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10814735 No.10814735 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10814737
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>> No.10814736
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>> No.10814739

Fucking arsehole.

>> No.10814742

Why would you do such a thing to a nice girl like Shou?

>> No.10814751

Masturbating like crazy to this. I love it when cute girls are abused.

>> No.10814752

wrst stg 5 bss

>> No.10819310

That wasn't nice.

>> No.10819533

You don't do that to a god. You just don't.

>> No.10824490
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>> No.10824493

Why are all the bosses in this game so forgettable? For a minute I couldn't remember if she was from UFO or TD, but then I realized UFO.

>> No.10824502

You've got to play the games to remember them.

>> No.10824511


It's possible to play these games without giving a shit about the story. A stage 5 boss is just a stage 5 boss.

Maybe I forgot since I played them all as they came out and after IN I was thoroughly done giving caring about the story/characters.

>> No.10824530

> It's possible to play these games without giving a shit about the story. A stage 5 boss is just a stage 5 boss.
All bosses have very distinct spell cards tightly associated with the characters and their on-screen sprites. You can't forget those. As well as you cannot close your eyes every time a new spellcard starts and the character's portrait appears on the screen or when you scroll through the pre/post battle dialogue. It is clear as day that you either haven't played the games at all, or played them literally once or twice. Or you have some serious brain damage that completely destroyed your visual memory (I hope this is not the case!).

>> No.10824535

>stopped caring about characters/plot
>"why are they so forgettable?"
Doesn't this explain itself?

>> No.10824546

>All bosses have very distinct spell cards tightly associated with the characters and their on-screen sprites.

top lel

>> No.10824555

Shou is awesome and you guys are sickos hurting her. I'd probably start an image dump thread, but I seldom save images, even if they depict my favourite characters.

>> No.10824598
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She's basically confirmed for the new game, how excited are you? My fellow, I love Shou as well

Personally I just hope they make sure her design translates gracefully into the new style

>> No.10824622

Pretty excited! Everything that will increase fan artists' interest in her is a great thing!

>> No.10824657
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I've been wondering what her playstyle will be like. I'm assuming lots and lots of projectiles and long-range fighting, hopefully it won't be too awkward, since she is so flashy-looking.

>> No.10824667 [DELETED] 

I hope she has something as awesome as her lightsaber and frogger attacks. Seriously, these are one of the most enjoyable spellcards in all Touhou games.
Sorry for bkub, but I don't have anything else to attach and I do think that his take on her personality is very cute.

>> No.10824673
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I hope she has something as awesome as her lightsaber and frogger attacks. Seriously, these are one of the most enjoyable spellcards in all Touhou games.
Sorry for bkub, but I don't have anything else to attach and I do think that his take on her personality is very cute.

>> No.10824705
File: 112 KB, 500x657, 20979746_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I feel the same way. Perhaps she'll play a little like Yuyuko. I wonder if she will have her spear, since according to SoPM she doesn't consider it/use it as a weapon.

>Sorry for bkub, but I don't have anything else to attach and I do think that his take on her personality is very cute.
I don't mind and I agree with you.

>> No.10824714

Not the same anon, but I'm going to practice the hell out of her, along with Marisa. Who will be the best Shou player on /jp/, I wonder?

>> No.10824721
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I am worried they'll give her a big bust. I usually have nothing against boobies, but tall and slender Shou is the best by far. But recently I feel like it's become more and more common to see her as busty/curvy... It just doesn't look flattering with her design at all!

And no, I don't mean I want her to look masculine. Just slender and elegant instead of tittymonster.

>> No.10824725
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As much as I love Shou I suck at fighting games and always have, so... I won't be me.

>> No.10824765

Not the same anon, but being good at fighting games has nothing to do with the right to like her. Let's just be the way we are and adore her the way she is!

>> No.10824781

It's okay. Just put a lot of practice into her and hope for the best. Even if you aren't good, it's the thought that counts.

>> No.10824791
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>> No.10824849
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I was just saying I won't be the best Shou player on /jp/... I can presumably this consider myself a fan of her. However if I feel that her playstyle does not suit me, I probably won't main her. I always hate it when I like a character but I can't bring out the best in them.

Thank you for your encouragement. I shall do my best. Even if I usually don't end up maining my favorite characters, (like in soku, I normally play as Komachi the most, even if she's not really my favorite character-wise) who knows? It might be different this time.

>> No.10826010
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She deserves more

>> No.10828014
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Shou is really cool. Always loved her design and her theme.

>> No.10828220
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It's thanks to the new fighter that I've opened my eyes toward the new characters as much as I have. After all the speculation of the roster and who would be a good fit, Shou jumped up to one of my more favored Touhous. Although, I still think Nue would be great in a fighter.

>> No.10828243
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>> No.10828249
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Something about a tiger's toe

>> No.10828440

That is incredibly lewd and unbecoming of a war god.

>> No.10828510
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>> No.10828513
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>> No.10828561

Since she's from the Buddhists faction, she'll be featuring with lots of melee attacks, like Ichirin

Taoist features strong danmakus, Shinto specialize in homing danmakus

>> No.10828588
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>ummm... Hijiri... aren't you afraid?
>Even though i look like this, I'm still a tiger. See? gaooo!...

>> No.10828691
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Sex is also war.

>> No.10828748

>strong danmakus
But Marisa already have it.
