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10859675 No.10859675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

forever alone?


>Note: you don't actually need to play the guitar, apparently. Just carry it around with you and wait for the ladies to hurl their numbers at you.

>> No.10859683

Whenever I see someone carrying a guitar, I think they're a dick.

Same deal with people who wear big headphones. We get it, you're too much of an audiophile to use earbuds. You also look like a cunt.

>> No.10859688

girls are attracted to guys who are dicks

>> No.10859692

What's wrong with big headphones?

>> No.10859693

Carrying a camera or riding a motorcycle is the same, isn't it?

I bet someone who rode a motorcycle with a camera around his neck and a guitar strapped to his back would be irresistable to lolis.

>> No.10859695

Yeah, obviously.
Why do you need studies for this?

>> No.10859702

Women are gross

>> No.10859715

>We get it, you're too much of an audiophile to use earbuds.

You don't need to be an "audiophile" to not like shit that
1) hurts your ears
2) falls out constantly
3) yank it accidentally and rip youre ear out

>> No.10859716

I don't mean having them at home, I mean walking around with them on.

At the very, very least, don't hang them around your neck while you're not listening to anything. I've seen people who don't even carry audio gadgets, they just wear headphones as a fashion icon.

>> No.10859729

>I mean walking around with them on.
Sometimes I go outside and I bring my headphones with me because I want to listen to music.

>At the very, very least, don't hang them around your neck while you're not listening to anything.
Where should I put them? Higher on my head? Around my wrist?

>> No.10859722
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>> No.10859727

The only time I have been outside with a guitar is when I bought a new one and had to carry it across the city in its cardboard box because I'm too cheap to buy a case.

in 4-5 years i've never even told more than about 5 people I play or let them hear me, I doubt they care much for metal and touhou.

>> No.10859737

I don't get it.
But then again I also have an inexplicable love for girls with parasols and that would probably be just as confusing to a woman.

Perhaps we are not so different after all.

>> No.10859743

You should either settle for earbuds or bite the bullet and just not listen to music. At least put the headphones in your bag or something.

Sometimes I'm out and about and I want to take a shit. I don't carry my shit bag around with me and shit in it in the middle of the street. That's how you look to everyone else, except I can't actually help shitting. You can go a bus ride without having your fat headphones in my face. You don't need to listen to Radiohead that badly.

>> No.10859749

Wow, what's your problem dude? Did you have an abusive father who constantly had big headphones on?

>> No.10859758

>You should either settle for earbuds
I used to, but then I broke them. And broke the pair I got to replace them, and the pair I got to replace those, and then I stopped buying more.

>Or bite the bullet and just not listen to music
And subject myself to ten minutes of boredom because insufferable faggots like you might be offended?

>At least put the headphones in your bag or something.
I don't always carry a bag.

>> No.10859763

Headphones girls are cute though.
Just look at Sonico. How can you hate Sonico?

>> No.10859777
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No. My problem is that you think you're so special that the rules don't apply to you. "I don't have to conform," you say, "I want to express myself." Or you use that old hack excuse of "It's functional, therefore it's fine!"

You know what is super useful? A fanny pack. It's convenient to have the extra storage space that readily available.
You know what ordinary men don't do? Wear fanny packs. You look like a faggot, so everyone has an unwritten rule to knuckle down and carry/pocket things instead.

I wouldn't mind if one or two special snowflakes just decided to ignore common sense and wear fanny packs or headphones or fedoras, but it ruins it for the rest of us. It's nice having conformity in fashion, because it's easy to not look like a dick. But you're trying to make looking like a dick fashionable, and then those of us who just dress sensibly are screwed. You aim for standing out instead of fitting in, and then the vast majority of us who don't give a shit are forced to join you.

Fuck off and keep your headphones in the house.

>> No.10859778

He was raped by headphones as a child.

>> No.10859779

>But you're trying to make looking like a dick fashionable, and then those of us who just dress sensibly are screwed.
If it's any consolation to you, nobody who looked twice as me could possibly mistake me for fashionable. If anything I'm doing my part to help you out by making it look profoundly unfashionable.

>> No.10859781

I wear fannypacks pretty often and I can't afford something specialized like earbuds to listen to music for the few times I'm out that I'd like to listen to music. In that case, I just carry my full-sized pair of headphones with me.

If you don't like it you can tell me next time you see me out with them, but I doubt you will.

>> No.10859783

>the rules
Which rules?

>"I don't have to conform," you say, "I want to express myself." Or you use that old hack excuse of "It's functional, therefore it's fine!"
I want to listen to music in high quality. It's completely non-intrusive to you unless the sound leaks out.

>You know what is super useful? A fanny pack. It's convenient to have the extra storage space that readily available.
I've never needed one, and I never thought anybody looked like a "faggot" when they wore one. Though, I'm sure you picked that one specifically as your image because of its wacky colors that could be associated with a homosexual.

>ruins it for the rest of us
Ruins what? And you should remember that you're only speaking for yourself.

This isn't about fashion, it's about comfort and pleasurable listening sessions.

>You aim for standing out instead of fitting in

>are forced to join you.
I'm not forcing you to do anything.

>> No.10859795

>I'm sure you picked that one specifically as your image because of its wacky colors that could be associated with a homosexual.

In real life I've never seen a fanny pack that wasn't in bright colors. They're all made of that weird tent material that only seems to come in hues that burn your eyes out.

I think I saw someone wearing a trendy leather one once, but that was even worse. It was like the rainbow fanny packs weren't good enough for them.

>> No.10859802

>In real life I've never seen a fanny pack that wasn't in bright colors.
That's weird, because all I've seen were black leather ones. Maybe you hang around a lot of homosexuals.

I still don't understand your gripe with this. Ah, I feel like I'm being trickily trolled~

>> No.10859821

>I can't afford something specialized like earbuds
You know you can get a pair of earbuds for like five bucks right? Unless you're buying them from the Apple store, but the only people who would do that are-

>I wear fannypacks pretty often
Never mind.

>> No.10859818

We have a dark green one and a black one in the house, both made out of the same fabric that backpacks are.

>> No.10859833

My father used to carry around his medication in a fanny pack when traveling, until someone made him a gift of a travel jacket with a dozen big pockets.

>> No.10859849 [DELETED] 
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>comparing 2D to 3D as equals
>im quoting ur mom

>> No.10859851

Yes, but I'm assuming he's old.
The only people who wear fannypacks day-to-day are the elderly and hipsters.

>> No.10859853 [DELETED] 

Also, as far as I can tell, he's not a hipster. I don't think he even knows what a hipster is.

>> No.10859870

He was in his forties. That's a pretty long way from "elderly." My mother had one for me on family vacations but I didn't want to wear it because mom, it's embarrassing. This was all many many years ago.

>> No.10859876

all that mad

all that autism

just hang the headphones around then neck. god lord you need some sex bro to calm you down....
