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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 240x640, chara_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10898154 No.10898154 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10898167
File: 36 KB, 320x180, last_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your body ready?

>> No.10898164

Itinerant Monk of the White Lotus.

>> No.10898165

i want to have sex with hijirin

>> No.10898168


>> No.10898171


my main.

>> No.10898172

No surprises here.

>> No.10898178

Is that... an orange skin on her head?

>> No.10898179

They'll probably reveal Miko next. I'm more excited for that because of the hair.

>> No.10898180

I was expecting this comment.

>> No.10898182

And her beautiful eyelashes.

>> No.10898186

We get both Unzan and Byakuren previews, yet not a single Taosist.
Tasofro seems biased in this religious war.

>> No.10898189


>> No.10898188

There had better be more than just those four. And why is an i7 the recommended specs, stop being such horrible programmers Japan.

>> No.10898190
File: 50 KB, 640x360, 1368794621436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More legs

>> No.10898194

shou fans killing themselves.jpg

>> No.10898196

Fuck, this shit just keeps on getting worse and worse.

>> No.10898198

Oh wow. What a waste of a character. She's supposed to be a goddess of war damnit let her fight.

>> No.10898199

It's not Shou time...?

>> No.10898200


I want to fug Kyouko and have her tickle me with her broom.

>> No.10898201

Those three cute girls sure like watching fights.

>> No.10898203

that arm looks like it hurts to live

>> No.10898205

Re-using the same sprites of the girls? Lazy/10

Taoist stage probably has the same guys.

>> No.10898208

Which 2hu is their favorite?

>> No.10898212
File: 57 KB, 180x146, thinbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa sure isn't giving a fuck.

>> No.10898215

The one with a dick.

>> No.10898220
File: 1.92 MB, 2678x720, HM_Intro_sequence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i was thinking Shou would be playable 100% because of this image. Guess this means there also won't be 3 characters for each group. Futo and Miko only for Tao, no Seiga. Only 2 Moriya as well probably.

>> No.10898221

that rack
main'd as heck

>> No.10898229
File: 273 KB, 493x1080, May_Anime_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. For how long she's been in Gensokyo?

>> No.10898234

How so, sperglord?

>> No.10898238


Haruka a shit. The only thing she's got going for her is her sweaty bicycle shorts.

>> No.10898241

At least, somebody who understand that the millennium old magician that lived the majority of her life in the realm of demon and magic is somebody not to be trifled with.

>> No.10898246

That's a rather nice opinion, but what's the point of it? She's in Gensokyo now, while you're not.

>> No.10898248


That looks nothing like her.

>> No.10898251

Could be a case of lack of communication about weaponry like with Aki Eda. Maybe when the reveal tapestry with Shou was designed the team planned out and made Shou use fancy spear moves, then ZUN went and revealed that Shou actually sucks with the spear and it's just for decoration, so they didn't want to contradict ZUN.

Mamizou doesn't seem to be in the background though. Could she be the new third member?

>> No.10898252

it does

>> No.10898254
File: 520 KB, 405x555, meinschwanz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for DD

>> No.10898257

>no kogasa

>> No.10898258

On one hand it would be kinda cool for ZUN to actually step in in a situation like this to show that he actually cares about stuff he has written. On the other hand it's annoying as hell, because no Shou Time.

>> No.10898259

Mima still didn't appeared as a background character
So there are high chances she will be playable

>> No.10898263

You mean Mami. Mamizou. Yeah, very likely.

>> No.10898271

Now that I think about it, it's very likely Mamizou is the final Myouren Team representative. She came all the way to Gensokyo in the first place to help fight against the Taoist Team in TD, and just arrived too late since the heroines already beat them. Now that they're fighting them again, it'd make sense for her to be the first to jump at the chance to take them on, which is what she came here for in the first place!

>> No.10898277


Let me guess, one character per day from now on until Reitaisai? That would make 12.

>> No.10898283

That would be glorious.

>> No.10898284

12 characters is the highest amount that i think they'd make anyway so maybe...

>> No.10898285
File: 776 KB, 1034x1274, 0294e3fe700fe21ee3e34d6f8628eae1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the containable lewdness if they include Nue in the playable cast.

>> No.10898289
File: 310 KB, 1125x1000, 35691029_big_p0 - 例大祭原稿ちゅ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not happening, she's in the background.

>> No.10898305

Soft, bouncy, warm, pixelated breasts. Motheru~

Just you wait, they'll show a background character being playable just to mess with you until the game release.

I also cannot conceive Shou not being playable due that picture.

>> No.10898307

I'm still waiting for them to surprise everyone by removing background sprites when a character is fighting.

>> No.10898321

That would make my week waiting for this game.

>> No.10898327

I want to believe, but that picture of the girls' sprites being re-used hurts my optimism. If they are already that lazy there...

>> No.10898339

Byakuren confirmed to be Badass Kung-Fu monk

It's surprising cause i never thought she's the kind of girl who do flips and kicks

>> No.10898344
File: 395 KB, 820x1160, 35258432_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for a broom fight between marisa and kyouko. Oh well.

>> No.10898346
File: 396 KB, 621x1839, 9f719d2938e27ac07c5de861d530f2e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her magical specialty is enhancing her own body. Making her physically strong makes sense.

>> No.10898352

Yeah, but by that word, she's seems to be a buffer and not actual fighter.

>> No.10898357

She is a black mage who constantly casts strength and youth spells on herself to stay fit and healthy. Buffing herself further to be an adept fighter is not so out of the question.

>> No.10898358
File: 289 KB, 709x657, byakuren in hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10898362

waiting warmly for a translation of her profile from the moon-speaking gods

>> No.10898365
File: 191 KB, 450x650, 1363278149183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her magic is a kind that enhances the physical might of the body. By chanting a spell, fists will become harder than steel, senses will be sharpened, or the body will be able to withstand a blazing furnace without so much as a singed hair.

What, is she just going sit there after buffing herself so much? Changing gears, I had always assumed that she could only "buff" herself, but the description is actually rather ambiguous.

>> No.10898366

NOT SHOU? That means only 1 sub character
guys, hold me, we may not get the chance to play with futo ;_;

>> No.10898370
File: 122 KB, 300x302, 300px-Th105Tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that Tenshi is in it.

>> No.10898368

Why did Charlie Brown always fall on his back after falling for the trick? Was he that retarded that he couldn't maintain his balance?

>> No.10898372

If they're gonna go 3 for each, I say the 3rd Buddhists is Mamizou.

>> No.10898373
File: 8 KB, 296x352, SFA3_Gen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Gen from Street Fighter? Byakuren will be able to change stands/buffs as she sees fit, but I assume that she can only have one active buff at the time. From the description, she will increase damage, speed or danmaku resistances.

>> No.10898374

Seiga time is near~

Waiting warmly ♡

>> No.10898376

Stop crying like a dumb bitch and wait.

>> No.10898381

Will happen.

>> No.10898379
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 8ff160b7c03ac6a824cc0355104c5c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Mamizou the 3rd Buddhist managed to slip in this game?

>> No.10898384
File: 174 KB, 314x478, Shangtsung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plays like him, being able to warp into whoever she is fighting right now.

>> No.10898385

There's no-one else left, after all.

>> No.10898386

if Seiga is a playable character this game will 40% less shit

>> No.10898390

please ZUNE, I beg you.
kasen or seiga please pretty please.

>> No.10898391
File: 29 KB, 640x480, SHAKIKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898395
File: 564 KB, 500x282, 1366925671266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shou in the background

>> No.10898396

I was thinking it was the obligatory Hokuto No Ken move for her, but those kicks actually look different.

>> No.10898397
File: 55 KB, 419x248, 1319600895008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what?
No Shou?
The rooster is going to be ridiculously small then
How can they fuck up so much?

I dont even give a fuck about Shou, but then with Ichirin, Marisa, Reimu, Byakuren, the new girl and probably Miko and Futo that is going to be only 7 characters for a fighting game, this has to be a joke. Also, no Seiga/Yoshika combo?


>> No.10898392

my bones

>> No.10898393

>being able to warp into whoever she is fighting right now

This would mean the entire work on Mamizou would consist of appending a puffy tail to other characters' sprites.

Cheapest character to add. She's in, it's all but official now.

>> No.10898402
File: 216 KB, 850x935, 1362032211351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898403
File: 1.24 MB, 744x1052, fe41a07dabaec67139d254f3c5c113a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be her purpose in the game? Cause havoc? Would be fun.

>> No.10898404

Well, she would have her own sprites still, though you need to draw less for her that way if she doesn't have any unique special moves and can only use special attacks while transformed.

>> No.10898405

She'll be the Yukari equivalent on the game. Cause you know, Yukari isn't in the game

>> No.10898406

There is still hope that it's actually 3 per group with Mamizou as stand in for Shou. Also, Moriya will most likely be in it as well.

>> No.10898408
File: 418 KB, 850x700, 4bb84d0646b20a5b75ed7c13bdd61afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is ready

>> No.10898415
File: 133 KB, 700x725, 1356664216767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping for 12 characters.
Myouren: Ichirin, Shou, Byakuren
Taoists: Futo, Seiga, Miko
Moriya: Sanae, Suwako, Kanako
Marisa and Reimu as main characters
Secret/plot relevant character: Kasen, someone new, or a PC-98 comeback

>> No.10898421


>> No.10898422
File: 175 KB, 1000x749, 1360543709167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are her arms so short?

Where's Mamizou, Kasen, and TD characters?

>> No.10898424

trolls gonna troll
the combo Yoshika/Sega sounds good

>> No.10898425

All 2hus in 13.5 have short arms and long legs.

>> No.10898426

Have you forgot that she originally went to Japan in order to spread Taoism?

>> No.10898432
File: 38 KB, 256x128, face04dp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898435

Satorin would have no arms at all if she appeared in 13.5

>> No.10898441

"The short arms incident"
Satori was tired of people insulting her short arms so she made everyone in Gensokyo just like her.
Satori confirmed for final boss.

>> No.10898443

Nobody cares about TD characters.

>> No.10898448

I care about Seiga. I want to see her legs.

>> No.10898446

More like teaching Taoism to those that she wanted.

>> No.10898449

Demo with her in it? Or do we just wait patiently for the full release?

>> No.10898454

Now that you mention it, doesn't Rin (the armless girl) from Katawa Shoujo make that Satori smirk?

>> No.10898455

you wait for it
it's only about a week away

Anyway here's hoping that they update the page daily with another character.

>> No.10898470

It seems on Tasofro site update log, It's daily.

If that's the case, Maybe there will be 8 more characters.

>> No.10898486
File: 173 KB, 592x999, 1365758742977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddist scum pls

>> No.10898488

Dat armpit and pussy

>> No.10898490

Me too but Futo is shit and I don't want her in this game

>> No.10898494

Translation for Byakuren's profile? Google translator doesnt help me and I dont know moon.

>> No.10898496

I care about Kyouko, Mamizou and Yoshika very much.

TD truly was the IN of this generation.

>> No.10898497

They still didn't translated the other profiles, you it won't come soon unless /jp/ feels very kind right now.

>> No.10898499

Damn. Oh well.

>> No.10898503

As in garbage?

>> No.10898517
File: 644 KB, 845x471, Namusan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Kogasa, I told you not to appear on the background!
Seiga's chances to appear suddenly rose if Shou isn't playable since that lowers Futo's chances as well.
And if Seiga is in... Kasen could.. just maybe... join too?

>> No.10898518

I can only give some summary on Byakuren

-Myouren Temple is flourishing with people. But they're not here for the teachings of Buddha due to the temple's teaching is outdated, but because this is the world where the righteous goes to the ones who went uproar is a flashy and stand out matter.

Special Skill: Lineage of Superhuman

She needs Aria to use special attacks. (too lazy to translate the rest)

Last Word: Ahngira Savithda (I dunno, i suck at Sanskrit)

>> No.10898525

>but because this is the world where the righteous goes to the ones who went uproar is a flashy and stand out matter.

Can I get this in English?

>> No.10898528

I wish. You could wait for someone who can translate better than i am

>> No.10898530

Byakuren's followers caused an incident, so easily swayed people flock there. Byakuren starts to do flashy fights to gather more followers. I guess this is pretty much the reason to fight for all religion heads in HM.

>> No.10898531

Probably "Nobody gives a crap about her sutras but watching here punching other 2hus is cool"

>> No.10898545


>> No.10898555
File: 51 KB, 240x640, chara_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Marisa cheered up.

>> No.10898567

>since that lowers Futo's chances as well.
how so?

>> No.10898572

Here's a better translation


>> No.10898576


>> No.10898590

If Seiga with zombie is a character I seriously hope they picked Futo over Mima 2.0.

>> No.10898595

>even considering Tojiko

>> No.10898598

Both Futo and Tojiko are beyond shitty

>> No.10898596

Looks like she's going without her cape.

>> No.10898605

These massive eyebrows look bad.

>> No.10898609

Considering Shou and Futo are both stage 5 bosses and they both appear right next to their leader at the intro, Futo might be a background character at Miko's stage at this rate. Also Ichirin/Unzan and Seiga/Yoshika would make a good balance between Buddhists vs. Taoists fights

>> No.10898624

While they do have similarities, who else would fight for the Taoists? The potential pool for their characters are Miko, Futo, Seiga and Tojiko.Tojiko is even more unlikely, and 2 characters for the Taoists seems small. Meaning their team will likely be Miko, Futo and Seiga. Or maybe they get the new character. They certainly need the reinforcements.

>> No.10898632

You nerds should know by now that the characters who will be available on this game are also the ones found in the scroll-picture at the opening of the demo.

>> No.10898636

Like Shou! Oh, wait...

>> No.10898643
File: 40 KB, 680x232, 1368804398936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news guys (at least for some people).
U2 tweeted that the game soundtrack going to be consisted of around 20 tracks.
If we do the math: Two tracks for the opening and ending, a stage theme and story-dialog track per each playable character... thus 20 = 2 + x*2.
Meaning we are going to get nine playables INCLUDING the newcomer(s).
Don't forget that four is already elected, so there's room for five.

>> No.10898650

New Character

Calling it now.

>> No.10898653

U2 mentioned on twitter that the scroll was drawn by an outsider artist, and he or she wasn't informed about the playable characters.

>> No.10898660

I always got the feeling that there will be less than 10 characters.
New character
New character

>> No.10898661
File: 285 KB, 1280x720, 7b24bfb7393e67814927f29a2233094a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still full of hope.
Never give up!
Especially the Mima fans. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10898663


>> No.10898668

>As of May 17, the site got updated daily, revealing a new character each day.

ARE YOU READY /jp/?????????

>> No.10898667
File: 145 KB, 510x504, 35757635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace Aya with Seiga+Yoshika and it sounds about right

>> No.10898672

>story-dialog track per each playable
what a stupid assumption

>> No.10898704

what's the source of this screenshot?

>> No.10898702

Where did you see that?

>> No.10898711


wow. how can this game be so shit? could it be that all those shitposters are right about touhou declining?

fucking nine characters you have to be fucking kidding me ZUN...

>> No.10898715


Touhou 13.5, Hopeless Masquerade


>> No.10898716

Tasofro Blog

>> No.10898720

could you link it?

>> No.10898717


>> No.10898723

probably Miko, Seiga and probably a new character ( or an unexpected one ).
Futo and Tojiko will probably appear in Miko's stage. Not sure about Seiga yet, maybe Kasen and Komachi. If Futo would get her own stage, I can't see who would appear in her background.

>> No.10898730

IaMP had like 6 characters before the expansion packs, so don't complain!

>> No.10898727

What of it? You need to limit your goals if you want to reach your deadline. This is a group of nerds doing games in their spare time, not a shitty game company like Bethesda or EA who defecate buggy and incomplete games like nobody's business.

>> No.10898728

I think that the New Character everybody is talking about will be Kasen.

>> No.10898740

Thanks. She sounds interesting to use. Hopefully she won't be shitty.

>> No.10898743

>before the expansion packs

What? Did you mean to say patches or something? Because it never got an official expansion as far as I'm aware

>> No.10898747

I'm very glad Byakuren got in, I hope she's a decent character.

>> No.10898751

Soooooooo..... let's talk about stages.

Sanae - Moriya Shrine
Kanako - Onbashira Lake
Suwako - ??????
Miko - Her motherfucking house.
Futo - ??????
Seiga - ???????????????????????
Mamizou - Forest

The ones with ???? could still be in the stages of the game they first appeared, even if it doesn't make sense like with Ichirin.

>> No.10898756

Miko's residence would be interesting. As of now no one knows where they live if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.10898759

In canon Seiga and Mamizou are the most featured character from TD, so I think they have high chances of being in the game.

>> No.10898764


>> No.10898768

>a stage theme and story-dialog track per each playable character
Maybe there won't be separate tracks or they will be shared between characters (track per shrine/faction +Reimu/Marisa as they are not alligned and another one for new character).
I just want more fighters.

>> No.10898769

Check this mad nerd.

>> No.10898775

Meiling was not in the first version.

>> No.10898793

We will not get any brand new characters, 13.5 is a culmination of all the faith/religion themed titles so introducing someone new at this point doesn't really make sense. Even Kasen wouldn't really fit this theme.

If you want new characters, wait for 14

>> No.10898803

A new character could be the one that started all this "humans are tired" spread.

>> No.10898810
File: 58 KB, 315x450, post-90027-1205171981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10898845

>Inb4 14 gets the TD threat
>Remilia is stage 1 boss since Sakuya is there.
Please, don't get this lazy ZUN, i want my complete cast.

>> No.10898873

EoSD fags are the worst.

>> No.10898870


Okay, so you meant patches. Glad we cleared that up

>> No.10898877

EoSD is the worst game and it has the worst character.
What did you expect?

>> No.10898883

Because EOSD is mainstream and annoying.

>> No.10898880


I hope she's in it, and I hope she has nice, big pixeltitties.

>> No.10898886
File: 1.42 MB, 825x662, 1368160923917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed, every other game has characters who actually matter to gensokyo and aren't from a european mansion that mysteriously appeared at some point

>> No.10898888

I don't know. I love Patchouli myself and I have nothing against the rest of the cast, but I don't expect them to appear in every single game.

>> No.10898901

I like both EoSD and the other games equally

>> No.10898908

That's because you're a secondary faggot

>> No.10898922

Please explain why, I've aslo read every written work and ZUN e-mails, studying also the various references that ZUN makes and reading the books he made a cameo of by myself.
Why not hating EoSD because I'm not a hipster elitist would make me a secondary?

>> No.10898931

Ran Ran Ruuuu~ xD

>> No.10898935

Because you abuse the spoiler function, you've read outside material on the game, and you like EoSD. This is the definition of secondary.

>> No.10898939

I think the stage six environment is likely for Miko. Fighting among the starry sky of small desires would be really cool. Either that or her pad in Senkai has a throne room or some shit, which would likely be even cooler.

>> No.10898961

>not liking EoSD makes you a hipster elitist
ok you're not only a secondary but also a huge idiot

>> No.10898984


>> No.10898996

EoSD is dumb and irrelevant. Even in canon, every time they show up they're all "HEY HEY LOOK AT US LOOK AT WHAT WE'RE DOING HEEEEEY" and not actually adding anything to the story or developing themselves in anyway way.

Byakuyren is playable? Yay, I guess, I've been wondering some stuff about here.

>> No.10899013

EoSD and PCB are the best games.

The only reason people hate them is because of random bullets and because YOU CAN'T SEE YOU'RE HITBOX IN EOSD :(((

For people like me who grew up on real STGs in the arcades, they're clearly superior games. ZUN pandered the later games to autists who hate change. "OH NO THAT BULLET MOVES RANDOMLY?! ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY!"

>> No.10899026

I hate them because of the shitty lag

>> No.10899021


>> No.10899025

You might as well say that the best Touhou are the ones from PC98 because RETRO IS BETTER XDD

>> No.10899039

Nope. The later games are prettier, less buggy, and more polished, but even the newest Touhou game is barely comparable to a Toaplan or Raizing title from the early 90s.

>> No.10899033

yup, if you don't love retro you're doing it wrong

>> No.10899042

I hope you're on Windows 95

>> No.10899048

Yeah nah.
More like Flower view and PCB

>> No.10899066
File: 24 KB, 170x138, 1368415912799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Those babby arms

>> No.10899080

Who quoteing?

>> No.10899107

ITT: People thinking that characters who appear in the background have 0% chance of being playable.


>> No.10899111
File: 260 KB, 808x648, 1336457090392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD is good

>> No.10899115

ITP: Delusional faggot who thinks that his waifu will be playable.


>> No.10899121

Cute Flan, dude.

>> No.10899119

I, for one, expect to play with one of the dudes in the human village background. Reimu will come flying all sassy and miko-like and then *BAM*, beer-jug to the face.

>> No.10899128
File: 498 KB, 640x359, magicalsakuyachanstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10899132


As a matter of fact, I couldn't care less if those so-called background characters were only background characters after all. What's amusing is that everyone seems to be taking this as an absolute truth. lols will be had when any of them are revealed to be actually playable.

If not, then fuck that anyway, Miko is clearly the best.

>> No.10899134
File: 275 KB, 1440x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10899142
File: 871 KB, 1139x1600, _001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's true too... ;_;

Cause erections.

Seiga-sama will be playable, I feel it in my manhood.

>> No.10899151
File: 297 KB, 800x800, 35757153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is already fanart with her new hat...

>> No.10899159

Ugh, that Tanooki's going to be a character butnot my sweet Kogasa

>> No.10899165

those are anal beads?

>> No.10899172

Anything with oranges?

>> No.10899182
File: 795 KB, 1200x1600, 1365873250595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Reimu's hair so short in 14 anyway? She will cut it after 13.5? Prequel?

>> No.10899190

So she's gonna have Meiling style battling? I might dabble around with her, but I don't think I'll main her. I gotta go with Moriya might.

>> No.10899191
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>> No.10899199

Every day that passes you convince me more that you have an erect dick as a brain.

>> No.10899203

I expect Hijiri to be a melee nightmare, right?

>> No.10899205
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>> No.10899214

Futo will be playable, she is a fun character to play as
can't wait for her story mode

also, seiga already made her apperance in the manga, there's no need for her back

>> No.10899221
File: 144 KB, 828x800, 39d1e484ae477ac3ad433b8cf6a2e3b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I wanted to have a braindick full of dirty thoughts.

>> No.10899231

according to this blog post

she's the fastest character at moving forwards and backwards, her dash is like a teleport. She has short ranged shooting attacks, largely about close combat. the kick move is 'Talon of Garuda'.
last word is 'Angiras Veda'.
Title is something like 'The high priestess(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acharya)) who surpassed primates.'

>> No.10899241

Buddhist prayer beads. Have you not seen them?

She is pious.

>> No.10899242
File: 23 KB, 254x268, aya-chan~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's the fastest character at moving forwards and backwards, her dash is like a teleport.
Well shit. No Aya, then.

>> No.10899246

-->actually expecting Aya

>> No.10899257

I don't care about beads, I want oranges.

>> No.10899269
File: 102 KB, 600x751, 1280967339658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe!
Well, wanted to believe. Aya being playable yet not being the fastest character would be even worse than her not being playable at all.

>> No.10899280


Sounds like Meiling with Remi style air movement. I didn't like her teleports though. Time to hope for Kanako to be a reckless style brawler to satisfy my close range needs.

>> No.10899307
File: 652 KB, 700x818, fbef970e425bb3bdb04e45e6fcf80bc5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her absence makes room for new contenders.

>> No.10899313

Not Momiji. She's not relevant. Aya could have maybe gotten in due to the reporter angle, but Momiji doesn't even have that.

>> No.10899329 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 600x900, 1361611671403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its hatate you fool

im sure of it

it must be

ZUN cant forget her



>> No.10899619

Reimu's hair isn't consistent.

>> No.10899638
File: 891 KB, 1074x1290, M_122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting hopefully.

>> No.10899641

It's been growing over time, now it's going from very long to very short in span of one game.

>> No.10899646
File: 227 KB, 800x600, 35761909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Magical Hijirin-Star appeared!

>> No.10899653


>> No.10899663

But it looks bad.

>> No.10899668

if mokou gets in maybe wiggle rider will get in
that'd be cool

>> No.10899678

But it explains the sudden change in hair length.
Have you ever gone to get your hair done and the guy/girl doing it does a really piss poor job?

>> No.10899690

>being this delusional

>> No.10899702

when's this shit out god damn

>> No.10899704

9 days. Wait warmly faggot.

>> No.10899709
File: 485 KB, 1200x1696, 033_61dr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her fight style based on this doujin?

>> No.10899713

I love how fanartists always include Yuuka yet she's the most forgotten character in canon.

>> No.10899717

She still makes cameos here and there, Lord Autismo.

>> No.10899720

where? she isn't even in StB

>> No.10899724


>> No.10899731

Those three cameos were gay, as gay as Koakuma's cameos.

>> No.10899751

>gradient hair

Probably the best I could have hoped for from this announcement.

>> No.10899755

wow, tripfags here in /jp/ have their brains full of penis

>> No.10899766

u mean full of feces

>> No.10899772


It's not just them, but it does seem to be a recurring theme. I'm with them though. Muh touhous. Muh dick.

>> No.10899779


They run perfectly with the v-sync patch.

>> No.10899793


I don't particularly care for Byakuren. I'm just glad to see things that I know will piss off the type of people that try to argue that no one has tits in canon and Byakuren's purple patch was the light from her scroll.

>> No.10899799

I think that guy's favorite 2hu is Reisen so probably.

>> No.10899809
File: 285 KB, 467x360, BYAKICK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can dream.

>> No.10899811

How pathetic.

>> No.10899821

Why do you even care about the chests of the characters in the first place?

>> No.10899826

>stuff not drawn by ZUN
>remotely similar to canon
I bet you think Ichirin's eyebrows and eyelashes are blue too

>> No.10899830

Let's see

the touhou on the case which looks like it has four masks.

I don't know. I feel like just because there are around 20 tracks, doesn't mean that they won't use the idea of using the same track to introduce someone new.

>> No.10899835

delusional faggot detected

>> No.10899836


It adds variety to ZUN's universe.

>> No.10899838


You don't need the fighters for that. One of the endings from PoFV had a breasted Patchy in it.

>> No.10899854

The eyelashes are an artistic quirk.

ZUN would at the very least pronounce himself if he thought Byakuren's gradient hair isn't canon.

>> No.10899853

>then ZUN went and revealed that Shou actually sucks with the spear and it's just for decoration
Shit can I get a source on that?

>> No.10899858

Read the Symposium man

>> No.10899860

"Eyelashes are an artistic quirk. Boobs are not." - Dickhead tripfags of /jp/

>> No.10899863

Near the bottom


>> No.10899865

You wish.

>> No.10899875

I think the roster will be very unsurprising.
Reimu Marisa
Byakuren Ichirin
Miko Futo
Kanako Sanae
The Masquerader

>> No.10899876 [DELETED] 

Everyone has these voluptuous eyelashes and stubby arms.

Breast size isn't an artistic quirk, but a personal trait of the character.

>> No.10899884

If Byakuren is here, Shinki will come back! ...Right?

>> No.10899891

Wrong quote.

Everyone has these voluptuous eyelashes and stubby arms.

Breast size isn't an artistic quirk, but a personal trait of the character.

>> No.10899892

Ah of course, I've been working my way through the games before doing print work. Thanks a bunch!

>> No.10899909

>ZUN would at the very least pronounce himself if he thought Byakuren's gradient hair isn't canon.
Didn't he actually confirm the gradient to be canon a long while ago? Hell, the portrait in Symposium of Post-mysticism shows shading contrast.

>> No.10899914

>Breast size isn't an artistic quirk, but a personal trait of the character.
Are you being serious with this?
Oh my god and I thought you people couldn't get more retarded.

>> No.10899927

Final Roster:

Mima (Hidden character)

Called it. You heard it here first.

>> No.10899931

nostalger pls go

>> No.10899941

stopped reading here
(I always read from bottom to top, btw)

>> No.10899951

Haw haw haw!

>> No.10899955

zun pls
Koakuma would be fine too, just even more unlikely. But Tewi would make it the best game ever even though it's going to be fucking awful like Soku.

>> No.10899953

Guess who drew the endings' art.

>> No.10899957


>> No.10899959

I ask you this: Have you ever seen a motherlike figure with a flat chest? How about a fertility/harvest goddess?

Tits are life.

>> No.10899967

>Mima (Hidden character)
You aren't even trying anymore, are you?

>> No.10899965

Even though your post is shit, I'd love to see Tewi as playable.

>> No.10899974

ZUN please add a non-character like Koakuma! I love her SO MUCH! I know it because I've read about her in my fanfictions :^)

>> No.10899968


Suwako? Not that I think tits are bad or anything, just saying.

>> No.10899972

I was arguing about 3rd party works endorsed by ZUN being canon or not.

My point is that if ZUN was monitoring said works, then the appearance of the characters must be what he had in mind.

I'm releasing only half of my full retard aura.

>> No.10899983

It means he allows what the artists do.

>> No.10899993

Curse goddess. You have to appease her so she won't fuck your shit. Kanako is a wind goddess who brings water.

Guess who gets a pair of DD?

>> No.10900009

Koakuma's cute and it would give her a chance to be fleshed out.
Please stop being stupid.

>> No.10900023

What about her appearances in the mangas?

>> No.10900019
File: 6 KB, 29x49, Th06Koakuma[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally her only appearance
even ZUN admitted that she isn't an actual character
could you stop being a huge faggot?

>> No.10900034

Liberties taken by the artists.

>> No.10900058
File: 468 KB, 731x599, 731px-WaHHKudagitsune[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she has appeared in two single panels

do you know who has appeared more times than her in the manga?
this motherfucker

seriously, stop forcing your fanfictions into canon

>> No.10900069


Oh, he did get some art help in PoFV, didn't he?

Maybe it is true then that ZUN never drew a brested Touhou.

>> No.10900061
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>> No.10900078

literally the maddest post

>> No.10900080

That's actually a myth. The art you see for PoFV's endings was actually drawn by ZUN when he was forced to be sober during a minor hospitalization.

>> No.10900096

>Touhou is a series formed by the games, the printworks and the music albums.
>Despite of this, you can ONLY enjoy the games because otherwise you're a secondary

>> No.10900101

>Touhou is a game
>you can only enjoy the games
Makes sense to me.

>> No.10900107

>Touhou is a game

>> No.10900122

Touhou is a setting primarily brought to life through games. It spans plenty of forms of media.
I know you just got here and don't want people to make you sit at the secondary table, but you're really dropping the ball here.

>> No.10900151

fuck off forte

Pretentious shit.
I also have more Lunatic ALLs than there are hair on your dick.

>> No.10900180

Totally maining Byakuren, even if she sucks.

>> No.10900227

This game will have so few characters that you don't have many options, to be honest

>> No.10900257

Actual Final Roster:


>> No.10900269

>Touhou is a series formed by the games, the printworks and the music albums

>Touhou is a game

Good misquote.

>> No.10900376

I'm now glad Byakuren has some rude ass titties

>> No.10900384

fast characters are ALWAYS top tier in fighting games.

>> No.10900398

Yukari confirmed for Hopeless Masquerade as the incident causer

>> No.10900418
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>> No.10900423

I wouldn't say always, but they do often tend to be yeah.

>> No.10900466

Our queen

>> No.10900609

If this "one character reveal a day" thing is wrong I am going to be so rectum ruined.

>> No.10900722

are you feeling well?

>> No.10900752

No, not really. Being fast is obviously a good thing though.

>> No.10900770
File: 451 KB, 2064x2768, 1366777315442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C. Falcon in Brawl
>Bang in the first BB
>top tier

>> No.10900799

Falcon's movement speed was great but his attack speed was middling. Also his hitboxes were shit.

>> No.10900814
File: 334 KB, 1000x1400, chipp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10900826

Fast doesn't imply fastest. Pikachu was broken as shit in SSB because of speed and attack animations.

>> No.10900999

everyone was broken in SSB except link and samus for the same reason. but sonic(lol) is fastest in Bralw and hes low tier so its not always true.

>> No.10901002

>sage in namefield
god im dumb today
>check em

>> No.10901059

Coolio, Her new look reminds me of those drunk traveling kung fu masters from old kung fu movies.

>> No.10901114

Final Roster

1. Ichirin Kumoi
2. Byakuren Hijiri
3. Mamizou Futatsuiwa

1. Kanako Yasaka
2. Sanae Kotiya
3. Suwako Moriya
(Or new character)

1. Toyosatomimi no Miko
2. Seiga Kaku
3. Mononobe no Futo
(or new character)

1. Reimu Hakurei
2. Marisa Kirisame
3. Kasen Ibaraki

>> No.10901736

Kasen is far from neutral when she advocates such a strong discipline.

>> No.10901904

i hope so.

>> No.10902588

When will the update happen?

>> No.10903000

>shrine maiden

>> No.10903033

Did you read Symposium, which included a debate that was the prequel to this game? Reimu was the one to tell all 3 to GTFO

Not to mention that she has cross attributes. Mikos are Shinto, but her famous signature ying yang balls are Taoist. Not sure if she has any Buddhist traits.

>> No.10903057

His attack speed is also pretty shit. Smash is weird in that attacks with high knockback need to be fast so you can secure KOs. Both Falcon and Sonic's KO attacks are quite slow.

So yeah. It's characters like MK who have great movement AND great attack speed that are dangerous.

>> No.10904535

Priority and speed are both important in fighting games. Take Chun Li and Sagat for examples.
Fox and Falco are top tiers because their speed is far greater than anyone else in Melee.
Meta Knight is top even though his speed isn't that much more than other fast characters because of his attacks' priorities.
