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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 158 KB, 803x925, 1366406034812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10932359 No.10932359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old are you /jp/? Who is the oldest person here?

>> No.10932365

I thought it could be gathered from the posts. What would you guess?

>> No.10932364

hello im 12 :)

>> No.10932364,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am older than the universe itself

>> No.10932369

I'm a transdimensional being older than the concept of time itself.

>> No.10932366


Hikki since late '10.

>> No.10932367


>> No.10932368

22 ;_;

>> No.10932374


>> No.10932376

I'm "18"

>> No.10932382

20, but I'll be 21 in a few months!

Please make me your disciple.

>> No.10932380

as old as moot

>> No.10932383

I forgot

>> No.10932384


>> No.10932388
File: 9 KB, 300x224, 312167_dark_bedroom[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who daysleeper here?

>> No.10932391

I think it's kinda stupid that you have to be 18 and Shit, this us like the only place on the internet where I really like the Touhou community, I'm not implying I'm 17 at all, but yeah

>> No.10932396

I more or less do >>10932366

I sleep during the day about two weeks a month, and during the night for the next two weeks.

I don't have a fixed sleep schedule, so I kinda go to bed later every night, and get up later every day.

>> No.10932394

Fucking autocorrelation

>> No.10932403
File: 24 KB, 400x267, bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10932397

> having a consistent schedule at all

>> No.10932399

10am soon, almost time for bed.

>> No.10932399,1 [INTERNAL] 

why does underageb& always have to be so insufferable
fuck i want to stab this guy and not with my dick

>> No.10932401

26, look at /jp/ every day.

>> No.10932405

I used to be a daysleeper but the problem is that It fucked with my sleeping schedule and it only made me more tired.

>> No.10932409

I changed my sleep schedule to match JPT sleepers.

>> No.10932410

I went to bed at 1:00 got up shortly at 6:00 to eat something went back to bed at 8:00 and slept until 15:00. There is no concept of day and night in my world. I just sleep when i want.

>> No.10932412

This is bullshit. I was like in my mid-teens when I got into this hellraiser box. I was all into drugs, western philosophy, programing and Touhou. I would dress up in girls clothes and masturbate all day.
Now when I'm not in my teens anymore and everyone back then who claimed to be in their early twenties just vanished and I'm left with all this new blood. I don't do any of those things anymore that I said and I am still stuck here.

>> No.10932413


I really like the feeling of waking up on sunset.

>> No.10932415

Japanese time? do you post in futaba or something?

>> No.10932416

Never heard of her.

>> No.10932418

I'm 27, yet I can't help but feel like I'm way older.

>> No.10932422

I'm 20, yet I can't help but feel like I'm way younger.

>> No.10932421
File: 71 KB, 542x431, 1345105453976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when you're the oldest person on /jp/

>> No.10932425

What do you do now? Nothing at all?

>> No.10932426

I am 21 but I already feel like I wasted my life. So many years I wasted instead of learning something. Now I am useless.

>> No.10932430
File: 171 KB, 362x416, 1337336218510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that zunby is turning 30 soon

>> No.10932431

I'm 31
Flow of time is so fast.

>> No.10932437

Nay, I got job and education. Everyone is celebrating me and I just want to be alone.

>> No.10932438

are we doing anything

maybe we could get that anon to bake a sponge cake

>> No.10932439

Why aren't you a wizard yet?

>> No.10932440

You don't belong here.

>> No.10932450

I did it the other way around.

>> No.10932451

20 but I've had hikkikomori tendencies since I was 7

>> No.10932459

He said he was leaving for afghanistan after his birthday.

Maybe we should throw a farewell-birthday party.

>> No.10932458

Do you know why I don't want to celebrate it? I don't feel like I deserve it. It was just given to me.

>> No.10932460

I know that feel.

>> No.10932471

Please don't abuse the meme feature

>> No.10932467

Old users are old enough to understand how awful these survey threads are and they won't post.

>> No.10932472

Are you white too, dude?

>> No.10932473

28 with Phd in medicine
fuck you neet scum

>> No.10932482

Please teach me how to have lucid dreams too anon.

>> No.10932488


>> No.10932485

I don't think I did. Even when I've clearly harvested the rewards of my own work, it has always felt as if someone would just be trying to trick me.

>> No.10932502

I want tumblr to leave.

>> No.10932507

I want you to leave.

>> No.10932514


>> No.10932521


>> No.10932523

Suck my cock dude.

>> No.10932532

Everyone is being mean to each other...please be nice!

>> No.10932538

I wish anyone under 23 would leave.

>> No.10932540


im the oldest wizard here

soon gensokyo... soon

>> No.10932544

Are you 23?

>> No.10932548

I would be nice to you guys if I knew you. I don't want to be accidentaly nice to some guy I would hate irl.

>> No.10932554

Too complicated to make an explanation for you right now.

>> No.10932556

Useless post.

>> No.10932562

It would be hilarious if the one you were arguing with on a thread was actually the same guy you were having a pleasant conversation on the other thread.

>> No.10932564

28 next month. My life is surely starting soon!

>> No.10932569
File: 6 KB, 125x118, skeletonPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure it will anon. Any moment.

>> No.10932570

I've seen that happen a few times as a mod.

>> No.10932573

I know I've done it a couple of times.

>> No.10932574

How does it feel to see an anon samefagging?

>> No.10932578

>insinuating 4chan moderators are capable of feeling

>> No.10932576

Like watching someone with schizophrenia talk.

>> No.10932581
File: 5 KB, 241x260, 1368138401999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 here.

I'm lacking motivation to do anything sometimes. I want to atleast finish studying Japanese, yet I can't do that.

>> No.10932584

suck a dick you useless piece of shit

>> No.10932586
File: 101 KB, 550x524, 1369344830887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 20, but I feel like I could die any day now. Maybe this is what happens when you're home schooled and you don't leave the house for 10 years. I didn't actually think it could kill me.

My heart feels strange and almost tingly, my eyes feel stretched, everything aches, and my mind feels like butter scraped over too much bread.

>> No.10932592

Sounds cute!

>> No.10932593

Are you a Jew?

>> No.10932598

Are you good?

>> No.10932599


I'm 100% snow monkey of the brownish red hair variety.

>> No.10932600

retail assistant
living with parents

>> No.10932602

Do you want to live with me?

>> No.10932611

Can you do row reduction in your head?

>> No.10932615

What the fuck is that?

>> No.10932616
File: 956 KB, 1240x1754, f2d89f9e0f791496b76b549d99416ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have a major immaturity complex?

I don't feel like an adult. I used to think people my age were grown ups but now I think of my age as an extension of teenage years, but I still feel even younger than teenagers. It doesn't help that I look so young. I need to stay young forever.

>> No.10932620
File: 418 KB, 707x579, stay virg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you believe it?

>> No.10932622

You're in a board dedicated mostly to a videogame and an industry that worships underage girls who sing and dance.

What do you think?

>> No.10932623

>Does anyone else have a major immaturity complex?
Almost everyone on 4chan and especially on /jp/.

>> No.10932625


Snow monkeys are the types of white people from the snowy areas.

>> No.10932626

I do and I got told that I behave like a child as well. Sadly I don't look young and cute. I wish I could be a cute trap.

>> No.10932631

27. Slightly surprised there are so many people around that age.

>> No.10932632


Is that something to do with math? I don't really even know basic algebra. Numbers are hard and they make my head hurt.

>> No.10932637


>> No.10932638
File: 974 KB, 500x436, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it should have been obvious.

>> No.10932639
File: 30 KB, 307x239, 1369348390932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10932647

I'm 22 and I hate anyone who isn't older than me.

>> No.10932644

Вы говорите на русском? No. You are Finnish or something.

>> No.10932645

N1 google translate m8

>> No.10932651

I'm 37. Haven't talked to any humans other than my mother through vocal communication since I was 18.

>> No.10932652

I have blocked all my windows out so it's nighttime 24/7 in my room.

I sleep whenever the hell I want!

I also point a large fan at the door and keep it running and wear earplugs so nobody can distract me from my cute hobbies and remind me that real life exists.

>> No.10932653

I'm 27, and I hate anyone who is in the bracket between 3 years younger and 3 years older than you.

>> No.10932654

It's pretty much the same. In which way you put it. It comes out literally the same. I know this.

>> No.10932655

I am 21 and hate every single person because everyone is more successful than me.

>> No.10932659

I don't believe you.

>> No.10932662

How do you talk to your wife and kids?

>> No.10932664

> I don't feel like an adult. I used to think people my age were grown ups
As far as I can tell that is how it is for nearly everyone.

>> No.10932668

Because I am the snow monkey of the snow monkeyist.

>> No.10932671


>> No.10932672


I wish I lived near trees. Living with my mother and not needing to do things like socialize with people or work is great and I've had the last 10 years to spend all my time doing things I love, but I wish that there were trees and grass near me. Life would be perfect if I could look outside and saw trees instead of concrete and cars.

>> No.10932674

Everybody in my school was much more grown up than I. I live with my mom and I don't even have a drivers license or a job.

>> No.10932675

I live in the countryside, would you like to live with me? We could go exploring and have picnics together!

>> No.10932676

23. NEET and live with my mom.

>> No.10932678

Which leads to a conclusion that you are neither Russian or Finnish. Then what the fuck kind of snow monkey are you? Swedish? hah, go fuck yourself prince.

>> No.10932680

I have a couple of trees. In the garden. What's more, my mom is pretty proud of a particular tree that's supposed to expel some nice aroma at night, because it started expelling said aroma this year.

I never see them, because I pretty much never leave the house, and my window is barricaded to avoid the sun.

>> No.10932681

Today I finished my education. What am I supposed to do for the next 60-80 years?

>> No.10932682

Yeah I got my associate's degree a few weeks ago. Time to NEET it up for a few years.

>> No.10932683


>> No.10932684

Play touhou, download piracy and never leave the house.

Not last 60-80 years, and move to gensokyo in 10 years or so.

>> No.10932686


>and my window is barricaded to avoid the sun.

Don't your eyes hurt?

If my monitor is the only source of light in my room then my eyes hurt and everything starts to look tiny.

>> No.10932688

23, not a NEET but not really going anywhere

>> No.10932689

I have neon lights.

They're always on. The only time they come off is if I'm using my old projector to watch some movie, or when I watch Game of Thrones.

>> No.10932692


>> No.10932694

i do
im 22 and my friends all go drinking and smoking
i dont do any of those things...
now their starting to go to the gym

>> No.10932694,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Who is the oldest person here?
Probably me, I'm almost 19. :)

>> No.10932694,3 [INTERNAL] 


There are people in there 30s what are you like stupid or some shit lol..

>> No.10932694,4 [INTERNAL] 

Wow dude, calm down...
There's no need to be so mean...

>> No.10932694,5 [INTERNAL] 

Do we really have people here who lurked /jp/ since they were 12-13?

>> No.10932694,6 [INTERNAL] 

Live the dream and NEET it up for as long as you possibly can. Either that or be someone's wage slave for the next 40-60 years. Enjoyee life!

>> No.10932694,7 [INTERNAL] 

I was lurking here when I was 14 so it wouldn't be much of a stretch.

>> No.10932694,8 [INTERNAL] 

you have to be 18 post on the 4Chan
please come back in 4 years

>> No.10932694,9 [INTERNAL] 


lmfao 90% of /jp/ was born in 1991-1995

>> No.10932694,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,13 [INTERNAL] 

Exhausting for the dick. So many boypussies to rape, so little dick...

Wow, looks like I just owned myself...

>> No.10932694,14 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off T

>> No.10932694,15 [INTERNAL] 

In a year or two, 90% of /b/ will be kids born in 2000+.

>> No.10932694,16 [INTERNAL] 

Please don't insult me by calling me that subhuman. I already owned myself, is that not enough?

>> No.10932694,17 [INTERNAL] 

Your punishment must be more severe.

>> No.10932694,18 [INTERNAL] 

Go away T.

>> No.10932694,19 [INTERNAL] 

Put that away, you s-sadist.

I'm not your T, Josh.

>> No.10932694,20 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourself, t.

>> No.10932694,21 [INTERNAL] 

If I'm T, then how come I fake-stuttered like some colossal colon connoisseur?

Checkmate, dipshit.

>> No.10932694,22 [INTERNAL] 

The fact you're going out of your way to make it seem you aren't T and you refer him as T means you're T.

>> No.10932694,23 [INTERNAL] 

I'm starting to think that you're T, dawg.

>> No.10932694,24 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10932694,25 [INTERNAL] 

How do you bend your text like that?

>> No.10932694,26 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,27 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking freaks, you even think I'm T when I'm just being myself. Why don't you just go resurrect his corpse if you love him that much?

NEET pussies...

>> No.10932694,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,29 [INTERNAL] 

Every single one of you.

My hand to whoever brings me Trevor's head. Take your mothers with you if your umbilical cords don't extend to wherever he lay.

>> No.10932694,30 [INTERNAL] 

Who do you think Trevor is in this thread?

>> No.10932694,31 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,32 [INTERNAL] 

This guy >>10932694,18 ?

>> No.10932694,33 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,34 [INTERNAL] 

That was me and I can assure you I'm not T.

>> No.10932694,35 [INTERNAL] 


Who's T then?

>> No.10932694,36 [INTERNAL] 

Probably you.

>> No.10932694,37 [INTERNAL] 

I could be, but what posts exactly?

>> No.10932694,38 [INTERNAL] 



Pathetic faggot samefagging like crazy.

>> No.10932694,39 [INTERNAL] 

You can't stop the T train...

>> No.10932694,40 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off Trevor, roleplaying with yourself is disgusting.

>> No.10932694,41 [INTERNAL] 

Did I just hear someone get pasted by the steaming T train?

Oh, it was T, you say? Doesn't concern the T train...

>> No.10932694,42 [INTERNAL] 

>mfw I read this thread

>> No.10932694,43 [INTERNAL] 

Why do so many people impersonate T?

>> No.10932694,44 [INTERNAL] 

They're copying me who started copying Trevor.

>> No.10932694,45 [INTERNAL] 

Envy. Lust. Pride. I could go on all day.

The real question is why people aren't impersonating T.

>> No.10932694,46 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, fucking kill yourself Trevor Ashton Richardson.

>> No.10932694,47 [INTERNAL] 


What the fuck kind of name is that?

>> No.10932694,48 [INTERNAL] 

A queers.

>> No.10932694,49 [INTERNAL] 

Nice apostrophe, shithead.

>> No.10932694,50 [INTERNAL] 

To easy.

>> No.10932694,51 [INTERNAL] 

>trolled XDDDDDD
Nope, you're just a mong, mate.

>> No.10932694,52 [INTERNAL] 

I've never typed like that once in my entire 4chan browsing career, I suppose you have though.

>> No.10932694,53 [INTERNAL] 

That quote was directly from you, assface.

>> No.10932694,54 [INTERNAL] 

An exception to using sage to be polite is when the thread is on the top. The more you know.

>> No.10932694,55 [INTERNAL] 

LOL so mad...

>> No.10932694,56 [INTERNAL] 

Trying to change the topic is admitting defeat.

>> No.10932694,57 [INTERNAL] 

Says the one that just did it, LMAO.

>> No.10932694,58 [INTERNAL] 

Which is you, nerdlord

>> No.10932694,59 [INTERNAL] 

Want my n00dz, trevtrev? XD

>> No.10932694,60 [INTERNAL] 

eat a dick, fag

>> No.10932694,61 [INTERNAL] 

i'm a girl though ;)

>> No.10932694,62 [INTERNAL] 

Eat a dick

>> No.10932694,63 [INTERNAL] 

only yours, babe ;)

>> No.10932694,64 [INTERNAL] 

stop replying dude, I already won

>> No.10932694,65 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you hate me, T?

>> No.10932694,66 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw your stalker is flirting with an impersonator

>> No.10932694,67 [INTERNAL] 

I was the first person to flirt with Trevor, so its like a stalker impersonator flirting with a Trevor impersonator. How funny :3

>> No.10932694,68 [INTERNAL] 

Someone called me cute on Warosu and I didn't know how to answer. What should I do when that happens?

>> No.10932694,69 [INTERNAL] 

Say thanks maybe, you could even tell them how it brightened up your day if you wanted.

>> No.10932694,70 [INTERNAL] 

What if they want to talk more? I don't think I'm ready for that kind of relationship...

>> No.10932694,71 [INTERNAL] 

I know its a lot to take in all at once, but you're going to just have to brace yourself and take a leap of faith.

>> No.10932694,72 [INTERNAL] 

Well alright. I'll take it then.

>> No.10932694,73 [INTERNAL] 

Ah and thank you for the advice.

>> No.10932694,74 [INTERNAL] 

You're welcome.

>> No.10932694,75 [INTERNAL] 


Fucking fags and women.

Society has become decadence.

>> No.10932694,76 [INTERNAL] 

http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf

>> No.10932694,77 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off.

>> No.10932694,78 [INTERNAL] 

http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf http://images.4channel.org/f/src/Waist-uh.swf

>> No.10932694,79 [INTERNAL] 

Please take that language to a non-Christian archive like foolz.

>> No.10932694,80 [INTERNAL] 

It's time to put /ghost/ out of it's misery.

Right now it's made almost entirely of Trevor, Siztra, and any number of their friends and other shitposters jerking each other off all day, spamming the same dumb memes, bumping their own shit threads, and bragging about their latest and greatest method of shitting up /jp/.

The intended purpose, the continuation of deleted threads, barely exists anymore. It's just a shitposting board now. Please put it on ice for a month or ten.

>> No.10932694,81 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor doesn't even post here, though. His name is just used as an insult nowadays and autists find it fun to accuse anyone acting rude of being him, which results it hours of recursively accusing the person who accused them of being T as being T along with endless backpedaling and denials.

>> No.10932694,82 [INTERNAL] 

WOW you're so mad right now.

>> No.10932694,83 [INTERNAL] 

Shut the fuck up, T.

>> No.10932694,84 [INTERNAL] 

Cross out his name and replace it with "people pretending to be Trevor" and "people accusing everyone else of being Trevor" then, doesn't make it any less shit. It's basically /s4s/ if /s4s/ was completely dominated by a few shitty posters.

>> No.10932694,85 [INTERNAL] 

How does an archive with shitposting make it any less of an archive?

You could just, you know, not read the shitposts. It still archives everything and the shitposting doesn't subtract from its intended function in any way.

People are perfectly capable of continuing threads but they don't because their shitty 2hu threads generally stay up for days and are deleted once any semblance of discussion is exhausted. Shitposting threads, on the other hand, are deleted almost immediately and that is why you see them constantly being posted in on here.

>> No.10932694,86 [INTERNAL] 

An archive with shitposting is still an archive, but an archive without shitposting is even better.

>> No.10932694,87 [INTERNAL] 

Then go use foolz you faggot.

Have fun with your empty, soulless archive while we warosubros have fun without your whiny, stuck-up ass.

>> No.10932694,88 [INTERNAL] 

Foolz has its own problems. Warosu without your shitposting is the ideal. Why don't you fuck off to /ota/ or /s4s/ where your dumb circlejerks will actually be welcome?

>> No.10932694,89 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,90 [INTERNAL] 

Because /ota/ and /s4s/ are full of unironic shitposting, which is the worst type of shitposting. It's like using sarcasm as a form of humor except the opposite.

I also don't participate in circlejerks because unlike you I don't suffer from terminal autism and can ignore it, which is why I completely ignore /ota/ and /ota/ threads advertising their shitty circlejerk board on warosu.

Now get the fuck out of my face before I ironically whip out my dick.

>> No.10932694,91 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit you are SOOO fucking MAD!! LOL!

>> No.10932694,92 [INTERNAL] 

Having fun ironically (?) shitposting together with your warosubros constitutes a circlejerk. Get over it and fuck off to a place where its actually welcome. Most of them probably visit /ota/ anyway.

>> No.10932694,93 [INTERNAL] 

/ota/ isn't for ironic shitposting. It's for funposting.

>> No.10932694,94 [INTERNAL] 

I'm over 9000.

>> No.10932694,95 [INTERNAL] 

By that logic having fun talking about anything with other people is a circlejerk you colossal shitlord.

/ota/ is a circlejerk because it's full of tripfags jerking each other off for attention and to inflate their egos. Almost everyone on warosu posts anonymously and even some named people like T are still anonymous posters who are only known by name because some internet detective went out of their way to find it. It's impossible to know who is actually him and that's why Trevor is more of an insult than an actual person and I don't consider it circlejerking since essentially everyone is T.

Also why are you still here in the first place?

>> No.10932694,96 [INTERNAL] 

>even some named people like T are still anonymous posters who are only known by name because some internet detective went out of their way to find it.


>> No.10932694,97 [INTERNAL] 

>By that logic having fun talking about anything with other people is a circlejerk you colossal shitlord.
You can talk about lots of topics without engaging in a circlejerk, but when the only things you're talking about are each other and your own shitposts, then that counts.

>Also why are you still here in the first place?
I want /ghost/ to die.

>> No.10932694,98 [INTERNAL] 

How was I wrong, tripfaglord?

>> No.10932694,99 [INTERNAL] 

There's actually a lot more anons on /ota/ than most "shitposting boards'

>> No.10932694,100 [INTERNAL] 

>I want /ghost/ to die.

Thanks for contributing!

>> No.10932694,101 [INTERNAL] 

Anonymous posters can't talk about each other due to the intrinsic nature of being anonymous.

Fuck off, /ota/ shill.

>> No.10932694,102 [INTERNAL] 

It is true that if I had it my way we couldn't have this conversation, but it wouldn't matter since we would have no need for it.

>> No.10932694,103 [INTERNAL] 

>Also why are you still here in the first place?
>I want /ghost/ to die.

Sounds an awful lot like a certain somebody who only posted on /jp/ to kill /jp/.

Nice job outing yourself as T, T.

>> No.10932694,104 [INTERNAL] 

Big T Dawgins went out of his way to post his name and info on jup repeatedly and get people to stalk him. He even samefagged to fuel the stalking.

>> No.10932694,105 [INTERNAL] 

>Anonymous posters can't talk about each other due to the intrinsic nature of being anonymous.
I'm sure some of you have managed to recognize each other, especially because some people post the same dumb shit every day. Not to mention that a bunch of people use the namefield anyway. Even if that were the case, the second part of my post still stands. Most of what you seem to be talking about is each other's shitty posts.

T's method of killing /jp/ wasn't "argue with people about it for dozens of posts." He was more hands on about it.

>> No.10932694,106 [INTERNAL] 

You have any sort of proof of that or are you just trying to act like a knowledgeably oldfag?

>> No.10932694,107 [INTERNAL] 

His screenshots constantly had his name in them.

>> No.10932694,108 [INTERNAL] 

Shit, Trevor's only been around for a year or two, right? That's what passes for oldfag now?

>> No.10932694,109 [INTERNAL] 

Like I'm going to spoonfeed some mundane metafag who doesn't even know how to use the archive.

Trevor became known in 2012 and you think it's distant history, wow...

>> No.10932694,110 [INTERNAL] 

The only thing constantly in his screenshots was [H]ardcocks and his edgy black theme.

>> No.10932694,111 [INTERNAL] 

He's been around since the beginning but he only got serious about attention-whoring in late 2011. Before that he just peddled some epic memes.

>> No.10932694,112 [INTERNAL] 

Except he posted metadata of /b/ images showing that he saved them back in 2004. And he's 24.

Please stop being newfags.

>> No.10932694,113 [INTERNAL] 

I meant when he started being /jp/'s favorite poster.

>> No.10932694,114 [INTERNAL] 

He was always my favorite poster. I just didn't know it was him.

>> No.10932694,115 [INTERNAL] 

You're a complete secondary

>> No.10932694,116 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.10932694,117 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit. Trevor was in the right all along.

>> No.10932694,118 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I doubt it.

>> No.10932694,119 [INTERNAL] 

feel when warosu is completely filled with s4s faggots now

>> No.10932694,120 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,121 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,122 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10932694,123 [INTERNAL] 

27, turning 28 in 3 months

>> No.10932694,124 [INTERNAL] 

24. I'm celebrating my 10 year anniversary with /jp/ this month. I can't believe its been 10 years already... 2009 feels like it was just yesterday. Ah...
