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10974915 No.10974915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think ZUN will ever adapt a creature from the Cthulhu Mythos‎ into one of his games? After all there's already a copy of the Necronomicon in Gensokyo.

Or maybe it's too cliché?

>> No.10974917 [DELETED] 

No, too copyright. The Lovecraft estate still has rights to it.

>> No.10974924

What creatures from the Cthulhu Mythos would fit for Touhou?

>> No.10974934

Pretty much any of them.

>> No.10974936

Shub-Niggurath is apparently female so that could work.

>> No.10974938

Cthulhu is too Western and Zun hates us.

>> No.10974940

I only know the bigger ones and they don't sound like they would really fit.

>> No.10974941

Great Race of Yith via mind transference into youkai bodies.

>> No.10974942

Don't be silly, there is already plenty of western creatures in Touhou.

>> No.10974947

No, not really.

>> No.10974952

Is that the thing that pops out electric yetis and spider monsters that shoot exploding blobs?

>> No.10974958

What the fuck do people even see on Lovecraft's works?

>> No.10974966
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>> No.10974964

Nevermind that the latest game has a werewolf and a mermaid in it.

>> No.10974969

iridescent slime of some nameless alien color out of space?

>> No.10974970

All that ZUN needs to do is pull a Saya and make Lovecraft's work become little girls.

>> No.10974967

Lovecraft is or at least was good source material for fiction writers and other artists.

>> No.10974971

Okay, good argument.

I still don't know what makes Re/b/b/it and other trendy atheist hipsters go apeshit over spaghetti monsters, though.

>> No.10974974

lol boobs

>> No.10974980

It's because he can use five or six adjectives to describe something all in a row and still not describe anything.

>> No.10974977
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Honorary Touhou.

>> No.10974979

Because Nyaruko-san did that so well.

>> No.10974984

No idea either, but lovecraft has been a big enough deal for cult movies since waaaaay before suckedit even registered their domain name.

>> No.10974986

What Reddit has to do with this?
Besides the Flying Spaghetti Monster was a thing before it even existed.

>> No.10974989

It's best to read him as a teenager, I think. His stories have a better way of taking hold of your imagination then. Most people that like him probably read him when they were younger. If you read him at the right time his stories can really have an effect on you.

>> No.10974998

I wish ZUN would make a Touhou version of Black Annis. This story used to seriously freak me out, as I live in the area of Dane Hills. I remember when we went looking for Black Annis' Bower, and we found a large hole in a hillside and convinced ourselves she was at the entrance looking at us, its funny we seriously believed it despite there being nothing there. It bring tears shivers to me just thinking about it.

But I think Black Annis would make a cool concept for a Touhou provided ZUN prettied her up a bit. She has iron claws, her spellcards could be similar to Sakuya's.


>> No.10975000
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Oh that's what you were talking about, okay. Well take your meme back, please, we aren't interested.

>> No.10975003

My point being that his stories require work on your end, an active imagination to supply the details to things that he purposefully leaves unsubscribed, or to try to flesh out things he barely mentioned. I remember back when I read his works I was really fascinated by this part in The Call of Cthulhu where he talks about undying leaders of the cult in the mountains of China. He doesn't go into any detail about it but I was able to toy around with the idea and get more out of it. It makes his stories more real.

>> No.10975007

Those are neither werewolf nor mermaid you fucking secondary. One of them is a honshu wolf youkai and the other is a ningyo. And no, the latter is not translated as mermaid.

There are only vampires and hobgoblins which are strictly Western in that form in Gensokyo.

>> No.10975017

I'm sorry

>> No.10975019

Thank you for your sharing your expertise with us mortals, Lord Weeb.

>> No.10975023
File: 330 KB, 538x1729, 6d7280cca5dd61872ba26f4b231ce9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreams in the Witch's House, by H.P. Lovedude

>> No.10975030

Her title is literally "The Bamboo Forest's Werewolf."

>> No.10975036


The weird thing about Black Annis is that the area she haunted is now built upon, which means that any of us could be living right on top what used to be her Bower. It could be right under your basement...

>> No.10975037

You have 30 seconds to explain how a ningyo isn't a mermaid.

>> No.10975043

It’s not like the name TSA was chosen because of its east-meets-west connotations or anything.

She’s a werewolf you dweeb.
Werewolves are youkai because TL note 妖怪 means monster and not Japanese mythical being.

>> No.10975047


Because its a Ningyo, not a Mermaid. And every bodies missing the point, the point is that these character have analogies in both Western and Eastern legend, thus making them inspired by both.

>> No.10975054


Holy shit I don't know who she is and that sent shivers down my spine.

>> No.10975056

It's a creature rooted in Japanese folklore. Read up on it.

>> No.10975062

Too cliche. I'm tired of hearing about lovecraft...

>> No.10975064

No she is not, secondary.
She is a honshu wolf which lived long enough to become a youkai.

>> No.10975066
File: 70 KB, 400x586, SekienNingyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese version has a monkey's head with teeth like a fish. The Touhou version is a mermaid.

>> No.10975067

And I suppose the only valid translation of mermaid into Japanese is マーメイド, and everybody who ever translated it 人魚 (lit: human fish) was just wrong.

>> No.10975079
File: 162 KB, 610x864, 875186292bfcb0dc3ca71d4e6223d912bfd8aa5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuuko is a touhou.

>> No.10975074

Her title is literally "The Bamboo Forest's Werewolf."

>> No.10975076

Yes, now look up how kappa are supposed to look like.

She is a creature from Japanese folklore and not Greek no matter how many times you repeat this.

>> No.10975081
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>> No.10975083
File: 294 KB, 832x599, ningyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10975084

Exactly. ZUN only uses mythology superficially, so it might as well be a mermaid. Also, mermaid is from Old English, not Greek.

>> No.10975087

I mean Middle English.

>> No.10975094

I bet this is going to be one of those astoundingly dumb arguments where we decide that the four words mermaid, ningyo, 人魚, and マーメイド and actually have four unique meanings.

>> No.10975092


There's so many versions of a mermaid, its impossible to know which one ZUN going for. The mermaid ZUN was thinking of definitely wasn't a British one, because traditionally in British legends mermaids grow up to 2000 ft in length. He's likely fused them all together, and Touhou-ified it. But the principle is that mermaids exist in eastern legend, and that's why ZUN chose them, no matter what form he gave them.

>> No.10975116

She has a Japanese name and lives in Gensokyo. So we can safely assume she is a ningyo. Western creatures don't end up there unless Yukari wants them to.

He is very specific in parts where nobody bothers to look.

>> No.10975130

what if lovecraft lived in gensokyo

>> No.10975129

All this talk of myths and legends always depresses me, because it makes you realise that our world really is so boring we have to make shit up to make it more interesting. It makes sad that mermaids and giants and Yokai never existed, Carl Sagan be damned.

>> No.10975142

He would probably get eaten by a youkai, he was kinda goofy and feeble during his lifetime.

>> No.10975145

Which reminds me of an earlier thread.

Fox [en]: A fox.
Kitsune [en]: A Japanese mythological fox.
狐 (kitsune) [jp]: A fox.
妖狐 (youko) [jp]: A mythological fox.
妖狐 (yaohu) [cn]: A mythological fox.
狐狸精 (hulijing) [cn]: A mythological fox.
Hulijing [en]: A Chinese mythological fox.
九尾 (kyuubi) [jp]: Nine tails. Often used to refer to a nine-tailed mythological fox.
九尾 (jiuwei) [cn]: The pokemon Ninetales.
九尾狐 (pronounced jiuweihu) [cn]: A nine-tailed mythological fox.

>> No.10975152

Be the first to decide which is going to be used by adding it to the wiki

>> No.10975153

I get that feeling everytime I see the Neverending Story.

>> No.10975162


People didn't invent this shit to make their lives interesting, most of them genuinely believed. Most myths and legends you can trace back to the brains ability to see something that isn't there when in fear. You know you would feel unnerved and frightened if you were lost in a forest you were told a ghost haunted at midnight, even though you know ghosts don't exist, and your mind would make you hear, see and distort things that aren't there or just minor instances like a mouse scuttling along? Now imagine you're a farmer living on his own in the 13th century in a hazy moor of something, mind already filled with scary shit he heard as a child, with no rationality to combat it, and you look out of your window in the night and see a black shape running across your field. What would you think? Of course it could be a black dog, but you already know this area is where Old John was murdered and that figure looks strangely beastly in the night.... No, it must be Old John reincarnated as monstrous bear!

>> No.10975157

>our world really is so boring we have to make shit up to make it more interesting
See me after class

>> No.10975158

In summary, Ran is a pokemon.

>> No.10975178
File: 379 KB, 800x556, b4fe2e558cf21fe4dd2cfd5caa2d077d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

>> No.10975205 [DELETED] 

lel we're made of stardust so cool xD

carl sagan 4 lyfe lelelellel xDDDDDDDD

>> No.10976838 [DELETED] 


>> No.10977546 [DELETED] 

bungholes, both of you

>> No.10978591

Actually sums up their relationship pretty well.

>> No.10978649

Why are there so many westaboos lurking /jp/?s

>> No.10978884
File: 257 KB, 800x797, 1331781448864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I personally think both the east and west have some amazing mythology, though I attribute that to loving mythology and folktales in general. I love stories.
