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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10881831 No.10881831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ganaha Hibiki.

>> No.10881837

Hibiki butts and anuses?

>> No.10881845
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Hibiki is my beautiful wife.

>> No.10881846

Keep it civil please.

>> No.10881855

I have my ears pierced but I don't have large earrings like Hibiki.

>> No.10881873
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Are you a boy or a girl? They look cute on girls.

>> No.10881891

Why can't I be cute too?

>> No.10881901
File: 442 KB, 759x645, 1359118249664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. I'm sure that somewhere out there are people who will find you cute and will love you.

>> No.10881915
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>> No.10881924
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Walk in, see this, what do?

>> No.10881932

Give her some clothes.

>> No.10881938

She was probably changing her cloths so I would tell her I'm sorry for walking in on her and let her dress properly. Then when she is done I give her a kiss on her forehead and whisper in her ear that she looks really cute when she is embarrassed.

>> No.10881976

I masturbate her.

>> No.10881987
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>> No.10882002
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>> No.10882001

My arm on the left.

>> No.10882018
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>> No.10882073

Hibiki is not dumb

>> No.10882080

This is so degrading towards Hibiki that it's upsetting.

>> No.10882084

I like you.

>> No.10882087
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>> No.10882102
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When you love a person you don't really care~ And humans are attracted to the smell of their potential mate's sweat.

>> No.10882201

How is it degrading?

>> No.10882227

>leashing her
>going on walks as if she is a dog
Her rank is reduced to that of an animal it's obvious that it's degrading.

>> No.10882265

>not wanting to walk your waifu

>> No.10882277

>not respecting your waifu
>not wanting to walk side by side with your waifu holding hands instead of a leash

>> No.10882283

>not making your waifu a subservient pet

>> No.10882294
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>> No.10882316
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I want to get Hibiki pregnant.

>> No.10882330
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I want to ejaculate inside Hibiki and make her womb taste my semen.

>> No.10882335
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Wombs don't have taste buds, silly.

>> No.10882343
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She seems to be stinking

>> No.10882342
File: 770 KB, 900x1273, 2010-09-04-320748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I'll ask Hibiki of she wants to give me a blowjob and let her taste my semen the right way.

>> No.10882346
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But her stomach can't get pregnant.

>> No.10882345

I'd like to make /jp/ my subservient pet.

>> No.10882357

>be a subhuman
>treat your woman as a cumdump
>she actually accepts it and becomes a hedonistic slob
>have subhuman children who'll grow ashamed of their parents and genes as they learn how proper life is supposed to work

>> No.10882358
File: 1.00 MB, 863x1200, 2010-08-05-310847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I will ask her to give me a blowjob and then I'll ask her if I can fuck her vaginally. Hows that?

>> No.10882365
File: 122 KB, 803x934, 1358752904788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.10882370


Can we keep this thread civil please?

>> No.10882378

I want to be inside hibikis butt

>> No.10882371
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But of course not until we are both committed to each other.

>> No.10882374

There's nothing dirty about impregnation. Its a perfectly natural thing most women experience.

>> No.10882381

Why discusse it in a thread about her?

>> No.10882384
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Please control yourself.

>> No.10882387


>> No.10882388
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I want to bury my face in Hibiki's behind. And maybe do anal if she wants to.

>> No.10882391

Why do you?

>> No.10882398

Isn't it natural to want to impregnate the woman you love?

>> No.10882397

If only Clammy were here...

>> No.10882407

Is it natural to discuss that on a imageboard and post lewd images of her and attract more shit posting about her?

>> No.10882410

>implying you love her

>> No.10882425
File: 164 KB, 787x787, 1353305228769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for Hibiki is 100% real

>> No.10882445

Prove it

>> No.10882464


>> No.10882476

So you can't.

>> No.10882478
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>> No.10882498

Why are you so quick to doubt my love for her?

>> No.10882509

Because I never took you serious and you can't prove it

>> No.10882543
File: 428 KB, 600x829, Hibikin102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying lewd things isn't shitposting, posting lewd images isn't shitposting either. What's wrong with lewd images? Don't you think Hibikin is attractive? Wouldn't you want to tenderly make love to her and make her happy?

>> No.10882550

you are just expressing your lust for her I don't think she would like all of this

>> No.10882568

Hibiki is a sexual being.

>> No.10882581

so it's just a infatuation?

>> No.10882619
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You can't prove love especially not true love or maybe just not so easily. It's only something you can realize yourself that you truely love her over time. Sure, you can buy all her merch or do something like that but I'd say that is more towards obsession. However, love is a obsession.

And there are many types of love from platonic to committed love. But if I had to speak about my love for Hibiki:

The burning desire wanting to know everything about her, the motivation to learn a complete new language so you are able to understand her, making you life better just for her and living it like she would want you to.
Respecting her but also wanting to love her tenderly, knowing her flaws and looking past them, wanting her happiness above your lust, committing your life to her, wanting to grow older together with her till death do both apart.
Staying with her despite that she is not real, overcoming painful emotions you might experience because she isn't real and even if she isn't real still wanting to stay with her the rest of your life.

Maybe going a bit too far but I at times would even choose her happiness above my own.

And that doesn't even come close to proving my love for her, saying "I love you so freaking much Hibiki" isn't even enough to express it. Nobody should ever have to prove their love towards a complete stranger.

Stop with this bullshit already.

>> No.10882637

You're just using fancy complicated words and a long post because you can't prove you love her. I love her much more than you could ever do.

>> No.10882664
File: 201 KB, 632x632, hibiki_ganaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't prove you love her.
>I love her much more than you could ever do.
You really think love is a game?

>> No.10882686
File: 126 KB, 1440x810, 94f817f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she seems to be stinking...

>> No.10882688

Don't start this bullshit again.

>> No.10882693

I'm cool. let the kid cry.

>> No.10882703

You wouldn't want it to be a game because you would be losing, she's too good for a loser like you.

>> No.10882722
File: 51 KB, 332x304, hibiki is amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need this to be a game because I know I love her. You are one who is attacking me >>10882637

>> No.10882829

but you are the loser

>> No.10882967
File: 131 KB, 750x853, 1351296624530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hibiki is a stinky brazilian whore

>> No.10882979

But she isn't, she is a girl who needs to be tenderly loved and would never sell her body for sex.

>> No.10882998
File: 352 KB, 1401x881, 1351896953078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about biki

>> No.10883003

Sounds like it's you.

>> No.10883005
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, g4u2721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall and will forever love Hibik.

>> No.10883011

No it's you

>> No.10883015

Then tell me your wise Hibiki secrets.

>> No.10883020
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, g4u2641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10883021

Hibiki is a smelly slut who doesn't shave or bleach her asshole.

>> No.10883033

At least she's my slut.

>> No.10883035

Where does it say that in the source material then?

>> No.10883039

I'd bleach her asshole, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10883043
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>> No.10883059

How do you know?

>> No.10883065

Even if Hibiki's butt smelled like shit I would still thoughtfully lick it clean.

>> No.10883078

Are you questioning Morpheus?

>> No.10883079
File: 561 KB, 876x1809, 1353506887332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is Hibiki's smell?

>> No.10883089

A lovely mixture of Okinawa shampoo and sweat.

>> No.10883120


>> No.10883139

She'd smell like cat urine and you know it.

>> No.10883143

I own a cat and I don't mind the smell so.

>> No.10883145

Brazilian semen, sweat, monkey shit and soup.

>> No.10883163
File: 1.60 MB, 2044x1149, Hibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hibiki is perfect.

>> No.10883171

what's with that resolution man

>> No.10883186

2K TV.
