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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10830921 No.10830921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Can you speak with /v/ mods? Touhou is clearly otaku culture and should be posted only here and maybe /a/.

Thanks you in advance.


>> No.10830924
File: 95 KB, 331x331, aliceaspergershanddrawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10830925

>tfw you know that /jp/ would be good if 2hu got wiped off the board completely

>> No.10830932

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.10830930
File: 62 KB, 612x612, 1363515999045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you prefer having /r9k/ and /soc/ threads instead of threads about videogames on /v/?

You're something.

>> No.10830933
File: 389 KB, 984x1039, ac9934ae8815c31912478267ea03b5bf400d743b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ - Video Games
>mfw touhou is a VIDEO GAME

>> No.10830942
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1000, 1356815698490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tep lel

>> No.10830945
File: 181 KB, 433x420, 1365778272913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here. We stole ur 2hus. Enjoy ur VN's and Idols generals.

>> No.10830955

On one hand, it's for the best they stay there. On the other hand, they're making people aware of touhou and /jp/, which could be seriously bad.

>> No.10830960

/jp/ here. We stole your meta autism. Enjoy your quality content with civilized people.

>> No.10830962
File: 217 KB, 600x600, 1367212113183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not on my watch fucking asshole

>> No.10830966
File: 19 KB, 249x222, 1354642671800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not share the 2hus?

>> No.10830968

No one who's used to /v/ would stay on /jp/ for more than 10 minutes

>> No.10830969
File: 99 KB, 376x469, 3461345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glory glory hallelujah toho scum has finally accepted their home

>> No.10830970

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10830972



>> No.10830974

Where do you think board herpes like tokiko and his cronies came from?

>> No.10830975

the opening post is WAY too polite

>> No.10830977

The extremely autistic shitposters of /v/ and the normalfags of /v/ are very different.

>> No.10831002

Thank you based /v/. Please continue to absorb Tooshit until it disappears from /jp/ forever, just like LNs and Translated VNs.

>> No.10831008

I doubt that, given the current state of /jp/.
It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between the two.

>> No.10831021

He went from Pokemon/Earthbound forums to Ruddit to Something Awful to /jp/. We have his entire teenage years mapped out across the internet, and you ask this?

People like ticks and the morons with "vip" or "dqn" in their Twitter names probably went from /b/ to trying-too-hard-to-fit-in to the "meta" board scene (4-ch, world4ch, world2ch, secretareaofvipquality, etc.) to /jp/ then back to Twitter.

>> No.10831022
File: 5 KB, 554x70, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're even stealing your memes...

>> No.10831026

The worst part is, he's probably not even doing it ironically. There are only one or two layers of irony there, tops.

>> No.10831029

tyvm m8

>> No.10831050

Nice delusions.

>> No.10831070

If only this was true...

>> No.10831072

As a long-time Something Awful poster, I can authoritatively say that the results are inconclusive.

>> No.10831087

Please. Touhou posters are objectively the worst posters on this board. All the roleplayers? Touhou posters. All the imagedumpers? Touhou posters.

>> No.10831101

B-but it's on topic so it's automatically quality posting!

>> No.10831102

> inconclusive.

Good enough for me!

*whips out banhammer*

>> No.10831105

I never knew Saten and niggy were 2hus.

You learn something new every day.

>> No.10831115

Who decides what's good and what's bad posting, you? Is there something inherently bad about imagedumps? No, we've always had them after all.

>> No.10831112

Oh, wait, you probably meant people who dump different images instead of the same images over and over. My bad.

>> No.10831116

He's obviously implying that there would be no shitposters if Touhou was not allowed here. Needless to say, it's BS.

>> No.10831127
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, who_da_fuq_is_using_my_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nsimpos dawson

>> No.10831133
File: 2.38 MB, 1262x878, fumos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even your fumos /jp/, your fumos.

>> No.10831136

Stop stuttering you faggot.

>> No.10831140

I told you about fumofags

>> No.10831143

"Tough love" isn't going to help him.

>> No.10831148

Who decides what's good and what's bad posting, you? Is there something inherently bad about roleplayers? No, we've always had them after all.

I hope you realize how faulty this logic is, now. Or maybe you actually like roleplaying (wouldn't surprise me considering you seem to be a Touhou poster) and so I don't need to keep talking to you.

(Imagedumps are low quality posts that bring absolutely nothing to the board. Go to a fucking booru.)

>> No.10831149

What's the big deal, /v/ is talking about video games?

>> No.10831152

O-or what are you going to do...? P-punish me...?

>> No.10831166

Whatever candy ass just start pretending to suck my cock.

>> No.10831170

its an imageboard you fucking moron

>> No.10831169
File: 9 KB, 250x201, v in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /v/ is talking about video games

>> No.10831172

Metaposting brings absolutely nothing either but you still do it all the time. I'm aware of the boorus but I'm not going to stop posting images on an imageboard because you don't like them.

>> No.10831180
File: 66 KB, 424x318, 1364081717630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.10831192

Metaposting is an important part of quality control.

>I hope you realize how faulty this logic is, now.
He invited you to explain what was wrong with them. You did. I don't see the logical flaw in his argument.

>Imagedumps are low quality posts that bring absolutely nothing to the board.
99% of posts in /jp/ are of that sort. It's not meant to be an encyclopedia.

>> No.10831185

Go to Wakachan, nerds. The first image boards didn't even have image replies. Some Futaba Channel boards still don't.

>> No.10831189

Janny boy can't even manage a few autists on /jp/...what makes you think he can handle something on /v/?

You're asking way too much of him.

>> No.10831196

Why don't YOU go to a textboard if you dislike images so much.

>> No.10831197
File: 209 KB, 600x600, 1325416089162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, /jp/ was created to keep NEET shit out of /a/. Touhou was only here to make this shithole look like a legit board and was only because of those retarded hijacks that took place years /a/go.

Touhou is a /v/ideo game!

>> No.10831203

here's what's really happening

>> No.10831209

I made this thread so he can properly speak with /v/ mods and delete that thread.

/jp/ is based on touhous, thats why we got separated from /a/, thats why i ask the mods to respect that.

>> No.10831216

Nobody here dislikes images or wants images off. Posting images with a purpose is different from posting a ``x with youmu!'' thread and bumping it over and over again with images taken from a booru or pixiv for absolutely no reason.

Low quality, useless posting. Typical of Touhou posters.

>> No.10831220

Why don't YOU go to canv.as if you hate text so much?

>> No.10831225

Someone post that screenshot of the mod saying Touhou should go on /jp/ or /v/. You know the one. I don't have it and I'm too lazy to go to warosu.

>> No.10831228

If you want to talk to a moderator, go to /q/.

People are not always going to post pictures as educational attachments to informative posts. Sometimes they're going to post them because they think they're cute. Welcome to imageboards.

>> No.10831236
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>> No.10831239
File: 275 KB, 1137x633, 1359588849702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10831243

Back to /prog/ with you.
I don't hate text

>> No.10831244

Never said he hated that. Try again.

>> No.10831276

>People are not always going to post pictures as educational attachments to informative posts. Sometimes they're going to post them because they think they're cute. Welcome to imageboards.
And that's low quality, useless posting done only by bad posters (Touhou posters). Why are you confused?

>> No.10831290

I understand that you think those posters are shit, but I also know that they comprise a majority of /jp/, are not all Touhou posters, and aren't going anywhere. You can keep complaining about it if you like, but you'll be complaining forever.

>> No.10831314

>Touhou posters
>Being this defensive over the truth

>> No.10831325

Wow, /v/ must really have poor moderation if it's faster to go to /jp/ and ask our meido than it is to report the thread on /v/.

>> No.10831335

It's not bad that there are Touhou image dumps, it's bad that there is always more than 10 up at once. Condense your shit.

>> No.10831337

Who are you memetexting, Xsie?

>> No.10831362
File: 7 KB, 630x106, .......png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our culture...

>> No.10831389

>make touhou thread on /v/
>samefag the shit out of it
>come to /jp/
>make thread about /v/ touhou thread
>keep samefagging the shit out of it
>take screencaps of posts concerning /jp/-tolerable content that I don't like
>bump /jp/ thread with screencaps in hopes of producing epic rage

Such is life for the bottom-feeding shitposters trying to make a living.

>> No.10831388

Instead of kicking out touhou we should be kicking out these jerks, >>/10828039/

They are always together in their own thread like they're better than the rest of us, I hate them

>> No.10831390

Let's just invent new shitty memes that no one will use except us.

>> No.10831396

Sanae a slut is dead and buried for years. Where have you been, besides /v/?

>> No.10831397

All memes filter out of /jp/ eventually. It's why we have to keep making new ones to stay on the cutting edge. It's a shame that lately all we have is the ridiculously dumb shit forced by the usual suspects.

>> No.10831429

I wonder why everyone in this thread's not more concerned about the worse kinds of posters.

>> No.10831429,1 [INTERNAL] 

y d

>> No.10831429,2 [INTERNAL] 

The posters who are just kind of shitty have the potential to be passable posters one day.

The posters who are total fuckwits you can't do anything to so there's not even a point complaining about them.

>> No.10831429,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10831429,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10831429,5 [INTERNAL] 

