

And yet bands do fine without a second guitarist. Who'd have thought, eh?

>> No.11000319


>> No.11000358


>> No.11000361

Note the crossed legs and effeminate voice.

Note the guitarist comfortable enough in his masculinity to be able to do this.

>> No.11000362

It depends on the song. Songs made for two guitars should be played by two guitars. A song composed for a whole orchestra should be played by a whole orchestra. Songs made to be played by a single acoustic guitar should be played by a single guitarist. That's all there's to it.

If his band often play songs made for two guitarists, then they'll need two guitarists. I can't understand why you are even arguing about it with him.

>> No.11000368

Amazing bass-only songs? Amazing bass-only songs.


>> No.11000372

The classic


>> No.11000381

Simply beautiful.

>> No.11000382

Wow, that's super cute.

>> No.11000387

This thread is getting gayer by the minute.

>> No.11000990

Bass a shit.

>> No.11001262

Why are there so many cross-boarders on /jp/? Why must you fag up the place with any mention of Bass?

>> No.11001275

Good job bumping the thread from page 5+.

>> No.11001345

It's a talent.

>> No.11001542
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another bass player here
turns out bass players get pussy too

>> No.11001847

Yeah, manpussy that is!

>> No.11001857

Fuck you two. The most handsome and beautiful score the most.

>> No.11001860

We all know the bass players never get laid, even when the whole rest of the band fucks the singer every night.

>> No.11001876

I could almost agree with you...

>> No.11001889

Exactly, Bass players are the worst kind of gays, the ones that can't even get laid.

>> No.11004817


This is my favourite tab, I just thought I'd share.

>> No.11004841

>Composer: Masafumi Takada
>Tabber: XxBruksxX
Such a dignified combination of names.

>> No.11004849

Have you listened to his album? I especially love this song.


>> No.11005307

My beautiful thread, what have you done to it?

>> No.11005319

We cast teh gay on it.

>> No.11005409

You doomed it from the start with your gays.

>> No.11005415
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>> No.11005704

Bassss issss gayyy

>> No.11010197

Why does no one answer OP's question?

>> No.11010328

Hello OP

>> No.11010438


>> No.11015562

I like Bass players.

>> No.11015614
File: 135 KB, 568x634, 1346066879825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical Bass player, of course they weren't shy or intimidated, though they might think that. They are in fact gay.

>> No.11016889

On Nico the bass players always look more homo than then average nip.

>> No.11016932

It's like I'm reading a thread by fourth graders.

>> No.11020056

What do you expect from bassists.

>> No.11020100

Bass is for people who failed at playing guitar.

>> No.11021477

Bass is just as technical as guitar.

>> No.11024558

Bass is not as gay as violin or cello.

>> No.11026108


>> No.11026114

Word, bass is for people who are too lazy to learn the guitar.

I play bass for that reason.

>> No.11026117

Hey bandfags, everyone says bass guitar doesn't get you laid. No matter what you play on it.

I would like to inform you all that I have been a bassist for 3 years and a tuba player for 1. Bass has gotten me laid once. Tuba has gotten me laid 5 times (different girls).

Wtf guys. It might be a bass but it's still kinda a guitar? Someone explain this to me, please.

>> No.11026123
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>> No.11026127

So in a way, Bass is the goto instrument for a /jp/er? Makes sense considering the amount of gay on this board and my denial.
