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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 530x101, dannychoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10853085 No.10853085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10853090


>> No.10853092

He must get that a lot to have to think of a witty reply.

>> No.10853091

>tfw no danny choo bf

>> No.10853094

Danny Choo is the worst corporate sheep ever, spams the word otaku everywhere to sell his shit "If you're OTAKU you'll buy this!!" "I'm OTAKU!" "This is OTACOOL!" "I don't know who this character is, but she sure is Kawaii!!"

His blog posts about Comiket are the worst shit ever "Oh this is Comiket there are some doujins here LOOK EVERYONE IT'S THE KEY BOOTH!!!"

"This is WonFes there are some fan made garage kits and LOOK EVERYONE GOOD SMILE COMPANY"

"Oh I'm in akihabara there are so many amazing stores around here LOOK EVERYONE APPLE GOODS IN SOFMAP"

Jesus Christ, we know about all that shit. It's in every corner of the internet, we don't give a fuck. Show us some touhou doujins or something, but no - instead he takes a picture of the cieling in McDonalds and goes on to talk about how good McDonalds is and how he had an eggmcmuffin for breakfast.

And most of his posts are just eclipsed by ultra high definition pictures of inane shit, like a poster on a Japanese subway or something. Or a 'moe' character on a sign.

I don't think his followers have progressed at all "One day I'll get there Danny!! Just you wait! I can't wait to visit Japan!!" and they never fucking do. I swear I've seen that shit since what, 2008? It's fucking 2012 and you're telling me you still can't understand enough Japanese.

"Oh wow look at this kawaii dakimakura I got free in dengeki deluxe magazine, I don't know who she is because I can't read enough Japanese to play eroge but WHO CARES I'm OTAKU now because I have a dakimakura. What's that? Sleep with it? Lol no what if my parents see me xD ??"

"saber is my waifu, I don't like 3D women" "Someone married a character from a DS game? lol what a loser, I may be OTAKU but I wouldn't go that far".

That pretty much sums up the Danny Choo experience

>> No.10853095

Someone who is worse than Peter.

>> No.10853098

cool, OTA

>> No.10853102
File: 53 KB, 480x720, 409078_10150703089792806_2044225181_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Danny Choo is so otacool, how come he isn't Britain's Greatest Otaku?

>> No.10853101

He's definitely not my friend

>> No.10853108


>> No.10853105

Oh Danny boy the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountain side
The summer 's gone and all the flowers dying
Tis you, tis you must go and I must bide

>> No.10853110


Best version~

>> No.10853112


I couldn't care less about his articles. I go there for the porn.

>> No.10853118
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>> No.10853125

I'm scared of him paying someone to kill us for posting in this thread

>> No.10853134

He barely has any money so I'm not scared

>> No.10853139

The likely candidate for this is /a/.
"If you're otacool you'll erase /jp/!"

>> No.10853154

Why do you guys hate him so much? Let him do his thing.

>> No.10853167

We're sorry, Danny. We'll try not to hate you from now on. :)

>> No.10853176

Fuck off Danny.

>> No.10853185

Fuck off back to "Culture Japan" nerd

>> No.10853204

No seriously I don't understand. Did he spam /jp/ or something?

>> No.10853205

Is it bad that I knew nothing about Danny Choo before this thread and googling besides that his name sounded familiar?

>> No.10853209
File: 41 KB, 704x398, hida_yuno03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is his selling point?
What is he selling? What?

>> No.10853238

>What is his selling point?
He has a stormtrooper outfit and...that's pretty much it actually.

>What is he selling?
The otaku lifestyle. Plus whatever his corporate overlords tell him to sell.

>> No.10853257


No. Happens every time.

>> No.10853275

look at >>10853094
In short he's blatantly only doing this for the money, he doesn't have any real motivation to run his site and he'll always be entry level garbage.

I mean when he first started up about 2008 it was okay. You could tell there was some genuine excitement in doing this but it's more than 4 years later and he's still doing the exact same shit. Go on a manufacturer's website, download some figure pictures, repost on site, browse a few other blogs, repost their content and then write 500 word articles on what you had for lunch. That's it, that's all the effort he's willing to put in.

I mean, hell Artefact is a blatant whore but at least he admits that all he's going for is page views. Danny tries to act like he's the voice of otakus but he clearly doesn't give a shit.

Although the one thing that pisses me off so much about him is: Run an otaku news site for 5+ years, never bother to learn Japanese. Heck doesn't he live in a Philippines? When I visited there you couldn't throw a rock without hitting someone who knew Japanese, or a prostitute. Guess we know the reason he never learned.

>> No.10853294

absolutely disgusting.

it is sad that corporate sheep like this guy will be the central image of the "le otaku culture".

fuck this gay earth.

>> No.10853298

>Although the one thing that pisses me off so much about him is: Run an otaku news site for 5+ years, never bother to learn Japanese.

He doesn't even speak Japanese?

>> No.10853297

How can a person market "The otaku lifestyle" when especially on /jp/ we talk about how much of a blanket statement that is?

>> No.10853304

So? How does this have anything to do with /jp/? Do you honestly believe he's the only person exploiting some subculture?

>> No.10853306

He does. Haters are just hating.


>> No.10853309

It's witty, really.

>> No.10853314

Danny Chu pls go

>> No.10853316
File: 1.62 MB, 440x300, 0Nvax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: jelly basement dwelling poorfags

>> No.10853319
File: 241 KB, 580x931, 1366872296508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has begun

>> No.10853322


He was beaten by his foster parents everyday. :(

Like this post if you cried when reading this.

>> No.10853320

My place or yours?

>> No.10853326

I laughed.

>> No.10853332


I was looking for that picture.

>> No.10853331

>liek dis if u cry ery tiem ;_;

Fuck this guy. He is basically the breeding father of the worst otakool scum.

His facebook page is also full of hypocrisy and corporate ass-licking. I hope he dies from his fucking lung cancer soon, I will revel in wine and joy in that time of his death.

>> No.10853335

This guy even forgot to mention that this Danny scum is exploiting his dumb sheep fanbase by making them animate and draw scenes for his own shit anime FOR FREE. Yup, no payment given to those poor motherfuckers. Instead, they are given false hope of "getting appointed by KyoAni/Ghibli" and getting in harem of VAs.

This guy is not just a scum. He is the sum of all evil in this world.

>> No.10853343

You are welcome

>> No.10853362
File: 55 KB, 550x800, dannychew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Danny bribe GSC or something

>> No.10853364

He's also gotten fucking godly artists to draw his character.

And then of course there's the anime.

Just waiting on that VN with Danny as the MC now

>> No.10853372

Well he's an assholllle♪ he's an assholleo, eo eo!

>> No.10853379

Is this the guy who got a cheek full of birdshot, or was that the other fella?

>> No.10853378


This is probably the only reason why I hate him. He had a post attempting to draw his own characters on the computer. I admired his effort until he went all "fuck it! lol I'm rich anyway let me just buy Japans top eroge artists to draw my shit for me!!!1!"

>> No.10853396

Exactly he's just casting the widest possible net to get the most people to pay attention to him, it's why he's annoying

I'm not sure about you, but I'm allowed to hate more than one person at a time. Just because I don't mention them in a thread about Danny Choo, has nothing to do with whether or not I find their antics disgusting.

I could be wrong, I met him about 2 years ago at a convention and when I tried to strike up a conversation in Japanese with him I got what I could only describe as gibberish + some correct syntax.
Maybe he was blind stinking drunk, maybe he was just trying to take the piss out of me, I dunno but that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

It looked so generic I completely forgot about it to be honest.

>> No.10853405

Why the fuck danny choo threads are NEVER deleted?

>> No.10853411

It's easy to figure out, if you think of it for a second.

>> No.10853422

Being angry at a dude exploiting otaku culture fot profit is still otaku culture dude.

>> No.10853416

I've never heard this before. What in God's name could he need animated? Some dumb bullshit starring OC DONUT STEEL?

>> No.10853420

Holy shit. the Janitor's true identity

>> No.10853425

'cause deriding this nutty crooked fartknocker is squarely within the topic and realm of "otaku culture" in the west, tyvm

>> No.10853426


>> No.10853428

It isn't because he is probably the millionth person to make this joke. Not to mention that it works better for statements other than "fuck you", because it doesn't make sense to interpret it that way without a subject.

>> No.10853435


no matter how much I hate this guy for his trickery and deceit, I also admired him for using his sheeps (read: danichufaggotsfanbase) accordingly and wisely. He successfully slaving the hell out of those sheeps by making them buying his shit products and worst of all, working for him with no payment whatsoever.

Even though I hate his ways, you can't argue that those trickery and deceit he uses are the best method we'd get to use on unintelligent sheeps and normalfags to do our bidding.

>> No.10853440


>> No.10853441

I honestly would not know about this guy if 4chan didn’t circleragejerk over him so often.

>> No.10853442

So would you use this logic to defend any sellout faggot ever?

>> No.10853443

The post you replied to is much more witty, in all honesty.

>> No.10853445

So what does this guy do, aside from being a man interested in otaku culture?

>> No.10853446


Whatever. The 1% of the internet who would actually drink this guy's flavor-aid aren't what I would call normal

>> No.10853447

Shit about his mirai shitnaga. And also himself. He is self-inserting in worst possible way, he didn't even try to think a backstory for his self-insert character.

>> No.10853456

Pretty sure the amount Danny's earned from selling crap to his so otaku fanbase is dwarfed massively by his Daddy's millions passed down to him over the years.

>> No.10853467

No. I still crystal clearly hate this faggot as much as you do, but you can't argue his methods are good for gaining money and sheeps (red: blind fanboy).

It's a shame he didn't see through the prospect. He could do many more with now there are his dedicated sheep following him no matter where he goes, but he take the safe route and instead continue to being corporate slave. I guess that is expected from someone who is shallow enough to think that this cult of following he has will be enough to kickstart his internet provider business bullshit he tries to do.

Slaving his sheeps and also being the corporate slave representative for the so-called otaku culture.

>> No.10853477
File: 62 KB, 640x480, nemu eating curryrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He promotes Cool Japan; an organization that sheds light on Japanese Anime sub culture. He believes that otaku culture is not just for people in pic related, but a new* HIP thing that can be enjoyed by everyone! Buy his moekana cards please.

He also speaks at conventions. What will we ever do without seeing his smiling face at conventions?

>> No.10853483

god if it were me I'd crumple into a little shivering singularity of concentrated shame

guy must actually be nuts, like have progressive schizophrenia with the whole delusions thing and everything

>> No.10853503
File: 157 KB, 697x707, 0-10 would not edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why this model looked familiar.
He bribed Windows 100% too?

>> No.10853506


No, he just has a very rich dad.

>> No.10853508

So then his business isn't really in it for the money?

>> No.10853512


Everything he does in Japan is for his own personal exposure. Like his shitty self-insert animu characters. He doesn't need the money.

>> No.10853519

Why does he have an anime about his life?

>> No.10853523

Can you imagine the choked wail when he eventually wakes up one day and realizes what a fuck he's been?

That will be such delicious suffering

>> No.10853531

Profit from his hobby by manipulating the masses.

People pay him to be a weeaboo.

>> No.10853538

I Wunder what happened to his moe firefighters anime project.

>> No.10853554

>I could be wrong, I met him about 2 years ago at a convention and when I tried to strike up a conversation in Japanese with him I got what I could only describe as gibberish + some correct syntax.
Maybe he was blind stinking drunk, maybe he was just trying to take the piss out of me, I dunno but that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
That's the cause of your psychological trauma!

>> No.10853565

I think its funny how much you guys care about him

>> No.10853996

This thread would look so much different if posted few years ago

>> No.10854019
File: 139 KB, 500x376, trooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be pretty cool if Danny Choo was just some weeaboo who dressed up as a Stormtrooper and danced. That gimmick and those videos were honestly kind of entertaining.

It just ticks me off that every viral video person now uses it to launch their out-of-character career. Boxxy's actor does all these vlogs and music videos and stuff now.

I don't know. I can appreciate you doing things related to your hobbies or original appeal, but it just seems silly. Can't you just be happy that millions of people liked that thing you did?

>> No.10854037

Normalfags are sellouts

Remember when the numa guy tried to make money off it, several years after the popularity and fizzled out?

>> No.10854048

Yeah, that was the big one I remember that started it all.
Didn't he make a Numa Dance 2 and stuff?

I seem to remember the Hampster Dance guy released an album and stuff, too.

I'm fine with donations or selling T-shirts, but I don't like when people try to form these "associations" to do the same thing over and over or launch some separate thing. Nobody would care about that Cherry Chocolate Rain Dr Pepper ad if it wasn't Tay Zonday.

And while we're on the tangent of running stupid YouTube things into the ground:

>> No.10854060

I don't know why but I really hate Star Wars. The original series aren't even bad films, but people that like it and obsess over it make feel angry for some reason.

>> No.10854062

>Dad is a household name multi-millionaire shoe designer

>> No.10854071

I love the original films, but I hate its memetic nature. Every time I see someone wearing a zany shirt with a picture of Darth Vader and a catchphrase like, "WHO'S YOUR DADDY?", I cringe. Not sure if that particular example exists, so feel free to submit it to ThinkGeek's T-shirt competitions.

It's just too "easy". You can't call yourself a nerd for watching one sci-fi-lite film that everyone has seen. Same deal for people who emulate Super Mario Bros. and then wear 1-Up belt buckles. Cut it out, all of you. Bitter people like me are judging you, and we all think you're a cunt.

>> No.10854075

Since he popped up out of nowhere, my theory is that he *tried* to be a self-made man, failed, and then his dad bailed him out.

It's not too uncommon for rich people to make their kids work hard instead of just giving them anything. So Danny probably did do various jobs for Amazon or whatever, then cried to daddy so he could start his own weeaboo company.

>> No.10854079

is star wars the western touhou, except with a shitload of EU media instead of a bunch of h-doujins

>> No.10854091

I would say Homestuck or MLP are closer, in terms of fan works and the cast of characters.

I'm sure there's plenty out there, but Star Wars doesn't seem too notable in terms of fan content, because there's enough EU stuff already. Though there are a fuckton of fan films (lightsaber fights never get old, guys) and one guy from /m/ made a pretty neat TIE fighter animation.

>> No.10854099

Pretty sure daddy is what nailed him those jobs with amazong/microsoft/whatever

Even namedropping him is enough

>> No.10854106
File: 209 KB, 930x523, 5799466802_531c872540_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man, an inexperienced, unqualified young man with bad grades could totally just walk into Amazon or Microsoft HQ and they'd give him a job right there. This was before the recession, things were easier back then.

>> No.10854117

I worked hard for my Cs and Ds in High School. I demand respect.

>> No.10854131

The EU really ruined it. Yes, we need to know the fake Japanese names of every lightsaber fighting style, and a million other things like that for idiots to care about.

>> No.10854158

Didn't Colony Drop do an article about Danny Choo being a massive pedophile or something like that?

>> No.10854154

I liked a lot of EU but some of it was just shit. Zahn did work I liked, some others were not my cup of tea, some of the authors should never have been let near the English language.

>> No.10854167

What's his dad's first name again? It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't place it and it's annoying me

Please don't remind me about my GCSEs... ;_;

>> No.10854175

The Thrawn Trilogy was great (except for character clones, worst sci-fi/fantasy gimmick ever).

A shame Disney will be overwriting everything.

>> No.10854182



>> No.10854184


As it says, Danny Choo has configured his server so that most of these links redirect to his life story.

The Tenga reviews can be found through archive.org, and they're pretty funny. He uses the euphemism that they're "dolphin polishers" for "polishing your dolphin" and it goes from cringe-inducing to outright creepy.

>> No.10854187

Aaaaaaa that was it. Thanks

>> No.10854192

He's too much of a normal to have such refined dark secrets.

>> No.10854203


It's almost loveable how much of a self-aware dick he is.

>> No.10854257


oh god that was awful, all 15 seconds I could stomach of it

>> No.10854271

>With a budget of $60 million, The Chronicles of Rick Roll will feature top Hollywood talent, music, special effects, and cinemetography.

is this some sort of sick joke

>> No.10854292

If you seriously think about it, he hasn't done much to benefit otakus, only his own pocket.

>> No.10854330

I liked his old storm trooper dance videos, not concerned enough to care what he's doing nowadays.

Also all dat hatepost from jews who'll never get ouf of their chairs and actually go to grorious nippon.

>> No.10854440

Real otakus don't need him.

>> No.10854470


Ever wondered what some faggot could be making from "le memeface" merchandises?

>> No.10854477

infinite butthurt

>> No.10854482

archive dis shit

>> No.10854487

He's fluent in Japanese.

>> No.10854489

Colony Drop is really interesting too bad they aren't that popular even if they are dick heads they know their stuff

>> No.10854493

Is this sarcastic? Plenty of people make rageface T-shirts.

>> No.10854493,1 [INTERNAL] 

You delete this now, janitor?

Can't we just have some healthy discuss about how we hate Danny Choo? It's cathartic and nice to see /jp/ agreeing with itself for a change. Plus it's hardly off-topic.

>> No.10854493,2 [INTERNAL] 

I smell a Choo behind this deletion

>> No.10854493,3 [INTERNAL] 

Mirai Inc. is joining Canvas Networks as a partner, so moot has instructed all Team 4chan members and janitors to remove anti-Danny Choo content from the site.

>> No.10854493,4 [INTERNAL] 


About the canvas stuff not the other silly stuff.

>> No.10854493,5 [INTERNAL] 

No, it was all a ruse. Consider yourself tricked!

>> No.10854493,6 [INTERNAL] 

Lel you got me honey!
