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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10977748 No.10977748 [Reply] [Original]

I've always been wondering, are /jp/ users separated into two different major camps; VN/LN community and touhou/shumps community? Or is there some overlap?

>> No.10977751

Yeah, obviously there is. Plus those aren't the only kinds of j-games that regularly share a customer base.

>> No.10977752
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I don't like both of them. Well, maybe VNs if there were some good ones translated and not some dumb nakige-shit.
I'm here for the fun.

btw vocaloid a shit

>> No.10977756


>> No.10977758

As far as I know the VN and LN fanbases are completely unrelated. There are probably people in the VN general also reading LNs, but they're not the ones posting about them.

There is some overlap between the VN and Touhou communities, though this has drastically decreased over time. Some general subjects, such as doujin games, are appreciated by groups of people from both fanbases.

>> No.10977785

This is the reason why /jp/ needs to be destroyed and we need /vn/ and /2hu/.

>> No.10977787

the only thing that needs to be destroyed is you're moms pussy, luckily for you I do it every night

>> No.10977789

there aren't any camps
some people like stgs some people like vns some like both some like neither

>> No.10977795



>> No.10977800

When does the great /jp/ race war between shitposters, LN faglords, anime dweebs and touhou cretins begin?

>> No.10977818

2011. VN fans were all but eliminated, now only living close together in small areas; Touhou fans, anime fans and shitposters merged together to form a new /jp/ where having a low average posting quality is celebrated and generic responses (such as 'I did your mom' and greentexting with 'lel' or similar) are preferred over genuine witty replies.

>> No.10977830


>are preferred over genuine witty replies.

I know exactly who you are from just this line, and it's hilarious every time I see you post. You are so trapped in a delusion.

It's like listening to a moon-landing denialist or a hard-creationist.

>> No.10977842


Indubitably, my good sir; I cannot help but hope that upon the day of our reckoning I be allowed to supp in the gardens of eden with a gentleman of such caliber as yourself. Truly, as might be said by the late Homer, thou dost amaze with thine ability to captivate and submit lesser beings with thine logic and eloquence. I tip my hat to a fellow sir adrift on the seas of this Internet of pitiful and dim souls.

>> No.10977873

VN posters
- people who know japanese
- people who are learning japanese
- people who don't

- dollfags
- idolfags
- other japanese TV fags
- just in it for the JAV
- actual pedophiles

- doujin fighter
- non-VN eroge

touhou posters
- people who know japanese
- people who don't but enjoy many aspects anyway
- secondaries just in it for the characters, music, and comics
- secondaries who are in it for the setting (a lot of canon sperging, powerlevel wankery, and /tg-types live here)
- people who have invested their personal identity into touhou project, waifu etc (these people are crazy)

- relics who stopped being interested in /jp/ stuff but haven't left because they're retards
- NEETs and hikikomori
- people who pretend to be NEETs and hikikomori
- people who just hang around so they can pile into interesting off-topic threads
- people who stay just to complain about how shitty /jp/ is
- shitposters who think they're doing /jp/ a great service by keeping out /a/ and /v/
- shitposters who are just in it because shitposting is hilarious

>> No.10977890
File: 16 KB, 320x288, 1352360883003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoted For Truth...

>> No.10977893
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>- people who stay just to complain about how shitty /jp/ is
>- shitposters who think they're doing /jp/ a great service by keeping out /a/ and /v/
>- shitposters who are just in it because shitposting is hilarious
The best ones.

>> No.10977921

>- people who just hang around so they can pile into interesting off-topic threads
Not that that’s why I’m here per se but this is often what I end up doing.

>> No.10977925

> (these people are crazy)

>> No.10977930
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mindless sheep


freedom fighters against the janidom

>> No.10977943

that feelio when every time you leave /jp/ for more than a month you lose your desensitization to shit so when you return you notice how seriously shit /jp/ is but then after you've spent 24 hours back you just get used to it and assimilate again

One day I will quit you. :/

>> No.10977944


You forgot the pretend twitter group that tries over and over to engrave their name in the board culture to be someone iconic (trevor, t!cks, toykeyko,m!lk..etc) when nobody gives a shit.

They would go under "other", but thankfully it's only one person.

>> No.10977947

/jp/ users are separated into two different major camps, /jp/ community and /a/ community.

>> No.10977948


I know. I blocked it for a week and came back last night and already am used to it again. I have to go swim through /pol/ first or I quickly forget how 4chan "rolls".

>> No.10977951
File: 443 KB, 800x1200, 1297828689493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi. Don't group me with those 3D lovers. 2D only for me - a doll may technically be 3D, but so is a dakimakura. The point is that it's not a real person, but rather the symbol of an ideal.

>> No.10977954

I'm sure there's some overlap.

I'm not part of it though. I'm into eroge but not Touhou. Not light novels either, I think most people here who read eroge don't read LNs.

>> No.10977964

Attention whores in general

>> No.10977973
File: 89 KB, 409x452, 1368019022176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w...what do you beat Marisa with 4+ lives it's practically a wail. A very, very obvious that she's another withdrawn character, but lacks a good thing. Now they can go ahead and post about it because there's a lot faster at Soku than I did not use it as a team M member. Yamamoto Hitomi graduated in the thread might 404, but I'll be damned if it has a taste of their lives interesting, most of his cash away though.

>> No.10977975


Right. And getting hot ass and doing jaeger bombs is just 'symbolic' of reading VNs and watching anime.

Actually, no, that's not how that works at all.

>> No.10977993
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Then what do you consider figurines? They're essentially the same as dolls, except smaller and immobile.

>> No.10977995


Same shit.

>> No.10977999

Dolls are made to look like real persons and they are losing their '2Dness'. It's like cosplay. While figs try maintain 2D forms.

>> No.10978007
File: 27 KB, 553x569, ohna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so self-deprecating it's weird.

>> No.10978008
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So having a figurine of your favorite 2D character means you're a 3D lover. An...interesting way to look at things, for sure.

>> No.10978018
File: 1.65 MB, 1331x644, dollvsperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look anything like a real person?

>> No.10978020

No, he is just retard.

But come on, dolls generally don't even look like the original character they are supposed to present. It's just same doll with different clothes and hair.

>> No.10978023


Sorry - it's supposed to look like a real person, but it's made with such cheap shit (yet still somehow sold at 10x production price) that it looks inhuman.

>> No.10978026

/jp/ has seemed to calm down at these hours, it's usually much more so. I'm sorry you could not see it at its full force.

>> No.10978029

Okay it doesn't but it still looks pretty awful and isn't even near 2D. That's why 2.5D is pretty appropriate term.

>> No.10978034

You are trying too hard to be aggressive on /jp/, please leave.

>> No.10978036


Sorry if it hurts your feelings to be publicly embarrassed by someone who's clearly thought things out more than you have.

>> No.10978037

I don't mind the 2.5D tag, but it's being grouped with idol and JAV lovers. It's much closer to 2D than 3D.

>> No.10978041


I dunno man, I don't browse the doll threads but there are some pretty cute ones and I might consider buying some one day.


>> No.10978042

Figurines are indeed superior. It's a shame almost none of them over a certain size look like the character, compared to something like a dakimura.

>> No.10978045

They look cute but I wouldn't say they're faithful representations of the characters in question.

>> No.10978051
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They don't need to be based on an existing 2D character and can instead just be original, just like how anime/manga/VN characters don't need to be based on real life people but are usually original.

>> No.10978066


I'm sure they have passionate and talented character designers. It must really put a fire under them to know that their designs will be mangled by the engineering department to cut costs, cast in the cheapest possible plastic in shitty molds, and mass-produced for people to put on their shelves and forget while they ogle the next thing to waste money on.

>> No.10978065

How original character dolls are supposed to be 2D? Imitation (doll, fig, kig etc.) of 2D character atleast can be considered as 2D in some way.

>> No.10978089
File: 1.68 MB, 1517x701, anime kurisu vs vn kurisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except quality dolls, the ones /jp/ talks about, are really expensive and limited-edition. I'd say anime character designers have that problem more than doll designers.

>> No.10978097
File: 39 KB, 515x800, kurisu doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, a doll of Kurisu. Note that this is a low-quality doll.

>> No.10978099


>Except quality dolls, the ones /jp/ talks about, are really expensive and limited-edition.


This is what they call 'jew brainwashing'. Holy fuck.

>> No.10978113

Of course it is hard to adapt art from visual novels into animation but that's different thing.

Can you show picture of high quality doll then? They all look same to me.

>> No.10978116
File: 36 KB, 480x640, kurisu doll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other ones posted in this thread were high-quality. The lower quality of this one should be pretty obvious. I mean, just look at those eyes, they're just printed on.

>> No.10978122

There are people who are here for the content and there are people who think it's fun to be retarded.

>> No.10978126

Okay while difference is noticeable I still think they all look awful.

>> No.10978131
File: 239 KB, 2048x1365, 1297952643046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're entitled to your opinion; I can understand that dolls are not for you. I was just arguing with >>10978066 that the dolls /jp/ talks about are not low-quality mass produced garbage.

>> No.10978146
File: 60 KB, 640x480, frederica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing these dollfags outside of their dollthreads on /jp/ sure is a disgusting experience.

>> No.10978154


The dolls /jp/ talks about are low-quality mass produced garbage. You are delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.10978211

I'd say >>10977873 is mostly right, except that he left vocaloid, 3dcg, imas and gust threads out of "games" and included some irrelevant/nonexistent groups in "other". Omission of crossboarders is understandable, I think.

As for myself, I'm in the VN+LN category solely, although I'm pretty sure that most posters belong to several groups.

>> No.10979141

v1.1 patch notes

- kigurumi
- cosplay, net idols, gravure

- GUSTfags
- imas
- MMORPG people (exiled)

non-visual media
- light novels
- drama CDs and sound novels
- vocaloid, denpa, other doujin music

- desperate attention whores

>> No.10984962

Please do not refer to STG by the jewish-friendly denomination.

>> No.10986055
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No bingo for me.
