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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 250 KB, 1280x720, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10872227 No.10872227 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

My most recent song:

Previous thread >>10822348

>> No.10872230

How do I program my computer?

>> No.10872235
File: 140 KB, 600x888, df33bf873ee9cd3efa2f654578724a9aa31fc7b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Loomis/SICP equivalent for music theory?

>> No.10872252

The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will understand what is lacking in most other languages.

When you start a Lisp system, it enters a read-eval-print loop. Most other languages have nothing comparable to read, nothing comparable to eval, and nothing comparable to print. What gaping deficiencies!

Lisp is no harder to understand than other languages. So if you have never learned to program, and you want to start, start with Lisp. If you learn to edit with Emacs, you can learn Lisp by writing editing commands for Emacs. You can use the Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp to learn with: it is free as in freedom, and you can order printed copies from the FSF.

To study Scheme, and a deep understanding of program structures using Scheme as a vehicle, I recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman. This too is now free as in freedom.

>> No.10872248

what do you want it to do?

>> No.10872256


>> No.10872359

2 threads ago i requested a Mokou wearing Jotaro's clothes and hat, someone got it but i haven't heard anything of him since then.

>> No.10872402

Go buy some cheap instrument from a pawn shop and just start playing music you like. Emulate, then branch out on your own from there. When someone can explain to me why I actually like music, then I'll start reading theories. No money, then just download ReNoise to act as a keyboard piano.

>> No.10872705

learn a programming language
use it to tell it what to do

>> No.10873201
File: 613 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got a wood burner today. i made a kitty. probably gonna make 2hu silhouettes and stuff

>> No.10873205


Made this stupid thing this morning.

>> No.10873246

Oooh, wood burning is fun! Try coloring them as well. This may be a bit autistic, but I had great fun painting the silhouettes I made with different patterns and shades of burned wood.

>> No.10873285

nng cute

>> No.10873334
File: 794 KB, 1600x850, okaki5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10873347

Little Slut Academy!

>> No.10873356

pretty good
these stairs looks really nice

>> No.10873361

sounds like fun, Ill try it when i get a bit better at it, im still in learning phase. Im so glad i stopped using my soldering iron, using that was like trying to draw with a pencil by holding it from its eraser.

>> No.10873378

Been saving my soundtrack esque music which I don't upload to my soundcloud


Perhaps one of you guys will find a use for any of my tracks

My personal favorites are Mining town, sunken palace and ice cavern

>> No.10873405

I want PiddlePoddle to draw a cute bird.

>> No.10873438

I really like your work! Do you have a blog, Pixiv or DA?

>> No.10874843
File: 579 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd picture. I seem to be getting better at this.

>> No.10874887
File: 60 KB, 472x470, OFF_sugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been infected


>> No.10875030
File: 274 KB, 1271x955, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a small game, made a lot of progress today. This is one of the enemies.

>> No.10875083
File: 94 KB, 594x766, SAMURAI WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for you /jp/

>> No.10875103

That looks very nice. Keep it up and you could an actual artisan at some point.

>> No.10875214

Will you be offering beta testing? I wouldn't mind playing and finding things you could fix.

>> No.10875245

Make it like Binary Land where your movements mirrors from another screen but instead of a maze you dodge danmaku and defeat bosses. The most difficult mode would be your image, a double mirror.

>> No.10875287

thanks ill try my best!

>> No.10875589

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.10875631
File: 43 KB, 400x289, Dis-bar!-Yama-JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10876293
File: 217 KB, 1000x687, pokemon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, help me in there
how I make his coat looks more like an coat?
It just looks strange

>> No.10876302

The tan parts down the bottom and middle of the coat that attach to the collar are what make it look like a coat, you need to add those. Without those it looks like he's wearing a soft sweater.

>> No.10876305

Actually you don't even need the part along the bottom, it still would look like a coat without it. You just need to make it look like there is seperation between the left and right sides.

>> No.10876326

I got a bit lost on your explanation, but I think I got it

just in case, can't you draw it?

>> No.10876344

You made it too tight looking

>> No.10876600
File: 608 KB, 1000x687, 2itkfutc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. You made it a bit too baggy.

>> No.10876643

I can't draw myself, but this anon >>10876600 got what I was saying.

Thanks for helping him along. If I would have had to draw it I think we may have hit a dead end.

>> No.10876695

I really liked Barren World, Loss, Mining Town, Temple Grounds, and Village Chief. I especially liked Mystical Shop and Sunken Palace.

I didn't really like Ice Cavern and Fairy Cave. One of the main background sounds just hit my ears the wrong way, it seemed overbearing to the rest of the sounds.

I liked the whole thing overall anon. It reminded me of Minecraft music, mostly calm yet very catchy and not a crazy orchestra of sound.

>> No.10876725

ITT: only kids who drew when they were young and are now decent
its too late for me 😨

>> No.10876797

Anything is possible in 10,000 hours.

>> No.10876833

When Magister started posting in these threads he wasn't really that good but he improved really quickly.

>> No.10876879
File: 349 KB, 1048x921, voynich - elena 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, became really obsessed with her.
I can't get her out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, she's there.

>> No.10876907

Sounds as if you've obtained a waifu, my friend. Soon your thoughts will stray from lewd things about her, and even more you will long to be with her. Better hold tight to that, anon.

>> No.10877236

That girl looks pretty good. The guy looks kinda wonky.

>> No.10877292

I immediately thought of those animal silhouettes from PCB and whatever.

>> No.10878038


I love you guys, now I know what I was doing wrong
seems easy to fix
Once I've finished everything I'll post it here again

>> No.10878084
File: 125 KB, 500x382, a_world_without_secondarys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this a few days ago because boredom. Took me 8 hours to make.

Feel free to post it in your hate against secondarys.

>> No.10878517

Thanks for the comments and taking the time to listen

>> No.10878658

If you make another set (or even just a couple songs) post em again, I'm keeping these songs on my hard drive for sure. They really fit into a couple of my playlists.

>> No.10878840

I like your stuff.

>> No.10878948
File: 284 KB, 780x832, flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side view Flan-chan.

>> No.10878958

Put some clothes on, that's lewd!

>> No.10879088

>no hat
This kills the Flan.png

>> No.10879247

I have some soundtrack-ish type stuff up here: https://soundcloud.com/yuki-no-oto

Too bad I can't draw

>> No.10879317

This is really nice. Please post any new ones that you might make.

>> No.10879343

I listened to at least a third of every song, and I really like the stuff that isn't full hiphop. I'm not much into hiphop but the orchestral and semi-orchestral pieces were really well done..

I enjoyed listening to them. Saved a lot of them too to listen to later.

>> No.10879350

Well, the hip-hop stuff is really just because a friend wanted to enter a competition and I said I would.

This looks super neat, especially the cat.

>> No.10879434

>shitty brown skin

>> No.10879524
File: 277 KB, 888x739, Baron - LGhacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw at all, and I really want to learn how. I have a lot of OCs that I've created that I wish to use in a novel series (because writing is my only strong point), but I'd rather turn it into a comic.

I have tons of artwork for these characters, though, as friends (who are too lazy to help me learn) like drawing them.

Any suggestions? I know that practice is key, but when I try to sit down and start, everything just looks so ugly that it completely demotivates me.

>> No.10879536

That's really cute, anon.
I like her hat.

>> No.10879540

look into 3DCG and MMD and make them there instead

>> No.10879551

I have a huge dislike for MMDs and 3DCG in general. I love classic, 2D (loose term) art.

I'm weird like that.

>> No.10879581

>Who are too lazy to help me learn

Why don't you practise more and stop being lazy?
Nobody can teach you if you're not willing to out in the effort to learn the basics, and you don't need a person to show you when you have the internet.

>> No.10879638

It's because when I try to practice, I get entirely demotivated from how hideous or incorrect it looks. Any tips on overcoming that?

>> No.10879646

I get the same shit, alcohol and pills help me curb that feeling. My artwork still sucks, but it's better than it was a year ago.

>> No.10879647 [DELETED] 

draw better. analyze your mistakes and correct them. Draw some real humans too.

>> No.10879833


Keep drawing.
Work through your failure.
You'll eventually realize you're getting slowly better and better, looking back on your old work as shit. It's all about perseverance.
That, and don't be afraid to marginally copy stuff to practice. Not tracing, not EXACTLY copying, but looking at stuff and trying to emulate it. Every artist who draws manga did this at some point and probably still does. Your own style is always an amalgamation of your favorite artists and influences.

>> No.10880347



why can't other "artist" do this I've watched anime for a long time but this hasn't caught on, it still manages to not take away from the moe~ and while not being totally LOOMIS isn't that bad

I like it, her head does seem a bit big and not proportional though nice post man

>> No.10880367

Side mouth + skin fang is very cute.
Thank you. I guess I'll be drawing her for the next few weeks.

>> No.10880392 [DELETED] 

It looks very creepy to me.

It's likely that it's never used because most people agree with me or because you are expressing more if you show the entire mouth. Probably the second.

>> No.10880499

Uh, why soundclod doesn't work?

>> No.10880518
File: 136 KB, 687x846, ss (2013-05-13 at 09.29.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10880530

his right arm is too long

>> No.10880544
File: 256 KB, 1068x860, ss (2013-05-13 at 09.39.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stop sidemouth from happenings

>> No.10880605

I want to start learning drawing, but I don't know where to start. Is there any book with fundamentals I should start with and practice drawing geometrical shapes, shades, fruit, human body and all other stuff which seems to be taught in art schools? Or should I just start trying to copy the art I like and realize what I need to improve later? Right now I can only draw stick people.

>> No.10880882
File: 127 KB, 900x898, face_side_view___hair_pinned_by_curiouspeaches-d327gmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at pictures of humans. When neutral and closed the lips protrude from the teeth and kind of end about where the front of the eyes line up.

>> No.10881368
File: 164 KB, 547x974, ghfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know where I stand in terms of anatomy and I plan on waiting until the summer to try to learn properly. What frustrates me the most is that I have no idea how to colour and how folds and things work.

>> No.10882071

Does anyone make chiptubes music?

>> No.10882093

I do.

>> No.10882129

Op, upload that track un jewtube please. for whatever reason soundclod is dead on my pc

>> No.10882187

Yo where's Magister?

Get Magister in the thread

>> No.10882192

What's your bandcamp?

>> No.10882214 [DELETED] 

Don't shit up the thread with mentioning some retard who doesn't belong here. No one likes him except a bunch of inexperienced DA kiddos.

>> No.10882292

I don't have a bandcamp.
I also have almost nothing on this, but here.

>> No.10882427

What do you use?

to make your stuff?

>> No.10882433


>> No.10882563

you're the only guy here who hates him for some stupid reason. grow up, and stop being so mad at one guy.

>> No.10882766

OP does

>> No.10882872
File: 136 KB, 595x678, suika copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of doing a short Touhou comic/manga for practice (5-6 pages aprox, with 1 or 2 4koma at the end).

what characters would you like to see in particular?
Any suggestions for situations I can put them in would be cool as well.

>> No.10882876

Yuugi and Suika!

>> No.10882884

off to a good start!

>> No.10883010


Tewi, Suika, Aya, Yukari, Ran, Chen, Yuyko, Yomou, Mima, Minoriko Aki, Kasen

>> No.10883019


See that part where under the nose that makes an 3 shape? you draw a line THROUGH it not beside it ( that shit looks stupid )

>> No.10883211
File: 97 KB, 480x360, new1234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into animation but all the software that I have tried is terrible and I don't want to learn flash just for it.

>> No.10883215

Her tatters are very far apart.

>> No.10883377
File: 148 KB, 640x564, 1352110666095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your music.
It sounds like it should be in a freeware game (in a good way)

>> No.10883407

They're fine, stupid virgin

>> No.10883412

Fine if you like imperfection.

>> No.10883414

You can use photoshop too.

>> No.10883429

got nothing on nadeshiko

>> No.10883634


>> No.10883890
File: 153 KB, 550x400, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know flash either but it's enough for me to hand draw

>> No.10883955
File: 83 KB, 700x513, random1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10884361

The animation is fluid and hypnotizing.
You might want to invest a little more time into researching walk cycles though.

>> No.10885318

Thank you! No, I know what you mean.

I deleted the first track on the autoplay. I'm slightly embarrassed that it's the first/only one everyone would've heard. It was essentially a joke that I made while I was drunk.

I've got nothing on almost everyone. Thank you for the input, though.

I like it.

>> No.10885826

Any Touhou requests? Namely fetish ones.

>> No.10885863
File: 445 KB, 2500x1900, koishiday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well some people say this is downright terrible, opinions?

>> No.10885865

Random fairies doing lewd tiny fairy things.

>> No.10885866

That sounds about right.

>> No.10885890
File: 18 KB, 1000x1000, Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, if you liked the song I have the EP download link here


>> No.10885923

Yuuka feet

>> No.10885928

The nose needs work.

>> No.10885960

Hina kicking faceless male in groin

>> No.10885993
File: 952 KB, 1600x1800, 28816025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10886130
File: 468 KB, 1106x857, verylittlestone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10886143


>> No.10887115

i'll have to make do with this

>> No.10887186
File: 970 KB, 1280x1878, Koumajou Densetsu Flandre (Akira).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said he would probably draw a cool Flandre last thread, if he is still considering it I just want to say I'm still here.

>> No.10888417
File: 139 KB, 504x870, bunny2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit embarrassing to think that anybody's paid attention that long, but I'm glad you think so.

Whoa...how many frames is this?

>> No.10888459

No need to be embarrassed Magister you are a cool dude!

>> No.10888769

Mags I think her arms might be too small or her head too big...

>> No.10888777

That's how she like her girls.

>> No.10888781

wasn't that big tits and/or huge dicks?

>> No.10888787

She's supposed to be a loli I think?

>> No.10888792

That's how it used to be in the past.

>> No.10888797

and how it still is, looking at all of his recent works.

i'm fine with it, i want more lily with huge dick fucking random people and cumming all over them.

>> No.10888799

Oh the breasts confused me but I think I can see it now

>> No.10888801

I think he was just trying for one of those really fat oppai lolis. Kind of hot.

>> No.10888965

If you get enough followers, they'll defend your bad drawing skills as your style for you.

>> No.10889008

Sanae with armpit hair

>> No.10889078

Youmu with your favorite fetish. I hope it's a good fetish.

>> No.10889094

Daruma gaeshi with a ball tied Reisen II, emphasis on the amount she's cumming. Add in bruises to the side of the torso and face, but be stingy about it. If it's not fetish catering enough, surprise me with who the S is/what the S is doing.

This would also be interesting

>> No.10889109

its pretty bad to be honest. I think the main issue is the nose and the mouth. Nose is wayyy too big and the mouth is just.. weirdly placed perhaps?

>> No.10889988

In the last thread someone told you what you do wrong and this time you make the same mistakes. You do it over and over again, ignore the experienced people and only listen to those who scream stuff like "kawaaiiii desuuu!! ^^" because they are the majority and it makes you feel satisfied. Seriously, just give up on drawing already if you don't even listen to someone who goes several times out of his way to help you.

>> No.10889998

Did you ever consider that they actually did try and failed? Maybe they're just a big failure.

>> No.10890032


No despite what that guy said you did do better, I guess drawing the hands closer to the head allowed to proportion them better

You did really good on this one ( it's the little things ) you go the bulges out of the fishnet and out the side of the top nicely

I would extend her right leg just a bit more that seems out of proportion but other than that you did better on this than most of your other stuff lately

nice, I like it

>> No.10890064

look at this mad nerd. im fapping to it right now, please don't "help" him.

>> No.10890168

If you can masturbate to that then you probably also masturbate to milk.

>> No.10890569

Fugg. Pretty good stuff man. Downloading right now.

>> No.10890687

Hey op I love your shit.
good job.

>> No.10890695

what? milk has no tits, ass, or thighs. just an ugly face. i dont see the resemblance at all.

>> No.10891008

Nice to see that there are other people as disgusted from mags as I am.

>> No.10891021

Yet you reference the name endearingly.

>> No.10891066

Look at all that entitlement from this faggot here. Not only that, he also assumes his opinion are something more that just opinions. He assumes that Magister should give a shit.
Why don't you go ahead and say "You should stop drawing altogether" while you are at it?

>> No.10891085

There wasn't only one but several people who tried to give him advice and told him kindly what he was doing wrong. If he doesn't even want to improve then why did he even talk to those people about the errors he made? And why do you even care if /jp/ doesn't like him?

>> No.10891087


>> No.10891104

Because their words are guiding forward, but in the wrong direction. The kind of help that is harmful. Then they are disappointed when they are ignored and bring even more harm.

>> No.10891121

Do you really think he's someone capable of instant improvement? Lol, why are there idiots in these threads that think you can fix your issues in one swoop?

>> No.10891136

They probably can't even see the slight improvement over time. Or they just ignore it.

>> No.10891143

That's the usual for idiots who try to delude themselves into believing something they don't want to believe. If things don't go their way, they ignore the truth and come up with some bullshit excuse to try to make their understanding more believable to themselves.

>> No.10891153

Some things look worse than before, though.

>> No.10891159

Where does that mean that there have been no improvements?

>> No.10891162

I don't see what you mean.

>> No.10891172

I don't really hate anyone here but can't that guy just post his stuff elsewhere? This whole drama is getting so annoying in the OC threads and it should probably stop if he doesn't post here anymore. Please don't bully...

>> No.10891179

It's not his problem or responsibility. If anything he's one of the few that should post here.

>> No.10891182

Uh...no? That's not a way to solve any issue. Even before he posted anything or even when he doesn't people bitch. If he should have to stop because "drama" then every other person should too.

>> No.10891190

He already posts his stuff everywhere www
NG, /a/, Pixiv, dA, Tumblr...

>> No.10891200

What an annoying piece of shit he is.

>> No.10891216

but not half so much of an annoying shit as you

>> No.10891238

I don't remember the last time he did something /jp/ relatable apart animumango style.
why he's even here?

>> No.10891243

a lot of crying going on here. what happened to taking it easy?

you can only be drawing incorrectly if you don't follow the objectives you set for yourself. you're just whining because you don't like his style, and it's pretty pathetic.

>> No.10891246

For the same reason why milk is here, getting as much attention as possible and stirring shit up.

>> No.10891249

Maginigger guy is back with a vengeance.

>> No.10891251

The same reason why all the artists that don't draw "/jp" related shit or make "/jp/" related music are. To post OC.

>> No.10891255

you got me
going to get back to fapping now

>> No.10891256

He admitted himself that he made errors and you would know that if you followed these threads.

>> No.10891264

Which criticism in particular are you referring to?

>> No.10891272

ohhh i see, so we're just making fun of him because he hasn't yet corrected them? that sounds like a great way to help people improve.

>> No.10891275

The one about his characters small hands and stubbly arms comes to mind for example.

>> No.10891291

You could have just said "the hands are still small and the arms are still short. You're not listening." That would have made this thread a lot shorter.

With respect to the picture itself I think that it only looks off because the head is too big. Shrink that and the rest of it looks much more proportionate.

>> No.10891310

Magister can fuck himself. I wish he stopped posting on our board. He's just a normal anyway.

>> No.10891349

I wish you would stop posting, but unfortunately wishing for things doesn't make them true.

>> No.10891452

I hope your fucking keyboard falls on the floor and bounces back into your ass

>> No.10891465

>Lol, why are there idiots in these threads that think you can fix your issues in one swoop?
they're of the "do you even draw?" armchair specialist variety.

they don't understand it or can't draw, they just throw their crap around and expect others to eat it.

>> No.10892391
File: 54 KB, 600x450, drawr 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10892670
File: 159 KB, 500x500, untitled (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is my rendition/attempt at drawing the new character. To be honest when I first saw her I first thought "Little Red Riding Hood" but then i started to noticed the weird pointy blue things and the dark vortex in the background. There is also a mystic pentagram in the back which made me even more skeptical so I started to feel like that she was an Oni like Suika and Yuugi. Who knows? Maybe she might be one of the four Devas. It would explain why the danmaku looks like its being sucked inward. As for Touhou 14 in general, I was told that it will have the same simplicity as Mountain of Faith, so I'm really hoping it just doesn't use something even remotely close to the live system on that game. It seems to be using the pieces system like UFO or Ten Desires. I hope the music and the character concept can catch up to date with how amazing all the other games are so it isn't left behind or that it isn't extremely easy like Ten Desires.

>> No.10892999

I really like your stuff.

>> No.10893134
File: 67 KB, 610x646, may15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10893631
File: 204 KB, 614x2906, Back to the Club Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10893663
File: 3 KB, 350x350, room1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make a retro-ish game, and I'm making some progress (I hope)

>> No.10893670

That room looks cursed.

>> No.10893673
File: 2 KB, 55x104, sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character sprite sample

Does this have too much detail? I don't want to stray from the style in >>10893663 too much.

>> No.10893679

I think they mix well enough.

>> No.10893681

How does it look cursed? Those are supposed to be comic books all over the ground in the corner!

>> No.10893683

Requesting a more constructive answer to this question.
I love playing around with trackers, but without any real understanding of music theory, I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark.
Give me a tough book that will teach me the essence of composing music if I put the effort in, and I'll do so.

>> No.10893699

I don't know, something creeps me out about it and I was waiting for something to happen for a while when I opened it.

>> No.10893718

I want to start making my own games too, do you have a guide?

>> No.10893758

If you have no interest in the coding aspect of the game you can try using Game maker, from his sprite sets I am let to believe he may very well be doing his in RPG maker. However this comes at the cost of being limited to what those engines can do (although from what I've seen recently game maker has come a long way from when I played with it around 8 years ago.

>> No.10893756
File: 33 KB, 642x470, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look retro, it looks cruddy. It's okay if you want to make a game with low quality graphics, but please don't call it retro. Retro games don't look like that. Retro games look like this. (and don't you dare call yours 8bit graphics)
Your game looks like some cheap shareware computer game. Which is okay in itself, mind you.

Also those dresser drawers look like :3 faces. It's kinda weird.

>> No.10893762

Retro-ish was the keyword. Don't be a fag, just because you think you know "retro".

>> No.10893785

I don't have to think I know anything, I've been playing games all my life. That doesn't look retroish. Just cruddy. A lot of old games looked cruddy too, even when they were new.

>> No.10893790

What if I was more interested in the coding aspect?

>> No.10893810

>A lot of old games looked cruddy too
Isn't that an argument against your point? Plenty of really old games looked like that. If anything your example is something from the end of an era. Also? No reason to be such a dick about it. "It looks cruddy" isn't about to help him make it look any better.

>> No.10893819
File: 19 KB, 641x478, Title_dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am let to believe he may very well be doing his in RPG maker.
Yup, I'm doing my game in RPG Maker because I'm a faggot with very little coding experience. I want my game to be a simple test run so don't expect anything too flashy.

Chill dude, my game was inspired by other simple games like Melon Journey, and I don't know what to call this style. Minimalistic?

>> No.10893833

Learn to read music, learn to read music, please for the love of Bach learn to motherfucking read music.

Also, start here and make sure to understand everything, from start to finish.
Everything builds off of everything else before it, so if you're fundamentals are weak you're gonna struggle. That should keep you occupied for a while.

However please, please keep in mind that music theory is, well, theory. It's a guideline, not a rule. Unlike art theory books which tells you about anatomy and shit, you can't do that concretely with music, since no one knows what music's supposed to sound like, unlike, say, what a human's supposed to look like. If it sounds good then it sounds good, no matter what theory tries to tell you.

I would even go as far as say music theory is a waste of time if you're not going for something esoteric like jazz or faux-classical or whatever. Really, all you need to know is the major and minor scales, I-IV-V, maybe things like accidentals if you feel gutsy, and that's it, you can make modern music!

And anyway, you're probably already doing this unconsciously. If you've been writing for a while, learning parts of theory is just an exercise in giving names to concepts you're already subconsciously familiar with. The other parts are either unapplicable concepts to modern music, or fun little nonsense that's only good for analyzing finished works.

Or maybe I'm just talking outta my ass. Eh.

>> No.10893853

>Isn't that an argument against your point?
No, since they were new and not retro when they first looked cruddy. The point, more clearly put, is that it doesn't matter if it's old or new, cruddy is cruddy.
Saying "it's old looking" isn't an excuse for something to look cheap.

Minimalistic is probably a better term.

>Chill dude
You're the one that needs to chill. I'm not using cruddy as an insult, simply making the truthful statement that you don't want to make the effort to make nicer graphics. They're cruddy because you wanted them to be cruddy stylistically.

>> No.10893863

I believe you have definitely crossed into subjective territory here. There's no reason to sound so caustic about your opinion on the stylistic choice. 'Cruddy' is you not making the effort to give an actual review of why it is unappealing to you, only stating that yes, it is indeed unappealing.

>> No.10893921

>You're the one that needs to chill

Mind giving me some actual constructive criticism on my work so that I may improve in the future, instead of getting all butthurt just because you don't like the style I chose?

>> No.10893941
File: 82 KB, 500x650, hood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would learn C++ and use SFML. it is still one of the most widely used languages around. You can learn the basics of functions and concepts here: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=16 and get SMFL to learn about it later here: www.sfml-dev.org/

I can't give much more advice than that though because I have attempted many times to learn how to program but just can't grasp it due to it feeling a little tedious.

I hope you don't mind that I drew your character, I liked it.

>> No.10894186
File: 149 KB, 447x1017, bunny3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is supposed to be a loli character so I gave her a large head and stunted limbs, but...it's odd with the size of her curves and it's very difficult to even sell her as a loli anymore beyond a certain size. Is this better? I rearranged quite a lot of things.

>> No.10894273

What do stunted limbs have to do with being a loli? Lolis aren't midgets.

>> No.10894295

not sure why, but i liked the first one more.

>> No.10894299 [DELETED] 

Are you annoying on purpose?

>> No.10894302

There's absolutely nothing loli-like about her...
Do you even know what a loli is?

>> No.10894330
File: 80 KB, 341x979, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm no expert, but a loli would be more like this

>> No.10894340

Are you?

Are you one of those people who insists that the people who believe in ロリおっぱい are just doing it wrong?

>> No.10894355

It's called oppai loli you morons.

>> No.10894361

there's nothing loli like about her
she has big tits and big hips/ass/legs
she looks like a really short (and a bit fat) adult woman, if that's what he was going for, then it would be a nicely drawn picture
but it's no loli

>> No.10894381

she looks more like a chubby teenager who matured quickly, because of the short limbs/body frame. i think that's what he was going for when he said "loli," he just missed the age group by 5-10 years.

>> No.10894393 [DELETED] 

The face looks still too mature and the problem with the arms still remains.
Oppai loli are called oppai loli because they are kids with breasts. How does she look like a child to you? even without breasts she is just a flat-chested teenage girl or young adult.

>> No.10894403

The arms are rather short, but proportional. Any longer, if she put her arms to her side she'd seem like a gorilla.

>> No.10894409

Her tits are bouncing in the opposite direction they should. When you push her, her tits should go down and the rest of the body up and vice versa when pulling.

There's more to a child's physique than short arms and a big head. You're ignoring pretty much all of them. I have no objection against you drawing oppai loli, but no matter how much you want a curvy child, that's just not happening unless they're outright fat, and even then it's exactly the fat and not their bone structure that makes them "curvy". They won't have wide hips and plump asses, just saggy fat.

It doesn't help that you draw her the same adult face you draw everyone, so even that association alone already makes it more difficult to sell.

>> No.10894407

Your style is very fun it makes me smile <3

>> No.10894435

I'm sorry, I should have said 'She is supposed to be a loli character, but I am not drawing her quite that way'. I try to draw her older than I used to in the past for several reasons.

Do you have advice for fixing the arms? I feel like they are fairly long already and I am just bad at foreshortening.

I was not going for 8~11 or something like that, if that's what you mean. Also, isn't it a common thing in loli magazines to give girls hips no child could actually have? There is a lot of near-curveless loli of course, but also a lot of art with body types closer to Elins. I know a lot of people do not care to look at the size of breasts and hips I draw, but I believe even fewer would want to look at realistically-portrayed saggy fat on a younger girl.

>> No.10894467

>Also, isn't it a common thing in loli magazines to give girls hips no child could actually have?
Yeah, of course. Just like drawing gigantic breasts. I should've made it clearer, but I didn't mean just hips, but also the other body shape differences that children and non-loli pubescent teenagers have. Basically fat distribution, shoulders, whatever.

>I was not going for 8~11 or something like that, if that's what you mean.
No, I realized you weren't going to make her look like that age. I assume you meant to just have some characteristic elements of a prepubescent girl. The problem is, besides the big head that most animu girls have anyway, I don't see prepubescent elements, only pubescent. This is a short and developed teenager, not a loli. Which is all well and good on its own, but you said you were going for loli, so it seems like a mistake to me.

>> No.10894480 [DELETED] 

Mags you are a loser.

>> No.10894506

forgot to mention

>also a lot of art with body types closer to Elins
The difference is that the Elin do have a lot of childish features like short build, slender upper body and facial structure. There are enough undeveloped parts to counteract the developed parts like the hips and thighs in order to still keep an Elin a loli. The same principle applies to the usual oppai loli. I don't think >>10894186 does it right.

>> No.10894507

Why do you ask him for help now when you didn't fix the shit in the last few drawings from other threads? Figure it out yourself, crybaby.

>> No.10894516

>What could be improved here?
>You should practice your execution and be wary of reversal baits and stagger strings.

>What about now?
>Holy shit you are so fucking bad you dropped your combo again didn't I tell you not to drop combos are you fucking stupid or something also I baited a reversal just now christ why do I even waste my time on people as retarded as you you will never be good at this game kill yourself.

>> No.10894555
File: 126 KB, 504x870, magi bunny redrawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just testing...

>> No.10894561

Now you're getting somewhere. It's probably just the sketch lines, but no need to make her bony elsewhere, though.

>> No.10894564

that's much better

>> No.10894566

Not thick enough anymore.

>> No.10894569

Thicker would probably make her look chubby. Probably.

>> No.10894595

Spines don't work like that, man.

>> No.10894601 [DELETED] 

You will never become a good artist.

>> No.10894618
File: 2.59 MB, 729x493, test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blargh, I'm trying to write a game about Okuu, but damn, I can not in aesthetics, and I haven't even begun with opengl.

>> No.10894628


That does more better suit the idea of a small body with large breasts. although I'll never understand why you'd do that...

>> No.10894642

Extreme emphasis + love for lolis + love for tits = specific but strong fetish combination.

>> No.10894643


I went down the same road you did a few years ago and i recommend you port what you have into sfml. SDL is great if you are just getting started and want to learn what is going on under the hood. I would guess you have about 1000-1500 LOC? It should be pretty managable to port that over in a day.

>> No.10894646

don't forget love for dicks, if lily's any indication.

>> No.10894648 [DELETED] 

He doesn't love anything, he just enjoy to rub his shit in our faces. Without him these threads would be so much nicer...

>> No.10894651 [DELETED] 

Anyway, his drawings are a pain to look at.

>> No.10894656


I think they're nice even if I don't really like the subject.

>> No.10894664
File: 3 KB, 64x64, csm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a good pain...

>> No.10894667

What does it have that SDL+OpenGL lacks?

>> No.10894670 [DELETED] 

You guys shouldn't give in to trolls like Magister. If you ignore him then he will eventually get tired of it sometime.

>> No.10894690 [DELETED] 

Only a 12 year old could seriously think that way.

Face it: He is bad. Pretty bad. His art is soulless.
Even the guys who can't draw such clean lines have much more potential and their drawings have much more love than his drawings

>> No.10894713 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 900x1167, kah7_12_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does mine look soulless and dead? you can be honest.

>> No.10894714

I'm really confused at what's happening in this thread...

>> No.10894716

Dangerous levels of buttmad jelly.

>> No.10894722

The dick tip is messed up, it looks almost completely disconnected.

>> No.10894723

it looks gay and furry

>> No.10894728

Not that guy, but SFML is closer to something like Allegro than it is to SDL/OpenGL. And everything is encapsulated in classes, which is great if you're one of those people who thinks object-oriented programming is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I only toyed with it briefly, but it seems solid enough. It's what I'd recommend to someone who learned C++ and wants to make games (it's clearly aimed at that, rather than SDL/OpenGL which are a little more general purpose). For C, use Allegro. Allegro 5 was a pretty big rewrite, and now it uses hardware acceleration by default. There's not too much point reinventing the wheel with just SDL (you'll probably end up using additional libraries for graphics primitives anyway).

>> No.10894729


That's supposed to be his belly but I can understand how that problem occurs, I shall fix that.

I was paid to do it...

>> No.10894733
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of a game I once made with a fellow anon.

>> No.10894828 [DELETED] 

Retarded artist who doesn't know what loli means keeps spamming his crap on this board.

Also some of his teenaged followers spouting memes like >>10894716

>> No.10895238
File: 68 KB, 583x797, mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou is a farmer!

>> No.10895242


>> No.10895266
File: 72 KB, 560x457, nick1-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs parallax scrolling

>> No.10895278

Woah, it looks cool, the apple idea is retarded but I'd play that game for a couple of minutes.

>> No.10895360

They were originally "bad apples" since the game was black and white before a kind anon decided to do art for it.

You can download it here if you want to play: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8950820/MarisaSimHD.7z

If it crashes on startup then you need to install this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20914

>> No.10895436


Cute, the third eye looks kinda odd though.

>> No.10895498
File: 1.28 MB, 729x493, test2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, already tried that and already broke my sprite and the background.

>> No.10895543

Here is the source code for my game written in C using SDL, I hope it might help you: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8950820/MarisaGame.zip

The "tickterrain" function handles parallax scrolling.

>> No.10895553

Thanks anon, but I have it implemented already, I'm just joking.

>> No.10895584

You're really awful at making sprites. Have someone else do it.

>> No.10895602 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 729x493, testtits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at dealing with people, is there a way I could get someone someone to do it without much talking.
Like "Hello, make me a sprite of Utsuho from Touhou, thanks"
Or maybe I could just rip off from artists without their consent, but stealing is bad... geez

>> No.10896095

Why did you remove the other song?

>> No.10896100

I really like you stuff, please make more stuff.

>> No.10896116
File: 83 KB, 560x457, nick9-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat parallax

>> No.10896124
File: 59 KB, 713x772, feelfairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to be productive. I need to be. But I'm not good at anything.

What do I do?

>> No.10896368

Finally finished my music video


>> No.10896388

Well, that was definitely something. I'm not sure what, exactly.

>> No.10896401

This is art.

>> No.10896411

I can attest that this is a music video.

>> No.10896414

What the fuck
Did I just watch
It was great.

>> No.10896416
File: 216 KB, 482x436, 1349375127226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10896421

That was a thing that exists. I did enjoy its existence though.

>> No.10896453

Not bad. Not bad. I'm very surprised that there is someone like you on /jp/

>> No.10896490

Made this a while ago, but never posted it to an oc thread. Forgot to post alot of stuff here... Apparitions Stalk The Night is a cover, but Night Sakura was self arranged on acoustic.


>> No.10896500

Do you mind me asking how you record, or rather what your recording setup is?

>> No.10896547

I liked the part where you ride the wiener.

>> No.10896549

What do you mean? You posted this before.

>> No.10896559

Not at all. I usually run with a full acoustic with a couple of mics, but this particular song is using an electric acoustic running to an amp that's mic'd, and also has a direct line to a Yamaha soundboard. Software is protools.

>> No.10896566

Have I? Are you sure? It's been a very long time since I've browsed /jp/, and even longer since I've posted in an oc thread. Maybe I'm wrong, and just being forgetful. If so, my bad.

>> No.10897223

Vey nice!
There were some parts where the cut-paste scenes were cut inappropriately that bugged me a bit, for example near the end (2:12) where the guy is about the get stomped his hand is cut off.

>> No.10897593

I was working with an extremely budget green screen (tiny) and camera, not to mention recording everything myself, so when I did get the choreography right I just went with it. It surely wasn't the highest quality work, but I got way too antsy and just wanted to finish it before I got any more nervous and scrapped it. There were many other aspects I wanted to incorporate, but lacked the skills or know how to do any real 3D rendering or editing.

>> No.10897646

Don't know about allegro, but I've read somewhere that SFML wraps around OpenGL.

>> No.10897756

I hate SDL and everything like it, but I think you ought to know that SDL 2 (about to be officially released) is hardware-accelerated too.

>> No.10897778

Cute elephant-table. Does your game have a story?

>> No.10897928

Saw it as actually an elephant before you pointed it out. I thought this was a scene making a reference to the adage "elephant in the room".

>> No.10898045

What kind of elephant doesn't have huge ears? You guys are weird.

>> No.10898061

This one:
*whips out le dick*

>> No.10898144


You could have just put your name once at the end instead of the rolling credits. It was okay but I think it could have benefited from a baseline maybe.

>> No.10898407
File: 5 KB, 350x350, anus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian elephants have smaller ears than african elephants. This one covers its cheeks when embarrassed.

>> No.10898615

you got a cool mustache by the way

>> No.10899815
File: 28 KB, 350x450, p-01139-pytho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does your game have a story?
It's about a young boy who sets out from his home to find the meaning of life.

No not really it's just a game where Pytho-kun (my friend's OC) goes outside and plays with his fellow Makai friends. Has lots of random, silly dialogue with some mini quests

>> No.10900282
File: 329 KB, 891x1409, 触って欲しい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time with hat. I want to touch the Flan.

>> No.10900287

Very cute.

>> No.10900400

I see you there, trying to avoid drawing hands and feet.

>> No.10900416

When did you start drawing?

>> No.10900481
File: 119 KB, 661x386, rumia_feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess around 2009. But but back then I would always draw something, get discouraged and then not draw anything for a month.
I pretty much only started having fun while drawing in 2013.
Hands are alright, but feet are a pain to draw. I can somewhat do them, but getting the pose right takes me hours.

>> No.10900567

I liked more when it was called "a world without jews".

>> No.10900573

I rotoscope all my shit, because I'm talentless hack. You should try it.
I use LICEcap to get a gif from a video and then I open it with photoshop and draw my OC don't steal in each frame.

>> No.10900604

her ankle is broken

>> No.10900631


Here are some benchmarks.

The last page has a more 'fair' comparison. The point isn't really speed though. Both of them will be more than fast enough for these types of simple projects. The main difference is what is your project goal. SDL is NOT geared towards game development specifically whereas SFML is. This means that you end up writing tons of infrastructure in SDL that is not specific to any one game (although I do recommend doing this at least once to understand design). SFML is a much higher level of abstraction designed specifically for game development. It is easier to prototype games in SFML than SDL.

>> No.10900748
File: 145 KB, 1107x1698, OkuuFinalSketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10900759

Can someone draw some anuses please?

Like a line up of various touhou anuses in a row?

It would be nice if each one had certain little difference and characteristics to make each anus unique.

>> No.10901798

You've been getting better! The body is a bit too long from around the waist, I think.

>> No.10902351

Why would you want to prototype in an unmanaged language?

When all you want is a cross-platform OpenGL context then SDL is superior.

>> No.10902808

What license are these under? Can I use them in projects with proper credits?

>> No.10903395 [DELETED] 

Is there any faster way to color near edges like this besides using a really small brush? I was sure I've seen people use a much faster method before but I don't remember what they did.

Thank you.

>> No.10903398
File: 132 KB, 770x591, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any faster way to color near edges like this besides using a really small brush? I was sure I've seen people use a much faster method before but I don't remember what they did.

Thank you.

>> No.10903405

I'm not an artist but I think you could use the magic wand tool and then expand it by a few pixels.

>> No.10903431

I thought there was a way to do that too, even with multiple layers, but it just fills everything. This is only like my 5th time coloring something and I really am just kind of winging it.

>> No.10903446

I think you can hold either shift, ctrl or alt to make the magic wand tool work on all layers.

>> No.10903455
File: 188 KB, 1230x927, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have multiple lineart layers, put them all in a single folder, and set that folder to "Selection Source". It should be highlighted in green. Then take the Paint Bucket and set it to fill by Selection Source. So long as there aren't any gaps in your lines, it should treat your several layers as one single reference layer.

>> No.10903458

>El Dorado

>> No.10903475
File: 13 KB, 235x524, gdsdgst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put all my linework layers under the same folder like you said but how do I highlight it in green?

>> No.10903483

Right above the layer window you screenshotted, there's Preserve Opacity, Clipping Group, and Selection Source. You can also do this with single layers if you'd like the paint bucket to pay attention to only one set of lines.

>> No.10903485
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1296323643400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a chibi-jpsie!

>> No.10903499

Oh, I think I know what you mean now. So if I have Selection Source checked for that group, the fill should end only at the edges of all the layers I put in that group then?

>> No.10903518

Yes. If it continues to bleed outside your lines, it means the transparency difference bar is either too high, or your lines are still too unclean/have gaps in places.

>> No.10903545

Thanks! It's working beautifully. Took me only seconds to completely fill in the base color for her skin and now I only have a few corners to touch up.

>> No.10904058 [SPOILER] 
File: 474 KB, 803x1215, fran_fera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flan-chan... I'm sorry. (NSFW)

>> No.10904104

are you sitting on her?

>> No.10904187

I guess she's just supposed to be lying between his legs or something. That's what I was going for, but the perspective isn't quite right.

>> No.10904202

or he's a fat guy laying down on his back and she's lost energy in her legs so she can't get up to pull the dick out of her mouth.

>> No.10904213 [DELETED] 

I guess that works. Anyway, I wonder why it's always the lews stuff that's the most fun to draw.

>> No.10904220

I guess that works. Anyway, I wonder why it's always the lewd stuff that's the most fun to draw.

>> No.10904346

Ah sorry for the late reply.
>Will you be offering beta testing?
Nah nothing that fancy, I'll be posting demos when I get far enough though.
>Make it like Binary Land where your movements mirrors from another screen but instead of a maze you dodge danmaku and defeat bosses. The most difficult mode would be your image, a double mirror.
That's a super neat idea actually, but the game isn't a danmaku, only one of the enemies attacks like that. Thanks for the suggestion though

>> No.10904781

traced cp

>> No.10905266

Hey. I'm trying to figure out how someone like Dan Kim managed to gather some popularity and meet interesting people involved into entertainment and shit, even if he's not that monster of an artist. I mean, he's pretty good, but i think I can beat him. is it all a public relations thing? how can I become more sociable, collaborative and productive?

>> No.10905303

Of course he talked to people. He's fucked up on the inside, but if you can't build connections with other artists/people who can get you places, you're going to be stuck with nobody watching your work. Stream, post in several places, just get your work out somehow.

Also I find when Dan is serious and doing his white-boarding style, it's quite impressive, so if you think you can beat that, I'd like to see your work.

>> No.10905545
File: 115 KB, 1143x894, essai_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this some time ago, I hope you'll enjoy it

>> No.10906621

I can't stop laughing at that little bit of tape. What's that going to do to stop her?

>> No.10908351

He gave her an aphrodisiac, making her weak and vulnerable.

>> No.10908384

aphrodisiacs have the effect of increasing people's desires to unbearable levels, making them very eager to act on them, not paralyzing them for no reason.

if anything, that'd make flan dominate him and ride him to half death rather than get "weak and vulnerable". that's what an electroshock weapon's for, assuming it works on the target.

>> No.10908389

I'm laughing even harder than >>10906621, make it stop please

>> No.10908495

Update on this, looking at it again, I noticed it's that kinda cheap thin clear tape you use for school stuff, not even duck tape or anything.

I guess Flan is jut into bondage.

>> No.10908511

Then somekind of drugs or whatever. Doesn't change the fact that she's supposed to be too weak to even break the tape.
By the way, how does this thread still exist? Didn't it fall off page 10 a while ago?

>> No.10908563

No, it's only on page 9 with the /jp/ project thread
