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1094241 No.1094241 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have trouble talking, even anonymously to others on the Internet?

Anyone else completely cynical that they completely (and sometimes violently) refuse all human companionship, yet would do anything for a friend?

Anyone else's day consists of absolutely nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing?

>> No.1094260




>> No.1094253

no, otherwise we wouldn't be here

>> No.1094274

I stater when I speak and I still managed to get friends. You must be some kind of loser.

>> No.1094272

First two yes.

Last one no.

>> No.1094283


>> No.1094292
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>I stater when I speak

>> No.1094296

I find it easier to talk to people on the internet and behind a mask. I'm so lonely I would do anything for a friend.

And yes, my day consist of absolutely nothing. Sometimes I have a good day and decide to job around in circles but that's it.

>> No.1094301

No, no, no.

4chan is where I go to pass time when I can't do anything better. Sometimes I don't come for extended periods of time, sometimes I spend all day on it.

Not really a /jp/ topic though, except that /jp/ probably has the largest amount of hikis in it.

>> No.1094305

I find it easier to talk to people on the internet and behind a mask. I'm so lonely I would do anything for a friend.

And yes, my day consist of absolutely nothing. Sometimes I have a good day and decide to jog around in circles but that's it.

>> No.1094322

no, although I will use multiple accounts at time on other websites to keep some stuff from my main account

I do have a couple good friends and a few others who I will talk with, however I have problems with normal large group discussion if it isn't a topic that I have a large amount of knowledge in, and then some of those topics I suppress my power levels if it is not with one of my couple good friends

There have been periods where I have done nothing for a while, but I usually am able to get into something fairly quickly.

>> No.1094324

pretty much, yeah.

>> No.1094347

Well, I can say you are not alone, as I am the same way

>> No.1094344

I do ok talking on the internet or in person but I absolutely hate talking on the phone. is this weird?

>> No.1094350


No, because I would not do anything for a friend. I'm not a schizoid tsundere, I reject what I don't want, not what I want.

Not unless you count wasting way more time on /jp/ than I planned as absolutely nothing.

>> No.1094359

>talking on the phone
You need someone to talk to first.

>> No.1094360

lol yeah i always stay quiet when i know about something too. not sure why, it's just akward when someone thinks they know about something and you know a lot more. i pretend not to know out of courtesy to them

>> No.1094384

Yeah, and I feel really fucking pathetic. Here's a random example. I play a game called DotA on WC3, and whenever someone tells me "gg add me to friends so we can play some other time?" I tell them alright. Logoff. Make a new account, and never use that other one again. I just can't keep relationships

>> No.1094414

I have that problem at times, and I will feel like a wall, as I can discuss somethings at a casual level, I just simply respond rather than bringing out new discussion, in order to avoid awkwardness.

>> No.1094415


I don't even play with randoms in any game.

But you're doing the right thing. The last time I added some faggot on battle.net... ugh. Just because I rushed you for forge one time doesn't mean we're bff now and I want you incessantly pestering me when I'm trying to do MF runs. And /f msg is not your blog you underaged faggot.

>> No.1094432

I used to talk to people on the internet all the time, but one of the things I hate is when people just say "lol sup" and expect me to carry the conversation myself. And I never have anything interesting to talk about so I feel like a tool for being boring in a conversation that I didn't even start. Now I don't even bother with instant messaging at all.

>> No.1094444

>Anyone else have trouble talking, even anonymously to others on the Internet?
Yeah. That's why I'm even hesitant in playing online games.

>Anyone else completely cynical that they completely (and sometimes violently) refuse all human companionship, yet would do anything for a friend?
Nope. I'd say I'm cynical, but I'm not exactly actively looking for friends to meet. Sure I think a good friend would be a nice thing to have around, but I don't really feel any sort of motivation to go out of my way to look for one, and it seems rather difficult to find one that would be an "ideal" friend so to speak. I do a lot of solitary activities, and I do poorly in groups or when I'm being watched, so what ultimately happens when I am with someone is that I just indulge in my thoughts and not say anything at all, which is probably extremely boring for the other person. It's probably better for me to just stay alone and do what I want rather than hang out with people and create an awkward situation where no one says anything.

>Anyone else's day consists of absolutely nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing?
Well, maybe not to that extent, but I wouldn't necessarily say I'm the productive type either.

>> No.1094459

I don't have problems talking on the internet

In the past, yeah, but I have always had a couple friends. My problem was that when I was younger, I was innocent and naive, and I had walls around myself so to speak. The biggest example is I turn down offers of sex in early high school several times by this one girl (one time after I allowed her to remain clothed in a strip game after I won that I was dragged into at her house with her father gone all day). Then I discovered the internet, and it corrupted me, which I believe has been a very good thing.

Depends on the definition of "nothing"

>> No.1094453


Yeah, fuck that. A conversation is not a game of chess. Going first is not supposed to give you an advantage. If you want to talk to me then actually say something, motherfucker. I'm glad everyone I ever had on my buddy list dropped off the face of the internet.

>> No.1094463

The only time I have trouble posting as Anon is when I talk about personal things in ronery threads. I'm afraid that someone I knew at a point in my life might have a power level over 9000 and just hid it really well. I don't want people knowing that I post here.

And you ask if my day consists of absolutely nothing? From 7:00 am - 1:00 pm I sat in front of my computer and did nothing but watch Sky Girls and Kaiji. 1:00 - 4:00 /jp/. 4:00 - 7:00 MGO. 7:00 - Now, more /jp/.

>> No.1094471

Why is 4chan so full of white ronery losers?

>> No.1094468

I think it's ironic that I really wish I had a girlfriend, but I never go outside where I could meet one.

>> No.1094475

Because the server is located in the US.

>> No.1094477

Although it isn't like I had the choice, but I figure if I had a girlfriend, I would have to change my lifestyle around too much to become more of a normal life style, and right now I am thinking "fuck that".

>> No.1094485

Doesn't matter, anyone with our mindset ends up like this, look at the quotes in the Moetan game.

>> No.1094486

Because Asian weaboos have a life.

>> No.1094496


>The biggest example is I turn down offers of sex in early high school several times by this one girl (one time after I allowed her to remain clothed in a strip game after I won that I was dragged into at her house with her father gone all day).

Is it better or worse on a site filled with virgins to be here as a virgin by choice?

>> No.1094504

1. Yes, like >>1094463 has said I'm also afraid someone I know will identify me. It's tiring to carry out a conversation with somebody you just met, so I try my best to ignore.

2. I find it a real drag to meet new people. I already got some really close friends. That's all I need. Every once in awhile they'll make me meet someone new and then I just get exhausted putting on a mask and hiding my power level at the same time.

3.I'm not particularly productive with my time if that's what you mean.

>> No.1094508


Because 4chan is the internet, not a frat party.

Nobody tell /b/, it would break their little hearts.

>> No.1094514

>It's ALSO tiring to carry out a conversation >with somebody you just met, so I try my best >to ignore.
Forgot the ALSO

>> No.1094516


I did but not anymore since I learned to internet.

I have some people to talk to but like having a lot of time to be by myself.


Funny thing is I can get girls to like me on msn and even get to be my girlfriends after some dates, but it never lasts more than 2-3 weeks... I'd like to be loved you know?

>> No.1094520
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I have problems talking online as well. I only talk about what I know and 99% of the time that means loli. I have been banned from countless servers because of this. Though, it makes it all worthwhile when I run into someone else that likes lolis. I add these people to my friend lists and we exchange our loli pics. Also, the people that RAGE can be pretty funny.

>> No.1094525

>Funny thing is I can get girls to like me on msn and even get to be my girlfriends after some dates, but it never lasts more than 2-3 weeks... I'd like to be loved you know?

I can be seen as normal by anyone on the internet if I am talking, however I can't be seen as normal in real life.

>> No.1094533
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>> No.1094532


Tell me more about lolis, I kinda like it and really wish to learn about it. Create a new thread maybe?

>> No.1094548

lol ok

>> No.1094549
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Damn traps.

>> No.1094553
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Say, how long do you think we'll have to wait for some nice persocoms?
That'd solve everything.

>> No.1094557

what are persocoms?

>> No.1094555

Seconding this

>> No.1094559

Personal computers, do you have one?

>> No.1094560

Something you'd rub your dick with.

>> No.1094561

Yeah, I even have trouble talking to fellow weeaboos via Steam. I just assume that they're uninterested in what I have to say, so I don't say very much. Then they get the impression that I don't like them, so they stop talking to me.

Kind of. I'll do anything to make someone my friend at first, then I distance myself from them because I realize that it's better to be alone. It doesn't help that most of the people that try to befriend me are fucking batshit in some way. I just want some mild mannered guy that I can play Gotcha Force with. That's all I want in life.

Yes, every day. I surf imageboards, download things that I will never play/read/watch, then go to sleep. Repeat. Also sometimes fap.

Whining about loneliness without doing something about it is kind of silly, so I've posted my Steam name if anyone wants to talk or something.

>> No.1094563

It's short for personal computers.

>> No.1094568

I was forced to go to a party today and just stood there and didn't really talk to anyone. It was pretty awkward.

>> No.1094574

I know this girl from highschool and we talk even now in college. She goes to school on the east coast, I'm on the west. We talk just find online. We can go hours talking about random shit or me just teasing her and making fun of her liberal beliefs. But she came back in the summer and when we meet face to face, the conversation gets awkward. She'll talk about how she hooks up and stuff and on the internet I can just go "lol" and leave it at that.

I spent my time today - 10am - 2pm Playing SCIV, 2pm - 6pm read random books 6pm - now /jp/ and some Homeworld 2.

You tell me if that is nothing.

>> No.1094576



>> No.1094577

Sounds like every day when I'm around people on break.

>> No.1094581

Well at least they didn't rape you. Figuratively speaking. I mean force conversation on you.

>> No.1094584


See, if you had sat down on a couch or something with your arms propped up and your head rolled back instead of standing, you would have been the cool guy who didn't do shit except lay there like he was totally high or wasted.

>> No.1094580

no 1094559 i use a mac

>> No.1094589


All too much of a common experience for me. Some of my college friends knew me from high school and feel bad that I'm always alone so they tell me to go to a party to meet people. Sam shit happens all the time. I'm by myself with a drink in my hand while everyone around me is degenerating into hookups. Sometimes I wish I could let go and be like that but I just can't.

>> No.1094594

I sat on the couch for a little bit.

>> No.1094597



>You tell me if that is nothing.

It's worse.

>> No.1094600


Why do you think alcohol/drugs are there for?
Get some E's and see for yourself.

>> No.1094610
File: 97 KB, 707x506, 1218006138572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, A failure thread. Allow me to contribute.
I am a group conversationalist. Empty small talk angers me. I like to listen, and I often end up with people telling me their secrets even when I barely know them,

I never seek out companionship. Sometimes months go by between hearing anything from my friends, and then next week I'll be at their house for 4 days, with no loss between either of us. I am content to do my own things.

A day of nothing usually starts if I bring up /jp/ first thing in the morning, but otherwise I have my plate full of various projects... and I don't even work. Days are too short..

>> No.1094611

That's more than I do.

9AM: /jp/ while listening to wota shit - 1AM: Sleep

>> No.1094616


Some people can be changed liked that, as I know someone who is a complete idiot (he asks about every little detail of something, and he has problems connecting stuff as related) who was just a huge gamer, yet he was somewhat normal and others were able to make him more normal and he brags how he got a life. While myself on the other hand, I would not be able to do that, nor do I want to be able to do that.

>> No.1094620

You underestimate Anonymous.

Drunk/drugged means lack of self-control. In other words, total massacre.

>> No.1094624

I wish but I've never seen drugs in my entire life. True story.

>> No.1094626
File: 46 KB, 607x408, 1218006386958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, and yes. I do nothing all day because I can, but I have no problems talking to people. I honestly enjoy talking to others. It was different when I was younger, though. I can easily relate to the experiences of Anons in this thread.

I "grew out" of that phase when I realized that the vast majority of people have something interesting to offer. The differences between myself and other people no longer disgust me; they intrigue me.

It took me a long, long time to come to that realization/way of thinking, though. I highly prefer it, instead of my old "fuck everyone except myself" way of thinking. It makes everything in life a lot easier. I can take it easy like this.

Now excuse me while I masterbate.

>> No.1094631

gtfo normalfag

>> No.1094638

Of course I realize that people are different then me. That's why they are all trying to destroy me.


>> No.1094645


>the vast majority of people have something interesting to offer.

This is a lie.

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

This is a troll.

>> No.1094646

>I'm a normalfag

>> No.1094653

When they start a conversation with me the only thing I would say is Y/N.

I'm pathetic.

>> No.1094656

I have trouble talking but I'm not with a total lack of confidence. brighten up, you're not that fucking ugly or awkward. I mean, you're still really fat and ugly and pretty retarded (no offense) but brighten up you faggot.

>> No.1094657

Believe it or not, but normal people masturbate. It's not uncommon.

>> No.1094662

and lain is related... how?

>> No.1094670

Teh words of wisdom.

Don't try to tell me you feel "intrigued" when the difference = they are complete assholes, though. That would have to be bullshit. It's not a person's fault what they have become but if you're an asshole you're an asshole and I won't like you.

>> No.1094665

Don't worry about it, brah.

>> No.1094668

Well, I was pointing out that he spelled masturbate wrong. And then I pointed out that his post was basically "I'm a normalfag". Those two quotes were not related.

>> No.1094669

Not really, since I've seen over 600 anime and played over 1,000 video games. True "normacy" is impossible for me.

>> No.1094672


This thread is the OP's psychology experiment relating social awkwardness to sloth.

>> No.1094678

Not really, since I've seen over 600 anime and played over 1,000 video games. True "normacy" is impossible for me.

It happens. I always keep a tab with an online dictionary open, but I still sometimes fail at spelling.

>> No.1094677

Yeah, I know you're anime_expert, don't try to deny it, ZUN. I'm glad you figured out how tripcodes worked though.

>> No.1094679

>Teh words of wisdom

Just Can't Sage Enough

>> No.1094688

I remember that post you made, bragging about how you were invited to a party and you were going to ask /r9k/ what you should do. You chose to become a normalfag.

>> No.1094692

Stop being such a faggot. This is why nobdoy likes you.

>> No.1094695


>> No.1094698

Stop sucking ZUN's dick.
What the hell does Nobdoy have to do with this, jackass?

>> No.1094700

Not really
Change friend to girlfriend and its accurate

>> No.1094703


>> No.1094708

Yes you caught me, this is why I like Zun, I also like you for the same reason as well.

>> No.1094717

i lol'd

>> No.1094735

Stop being such a faggot. This is why noone likes you.

>> No.1094742

that was well played

>> No.1094743

lol u wnna fite?

>> No.1094745

I have no phone, no email, and no permanent online identity. Every time I play something, I come up with a new identity.

This lack of connectivity is what allows me to speak to people. If things ever go south, I need only stop using that identity.

>> No.1094751

It's not that I feel uncomfortable talking to people, it's just that I don't have anything to say. People take me as quiet. Everyone just wants to engage in some small talk but I hate that shit with a passion. Feels like they need some noise and useless banter to get on in life.

I have friends. But not close friends. Just some guys I can go screw around with but nothing beyond having fun.

I spend my day dling VN's I see on /jp/ that I will never play. I'll read or watch some animu to kill the time.

>> No.1094756
File: 62 KB, 614x768, 1218008409104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, I'm getting tired of this shit.

>> No.1094755

I wish I had done this. I googled the usual name I use on forums and came up with about five years of archived conversations. Most of it trolling.

I also use this name for my e-mail, that my three normalfag friends and co-workers know.

>> No.1094757

The lack of sage and amount of candid responses means one of two things:

1) /jp/ has gone to summer hell and will never recover

2) You faggots need a therapist.

>> No.1094762


/b/ and /r9k/ is down amirite?

>> No.1094760

7PM EST: Woke up, started browsing the internet
1AM: Played Street Fighter alone
2AM: Browsed internet again

Someone kill me.

>> No.1094763

I once tried to make a friend online. We exchanged email addresses and I never saw the person again. I actually hoped that this would go somewhere.

>> No.1094769

I kill you, you kill me. Does it carry out?

>> No.1094770


I have no problem when hanging out with the friends I have now, but I fail utterly at meeting new people. I avoid all social gatherings because of this. I'd love to have a girlfriend, but I know I'll never have one if I don't change, since I never meet let alone talk to any girls.


>> No.1094771

I'd be your friend Anon ;_;

>> No.1094773


Wow, how long have those boards been down? I've barely seen a difference in /jp/.

Looks like the other boards soak up the crap for us. I'm not too surprised about that.

>> No.1094775

A friend of mine introduced me to the screen name of one of his friends and we talk to each other rather often, and yet despite the fact that we live close to each other we have never met in real life.

>> No.1094776

I actually thought I was good at adapting to new things. I enrolled at a community college and I was partnered up with this girl and she started asking queestions about me so I answered. At that point I thought I was doing quite well until she asked if I was nervous about something.

Shit sucked.

>> No.1094779

I made a friend on WoW(hahaha yes I know...pathetic). I talk to him alot on AIM. Sometimes we hang out on weekends but it's almost silence. I feel like I am dragging him down into otakudom. He was just a weeaboo when I met him but ever since I showed him touhoes, meltan, VNs etc etc. he spends his days playing them or looking for new ones. Even after all that we don't really talk when we hang out. It usually just consists of a few games of meltan, swr or bring over a HD and sharing stuff.

>> No.1094783

I just dislike talking to people. Especially in college. They either have some liberal shit belief and only talk about that or have some fratboy mentality where they begin their sentences with "OH MAN I WAS SO DRUNK LAST NIGHT...".

>> No.1094790

yes, hinamizawa

>> No.1094794

Wow, when I played WoW like 2 years ago(I realized that it's a piece of shit game and I wasn't really having fun and the only reason I actually played it was to talk to my wowfriends) I did the same thing to someone. Except we never hung out in real life. If it wasn't for me, he might have turned out alright.
I feel kind of bad about it.

>> No.1094812

Damn, I got a similar problem. Turned my friend into weeaboo thinking it would be nice having someone to share my interests with. Instead he's turned into annoying fuck and now I hate him... and myself.

>> No.1094814

>Anyone else have trouble talking, even anonymously to others on the Internet?

I'm a horrible conversationalist with strangers. No matter what is said to me, I always answer in the most concise way possible and kill the conversation since I can never really think of anything to say that will keep it going. I don’t like meeting new people though, so I don’t mind this one so much. I especially hate group discussions; I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself mainly because I don't really want to be noticed. The problem is if someone calls me out specifically, I'm screwed because my thoughts immediately disappear due to nervousness. So, I look like an idiot.

On the internet, I'm fairly sociable if I'm not talking to someone on AIM or the like. I prefer talking on places like imageboards because I have time to really think about what I want to say, and it’s anonymous of course.

>Anyone else completely cynical that they completely (and sometimes violently) refuse all human companionship, yet would do anything for a friend?

No, I have a few close friends, but I do prefer to be alone. I tend to neglect my friends because of this, but they don't that bothered by it.

>Anyone else's day consists of absolutely nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing?

Lately, yes. I'm going to college in a few weeks though, so that's going to change.

>> No.1094816

I made a friend at fanime when I offered to share a room with some random guy to cut costs (now that I think on it...that was fucking stupid). This weeaboo asian guy. Only watches anime with fanservice. Any semblance of a plot or character development and his answer is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I tried introducing VNs to him and he said the plot can't be worth reading. This guy pisses me the fuck off. But yet I still stay in contact with him over MSN because he is the only person who is willing to talk to me. Often times I get pissed at his dumbshit attitude towards plot that I talk down to him or make offhand remarks about him having the attention span of a horny 6 year old. I get scared that he will have enough of that shit and just stop talking to me.

>> No.1094820

>liberal shit belief

why does this keep coming up? is jp full of straussians and neocons?!

>> No.1094827


No, college is just full of hippies and ignorant faggots. Many anons have widely varying political views, but they aren't idiots to such an extreme degree like "OMG ALL GUNS ARE BAD MAKE GUNS ILLEGAL SO LAW ABIDING CITIZENS WILL BE DEFENSELESS WHILE CRIMINALS CONTINUE TO OBTAIN ILLEGAL FIREARMS" and even /k/ isn't infested with gun-toting inbred rednecks.

>> No.1094825


No. Just tired of OMG WE HAVE TO STOP THE WAR. WE GOTTA VOTE OBAMA HE STANDS FOR CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGE. Trying going to school at San Francisco State University. That bullshit is everywhere

>> No.1094826

Jesus christ, I thought I had problems.

>> No.1094828

Literally being raped is a possibility too at parties. Just don't touch any drinks.

>> No.1094830

I'm still friends with the guy I converted. I've been very careful in not turning him into a Gaiafag.

>> No.1094831

>Trying going to school at San Francisco State University.


I have so many classmates from high school going there it's hilarious. Some of them fit right in, but I know a lot of them hate it too. Rest are at community. I'm about to become a sophomore at a UC, so shit, maybe I even know you irl.

>> No.1094835

I once introduce my online friend to 4chan. Now he never speaks to me.

>> No.1094841

>I prefer talking on places like imageboards because I have time to really think about what I want to say, and it’s anonymous of course.
>I have time to really think about what I want to say
It sure is a pity people on /jp/ don't do that a bit more.

>> No.1094847


I'm loling at how similar these are

since this thread is mostly about lamenting our anti-social behavior, I have to ask: is it really that annoying to you to learn that someone wants the war in iraq to end? is your problem that you support the war and disagree with their politics, or that you think they are shrill or something?

>> No.1094849

I do try and make an effort to make some friends...but I'm at a community college so...commuter school. It feels like they already have some core set of friend to do shit with or just talk to me because I'm the only person willing to talk in class.

>> No.1094850

I have no instant messengers installed and I had to install IRC yesterday for the first time because I wanted to look at that Meido RPG shit.

>> No.1094854

stopped using messangers some 4 years ago, using IRC for about 9 years now.

>> No.1094855


I'm all for stopping the war. But I don't want someone to say "stop the war" only because it is cool to be liberal. Their only reason is ZOMG PEPULZ DIE and AHHHH SO EXPENSIVE. All good reasons...but a bit broad. They can't explain anything about their stance beyond those 2 points. So it's just populist stupidity that I guess I have a problem with.

>> No.1094856

How was it?

>> No.1094869

I have trouble talking to people in real life because somehow I've turned into a misanthrope. I just HATE people in general. I can talk on line or on image boards because I don't really see it as talking to a person.

I don't really have any friends. Just some guys from college that say "hey sup" over AIM once in a while.

I'm working full time now. In an office. It's great. I don't have to talk to people unless it's necessary and even then I just say one or 2 words.

>> No.1094872

Wow, what do you do? Do you decorate your office with animu figs?

>> No.1094880

but do you really think those people ONLY support the war because they want to appear cool and liberal? like, they actually believe something different and are lying? are they con men (and women)?

i seems you're most concerned that they aren't abnormally well informed. are not the prices in lives and dollars good both good reasons to oppose the war? there certainly are other, more specific reasons, but if a person only focuses on these two, why is that insufficient?

by the way, I am only pursuing this because I am easily overcome by essentially the same distaste for enthusiastic liberally-minded college kids, and I'm fucking tired of it. I can't find any good reason why these people should annoy me as much as they do. I think has much more to do with their enthusiasm and optimism than it does with their politics, or with any of what they say. I'm tired of being a stick in the mud.

>> No.1094878


Internal Auditor. Instead of talking to people I can just write a report. And the only fig I have in my office is a Nanoha fig. Co-workers think it's something from a video game.

>> No.1094881

Pics of fig please.

>> No.1094891


Probably because we think most of them are like sheep. At least I do. Seems like it's the "chic" thing to do is to oppose the war. I'll be a troll and give a reason to continue the war in Iraq (for example, We don't cry over spilled milk, we fucked up so now lets use the situation to our advantage by letting Iraq sink into chaos, supply the Sunni's with weapons and hopefully the chaos will spill over the border into Iran and make Iran divert resources at securing the border so that any military action related to their nuclear program will be that much easier etc etc.) and the liberalfags will just say something like "OMG YOU SUPPORT WAR...WARMONGER WARMONGER" or some bullshit like that.

>> No.1094894
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Ordered it online.

>> No.1094897

I can't talk with people irl because prolly I was always a nerd/dork. Played dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering then watched NGE and became what I am today. A VN reading, danmaku shooting figure collecting fag. Can't really relate to anyone.

>> No.1094903

I'm not the guy you're asking, but for me it really is the fact that they share my political affiliations, but are completely uninformed. When talking about economics, they have no idea who Keynes is, and merely talk in terms of capitalism vs. socialism. When they talk about the surge, they can't understand why the small troop escalation isn't the cause in the decrease of violence and merely give the vague "it doesn't matter, we need a political solution" nonsense that means nothing. I could go on and on. Even though I agree with them, they can justify none of their positions and are no better than the ignorant zealots on the other side. Not to mention none of them read books or magazines or newspapers, and justify it by saying they get all their (lack of) info from the internet.

>> No.1094906

but I really doubt that they oppose the war because it's a chic thing to do. I'm not even sure what I think the word chic means in a political context; what separates a reasonable popular sentiment from fashion? popular politics are always going to change over time and that hardly means they are vapid.

I guess I have to take them seriously. they may not have extremely well informed positions, but that doesn't mean their positions aren't genuine. I don't doubt that these people will be consistent in most of their broader liberal-ish political beliefs throughout their lives.

of course, this isn't to say I agree with them, or that I even trust these people not to become bloodsucking yuppie corporate whores like the boomer generation. I just think they are being intellectually honest with us and with themselves when they take these positions, like opposing the war. so I can't really hate them for that.

>> No.1094908


By chic I'm referring to "it's the cool thing to do or I have to do this to be accepted by everyone". Anyone that leans to the right gets bitched at out here at good ole' sfsu.

I know their positions are valid. I want to end the war just as well. But going around being uninformed and yelling shit isn't gonna get anyone to take you seriously. People in the middle who COULD be swayed would probably be put off by all the shit college students do and just equate any semblance of liberalism to that. That's what I'm kinda afraid of. I know alot of people have become more moderate but...moderates aren't exactly known for being very loud spoken.

>> No.1094909

>popular politics are always going to change over time and that hardly means they are vapid.

HMMM. let me take that back. I really meant to say simply that popular politics are held in earnest by people who are in a broad sense trying to "do the right thing." so they aren't totally bankrupt.

>> No.1094912

>>reasonable popular sentiment
>>popular sentiment
Here's the problem. Popular sentiment is never, ever reasonable. Sometimes it's on the right side of things, but that's purely by forces that are out of their reach. Popular sentiment was on Hitler's side, it was on FDR's side, it was on Lenin's side, it was on Reagan's side, so why should I be glad it exists purely because it's now on my side? I'll hate the ignorant and sentimental as long as they exist; they're politics mean nothing to me.

>> No.1094914

>>they're politics mean nothing to me
>>they're politics


>> No.1094918

Hey, at least no grammarfaggots went batshit over it though. I REMEMBER THIS ONE TIME...

>> No.1094919

Sometimes I'm hesitant to post, even when it's something I spent several minutes typing. Maybe it's a sense of pride, maybe it's a sense of obligation to not decrease the quality of the board any more, maybe it's just a fear of criticism. I don't know. Whatever it is, it's magnified a thousand fold in the real world, which is why I can never get a word out.

>> No.1094922

Atleast Nobdoy isn't here to point it out.

>> No.1094928

I do that sometimes too, but it's usually a case of, "Holy hell, this is stupid."

>> No.1094923

well, I agree with a lot of that. modern liberalism is a total clusterfuck with a deep, deep image problem and a total lack of organization or direction. college fags in obama t-shirts (anyone see the apples in stereo on the colbert report?) probably do more harm than good when it comes to advancing progressive causes with people who don't already self-identify as progressive.

but it's not a problem with their information. just as these kids aren't well-informed, neither is middle or conservative america. the people whose opinions progressives might need to sway are also not going to make those decisions in a particularly academic way.

so again it's more to do with attitude and enthusiasm than with information. and just like i'm tired of being a dissolute anemic malcontent, i'm also tired of recommending everyone else be that way, too. liberally-minded college kids are like the lesser of two evils... actually, they are a lot less evil.

>> No.1094926


>> No.1094929


Good thing nobody's pointing it out.

>> No.1094931


Not the guy you are responding to but I'll add my 2 cents. As a moderate and a cynic, I really don't care which way we go. Left, Right middle whatever. For me, whatever works, works. That said college liberals piss me off because they ONLY see progressive methods as being the true way. Same goes to the people on the right but they aren't as annoying. They just kinda nag at us. The left screams at us.

>> No.1094941

>>I really don't care which way we go. Left, Right middle whatever. For me, whatever works, works.

So, you have no opinion on the issue, besides "HURR EVERYBODY IS ANNOYING ME STOP IT."

>> No.1094944

I know what you mean. I'm just trying to figure out a way not to ruin my life being an antisocial dickhead. it's a balancing act. and well-meaning college liberals are hardly hitler, no?

also, i didn't mean majority politics exactly, i just meant widely held political affiliations. bush was reelected in 2004 but there was a broad opposition. reagan raped carter in the electoral college but 40% of america still didn't vote for him. whether or not it's in power, the democratic/liberal institution in america is always a popular political affiliation. i mean, we'll never get to vote for anything more exotic.

>> No.1094949

>and well-meaning college liberals are hardly hitler, no?

this was stupid, sorry

it's 5 am

>> No.1094955

>well-meaning college liberals are hardly hitler
You say that as if Hitler wasn't well-meaning.

>> No.1094957


yeah, see:

>> No.1094959

Shit just got Godwin.

>> No.1094963


>> No.1094972

sorry to derail the hikki thread.

so anyway uh, don't hate, copulate. or masturbate.

>> No.1094974

Well, that's something we can't agree on.

>> No.1094978

So, anyone here bottle? The bathroom where I live is down the hall and if there are people around I'm too afraid to go near it. So piss in a bottle. Isn't that great guys?

>> No.1094983

no fap week?

>> No.1094981
File: 18 KB, 197x766, 1218014566351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, great idea man! That's awesome! Good thing I just finished drinking this 1 liter mountain dew!

>> No.1094984

Excuse me but are you a double nigger?

>> No.1094987

Wait wait wait. Don't piss yet. We need pics. I'm a girl btw, I <3 guys pissing in bottles.

>> No.1094990

I thought the only people who pissed in bottles were Dumb and Dumber.

>> No.1094992

will you be my girlfriend

wait, are you really ugly

>> No.1094996

I'm not dumb, normalfag. Shouldn't you be drinking and having sex with your girlfriend?

>> No.1094994


>> No.1094997

I pissed in a bottle on the bus one time in high school.

>> No.1094998

We went through this the other day. Fuck.

>> No.1095000

I don't see how referencing the movie Dumb and Dumber makes me a normalfag but okay. You must be 13 to not have seen that movie.

>> No.1095002

Shit. You still there? I already pissed, but I can post the picture of the bottle...

>> No.1095003

i collect my pee in little rilakuma bento boxes

>> No.1095005

ooooh big man on campus saying I'm 13 you make me laugh faggot

>> No.1095008

post em

>> No.1095012

great. let me find it. it has a little blood in it tho since i have a medical problem. so why do you like guys pissing in bottles? some sort of roleplay?

>> No.1095013

I've pissed on the floor in a corner of a room no one in my house ever uses a couple times

No really. Not because I was afraid of running into someone on the way to the bathroom though, just when the bathroom was occupied and I really had to piss or when someone really stank it up.

Why am I posting this?

>> No.1095015
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>> No.1095014

Seriously, what crawled up your ass?

>> No.1095017

Did anyone ever find the spot? What face did they make? Did they suspect you? I'm so turned on right now. Coming here from /b/ was an awesome idea.

>> No.1095018

That's nothing.
I poop in bags and at night I put it in front of my the door so my parents can throw it away.

>> No.1095025
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>> No.1095028

feels good man

>> No.1095035

Are you serious?

>> No.1095038

Why do people like anything? Because.

>> No.1095040

Dead serious. Sometimes I masturbate when I hear my mom sobbing while cleaning up the poop outside my door.

>> No.1095043

I hate the american definition of liberal.
Stop using that word for that use.
Try calling them faggots or something.

>> No.1095045

all three

>> No.1095063

That's hilarious and kind of hot at the same time.

>> No.1095064

Are you serious?

>> No.1095065

I'm sure there are hiki who do that.

>> No.1095080

Um, yes.

>> No.1095089

Sometimes, I'm so paranoid that I think an anon that I'm being friendly to in one thread could be the same guy who was being a gigantic faggot in another thread. And then it gets really weird.

>> No.1095090

Usually it's true.

>> No.1095098

should we exchange msn contacts /jp/?

>> No.1096403

No one here uses IM.

At least I never have.

>> No.1096422

I doubt most of the people in this thread have IM accounts, or ever use them if they do.

>> No.1096438

So I heard you guys had Autism.
