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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10827323 No.10827323[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do your parents suspect anything, /jp/?

>> No.10827328

fbi pls go

>> No.10827330

We're already onto you, David.

>> No.10827344

Without a doubt, yes.

>> No.10827351

What about orphans? ;_;

>> No.10827354

I don't have any CP, but I had a weird conversation with my mother a while ago which resulted in her saying banning loli is fucking stupid. Kinda surprised me.

>> No.10827363

>guy in our city

Was it Thad? He lives(lived?) in my city

>> No.10827373

Fuck off, crossie.

>> No.10827382

They suspect I am a gay.

>> No.10827387

A guy I went to school with was arrested for having CP on his computer, and sharing it with others from the town.

It was hilarious reading his name in the papers.

>> No.10827399

I've soared through internet and seen such things

Never necrophilia though. Fucking never.

>> No.10827401

I actually managed to convert Chris Hansen into a lolicon.

>> No.10827402


>mother a while ago which resulted in her saying banning loli is fucking stupid

why does your mother know about loli? is she a weeaboo?

>> No.10827412

I told my mother 2 years ago. And she told my father afterwards. Fuck.

Also, she thinks you can find true information about it on the internet.

>> No.10827413
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Would you let a little girl peg you and be your mistress?

Would you let her control your cock even though you're a grown man?

Would you like that?

>> No.10827423

When I was 12 I had a computer in the basement. I had found out porn for the first time that I can remember. It was teen titans zone archive porn. I fucking loved it. I still know exactly where to get the videos I had watched. Newgrounds is great...

Anyway, that turned me on. But then I thought "Maybe I should try and see some of my own age.."

I searched up things like "10 year old girl porn" and somehow found my first lolicon hentai. Needless to say, my dad lost his fucking mind when he saw the search history.

Something to know about my father is that he is homophobic. He doesn't like gays. This is what he said to me and my brothers once. I'll never forget:

"I don't care if any of you are gay... Just don't bring any of your boy toys home or come out of the closet or I'll kick your fucking ass right back in!"

Yeah, he's a peach. Now, imagine his reaction if he found out I was a pedophile. He didn't know at the time, because I was fucking 12. Of course I'm going to like girls my own age range. IF he found out now he'd probably disown me, honestly. Maybe not that extreme, but he wouldn't take it well.

The reason he shat enough bricks to build a city the size of New York when he saw that I was looking up lolicon and shit is because he was terrified that the police were gonna come search the hard drive and arrest him for it, even though I was the one who looked it up.

My mom was cool about it. She was just like "Seriously? What do you think he's going to search for? He wants to see girls his own age."

>> No.10827428


n-no! i'm not into stuff like that...

>> No.10827430



>> No.10827442

Yes! Yes! Yes!

>> No.10827444

You are stupid.

>> No.10827448

Just stick with nudist videos. They're legal because they educationally depict a certain lifestyle (nudie films used the same loophole 50 years ago).

>> No.10827454


I lured him into thinking I had ten harddrives of CP, except it was in 2D form. We argued how they were different from each other and surprisingly he started to have an interest. I told him, "There are millions of lolicons around the world. You have nothing to be ashamed of." He replied, "I'll quit my show and devote all my remaining time to lolis. This it it. Flat is true justice!"

To this date, he told me how in return he was going to convert all the predators he had caught in the past to lolicons.

>> No.10827464

Please make sure to quality check your posts in order to make sure you are not misusing chan features such as the quoting feature, as you have done in this post. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community.

>> No.10827465

But they suck and the kids are always ugly fat gingers.

>> No.10827466

Nah, she was asking if I had heard about a game (Dead or Alive I think) that was banned here (for "CP"). She said it's stupid because those chinese characters don't even look human, so who gives a fuck if someone out there is getting off to them.

>> No.10827471

I'm a master of stealth

>> No.10827474

Or, you know, he's calling him a crossboarder because the fucking OP image is a screenshot of a post from another board.

>> No.10827475

Should have used LUKS.

>> No.10827476

What if they do look human? Is that wrong somehow?

>> No.10827477

There are producers that basically know what people want and tailor videos to them, like Russian Bare.

I think the "French Christmas Celebration" video is up on torrent sites. Little French girls are cute.

>> No.10827487

Yeah, and I totally visit Tumblr just because I couldn't find a certain picture anywhere else and didn't bother to change the filename.

>> No.10827488


Yes, I want this to happen.

>> No.10827497


You sound retarded.


I see.

>> No.10827498

Real lolis don't look as good as 2D ones

>> No.10827507


>> No.10827506

>saving stuff instead of just visiting Warosu

>> No.10827512


enjoy your thumbnails

>> No.10827510

The 2D ones are perfect lolis based on the real ones. Both look good.

>> No.10827515


>needing pictures to get off
>not reading erotica and jacking off to hot proses

>> No.10827524

Don't the let the raging buttrangers that lurk this kind of thread catch you saying this, they will call you a moralfag and stuff!

>> No.10827527

What if you fall in love with a set of pictures and don't want to rely on shady websites that could be taken down eventually?

This love is what prevents me from being completely clean. Is it worth the stress and paranoia?

>> No.10827531

>not jacking off to Kiernan Shipka's masturbation scene

>> No.10827528

I dunno, I didn't really press her, I don't want to raise any suspicion. I just said there's a lot out sick shit out of there, and she just shrugged. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. If it's not harmful, then there's no problem with it.

>> No.10827535

>not having a sister, friend or daughter

>> No.10827542


Has some sections dedicated to that sort of thing.

>> No.10827546

But porn is never harmful.

>> No.10827547

Can I google that name without going to jail?

>> No.10827554

She's just a child actress with a weird name.

>> No.10827558
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>child actress


>> No.10827561


I just use http://www.literotica.com/c/transsexuals-crossdressers

>> No.10827563

there is a trickster among us

>> No.10827565

That site was a disappointment. Every single story is the same over the top shit that looks like it was written by an old pedo wannabe.

>> No.10827570

It is if the video is about 8 year old kids being forced into sexual activities because they've been kidnapped/sold/whatever.

>> No.10827571



Here you go, sick fuck.

>> No.10827572


she looks like she came from that russian imouto thingy site

>> No.10827574
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>> No.10827581


>Note: All of the characters in these stories are portrayed by adults 18 years of age or older. So there.

no fun

>> No.10827584


>> No.10827585


>> No.10827589

I was talking to this guy at the time he posted this. How the heck did you find this through all that garbage in archive?

>> No.10827593

My mom has thought that I was molested as a child ever since I said I felt bad for this one pedophile who killed himself and was mentioned on the news.

>> No.10827596

How is this comparable in any way? It's a screenshot of a post on the board, not just any random image that you can get anywhere.

>> No.10827602

No. It can be sick, but no one pays for it. How can a download benefit the criminal? It's not like they did it for the money anyways.

Also, that kind of video is rare as fuck. Most 3D loli are just videos of neglected little girls and their friends whoring themselves for fun. Then some dude saves the video and uploads it to shady sites. How the fuck is that harmful?

>> No.10827603

Those are truPEDOs from the good old days of Usenet and mailing lists.

What's the matter? Kids actually getting fucked "too pedo" for you? Is it not "kawaey" or "mo-ay" enough for you?

>> No.10827604

I was actually molested by a guy who thought I was a little girl once.

>> No.10827608
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Was it fun?

>> No.10827607


>> No.10827609

Some asian kids are so ugly it's cute.

>> No.10827611

I hate self-censorship.

>> No.10827613

A man of my tastes I see!

>> No.10827615

Reminds me of that manga (or was it a doujin?) of a shota crossdressing at night and getting fucked at a bus stop by an older guy who thought it was a little girl. And then the older guy cuts the shota's dick off saying he doesn't need it anymore.

>> No.10827616

>Most 3D loli are just videos of neglected little girls and their friends whoring themselves for fun. Then some dude saves the video and uploads it to shady sites. How the fuck is that harmful?

It's believed that now even teenagers doing that is harmful, and in a few cases teens have been arrested for making/possessing CP (of themselves or their partners).

I think it can be a dick move, though. Either you regret it (even though it's your own fault) or someone dicks you over, e.g.
Vanessa Hudgens is a moron but having your ex-gal pal upload your old pictures to Flickr out of jealousy is just mean.

Frankly, younger kids are idiots and I wouldn't even trust them with a camera. Even teenagers don't know how to use a camera properly. Just look at YouTube.

>> No.10827621

It was disturbing, the guy was fat as hell and had bad breath. Luckily my mom saved me, I think he genuinely wanted to rape me or something.

>> No.10827619

No because I'm not a pedophile and furthermore I don't save porn on my computer.

>> No.10827622

>What's the matter?
Shitty writing.

>> No.10827628


And now you're a pedophile?

Psychology ftw this logic is always right

>> No.10827639

If you were only 12 when teen titans was out you probably aren't old enough to be considered a pedophile yet.

>> No.10827636

My friend told me she was molested. I'm not that twisted, so I didn't get aroused or anything, but I was curious, so I probed her further. She basically told me that some man groomed her and touched her and she didn't know what was going on, etc. etc. Then I asked how old she was, and she said 15.

>> No.10827638

I'm not sure, I like 2D lolis, but 3D ones are kinda gross and real kids are annoying anyway.

>> No.10827642

>regret it
Why would a perverted little girl regret it?

I mean, she doesn't even know the video was saved and uploaded somewhere else. And that "somewhere else" isn't on the surface web, I doubt her normal friends/family will ever see her video.

Why is it illegal again?

>> No.10827648

2D pedophila > 3D hebephilia > 3D pedophilia > 2D hebephilia > 2D ephebophilia > 3D ephebophilia > *

>> No.10827652

makes no sense but whatever

>> No.10827654


>didn't know what was going on

Is she mentally handicapped too?


Pretty sure 22-23 year olds can be pedophiles.

You're like the real life version of that meme where a frog thinks 1990 was 30 years ago.

>> No.10827657

How in the world are 3D lolis gross? They can be very beautiful.

>> No.10827659

>You're like the real life version of that meme where a frog thinks 1990 was 30 years ago.
Soon it will be


>> No.10827661

Because people don't like it simply. That's really all.

>> No.10827662

>she didn't know what was going on
Does she seriously believe this?

>> No.10827663

He is only a manchild acting high and mighty because he is older than someone on the internet while wishing that he was younger and not balding

>> No.10827665
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>1990 was 30 years ago.

>> No.10827667

I'm 20 and I feel too old already, I want to stop aging right now.

>> No.10827673

She was super naive even when I knew her (late teens/early twenties), so I have no problem believing she didn't know or care that much about sex at that age, but it should still be common sense by then.

Then again, adults get tricked like this too. It's not even illegal. It's just seen as less abusive.

>> No.10827670

11 year olds can be pedophiles. I considered myself one at that age.

No, you don't have to be 16. Stop believing what non-pedos say about pedophilia, they are all brainwashed and every single research is biased as hell.

>> No.10827671

Your cropping and the lack of information in the image and filename makes it impossible to find its source. Could you provide at least the artist's name?

>> No.10827672

They are generally gross, ugly, annoying and loud. Few are pretty.
For me liking 3d loli is like eating shit because you want to eat chocolate and it kind of looks like chocolate to you, when you have acess to actual chocolate but are just to dumb to realise.

>> No.10827680


This is so dumb.

>> No.10827681

>2D hebephilia above anything
But japs don't draw pubic hair for some reason. That's boring as shit.

>> No.10827685

I won't. Preferring 2D lolis makes perfect sense, I prefer them too. I just dislike lolicons who hate on pedophiles, as it often just looks to me like they're saying "I'm not a pedo! I hate pedos, see? There's no way I could be a pedo if I hate pedos! Pedos are sick and evil, unlike me! I hope all pedos die, just like any normal sane person would...! I'm normal yet I'm not!"

>> No.10827687

Just look for pegging and loli on sadpanda.

>> No.10827688

In her defence, I only really figured out masturbation by the time I was 16. I was a late bloomer, I guess. I didn't care much about it anyway.

>> No.10827689

You are dumb.

>> No.10827691

Use google. I found it that way.

>> No.10827692

Define gross.

Hell no.

>annoying and loud
I enjoy it.

>Few are pretty
You need to meet more little girls.

>> No.10827693


Oh wow. I don't understand how this is possible, how does it even happen?

I was masturbating at 9 years old and thinking about fucking girls.

>> No.10827695

The fact that 99% of the world's population is insane and brainwashed makes me feel very uneasy.

>> No.10827697

Yes, people have differing opinions. Congrats on that revelation.

>> No.10827701

Same here, except I masturbated thinking about fucking my little brother's "girlfriend".

>> No.10827706

I always knew about sex, don't get me wrong. Videogames just seemed a lot more interesting to me and I never had much interest in girls, so I never got to stroke myself until a summer week when I had three consecutive wet dreams where I always woke up before orgasming. It just got annoying.

>> No.10827707

Everything out there on the subject is purely propaganda. No one put out the very non-extreme uninteresting truth about it because the truth is basically illegal. Sure some free world we're living in, where knowing the truth and not being a hateful person that wants to kill everyone unlike you is looked down on.

>> No.10827707,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like Solotouch, but when they redesigned their site they deleted a bunch of stories where the characters were under 18.

At least, I now have a bunch of links that go to 404s instead of a story. I've been masturbating to erotic literature for years using that same folder. What the fuck man.

>> No.10827707,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's hilarious how some pedophiles try to convert others into being pedos as well. Delusional fucking creeps.

>> No.10827707,3 [INTERNAL] 

The pedo posts have always struck me as being strikingly delusional. All the reptilian theories pale in comparison when the average loli thread gets some wind under its wings.
