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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10832747 No.10832747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you manage to make money and make a living if you're a Hikki or NEET? Get cash from the government? Really curious here

>> No.10832755

my fuggin parents you fuggin nerd

>> No.10832758

I get cash from your mum

>> No.10832763

what if your parents are dead

>> No.10832766

You dress as a bat and fight crime.

>> No.10832790 [SPOILER] 
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Are NEET threads allowed yet?

>> No.10832794

Either be born rich or take money from hard working people.

>> No.10832795

They're not dead, unlike Trevor.

>> No.10832796

that was funny

>> No.10832798

Everything is allowed in /s4s/.

>> No.10832802

I don't want to discuss NEET culture with normies

>> No.10832805

My NEET threads never survive in /s4s/
They get buried by dubs and shrek

>> No.10832811

I have a job, but it's super f*cking easy. As the saying goes "Jewish labour". I get paid to stand behind a cash register and clickety clack on a keyboard every so often. Or sometimes I will go and slice up some boxes and throw them out.

I can't believe I get paid to do this easy s**t.

>> No.10832819

get disability for being fat as HELL

>> No.10832818

leeching off parents

>> No.10832822

Store clerk?

>> No.10832834


>> No.10832835
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Yes, and janitor (I have to mop the floors at closing time since I take the late shifts). I don't mind it, now that school is out I have more time to work and could use the extra cash to buy myself some trading cards.

I only got in due to good ol' nepotism though, so my best wishes to any of you guys out there who are struggling to find a job. I hope you get it soon.

>> No.10832839

I got some money from relatives a while ago, I need to make it last.
What should I buy?

>> No.10832841

I know that feel dude. I do 'maintenance' to a few machines and if they don't break or don't need maintenance at the time I just do nothing all day.
I even browse /jp/ while working.

>> No.10832850


Yeah, without nepotism I would never have had a job after my first one. It's all about who you know, not what you know or how hard you work. Which means most of this board is screwed.

>> No.10832853
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share your fatNEET secrets

>> No.10832866

Isn't it sad that you never learned how to spend money?

I was grown into a filthy rich family. Well if you disregard my prostitute mother, I learned how to fear all mighty money very young.

>> No.10832870

There is a PSP game about this.


>> No.10832882


>not developed by NIS or Atlus

Why bother?

>> No.10832910

Are you really implying that's a bad thing?

>> No.10832930


Even better. I just live off the money my parents left me.

>> No.10833040
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alright let's get this outta the way

who tracksuit here

>> No.10833053

Are you a slav?

>> No.10833073


I tracksuit otaku.

I'm mexican though

>> No.10833078


>> No.10833088

I'm super fan of track suits. btw I'iim asian!

I cried bitter tears when I had throw away my 10 year old track jacket made entirely of cotton. Its was so smooth and looked good. I don't know where I could get get new one made.

>> No.10833102



>> No.10833111

I used to wear track pants in grade school. I was a hambone back then. I just wear jeans and shorts now.

If my parents never immigrated I'd probably by squatting and guzzling 40s right now.

>> No.10833114

Your average /jp/ poster is an upper-middle class techie. See: hotglue.

>> No.10833116

Weren't NEET threads not allowed anymore?

>> No.10833123

Shhh. Don't tell the jany.

>> No.10833125

Don't associate hotglue with /jp/.

>> No.10833129
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who NEET here

>> No.10833133



>> No.10833144

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10833153
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who kuroko here

>> No.10833158

Is this a NEET thread? I'm planning to be a NEET this summer right after exams are over.

>> No.10833163


>> No.10833172
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Is this how styling neets dress?

>> No.10833186

I NEET. 5 weeks ago, I was working full time for a person I hated. I finally thought I saw the last of my NEET life. Today, I am too broke and scared to leave the house for free comic book day.

I make stuff and sell it as a hobby, I'm not getting any money from the government, so shit is tight. I keep forgetting to eat.

Why is it so easy to fall back into this life and hate yourself, /jp/?

>> No.10833262

I also lost my job recently. Somehow I have come to terms with my mortality. Even if I end up on the street starved I can accept that.

>> No.10833293

Because you are piece of shit. Like us.

>> No.10833298
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Do a good deed;
Kill a NEET.

>> No.10833304

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10833305

>there are two types of NEET, those with access to money and those who are constantly broke

>> No.10833315

wanting something they don't have is low?

>> No.10833324

shut up squid.
i'll fucking EAT you

>> No.10833328
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>and minimal social interactions

I don't know, that homeless dude on the street often has social interactions.

None of them pleasant, but certainly frequent.

>> No.10833334
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Yeah whatever shrimp

>> No.10833353
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>> No.10833361

What's the best way to leech as much money off of normals as possible without doing anything illegal? Fug the sisdem.

>> No.10833362
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The thing about homeless dudes is that they're all nice guys in general.

I'm not a nice guy.

>> No.10833368

Oh Mama!

>> No.10833369

The knowledge that anyone could stab you in your sleep without repercussion should encourage you to be polite.

>> No.10833370

Have $10mil worth of money saved up, set up a conservative portfolio and you are good to go.

>> No.10833373

You generally have to do illegal stuff to get the 10 million, though, or win the lottery.

>> No.10833381
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Autismbucks. Been NEETing for over two years.

>> No.10833382

Parents provide food and shelter.

>> No.10833384

Have been NEET for 2 weeks now. Feels fucking great.
I gotta work again in 2 weeks. Fuck this shit.

>> No.10833387

But what about pride?

>> No.10833394

pride is for fools

>> No.10833401

If you parents run out of pride, they might throw you out and estrange you to recover it.

>> No.10833405
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I'll be the one doing the stabbing, thanks.

>> No.10833415

It's easy being a fatNEET and getting those big bucks

All you gotta do is be like 400lbs and get diabetes. Both of which are pretty easy to do. Once you're fat and have diabetes, you can then say that you can't work because you could injure yourself which would make you lose a limb. You then say that you have bad knees and a heart condition. Then you can get the fatbux.

So basically, just eat a bunch and drink a lot of soda. Get fat, get diabetes, and collect those fat checks.

>> No.10833416

Get a load of this queer

>> No.10833420

Do you have to stay fat after you get it?
I have trouble breaking through 180

>> No.10833430

They have locks on their doors when they sleep and police officers who actually care about their safety, unlike some bum.

>> No.10833431

But fat people are disgusting. I would rather kill myself than be over 250 pounds.

>> No.10833434

I would rather not have the bad stuff that comes with diabetes, like wounds that never heal and certain death.

>> No.10833483

I don't know, I've always been large and in charge. It's not very hard to maintain myself at my weight though and not get any fatter really. I don't think I could ever be skinny though.

I might lose a lot of weight suddenly though, when they chop off my legs ;_;

>> No.10833501
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I used to be happy like this, then I assimilated to society best losers like us can. That's probably why I hate myself, I guess. I have friends now too, that's probably the awkward part. Like I just can't either way.
Please kill me.

>> No.10833509

Is being fat as bad as everyone acts like? I don't really care about being made fun of, I wouldn't leave anyway if I got fatbux

>> No.10833514

what's that amazon stuff where you do some autistic work for money?

>> No.10833596

No one goes around hunting impolite hobos with revenge in mind. I can't even begin to understand how what you said would make sense in any situation.

>> No.10833608

I've been close to BMI 29 and it was absolutely terrible. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for any reason and I can't understand why people subject themselves to it voluntarily. That said, I've never nagged at anyone for being fat, nor am I going to.

>> No.10833624

I joined the military and took one of the desk jobs, rather than one of the killing brown people jobs. I get short hours, which lets me continue parts of the lifestyle I used to lead as a NEET without actually being a NEET. Plus I get mega bucks for anime figurines.

>> No.10833640
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fuck you self hater being a fatNEET is awesome

>> No.10833645

I love NEET threads so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of you as well!

>> No.10833647

Wow, so violent! Please be nice to your fellow denizens, Anonymous

>> No.10833651

Even as a hermit I don't like being fat. The BMI stays under 22 by itself once you get used to not eating much.

>> No.10833653

taoist hermit?

>> No.10833672

Please be nice to the well-endowed person. I'm sure he suffered more from my post than I did from his, even though bullying was not my intention. I just remember how I felt when I was younger: no one ever talked about their experiences of varying degrees of fatness. Now that I've tested everything besides morbid obesity myself, I felt like sharing rarely heard opinions. I was genuinely clueless and chubby up to my late teens.

>> No.10833677

No, western NEET hermit.

>> No.10833707

I got really fat at my last job because the work was boring as shit and I just drank shitty mochas all day. Even though I keep forgetting to eat now, I still feel disgusting.

I got really good at iruna online at work though.

>> No.10833712

Is Jannie ded?

>> No.10833716

>Implying there's a difference between the two.

>> No.10833718

Blessed are kids whose parents have the willpower to keep them from getting fat. They'll grow up without appearing unattractive, at least for that reason. Being pretty and cool will be important in all communities of young and old children as long as children remain idle good-for-nothings who spend their days making up hierarchy games.

When I was a kid, I was taught that everyone should be treated with maximum respect regardless of any conditions. School felt pretty surreal.

>> No.10833727


>> No.10833736

I'd like to know this too.

>> No.10833750

i think its this

>> No.10833764


You can't be a soldier if you're a NEET.

>> No.10833764,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone needs to explain what's going on. This was posted five hours ago and it's still up. Many posts/threads have been deleted since then.

>> No.10833774

If you are NEET how do you buy the things you want?

>> No.10833782

House Chores

>> No.10833786

I worked as a highly-paid computer programmer for ~5 years, saved ~90% of every paycheck, and quit as soon as I was rich enough to live off my investments forever.

>> No.10833797

How do you reason with yourself that a NEET life is acceptable?

The way I see it, you have 2 choices:

#1 - You can accept life the way it is. You can study, work hard, make money, get a wife, have kids, retire, and die. You create something that somebody will remember you by. Whether it is becoming super popular or just being a loving husband, you create SOMETHING of value.

#2 - You hate the world, so you change it, either by changing the world itself or by changing the world around you. Of course, you can't change the world if the people around you don't want it to be changed, so you get a group of people that want it to be changed and do your best to create a community where this changed world is accepted. If you can't find enough people to create this world with you or you just don't want to be around people at all, you get off the grid and become self-sufficient, such as being a self-employed businessman, farmer, etc. You can still afford electronics, computers, the Internet, and all the other perks of a modern society, but you don't have to rely on the pay from your job or a set schedule of 8-5. You work when you want to work. You only make as much as you produce (in food, products, etc.).

Instead, NEETs take a completely different route.

As a NEET, you refuse to work. At ALL. You simply stop functioning as a human being. You literally leech off another human being or the government. You contribute nothing of value -- not just value to others, but even yourself. You indulge yourself in garbage snack foods, don't work out your body (even to bare minimum standards), don't shower, barely leave your room, etc. The worst part about is that you don't even have the knowledge as to WHY you're doing what you're doing. If it was in protest to the way society is or because you have a serious disability, it would be understandable, but NEETs are literally the niggers of the Internet world!

>> No.10833800

The difference is real as long as the owners insist on maintaining a buffer of "healthy self-interest". Working class kids are brought up in a completely different manner simply because the parents don't know much about anything, especially about any lordly nonsense. Often the kids are just kept in food, which is something a soccer mom kid can't even imagine. There's no communication, no encouragement, no guiding towards constructive interests, no explanations, no love, no praise, no rewards. There's no talk about ethics, no wondering why something is good and what it might be based on.

"Be a good boy and do what mommy says."
"But mom, why..."
"Shut up."
Can you see the grand difference? The grand difference is that the thing has never been talked about before. The kid might keep wondering a simple question closely related to his daily life for years because the parents repeatedly refuse to explain anything.

Sometimes even logic and rational consequences are rare. I hanged around with a boy whose father was a schizophrenic alcoholic. He had trouble understanding why the other kids got upset so easily.

Instead of love, there might be exposure to alcoholism, literal belittling of wrong interests and constant degrading of "others" in order to make the own tribe look better. The parents' bad success in education might make them blurt out very conflicting things if the kid happens to get excited about reading because he seems to be relatively handy with the multiplication tables. To put it simply, the actual reality conflicts deeply with the school reality.

>> No.10833798

There, that wasn't so hard, was it?

>> No.10833801
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>> No.10833803
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>> No.10833808

you fags need to get laid -_-;

>> No.10833815

>You contribute nothing of value -- not just value to others, but even yourself.
I contribute enjoyable hedonism to myself.

>You indulge yourself in garbage snack foods, don't work out your body (even to bare minimum standards), don't shower
Speak for yourself, fagknuckle. None of this shit is true for me.

>> No.10833814
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>> No.10833817

like how much, 100k+?

>> No.10833820


I'm talking about true NEETs you lowlife emo douche. You can't be a true NEET unless you're in your mid-to-late 20s and up, been out of work for SEVERAL years, have ZERO drive to do anything other than piss people off, and live in a complete fantasy world.

>> No.10833819
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>> No.10833822

>niggers of the Internet world
I'm pretty sure those are the people that started going online because of facebook a few years ago.

Why would that apply here? The internet world is not real life. There's a reason 4chan was created and was able to thrive for so long.

>> No.10833824
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Your post is null and invalid.

>> No.10833826

If you meant "true NEETs," say "true NEETs." Otherwise people might come to a tragic misunderstanding.

>> No.10833830

ITT fakeNEETs and people who think those fakeNEETs are real.

>> No.10833833


You're kidding me, right? The old 4chan was NOT full of NEETs. The old 4chan was full of normal people interested in alternative subjects. Now, the normalfags and NEETs outnumber the alternative subject people 10:1.

>> No.10833834

>You create something that somebody will remember you by. Whether it is becoming super popular or just being a loving husband, you create SOMETHING of value.
The joke's on you: me creating something of value requires me to stay at home studying and typing instead of being out there flipping burgers like a proper person. I already have strong, comparison-withstanding evidence of my suitability.

>As a NEET, you refuse to work. At ALL.
Indeed, I do.
>You indulge yourself in garbage snack foods
I don't.
>don't work out your body
I do.

>The worst part about is that you don't even have the knowledge as to WHY you're doing what you're doing.
Feel free to imitate me. Can you dish out results without having someone whipping you forward?

>> No.10833835

> You can't be a true NEET unless you're in your mid-to-late 20s and up, been out of work for SEVERAL years, have ZERO drive to do anything other than piss people off, and live in a complete fantasy world.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.10833836

> Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)09:59:56 UTC+2 No.10833820
Replies: >>10833826

Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)03:57 No.10833815

>You contribute nothing of value -- not just value to others, but even yourself.
I contribute enjoyable hedonism to myself.

>You indulge yourself in garbage snack foods, don't work out your body (even to bare minimum standards), don't shower
Speak for yourself, fagknuckle. None of this shit is true for me.
I'm talking about true NEETs you lowlife emo douche. You can't be a true NEET unless you're in your mid-to-late 20s and up, been out of work for SEVERAL years, have ZERO drive to do anything other than piss people off, and live in a complete fantasy world.
Eat shit

>> No.10833839

do i have to have autism to read your post??

>> No.10833840
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>> No.10833844

Obviously his definition of truNEETdom.

>> No.10833847

>Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)04:04 No.10833839
>Replies: >>10833840
> >>10833836
> do i have to have autism to read your post??
suck my cock dude>>10833844
>Anonymous 05/03/13(Fri)04:07 No.10833844
> >>10833835
> Obviously his definition of truNEETdom.
sod off

>> No.10833848

Go home, /fit/. You're drunk.

>> No.10833852

ugh we got an aussiefag over here, the worst kind of fag

>> No.10833849
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>> No.10833850 [DELETED] 

Please fix your HTML entities.

>> No.10833851
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So some random faggot gets to redefine what NEET means? And now apparently you have to be a troll living in an alternate reality to qualify as a NEET?

>> No.10833854
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>> No.10833857

this thread is rly stressing me out omggggg....

>> No.10833859

Everyone can redefine anything. Feel free to disagree.

>> No.10833861

who let /b/ in this thread...

>> No.10833865
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>> No.10833868

Old 4chan was full of annoying people. You see those reddert kids act like retards and sigh to yourself?

Yeah thats what 4chan was populated by from 03-06

>> No.10833869

okay now i know you're just trolling

>> No.10833871
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I'm about to redefine your facial features with my fist, faggot.

>> No.10833872

Crossboarders left the gate open.

>> No.10833874


>> No.10833876


Yeah, old 4chan, and the old Internet in general, used emoticons all the time. However, they used them in context. Thanks to the generation of celltards, the people who do use emoticons spam them everywhere to the point where everybody rages at them every time they are used. You can't even use ;_; anymore without a 50+ post ragefest.

>> No.10833879


le fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaggot xD

>> No.10833881
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>> No.10833882

How many of you in here have seriously though about committing suicide if you ever become homeless and have to interact with society in order to get by?

>> No.10833886


You need to take a chill pill. o_O

>> No.10833887

I think I'd try my hand at the thug nigger lifestyle first.

>> No.10833889

100% of the ones who are not roleplaying teenagers.

>> No.10833888
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>> No.10833892

I have too much anxiety to do anything, too much depression to attempt to try. Can't even try Uncle Remus's guide.

Fuck I'm drunk I should stop blogging

>> No.10833894


Good luck trying to talk like them.

No seriously.

Good luck.

A nigger can tell whether you're true breed or newfag by your accent alone, kind of like how we Americans can't tell the difference between Japanese dialects all too well, but they can notice it without blinking.

>> No.10833895

Hell I've thought about it even before then just to get it over with.

I've worked jobs in the past. I know there is no way I will be able to make it living paycheck to paycheck at some shitty factory for the rest of my life. I already want to end myself before a year.

>> No.10833896

what sucks is all those faggots who say you can't have anxiety and depression at the same time since they contradict each other. they can go suck a dick for all i care.

>> No.10833898

I consider it daily. I don't want to die but I don't want to do anything besides what I do now, and I know this can't last forever.
I'm afraid I can't do it though.

>> No.10833903

You underestimate how much of a wigger faggot I am.

>> No.10833904

>since they contradict each other

I know that feeling.

>> No.10833905

It should be a bannable offense to reply to these threads when they're on the front page.

>> No.10833909


Truth be told, I had plans on ending my life no later than February 2013. I've found small things to keep me going, but I'm not the kind of person who can work at a fast food joint or some phone answering job or live off the government becoming one of those trailer trash junkies. I've got maybe a few more months tops left in me. I'll just go "silently in the night" like I wasn't even there.

>> No.10833911

You just posted in it too, you stupid faggit

>> No.10833913


>> No.10833916


Yeah, because living around middle-class faggots who spend too much and then whine they don't make enough sounds like a great life to me!

I'd rather be poor and be able to think than to be rich and robotic.

>> No.10833917

These kinds of people don't want to work at all, this includes "good" jobs.

>> No.10833918

I would gladly accept a ban if my suggestion were to become policy. I would even sit the whole thing out like a good child.

>> No.10833922
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>implying that degrees still mean shit


>> No.10833923

Yeah because cubicle dwellers don't want to end themselves too after a few years of 60 hour workweeks and watercooler chat.

>> No.10833925

It may shock you to learn that most employed people aren't suicidal.

>> No.10833926
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>> No.10833927

Most people period aren't suicidal, you stupid nigger.

>> No.10833930

People have to choke down antidepressants like crazy just to make it through another day.

>> No.10833931

That's true, but doesn't contradict anything I said in any way.

>> No.10833932
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>> No.10833934


>McDonald's Job Ad Requires Potential Cashiers Have A College Degree

And that's how you know society is doomed.

>> No.10833935

>I know that feeling.
What do I do? What do you do?

>> No.10833937




>> No.10833939

Working is alright as long as job security people don't start flinging insults at you for not being very interested in small talk.

>> No.10833942

That could not have missed the point more. I was referring to their contribution to society, not upbringing children.

>> No.10833943
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>> No.10833945

my eyes

>> No.10833946
File: 21 KB, 500x500, 1365303317702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10833947

So what? I'm practicing English.

>> No.10833951


You now realize that, thanks to the Naruto community, there is a well-drawn pic like this of every single 2hu kissing Naruto.

How does this make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.10833952

I get free government monies

>> No.10833953
File: 192 KB, 516x516, dasitmane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10833954
File: 122 KB, 741x713, trollface_hollow_by_daiman96dbellis-d4rmq5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Naruto is better than Bleach

>> No.10833955

I sit here day after day contemplating suicide. I have an appointment setup for a doctor who will hopefully prescribe me anti anxiety/depression medication.
I don't know if I will actually be able to make it there.

There's not many options really.

>> No.10833958

There aren't even Touhou x Touhou pictures for every two characters within Touhou Project alone. There are too damned many of them.

>> No.10833959

Only it does, since you're implying that employed citizens are very rarely suicidal while NEETs are commonly suicidal.

>> No.10833964
File: 1 KB, 32x32, 1366267158009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10833961
File: 524 KB, 740x493, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys i just made this new pic to describe the op :3

>> No.10833965

If you bothered to read my post that way, you could have just as easily read the one I replied to as claiming that employed people are very commonly suicidal.

>> No.10833966


>> No.10833969


I've been on Prozac and Effexor XR. Neither of these have worked. Depression that comes from a chemical imbalance can be cured by pills, but depression that comes from a deep feeling that something is wrong in society cannot be cured without curing your environment. On a world where you can't fix your environment, you're pretty much screwed.

>> No.10833973
File: 24 KB, 400x600, 1363768910402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semantics shit, not grounds for conversation.

>> No.10833974

Please keep living. Just get by on the little things. You might as well live as long as possible, since death is an eternity.

>> No.10833975


Rumia = OP
Cirno = Trolls that hijacked OP's thread
Daiyousei = /jp/ and/or meido

>> No.10833976
File: 22 KB, 228x320, 136567120269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10833977

If you didn't want to deal in semantics and implications you should have just refrained from criticizing my entirely factual post in the first place.

>> No.10833977,1 [INTERNAL] 

wahh another neet thread down

>> No.10833977,2 [INTERNAL] 

Do a good deed,
kill thread of NEET

>> No.10833977,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, homeless people are never murdered by anyone other than well off kids with nothing better to do than bash some hobos. Retard.

>> No.10833977,4 [INTERNAL] 

Just take the thread here and it'll be well-received
