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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10941414 No.10941414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever stumble on, or at least suspect, someone you know on /jp/?

How do you feel about that? Do you ask that person directly?

On the other hand, have you ever know someone who browse /jp/?

>> No.10941422

I smell jaypeers at a distance.
When I find them I suck their cawk, and tell them I love them.

>> No.10941426

I don't know anyone I'm a truNEET

>> No.10941432

I actually knew one sporty guy who was serious and glowed spartan. I would have never guessed he played a lot video games and was into most obscure memes.

So the answer is. I probably couldn't tell.

>> No.10941435

I spoke to someone today that mentioned how Mima is confirmed for TH14.

>> No.10941439

The only people I know are my family.

>> No.10941449

I once saw some guy playing loli mahjong on a pink laptop in a shop. Maybe he was /jp/sie?

>> No.10941481

What's it like knowing people other than your mom?

>> No.10941477
File: 937 KB, 1403x992, 8e4dbdabfc69c819b4672653d5d5d75d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom keeps encouraging me to meet her friend's shut-in friendless son because he's similar to me apparently.

Should I do it?

>> No.10941493


What would be the point?

>> No.10941491

Do it
Sounds like an awkward weird enough situation to make for a good story later on.

Who knows maybe you'll hit it off

>> No.10941496

I don't know anyone who specifically browses /jp/. But, one guy I know browses 2ch because he's a japanese immigrant, and the three-four other touhou fans I know get their info and stuff from me.

It's pretty nice having friends who play touhou, we are going to spend monday or tuesday eating steak and playing HM

>> No.10941528

cool story normie

>> No.10941581

Is the pic related to your post?

I think I know what will happen.

>> No.10941639

I suspect my roommate is a /jp/ regular, but we're rarely outside our rooms at the same time if ever.

>> No.10941700
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Depends on how qt3.14 he is

>> No.10941718
File: 1.28 MB, 1446x2046, 1367349326414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been recognized a few times on /jp/.

And then they told me to stop wasting time in imagedump threads and fucking update.


>> No.10941735


Ask him if he's got a favorite touhou.

>> No.10941757

Try to change posting styles for every post.

never use the same style in a row and also avoid putting the same pictures in them because people will see you who you are

>> No.10941800

Make up your mind, Alice and Reimu isn't alike!

>> No.10941814

I haven't suspected a person even once.

I did run into someone who browsed /jp/, but he was a cross-boarder. I walked by and saw him browsing /a/ on his laptop and talked to him and he turned out pretty tumblr-tier. Liked sticking in memes and references whenever he could. I think he only said he browsed /jp/ after I told him I did though, so I kind of doubt he actually goes here.

I think it's nice recognizing and being recognized by others on /jp/. There's a guy I feel like I always run into in a certain Touhou's thread that I feel like I'm friends with, or at least as close to friends as two people who are anonymous on the internet can be.

>> No.10941906

I was at a con for the last two days and I'm pretty sure I saw a few /jp/sies. I stared down pretty much everyone as I passed them. Some were veiled in a very mysterious energy, so maybe some of those were from /jp/. Mostly girls, though. I also saw a bunch of Touhou cosplayers, but none of them seemed to harbor the same feeling. I think they were just dressing up as the characters because it is considered popular at this point in time.

>> No.10941911


I've tried that, yes. Sadly, despite having over a gig of reaction images, I favor certain ones too much and people recognize the filenames I gave them.

That, and I'm just not cautious enough.

>> No.10941928
File: 274 KB, 700x1880, 004cb8453fd3954d2bd3fc6998ede3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's nice recognizing and being recognized by others on /jp/. There's a guy I feel like I always run into in a certain Touhou's thread that I feel like I'm friends with, or at least as close to friends as two people who are anonymous on the internet can be.

That's true! There's some journalist who likes to wax eloquent on Aya and Hatate in Aya threads, and their perspective takes on journalism, and as a journalism major/writer myself it's always nice to see the guy around.

He posts some damn good aya, too.

>> No.10941932

You just haven't try hard enough.

Good luck, Onii-chan!

>> No.10941975

>I think it's nice recognizing and being recognized by others on /jp/.
I know what you mean. Yeah, it's really nice.
I don't feel I really recognize a lot of people, though...well, that's a complete lie, but eh.

>> No.10941979

I was thinking of him myself.

Actually, even though I said guy in a singular form, I was thinking of several people. Maybe you're the other person, who knows.

>> No.10942009

Oooh, oooh, I bet one of em's me.
More than one, actually. I'm a lot of people.

>> No.10942475

I wish I did. Most /jp/ers sound like nice persons I would love to meet. From all boards I have been to you are the nicest people. However meeting people you met online must be awkward.

>> No.10942539

Meeting people at an anonymous board will be awkward.

I have only seen people going to /a/ /v(g)/ or even /b/ , not /jp/.

>> No.10942551
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> 05:09

>> No.10942555

Who are you greening?

>> No.10942567

He's green texting the time I'm guessing.

>> No.10942586

Saw this one guy browsing /v/ but he looked like a huge turd. He had a pony tail and every thing.

>> No.10942607
File: 259 KB, 596x727, 1366727251928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend goes to /jp/. In fact, I have two best friends who go to /jp/.

We've managed to make it not weird. You guys treat friendship like some weird thing. It's as simple as talking to them a lot about stuff that isn't /jp/ all the time and realizing that you're not very different.

You don't have to suck your friend's cawk, is what I'm getting at.

>> No.10942619

The face of neo-/jp/, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10942648
File: 133 KB, 564x428, 1361601438375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have two best friends who go to /jp/.

>> No.10942666

/jp/ is for my friends.

>> No.10942697

>You don't have to suck your friend's cawk, is what I'm getting at.


>> No.10942705

>being this new


>> No.10942722
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Look, you have more to offer than just sucking someone's dick. You can do things that are like figuratively sucking someone's cawk, like eating food and complimenting each others' shirts.

>> No.10942727

Go away new-kun.

>> No.10942778
File: 51 KB, 300x300, 2007-06-28-60952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not new though! My favorite touhou is Patchouli. I have lots of pictures of her.

>> No.10942786

she sucks dude marisa is better

>> No.10942792

How can you say you are friends with someone if you haven't even sucked his cock? This is essential.

>> No.10942876

One of my friends told me he pisses in bottles and hes into jap stuff I think so he might be from here

>> No.10942927

We don't piss in bottles here. We /jp/ers have class.

>> No.10942957

I actually just pissed in a monster can 5 minutes ago, suck my dick.

>> No.10942964

Soon you'll be pissing a kidney stone.

>> No.10942975

What makes you say that? They are awesome piss bottles because they have the screw on cap.

>> No.10943387

Nope. I'm sure there's plenty of you at cons, but I don't really pay attention.

>> No.10943426

I try not to call out people I know because this is an anonymous imageboard, they're posting anonymously for a reason.

>> No.10943577

Someone directly made posts with my online handle back in February. It made me very uncomfortable, and I never found out who it was

>> No.10943596

People who browse /jp/ are fucking lamebrains.

Either they're the super serious guy who makes up fanon about touhou and maxes out the text field with his essay trying to psychoanalyze a touhou, or shitters who just dump pictures and use this board as /soc/ for "nerds".
Almost all of them are in college.

I can't imagine being around these people in person for any amount of time. Even this thread is shit.

All this "/jp/" group shit is starting to piss me off. Shouldn't have banned "NEET" threads, obviously all this garbage is you normos trying to blogshit without getting jan'd.

>> No.10943603 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 497x700, taiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese musician and songwriter Taiji Sawada died yesterday morning at the Commonwealth Health Center, Saipan, some three days after he reportedly tried to kill himself.

A Department of Public Safety official confirmed that Sawada passed away at 11am. The official, who requested anonymity, said that Sawada's body was taken to CHC's morgue. He refused to elaborate.

A Department of Public Health staff separately said that Sawada had been on life support at the intensive care unit after he became brain dead. Sawada's family made the decision to unhook the life support system, the staff said.

The staff said that Sawada's mother and his girlfriend were at the hospital.

Sauce: http://www.saipantribune.com/newssry.aspx?newsID=111126&cat=1

>> No.10943655
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1200, sanaekanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that my Facebook was posted on this same board a few days ago with multiple friends seeing said post and "hurr ur 4chan famouse on the interents"ing at me, I'm probably doing a terrible job at recognizing people... Hell, a good chunk of this thread probably know who I am now, too!
Then again, I only come here for the toohoos and occasionally go on /g/ or some other random board. I'm not active enough to catch patterns and notice people.

>> No.10944108

Please don't blame others for your incapability to analyze anything

And you won't get any "Please don't bully" response as you wanted so try harder next time.

>> No.10944174

Fuck off, Pete.

>> No.10944252

There used to be an anonymous who posted from a mansion in the next town over from me, I know where he lives but I've never net him and I've only seen him post twice and in 2009 and 10 at that (in Christmas threads).

I know the identities of a couple of anonymous spammers by coincidence, you wont be surprised to find that a lot of the shittier image macros and daily doses over the years are the work of very few obsessive and legitimately autistic individuals.

>> No.10949397

As far as I know the samefag level on /jp/ is a bit high. You may be right.

>> No.10949466

Meh, probably nobody could guess that I'm from /jp/ and what I do here is absolutely irrelevant.

>> No.10949495

whoever keeps saying whoa! and lewd makes me laugh

its probably more than one person though

>> No.10949583
File: 248 KB, 800x640, 6e027080a2d16c2250cc3e4079b898e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do know several irl /b/tards, and the fact is 4channers all use whichever board they feel like they can make a fuss on for their fellow 4channers, so by /b/tard I of course mean that they're /jp/ users too, as well as /sp/ /a/ /tv/ and the rest.

The two who stand out are a couple of fat, stupid fucks who don't pay attention during lecture, they surf unrelated shit on the web on their laptops the whole time.

>> No.10949609

>so by /b/tard I of course mean that they're /jp/ users too

Stopped reading there.

>> No.10949631

ti moy sluga, ti moy ra/b/otnik :)

>> No.10949694

sorry to be a dumb fucking fuck but >>10949631
the fuck language is that?

google translate can't figure it out even if you fix it first

>> No.10949704

A friend called me out on a thread I made once on /a/, it was a long time ago but it was scary because there was no hint in the posting style or filename

>> No.10949734

I'm the only person I know who even browses 4chan. That's to be expected when I'm a social reject.

>> No.10949751
File: 159 KB, 421x326, 1369342131646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even social rejects could make the same observations I did of what the rude dumbfucks further in front of the classroom browse on their craptops during lecture. I mean, assuming y'all aren't blind or stupid you could.
