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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 446x132, neeto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10884467 No.10884467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you do today /jp/?

>> No.10884467,1 [INTERNAL] 

why fo u ask question to answer u already know
honsetly thats just stupidity

>> No.10884469


>> No.10884475

your mother

>> No.10884480


>> No.10884478

I rested because I had to work all day yesterday.

Fuck mother's day and all other capitalist holidays.

>> No.10884482


>> No.10884488


>> No.10884491

I'm really not trying to be. It's disgraceful how religious and commemorative holidays are more about making money than anything else.

>> No.10884496

I posted lots of Asuka, and now I'm going to bed.

On the subject of Asuka and sleeping, I have a daki cover on the way!

>> No.10884499

There is no such thing as a female having issues with premature orgasms.
Cumming as soon as a penis is inserted is physiologically impossible.
The more you know.

>> No.10884501

Nice. I hate Asuka though.

Nice dubs.

>> No.10884503

As if my hentai would lie to me!

>> No.10884507

Woke up, drank some iced tea, started brewing some iced tea for this week (one liter mugicha, two liters of green and oolong), posted on /jp/, listened to music, played Tetris, ate dinner, drank some more tea and ate some ice cream, ran to the gas station for a Slurpee (cola flavored) and jerky, and now here I am. I may go for a drive later tonight.

Today was a hot day, but with cool treats it is fun.

>> No.10884510

I felt like I was going to die. You know that feeling of lightness you get in your stomach that spreads to your whole body and makes you feel incapacitated? Like that.

>> No.10884514

Oh yeah I know what you mean. I used to panic and think I will have a heart attack.

>> No.10884516

That is pretty edgy.

>> No.10884517

I don't think that's true, women can even orgasm from visual/auditory stimuli alone, just like men.

>> No.10884521

It's anti-consumerist.

The more times I see someone post "edgy" as a response, the more I am assured that this is the main weapon of Ford Drivers, in an attempt to reinforce their standards on chan culture. Real.

>> No.10884526

You have a point. The fact is that no women have reported premature orgasms that causes distress. A woman can orgasm quickly and enjoy it without worrying about it the same way men do.

Thanks for your interest anon! Here are more facts, or definitions:
Coprophilia: Feces
Infantilism: Behaving as though one is an infant
Klismania: Enemas
Partialism: Focusing on one part of the body (e.g., feet) to the exclusion of all else
Urophilia: Urine

/jp/ is my medical school psychiatry exam preparation blog.

>> No.10884538

Fight the conspiracy, quit your job.

>> No.10884547

Can a loli have an orgasm from looking at a penis?

>> No.10884550

That's what they want though. They want to make more neets.

>> No.10884556

I don't know.

>> No.10884557

Please respond. This is very important to me.

>> No.10884567

Let's ask our Federal Bureau Investigation friends.

>> No.10884570

Very unlikely of course, but it can be done, if you use classical conditioning.
classical conditioning works by if you ring a bell before you give a dog his food, he'll know that the bell means food is coming, and he'll salivate. After doing it a hundred times, the dog will salivate after you just ring the bell.
In the same way, you can condition a loli to show her a penis, then skillfully orgasm her. After repetition, the sight of a penis may make her cum with full ahegao.
Good luck anon.

>> No.10884577

I woke up hating myself as usual. I sat and stared at my wall for a few and then began my usual routine of browsing the internet all day, masturbating several times in the process. I took a shit too and my ass tore because I don't eat enough fiber. It's like 2am and I'm about to go to sleep and repeat this process over tomorrow. (Although I don't think I'll be trying to take a poop for a while)

>> No.10884581

Use your free time to train.

>> No.10884579

I'm going to masturbate now.

>> No.10884588

Sounds like you're not having a good time. Try looking up the following:
Dysthymia disorder
Schizoid personality disorder

it might be interesting.

>> No.10884594

dammit, I gave myself an erection, reading what i wrote myself.

>> No.10884612

Go home tohnochan.

>> No.10884613
File: 537 KB, 771x720, Kanon says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me that if I always keep near me a small bell that rings in an unique and distinctive way when I cum, over time I will orgasm by just hearing it? If that's true why has no one done this before,

>> No.10884614

Sounds about right. I don't care to get help or change though. I'll just stay this way until I die.

>> No.10884616
File: 155 KB, 720x892, Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake up at 12:00, drink some coffee, feed my cats, play some video games, watch a little anime at the end of the day. Same thing I do every day.

>> No.10884623

What's a good video game to play?

>> No.10884629

Not 10884616 but System Shock 2 is nice, not jap though.

>> No.10884633

Alien Soldier

>> No.10884639

I have read dozens of wikipedia articles about disorders linked to depression, and it seems like I have all of them...

I don't understand how they are supposed to diagnose people when they are all so similar. Or maybe I really do just have a lot of them. No fair.

>> No.10884642


>> No.10884643

If it doesn't cause you distress or you don't have the desire to change, there's no reason to put in the effort to change, no one can force you to change. You can be fine the way you are.
If you do want to change however, there are ways to improve your condition. Some drugs can really help such as SSRI's, I'm pretty sure, don't quote me though I'm not a doctor. Treatment will mostly be cognitive behavioral therapy though (talking with a shrink), which you will probably find pointless, and costs lots of money.

It's probably not going to be that strong. It doesn't have to be a bell either. It can be something like opening up fakku.com every time you're about to masturbate, and just the sight of the homepage itself might give you an erection.
But don't let science limit your dreams anon, go for it.

>> No.10884646

There are actually very clear distinctions between the mood disorders. It's actually as hard to diagnose them as you would think.
If you tell me your symptoms, I can narrow it down for you.
Do you have a chronic, mild depression, or are there certain periods of them when you get super depressed for weeks and can't even do anything?

>> No.10884650

>It's actually as hard to diagnose them as you would think.
I meant to say, "it's not as hard as you think."

>> No.10884652

>waking up at 8am
That guy is better than me.

>> No.10884656
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Shitposted on /jp/.

>> No.10884660

Yeah. I can be fine the way I am. My biggest issue though is that I cannot enjoy anything. I'm a shut-in and NEET. I have a nice computer that can handle lots of games and stuff but I just use it to masturbate and browse 4chan/other forums aimlessly. Whenever I try to play a game or do something that should be interesting I just feel that it's pointless and quit.

I really envy you NEET's who can take advantage of your lifestyle by watching anime and playing video games.

>> No.10884664

I get up at 8 am, then watched TV and browsed here until now. I will go to work at 4 pm up to 11 pm then go home and browse here again until 1am then sleep. Another cycle will start the following morning.

>> No.10884674

It seems that way. Ever since I've been self-aware, I have been really upset about everything.

>or are there certain periods of them when you get super depressed for weeks and can't even do anything
There are periods like that. Sometimes a day long, sometimes a year long.

>> No.10884685

How do I post on 2chan?

I've tried like every proxy IP but it still doesn't work.

>> No.10884688

Not gonna give you the proxy I'm using. Buy a VPN.

>> No.10884689

I know where you're coming from, as a /jp/er. You know that the answer is to go outside, get a job, interact with people outside, and live a more socially acceptable life to make things better.
But you know what, I live a more socially acceptable life now, but I still would rather stay inside and enjoy games/media at home on my own. It's just not worth it going outside.
The only thing that sucks is that after a couple years, all the games seem to blend together and they're tiring just to finish. Time passes and nothing changes.

The best recommendation I could make is to become more physically healthy, by eating better food and exercising. A healthy lifestyle will improve body function including the brain and mood disorders.

I'm writing this more for myself and my own feelings now. This is a feels thread.

>> No.10884691

Not who you were responding to, but I have chronic patterns of intense self-hating and suicidality intermediated by feeling just kinda moody and shitty most of the time. I can't remember the last time I can honestly say I've put my full energy into something. Probably not since elementary school.

I really wish I could be motivated in the same way most people seem to be, but I can barely get up and walk over to the computer some days, let alone do what other people seem to be able to do (although my family thinks I have the capacity to do it).

>> No.10884705

Dysthimia is the chronic, depressed feeling that never goes away (longer than 2 years)
Major Depressive Episode (MDE) is when you're full blown depressed, can't even get out of bed, can't eat, and suicide is right at the doorstep, and lasts for at least 2 weeks.

You can also have both conditions at the same time, chronic dysthymia, and then a major depressive episode on top of that, called double depression. it sucks.
Before diagnosing that though, it's important to know if you do alcohol or other drugs. Many depression symptoms are caused by substances, and by treating substance dependence, the depression can also be treated and go away.

>> No.10884712

Sounds like dysthymia. Just because it's mild depression doesn't mean it's less serious, it's bad because it's chronically always there.

Some more specific questions:
How is your sleep? Do you have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up early?
How is your appetite? have you lost or gained weight?
Do you enjoy the things you used to enjoy?
Have you thought about suicide?
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you have any periods of time when you have a mini surge of energy when you feel good and don't need to sleep?

>> No.10884721

You don't have to answer everything by the way, I'm just a med student studying for my psychiatry final on wednesday, I need to know this shit solid to get my honors grade. I have no idea who you are either.

>> No.10884728

I'll sleep for like 12 hours if I can, but I generally don't go to bed before 3 AM unless I have some sort of responsibility.
I've gained like 10 pounds, but nothing too significant. My appetite's weird, sometimes I won't eat anything for a whole day, and other days i'll eat 5000 calories worth of food and still be hungry.
I barely enjoy anything, and sometimes I don't even process what I'm doing or remember much about what I did afterwards. A lot of stuff I do like clockwork, because it'd be better to do it than do nothing.
I think about suicide a lot. I'm going through life transitions though, so that's probably only natural?
I drink once in a while, but not more than three times a month (unless it's like a bottle of beer or a glass of wine, but I never have more than one)
Sometimes I'll get little bursts of energy and do stuff for like an hour or two, but they never last very long (and often not even long enough for me to finish whatever I was doing).

>> No.10884784

Dysthymia would be my primary diagnosis.
Treatment plan ideas would include a couple things:
Sleep hygiene, it's important to get good timing for sleep, like going to bed at 12 at night and waking up at 8 am. Avoid naps during the day. But honestly, I wake up at 11 am and sleep at 4 am and take naps every day. I can't even do it right.
Eating right and exercising right go together. If you exercise, you'll have a normal appetite, and if you eat good food, you'll feel active and exercise well. But again, I eat ramen shit all day and haven't gone to the gym in half a year, it's a pain.
70% of people who suicide are alcohol intoxicated. Not drinking is a good sign for not suiciding. Having a specific plan for suicide is a bad thing, so try not playing with those ideas.
An occupation is a good thing to have, whether its a job or a /jp/ project, ha, but in seriousness having a job is a healthy thing. Money is nice too. Social support also helps the condition and prevents suicide better.
These are probably mostly things you already know, but it's obviously a pain to actually go out and do. At the end, tt's just a matter of personally how willing you are to get better. You can do it, anon!

>> No.10884792

Whats wrong with ford? I drove my bronco 120 miles to see homu on the big screen.

>> No.10884798
File: 16 KB, 189x184, 1357888992891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga did you just fucking tell me to gettajerb when i'm fucking depressed and ready to take lives for absolutely no reason?

apparently you don't understand the darkness in my heart and the hell that exists inside my mind otherwise you would NOT be telling me to go into the general public to be their bitch and make a pittance

>> No.10884796

Aw man, you remind of that the screening of meguka in my country is in 5 days and the tickets sold out.

>> No.10884801

I got up and went to work. Came home afterwards and took a nap then treated my mother out for lunch. Spent time with my brothers playing games. Then I worked out and dyed my hair. Later took my friend out to a late dinner and midnight hot tub/swim. Now I'm just relaxing alone with /jp/

Probably too eventful for this board's norm.

>> No.10884807
File: 79 KB, 804x604, screen01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up literally 10 minutes ago
>immediately turned on laptop
>rolled and currently smoking a cig while still in bed with my laptop

Predictions for the future:

>eat breakfast
>get ready for work
>go to work
>come back
>lurk chans

>> No.10884810

Why is waking up at a certain time better in any way?

>> No.10884814


>> No.10884815
File: 473 KB, 800x800, 1365377206028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait for tommorow

1) my computer part arrives tommorow
2) i get to spend 5-6 hours installing it
3) get to run maximum benchmarks and get big points
4) not do anything with my powerful hardware because i'm only in it for benchmark points i don't do work with it and i don't play games with it
5) go back to posting on /jp/

>> No.10884817

Rin with a fang looks so fucking ugly.

>> No.10884818
File: 199 KB, 456x432, 1368347854938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched TI3 qualifiers and listened to new Daft Punk

>> No.10884820

slave training so you can be more punctual for work

>> No.10884821

I still have my ticket, I use it as a bookmark.
I'd send it to you if they'd accept it but I doubt they would :-(

>> No.10884822

I didn't tell you anything, I'm talking with a different anon.

>> No.10884826

Yeah I doubt too. I wonder if Crunchyroll devs would accept foreign ticket, they only care about money after all.

>> No.10884828

by talking to anon you talk to all anons who share his problem

so fuck you man

>> No.10884838

There is a huge difference between someone suffering from dysthymia and is opening up about himself to another person,
and another person who stays home and browses /a/ and doesn't want to work, that's Oppositional Defiant disorder, which can lead to anti-social disorder eventually.

>> No.10884845
File: 51 KB, 190x190, 1360486796411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying you think you're some kind of hot shot authority or something? Get the fuck out of /jp/, normalshit.

>> No.10884850

Oh look at the big city boy with your book learnin'

>> No.10884852

I'm not a fucking NEET, I know my shit because I work in a hospital.
And I lunatic mode all my touhous and know where all your strike witches reaction pngs come from, so suck it.

>> No.10884854
File: 44 KB, 406x406, 1355121025154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you suck me off instead, hospital boy.

>> No.10884859

Show me your penis, as long it's not as fucking disgusting as that other penis in that deleted thread, I'll suck it fucking dry while you ahegao like never before.

>> No.10884861 [DELETED] 

I just woke up in the middle of some NEETsleep and I'm about to make some instant noodles to sate my feral NEET hunger. Then I'll return to sleep.

>> No.10884862
File: 287 KB, 458x580, 1354212879921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross dude I'm not a fucking homo. Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.10884863
File: 32 KB, 489x541, gaycalled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this pretentious WBAFC faggot.

>> No.10884865

I thought about making /jp/ my subservient pet.

>> No.10884867

Fucking normie, leave.

>> No.10884868

Changed my transmission fluid. Swept garage.

>> No.10884869


>> No.10884871
File: 180 KB, 1000x1500, 1357645746957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been homu all day

who homu here

>> No.10884872

Epic reaction images bro, how has your visit to /jp/ been?
Don't fucking care, get the fuck out.

>> No.10884875

are you a nurse? are you a girl?

>> No.10884876

watched like 15 episodes of AKBingo and now im self loathing over not being a cute girl

>> No.10884878

>that's Oppositional Defiant disorder, which can lead to anti-social disorder eventually.
Assuming you mean anti-social personality disorder: I didn't think you could develop personality disorders as an adult? I thought they developed in childhood or teenage years.

I work in mental health but not often with clients with personality disorders (thank god) so I don't know a whole lot about them.

>> No.10884882

I'm a medical student in the emergency room, and I'm an 8 year old girl, don't know what's so fucking homo about that.

>> No.10884891
File: 15 KB, 616x705, 1366827388134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're a 42 year old balding male with a 2 year old son

you drive a hyundai

you met your wife in a coffee shop

>> No.10884892

ODD is for younger child stages, antisocial personality is diagnosed at later stages, usually older adolescents. Conduct disorder children also develop into antisocial.

>> No.10884897

who am I?

>> No.10884900

If you want to get sucked off by a balding dude, you're welcome to fuck off to homo you flaming faggot.

>> No.10884905

Had to leave the house and meet with my family and visit my grandma in the hospital
>be 20
>have 2-year-old niece who always kisses people on the lips goodbye
>kisses everyone in room
>gets to me (kissless virgin)
>I get uncomfortable but force myself to do it anyway
>dad loudly yells "WOW ANON, YOUR FIRST KISS"
>everyone starts laughing

>> No.10884907

take your blog to >>>/r9k/

>> No.10884913

I laughed too.

>> No.10884922

If you weren't a fucking retard, this thread is a fucking blog thread.
Go suck your bald men dicks somewhere else, dude.

>> No.10884924
File: 2.93 MB, 400x225, 1365697112283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like totally super lame dude.

>> No.10884930

then take your blog thread to >>>/v/

>> No.10884935 [DELETED] 

I watched the latest Game of Thrones today.

It seemed good enough. Arya's "~DEATH~" made me cringe though.

>> No.10884940

Not the person you quoted, but if you suck my dick I'll help you get the thread taken down.

>> No.10884941

Fuck you, I haven't watched S3, waiting for bruray.

I want to fuck Arya.

>> No.10884947
File: 41 KB, 320x320, 1365878191788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a finnish internet girlfriend. She sang to me once and I fell in love with the finnish language. Unfortunate stuff happened and we suddenly lost contact with each other with no way to find each other again but I can never forget her beautiful voice and song.

How fucked up am I?

>> No.10884951

Back to Ylilauta.

>> No.10884960
File: 146 KB, 574x960, Finnish Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off finnscum lover

>> No.10884961
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>> No.10884962
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I'm not finnish and I don't understand the language at all.

>> No.10884971
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>> No.10884979

Did she play touhou? It's quite popular in Finland.

>> No.10884997

Over the last few months I've gotten pretty close to my cousins. I always felt really out of place at family gatherings, so I didn't attend them for a few years. I forgot exactly why I started going to them, maybe it was the free food, but now I enjoy going, because my cousins are always there and they always get me involved doing stuff with them. About a week ago we all sat/laid on a couch together, played games, and talked, at one point one of them even pushed away her sister for access to my shoulder, telling her it was her turn. It was one of the only times in my life that I've ever been that close to another person, and I think we all enjoyed it. Before I left I was even able to ask for a hug which is something I only dreamed about asking anyone. A few weeks ago we held hands, and again it was one of the only times in my life I've done so. I've been enjoying the last few months, /jp/. It's been good.

I'm writing this because last night I had a dream about them, and it's kind of weirded me out today. It wasn't anything weird, it's just weird that I had a dream about them in the first place. The dream consisted mostly of all of us sleeping in a bed together, and for some reason I remember their sleeping outfits being large t-shirts. I don't have much going on in my life as a NEET, so I tend to think about most things that aren't part of my usual routine consist of sitting in my room. I guess these feelings from the last few months have made their way into my mind.

Should I be worried?

>> No.10885002

I just got back from McDonald's and feel like a piece of shit.

There is a McD's right by my apartment that I go to often. I went there earlier today and got a Quarter Pounder & Cheese, a bacon chicken snackwrap, and a McChicken jr. After work I was craving it all over again and ended up stopping by the drive-thru again.

I was pretty worried the same girl at the first window would still be on shift so I put on a winter hat and put the collar of my jacket up. When I drove up with my exact same order as earlier she was there to take my money.

She said, "you're here AGAIN?" as I was handing her the money while trying to avoid eye contact and I just lost it. I have social anxiety and I ended up retracting my arm so fast I spilled the change all over her side and started stuttering something about "my wife" and then I started to hyperventilate and felt an anxiety attack coming on.

I just floored it and I am so glad there was no one in front of me because I peeled out of there. I can still see her face.

I'll have to start going to a new McDonald's even though the closest one is like 10 minutes away. Maybe I'll switch to Wendy's I don't know.

Anyway, aside for just sharing one of the worst and most embarassing moments of 2013 so far I was wondering how you would have reacted and responded to the cashier's remark.


>> No.10885005 [DELETED] 


I doubt a worker would say that to you.

>> No.10885017

I'd fake smile and say "yeah heh"

>> No.10885021

why do people copypaste anyway?

whats the matter, don't want to create your own story full of lies?

>> No.10885024

Sounds perfectly normal, don't worry about it.

>> No.10885042

Do you really think so or is that sarcasm?

>> No.10885054

Whoa dude what?
I have an internet girlfriend but we know each other's address and phones and everything, how did you loose contact?
That's pretty depressing.

>> No.10885065

I really think so, it's a pretty tame dream. I thought there was going to be sex involved and even then it wouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.10885067 [DELETED] 

Human relationships are not /jp/ related.

>> No.10885077

That's good to know. I have a hard time deciding what is and isn't normal.

>> No.10885142

Im really confused now. I usually try to have a lucid dream about a 2hu everyday, and this week i suddenly got my first lucid dream. its really hard remembering that dream, my head hurts just by focusing on it. I remember it being a blur, and then there's me in bed getting hugged by a crying yuuka, then i said something i didnt remember and she tightens and suddenly im awake

Aside of that ive just been browsing /jp/ and ate lunch

>> No.10885165

This night I dreamt that moot made a board called /ota/ - Otaku and /jp/ became the Japanese culture board.

>> No.10885215

I just woke up after three hours of sleep. I'll end up taking a nap at some point today as has been the pattern for the past few days now. It's really quite bothersome.

Aside from that I'll sit here all day jumping from games to 4chan multiple times.
Then laying here tonight thinking about all the things I keep telling myself I'll do, then not attempting any of them because I know I will end up failing whatever I try.

I have motivation when I go to sleep and for the first hour when I wake up. From there the mood sets to "whatever" and I just pass through another day without thinking or tying.

>> No.10885230

Do you think /ota/ would have NEET and Hiki threads? I kinda wish it existed now so jannie would leave us alone.

>> No.10885238

I drew a lewd picture >>>/i/405353 and then ERP'd...

>> No.10885239

I don't really remember what kind of threads were in it, but probably, yes.

>> No.10885270

It's funny when you think about it. Jannie deletes NEET & Hikki thread while letting a "wud u sug mai dick /jp/" thread live for a while then deletes it and allows it to go on again and again and again

>> No.10885274

You don't think jannie is a homosexual do you?
It's fine if he is but now I'm curious

>> No.10885278

Not to mention the /pol/ thread and "how would you dress your cute jaypee".

>> No.10885282

Annnnnnnd this thread is probably about to be deleted now.
(And probably. Do you think there are any female jannies?"

>> No.10885287

Slept until 3 PM, had some reese puffs, cleaned up the kitchen, did all the dishes, cleaned all the empty bottles and such out of the pantry and bagged them up.

Came downstairs... played generic grindfests most of the day (RO2, etc), occasionally stopped to get some food or bother my cats... watched a stream or two... that's about it.

>> No.10885288

Janice is a girl

>> No.10885296

Probably just arched an eyebrow at her and said "Yeah. So?"
I don't care about people knowing what I eat.

>> No.10885297

I'm jealous then.
She gets to dress in all kinds of cute clothes!

>> No.10885426
File: 73 KB, 640x410, unhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're living the dream, Anon.

My day was mostly the same, minus the cats and replacing RO2 with SSF4 & DOTA2.

>> No.10885430

Watching animes and playing video games. NEETing all day long :)

>> No.10885432
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What's your favorite daily NEET sensation?

I like the feeling right before I go poop poop. There's a feeling of pressure on my bottom and it makes me feel happy.

>> No.10885433


As someone who has panic attacks out of nowhere for absolutely no reason on a regular basis, I would've looked at her like a freak and answered "yes...?"

Who gives a fuck what some McDonalds slave thinks

>> No.10885438
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Woke up 15 hours ago. Been NEETing it up all day. Just took some more of my happy pills that my doctor gives me so I can stay awake for another 15 hours.


>> No.10885442
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Yeah, this.


Stop shitposting

>> No.10885445
File: 491 KB, 1024x768, living the fucking dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came home from work earlier now I'm trying to figure out if I can scrounge up enough money for alcohol.

>> No.10885446 [DELETED] 

God, why are people so fucking bad at LoL? I'll never get Plat at this rate.

>> No.10885447

Is there a difference between a NEET and a buddhist monk?

Are we the new enlightened ones?

>> No.10885449

/v/ here, why does /jp/ have such shit taste in non-2hu games?

>> No.10885474


You can do it if you grind it out. I'm bad and unlucky but I still made it to diamond this season.

>> No.10885505

shittiest thread on /jp/

>> No.10885529
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life is hard

>> No.10885533

Yay, I had a non-shit team for once. 5/1/6 on Rengar.

>> No.10885538

And most farm in the game by 60. :3

>> No.10885553

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10885673
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>talking about LoL on /jp/

>> No.10885685
File: 95 KB, 400x300, COME-AT-ME-BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal w/ it.

>> No.10885689

What is this gif from?

Is there a full video of it?

>> No.10885702

/jp/ blog culture

>> No.10885709

u mad bro

>> No.10885712

No. Why u so mad though?

>> No.10885713

wow... new fag
it's from touhou (rumia)

>> No.10885717

bold shitpost /b/r/o/

>> No.10885719


He mad bro.

>> No.10885724

People are still using that word?

>> No.10885726

People still using that as an insult?

>> No.10885728

Why are you asking me?

>> No.10885734


I thought you were a 4chan expert dot dot dot

>> No.10885763
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What animes are my NEETbros watching?

>> No.10885768

what should my new steam name be? something weeaboo pls

>> No.10885771


>> No.10885776 [DELETED] 


I only choose deep and significant names for my steam name.

>> No.10885789

I hate being recognized by employees anywhere I frequent. I sometimes actually try to plan a little ahead to make sure I don't get the same person ringing me up if I go multiple days in a row or I seen them before recently. I also think they're silently judging me specifically when I'm going through the store, always watching me like I'm the only one in it and just my presence in the store makes them mad.

>> No.10885791

i'm not neet but i'm watching chihayafuru s2, hunter x hunter, oreimo s2, shingeki no kyojin, hataraku maou-sama, crime edge and space brothers #jp

>> No.10885801


I've been buying booze at the same place for a year and the other day the woman who works there actually said to me "how long have I been selling you alcohol now...?"

Sorry for keeping your shitty store in business, I guess? I don't even know if she was insulting me but I'm not going back.

>> No.10885809

>Sorry for keeping your shitty store in business, I guess?
Alcohol is for making the ladies giggle at your boasting, anon.

>> No.10885814

I want to buy a bottle of dxm, maybe if I throw it in with the usual shit I buy they won't care or maybe they won't card me because they can sense I'm a piece of shit with no ID anyways. I can't believe people would get so mad about getting repeat business and want to drive away people like me that give them money often. What are the things I buy too weird for you? Am I not normal enough to shop in this store? I just wish people would leave me alone and treat me like any other anonymous customer.

>> No.10885823

Any japanese speakers out there.

Is kono baita proper grammar/japanese? How would you say something similar?

>> No.10885821


She's some fatass dinosaur with no teeth. I don't care, however I won't accept the injustice of being mocked for my various illnesses. First my confidence was shattered due to being bullied for social anxiety, and now that I've replaced SA with alcoholism I'm getting the same treatment. But of course if it was a ``real'' illness and I had to buy ``real'' medicine from the store everyone would be giving me sympathy. No, fuck them. I will buy all my groceries online from now on.

>> No.10885841

>She's some fatass dinosaur with no teeth.
Feel free to target other individuals, then. Replacing anything with alcoholism is self-darwinism.

>be a man
>kill yourself

>> No.10885842

i just now woke up at 4pm and made milk tea which I'm having now while posting in this thread.

Life is exciting!

>> No.10885847


Your greentext and assumption that I should care about killing myself says a lot about you

>> No.10885849 [DELETED] 

My left ear itches really bad, and it smells like a bacterial soup of acrid nastiness. There's also some scabs in there.

When do ear infections go away?

>> No.10885852

I'm drinking a nice exciting glass of water. Can this day move faster please?

>> No.10885862

Alcoholism is synonymous to suicidal self-harm. How could you even claim anything else?

>> No.10885861

How do you get scabs inside your ear? That sounds like my dog who got old and wouldn't stop tearing at his ears. So scabbed over and infected, he smelled like a rotting corpse. Couldn't even be in the same room with him.

>> No.10885888


I'm not claiming anything else

>> No.10885902

Well, why are you trying to kill yourself? Of course people will be upset at you.

>> No.10885916


I'm not, I just like being drunk. If bad health is a side-effect then that's fine. Same way people accept shitty health in exchange for eating junk food. So really you should be asking >>10885002 why he's happy to 'kill himself' with McDonalds

>> No.10885930

>I just like being drunk
Stop liking it, you cheeky 'lil fagger.

>So really you should be asking [...] why he's happy to 'kill himself' with McDonalds
I sometimes do.

Hey, why are you trying to kill yourself with McDonalds?

>> No.10885957

The most embarrassing moments of 2013? You mean you've had worse moments? What the fuck are you?

>> No.10886016

Please don't bully.
