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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10836961 No.10836961 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried summoning a youkai, or know about them even in general? Some people on /x/ have tried it (website's down atm but the guide looks simple) but no one really knows much about it. Dangers/precautions needed, stuff to try, or even advice against such a procedure would be appreciated.

Pic related, a youkai.

>> No.10836971

If you cared to spend at least half a minute before posting, you would have found an existing thread about Youkai.

>> No.10836976 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is now japanese culture and language (:

learn kanji on the general anki thread (:

help /a/nons with translations when they ask (:

talk about japanese politics and economics (:

this is new /jp/ (:

>> No.10836981

I tried asking /x/ how to summon demons because I wanted friends and they gave me this bullshit about it being "dangerous" and how "if you can't make human friends it'd be even worse trying to befriend the supernatural."

>> No.10836986

/jp/ has always discussed all these things, no matter how its official name changed, retard.

>> No.10836989

Which kind of fool would try to summon a youkai outside japan?

>> No.10836996

Chaos magicians are HUGE dorks.

>> No.10837006

Ok, man. You don't SUMMON Youkai. It's not cool. Why the fuck would you like to summon lucifer in your own house!? Unless you are not devout Christian.

These things mean death sentence. Do you want to die? Kids and their entertainment today they forget the outsiders of old.

>> No.10837015

The only danger is looking like a fucking NERD casting world of warcraft spells in his messy room

>> No.10837013

We could have a summon 2hus thread

>> No.10837023

how 2 b 2hu

>> No.10837017

How 2 summn 2hu

>> No.10837031

fug a 2hu

>> No.10837037

no lwd pls

>> No.10837049 [DELETED] 

Oh hi janny! Sorry it took me 15 minutes to reply, you muted me after all.

No. Stop lobbying for that shit. Such discussions didn't happen often. And precisely because of that, they never overstayed their welcome and people allowed them without much of a fuss.

Please consider how you use the mute button. It's not an assistant in helping you "pwn" people with a view different from yours (that just happens to be factually correct). You do that by presenting proper arguments and showing real knowledge about the board you help moderate. "Deal with it" is not a proper argument either.

>> No.10837061

OP is Christian or Muslim

>> No.10837085

I didn’t read any post in this thread except yours, but I wish you would die.

>> No.10837102
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 1362714248877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to keep a youkai in my house and feed people I don't like to it in exchange for its benevolence

>> No.10837132

>(website's down atm but the guide looks simple)
The website isn't down, it just doesn't exist.
It's just two pages that link to each other with no other content.

>> No.10837135

pdf from the site is in the subject field

>> No.10837138

Youkai don't actually exist.

>> No.10837142

I can't stop imagining Little Shop of Horrors except with Rumia instead of the plant. Oh god the voice is still the same.

>> No.10837172

Your head is just not fucked up enough to see them.

>> No.10837201

>"if you can't make human friends it'd be even worse trying to befriend the supernatural."
I like the logic that supernatural friends would require the same skillset as human friends.

I can't wait to go down to the sports bar with my bros Mephisto and Belphegor to grab some drinks and play some pool! Can't stay out too late though, cause I've got to get up early tomorrow to help Asmodee move his grandma into a home.

>> No.10837207

I lol'd

>> No.10837239
File: 249 KB, 896x716, 55ff03d89cd17ec0642e656cf8fbd330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't work that way, bro. Eastern mythological devils just show up when they feel like it. Oh, yes, there are things you can do that make it more likely, but most of those are things people do anyway such as fighting and being dicks.

>> No.10837244

SAGE SAGE SAGE for heresy

>> No.10837246

They probably meant from a mental state
If you can't make a single friend there is probably something wrong with you as humans are social creatures

>> No.10837255

The chaos space marines from /tg/ give this poster >>10837244 a raging hard-on.

>> No.10837257
File: 48 KB, 472x472, 1358619254616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone dies eventually, so consider your wish granted!

>> No.10837264

Im pretty sure omyoudo includes methods for summoning or creating yokai. like worshiping a severed dogs head or putting poisonous insects in a container. of course its more complicated than just doing that.

>> No.10837266

I was just trying to be Abrahamic though and make an influence to these heretics.

>> No.10837275

>Why the fuck would you like to summon lucifer in your own house!?
what are you talking about? lucifer doesn't even exist, he was created from a translation error.

he's nothing more to the bible than a fanmade character is to some established series.

>> No.10837279

Could you summon Thor or Set?

>> No.10837287

objects that are 100 years old get a life of their own so go buy a really old thing and bam youkai.

not that the whole thing isn't bullshit anyway, you'd think /x/ would have stopped the 'summoning' shitposting it has been years.

>> No.10837304

/jp/ - Youkai Culture

>> No.10837308

>objects that are 100 years old get a life of their own
Izzat, like, subterranean animism

>> No.10837354


Once summoned that thing; is now mayor of London. Ghastly.

>> No.10837425

That's what you get for having pay port-o-lets.

>> No.10837493
File: 97 KB, 700x989, 24910430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a youkai and be friends with Rumia. We could eat humans and fly around in the darkness and bump into walls and shit all night.

/jp/ please tell me that this is possible. I already have a list of stupid vicious vindictive cunts that I would like to see die bloody deaths

>> No.10837509



>> No.10837710

Is that so? lol
You yourself, for starters? lol

>> No.10837811

Known methods to become a supernatural creature (not necessarily youkai, immortals too) include turning into a demon out of excess lust (Kiyohime), anger (Taira no Masakado), covetousness (Mugenyama temple bell, Raigo Anjari), religious zeal (monks turning into oni to protect their temples from evil), pride (tengu) and presumably any other emotion in its extreme, dying with regrets (a lot, for example dorotabo), dying with a single purpose in mind (a lot, for example inugami), starving (itsumaden), eating mermaid flesh or liver (Yaobikuni), stopping blood, air or semen flow for 1000 days (Taoist monks), straying from the Buddhist path or living a sinful life (most youkai), stealing money or oil (dodomeki and abura-akago), being a slut (sazae-oni), being wronged in some way (tenome), living or existing for long periods of time (many animal-base demons, for example nekomata, also tsukumogami), special rituals (ungaikyou), killing a certain demon or a number of demons (ushi-oni), being killed by certain demons (funayurei), somehow fusing yourself with an object (biwa-yanagi, but there's no ritual or anything for this, dude dropped his biwa into water, a whirlpool sucked him up and when he came to himself he was half fucking lute.), excessive dieting (futakuchi-onna), dying without fulfilling a promise (zashiki-warashi) and so on. You can also be born that way and not know it (rokurokubi).

>> No.10838058
File: 907 KB, 1500x1125, Izu_city,_Ikadaba,_Wasabi_fields_20111002_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the wasabi-flavored kit-kat bar left for a 100 year

>> No.10838106

It will become a cute girl with a delicious flavour of chocolate.

>> No.10838111
File: 5 KB, 127x90, little_miss_plasticunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

