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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10825984 No.10825984 [Reply] [Original]

>How long did it take you to learn Japanese?

>Are you slow and stupid, an intelligent quick learner, or a quitter who hasn't even learned Japanese yet?

Old thread has hit the bump limit.
Let's do this

>> No.10825985

told you I'd do it

>> No.10826000

How do people use anki without getting bored instantly? Not being able to type in the answer is frustrating since i have to rely on how I feel instead of statistics from actually answering.

>> No.10825997

Pls no not again

>> No.10825999

Janai without a interrogation mark bothers me everytim

>> No.10826004

Can't discuss things now that it's hit the bump limit, you guys!

You shouldn't be bumping that thread anyway.

Here's a board where every thread has a "bump" limit of 1000 (or more, if you're feeling crafty):


>> No.10826007

I've been doing heisig's remembering he kanji for a little more than a week now. I'm at ~200. I'm essentially going through the whole of jouyo kanji learning their meanings and then planning on doing the same thing over again but memorizing the onyomi and then going over hem one last time to memorize the kunyomi.

I doubt my abilities to memorize both prounciations, meanings, and the character all at once but I still wonder sometimes if this is a good approach...
Has anyone done it this way or has anyone gone about it in a faster way?

>> No.10826008

>Here's a board where every thread has a "bump" limit of 1000 (or more, if you're feeling crafty):
it's a dead board.

>> No.10826009

you are pretty gutsy

>> No.10826013


>> No.10826015

are you calling me fat?

>> No.10826016

Textboards only exist for moot showing that captcha is necessary
4chan is a IMAGEboard
画像掲示板 in Japanese

>> No.10826017

pls go a >>>/a/

>> No.10826018

> Not being able to type in the answer is frustrating since i have to rely on how I feel instead of statistics from actually answering.
I'm keeping the notepad open while doing the reps and type in the translations for the en=>ja sentence translations.

>> No.10826020

I just learned the ones from genki brute force after that wrote down what I came across reading shit.

>> No.10826023

no. /a/ is full of bullies

>> No.10826031

> Not being able to type in the answer is frustrating
Just add the function by yourself. It's not hard. Examine the card layout which the Tae Kim Clozed deck uses and implement it to your vocab deck.

>> No.10826028

This thread needs more sage.

>> No.10826041

I should be writing my essay for school but this thread keeps distracting me.

>> No.10826042

The Kanjidamage shared deck has that implemented.

>> No.10826043


>Isn't onyomi and kunyomi vocab?

If you could retain all of those readings from doing nothing but drilling kanji then you would have an easier time with pronouncing what you're reading, but you would still have no idea what any of the words mean and then you would have to start all over again and memorize vocab.

Spending more than a week or two on kanji is a waste of time. It's easier to just pick it up as you go while also learning vocab. Doing nothing but kanji reps will kill your motivation since it feels pointless and has very little value on its own.

>> No.10826047


>> No.10826048


>> No.10826064

What are some resources for learning vocab? Or do I have to be in Japan?

>> No.10826062

This is from the Tofugo guys right?
Do you know how Textfugu is?

>> No.10826069

text fug?

>> No.10826071

It's good for getting your foot in the door when it comes to Japanese, but other than that, it's not really worth the money.

Wanikani, on the other hand, is brilliant.

>> No.10826076
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>> No.10826078


Just use one of the vocab decks from Anki. I like the Core 2000 decks since it has voice files.

Then as you go you can make your own custom deck for any of the characters that you have a particularly difficult time remembering.

>> No.10826081

No one should follow Heisig's method. It sucks.

>> No.10826082

2 years

i'm a quick learner but i'm lazy or depressed most of the time


google.com, resources are fucking everywhere

delete this

>> No.10826084

Am I japanese now ?

>> No.10826086
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>depressed most of the time

>> No.10826087

Should I use Wanikani if I already studied about 1000 Kanji with Kanjidamage?

>> No.10826088


>> No.10826101

fuck you bitch

>> No.10826100
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>> No.10826110

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.10826114

because you're a faggot steamed NEET that's only here for 2hu threads

>> No.10826113

Wouldn't really be worth it since you'd have to start over from square one.

>> No.10826115

To torture you <3

>> No.10826121

because it pertains to otaku culture

>> No.10826134

How can you get into wanikani beta?

>> No.10826150

go to the site and fill shit in and wait for an email

>> No.10826154


>> No.10826182

What's the difference between this Wanikani thing and Anki?

Is it just a prettier Anki?

>> No.10826184

thanks. I'm a bit dumb

>> No.10826185

I never learned japanese. Too much work for too little gain.

>> No.10826190

I don't even know where to start I'm so afriad

>> No.10826192

>Too much work for too little gain
truOTAKU learn Japanese. Secondaries don't. Simple as.

>> No.10826197

Haven't learned it yet and I'm a slow and stupid learner. I just going over everything again and again using different resources. I grasped te form pretty quick though, its just words like "Desu" and particles, I don't really understand when to use it them and what implications they have for the sentence. This time though I'm learning kanji from the beginning, there's no point in learning hiragana but no kanji, because not what you're going to see.

>> No.10826198

so you didn't I'm sorry for you

>> No.10826200


>> No.10826206

Anki is for help you memorize
Wanikani is for help you to be a crab crocodile

>> No.10826208
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Does anyone here have any experience with using drugs to help you learn Japanese faster?

I've been using amphetamines to study for 8-10 hours each day, but the problem I'm having is that I absorb so much information that it all gets jumbled together by the next day and I retain very little.

What is the most efficient usage of 8-10 hours if I want to maximize my memory retention? Instead of charging through 700 or so cards a day should I lower it down to maybe 200 and just drill that in over and over again for 8-10 hours?

>> No.10826221

>drugs to help you learn Japanese faster

>> No.10826216

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10826225

Take adderall or something.

>> No.10826231

I smoked some grass, and it really helps me get in the mood for sitting around and doing nothing.

>> No.10826236

what amphetamines?

>> No.10826237

Thats not kawaii japanese drug though

>> No.10826241

There is already an anki thread, you know.

>> No.10826245

this is not an anki thread

>> No.10826251

Oh, my apologies. This must be the off-topic Japanese language shitposting thread, right?

>> No.10826252

I did about 500 Kanji using Heisig only to find out that I needed to actually learn the pronunciations for it to be useful. Now I'm just stalling waiting to give it another go.

>> No.10826253

please do not abuse the link feature. Also read the OP before commenting. Be ensured that a thread about learning the japanese language won't take any space away from you important "which 2hu would u do" threads.

>> No.10826257

That's ``fug''. Not ``do''. Please do not make the same mistake again in the future.

>> No.10826268

Please do not abuse the shitposting feature. Read the rules before posting. Does it say "Japanese language discussion board" somewhere in them? Oh, well look at that, they don't.

>> No.10826267

i will try. Thank you kind anon.

>> No.10826269




>> No.10826271

Janny allows it so it's okay.

>> No.10826274 [DELETED] 
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Is this thread or the previous one deleted, Hall Monitor?




>> No.10826275

>>10826271 This. Why are you so mean today. Didn't you do your reps?

>> No.10826278

literally bitching about the most active thread on /jp/ right now when we don't even have 10 pages yet

just go make your ``x with youmu!'' shit thread and leave this one alone

>> No.10826279

Please do not abuse the please do not abuse feature.

>> No.10826282 [DELETED] 


People accomplishing something he can't makes him feel insecure.

>> No.10826285 [DELETED] 


Please do not abuse the please do not abuse the please do not abuse feature.

>> No.10826289

Just because it's active doesn't mean you can't bitch about it.

Meta threads, shit threads, and raid threads are some of /jp/'s fastest. We're slowly turning it into all three.

>> No.10826294

how i memorize kana

>> No.10826297


>> No.10826300


write 50 time

>> No.10826303 [DELETED] 


I wonder too. Are you supposed to write them?

I don't really intend to write characters, since I'll only ever be typing them, but is it necessary to learn them?

>> No.10826315

I never wrote them even once. Just repeat them and finally you will remember them.
Use http://www.realkana.com/

>> No.10826313

this >>10826300 or you will be punch in the cunt.

>> No.10826324


No, but its lazy not to. Plus, if you ever a real Japanese's handwriting, you won't have a clue what it says unless you can recognize the stroke order. But if you just want to type, then no, but in my opinion its the best way.

>> No.10826332 [DELETED] 


My handwriting is very, VERY bad even in English. I don't think I could conceivably do well at writing Japanese.

>> No.10826334

Why do people always think that an active thread means an invasion or crossboarders?

Most of /jp/ is in a state of constant lethargic boredom. We're all here because we have nothing else to do with our lives, but every thread is so boring that it's not worth posting in. When a topic comes up that manages to stir a little motivation into the sleeping otaku then everyone awakens from their slumber and piles in.

It's not crossboarders or invasions, it's just slumbering warriors awakening to the call of the otaku.

>> No.10826344


My handwriting is shit in English, I can hardly even spell. But because you're older and starting Japanese from scratch, you might not develop bad habits. Personally, I think what fucks our handwriting up is being taught cuneiform at a young age, it would be so much easier if everyone printed. Just follow the stroke order and you should be fine.

>> No.10826347 [DELETED] 


Your words make me think of /jp/ as a noble forest of ancient oak trees, stirred every once in a while by ents (shitposters) or loggers (crossboarders.)

>> No.10826357
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>> No.10826367

/jp/ is awesome!

>> No.10826402

The OP is using meme arrows, dude

>> No.10826403 [DELETED] 


Greening is /jp/ related.

>> No.10826410

He's quoting the previous thread.

>> No.10826406

/jp/ - My Blog

>> No.10826416

Stop this shitty epic trolling, and go back to /a/.

>> No.10826411


He's using them properly though. He's quoting the question that was asked in the OP of the original thread.

>> No.10826412

>Not learning how to handwrite Japanese

>> No.10826417
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Underground warriors and scholars. The otaku is a modern day monk.

>> No.10826428

what is even the point of learnignr adicals if they dont even matter really

why japanese cant be like hangul

>> No.10826429 [DELETED] 


I want to play eroge in his otakubunker!

>> No.10826442

>why japanese cant be like hangul
this would be so awesome. Stupid Japanese should finally adapt to a better system.

>> No.10826445

ignorant scum

>> No.10826452

Fun fact:

Everyone that isn't past the individual kanji grinding stage and haven't moved on to vocab thinks like this. Just ignore their stupidity and lack of experience and move on.

>> No.10826455

japanese are the ignorant one keeping such a bad system for tradition

make it so kanj pronounciatio follow actual rules

>> No.10826494

English doesn't need thousands of funny symbols though.

>> No.10826488

make it so englis pronounciatio follow actual rules

>> No.10826503

Japanese does, though.

>> No.10826504


But it does need long sentences and filler words to actually make any sense.

>> No.10826513

What are filler words?

>> No.10826515

brb changing the whole language

>> No.10826520

Is your JP writing actually readable BTW? I don't think mine is.

>> No.10826566
File: 415 KB, 661x600, 1364424213619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I supposed to be memorizing in my kanji deck?

I'm so confused. What part of this is actually useful? I don't really see how memorizing the english meanings is useful and the readings are too numerous for me to be able to remember the multiple readings for 1000+ characters when I don't even know any actual words yet.

>> No.10826590


I'm addicted to wanikani. I can't stop. I'm like a crack whore for the turtle

>> No.10826599

Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.10826630

All of them. The point is to become familiar at them; to stop seeing them as just random squiggles. This makes it much easier to learn and retain the compound readings and meanings.

Just keep powering through.

>> No.10826641

>to stop seeing them as just random squiggles.
how long will that take?

>> No.10826661

You're probably good at around 500 and somewhat better at around 1000 and perfect at around 2000.

>> No.10826663

I need to try this out. Memrise broke a few months back and I haven't tried to learn shit. I can feel the regression when I see recognize kanji, but don't know what they mean.

>> No.10826677

Well I'll try my best.

>> No.10826684

>Never learned it

>Quitter, have not learned it yet

>> No.10826729
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What music do you listen to while doing your reps so that you can keep your spirits high and feel the blood of the otaku flowing through your veins?

I listen to songs from my motherland which is Ireland. In my mind I can see Rumia playing the whistle and Flan on the drums while we march into battle together.


>> No.10826894

Why is WaniKani so slow?

I just did a handful of radicals, that was nothing. Now I have to wait four hours before I can review. Let me do more.

>> No.10827007

>japanese are the ignorant one keeping such a bad system for tradition
but keeping kanji is for a reason. enjoy 100,000,000 words pronounced the same way.

example: かみ


put your kanji deck away and read this:

learn the first 10 kanji, pay attention to the radical first, you will see it's not that hard. it's tedious at most.

>> No.10827017

>mfw people hating on learning the kanji meanings first and saying it kills motivation
Lelly'd hard, nerd. 825 kanjis in RTK and still going strong with a 96% correct rate. I bet you don't even know what simple kanjis like 欲 mean without asking your mum.

>> No.10827032

What's the point of the green text in OP?

>> No.10827031 [DELETED] 


>96% correct rate.

This is pointless and a great way to go ten times slower than you need to. Have fun burning out.

>> No.10827044

I'll get her to tell me while my cock is in her mouth #ownednerd

>> No.10827059

Lelly'd hard, nerd. I do a solid 35 kanjis a day and get 96%. You're just mad you can barely do 20 and get 65%. Lelly. I didn't even go to school and I'm still better at learning than you.
>implying i can burn out
>implying you're just not projecting
>implying you even know what projecting means you fucking faggot

>> No.10827099

>Learn Chinese
>Pick up Japanese in a weekend.

>> No.10827104


Why didn't they think up more ways to say words?

Japanese people are retarded. No wonder they can't speak English without sounding like they have down syndrome.

>> No.10827112

Not really... plenty of non-kanji words and Japanese grammar is a hell lot more complex than vernacular Chinese grammar. Chinese speakers do have a head start when it comes to learning Japanese though, and I’d say vice versa but Japanese can have a lot of trouble pronouncing Chinese.

Are you going to keep this up?

>> No.10827120

What happens if you learn too much Japanese for your brain? Will you get alzheimers? Do you blow up?

>> No.10827130

Grammar wasn't hard for me to pick up but eh. I'm a joint English/Chinese speaker though so.

>> No.10827135

You turn into a trunihonjin
Keep studying!

>> No.10827137

just shut up, stay ignorant if that pleases you.

>> No.10827140

you automatically commit sudoku

>> No.10827155

Then you become the Japanese, anon.

>> No.10827165

Lelly, still no response? Get 滅'd, nerd.

>> No.10827167

Why is old Japanese art so laughably bad?

>> No.10827188
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Is SRS designed for idiots?

It's almost impossible to study for longer than an hour each day if you strictly follow the recommended SRS daily number of new cards which is around 20.

Do people seriously believe that you can only retain 20 new pieces of information each day? You can easily boost that number up to 80 or 120 and still retain all of it if you actually put in the time. Studying for 6 hours a day used to be a normal thing.

Language learners have become so lazy that it's pathetic just to look at them. 2+ years reviewing shit at the pace of a fucking snail and they still can barely read things written for children.

>> No.10827270

>I've been using amphetamines to study for 8-10 hours each day
You again?
Why the fuck did I type up all that shit for you? Read a fucking novel.

>> No.10827811

The latter, but I'm still looking up kanji whenever I feel like it.

>> No.10827832

>new cards which is around 20
This is impossible. I found a system that works for me havinging multiple decks for various degrees of learning. A "learned" deck with slow repetition, an "intermediate" deck and a currently learning deck. SRS is just a tool and you can use it to find a way that works for you

>> No.10827846

I think you don't know where you are.

>> No.10827894

You're right sir.
*tips fedora*

>> No.10827920

It took about 1 year to be able to read simple manga and translate most sentences with a dictionary. 2 years before I could speak and comprehend spoken Japanese and read most manga comfortably.

>> No.10827985

I have almost 3k words in my vocab deck, but lately it seems as though I am not getting anything to mature though I am failing a couple of mature cards every day.

I guess I should stop adding 30 new a day.

>> No.10829464


slowpoke babby fatboy

>> No.10829526

>slowpoke babby fatboy
now in japanese please

>> No.10829530


soorowpoke bah-bee fatboyo

>> No.10831537

this is probably stupid but do commas function the same way as it does in english?

>> No.10831617

>not using japanese accent dictionary

>> No.10831832

Where does this come from? I used to do anywhere from 100-500, depending on how much time I had. And taking an hour for 20 new cards a day? You could do a thousand easily in that time.

>> No.10831866

I lived in a hick white town growing up and was bullied badly for being japanese, kids doing the squint eyes and being beat up and it got to the point where all I wanted was to just be white and just fucking fit in with everyone so I refused to learn how to read or speak japanese cause I thought that would help

>> No.10831940


Why didn't your parents pass down the clan's katana to you so that you could defend yourself? As the eldest son of your family, it is your birthright to inherit the blade and armor of your father.

>> No.10831953

I read that as katakana. Probably would have worked too, those characters are sharp and edgy.
