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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 1216x912, 2dv98x4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1086148 No.1086148 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I'm looking at this picture, and it depresses five kinds of shit out of me. Is there a story behind this, or is it just some sad girl desperately trying to sell her DVD for near pocket change?

Also, look at how happy she is on that poster. On that box. Look at how much she's smiling. Now look at her as she stands in the dismal cold.

>> No.1086164

I don't know, but it always puts me down.

Fuck you OP, fuck you for posting it. You bastard.

>> No.1086159

Depressed girl is moe. She will sell millions. You fell for her trap.

>> No.1086179

It's a shop, you faggots.

>> No.1086183


>> No.1086176

She looks like a fancy prostitute. FIRST DATE! CHEAP NOW!

>> No.1086186

virgil: wrestling superstar

>> No.1086184

Oh god how many times have we gone over this, it's a fucking shoop. I wish I still had the original picture saved.

>> No.1086185


Looks like nobody's buying.

Look at those people around her. They just stare at her. They never talk to her. They never buy one of her DVDs, that she's all but giving away. She just stands there in the cold in her skirt, just trying to perhaps pay for the cost of MAKING the DVDs, and everyone around just stares.

And then they walk away.

>> No.1086190

Moe does not exist in the third dimension, foolish mortal.

>> No.1086197

Isn't she dead?

>> No.1086200

I dunno she doesn't even look that happy on the poster, like she's trying to force a smile.

>> No.1086204
File: 77 KB, 300x253, 1217899636118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Oh god

>> No.1086217

/r/ original

>> No.1086229

It is a shoop, don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.1086225

So what's the story? I'm hearing some people saying this is a shop, and good lord am I hoping so.

>> No.1086239

Her name is Karen Isagawa, she was killed in the Akihabara stabbings.

>> No.1086240

Just look at the DVD she's holding.

>> No.1086245
File: 25 KB, 240x320, 1217899937633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shoko would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1086246
File: 29 KB, 540x404, 1217899944562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1086251

If this is a shop, what's the original(s)?

>> No.1086255

So wheres the original image? Hmm? Its real.

>> No.1086260

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, chief.

>> No.1086284

All I see is some minor idol getting ready to be photographed for her blog or some other shit while the crew is readying the table and stocks of where she'll be doing the promotion of her dvd and some random douche took a pic at that time. Nothing sad there.

>> No.1086287

Too bad it are shoop.

>> No.1086294

What exactly in the picture is supposed to be shopped?

>> No.1086300

I haven't seen the original, but the DVD she's holding looks suspicious.

>> No.1086301

I don't get why this is depressing.

>> No.1086309

In the real picture, she's surrounded by naked fapping guys.

>> No.1086318

This picture is a fake, korean propaganda.

>> No.1086324

I call bullshit.

>> No.1086325
File: 291 KB, 1216x912, 1217900942303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the unshopped original.

>> No.1086329

mainly the girl's face. It doesn't even need a closer look, she has no neck and her face doesn't quite match the body. there's nothing that unusual with some random schoolgirl advertising an Idol DVD, but the copy she's holding does look quite weird

>> No.1086331

What makes you think that, detective?

>> No.1086332

>>It is a shoop
>>I wish I still had the original picture saved.

how convenient that you don't have the original, unless someone posts the original I find it hard to believe its a 'shoop'.

>> No.1086337

Why would someone make such a boring pointless shop?

>> No.1086348

She's hocking her own shit on the street. Fucking depressing.

>> No.1086345

>It's a shop, I wish I still had the original.
>I believe it's a shop, I've never seen the original.

Make up your mind.

>> No.1086350

To fuck with all of the faggots posting in this thread about how the picture makes them depressed.

>> No.1086359

It's depressing because it's depressing. If you had to sell your job on the street, you'd be depressed too.

>> No.1086360

This is usually what people do. They promote and sell their stuff.

>> No.1086363

her boyfriend made her do it

ITT 'photoshop experts'

>> No.1086364

Why would I sell my job on the street? I'd be unemployed.

>> No.1086365

What I find intriguing is the random pair of lolita girls in the background...

>> No.1086366

Her manager said it would be good for sales.

>> No.1086371

In any case...


>> No.1086392

OK, so why would she be out there all alone holding ONE dvd and whats obviously a reflector on a light stand with a poster shooped, er, taped over it?

This was obviously a photoshoot. Also, 480円? No Japanese dvd is that cheap.

>> No.1086394


Because Haliburton has yellers on the street. Oh, wait. No, they don't. They have unbidded government contracts that no-one else can have because Cheney said so.

Your shitstorm is yours.

>> No.1086404

I never realized Haliburton was a little idol girl.

>> No.1086409


Because Japan is in a recession that has lasted for the past 15 years, thanks to investing in America.

>> No.1086429


>> No.1086431


No, Haliburton gets mony from the government for doing crappy work that they have to blame on someone else.

Little idol girls depend on hikki's with parents with monies.

>> No.1086426

Haliburton-tan would be so moe~

>> No.1086428

I love how everyone's claiming its a shoop but no one can supply the original.

>> No.1086448

Ofcourse it was a photoshoot. How on earth does that mean it's shopped though?

>> No.1086455

I love how people think it's actually real.
Shit, you don't even have to be a photoshop expert or have the original to see that it's a fake. Try comparing the skin color of her neck/hands to her face. You don't see anything wrong with it?

>> No.1086463

Her clothes aren't as dirty as they were in the original.

>> No.1086475

Your brain is dead.

>> No.1086468

America was booming in the 90s, their recession is their own damn fault.

>> No.1086485

They've been in a recession since President Regan.

>> No.1086488

And you're in denial.

>> No.1086497

It might be a shop but the comparisons you stated are wrong.

>> No.1086491

>Because Japan is in a recession that has lasted for the past 15 years, thanks to their bubble economy bursting when the bottom fell out of the Japanese real estate market.

Also, sound familiar...?

>> No.1086499


Because your hands are as dark as your face. Oh, wait. The people you call "niggers" make you a liar.

>> No.1086501

Her neck and face look the same color on that poster, to me, cap'n.

>> No.1086509

You have to be a troll. Nobody is this stupid.

>> No.1086515

The entire world is going through hard times right now except the oil basket countries in the middle east. Japan is doing pretty well all things considered. They could be doing a shit-ton worse.

>> No.1086519

You are for falling for it.

>> No.1086521


Denial can be woken from. Brain dead is brain dead.

>> No.1086560


Post more about how you know more than the people that know better please. BTW, you don't compare exposed-to-the-sun skin tones against each other when the person doesn't receive even sun exposure.

I.E.: You're wrong. Go back to elementary school, summer-fag.

>> No.1086570
File: 43 KB, 579x540, 1217903113962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1086578

It would be sad if it was some random girl trying to make a name for herself and failing, but she's not. She's popular enough to have a 'best of' album and she did a b unch of voices in anime too, like Barasuishou in Rozen Maiden and Ai in SZS.

>> No.1086587


WOW! Tim Curry is your mom?

I believe it.

>> No.1086594


>>She's popular enough to have a 'best of' album' in Japan's recession,

-fixed for the dumbshit.

>> No.1086595

I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion but you're an idiot.

>> No.1086605


You're the retard posting pics of your mom.

>> No.1086615

Same person.

>> No.1086631

Okay, fella.

>> No.1086743

What? I'd never use the proper grammar >>1086595 uses. Your psyops is shitty.

>> No.1086787


Goddamn. I failed at using your insteadf of the wrong you're, which I indended to do because I'm drunk.

Meh, shitty jap8iodl that was dumped is selling her shit on the street because of the recession caused by Japanese companies that invested in America.

Firefox helped me fix teh spelling errors.

>> No.1086869


Japan invested in America and lost a ton of monies, thanks to Bush.

>> No.1086917

i'd buy 200 copies of her dvd if that'd bring a smile to her sad face, you'd too, right?

>> No.1086968
File: 36 KB, 640x360, 1217906613559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your google-fu is weak

>> No.1087019

Setting aside the pointless question of shop or not, how is this any more depressing than the maids handing out flyers for like 900 JPY per hour? It's all high school or university students doing baito.

>> No.1087066
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 1217907724194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want real touching shit, check out some of the aspiring musicians promoting their own stuff in/near Yoyogi park. (there's this street between Shibuya and Harajuku full of them every weekend, it's amazing)

There she is, playing alone on her keyboard all afternoon, and her stuff really IS 500 yen a pop. Also be sure to go see her live at [obscure-livehouse-somwhere-in-western-tokyo].

Seiyuu/idols with a wikipedia page have it made and only present a fake image. This is REAL moe.

>> No.1087082


>> No.1087084

i bet her songs are like Wesley Willis's

>> No.1087091


>> No.1087094


>> No.1087098

Seriously, though, I could have sworn she was dead.

>> No.1087115

these kind of girls,
i find them on street and steal the girls. i then eat.

>> No.1087124


Wait, I just remembered. It wasn't her, it was that porn star that killed herself with a bunch of chemicals she mixed together into a bucket.

Still, the way she's looking, I won't be far off.

>> No.1087128


eeeee?? Chotto taimu, "eat" te nani?

>> No.1087147

>with a bunch of chemicals she mixed together into a bucket.
What did she do with them? Stick her head in and melt it?

Please say yes, I don't want my mental image ruined.

>> No.1087148


>> No.1087156


Yes, that is exactly what she did. Word for word, exactly.

>> No.1087162

Toxic gasses.

>> No.1087183

I think this onna looks very pretty but a little kanashii to omoimasu.

>> No.1087199


And that is why H!P sucks. Not because they're responsible.

Because they throw useful shit away.

>> No.1087211

Fujoshi spotted. Locking on testicles. CUM LOAD, FIRE

>> No.1087220

Goto considered harmful.

>> No.1087225


You're speaking for yourself, not Anonymous.

>> No.1087288

once upon a time, i was riding the train
a guy grabbed my ass
it was unwelcomed


he grabbed my breasts
i wasnt down with that shit
i stabbed him with my box knife like nevada-tan


>> No.1087370


You don't like republicans, do you?

>> No.1087394


>> No.1089389

Win. And lots of it.

>> No.1089394


You know what? I'm gonna go to school for music management,start a record label,go to Japan and give her a record deal.

>> No.1089450

I would buy one of everything.
