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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10852379 No.10852379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In the last thread we decided to make an indie game so let's continue the discussion here!

First state what your abilities are and then say what you are personally interested in working on.
Don't think about what /jp/ should do, just say what you'd like to do. Or what kind of thing you always wanted to help create.

After we get an idea of what everyone is thinking, let's throw around ideas and see what happens.

>> No.10852400

I might be able to help with programming, depending on certain things

>> No.10852422

I know some C++ and Python
I'm going to bed now but count me in if you need a hand with programming

>> No.10852462

I have good taste. How can I help?

>> No.10852503

I still want to write something involving a loli.

>> No.10852501

I can illustrate and make sprites
Sharing ideas?

>> No.10852537

Can I be the moral support?

>> No.10852556


do you look good in a maid outfit?

>> No.10852582

2hu rpg

the catch is that all the 2hus are crippled!

>> No.10852706

An STG with where all ships are loli and there's a scoring gimmick.

>> No.10852712

Know some C.

>> No.10852830
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Let's make a JRPG with quirky characters and a silly plot!

>> No.10852838

I can write and produce music.
What kind doesn't really matter.

I'm probably incapable, though, because I lack motivation for anything.
Good luck.

>> No.10852869

What are you waiting for? Make it happen. I can beta test.

>> No.10852895

I can give harsh words of encouragement to anyone who isn't working properly!

>> No.10852910

I feel bad for saying that I can program with this many people here!

>> No.10852920

How are we to work on this OP?

>> No.10852926

So much talent in this thread, but nobody says what he wants to create.

>> No.10852936

Want to make an OC /jp/ album? It seems the easiest, which requires the least number of skills and people. It's probably just be a .rar with an image, hell the cover image isn't even needed - just the music.

I'm quite interested to see (or hear) what music /jp/ likes to make.

>> No.10852941

Any theme ideas for that?

>> No.10852947

I just thought any mess of songs would do. Or to if you want, probably the theme that you like the most. And we'd just be making a collection of different kinds of songs that we like, that we made.

>> No.10852965

I am a large, entirely unskilled male with zero talent, nor professional equipment.

I will sing the denpa for us all.

>> No.10852968

>First state what your abilities are
Yeah, well at least you're not giving me false hope.

I'll have to get money and pay people to do stuff for me if I ever want to bring my dreams to reality and be able to share them. Ideas are useless if they're jsut ideas, /jp/ would probably hate all of it anyway.

>> No.10852977

How about /jp/ AR toolket works? We could make VR lolis or something.

>> No.10852979


minna, shikkari shite.

>> No.10852981

The porno was a better idea.

>> No.10852985

Can we make the game with spaceships being piloted by lolis instead of just flying shitty loli sprites?

>> No.10852987

I can draw a little, I guess.
And produce some music.

Depending on what kind of game you come up with, I would like to give a helping hand.

>> No.10852988

enough with the loli /jp/.

>> No.10852996

I posted my project on /jp/ yesterday already, I hope you enjoyed it. Good luck to all /jp/ers pursuing their dreams!

>> No.10853003

Still waiting warmly for next months installment.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.10853144

What project?

>> No.10853241


>> No.10853350

Spaceships aren't that cool though. Raiden already has the best looking planes anyway.

Maybe girls piloting flying mechs or something

>> No.10853389

Milfs piloting robot lolis

>> No.10853395

I can program and speak Japanese.

>> No.10853403

I can play the piano.

>> No.10853424
File: 86 KB, 557x792, Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good that you made a new thread for it. The other one got saged into death for no reason.

As I said in the other thread, I'm leaving on this post's e-mail field an e-mail you can use to contact me should you require help with the programming.

I can also draw, but I'm a programmer by trade and I'm don't really like drawing more than I like programming.

Pic related. It is a sample of art of a Touhou fangame I'm making. I'll post about it here in /jp when I get a playable alpha version finished, which I'm really really close of doing.

>> No.10853472

See >>10849606

>> No.10853486


>> No.10853573

I can compose denpa. Sing for me.

>> No.10853577
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>> No.10853589

I have some VERY RUSTY AND BASIC knowledge of javascript.

I also fancy myself something of a writer.

Am I useless?

>> No.10853590

Why so critical? You haven't even seen the finished work yet.

>> No.10853600
File: 146 KB, 991x710, Yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was looking for a tutorial on how to make irrelevant comments on a relevant thread. It seems my search is over.

Jokes aside, if you think Alice is too edgy, you will faint when you see how Parsee, Daiyousei, Flandre and Star Sapphire are in my game.

Pic related. It's Yuyuko. He begins looking like the depiction on the left side, and towards the end of the plot she looks like the depiction on the right side.

Trust me, many other characters look even more "edgy" towards the end.

>> No.10853606

Fucking terrible

>> No.10853608

>In the last thread we decided to make an indie game so let's continue the discussion here!

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm starting a religion.

>> No.10853611

yeah probably. i know java very well, but it's pretty useless for game programming.

if /jp/ is going to make a game, someone who knows where to start will need to step up and coordinate it.

im going to try to make a song again. i usually give up because i can't find a DAW that i like.

>> No.10853612

I have no skills yes. I'm learning to draw.

>> No.10853615


Ops, a typo. I meant:
>SHE begins looking like the depiction on the left side, and towards the end of the plot she looks like the depiction on the right side.


Thanks god I finally met someone that knows Java and is not a Java fanatical fanboy. I was so tired of putting up with Eclipse worshippers...

>> No.10853618

Java and Javascript are very different things...

>> No.10853621


Just because you can make games with HTML4+JQuery or HTML5+Javascript doesn't mean that Javascript is a good language.

No convoluted language that doesn't know the conceptual differences between an object, a class and a function can beat master race languages such as C# and C++.

>> No.10853626

Everything object-oriented is shit in terms of concepts and performance.

>> No.10853634


Sorry, can you repeat what you said? I can't hear you over the sound of you being wrong! It's too loud!


>> No.10853644

>putting up with Eclipse worshippers
believe me, i know what you mean

i'm well aware of that, and i believe both are useless for video game programming. i can't say for sure because i have no experience with game programming myself.

>> No.10853661

I can do level design / game design, some Python/Java coding (trying to make a serverside Forge-based Minecraft mod right now, sucks that all the documentation is for clientside mods), basic texturing in photoshop, solid models in 3DS Max, and have work experience as a GM, a QA Lead, and an MMO producer. Interested in ...almost anything as long as it's not for a mobile platform or for facebook.
Leaving my throwaway email just in case.

>> No.10853667

>i can't say for sure because i have no experience with game programming myself

I have made games with C#, Javascript, Java, ActionScript 3.0, C and Python.

Of all these languages, the best one for the job was C# by a long shot. C# has strong but dynamic typing (which enables the compiler to make optimizations), seamless and solid object-orientedness, it's syntax is clean and doesn't generate chaotic text messes when you make an advanced algorithm (unlike C and C++), saves you from the pointer nightmares and implicit casting nightmares that plagues C and C++, is JIT compiled and is recompiled at runtime for even better performance, has good integration with .NET without needing to jump through hoops on it's syntax (unlike C++.NET) and Visual Studio is the best IDE.
Java is nice for making games if you use Processing because it saves you from most of the unnecessary clunckiness that plagues Java all around.
Javascript has a very poor performance and each browser interprets it the way it fucking wants without regarding standards (if there were any, to begin with).
ActionScript 3.0 sucks because it's Flash and Flash sucks.

>> No.10853674

Go write enterprise code you monkey.

>> No.10853681

well, minecraft was made in java, so you can at least make half decent games in it.

but as soon as you get to 3d acceleration, forget it. java and 3d don't mix, when even on a quad core with a powerful gpu, ssd hdd and 12+gb ram you get less than 30 fps.

>> No.10853684

>it's syntax is clean and doesn't generate chaotic text messes when you make an advanced algorithm (unlike C and C++)
Son, you need more training.

>> No.10853695


The only downside of C# when it comes to games is .NET's Garbage Collector. The GC makes allocation of objects much slower than allocation of structs or simple type variables, and when it makes a collection it causes a serious stutter on the application.

Seriously. In a XNA game I'm making, there was a little design flaw that was generating one garbage each frame, and the application was running at 40~50 fps. I solved that flaw and the fps skyrocketed to 600.

At least the GC won't cause you any problems if you pre-allocate all you can and make sure no garbage is ever generated.

>> No.10853727
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Before anything, you need a story. If you don't have that, you aren't going to make anything. To put it another way, there are plenty of free music, image, and development tool libraries out in the wild. Why not one for stories? Because that's what actually makes the game.

If you can get a good, developed (and planned) story, the rest will come much easier (and you'll actually have something to show people when asking for their help, a basic requirement for doing so).

>> No.10853741


It is not recommended to make a game design based on the story that is going to be told in the game.

It kills off many possibilities of making an interesting game design, because it forces the game to be shaped accordingly to the story, which most of times result in a game being pretty much the same as a book that, in the middle of the plot, gives you a Sodoku board and tells you can only continue reading if you solve the Sodoku (eg. Mass Effect, every jRPG ever and Halo 4)

>> No.10853760
File: 327 KB, 700x805, 1296066423461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's called poor execution. Having a developed story doesn't mean every single element is planned out, it means you know what you're writing about, what the plot is (major points and some minor points), and what you want to do.

If you're looking to make a RPG, then start out by writing an RPG story. If you're looking for a puzzle game story, make them a detective or something. In the same way that a story does not build gameplay, gameplay alone does not build a story; you need both.
That said, it's easier (and preferable) to start with the story so you know what the scope is, what resource you may need, and have a way to cut off feature creep.

A 'story' doesn't imply a long, drawn-out text; Touhou has a 'story' in its game that defines who the bosses are, kind of why they're fighting, and not much else. It's the starting point, not the entire system.

>> No.10853763

>It kills off many possibilities of making an interesting game design, because it forces the game to be shaped accordingly to the story, which most of times result in a game being pretty much the same as a book that, in the middle of the plot, gives you a Sodoku board and tells you can only continue reading if you solve the Sodoku
I agree. Playing games should be relaxing or playful. There are only 24 hours in a day and people can only take so much stress. Please, do not make it feel like working.

Time spent playing some super complex sperg simulator could be spent studying, playing the piano, doing sports or practicing positivity. Level up IRL, nerds. The future is yours. There's nothing to lose unless you're genuinely dumb enough to ruin everything you touch. If you're too timid to act, your punishment will be to suffer under the rule of those who are more greedy, brutal and dumb than you.

>> No.10853774

>Time spent playing some super complex sperg simulator could be spent studying, playing the piano, doing sports or practicing positivity.

Why can't I play a super complex sperg simulator instead of that garbage?

>> No.10853821

You'll go mad of depression when you grow tired and realize that you've done a terrible mistake. I know that the world is full of terrible ax-grinders who think that everything is a zero-sum game but you'll just have to ignore and dodge them. If they're only Negative Nancies, as our hero ZUN!bar put it, please, talk to them and fix them. Only the crazy ones who act like Genghis Khan are hopeless. They have terminal ADHD/psychopathy.

If you live in the countryside, have my condolences. I know what it's like. Escape, it'll save your life. If you have never done anything, go out with a blast. If they can't be discussed with, which is usually the case, just fool around so much that they'll get the message and you'll be forced to leave. If you can't speak at all, do your everything to learn it. I literally read myself into university before I reached a level of heroism where I could visit a relative out of my own volition.

Remember your childhood dream of a beautiful scifi-utopia!

Have some 2hu:

>> No.10853836

>Remember your childhood dream of a beautiful scifi-utopia!

But perfection is bad. We need to keep suffering so there is the concept of 'doing good' in life. Without some way to 'lose' then the entire utopia is pointless.

>> No.10853838

Some people do. Usually, they're called "Koreans."

Anyway, the main thread is on page 10 right now, but I'd still like to toss my hat in.

Or, if you would prefer a more fantasy oriented story, we could pare down to three choices for MC, and do the whole "dropped into a dimension where they're suddenly awesome" shtick.

(What's up with people complaining about sage posts. It keeps good threads away from the worst shitposters, and keeps the board in a semi-organized order. I don't even think the last one hit post limit)

>> No.10853850

>Or, if you would prefer a more fantasy oriented story, we could pare down to three choices for MC, and do the whole "dropped into a dimension where they're suddenly awesome" shtick.
will it be full of girls who want his dick for nothing more than because he's the main guy?

>> No.10853865

At first glance, yes. But I would be insulted if that was actually the case.

And, for the "jaypee seedee" idea, what if you guys write your own soundtrack too?

>> No.10853869

>Or, if you would prefer a more fantasy oriented story, we could pare down to three choices for MC, and do the whole "dropped into a dimension where they're suddenly awesome" shtick

For the love of God, let's not do this. Let's try something that is worth it! Yes, I know we are /jp and nothing good can come out from 4chan, but let's keep some standards!

From your quote from the other thread I can assume you're a good writer. You can do better than using clichés.

Also, if you have published any fanfics or original fiction on some site such as fanfiction.net or whatnot, please let me know and give me a link to them so I can take a look on your writing skills.

>> No.10853871

I had an idea for a story a long time ago.

It was about a girl in Victorian London whose father disappears. On one stormy night a mysterious stranger shows up and tells her that he knows where her father is and that he can take her there. Amidst much thunder and lighting everything goes black and she wakes up on an overcast beach with a giant clock tower in the distance. It's a world between worlds where all time is controlled. A lone creature works in the clock tower ensuring that each world continues to run. He's like a small dwarf or a gnome. A task force of elite inter-world soldiers are sent to capture the girl but it ends up with the room covered in blood. As it turns out, humans are actually very dangerous weapons and they are kept confined to their own world. The clock tower acts as a hub world and the girl then adventures to many different worlds to try and find her father.

That's all I really thought of but feel free to use it if it's decent in any way.

>> No.10853908

I just wanted to make it accessible to everyone. It is a collaborative project, after all.

That is an okay concept, but I think the whole "humans are weapons" bit needs some more explanation. And it sounds like it would have to operate outside of my working "rules" for magic. Maybe one of the other writers could help out in that respect.

>> No.10853948

>But perfection is bad.
It's not - you'll just have to switch your goals so that the feeling of unfulfillment will remain. In other words, you'll have to start doing that good. For most men, doing good would mean a sensible, perhaps creative career. If you don't care about money, don't aim for money, you silly bitch. Money attracts overcompetitive crazies like flies.

>> No.10853954

I want to help /jp/ with this here project but all I can do is draw and paint.
I want to learn how to program, though.

>> No.10853974


Would you be open to bounce ideas off of? At the rate I'm going I won't be working on any story-specific game play elements for a month or two. You seem like you know what you're doing so I wanted to see if I could get an email or something so I can contact you when I am ready.

>> No.10853971

>I want to learn how to program, though.
Start coding games in Python. 10k rows (80 characters wide) will give you an idea of what it's like. Roguelikes and such are very good for learning. You can stick half of a CS bachelor's (excluding the math) into one without making it a bloated, insane piece of poop.

Don't start with C unless you're a mathematical genius. You're not. With C you'll only be fighting with the heirloom-like syntax instead of learning _programming_.

>> No.10853990

I don't know, every one has subjective taste, and I know there are plenty of books I liked a lot more than many of the books held up to be the pinnacle of literature. What's perfect for one person may be trash to another, which is why so many of the "greatest book/movie/ect" of all time were considered garbage for decades until it magically gets "rediscovered".

And if someone here tried really hard to make something "prefect", I'd feel bad not appreciating it and will probably feel pressured to go along and congratulating the word regardless of whether I really like it since I don't want to hurt your feelings after you worked so hard.

>> No.10853992

Grab me on skype, with reference to this in the friend request. I am BY NO MEANS a professional, but I always love to help.


>> No.10854000

that's a nice premise. nothing special but good enough.

>> No.10854012

>more than many of the books held up to be the pinnacle of literature
They're not meant to be liked. They're meant to set standards so that ambitious people can learn what good looks like. If your IQ is under 130, you won't genuinely enjoy top quality anything. This is the brutal truth.

>I'd feel bad not appreciating it and will probably feel pressured to go along and congratulating the word regardless of whether I really like it since I don't want to hurt your feelings after you worked so hard.
People who actually create excellent stuff don't care about the opinions of individual dweebs. The masters are the spearheads - they push the world forward. Genuine originality is the most demanding thing in the world. This is the reason why good manners, optimism, beauty and encouragement are so important.

>> No.10854031

you mean use the game music for the /jp/ album (or vice versa)?

>> No.10854044

>With C you'll only be fighting with the heirloom-like syntax instead of learning _programming_

C was the first language I ever learned, and I can attest that what you said is true.

C makes simple things more difficult than they should be, such as doing text input/output through a console window. Making such simple things difficult only makes it harder for beginners to learn the ropes of programming.

After I started using C#, I always feel "naked" when I go back to C/C++ coding. NET Framework can really make you productive and lazy at the same time.

>> No.10854049

Alright, I had an idea for a /jp/ project:
What about IWBTG-type of game, like "I wanna be the meido" or something with Touhous and stuff?
It's a 2D platformer with focus on difficulty and it's simple enough to make it, I think.
I want it to have characters selection, so everyone gets to play as his favourite 2ho, but we could also try to fit in a story, if you want.
There are a few other things we can do, an overworld, for example.

About the technical stuff:
I would like to help programming.
I know Java the best, so I would suggest this.
Also, there are a few other things:
When Java, we could use JLWGL and maybe Slick on top of that for the rendering and other basic stuff.
I tested it a bit and was quite satisfied with it.
With that, it would also give us access to a quite decent map editor. This would allow people who can't program to make maps separately and merge them together later. We only need to make a few conventions on how to name things within it etc.
I actually tested that yesterday and I wouldn't recommend it, if I couldn't work with it.
Performance looks also quite good to me.

If you're interested about my idea or the technology I mentioned, feel free to ask.

>> No.10854061

There are a lot of wrong ways to learn C that just leave you confused by the end of it. As a introductory language for programming I would recommend Scheme, using SICP as learning material.

>> No.10854072


Are you even aware of the fact that there is already two IWBTG Touhou fangames?

They are called I Wanna Be The Shrine Maiden and I Wanna Be The God.

>> No.10854078

I can do C, C++ and Java, but have never done any game-related stuff in any of these. I have a german accent.

>> No.10854081


C is for mid-level programming. The only reason the fluffy stuff (like python and such) work is because someone's either spent the time to write out every possible combination of what the commands could mean, or they've followed standards and conventions when designing hardware.

Sometimes you need to be at the mid-level. Sometimes you need to know exactly what's malloced', why, and what else it can do. Sometimes it needs to be even lower so you can actually improve the performance of the system (anyone who tells you that you can reliably improve code execution time in languages above assembly doesn't know what they're talking about; an efficient algorithm for interacting with data may actually be less efficient if it doesn't work with the hardware).

It's entirely about the right tool for the right job. Use things like python when you don't care about speed or efficiency, use C when you kind of care but not really, and use assembly when you really care.

That said, low level is generally a bad way to learn; it presents too many options too quickly. Something like basic or a high-level language which hides the actual work and details is what a beginner needs.

>> No.10854083

>I always feel "naked" when I go back to C/C++ coding
You still need more practice. It's a windy desert, yes.

If you want even more slick comfort, try Python, Ruby or some LISP. Personally I find C# and Java to be the dullest languages out there, and that makes them excellent for student use.

>> No.10854084

>Are you even aware of the fact that there is already two IWBTG Touhou fangames?
Hmm? Now that you mention it, I think I saw that somewhere.
But I agree, another one would be quite stupid then.
However, we could still make a clone of any other 2D jump and run, however it's probably impossible to find something, that hasn't been done yet.

>> No.10854090

>As a introductory language for programming I would recommend Scheme, using SICP as learning material.
/jp/ - MIT

>> No.10854098

They use Python now.

>> No.10854102

Well, I'm not surprised.

>> No.10854105

The most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will understand what is lacking in most other languages.

When you start a Lisp system, it enters a read-eval-print loop. Most other languages have nothing comparable to read, nothing comparable to eval, and nothing comparable to print. What gaping deficiencies!

Lisp is no harder to understand than other languages. So if you have never learned to program, and you want to start, start with Lisp. If you learn to edit with Emacs, you can learn Lisp by writing editing commands for Emacs. You can use the Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp to learn with: it is free as in freedom, and you can order printed copies from the FSF.

To study Scheme, and a deep understanding of program structures using Scheme as a vehicle, I recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman. This too is now free as in freedom.

Please don't buy books (or anything) from Amazon!

>> No.10854112

The programmers on /jp/ are all EET scum

I can tell

>> No.10854122


>> No.10854135

I can't do much of anything but write, but I'm not exactly good at that either. I'd like to see some sort of Mario and Luigi style RPG involving the three fairies however. They could use team spellcards in battle and their silly antics would fit well in that style. The only problem is that I'm not sure if controlling three characters at once would be too big of a nuisance or not.

>> No.10854174


OohooooOOoooh mario and luigi superstar saga style RPG.

>> No.10854194

Do you mean NEET?

>> No.10854196

No, I mean what I said.

>> No.10854205

Why would you call engineers scum then.

>> No.10854214

Because they aren't Russian hermits who solve Millenium Prize problems alone in their commie blocks.

>> No.10854225

Because I don't come to /jp/ to fraternize with ignorant normalfags

>> No.10854246


+ familiar with the subjective feeling of absolute solitude (...unless you're a roleplaying teenager)

+ everything they've learned at school, work, hobbies and relationships

>> No.10854286

I could do some music, although I feel kind of unmotivated (how unusual).
Maybe i can get myself up though.
I will follow these threads, and if there are enough people gathering we could bring out an album.

A /jp/ kind of circle would be pretty awesome.

>> No.10854294

I am >>10852422 and I am not EET

>> No.10854318

I can draw

>> No.10854345

I can't create anything, I'm only good at deconstructing shit that someone else created and (sometimes) getting it back in a working condition after it's been modified. I'd be the man to do stuff like getting scripts/logic/resources in & out of the existing game, but making them is something I'm incapable of. I do have a pretty extensive knowledge of VN engines, but VN came second in a previous thread's poll, so that's out of question as well...

At least I can bump.

>> No.10854356

>I'm only good at deconstructing shit that someone else created and (sometimes) getting it back in a working condition after it's been modified
>I'd be the man to do stuff like getting scripts/logic/resources in & out of the existing game
Eh? That's rare, I'd think.

>> No.10854410


Not very useful for game development though.

>> No.10854423

Why not. We could take an open source game and >>10854345 could modify it for our aims

>> No.10854427

I can vector and do gfx like menu elements and stuff

>> No.10854496

then maybe something that uses the monster girls from monster girl encyclopedia.

i doubt anything was made of them.

>> No.10854504

>+ everything they've learned at school, work
they don't learn shit at school. they go there to party and get shitfaced, then cheat their way through tests.

and work is just grinding hours away for a paycheck, not learning experience. those giantic bills their wife and kids make won't pay themselves.

>> No.10854510


If it's open source, what do you need to deconstruct?

Also, don't get overly ambitious, focus on making a simple, manageable game until you've proven you're actually able to do it.

>> No.10854515

How good are you with KiriKiri? I've tried fiddling with it but text wrapping is a huge hassle and I have concerns about region and OS compatibility.

>> No.10854523


>> No.10854527
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>> No.10854536


How does it get text? Is it really character-by-character?

>> No.10854613
File: 169 KB, 1500x937, neotokyo_assault_nsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother and I are working on an FPS game based on the mod Neotokyo for HL2. You can check the story at the website. We look forward to recreating cyberpunk from anime. All those FEELS and blah blah blah.

Not really a hard project, I'm just hoping that my speculation on the near coming dystopia are somewhat grounded in reality. But basically power in Asia shifts towards China.

A gamemode idea I'm going to be testing out is just having 3v3 NSF vs Jinrai. New and respawning players will join faction of police and street gangs, who take advantage of the chaos if the conflict isn't resolved. The experience system from Red Orchestra 2 will be extended, players can add exp to their rank on either side when not playing as the stealthy cyborgs by gaining points for say, being a cop and specifically suppressing someone on NSF.for the Jinrai... If you want to. Or you could fight them evenly and miss out on some abilities when you finally play as the Jugger- uh, cyborg.

>> No.10854639

Character by character. You have to go through some hoops in an external tool every time you want to test out your game with word-wrapping for Western languages.

Which is why I've decided to switch to Ren'Py. Sure, it has the reputation of being the deviantart of VN engines, but the fact is that it is well-documented and does not care about OS or OS region, which the Japanese engines really lack. I'll have to sacrifice my Japanesu spirit for that.

Anyway, if a Ren'Py programmer wants to help out on a project with completed script and in-progress art/music assets, shoot me an e-mail.

>> No.10854652
File: 331 KB, 3840x2400, neotokyo-revised-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cool, I hope you can finish it.

>> No.10854658
File: 167 KB, 1280x667, tumblr_lsgvtqvNin1qbm6lio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street gangs are chaotic and fight not only each other, but officers. They have shit aim and experience recoil, but are only a stand in for when you aren't play CS, I mean, as the cyborgs. Civilian casualties are to be avoided by the special ops cyborgs giving their role in a larger picture more flighty. I have to think about how to give XP for everything and motivating player into playing the way I want though.

It's hard to explain, but I hope I can get a version out soon for experimentation.

We are watching new cyberpunk now, but my brother really likes GTS for some reason. I'm more into Akira since I feel that the relationship between Tetsuo and Kaneda can be compared to any brother relationship.

>> No.10854657


Can you read the characters into a temporary file, check the length, and then read them into the engine?

>> No.10854673

Do not abuse spoiler tags "onegai``

>> No.10854674

Unfortunately, I don't have the programming skill to try that. All I can tell is that the tool edits the script text so that every word in every line becomes its own string and then it does something or other with that.

>> No.10854681

Your autism quotes are killing me.

>> No.10854690

would also participate i can python and have expirience with game programming(we actually developed a small game ourselfs) im also open for learning new languages

i also could do storywriting ,leveldesign, and some really basic texturing if needed

>> No.10854700

I think we should storm ideas instead of jerking around saying what we're good at

>> No.10854702


Can you get at that edited file? If it creates the file but has a different script/function to put the text in the box, you might be able to insert something in the middle to check the length of those strings.

>> No.10854725

>they don't learn shit at school.
You seem to be dumb as a brick. Have you ever met an engineer or a doctor?

>> No.10854746

>>10854345 here. I left the team translating F/SN on Baka-Tsuki when they stopped needing technical assistance with Kirikiri. I also ported some VN stuff from PS2 to Ren'Py. Enough with derailing the thread, I'm sending you an email.

>> No.10854830

i can't do much
but i have a lot of money

>> No.10854901

>then maybe something that uses the monster girls from monster girl encyclopedia

I heard of a game that uses it, but I'm not really sure if it really exists.

I personally like the idea of making some kind of Mon Musu Quest, but using a richer and more interesting lore as the one used in Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

But I also personally prefer making some Touhou fangame. After all, we are /jp, and we all know that /jp is mostly about Touhou.

>> No.10854908

i was talking about normals, not "engineers or doctors". those were the dweebs, the nerds, the losers, not normals.

the normals are the fratboys, the sluts, those shitheads that get drunk and party all the time.

>> No.10854942

Now, now; you're projecting. Check any college football team and you'll find that, regardless of how athletic some people might be, that doesn't mean they're incapable of picking one of those professions or even rational thinking. Here is a good example: Terry Crews went to college for Art, but played in the team so he could get a scholarship. So you'd see this big, bulky black dude with a shaved head on the field or hanging with the boys on parties, but it doesn't mean he wasn't reading ancient literature and doing his best to become involved with the entertainment industry.

Meanwhile, you can see plenty of nerds working at Starbucks, or here being useless. Real life is just not so simple, and however one deals with friendships has nothing to do with their capabilities. You're not special because you're a nerd, and you're not less special if you're normal. You are a person and your accomplishments are yours alone.

>> No.10854946


>>10852936 this anon here, and I'm totally up for making an album by /jp/sies. I think another anon posted earlier, and I wouldn't know if yoiu're the same person, but we potentially have three people showing interest.

>> No.10854955

that's just an exception. most people go to schools mainly to party a lot, and then cram during the final few weeks.

that's how it was in all schools i went to, university included.

>> No.10854957

Sou nan des karr?. Broken people tend to enjoy IT but the default is that everyone's pretty normal. I'd say that industry engineers are usually packed with twice as much social skills than the gentlemen they're paid to whip.

Being dumbfounded at the insanity that you're forced to witness and participate in doesn't make you a dweeb or a loser in my books. I must admit that I've met people who disagree with me.

>> No.10854967

>that's just an exception. most people go to schools mainly to party a lot, and then cram during the final few weeks.
That's complete horse shit, at least here in the civilized parts of Europe.

>> No.10854974

Please don't fight here in the /jp/ Project Thread and make another thread about truNEETs vs normies.

>> No.10854991



Yeah about that...

If don't live in America, you can speak for the rest of us.

>> No.10854995

i am from the same parts of europe though, and just described my own experience with all schools i've been to, both public and private ones.

>> No.10855009

>public and private
How are those rubber trees doing?

>> No.10855013

that's the only kind that exists unless you're home schooled, you dweeb.

>> No.10855020

We're still talking about entirely different places.

>> No.10855021

let's make ``Super Meido World'' SMW ROM hack

enemies include weea-boos and a cornelia boss

>> No.10855027

So rather edgy os more light-hearted stuff? Or w/e?

>> No.10855030

so how are those ad hominem with absolutely no backing to your claims going?

>> No.10855031


>> No.10855043

>ad hominem

I always have to google this word.

>> No.10855048

About what?

>> No.10855050

Precisely as they're supposed to in a /jp/ OC thread.

>> No.10855061

The game story/theme.

>> No.10855091

it's basically shit like this:
>That's complete horse shit, at least here in the civilized parts of Europe.
>How are those rubber trees doing?
throwing insults without explaining anything (in this case, explaining what schools he meant, in what country. instead he just used a more 'flowery' way of saying "lol ur dumb, i'm smarter than you")

>> No.10855094
File: 132 KB, 480x320, BabyWiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d animator / character artist here
always wanted to make a game, never had any programmer friends. would love to help

>> No.10855102

That's... pretty bad, bro. What else have you got?

>> No.10855103


oh okay

>> No.10855104

Jesus this is scary.

>> No.10855121

I'm quite good at video editing and I can do general graphic design stuff too (I have done more with Adobe products than just pirate them).

>> No.10855132

So we aren't doing a doujinshi? Shame.

I can write. I'd like to make a game where you control two characters, trying to accomplish conflicting goals. Like two soldiers from different sides (not wanting to make a military game; just using that as an example).

>> No.10855165

I can contribute some melodies if you need.

>> No.10855172
File: 113 KB, 687x697, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect when gems like "lol they just drink" fly in the air? Throwing moronic comments and expecting to be corrected like a 12-year-old is what's insulting.

>> No.10855174

It's big and difficult, though - making a game, because it is made up of so many different elements - art, programming, writing and music. It's out of the league of too many people who want to make it.

But here's my proposal - you want to make a game? Fine. But go through it step-by-step. And I don't mean do bits of the game at a time - No. You can write, right? Write something. If the story is good enough, maybe some people can get an idea out of it and make art of it. Interest.

If it catches the eye of someone with a good idea on how to place that story into a game, there you go, a game engine. Then, will come the bits and pieces you need for a complete game. But if you want to make the game first. Stop. You'll never make it. /jp/ can't do it.

>> No.10855179

Great. I think that's potentially 4 people in for a /jp/ album.

>> No.10855193

I see this thread and a lot of people are chipping in their skills, but who has an idea for a game that everyone can get behind? For example, something like Katawa Shoujou. The amount of work involved in making a game is sure to be fatal without discrete goals to aim for.

>> No.10855198

I'd love to contribute with something, but playing an instrument isn't as easy as that. Seven months of having Violin classes and practicing almost every day have not gotten me very far.

I'm not claiming I'm skilled, but making a melody and playing it can actually be quite demanding depending on how complex the song is.

>> No.10855201

Someone from the previous thread suggested "Katawa Shoujo, but psychological disabilities instead of physical (like autism and schizophrenia)." I think that would be pretty good.

>> No.10855206

I personally have no skill in any instrument nor vocal. Really fucking nought. But I'm currently just messing around with FL Studio and that's good enough for a little album of the stuff /jp/ likes to do.

>> No.10855208

that's not what normies go for though.

that's pure nerd/loser stuff there, any regular guy (normie) would just look at it, scratch his head and walk away.

>> No.10855210

woould play

>> No.10855215

You're wrong as HELL, mane.

>> No.10855221

get out normalfags

>> No.10855222

And a retarded girl too

>> No.10855227

Well, alright: the guys who wrek dat type of shite most likely weren't among the more active bullies. Disturbing other people for no reason at all is lack of civilization.

>> No.10855299

Can't promise anything, but I'll consider contributing if we make an album.

>> No.10855304

I made a tune with iNudge is this good enough

>> No.10855324

With the numbers going up like this, we probably will.

Any music is good. Well, as long as there's some way you can save it as a file, like an mp3 or a wav. I originally thought it would be something that we'd pack together in a simple .rar or .zip.

I'm open for other ways in which we can package this, though. I just thought it'd be the simplest and most out-of-the-way so the focus would be just on the music.

>> No.10855345

Well I can't save it so screw that
Guess I'll download some sequencer and screw around and see what happens

>> No.10855438


Here's my iNudge

>> No.10855442

Slightly amusing.

>> No.10855476


DAWs, anyone? They've got some cheap ones that will serve you well. Use wiki for a full list if you need it.

DAW + midi keyboard = ~$150 and makes music recording incredibly straightforward.

>> No.10855486

DAW? Meaning, please.

>> No.10855494

Well, if it's any recourse, we could always insert a text file in the archive with the link to those kinds of works.

>> No.10855496


As, I said, wiki.


>> No.10855504

Oh, I see. Yeah, I personally use Fl Studio. Don't have a midi keyboard though. Don't think I'll find any use for it, since I never learned how to play the piano, read notes, etc.

>> No.10855508

I used to use Maschine, but now I use ableton after my skills increased a bit

>> No.10855512


You don't need to (you'll pick up reading the music on the way). I'm a sax player, and I use the keyboard for everything.

You play some stuff by ear, and record it if you think it sounds good.

I assume FL studio has a way to edit not start times and lengths, the DAW I have does. You play a rough recording, then edit to what you want. Good sounds every time.

>> No.10855563

rate my mucis http://inudge.net/#45am

>> No.10855610

I see that there's now at least a bit of interest in making a /jp/ album, so the next question is, how do we collect them? I'm not very familiar with places where a bunch of users can upload stuff in a sort of collection that we have in mind... Any suggestions? Perhaps a Dropbox? But I don't know how to work that program yet.

>> No.10855626

That's the least of our problem, we can just use mediafire or dropbox for that.

>> No.10855654


Yeah, there's no need to worry about that. dropbox/emailing directly a host of other options will work; your problem is getting music you're OK with.

More importantly, what are you guys going to do after you have an album? Make a torrent? sell it? etc?

>> No.10855663

post it on the youtubes

>> No.10855669

I doubt anyone is gonna buy it.

>> No.10855706

Okay. I'll try and make one so we can start sending in some tunes.

Honestly, I'm fine with /jp/ers just sending in tunes they made that they themselves like. Sure, it's subjective, and others will probably think it's shit, but so what?

After the album is made, we'll probably just distribute it. Likely for free. Or if the people from other projects in this thread like what they hear, they may be able to use them. And I agree with >>10855669. It'll be, you know? Like some hobby project that we can make together with our fellow /jp/ers.

>> No.10855712

I've been doing this for 5 years now. I bought a MIDI keyboard at some point, but it's just gathering dust. You can play notes in FL Studio using (computer) keyboard keys, and composing works just fine with just keyboard and mouse.

Most people seem to prefer using an actual instrument (like the aforementioned MIDI keyboard), and the keyboard allows greater freedom when playing notes to discover stuff that sounds good (you usually have more than 2 octaves, no limit to amount of keys you can press [technical and practical], varying your note velocities, etc), but it's not absolutely required.

>> No.10855722


So, now you need a common place to meet/way to let each other know you'v' made progress. Any opinions? posting on /jp/ is an option, but you might get spammed...

>> No.10855739

/jp/ is fine enough. We're talking about an album not a visual novel.

>> No.10855753


>>10855739 is right. We don't need to talk much, just a place to store the music. Right now, I'm trying to make a dropbox for us to place the stuff in.

>> No.10855793


K, so
1) Using random stuff form /jp/sies
2) A thread will be created/posted to when a new song is out, where the creator says 'here's my song, download it/add it to the archive).

Any preference on music, and how many songs per album? If we actually want to release an album (instead of make a repository), then we'll want to set either a song or time limit for making it (so it actually gets made).

>> No.10855842

Actually, a new thread is unnecessary. We can just piggyback all the way in these /jp/ project threads. I'm confident that /jp/ will take so long trying to come up with a project that it will last at last the length of us making this album.

And that's a good question. Originally, I was thinking we are going to make just one album, where the participants would send in songs and they'd be part of that album. As to how many per participant, I originally thought it would depend on how many participants were going to be involved. From the albums I know of, I think there's an average of 10-12 tracks, length irrelevant. I also want to split it so that everyone makes exactly the same number of tracks. So, if there are 6 of us, 2 per person would be good. 12 of us and then just 1 per person is fine. However, if you think 2 or more is just too many to make then say so immediately, so we can decide on the number of tracks the album is going to have.

>> No.10855843

A time limit would be nice.

The genre variety for this album will be interesting

>> No.10855857

Maybe we can get set a genre/theme/some kind of element to get some album consistency.

>> No.10855866

I'm uncomfortable imposing an arbitrary limit to tracks for the participants, because it will either limit their potential or ask too much of them. Any track of any length of any genre would be fine, to be honest. We're not trying to make anything awe-inspiring here or anything.

>> No.10855875


You really need a count of the people actually in this to do it. I've already got a 'tubes channel so I'll keep working there, but it appears there are at least 3 people here talking about it? Worse-comes-to-worse, you can always add more songs from one artist if others drop.

Anons interested, count off!

>> No.10855904

Hmm... for that I think we'll jsut wait for the dropbox. People who submit will be tagged anyway, so then, we can get a feel for exactly how many people will be participating with little or no ambiguity.

>> No.10855919

Hey Jose.

>> No.10855925

Okay, so now I have a dropbox. I'm going to try and figure out how to share it to you guys now so you can upload stuff now.

>> No.10855932

>what are you guys going to do after you have an album?
Use it for another /jp/ project

>> No.10855992


You're going to need e-mails.

>> No.10856013

Alright. I guess there's no going around it.

I'll be the one to invite you guys to join the dropbox, so send me an email at jpmusicproject1@yahoo.com

Obviously, it's an email I made purposely for this one project. I'm still waiting to activate my account too, so I might only be able to send invites much later.

>> No.10856029

So, guys. I have no MIDI but I can record piano songs with my grand piano. Is it okay?

>> No.10856034

I couldn't send you the e-mail, it says there's no account named that way on yahoo.

>> No.10856043

>Alright. I guess there's no going around it.

>I'll be the one to invite you guys to join the dropbox, so send me an email at

>Obviously, it's an email I made purposely for this one project. I'm still waiting to activate my account too, so I might only be able to send invites much later.

Send it here: jpmusicproject1@gmail.com

Yahoo mail is shit. It wouldn't receive my confirmation email from dropbox, either. Now I'm fine.

>> No.10856100

Also, I'd like to add that the dropbox only has a 2 GB capacity, so let's just not get carried away on what we upload.

>> No.10856208

Of course.

>> No.10856208,1 [INTERNAL] 

lel OP got banned
proof that "shitposters" are the actual good posters, not the imagedumping fagg0ts

>> No.10856208,2 [INTERNAL] 

New thread: >>10857425

Let's hope it doesn't get deleted by the janitor. I never post anything bannable, so if the thread vanishes it really is the janitor doing it.

>> No.10856208,3 [INTERNAL] 

Implying "let's start a project ^__^" is a good thread and not one we've had a thousand times before.

Maybe if OP had something to show for it, but simply telling people they should do a thing is not contribution.

>> No.10856208,4 [INTERNAL] 

Show me 10 better threads on the board

>> No.10856208,5 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10856208,6 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is dead

>> No.10856208,7 [INTERNAL] 

fucking LOL
