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10990574 No.10990574 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>10974608

What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
What have you finished?
You know the drill.

>> No.10990771 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 816x659, matte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly going through Asairo, enjoying it a lot. This moment alone brought a tear to my eye.

Need to finish it and pick up Grisaia before the English patch comes out (or at least as soon as it comes out) to avoid the impending spoilers that'll be going around everywhere, though. Now that I think about it, I really should've started on it long before.

>> No.10990780

Playing Qualiaffordance. Goddamn this MC is a pushover. Also, is it just me or is there even less animation than in School Days?

>> No.10990863

Playing Reminiscence, finished Rin and Nozomi's routes.
The game showed quite an interesting setting during the auction arc, I hope this will be well used in the following routes, I guess the stuff hinted during the illegal android arc will be concluded during Accela's route too.
Well Kizuna, Aki and Accela seem to be the main girls so I guess their routes will be more satisfying than Rin/Nozomi, I hope
It's pretty funny how the common part of Reminiscence is basically longer than the entirety of the first Akatsuki no Goei, people who were saying it was short were crazy or just thought ctrling through the entire game could somehow reveal its length.

Anyways it's pretty great so far even if the routes of Rin and Nozomi felt more like sub routes than anything

>> No.10990884

Oh yeah, the game starting having a lot of typos starting with the second half of the common route, I guess that's where Kinugasa started to relax

>> No.10990897

There are a couple of conversations where the only thing he says is "Huh?" "What?" "Why?". He's pretty bad.

And yeah, each girl has full screen animations only in certain scenes. To save money, obviously.

>> No.10991109

ChuSingura46+1 is finally out.
Goddam I'm expecting a lot from this, the trial was pretty great

>> No.10991128


>> No.10991188

>There are a couple of conversations where the only thing he says is "Huh?" "What?" "Why?". He's pretty bad.

Yeah. I just got to Mayuno's confession and he's making me want to punch something.

>> No.10991243

2013 seems to be going pretty well compared to 2012. I downloaded 12 new releases this month, and I'm still waiting on Yumekoi. That's got to be a personal record.

Anyone tried Jesus 13th yet?

>> No.10991258

Yes, felt pretty boring so I dropped it, the setting is pretty chuuni so it could get better later but I probably won't go back to it.

>> No.10991265

what is chuuni

>> No.10991281
File: 170 KB, 800x600, chuuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff like this

>> No.10991293

Yeah, the trial was great. I'm expecting alot from this too.
Time to avoid this thread, I guess.

>> No.10991442

I won't read it now, it's supposed to be really, really long so I want to finish everything else first, namely Reminiscence, Naname and maybe Magical Charming

>> No.10991464

Finished 天使のいない12月. I loved the cast and the amazing soundtrack, and the art was also very nice. While it was quite painful and sad from start to end, I felt that the characters still had a humanly warmth.
I'll be focusing on my backlog for now, maybe more Leaf since this and WA2 are the only Leaf games I have played.

>> No.10991466

Is this any good? I feel like trying it since it has Nazis in it but i'm not sure.

>> No.10991477

If you like chuuni, it's very good. I personally can't stand chuuni, so I didn't like it very much.

>> No.10991478

I don't particularly like chuuni but Dies Irae really grows on you after things start making sense.
The writing and characterization are amazing

>> No.10991497
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, too bad for hidetaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like she wants to be in a ntr doujin

>> No.10991521 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 816x659, WHAAAAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT was what Araragi was worrying about? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Feeling like the writer just trolled me hard.

>> No.10991526

That's not even the worst troll awaiting you in the next couple of hours.

>> No.10991532
File: 175 KB, 816x659, Too bad it wasn't supposed to be a joke in the first place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta brace myself, then.
Also, this is supposed to be a serious story, right? So far, there's been quite a lot of comedy. Not that I don't like that, of course.
This is definitely "donkan protagonist" done right.

>> No.10991537

The serious story starts kicking in when you start the second chapter and halfway through it you get the actual plot.

>> No.10991542

Alright, thanks.

>> No.10991544

Is the nazi teacher of much significance?

>> No.10991548

It's a nazi school that is there to turn them into super gestapo.
I haven't actually read that far into it, but I doubt that this is true. It's pretty much from me misreading something near the beginning and then thinking of a stupid pun that lead to this thought.

>> No.10991550

i'm playing True Remembrance
btw, why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.10991553

I started it last year but dropped it because it was clear I didn’t understand shit.
It’s quite a mysterious school.

>> No.10991556

Not really. She's a fun chuunibyo teacher at least.

>> No.10991563

This is what I'm afraid will happen to me as well. If it does happen, it'll just be one down in my backlog, at least.

>> No.10991564 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 1280x715, maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought Hidetaka was ruthless, Maria gets me hard.
I hope I get to a route soon though.

>> No.10991565

To be honest I didn't enjoy Asairo's first chapter at all. The story has no direction and the characters have little to no motivations/goals so it feels there's nothing to look forward to or hold your interest. There is lots of written descriptions about boring daily things I don't care about like food. The reuse of jokes gets old really fast as well. Voice actors for some of the girls feel really out of place as well. I suppose it has its atmosphere but I'm not a fan of it either.

>> No.10991567

I still haven't managed to get through the first chapter for exactly these reasons. It's been almost half a year now.

>> No.10991568

You are at the end of the common part.
Enjoy your short route

>> No.10991571

Maybe I just have shit taste or something, but I'm enjoying it immensely. Almost as if I don't want serious shit to go down.
Until which day is chapter 1, anyway? I'm now on September 26th.

>> No.10991573

Thank god, I'm enjoying the common part, but I just saw no end to it and want to advance with the plot even if it means going through Nozomi/Rin. I like them, though, especially Rin.

>> No.10991617

How big of a part does Kaito play in Reminiscence anyways?

>> No.10992182

Finished Reminiscence. Great game with a route structure I've never really liked. The pacing is something you don't see very often in eroge, it always made me want to know what happens next and I was entertained all the way through.

But holy shit, why was there not a single heroine that was somehow relevant to Hidetaka's job. Madoka would have been perfect, maybe even Maria. Instead you get fucking Nozomi who might as well be a random background character.

I really hope this gets a FD or sequel, because there were plenty of unresolved plot-threads (and delicious unfuckable girls). I thought Maria was going to be the final boss for example but no, she just disapperas from the story after what amounts to a declaration of war. I also didn't expect Ren to remain pure. That was kind of disappointing.

>How big of a part does Kaito play in Reminiscence anyways?
Big enough. He even gets his own bonus scenario, it's basically the story from his perspective

>> No.10992198

>The reuse of jokes gets old really fast as well.

>> No.10992208

Were Aki/Kizuna/Accela routes longer than Rin/Nozomi or all about the same?

>> No.10992217

Aki and especially Kizuna are longer than the rest.

>> No.10992227

So Kizuna is better left for last then? Good to know, was expecting something good out of it.

>> No.10992300

You've got to feel sorry for Isobe, he might be a stupid shit but getting used like that is pretty terrible. Thank god Madoka kind of gets what she deserves and ends up alone[/spoilers]

>> No.10993301

The routes of Rin and Nozomi were pretty much garbage, well at least Rin got some good scenes during the common part so it even out but Nozomi is a completely useless character.
I really hope the other routes will be better

>> No.10993531

I've started Aki and it looks promising, that family is so fucked up I can't wait to see what the fuck happens.

>> No.10993758

finished reminiscence.

not bad, but there's just something wrong that I don't know how to put into words...

>> No.10993770

He should have had a big dick. I can't self-insert into this.

>> No.10993949

Lack of 感動.
It's pretty much constantly entertaining to read but it never really peaks.
I'm eagerly waiting for a sequel that could go deeper into the setting

>> No.10994199

Aki's route started well with the backstory but ended up in a pretty bland way, the attempt at drama in the end didn't really work with me
I guess I have to expect the good stuff from Kizuna's route, I hope all the foreshadowings will go somewhere

>> No.10994209

Oh yeah, I sure hope that's not the only thing about Hidetaka's older sister! that will be shown.
That would be pretty bad considering all the foreshadowing about it since the beginning of the game.

>> No.10994222

Does anyone know an easy to read VN for beginners?

>> No.10994236

everyge is easyge

>> No.10994244

You're better off searching the archive for common questions like that. Anyway, 恋愛0キロメートル is a pretty easy read.

>> No.10994300
File: 546 KB, 1360x768, hnnngggggggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question gets asked all the time. Depends on how "easy" you want. Pretty much all nukige and moege are good for starters. You might wanna try out the recently released Lovely x Cation 2 if that's your cup of tea. Best vanilla H I've read in a while.

For more specific recommendations:

Midori no Umi is retarded mystery stuff with interesting premise.
Caucasus is really easy for Innocent Grey title.
Baldr Sky and Root Double are both rather easy for being scifi though they're long as hell.
SubaHibi is not actually that hard apart from very few economy / math discussions. You're going to have much more trouble catching all the references.
Twinkle Crusaders and it's fan disc are also really easy to read. It's spiritual ancestor Princess Witches is also great but slightly harder.

>> No.10994458


>> No.10994661

can anyone recommend newer games with older looking women? I checked everything for this month but its all high school and loli shit. was there anything good released in the past few months. preferrably one were the milf has good ends. I hate shit where there are only bad ends.

>> No.10994667

Fuck off, milf autist, and take your shit taste with you.

>> No.10994711

I'm not the milf autist. is it that difficult to think that someone has different tastes than you. can someone anwer my question please?

>> No.10994717

The problem is that you have different tastes than most here.
You'll just have to rely on VNDB's tags or something.

>> No.10994733

Your post looks exactly like how milf autist would post. Especially your lack of capitalizing the beginning of a sentence. Also, insulting someone elses taste by calling it "loli shit" is not going to help get you a helpful answer.

>> No.10994912

Actually, I enjoy older women/onee-san prototypes more than anything, but loli doesn't equal shit in my dictionary, and I think they can even be fun characters, e.g. I like Illear. Milf autist just doesn't appreciate the concept of 十人十色 so nobody with similar tastes that frequents this thread cares about helping him.

>> No.10994975


I've always wanted to try this series, guess now I have no excuse not to.

>> No.10994977

That and he can't read Japanese anyway, so why bother giving him suggestions?

>> No.10995027
File: 190 KB, 816x659, 手.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They failed to make it, but I never understood what it was that they were making even after it happened.
Does this mean my Japanese comprehension level is too low for this and that I should just drop it?

>> No.10995294
File: 98 KB, 700x394, cg02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also thought that Tsuyokiss next would similiar to first one, but isnt this too much similiar? i mean yes tsuyokiss was a pretty good game and i really liked it,especially fukahire was one of those special characters which makes me laugh hard but shouldnt they at least change the cgs?

>> No.10995397

I really wanted to play End Sleep, but it never gets uploaded. ;_;

>> No.10995562

It's actually supposed to be a secret.

>> No.10995628

Oh, right. Before I finished the first chapter and got to the time rewinding bit, I thought the Ayanashisai part was finished, so I was wondering whether I missed it.
Thanks, anyway.

>> No.10995656

It has horrible sales, I doubt it will get uploaded.

>> No.10995756

what,tsuyokiss next dont even have a proper release date dude we just know that it will be released at some time in 2013,i guess you mistaken with something else.

>> No.10995801

Oops I misquoted, I meant it for >>10995397

>> No.10995892

Weren't they dressing all the dead trees in autumn-colored decorations that resemble leaves?

>> No.10995903

No idea yet, (and I'd like to not know, since apparently it's supposed to be a secret for) but that seems unlike since they were doing it inside. I thought the paper decorations thing was something to do with Waka and whatever mystery that revolves around her.

>> No.10995918

It's a shame. Murder mysteries are my absolute favorite. I'll keep an eye out for reviews on EGS because I'm actually considering buying this if it's good.

>> No.10995917

>I'd like to not know
too late, you can thank that guy

>> No.10995921

Well, fuck. Hope the whole thing isn't going to be ruined because of that.

>> No.10995958

Probably due to the fact that the original writer (Takahiro) left Candysoft so they are simply milking the tits out of Tsuyokiss.

Maybe I'm just bias cause I love his stuff

>> No.10995986

I dont have much knowledge about writes,just common ones like Nasu, Jun Maeda, Romeo, Ryukishi, Gen etc.Hell i dont even know if he is famous or not,but since i really liked first tsuyokiss game i guess he is pretty good, so can you suggest me some games from him? also is there any site where i can get information about writes like which games wroten by who etc? EGS doesnt work with my country and for some reason i couldnt even open it with proxy.

>> No.10995992


>> No.10996009

takahiro also write Nee, Chanto Shiyou Yo! too right? Still being milk by Candysoft as well.
The guy love nee-san

>> No.10996021 [DELETED] 

i have read all MinatoSoft games (or more like all majikoi games + Kimiaru),also read Motto Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo but it seems this one wasnt writen by Takahiro,does this one good enough for reading? or is there any other games written by him?

>> No.10996019

>The guy love nee-san
But Majikoi's nee-san was terrible.

>> No.10996024

i have read all MinatoSoft games (or more like all majikoi games + Kimiaru),also read Motto Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo but it seems this one wasnt writen by Takahiro,does first one good enough for reading? or is there any other games written by him?

>> No.10996078

Can someone mirror the new Reminiscene 1.02 patch?
I can't download it due to the gaijin block.

>> No.10996080 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 1296x759, qualiaffordance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that route was pretty retarded.

>> No.10996124


Have at it Hoss.

>> No.10996128

When you read a VN, do you picture yourself as the main character, or do you think of him as someone else?

>> No.10996132


Someone else, like for everything.

>> No.10996134

I like to self insert as the lolis

>> No.10996166

Hahaha what the fuck

I only read Miki's route but damn

>> No.10996292
File: 94 KB, 1040x614, aasdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I just finished Ichijou route.
This isn't quite what I was expecting going by the name 一条END, but I suppose it fits this story.

Are the other routes like this...?

I guess this route did a good job of getting me used to the kanji and basic back story, though. The real story starts from the other arcs, I presume?

>> No.10996304

Nah, the main story arc with Hikaru doesn't get properly off the ground until the final route.

Kanae's route is still pretty good though and it has some really memorable parts.

>> No.10996635

If you still need it.

>> No.10996696

I didn't expect the omake of Reminiscence you unlock after doing every routes to have an opening.

>> No.10996903

Dunno, I'm pretty sure it was starting to get really obvious somewhere along the way. And wasn't really that big an event anyway.

>> No.10996925

From the way the story is going now, I had almost forgotten about Ayanashisai. Guess there's no need to worry about that very much.

>> No.10996935

The Ayashinasai is mostly a premise/plot device for the game and bring the team together.
Doesn't really have much importance overall.

>> No.10997070 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1280x720, 425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god the extra story in Reminiscence Reika dying in Shuumatsuron is canon
Fucking Kinugasa

>> No.10997110

I think Kinugasa is going for Ren is Reika's reincarnation.
There's probably plan for Reminiscence 2/Akatsuki no Goei 2 with Kaito as the protag and Ren the main heroine.

>> No.10997136

I hope, that bastard really makes a game as MC even if everything else fails.

>> No.10997161

I hope he will make a sequel because the routes were just rushed. The routes of Rin and Nozomi could as well not exist, Aki's route actually answer something that was developed during the entire game but it still had something missing and the ending was just abrupt.
Accela's route has almost the same plot as Kizuna's so it kind of feel useless.

And for Kizuna while cute is barely a character even in her own route and the whole thing with Karasawa in the end was again extremely abrupt.
I can't be the only one who was disappointed by Kizuna, after all the hints of her growing to be the greatest badass ever in Shuumatsuron she does nothing there.

At least Kyoichi was awesome and Ren was cute, the common part was damn great too.

>> No.10997186

Been a while since I played it, but did that happen in Reika's bad end?

>> No.10997216

That's the first end you get.

>> No.10997231

But if I remember it right Kaito didn't make it in time, she was already dead not dying by the time he found her.

>> No.10997419

Thank for fucking my day.

>> No.10997527

Does it make you upset when every other is just borrowed from English and all that time you invested learning Japanese has just been a waste when they eventually just switch over?

>> No.10997554

Does it really matter when the only thing we do is look at the CG set and make up our own stories?

>> No.10997550

>eventually just switch over
this will never happen, so no

>> No.10997569

Honestly I find that the kanji helps give my head canon much more depth. I can come up with some very DEEP bs about even common names and how they relate to the darker underside of the route, even in an average moege. I for one would not approve of our katakana only overlords.

>> No.10997577
File: 192 KB, 1286x745, 2013-06-05 15_06_26-Magical Charming!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with the recent trend of literal fags in my moege?

>> No.10997584

They tend to make for best girls, which is the real problem.

>> No.10997594

>They tend to make for best girls
Yeah, if you're a homo.

>> No.10997604

They are not clingy, annoying, mentally challenged or beat up and insult the main character, which puts them above mpst of the heroines in their games.

>> No.10997608

Stop it, I'm not falling for your gay propaganda.
Although I do agree with you somewhat.

>> No.10997616

Dual protags would be so good for a potential Reminiscence 2.

>> No.10997887

Is there any real hint to a Reminiscence 2 anyways?

>> No.10997894

Unresolved plot threads.

>> No.10997911

Most of them were resolved, in a rushed and unsatisfying way.
Like the secret of Karasawa

>> No.10997939

No Ren hscene.

>> No.10998386

Finished Reminiscene, include the extra story.

For the extra story basically it concluded Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron a non-written Reika route where she dies of a gun sho(there was another unwritten one where she get squashed by falling building, only ever shown in OP for the "dark side"), so logically he went up with Tae afterward, backwardly explained the fee for the cold sleep was paid for since he contracted incurrible disease back then. Alternatively he hooked up with Tae going into Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron but not enough time for Tae to buy Kaito's contract off Reika (first one said something about taking a year of badgering in Tae route)

For the main story itself I was a little disappointed - the common part was quite enjoyable as I liked the various manoeuvres. I found interactions with Kosaka/Kawasara a little lacking, while Takeuchi was very good in leading and showing the way of the things. Good job mixing with Maria but not enough, really.

Routes - a little poor imo. Due to the situation with Aki I feel it needs resolving in at least 3 of the routes due to the close distance to the family setup, an issue of branching. The impact of endings themselves were within expectation, a little low-balled.

>> No.10998397


Overall I had an enjoyable time despite these unsastifying flaws, this writer sure likes that guy as a mc. The girlie interactions with mc needs to improve if he writes a sequel.

Going to continue chusingra 46+1 now.

>> No.10998489

Will Kinugasa ever manage to write a satisfying ending?
All the bets are against him

>> No.10998639


>> No.10998875
File: 585 KB, 646x508, Itaike na Kanojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this VN is pretty good so far

>> No.10998887

You mean it would be if you could understand it why weren't you born Japanese you hate everyone in this thread that can read things while you continue to be a miserable cunt?

>> No.10999028

lol that's not me but damn i can't believe you still remember my posts. I'm actually pretty happy to know there's someone out there who remembers me even after all this time.

>> No.10999086


Good heavens, use interpunction.

>> No.10999242

Just finished Kotori's route in Rewrite, first one I've done so far. It was good, but hella downer for pretty much its entire duration. Are the other routes as melancholy?

>> No.10999404

Can someone tell me what that vn is called where there is two lolis and one has a hairclip shaped like an orange, or maybe just a orange in her hair, before i go back to pressing the random button on VNDB for it. Thank you, and sorry.

>> No.10999421


>> No.10999426

Yeah, Thanks. I've been looking for a while.

>> No.10999550

so may i ask you that if all heroines has a good ending or not? i'm waiting this answer since game released.

>> No.10999646

happy endings for all heroines (regardless of how bad the routes are)

>> No.11000490

Yusuke needs a route

>> No.11000566

Yes, but you will end up unsatisfied anyways because the routes are shit

>> No.11000816

Damn 2ch loves Magical Charming.
Anyone reading it here?

>> No.11000822


>> No.11000829
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now a yandere, she sure is a busy character

>> No.11000836
File: 187 KB, 1276x717, yandere imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, too busy. I must admit I like her yandere dead eyes.

>> No.11000854

If there really is a sequel I wonder what would happen to Aki.
She obviously can't stick for long

>> No.11000856

She'll be in cold sleep and mentioned a couple of times.

>> No.11000862

So for Kaito, Reika died in his arms, he impregnated Tae and got deadly sick due to his childhood.
He sure had a hard time

>> No.11000863

That part was great because all the things she said to Madoka are actually true.

>> No.11000869

Well at least that made her route a bit more interesting than the rest.
Well they are all pretty bad but Aki had the best route followed by Kizuna, Akusera, Rin and Nozomi (why the fuck does she exists?)

>> No.11000875


Yep, loved her dead eyes look, fits her really well.


Don't be, he practically gained a new life so the writer has an excuse to write new adventure of K in future.

>> No.11000882
File: 145 KB, 1296x778, 1370513032749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what goes through Kinugasa's mind.
Why create such a great setting to rush it during some poor routes?
Reminiscence was pushed back for one year so it's not like he didn't have the time to do anything he wanted.

>> No.11000888

It's just physically impossible for him, that or he's cursed.

>> No.11000906 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 816x659, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, lawdy, the irony is killing me.

>> No.11000912

In a way it's even worse than Akatsuki no Goei since Reminiscence actually has a plot

>> No.11000913

The akagoei routes all had several 'plots' for character development, crammed in the last 20 minutes of the routes, but still.

>> No.11000918

He's sharp for everything but himself. Being Hiyo has been suffering for ages.

>> No.11000928

And then making it seem like he "realized"
was the best part there.

And the terrible thing here is, he has clearly imouto-zoned her beyond that just being words, considering he thought it was another man that she was praising so highly, and yet wasn't feeling bad at all.

>> No.11000937

To me, Araragi is always honmei.

>> No.11000948

Well, certainly, a little prodding from Harutsuge alone was enough to make him go for Araragi, which makes the above indignant "who the hell wouldn't choose Hiyo" type of thinking even more ironic but this is ultimately going to be a Hiyo end, from what I've read in people's comments and such, so should be interesting enough to see how things get there.

>> No.11000949

>In a way it's even worse than Akatsuki no Goei since Reminiscence actually has a plot
No it really isn't. Lets not get carried away here and pretend Reminiscence is another unfinished Shuumatsuron. The "routes" themselves might be too short to be satisfying but there are proper conclusions for most plot-threads and the way it ends makes perfect sense if there is going to be a sequel with an appropriate time skip (3-5 years?). Basically, the credits rolled when I expected them to roll which is more than I can say for the Akagoei trilogy.

>> No.11000961

> Basically, the credits rolled when I expected them to roll
Except for Nozomi's end. Which is just another reason to hate her useless character and route.

>> No.11000984

I disagree.
The route completely wasted the potential great plot threads introduced during the common route.
You can't tell me you felt satisfied by the revelation of Karasawa's secret, even the illegal android arc had a half-assed conclusion.

Heck even Rin for example, there was a lot of thing Kigusawa could have done with her seeing what happened in her past but the drama of her route is just a cheap knock-off of the stalker arc.
At most Aki's route wasn't that bad even if rushed and not very memorable/emotional.

>> No.11000995

Reminiscence won't have a sequel anyways, there is nowhere for the plot to go.
Pretty much everything was revealed and we learned everything about Hidetaka

>> No.11001034

To be honest it felt like the character routes are just an afterthought.
It feels like he was just forced to write the routes.

The sequel would be about Kyoichi and Ren.

>> No.11001042

Haha, wat. Hidetaka still has to go against Maria, Takeuchi and Kousaka tag-teaming to destroy Hopetowns economy, his job pretty much just started as he's still a trainee during Reminiscence. And then there is K and Ren. There is probably more than one game worth of story left in this setting. Nowhere for the plot to go, my ass.

>> No.11001054

I don't care how you'd have preferred the conclusions to turn out, the endings being any worse than Akagoei's is a garbage opinion.

>> No.11001062

Maria, Takeuchi and Kousaka, and dream town in general, were only teaming again hope town to reveal Kigusawa's secret.
Which is revealed anyways.

What I meant is that there is no big mystery left, at most maybe K's backstory between what happened in Shuumatsuron and Reminiscence.

>> No.11001066

It's only worse because Akagoei was random banter with a completely ridiculous setting so who care about the endings.
While Reminiscence has great build-up and an incredibly interesting setting

>> No.11001083

>Maria, Takeuchi and Kousaka, and dream town in general, were only teaming again hope town to reveal Kigusawa's secret
Certainly not Maria. the Tachibana's motivation to see Dreamtown prosper at all costs is actually never revealed. And who cares about Karasawa, the point is that Hidetaka will be working against Takeuchi and Kousaka in the future and I would like to see that especially because the game was teasing the shit out of this near the end.

>> No.11001090
File: 112 KB, 770x354, 1370516190915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you reading the best eroge of the year?

>> No.11001100

I am. It's pretty fun indeed but I hope the protag gets rid of his inability to kill people soon.

>> No.11001101
File: 434 KB, 1284x724, 0078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I am
I really like that it lets you skip the first chapter.

>> No.11001110

You mean for people who read the trial. Because I was very confused why the game asked me to skip the first chapter immediately after I fucking selected the first chapter because you know, that's how you usually start reading a story.

>> No.11001150

読んでるうちはスイスイ読める でも読み終わると「ん?」 それが衣笠クオリティ

>> No.11001197


>> No.11001354

Everyge is kusoge.

>> No.11001400
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, 374f9bda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says その2 so I'm probably slowpoking but it's an update anyways

>> No.11001415

Part 1 was October of last year so not really.


>> No.11002073


Not moogyge.

>> No.11003015

Where do i download "Limit Panic!"?

>> No.11003029


>> No.11003033

What a fag.

>> No.11003558
File: 1014 KB, 960x540, ERIKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I picked this back up, she is kind of cute and I love her voice actor (桐谷華)

Actually I like all of the main heroines, except Chitose.

>> No.11003640

Which is best to use, Share or PD?

>> No.11003767


>> No.11004143 [SPOILER] 
File: 161 KB, 816x659, plaque, shield whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't fathom this. How is it that the red class was not disqualified after Sasamaru was scapegoated for breaking the yellow class' sculpture?
If this is related to an actual plot point later on, please ignore.

>> No.11005299

IIRC it was just what the students thought had happened. After all he just kept his mouth shut regarding the whole issue and there was no damning evidence either way.

>> No.11005305

Also the yellow class didn't want to press on the issue either for the sake of peace between classes.

>> No.11005882

I swear to god almost every new game I play now has a chuuni heroine.

>> No.11005885

Dat's because chuningura popularized them.

>> No.11006260

Just finished Genrin 2, and the true end does a good job of making you feel like crap.

What I wonder is, why the heck did they not make the good/law end canon? It has a similar outline with Ekria going to look for Serika anyway, and also better overall closure.

Also, what is the timescale between Genrin 2 and VERITA? And where does Madou Koukaku fit into this?
As far as I know, ZERO -> Genrin 1 is something like a few hundred/thousand years.

>> No.11006312

Madou Koukaku is 100 years after Zero.
VERITA is 1 year after Genrin 2's end.

>> No.11006328


>> No.11006333

oh and it obviously has spoilers for later events in the games so skip those if you're going in timeline order

>> No.11006347

Thanks guys.

>> No.11007087

Why does Reminiscence keep reminding me that Hidetaka is twice the age of Kizuna?

>> No.11007909
File: 498 KB, 1625x1859, KeroQMakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I thought some of the visuals in supreme candy looked familiar. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of the backgrounds were also used in other games.

>> No.11007919

Poor power lines, I love them.

>> No.11008092

Uh-oh. Did they have permission for this?

>> No.11008094

'Cause age gap is hot.

>> No.11008377

same producer, different brand names

>> No.11009359

I downloaded this and it was just a bunch of child porn.

>> No.11009363

Tell me more

>> No.11009407

Finished White Album 2. I didn't hate Haruki like most people seem to, but he really pissed me off at the end of Kazusa true (last route I did) when he misses Kazusa's concert again to go looking for Setsuna just because no one sees her for a few hours. Then insists on meeting her, escorting her home, and is generally just unable to let shit go. And initially appears to fuck up everything he and Kazusa went through so much work and suffering for.

Of course it was all made retroactively okay via flashbacks, which I'll admit was a pretty good troll on Maruto's part since he certainly got me mad.

I realize the purpose of it all was to create final closure (more like final, final closure since there had already been closure) with Haruki and Setsuna, but it was a dumb, poorly-written way to do it.

The game itself was disappointing too. It had its good moments but that was amid a lot of lackluster stuff.

>> No.11009433
File: 984 KB, 1286x749, QQ截图20130607212616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't expecting this at all ^.<

>> No.11009748

>What I wonder is, why the heck did they not make the good/law end canon?

Mainly because they could make a more interesting story with Louie in Verita with the Normal/True End. Having 'closure' would kind of defeat the purpose of having a continuation to his story. Giving the events at the end of True, it also makes the Law/Chaos/Neutral split of Verita seem very plausible(honestly it felt kind of forced in Genrin 2)

And to be honest, I think Louie is kind of boring on his own. I think his relationship with Irina basically defines his entire character, so I like seeing more storylines done from that angle. Serika's version of Verita Chaos was my favorite ending to that game, I think

>> No.11009779
File: 69 KB, 181x254, hong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white album

>> No.11009836
File: 57 KB, 410x290, koikishi_purely_kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there an english patch for koi kishi yet??

>> No.11009864

does it have milfs. why don't people translate more games with milfs

>> No.11009867
File: 131 KB, 640x942, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11009870

There's still people that ask that question?

Also, the game is pretty terrible. Only good thing about it is the art and the small bits of comedy here and there.

>> No.11009888


>> No.11009919

Speaking of OPs, does anyone else really like the LOあんぐる OP?
Especially the first 30 seconds. Really gets me pumped up to read some loli eroge.

>> No.11009981


Navel just released a trial for the append part of Tsuriotsu in Otome Riron
Delicious Asahi voice acting

>> No.11010038


>> No.11010782

Opening of なつくもゆるる

>> No.11011674

I'm a bit disappointed that it's not nearly as awesome as HaruKuru's, but then again, maybe that more lighthearted and catchy tune is part of their plan to trick people into falling for the genre shift once again.

>> No.11011941

I'd laugh if there's no genre shift and it's just a shitty moege.

>> No.11011990

Why you want more kusoge? We have enough!

>> No.11011991

You obviously didn't read the trial

>> No.11012091

I really like that song.
Also, I thought this was supposed to be a lolige, yet none of them are flat. Disappointing.

>> No.11012138

No actually. I'd still find it funny anyway.

I'd rather wait for the full thing first.

>> No.11012363


If you have to ask, the answer is always no.

>> No.11012380

Anyone got that compilation video of this months new games that goes up on niconico every month?

>> No.11012403

What's the difference between a VN and an eroge?

>> No.11012413

One refers to chinese porn games and one refers to a retarded sounding name filthy gaijins use to make them sound less pedo.

>> No.11012415

VN is primarily a term used by English-speaking fans, and can mean any ADV or NVL game with focus on the story and lots of text. (People still "debate" a lot about this.)
Eroge, a term used by Japanese to mean any game with sex.

>> No.11012419

Also, when we say VNs, even all ages stuff like Symphonic Rain, Clannad and Rewrite count. But these are not eroge.

>> No.11012426

You just call them bishoujoge and call it a day.

>> No.11012431

You even have homo VNs and homo eroge, though.

>> No.11012438
File: 655 KB, 1280x720, 0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a homoge?

>> No.11012459

I don't want kanji puns in my sex jokes. It's worse than homo.

>> No.11012467

What is this from? Google isn't really helping, although the visually related pictures are rather hilarious.

>> No.11012474

Color of White.

>> No.11012475

Color of White. It's 105¥ on dlsite

>> No.11012488

Thanks. Damn that's cheap. I'm getting it if only because of the low price.

>> No.11012499

I didn't mean yuri stuff, I meant BL ones. Those aren't bishoujoge. Simply, VN is the best term we have that encompasses all these and yet distinguishes them from regular video games.

>> No.11012518
File: 227 KB, 1300x780, goingoinggone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying this and Yasubei is too cool. A nice break to the few VNs previously in similiar vein with verbose style (not that I don't enjoy them, a break here and there is nice to keep both enjoyable).

>> No.11012631
File: 164 KB, 816x659,  .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, WHAT? There are games that cheap?

>> No.11012640

I think it's a special price due to the Christmas season or some other event. They also had another game (S.I.S.T.A.R.S.: Kiss of Trinity) at the same price. And besides, it's a doujin game.

>> No.11012645

But is it actually worth the price?

>> No.11012652

Playing it now and judging by the art, music and the interface, it is definitely worth the price. I've seen sloppier looking games go for a lot more.

>> No.11012650

Are you really asking whether a game with two cute girls is worth just 105 yen?

>> No.11012653

for something with pretty good writing, nice character designs, cute girls, and a nice sound track, I would have been willing to play much more than $1

>> No.11012657

I've been reading it on and off since it's been released.
It has a Muv-Luv like presentation and is mostly all dialogues so it's good for a quick play but I can't say I care about the story so far.

>> No.11012674

No, don't pay for porn.

>> No.11013075

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2013年06月版)

>> No.11013386

Thank you, thank you

Totono and なつくもゆるる should keep me for a long July. I am very excited to see what nitro+ is bringing to the table.

>> No.11013403

Totono I can bet will take a while to get released and cracked.

>> No.11013425

And it will probably be bad anyways

>> No.11013434

How much nonsense and sex do I have to go through before はるまでくるる becomes awesome?

>> No.11013436

it starts out pretty hot

>> No.11013438

But sex is awesome you nerd.

>> No.11013473

Not that dude but the beginning is fucking stupid.

>> No.11013588
File: 801 KB, 1337x588, aquaplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they dead?

>> No.11013707

shin projiekkuto hatsudou!

>> No.11013789

The amount of good to decent titles in June are just ridiculous. I think about 1/3 will be pushed back due to how competitive this month is.

>> No.11014123

One game I am sorta interested in (閉じたセカイのトリコロニー) has already been pushed back to July. Of the July releases I am the most excited for グリムガーデンの少女 -witch in gleamgarden- and 雨音

>> No.11014166
File: 704 KB, 1280x720, 0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with small issues from time to time like this line not fitting in the text box or random lines where the voice doesn't play, I think I would be willing to pay ten to fifteen times more for this game.

>> No.11014178
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, sweetgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I had a fap. I will have another one if Akio has a scene soon.

>> No.11014232

Nothing "shin" about those. I wonder if they're ever going to update their status.

>> No.11014593
File: 480 KB, 331x586, aselia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Aselia series any good? I'm finally thinking of getting VNs for my PSP unless they cut anything worthwhile apart from H scenes (f.ex. violent stuff) in the console editions.

>> No.11014709
File: 44 KB, 256x368, 5615671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start this. Is it going to end up being depressing as all fuck? I really liked the Goei series by the way.

P.S: I avoided /jp/ for fears of spoilers like what happened with Rakuen, but it seems to be fine now.

>> No.11014741

Nothing depressing about it, you'll just be depressed that there's no FD yet to show 2 certain characters being together.

>> No.11014744

The routes all have happy ends. The only depressing thing about it is that the writer still hasn't learned how to write proper endings.

>> No.11014997

Is it me or has the ero in games gotten better? It used to be that I could never fap to games but now eroge is what I fap to exclusively.

>> No.11015000

Ero in older games are less lewd overall and the scenes are shorter, at least in my experience

>> No.11015005

Also art seems to be better on average nowadays. I fap to scenes all the time as well. If I like a heroine and/or her seiyuu and the art is good enough I am in heaven.

>> No.11015021

>Also art seems to be better on average nowadays.
I've noticed this as well. Most games released in the last few years have at least decent art, and there have been quite a lot of really pretty ones.

>> No.11015129 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1920x1200, Master Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get the special edition on the PC, use spoilerAL and you're good to go.

Aselia has horrible controls on the PSP anon that it makes replaying the game impossible.

Be part of the PC master race anon.

>> No.11015152

This picture reminds me of the "raw readers and English only peasants" thing going on usually in this and other threads. Too bad it's from Zero Punctuation.

>> No.11015166

I'll be sure to get the PC version for all the games in the series then. Thanks.

>> No.11015279
File: 41 KB, 373x511, ChuSinGura46+1の立ち絵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11015311

Jesus christ Japan, learn compression.
On one hand they don't care since just pack everything in DVDs and you buy and install and you have these huge drives and that's it, but god damn. Are these bitmap format? They should learn to work and code with PNGs at the very least.

>> No.11015398



>> No.11016073
File: 306 KB, 1282x749, Screenshot from 2013-06-09 15:52:40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the imouto so awesome...

>> No.11016127 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 718x166, chusingrasize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How did you get 14 gig for it? Disc 1 is 4,190,562,304 and 2 is 3,450,435,584 bytes. Did you hack out an extraction and dummy cut?

>> No.11016142

Probably bmp extraction as you said, nothing a batch converter wouldn't fix.

>> No.11016243

I hope you winetricks’d everything out so you don’t skip the OP videos in games!

>> No.11016247

what I want to show is :
>total files 8832

>> No.11016333

Only when needed. I youtube'd most op videos.

>> No.11016642 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1286x768, 411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Madou Koukaku.
Please translate things on picture :3
I want to know what I can choose lol.

>> No.11016658

If you can't read japanese, why are you even playing it?

>> No.11016665

Don't respond to trolls.

>> No.11016912

>Begin Game

No need to thank me.

>> No.11017475

How do you access the additional scenario of reminiscence after clearing all routes? I don't think I get it.

>> No.11017478

Extra Menu-> Scene Mode->Others

>> No.11017490

Thanks, seems updating made the thing go a bit retarded and had to use a savedata.

>> No.11017565
File: 208 KB, 494x700, jbgrXo3EPUHUKZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 女装海峡 is out, anyone planning to play it?

>> No.11017653

That's the one with the boys, right? That's kind of too gay for me.

>> No.11017673

Finished one route so far, it's pretty much what you'd expect - a carbon copy of 女装山脈. Not exactly a bad thing, though.

>> No.11017675

Yeah, I don't think I wil...
>Trap Heroine
I'll think about it.

>> No.11018219

Looks like ImoPara 2 is finally out.

>> No.11018362

I'm surprise its not crack yet. Didn't it get release on chinese forum for quite awhile?

>> No.11019029

Good, good. The art and seiyuu choice looks pretty good.

>> No.11019064

>That's the one with the boys, right? That's kind of too gay for me.
But they look and act exactly like girls.

>> No.11019086

but then what's the point of having penes on them

>> No.11019126

To have something in common of course!

>> No.11019137
File: 125 KB, 800x600, 2z1PUuW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pene a cute!

>> No.11019317

So people can pretend they're not turbohomos.

>> No.11019441

so does this one have yandere ending like the other one or did they stop with those ending?

>> No.11019453
File: 708 KB, 1280x720, 1354292885080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are your guys favorite sprite arts, post em. I like this guy and anything by Happoubijin

>> No.11021024
File: 86 KB, 1158x332, 426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some high ratings

>> No.11021053

It has a light anime-like feeling so I can understand its popularity.
I've been going through it slowly, currently on chapter 3, it doesn't bore me but I'm honestly not liking it that much personally, it's pretty moe though

>> No.11021054

A small question for those here that had to learn japanese before they could play untranslated visual novels (I'm sure there are some native speakers here as well).
How long did it take you to learn it so you could read stuff without help and what was the first untranslated one you played

>> No.11021091

plenty of answers already

>> No.11021108

I'm sure there are only a few if any native speakers in this thread. Almost one year of studying alone until reading simple / medium games with text hookers and web dictionaries' (not machine translators) help. After about two years of reading untranslated games I can deal with most stuff without any outside help, save for very few words I separately look up.

I started with quite many titles at first but most didn't really manage to hold my interest, either because I was mostly forced to read easy moege I had no interest in or because tried to start something too hard for me to properly enjoy. I think the first one I actually finished was either Eden* or Baldr Sky.

Now instead of asking for learning aide recommendations you should just google them. Everyone here probably had their own preferred ways of studying and the thread would just derail into shitstorm about whether textbook X or program Y is useful for learning the language. For easy starter stuff refer to >>10994300

>> No.11021361


>> No.11021364

I can't get in either.

>> No.11021380

It's http://fuwanovel.org/, not .net.

>> No.11021544

Finished Naname, except Otaha's route fuck her.
Nanami's route wasn't bad and the other routes had some good moments but I feel a bit disappointed, the idol subplot felt like it didn't belong in this game too.
Only Chusingura left for last month, god is it long

>> No.11021545


>> No.11022000
File: 309 KB, 600x289, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys does every heroine has a good ending in this game? it seems like theme is kinda dark so i though asking before playing would have better, also some comments about game would great.i dont really care about spoilers but if you can make it minimum i'd appreciate it .

>> No.11022199

Just finished Nozomi and Rin's route.
I'm disappointed, not only is the route plot retarded they have to finish it with a shitty handwaved conclusion.
The first AkaGoei have better routes than these.

I kinda lost interest reading the rest of the routes now. Please tell me the rest of the routes are better.

>> No.11022218

Better but still bad.
Well at least Aki's route solve the mystery of Aki/Hidetaka's past

>> No.11022259

new thread

>> No.11023459

aki>kizuna>maid>rin&nozomi imo
yeah but still bad nonetheless
