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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10830995 No.10830995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever cut yourself /jp/? What was it like?

>> No.10831001

yes when my first and only gf broke up with me when I was a wee 14 year old lad. Didn't hurt that much. Terrible idea. do drugs instead.

>> No.10830996

Why cutting yourself if you can cut others?

>> No.10831003

Yes, it was very silly. Now I can never wear short-sleeved shirts ever again.

Can I claim autismbux for this?

>> No.10831005

At least put a trigger warning in your post, OP.

>> No.10831007

I used to do it to relieve stress. I didn't realize the scars would still be around 10 years later.

>> No.10831013

Whats a good place to cut that won't be seen?

>> No.10831015

It feels good but having to hide the scars is annoying.
Your chest.

>> No.10831016

I scraped the first layer of my skin off with finger-nails one time as a teenager. Didn't do it deep enough.


I love those.



>> No.10831018

bunch of faggots

>> No.10831019

I burned myself with a cigarette once.

>> No.10831023


Why aren't you an edgy faggot too?

>> No.10831024

Are you okay, Anon-san?

>> No.10831030

I once cut myself while shaving.

>> No.10831032

I had a brief period where I scratched the fuck out of my arms and they were bleeding for a few weeks. I probably stopped doing that because I forgot whatever it was I had been trying to avoid thinking about, I guess.

>> No.10831034

Is that Aya in front of Hatate holding the knife?

>> No.10831035

Do you want to talk about it?

>> No.10831037

I don't like being in pain so I would never do that

>> No.10831039
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>bleeding for a few weeks

>> No.10831040

Well it wasn't one scratch. It was several over a period of a few weeks.

>> No.10831044

It was much more painful than I expected, but I'm alright.

>> No.10831047

I cut myself before the whole emo craze started. This isn't a problem because it became mainstream or whatever, it's a problem because it raised awareness and set in place a ton of stereotypes that make the whole thing awkward to talk about.

Though I'm guessing there were emos in the 90s too. Cap'n Jazz and all that.

>> No.10831049

It doesn't hurt if you use a box cutter.

>> No.10831051

Sometimes when I remember embarrassing stuff I've done in the past I hit myself with a hammer and spend the rest of the day feeling very disorientated and confused.

>> No.10831056

This. On the downside, your scars don't look as cool. All the cooler kids will say you have "chicken scratches" and write bad songs about you.

Though it's also how a lot of people fuck themselves up. They use a super sharp blade and end up slicing through their veins without realizing it. Not very pleasant.

>> No.10831057
File: 44 KB, 300x300, off to the psych-ward bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to tell me more about that self-mutilation jp. I completely understand and I'm here to help.

>> No.10831058

Do you ever get embarrassed about hitting yourself with a hammer?

>> No.10831061

When I remember embarrassing stuff I just shit my pants. It's like practically an unconscious reflex at this point, but it works.

>> No.10831068

Why are little girls in vests so erotic?

>> No.10831071

No because no one knows I do it.

>> No.10831074
File: 11 KB, 288x237, off to prison bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Anyway, would you like to tell me more about that fascination with prepubescent girls jp? Trust me I'm here to help.

>> No.10831076

Never. I once was a melodramatic depressed chuuni teen however and for no reason.

I still cringe at the thought of my behaviour back then.

>> No.10831077

You're cutting me with that edge and it's cutting through all your layers of irony.

>> No.10831080

Well now we know.

Time to get out that hammer.

>> No.10831084

What did other people ever do to deserve cutting?

>> No.10831090

It's really not the same thing as googling your own name and finding your former HS classmates posting on Facebook about embarrassing shit you did on 9th grade.

>> No.10831092

They cut people.

>> No.10831095

Most people have a good reason behind them, but it takes too much effort to get to know them and find out what that reason is. If that's not good enough for you, then make up your own reasons, like "it's raining" or "I just had a good lunch" or something.

>> No.10831125

Do you even understand the irony in that?

>> No.10831138

I think the word you're looking for is "hypocrisy."

There should be a cutting club where people can cut each other instead of cutting themselves. It might be more cathartic.

>> No.10831154

Like BDSM groups?

>> No.10831159

You all need Jesus.

>> No.10831164

Will Jesus give me magic powers?

>> No.10831175

Good , but the scars are annoying.

I heated a piece of iron once and used it to burn my arm.Burn scars are disgusting, i wish never did that

>> No.10831177

If God is real, why does he let me suffer so much? Is he having fun with this?

>> No.10831182

It's all part of His plan

>> No.10831184
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I don't recommend it; and I also don't think this thread belongs on /jp/.

In the same boat as this guy

>> No.10831200
File: 590 KB, 1024x731, 14675681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else find this very erotic?

>> No.10831214

God will only care about you if you care about him.

>> No.10831221


>> No.10831227

Not "very", but I see where you're coming from.

>> No.10831233

And what does he get out of this?
I wish I had a choice and control over my own life

god is a dick

>> No.10831237
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I don't see why it's not more common as a fetish. I mean, fat otaku like vulnerable girls with problems, right? There was that one part in Welcome to the NHK! (the novel/manga, not sure if it was in the TV series).

Thread on GUROchan, by the way:

>> No.10831258
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Well, I suppose it's not super arousing ("fetish" might be the wrong word).

If a girl rolled up her sleeves and showed me lines of scars, I'd instantly hug her super tight and start kissing the HELL out of her.

>> No.10831273

It is certainly charming. Something that catches your eye and you just have to have it.

>> No.10831281

That thread is too guro for me. I don't enjoy the pools of blood and bloody wounds, i enjoy the feeling of helplesness and mental instability it gives off

>> No.10831288

Bloodletting gives you a natural high

>> No.10831294
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Very erotic.

>> No.10831296

>I heated a piece of iron once and used it to burn my arm
I done this with my cat's paw once when I was a kid.

>> No.10831301

Yes I used to cut, but my friends got concerned and started beating the shit out of me to set me straight.

God I miss them.

>> No.10831303

That's awful
I hope you feel bad about it

>> No.10831315

If I knew you in real life i would shove a piece of hot iron up your ass, and no this not an euphemism for my dick.

>> No.10831338

You would probably just avoid him and tell others to do the same.

>> No.10831349

Uncross them legs!

>> No.10831354

You don't even know me to assume things like that

>> No.10831374

Yes, cats are very torturable creatures.

>> No.10831395
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What if he does know you?
