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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10912504 No.10912504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

last thread here: >>10911103

/jp/ gift-trade thread #13

Please do not respond to shit posters. We had to restart this one due to derailment. Responding to it only fuels it further - just ignore all shitpost type comments. If you do not like this thread, please just ignore it and hide the thread. We do not wish to argue with you.

Now that we have that out of the way...

Still working out how this goes, but heres the guidelines that seem to be working so far:
-Have something you dont want/need anymore ask if someone else wants it
-Looking for something? List it and some things you'd be willing to offer, people may contact you to make a deal.
-Feel like being surprised? Offer to trade random stuff with people! Say you have a mystery item you're willing to send if they send you a mystery item in return
-Use email to trade addresses and shipping info
-DO NOT use 10min email. Just make a yahoo or gmail. It will help to keep track of senders, who's looking for what, see who some big contributors are, and people can know who their packages are coming from/going to and what not
-Afraid of using names or what not? Just use an alias or P.O. box if worried about your address. Honestly though there haven't been any problems so far, we are a bunch of nice people
-If/When you get a package, post pics so we can see what you got and any hidden bonus goodies there may be!
-Be polite/friendly
-Items/Gifts do not necessarily need to be /jp/ related, but this is for the /jp/ community.
-And most importantly, have fun, make someone happy!
-Quit bitching about the cookies, i posted the recipe last thread and there is no semen/blood/pee/drugs/poison
-No NEETs allowed

>> No.10912511

this is not /soc/

>> No.10912510

Let's get this party started

>> No.10912515

ill trade my smelly cawk for /jp/sie

>> No.10912523

As a rule of thumb if you have to start your thread off with "Please do not respond to shit posters" then you might want to rethink posting it here.

>> No.10912526

any u bros have a extra copy of black ops 2??? ill be ur bf

>> No.10912528

Anyone want to trade dick size

>> No.10912528,1 [INTERNAL] 

Gift Anon is Janny retards

>> No.10912542

its funny because janny thinks otherwise.

>> No.10912547

All that means is that someone is out to shit it up.

>> No.10912548

WTT>FalsNEET stories

>> No.10912552
File: 238 KB, 1036x776, 1356904401883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I get ownership over your smelly NEET dick? Can I lock it in a little cage so you don't waste any precious cum until I want it?

>> No.10912556

Many someones.

>> No.10912559

trading forge for rush

>> No.10912561

Don't post during peak shitposting hours.

wait until daytime for US

> No NEETs allowed

kinda digging your grave here

>> No.10912563

Nah, there's dickspammer guy and a guy or two who decided that since the administration didn't agree that these threads belong on /soc/ they'd spam the thread with actual /soc/ material. It's pretty obvious that there's only a couple really autismo people who want to throw a tantrum here.

>> No.10912564

Americans confirmed for ruining the board

>> No.10912569

Of course I like it. Once I accepted that muh Teen Titans were NEVER going to come back, I could give this a fair shot. Is it one of the best cartoons ever made? FUCK NO! But Its just a cute harmless cartoon . And I&#039;m fine with that. I enjoy it a lot.

>> No.10912568

I can&#039;t find shit for info on this game. I&#039;m playing it now, but I have no idea how to unlock other mechs. I just want my Heroman.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTj4Pca4S1IAlso Battle Robot thread.

>> No.10912572


>> No.10912571

So /g/ i&#039;m stuck in a problem.I&#039;m trying to look for Internet service providers outside the atlanta area in Georgia (carrollton)I download a lot of things and i would love to stream or host, but the problem is most of the ISPs if not all issue data caps that i would easily go over a month.I&#039;d like for more than 20mbps speek and atleast 10mbps upload, But for it to be under 80$ a month.Any help?

>> No.10912573

I was about to ask the same question.>inb4 mods says it goes to /jp/

>> No.10912574

Vampire the MasqueradeSomeone explain this bitch fight between Therese and Jeanette, is there a way to end this that wont result in them at each other&#039;s throats?

>> No.10912578

Ara ara~

>> No.10912575

What if I'm NEET and I want to exchange something?

>> No.10912576

They cancel orders when that happens though or at least that&#039;s what they did with my orders

>> No.10912577

Debian has been doing unofficial full-GNU (GNU with the Hurd kernel) releases for years now. I think Arch Hurd did an official release.

>> No.10912579

>RAM>/g/ essentialsWHAT

>> No.10912580


>> No.10912585

God fucking dammit he looks so young.

>> No.10912581


>> No.10912584

>SUVMiddle aged white woman who drives 10 under the speed limit in passing lanes and uses the right shoulder to pass.

>> No.10912583

Why are the pork rinds green?

>> No.10912588

would that be better or worse than prototyping allah

>> No.10912589


>> No.10912594

Just take it easy.


>> No.10912596

Why the fuck would you delete the thread?

Are you trolling or just stupid?

>> No.10912600

What are you all doing right now?

I'm about to take a shower and then after continue reading my LN.

>> No.10912616

I think I'll go to sleep soon. My grandpa wants me to mow the lawn tomorrow.

>> No.10912614

What are you reading?

>> No.10912621

Looking at motorcycle jackets and kigurumi pajamas.

>> No.10912635
File: 209 KB, 600x600, The ironing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No NEETs allowed
I spend 14 hours a day delivering aircarts and hobarts to provide ground power. No ground power equals no 135s in the air. No 135s and our strategic bombers don't get their fuel in flight. No IFR capability means they can't take off with full ordnance load. After working all damn week to ensure our great country has unmatched global air power I come home on the weekend to NEET it up and see this.

>> No.10912642

Original seriesDYRL is really condensed. Its only real advantage is the improved animation.BakaBT

>> No.10912639

What if they got stuck

>> No.10912645
File: 320 KB, 930x1245, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Nagato Yuki Revoltech if anyone is interested, but the limbs won't stay in place well so they fall out easily. All the hands and accessories are still there though. I'd like to trade, maybe for a figma or something.

>> No.10912646

Its probably 1920X1080 too

>> No.10912644

>and here we go with the truthWell.. Yeah.

>> No.10912646,1 [INTERNAL] 

Whoever's using autismo how are you getting around the catchpas expiring? Also what proxy scraper are you using, 95% of the ones I try rotating are banned.

>> No.10912650

I wonder too, actually. She follows me on Tumblr and I&#039;ve been tempted to ask if she knows it&#039;s popular on 4chan and we post the whole thing every Halloween, but I don&#039;t want to be the one to bring that up.But I&#039;m assuming yes she&#039;s somewhat embarrassed since she directly said she&#039;ll never continue it and doesn&#039;t answer questions from what I&#039;ve seen. She also stopped writing fanfictions about it too and won&#039;t finish the one she was working on. I have no idea if that has to do with her Aquabats obsession or what though.

>> No.10912656


>> No.10912657

Is there a sub rip for Dancouga Nova?

>> No.10912651

Oh cool, for some reason I thought you were only going to do those four. That&#039;s awesome, can&#039;t wait to see it.

>> No.10912653

Go to bedu, Gen.

>> No.10912655

I&#039;ve only played a demigod once or twice; I main demonspawn, are demigod good? I would miss following Xom, because I love his chaotic nature.

>> No.10912661

With allot of other characters, a real relationship doen&#039;t seem that big, but with Yuuka or anyone like her who is pretty much confirmed to be just a bit crazy and more than fairly powerful tot he point where they know that rejecting you would be bad, it feels like they actually would have to legitimately care to keep you around.

>> No.10912662

No woman on this planet wants a hikikomori virgin. You ain&#039;t got game.

>> No.10912658

Blast you all, I lol&#039;d as soon as I read the video title.

>> No.10912660

It&#039;s that time again, folks. Let&#039;s get ready to have another fucktastic Sunday!Requests are open as always, and i&#039;m not wearing pants. Come on in.To listen, go to radio.nyaa-nyaa.com

>> No.10912663

You can also google your exact model (it&#039;s on the bottom of the case) and find the disassembly guide somewhere. iFixit also has a couple of guides that might help.

>> No.10912664

I use SumatraPDF because I already had it and it works pretty well. Even if you don&#039;t like using it for comics, you should get it for pdfs, it&#039;s way better than adobe&#039;s bloated crap.

>> No.10912665

It&#039;s actually still in beta, if you can believe it. Japanese games have long betas, I suppose.

>> No.10912667

These are the worst threads and the people in them are the worst people. Just got to >>>/soc/ already.

>> No.10912675

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrXjsmRuEWQEvery nigger has lost.

>> No.10912670

>pokemon>not vidyamy nigga

>> No.10912672

What the actual fuck?

>> No.10912673

I have no idea. I don&#039;t think so. That picture is pretty beautiful though.

>> No.10912680

ask an escort anything

>> No.10912676


>> No.10912677

What in the name of all the Ravens did i just playthrough? Someone please explain this to me.

>> No.10912678

Actually OP, if you&#039;re interested in how Satan became big bad Satan for just doing his job (as per your original post), there&#039;s a rather good BBC documentary about it (examining Satan&#039;s representation in religious art), you can Yaaarrrr it from;http://pirateproxy.net/search/how%20the%20devil%20got%20his%20horns/0/99/0

>> No.10912679

VaticanCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

>> No.10912681

>being older than 14>having pictures of women as your desktop

>> No.10912683

I'm reading Kino.

I'm on vol.8 now and I'm enjoying the stuff not animated. Probably enjoy 師匠 chapters the most. After this volume, though, I'm probably going to read subahibi and take a break from Kino for a bit.
