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File: 21 KB, 389x172, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1094982 No.1094982 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah. It's like that.

>> No.1095007

In a couple of hours people will start waking up, bit quiet now.

>> No.1095030

you indeed need negotiation for that

>> No.1095062

Carpentry is fuckwin, you can make wands of wishing.

>> No.1095107
File: 63 KB, 566x182, Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Thief is the best shopkeeper if you can get one, this is at stock.

>> No.1095225

Did you buy it from the slave-trader or did you have to get it in a dungeon?

>> No.1095228

Anyone run any tests and see if negotiation or cha is more important? There are plenty of high level mobs with more charisma, but I've never seen one with negotiation that high.

>> No.1095243

Scroll of Ally.

>> No.1095314
File: 42 KB, 583x378, amulet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new amulet, Yeah! Dual Wielding ++!

>> No.1095355
File: 856 KB, 1030x794, elonaquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok THIS is pissing me off

>> No.1095424

Dig, seriously

>> No.1095444

can't dig more than once unfortunately... my only hope is to draw him using the bow of the vindale guy

>> No.1095463

which is a one-shot

>> No.1095472

I gotta know.

Why the hell do aliens put their babies in wells and fountains?

>> No.1095476

Because stupid adventurers can't stop from drinking from wells.

>> No.1095500

ok so anybody got any idea how to solve this problem?

>> No.1095513

negotiation now rises for your shopkeeper, so I'd say CH is more important because skill caps aren't as annoying as potential caps

>> No.1095535

I'm curious.

What happens when you don't drink dye/poison after getting an alien baby in you?

>> No.1095550

I recall reading you can burn the water away to make a path.

It pops out of your stomach and starts attacking you, it can make you/your pets pregnant and the whole cycle begins again.

>> No.1095554

After a significant period of time you will spawn an alien from yourself.

This alien can go around impregnating NPCs and create an epidemic in a town.

>> No.1095561



>> No.1095563

Hey guys, I got a wish from a well.

What should I wish for?

>> No.1095566

Do dungeons do anything in the new version?

>> No.1095567
File: 89 KB, 600x453, parashoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp! I am a bard (pianist or whatever) and having trouble with the lvl 1 dungeon as a lvl11 pixie.

Is there a way to pay a personal trainer? I have like 200k gold atm but can make moar with singing. or I can sell my body if you know what I mean.

I mean there's got to be a secret behind how those little town girls and old people got the strength to hurl beds and safes at you!

>> No.1095571
File: 41 KB, 622x399, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found every one of these diaries in dungeons, aswell as a cat sister's diary that I read already. Is Elona telling me to get a loli army?

>> No.1095576

do the little girl diaries just make the kind you can get at the start, or what? Is there anything useful about either of those two diaries?

>> No.1095581

They make the little sisters that you get when you kill a big daddy, though you can't trade them in. Only value I can see is a novelty army of girls

>> No.1095585


God, dragging those ones around always fucking guilt trips me. That whole damn quest guilt trips me.

>> No.1095601


C'mon guys.

I dunno what to wish for.

>> No.1095605

No, you get a younger sister from the little sister's diary, completely different from the little sisters you get from Big Daddy.

>> No.1095615

Isn't that the result from reading a little sister's diary? I mean the girl diary (fuck, did not mean to add the 'little'). I have like 4 little sister diaries in my home, but am yet to see a girl's diary.

>> No.1095638
File: 175 KB, 805x630, girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blonde ones are from "girls diary".
Green haired ones are from "little sister's diary."

Need to abandon my other pets if I want all of them, damnit

>> No.1095651

Are young sisters/ladies decent allies? I already have a little sister, rogue archer, cat sister, and defender.

>> No.1095656

Level 1 warmage with poor stats and skills (though good potential), not really

>> No.1095710


>> No.1095820


Younger Sisters are the best combat wise.

Cat Sisters are the best at being shopkeepers. Ridiculous starting Charisma and around 26 starting Negotiation.

Little girls are kind of bad, but still a good pet at the beginning of the game (and great if you raise them right).

>> No.1095825


Younger Sisters are the best combat wise.

Cat Sisters are the best at being shopkeepers. Ridiculous starting Charisma and around 26 starting Negotiation.

Young ladies are kind of a mix between the two.

Little girls are kind of bad, but still a good pet at the beginning of the game (and great if you raise them right).

>> No.1095835


>> No.1095839


Boku no Biblelona

>> No.1095842


Look at the thread title. Google.

>> No.1095861
File: 155 KB, 1031x795, drunklittlesister2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant to my interests! INCOMING RAEP

>> No.1095865

Weird, the cat sister I got had awful negotiation(something under 10) and mediocre charisma.

>> No.1095869

>Cat Sisters are the best at being shopkeepers. Ridiculous starting Charisma and around 26 starting Negotiation.

>26 starting Negotiation.

They start with 4, at least mine did.

>> No.1095872


Not rape. She wanted it. In fact, you're the one whoring yourself out to a little girl... for money.

>> No.1095876

Isnt that Consensual?

>> No.1095877


They do? Hmm, I wonder how the fuck mine magically accumulated 22 ranks in negotiation after all of one dungeon with her.

>> No.1095878


Little girls pay you for sex. Best world ever.

>> No.1095889


>Little girls pay you for sex because your skin is so smooth from eating the corpses of little putty things. Best world ever.

>> No.1095899


>Little girls pay you for sex because your skin is so smooth from eating the corpses of little putty things. However, your feeble mind can't take the prospect of prostitution, so you go insane and stumble around for a few minutes. Best world ever.


>> No.1095896

Little girls pay because they're drunk; CHA has nothing to do with it.

>> No.1095898

This is win

>> No.1095900

How does the whole prostitution thing work anyway?

I mean, getting the option to show up. Obvious how the fuck it works after that.

>> No.1095911

What's the fastest/easiest ways to raise constitution? And what about raising the constitution of my allies? I have an awesome catsister whose one weakness is a strong hit or two will completely kill her while all my other allies can tank much better hits.

>> No.1095912


Get them drunk. However, contradictory to what


said, it's showed up for me even when someone wasn't drunk (no music note). So beyond that, I dunno, I thought it might be Charisma related.

>> No.1095914


you gave her negotiation gear

>> No.1095917


CON? Breed horses on a ranch for slaughter. Eat delicious Horse meat. Become huge.

>> No.1095920

younger sister have disgusting low speed compared to the catsister though, therefore I really prefer catsister even if she starts with a malus of 50% of life because if you give her good equip she'll be fine anyway but will be faster than the younger sister.

>> No.1095921

The option shows up whenever you talk to a drunk NPC.
That's as far as I've seen.

>> No.1095924

your problem isn't constitution, it's PV. give her better gear and she'll be fine.

>> No.1095927

yeh well after having my fun with her, I went to steal her toilets

>> No.1095928

Random adventurers regularly come to my castle for drunken consensual sex. I get paid 6k + everytime, guess I'm a good one person harem

>> No.1095931

There's also the option to have sex with your wife for the purpose of procreation (God forbid...)

Doing so creates a gene file for 'incarnating' a new character. This allows the new character to use a deed of heirship to claim any item out of the original character's inventory. (Barring unique items, money, and more deeds.)

>> No.1095932


Go for the bookshelves, Money Tree and pentagram.

>> No.1095937

Only ones that you can increase/decrease your relations with, so you'll never have a piece of Shena's rear.

>> No.1095941

To be fair, your wife doesn't need to be a different gender than yourself, or even the same species. You can even carry a baby to term if both of you are male, somehow.

>> No.1095952

Wait for an NPC to imbibe. Talk to NPC. Profit.

>> No.1095953

wait... what money trees?!

>> No.1095974

Question about life. I know it affects HP but is not the same, but how exactly does it affect it? I think I heard that it raises HP per level. Does that mean it's better to raise life at a low level, or does it not matter?

>> No.1095988

It doesn't increase the HP you gain per level, just adjusts your HP based on your CON and current level.

>> No.1096196


Life = % of HP you get from Con. 100 is the standard, what you should be getting. 50 means you only get half of that. 200 means you get double.

>> No.1096199

Life = max life %.

100 life = 100% of hp gained from con and will.
50 life = 50% of hp gained from con and will.

It's very possible (and easy) to increase your max life and mana through hero cheeses/magic fruits/little sister meat (as long as you don't mind losing a shitload of karma)

>> No.1096203


Life = % of HP you get from Con and Str in accordance to level. 100 is the standard, what you should be getting. 50 means you only get half of that. 200 means you get double.

In other words, if you have 100 HP at level 10 with 100 Life, if you increase your life by 1, you get an extra 1 HP.

>> No.1096205


Life = % of HP you get from Con, Will and Str in accordance to level. 100 is the standard, what you should be getting. 50 means you only get half of that. 200 means you get double.

In other words, if you have 100 HP at level 10 with 100 Life, if you increase your life by 1, you get an extra 1 HP.

>> No.1096369

Gah. How do I properly use a rod of domination? Do I need to weaken the creature at all? I already lost the Monster Heart from Mia. Blew 3 charges trying to get a quickling archer...

>> No.1096429

I think it's based off your charisma as well, but can't really say that's true for sure...

>> No.1096433


rods have shoddy accuracy

>> No.1096439

What's your magic device at? The higher it is, the less fizzles you'll get...

>> No.1096476

CH is 61

I didn't 'fail to use the power of the rod', I got 'The quickling archer resists'.

>> No.1096493

Magic resistance, figure it out.

>> No.1096500

Well is there anything I can do about it? weaken resist potions only lower elemental resists. Those damn things are too fast and have too little HP for me to have a chance of catching them with a monster ball

>> No.1096512


>I already lost the Monster Heart from Mia

What the fuck does that do, anyways?

>> No.1096517


Makes it easier to dominate things.

>> No.1096520


Same thing as the Skeleton Key, only for domination.

>> No.1096521

I fucking HATE weaken resistance potion srsly
they don't only weaken resistance, they also destroy the base resistance to whatever magic type you had gotten from eating corpses

>> No.1096531

where do you get the skeleton key anyway? heard of it, but never found it

>> No.1096536


It randomly generates on one of the adventurers, and never leaves. You can't steal it, you can only kill them and take it or trade a fuckton of potions of cure corruption for it then steal those back.

>> No.1096560

What happens if that adventurer realizes his limitations and leaves North Tyres?

>> No.1096566


It goes to another one. I'm not sure, I just know in both games I've found it on one of the top 10 adventurers. I'm assuming it transfers to another one or something.

>> No.1096694

Does anyone know what exactly the status effect sick does and how to get rid of it? It just seems to continuously eat will and strength.

>> No.1096709

it goes away on it's own after a while. I didn't notice any effect myself. Wasn't watching my stats

>> No.1096788


It lowers your Will and Strength like you said. You get it usually from being out in bad weather too long, or staying with the "Wet" effect too long. You can get rid of it with the healer or by simply waiting it out.

>> No.1096959

permanent or only til it's gone?

>> No.1096964


Only until it's gone.

>> No.1096996

I just solo'd Ultima at level 27 with my archer. Huzzah.

Fucking hard as shit towards the end. I had to lure him into a corner because the rail gun would three shot me when he started to get scared and run away, but I could evade/absorb enough of his sword hits to regain HP.

>> No.1097018

I got sick once, it lowered Charisma and Dextery and the healer couldn't remove it, nor potions of restore
So yeah, I had to wait a long time until it was gone naturally

>> No.1097186


I barely killed Utima in 1.13, updated to 1.14 and there he was.. alive and kicking. (my ass)

>> No.1097210

Just to clarify.

If I catch a little sister from a Big daddy and try to breed it...
the corpses from the range little sisters will not raise my life, mana, and potential like the fresh ones
I cannot bring out those little sisters for the reward

Right? shouldn't even try?

>> No.1097212

Cool, you can kill him again! (Come on, he has to drop awesome loot, right?)

>> No.1097213


>> No.1097219

Hey guys, Whom Dwell in Vanity was just assassinated.

Is it time to Ragnarok?

>> No.1097224


Well he can't drop his rail gun again, and I went already teleport-snatched his bejeweled chests.

>> No.1097226


>> No.1097238

Are the not-discovered areas in dungeons black for other people as well? Doesn't seem to always be the case, but I kind of liked the grey.

>> No.1097256
File: 934 KB, 1030x794, let-us-ragnarok-together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Btw, apparently the sword seems to have to be used by the dude before he invokes Ragnarok and he did it trice in that screenshot

>> No.1097274



>> No.1097293

how many casino wins do you need to get seven league boots?

>> No.1097296


15+, from what I heard.

>> No.1097303

anybody know what type of character wears the zensetsu?
apparently it had been created once during a high level party based on scroll of oracle

>> No.1097322


random adventurer, most likely in the top 10. At least in my game the number 3 guy has it.

>> No.1097323

mine was on a fellow adventurer

>> No.1097332

anybody know what character wears the zantetsu?
apparently it had been created once during a high level party based on scroll of oracle

>> No.1097394

so I'm guessing it's kinda random... because I don't think you can have adventurers in parties and there's nothing stating on oracle that an adventurer held the sword

>> No.1097395

how do you get a ragnarok?

>> No.1097399
File: 30 KB, 795x131, std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a std from prostituting myself. :(

>> No.1097407

how do you get an invitation to the pyramid?

>> No.1097418

You can get adventurers in parties, its just incredibly time consuming and they are far from worth the trouble.

>> No.1097446

I'm talking about 'PARTY TIMU'. you know performance quest.

>> No.1097451


buy one from the master theif in derfy

>> No.1097469


Easiest way is using a rod of summon monsters, then summon them around <The one whom dwells in Vanity> in Varnis.

>> No.1097483

Oh, that. I don't think so. no.

>> No.1097597

that guy its quite difficult even summoning white dragons... he wipes out anything that i summon.

>> No.1097614

make him drink beer until death. that's how I got his beautiful sword.

>> No.1097641


Ah, you want the actual sword. i was thinking you just wanted to see Let's Ragnarok.

>> No.1097643

thats an interesting suggestion... but that only works with 1.14 right?.... im still using 1.13

>> No.1097651
File: 57.00 MB, 4560x2640, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this for my own use + yours.

>> No.1097662

elona needs a bigger map also more guilds/towns

>> No.1097688

I got mine from a Big Daddy. He was BRUTAL when wielding it. Minced two of my pets in melee. Good thing he stuck with using his guns most of the time.

>> No.1097713

Forgot to mention. If it was created during a party and you didn't get it then, it's gone now. No amount of taking party quests again or hunting the named guys who were present in the party will help. The info you got from the oracle scroll is now useless.
Don't worry though, it can appear again.

>> No.1097715

So, where do all the high level people get all the things with tons of bonuses? I've got one godly amulet that is fairly awesome out of a high level challenge quest, do they seem to drop more off stuff like that or off dungeons?

>> No.1097725

Seems you can no longer use stolen items for trading with other adventurers, kinda sucks.

>> No.1097742

high level dungeon chests. Especially the bejeweled one you get from killing the boss.

>> No.1097753

yeh I know, but then again it probably mean it can reappear in parties again, so I'm oracling everytime just in case

>> No.1097761


Remember that the adventurers tend to be level 60+, at that level you get nice items.

>> No.1097792

There goes my tactic of stealing rings from Lomias and the blue haired chick during the tutorial to get me some nice starting gear.

>> No.1097878

so to the high leveled performers:
which are the characters that give the most points in high end performers quests? I can't seem to get any points from the sisters and arena masters

>> No.1097885

Is there any specific difference between bows and crossbows? I found The Arbalest and though I'm using a bow atm a crossbow would work better along with it.

>> No.1097920

Crossbows and bolts are a little heavier, but usually do more damage and have higher pierce.

>> No.1097930


Thanks, now to find a good crossbow.

>> No.1097956

Named characters like Mia and Shena give a percentage bonus to your final score. At high end performing, that bonus is HUGE.

>> No.1097978

Yeah. It's something like 30% per named or so. If you have high enough speed, looking for them helps, if not, situating near 1-2 and a lot of people is ideal. I've broken 4k a few times, always with over a 100% bonus from nameds.

>> No.1097997


How much do you need? He just gets drunk and recovers and maybe vomits once or twice

>> No.1098021

I take that back, he just starved to death

>> No.1098119

I think I may have permanently doomed Vernis with the ragnarok event.

>> No.1098160


When all else fails, nuke

>> No.1098205


I think I'll just wait till the town resets.

>> No.1098211

better nuke it first then wait to reset...

>> No.1098232

Do the monsters Ragnarock spawns become hostile towards you?

>> No.1098234


I don't feel like having the delicious -80 karma gift atm.

>> No.1098237


>> No.1098311

How do you get rid of doors?

>> No.1098359

Inside your house or other building you own, shift + C to close them, then redesign and paint something else on it.

Elsewhere in the world, close it, then attack or bash it.

>> No.1098380

Close 'n' bash them.

>> No.1098985

Needs a Large Hadron Collider event.

>> No.1099012

They've ignored the other npcs in town just to hunt me down.

>> No.1099020

With an animation of 2 pixelated penises crashing into each other at the square it happened in.

Effect: Creates a black hole that obliterates you.(deletes the save file)

>> No.1099031
File: 54 KB, 602x378, lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lions apparently make potentially good shopkeepers, have to admit I'd struggle to refuse anything from a Lion.

>> No.1099055


Catsisters are the best I've found. A ton of starting Charisma, and they know Negotiation, unlike your Lion friend.

>> No.1099059

anyone knows what the final quest of the thieves guild is like? like do you need to steal 100k worth of goods or something? also, how much do blue treasure machines sell for at max guild rank?

>> No.1099068


i prefer the juere infantry. it's more reliable since you can just toss them for a new one if it sucks and it saves you the 85 medals. negotiations is more important than cha anyways.

>> No.1099079

I think you'll find my catsister in that picture only has 25 charisma and 4 negotiation. Juerre Swordman starts off with better cha and negotiation.

>> No.1099088

can't you capture a lvl 100 yeek dungeon boss or something and start off with 100+ neg?

>> No.1099101

In 1.14 they get to level negotiation by managing the shop, so the higher CHA potential makes a difference

>> No.1099111

You can capture dungeon bosses? HOT DAMN SHOPKEEPER <ULTIMA>!

>> No.1099122

You can't capture nameds, and if you capture a mob that has its level artificially raised (like in a Panic or Challenge quest) when it pops out of the ball it will be its normal level. Trust me, I tried.

>> No.1099135


I keep hearing stuff like this. Why is my Catsister so hax? I didn't even give her that much equipment, and her Charisma is in the 60s, while her negotiation is 28.

>> No.1099152

I heard that someone managed to capture <Gwen> with, like, a level 103 monster ball.

>> No.1099210


true, but that doesn't mean it levels it fast. also, i think cha only affects how fast things sell and not how well they sell. for this reason, you can just raise the upper limit of your shop to 250 items or something.

>> No.1099213


can anyone answer this?

>> No.1099217

Jesus, I've never seen one higher than 90, and I have two midlevel shopkeepers at my castle soley to push out monster balls. The average I see is 50-70. I wonder if feeding them more money would get it to jesus levels.

>> No.1099311

I have a level 96 one.

>> No.1099400
File: 248 KB, 806x625, EVERYONEloves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just noticed that the text was changed. Fuck you, bitch; don't you realize that love knows no boundaries, genders or nationalities?

>> No.1099429

How the fuck do I beat Zeome? He fucking rapes.

>> No.1099451

nm rod of silence laffo.

>> No.1099469

Do I kill Orphe?

>> No.1099482

So I've just started a Eulderna Wizard, and am having a fairly easy time, compared to my last run with a Juere Pianist. What should I be focusing on first though? I don't want to spend 72 hours getting to level 10, only to have the same abilities as a level 2 Warrior.

Also, I can almost afford to buy a new skill. What should I buy first? I'm leaning toward Lock Picking, but Weight Lifting and Negotiation are also very tempting.

>> No.1099557



>> No.1099570

i would like to check something. can someone that's a member of the thieves guild upload their save file?

>> No.1099615

Sense Quality is good if you plan to do much dungeon exploring anytime soon. Mining is very profitable, and will work up your physical stats as well. Firearms is a good choice if you have found a nice gun.

Basically, it depends what you want to do; your choices are good, too.

>> No.1099768

The rewards for completing the main quest suck.

>> No.1099831

there's a reward?

>> No.1099915

the final bosses drop a scythe and a sword that are both decidedly meh

>> No.1099934

weight lifting should've been the FIRST skill you bought...

the more you can carry = the less often you have to run to town and the faster you can be while carrying the same amount of stuff (since the burdened speed reductions breakpoints are based on % of your max weight capacity).

>> No.1099956
File: 136 KB, 806x626, Thisismooncountry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a purpose to the hookers all over Derphy or is it just for lulz?

>> No.1100171

You can blame a bunch of self-righteous moralfags over on the Elona forums for that one. They should go work for Disney and leave us alone.

>> No.1100326

so i heard that you can kill adventurers making them drunk... does this work on 1.13 or only 1.14'?

>> No.1100355


Well, it does help raise your charisma... Although I couldnt finish a delivery quest on time because the npc I was supposed to give the item to was "busy" with a prostitute at the time

>> No.1100404


you can kill the hooker to get them to stop

>> No.1100838

proof link?
else I'll keep thinking that it was just originally a mistranslation.

>> No.1100886

Not as bad as "why don't you try snatching me" changed to "lets play yeeks and putits" or whatever the fuck

>> No.1101831

Go find it yourself - it's on the 'feedback to our translators' thread. Started by some moron calling themselves 'Trilo'

>> No.1102608

They wanted to change ass to butt too.

>> No.1102732

Hell, reading it it sounded like they were less concerned about the implied lesbianism than "ass is a bad word I don't want to get in trouble!" So not only did they not get what they wanted, they ruined one of the most memorable lines in the game!

>> No.1102736

Hopefully the people in charge of doing the translation will tell those faggots to go play hide and seek with a broomstick, and change things back.

>> No.1102740
File: 16 KB, 607x383, 1218143515919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the meantime, you can make things right by editing "data/talk.txt" in notepad.

>> No.1102741

What the devil?

I update to the new version and all of my artifacts are something completely different. COMPLETELY different. What's going on?

>> No.1102743

I do recall that being said on the website, IF YOU COULD READ.

>> No.1102744


I'd rather play chicks.

>> No.1102746

They're the same, the titles are just different. Apparently something about the way random names are saved means that they can't fix mistranslated words like "skelton" and "ninjya" without causing this sort of problem.
