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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10815688 No.10815688 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10800779

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10815695 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 718x665, tumblr_mklgq75vbc1qzw06jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What are you looking forward to?

Hate Plus. Knowing Christine, it's going to be great.

>> No.10815718

Just finished KnS2.

I was expecting the depressing True End, so that didn't really get to me much. I honestly thought that the story surrounding Masaki and Hitogata was very well done and was pretty happy with it

I'll be working through part of my backlog for now, until I can go crazy over Rakuen

>> No.10815719

I think the guy who uploads nukige is dead or something. I want some Mesu Kyoushis.

>> No.10815744

What got me from the true end was now your baby has been kidnapped, but at least you have resolution with Toko.
Weirdly fulfilling with depression. I love how the menu screen changes after the true end too, and the extra end of heaven was pretty nice.

>> No.10815779
File: 57 KB, 798x611, DEATH DANCE GRASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the first story of Shimaigusa, I suppose the name was a play on 死舞=姉妹 or something. Kinda boring, had a couple of entertaining/creepy moments but overall quite average.
I'll probably shelve it for a while, but I hope it was the weakest one.

>> No.10815784
File: 566 KB, 921x691, kowai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing with Lovely x Cation 2.
Not quite sure who I'm going to go after next.
And on that note, are there new game bonuses like I remember there being in the first one?

>> No.10815820
File: 591 KB, 1360x768, capture_016_28042013_222611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on Hime's route. God damn, the HCG are very nice and I really like the lovely time BGMs. Virginity taking and especially the first BJ scenes made me hnnnnnng my heart out.

>> No.10815891

Finished every route in Lovely x Cation 2 and except for Hinata I loved them all. God I hope they are already planning for a LxC 3 besides working on the appends, I could play these games all day everyday.

Yes, you still get stat bonuses.

>> No.10815896

Fucking boring OP.

>> No.10815916

You have tips/things to focus on and do in the routes?

>> No.10816042

Not him, but general tips would be to grab any items that are mentioned in the dialogue by other characters, and to grab items that seem to offer stats boosts higher than the usual 6 points total.

>> No.10816044
File: 219 KB, 1296x778, wizardofOz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying this out - let's see how this wizard MC goes. No prior experience with EX-One stuff.

>> No.10816098

So, I just got done finishing Bible Black. Can you recommend me something that has at least an okay story, and as little sex as possible?

A huge plus if the protagonist is likable!

>> No.10816110


>> No.10816151

Yeah, having the right items seemed more important for getting bonus-scenes than having the stats.

>> No.10816270

Have you guys ever sorted through EGS comments and noticed that a good portion of those with a high score have only 1-5 games rated on their profile? I spent the last 3 hours on there just looking at other users and noticed that and the fact that I disagree with most eroge readers.

>> No.10816363
File: 235 KB, 800x600, daiteikoku_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way they portray China in this is brutal. All Chinese people are traitors, prostitutes, or psycho killers.

>> No.10816437

I liked that extra ending myself too, even knowing none of it is real it was oddly satisfying.

And yes, True End did leave everything beautifully open for the third episode. Who knows how long that's gonna take though.

>> No.10816443

>Who knows how long that's gonna take though.
If they deliver similar quality regarding both story and production values, I don't really mind some time. Though I hope it's their next game and don't waste time with shit like caucasus again.

>> No.10816480

Maybe they are stealth marketers from the company?

>> No.10816509

Why would they do that? One vote never made a game good and most people use word of mouth to know which games are good. Also why can I access EGS with at uni but not at home?

>> No.10816515

Sounds pretty accurate to me.

>> No.10816521

A few years ago when I was young and naive I used to think of egs as the word of god.
This sort of stema probably works quite well

>> No.10816536

I tend to just read comments on EGS rather than look at scores, even though half the comments are usually uninformative you can get a feel as to what people don't like.

>> No.10816582

what's with the loli ban in eroge? is it legit?

>> No.10816590
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, MUSUME3D 2013-03-09 19-47-42-72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loli ban in eroge
Please elaborate.

>> No.10816591

Probably not.

>> No.10816613 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Shingeki_no_Kyojin_-_04_[36EF8BD0].mkv_snapshot_00.40_[2013.04.29_20.05.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they tone down the colours when eps 1 - 3 are so bright?

>> No.10816616

Are you lost?

>> No.10816620 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10816624


>> No.10816625


>> No.10816631

All eroge characters are 18+ though, so there are no problems.

>> No.10816634
File: 3 KB, 778x60, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10816646

don't they talk about characters' looks in VNs?
the age doesn't seem to be the matter here.

>> No.10816654

God dammit you guys where right I'm sorry I have too many tabs open.

>> No.10816660

don't be embarrassed people make mistakes

>> No.10816672

Well then it would not only be lolis that are banned, but all characters that look to be under 18. It even says in the link that they can't be students or wear school uniforms and stuff.

>> No.10816674

Doesn't that mean VN in general is pretty much fucked then?

>> No.10816675

So the age of mostly college-set eroge would arrive? Too good to be true.

>> No.10816681

I'm okay with this

>> No.10816690

I just finished the 2nd story. I haven't played the others yet. It's decent for a freeware game I think. I will definitely continue to see if it gets any better.

>> No.10816688

I grin every time a character mentions doing something in university, even if they don't ever show it and takes place in his town and proceeds to fuck highschoolers.

>> No.10816692

As long as the girls don't look like they might be under 18 I guess. But how well would a market filled with titles like that fair?

>> No.10816696

Fantasy eroge won't be affected either.

What sucks is that this might be the last blow for eroge and the age of the LN will soon be upon us.

>> No.10816697

No, they use the term prep school or something of the sort to evade that. When it is obviously high school.

>> No.10816710

Just like they say all highschoolers are 10+ even when they are first years.

All age games will still be made but goddamn those usually suck.

>> No.10816713

This is like the milf autist's dream come true.

>> No.10816720

Except they still wouldn't be translated for him.

>> No.10816722


Fuck I am all thumbs today.

Oh well, I don't think this changes anything. has it actually come into effect or is the government still discussing it?

>> No.10816730

Wouldn't it be ironically awesome if some stupid political pressure actually got the eroge industry out of its high school rut?

While we're at it, can we also ban sexualizing retarded characters so that everyone who works for Key is sent to the gulag where they belong?

>> No.10816734

More reasons for him to shit up this thread asking about stupid things.

>> No.10816739

Already put into practice I think.

>> No.10816741

>got the eroge industry out of its high school rut?
That's what people want to buy. If they can't make gakuen games where characters look like teenagers, the market will only shrink. I don't see how any one would want that.

>> No.10816754

We Australia and UK now

Lots of people love the medium. I don't think it would be to hard to translate some of the tropes into a collage setting. Also there is always fantasy and historical settings.

>> No.10816755

Cool I hated the whole shota and loli thing anyways.
Now we will get to fuck real women in eroge.
I always enjoyed eroge relased between 2000-2005 the most where there were more hot women doing lewd things than shit loli doing cute things.

>> No.10816767

Maybe the person classifying them decides all anime characters without grey hair look underage.

>> No.10816770


It's almost like it's our fault. ;_;

>> No.10816774

Maybe this isn't such a bad thing. I was getting sick of highschool settings on the grounds that I am 29 and it has been 12 years since I was in highschool. Forcing companies to go outside the box might leave some of the market dead but it might breath life into a medium that has been down for awhile.

>> No.10816776

>I don't think it would be to hard to translate some of the tropes into a collage setting.
Sure, but they still wouldn't be able to appear under 18. Not everyone is going to want to date 20 somethings in a university setting. Best case scenario, the market would only shrink a little bit.

>Also there is always fantasy and historical settings.
I'm not sure that would work.
"Hey, she may only look 14, but it's ok, because she is a youkai!" The thing is about characters looking underage, I don't think they care whether or not they are humans, or actually underage.

Of course, for all I know this law thing will have no impact, or maybe it is just proposed legislature or something. My Japanese isn't good enough to understand legal things like this that well.

>> No.10816779

I don't like your "real" women. Shit

>> No.10816787

Feels like they introduce a law like this every year. And nobody is going to give a fuck, just like before.

>> No.10816805

Wasn't there apparently some other law that made doujinshi illegal without express permission too? They sure are trying to kill the otaku industry.

>> No.10816806

>Not everyone is going to want to date 20 somethings in a university setting
Most heroines in games can easily look like a college student if you remove the seifuku. You don't even have to make them more mature, when I was in uni most people acted like highschoolers until they were 21~

Sucks bad for lolicons though. What really bothers me is how can you get a petite heroine? There are plenty of petite women in real life so is everyone gonna be a titty monster and medium to tall?

>Of course, for all I know this law thing will have no impact
It probably won't, too many blurred lines and the haven't really cared about eroge much until now. If comic lo stays in business then we will see the real affect of this.

>> No.10816812

>Most heroines in games can easily look like a college student if you remove the seifuku.
I would phrase it as "Most heroines in games look like they could be underage regardless of what they wear"

>> No.10816819

Does the law actually stipulate this or is it just more industry self-regulation without legal basis? I keep seeing the word 自粛 thrown around in the first post, but my reading isn't really precise enough to understand the finer points.

>> No.10816870
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>> No.10816909

Oh japan, you always so funny.

>> No.10816910

Maybe I'm just too used to the average anime art style, but to me the apparent lower age that people complain about simply just comes off as the art style. The "normal", so to speak. It's an unrealistic art style, after all, so they aren't supposed to look exactly like real humans.

Actually, somewhat ironically, the way a few artists draw certain details sometimes actually makes me think that the characters are noticeably more mature than they should be, though this might be because the way certain artists draw lips bothers me a bit. For a current example, LxC2's Hinata gives off that impression on some CGs. Loverable also had that all over the place.

Guess my standards of age have been skewered by years of otaku media.

>> No.10816911

France no Shoujo


I still don't know why I fucking decided to play it. I hate it so much that I just stop playing.

And then I pick it back up.

Only to want to stab myself in the ears when the butler starts talking.

>> No.10816921

ひとつ飛ばし恋愛 has a nice intro.

>> No.10816941

Is it Ishihara again?

>> No.10816949

Yeah, I wonder how the hell they're going to determine how old drawings look...

>> No.10816954

Same way Australia does
>less than a B?
>pedo pandering shit

>> No.10816971

but over in japan they look like little girls irl until they get really old

>> No.10816974 [DELETED] 


>On April 26th, the Liberal Democratic child pornography prohibition bill has finally come out. In it, not only are simple possession restrictions included, but also a mandate for investigating regulation of manga and anime productions for three years after. On receiving this the adult anime industry is moving to self-regulate works using "characters who outwardly appear underaged".

It's just a bill.

>> No.10816977
File: 209 KB, 806x633, ss (2013-04-29 at 10.34.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Majikoi with great reservations, but I needed something light hearted. Turns out this is funny as hell and I'm having a great time reading it. Yet another one that makes me think "why didn't I read this sooner"

>> No.10816983


>On April 26th, the Liberal Democratic child pornography prohibition bill has finally come out. In it, not only are simple possession restrictions included, but also a mandate for investigating regulation of manga and anime productions for three years after. On receiving this the adult anime industry is moving to self-regulate works using "characters who outwardly appear underaged".

It's just a bill.

>> No.10816984
File: 213 KB, 1286x768, 368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True heroine of Madou Koukaku

>> No.10816986

Do visual novels with interesting protagonists exist or is it a myth aside from Rance?

>> No.10816987

>It's an unrealistic art style
This. I wonder how they could determine the age of a eroge character.

Shit. I hope not.

>> No.10816989

Hey now, you already gave an answer to your question.

>> No.10816994

I hope they will ban them

I wanna see everyone lose their shit over it.

>> No.10817000

The wave of nukige is finally here

>> No.10817005

I'm still looking for a game with a protagonist who is alpha as fuck, so I can self insert properly.

>> No.10817015
File: 158 KB, 800x600, capture_021_29042013_131624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't more protagonists be more like 直正?

>> No.10817017

Is this Albatross?

>> No.10817018
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>> No.10817021


>> No.10817045
File: 303 KB, 800x600, the choices in this game....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Witches' Masaki.

>> No.10817046

Cute girl OP.

>> No.10817059

How are propeller games? I saw a preview of the new one and it seems a little chuuni.

>> No.10817075

Chrono belt, ayakashibito (and their FD), evolimit and tokyo babel are chuuni, the first two are good to great, ayakashibito is their best from this category, and the other two are decent, TB has high profile VAs too.
Tekkoire princess is hotblooded comedy, really fun at times.
Asairo is a fantastic romance with supernatural elements by Shuumon.
Never played Sukimazakura.

>> No.10817093
File: 320 KB, 800x600, right now anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to pick one eroge worth considering a "masterpiece which everyone absolutely has to read" that would be Asairo. Like seriously, download it right now.

>> No.10817097


What does /jp/ think of totono?

>> No.10817102
File: 292 KB, 1296x758, jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started daitoshokan, does this pose seem really odd to anyone else?

>> No.10817105
File: 689 KB, 1290x772, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_00-12-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hyper-active girl is a little hard to understand.

>> No.10817107

How is lovely cation 2 compared to the first? Is there more substance? Is it actually a dating sim?

>> No.10817121

I'll add it to the backlog but there are a few games I want to play first.

>> No.10817128

Anyone play the new Bishop game yet? To me it looks like a rehash of Sansha Rendan, the plot and some of the characters design look really similar.

>> No.10817130

EGS scores always seem retarded to me, I see absolute shit get 60-70 and average games get 80-90

>> No.10817131

It's kind of hard to say until it actually comes out, isn't it?

Anyway, I'm kind of wary due to the writer and the apparent NTR content, but I'm sure I'll play it anyway.

>> No.10817145

it's not like japanese users have a more refined taste just by being japanese, I'd figure they have quite a lot of "let's rate 9-10 everything I like and 1-2 everything I didn't like" vndb-type users themselves

>> No.10817159

It'll probably end up being at least a somewhat decent game. Don't know about revealing the (obvious) twist that early, but I guess they have the decency not to fuck over new people with another Saya no Uta. Or maybe they didn't get enough pre-orders and are trying to spice up the sales.

Either way I'm getting it as soon as it gets uploaded. Last N+ title I played was Phenomeno and I could use some grimdark to liven things up.

>> No.10817162

I can forgive NTR content in a game like this thought and nitro+ isn't above being edgy for the sake of being edgy. I just ope they give us a trial soon

Maybe they revealed it early to double ruse us.

>> No.10817223

>I can forgive NTR content in a game like this thought and nitro+ isn't above being edgy for the sake of being edgy.
Agreed, and it isn't like it's a deal-breaker for me (though I do hope it's avoidable at least). I'm just concerned that they'll go overboard on the shock value and forget to deliver any real substance.

>> No.10817262

I saw a guy that gave everything he liked 9.9 and everything he disliked an 1.1
Also, I think EGS is less worse than VNDB, honestly.

>> No.10817276

EGS is good for reviews and tags, which is why I go there. If you care about scores though, you may as well just go to VNBD, as it's no better.

>> No.10817297

I love how they keep track of seiyuu and writers. Story tags don't interest me because I play anything that is good.

I don't think they would risk putting non-avoidable NTR in this game. This is their first real deal release since Axanael so they probably put great effort into this one now that they can't cruise on their name.

>> No.10817308

Yeah, the only reason I use it is for the tags and seeing what other things an author/artist/etc. has worked on. I used to use it to judge what VNs to play based on the scores, but after thoroughly enjoying several things that had an average score in the 40s-50s and hating a few things in the 80s, I decided to just either read actual reviews for deciding whether to read, or just read it if it sounds interesting enough.

>> No.10817416

These days, aside from monthly releases, I base most of my decisions on what to play on favorable reviews from /jp/.

>> No.10817452

Me too. If it's worth playing people in this thread will be talking about it.

>> No.10817485

I go by these threads to an extant. I often go by writers and companies I like and play the trial of whatever game they are releasing. I advertise on /jp/ if I like it or dislike it.

>> No.10817520
File: 510 KB, 1290x772, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_01-38-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy invites you to his room the first day you meet him
This homo route is moving way too fast for me.

>> No.10817528

He deserved a homo route. And the cousin a route but that's beyond the point.

>> No.10817533

Honestly nowadays I don't even read monthly releases except for the occasional lighthearted moege with a heroine I like. I just read things on my backlog. And if a new release gets good impressions here/on EGS/in reviews/on 2ch, I just add it to the backlog. Now I can't really participate in a lot of conversations here because most are about new things, but considering how many older things I plan to read, I just don't have the time to put 15+ hours into something that I end up hating when I could be reading one of those. Which happened quite a few times back when I'd read newly released scenario-ge. I mean, that could certainly happen with things on my backlog too, but at least most of those have favorable reviews or are pretty popular, so the chances are lower.

>> No.10817549

Every time I saw him his tie bothered the fuck out of me. It just looks way too short.
I wonder if making good subcharacters with no routes is some sort of Asa Project inside joke. Because they certainly seem aware of it with all the 4th wall breaking. I was kind of expecting 3P routes since each of the girls was 'paired' with one of the subcharacters. Well, I hope they make a port or something with additional routes like they did with Ren0.

>> No.10817559
File: 341 KB, 1274x714, img_1036584_29711415_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male friends never get enough focus. I wish more games would let me bang the best friend sister and end up in some family ending.

I haven't played a lot of Asa Project games but that seems to be the case. Though they might give them routes in other editions. Give it to me straight, which characters I can't bang in 一つ飛ばし?
Also, I'm loving the 4th wall breaking in the game.

>> No.10817564

Does your backlog consist of top tier games like Grisaia no Kajitsu or Muramasa or just a random relatively unknown games that interests you? Because once you get out of 9/10-10/10 game territory it is really hard to find things to want to read unless you keep up with new, good releases or just pick something up from here; at least for me. I consider anything released in the last year to be new.

February-April has been great for my backlog, there has only been one game I have played in that period of time.

>> No.10817628

>top tier games like Grisaia no Kajitsu or Muramasa
Pretty much all ones like that. Well, not literally 10/10 tier, but most are at least an 80 on EGS. It's weird, I've been reading VNs for a couple years yet I haven't been able to bring myself to read all the popular ones (Baldr Sky, Muramasa, WA2, etc.). I think the only things I've read that are considered popular/high-tier are Parfait, Yu-no, konnyaku, and Ayakashibito. The rest are all moege, random new releases I played back before I decided to focus on my backlog, or things that got good reviews but don't really get mentioned very often.

>> No.10817684
File: 315 KB, 1279x719, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_02-19-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10817739

Nokia 2.0?

She seems to be the only heroine people are posting.

>> No.10817764
File: 285 KB, 1278x719, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_02-31-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd post something else but I haven't even met all the characters yet. And she's pretty much Nokia only even more hyper-active, a thing I though was impossible at first.

>> No.10817771

Pretty much, except even more over-the-top. She feels like a "joke character" but she's actually a heroine. She's pretty funny so I like her but it felt weird having a romance with her.

>> No.10817802



>> No.10817807
File: 458 KB, 1280x1440, 1367169225697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy is translating a VN from chinese translation. Is there any chance it won't be bad? How bad is it?

>> No.10817816

Bad, if that is any indication.

>> No.10817819

If that picture is any indication, terrible.

>> No.10817824

The chance of something going through two translation and staying good is probably zero.

>> No.10817848

What does it actually say?

>> No.10817854

She's grateful to him, not the other way around.

>> No.10817856

It's a simple line, yet あなたには感謝しているのよ (I am grateful to you) has become "At least be a little more grateful". If they can't get that right, I imagine more complicated lines would be even worse.

>> No.10817862

I think "I'm" fits more than "we're" too.

>> No.10817867

I don't see many problems with it. Just that the translator apparently added unnecessary words. But my japanese isn't really good.

>> No.10817869

I was going to say that, but I haven't played the game, so there might be some context I'm missing.

In any case, the translator royally fucked up a trivial line, so I can't see the end result being good.

>> No.10817872

I'm not them and my Japanese is pretty bad, but the translation seems factually correct to me and I'd prefer it over the machine translation right away. Maybe there are stylistic problems or some other lesser nuances?

>> No.10817878


>> No.10817882

Although now that the anons mention it, (s)he did get the last sentence the other way around. Still better than edited machine translation, IMO.

>> No.10817886

No, I'm pretty sure that heavily edited machine translation comes out better.

>> No.10817892

Ah, yes. It's referring to the second person, in this case, not the first one, like the translator thought. But man, that's a really simple mistake. I wouldn't trust someone that fucks up something like that in a VN translation.

>> No.10817894

But he got the subject of the last line reversed. It's not like it's a problem with being too liberal or something, it's literally a mistranslation.
Actually, I just put that line into Google Translate and it came out with "In any case, I'll have to thank to you".

>> No.10817897

Does this mean he's working together with a bot?

>> No.10817918

Perhaps you are right, as these lines are very straightforward for MT! Although there still must be more examples (larger sample group) to form a valid judgement about the translation.

>> No.10817922
File: 306 KB, 1279x711, let's do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not those many bros invite you for a masturbation at school, real shame.

>> No.10817934

Isn't this old though? I thought it was the same guy that was translating Hoshimemo and that looked horrible as well. In any case people that care are in the VNTS thread.

>> No.10817940
File: 805 KB, 1290x772, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_03-04-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, this is on a whole different level of 4th wall breaking.

>> No.10817941

Translating from a chinese translation leads to you mixing up clauses that simple knowledge of particles could fix. The TLC might be the actual TLer.

>> No.10817945

Pardon my ignorance, but what is TLC?

>> No.10817948

Hoshimemo was the last thing I read translated. It was so bad that even with my iffy Japanese skills at the time I was frequently catching translation errors in the voiced lines.

If this is the same guy, then god help the EOPs.

>> No.10817949

Translation Checker. They do touch ups and proofread the japanese side of a TL.

>> No.10817954

Was it that bad? It's also the last thing I read translated but I haven't read it not translated yet because of all the star talk.

>> No.10817961

>Translating from a chinese translation leads to you mixing up clauses
So you are suggesting that in Chinese both translations may be valid, and the right one can be determined only from the context? If this is the case, it's very interesting!

>> No.10817964

It was pretty bad, yeah. That's not even counting things like translating ダメダメ as... "damedame".

After that I decided to stop subjecting myself to that kind of idiocy and just read in Japanese, even if it meant my reading speed dropping by more than an order of magnitude for a while.

>> No.10817972

Translation checker I guess.

>> No.10818122

>Some guy is translating a VN from chinese translation

Where did you hear this from? I'm pretty sure he's translating it from japanese

>> No.10818176

One line doesn't really mean anything. It's really hard to stay on top of it all the time when doing a huge project, and even "trivial" mistakes are bound to happen. The fact that it goes through chinese does double the number of mistakes though, I suppose.

>> No.10818276

we went through and found dozens of these errors during the trial alone. the guy is really terrible.

>> No.10818357

>The fact that it goes through chinese does double the number of mistakes though, I suppose.
Yeah that sounds like quite a mistake. The original translator can already have had some mistakes, so translating that keeps those mistakes and adds more possible mistakes.
Honestly reading/learning written Chinese is much more simple than reading Japanese, but that’s not an excuse for a translation of a translation.

>> No.10818364

Anyone finish the new Lass game?

>> No.10818467

Wasn't this translation started long before any chinese translation was released though?

>> No.10818477
File: 26 KB, 240x340, 9506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna play this. What am I in for?

>> No.10818486

If you enjoy wuxia type stuff you'll enjoy it.

>> No.10818494
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, wakoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read LxC2, like several others. I like how peaceful this was. People who can't read things with a lot of dramatic events might not like it.

And goodness, I love the art. Girls are so pretty and voluptuous.

>> No.10818500

Game over on the first battle.

>> No.10818503

>*without a lot of dramatic events

Ops, sorry.

>> No.10818514


>> No.10818639

Greatest love story ever told.

>> No.10818966

Well, just started seriously playing Madou Koukaku. I know some people were complaining about Aru's voice - I find it pretty hilarious myself. It may not be good, but at least it's entertaining.

Also, the main battle system indeed seems pretty mediocre, but the other interactive parts (building towns up, etc) seem pretty addicting

>> No.10818978

Something that even beats Kenshin Himura from Samurai X

>> No.10819036

On my second playthrough at the moment. I actually didn't have any issue with Ar's voice, and I was curious to see how 折笠愛 was going to voice her. It's a bit odd at times but charming in its own strange ways.

The town building is quite fun, so is monster fusion. Overall it felt less like an Eushully game but more like a milder version of VenusBlood games.

>> No.10819056

I had the same thoughts, but the fucker crashes just a few dozen lines in. No idea how to get past it.

>> No.10819206 [DELETED] 

Saw someone playing a visual novel which has beatrice from umineko fighting against another character in a vs match.Can someone tell me which VN is this?

>> No.10819204

Everyone should be playing Aiyoku no Eustia.

>> No.10819211

2 years too late

>> No.10819209

Saw someone playing a visual novel which has beatrice from umineko fighting against another character in a vs match.Can someone tell me which VN is this?

>> No.10819214

That's what I was doing 2 years ago on this day.

>> No.10819217

I haven't played it yet despite downloading it when it first came out.

>> No.10819476


>> No.10819564

Anyone playing Madou Koukaku and reached Haisherra? Are their events supposed to be unvoiced? I don't hear any voice.
They have voiced battle speech but their events are unvoiced.

>> No.10819752

i'm playing fate/stay night
the prologue is pretty boring i really hope it picks up later on
btw, why are you guys sage-ing?

>> No.10819758
File: 49 KB, 873x406, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be that way.

>> No.10819773

Is there such a thing as playing too much eroge?

>> No.10819837

Yes, keep it to three hours a day max.

>> No.10819855

I don't even play 3 hours a day because of work.

>> No.10819859

That is good, you shouldn't prioritize eroge over social life.

>> No.10819871

It's sweetpool with girls. It'll be great.

>> No.10819884

Why do you guys assume that totono will have NTR?

WA2 was about a love triangle too and it didn't have NTR

>> No.10819889

You didn't see the magazine scans and the character description?

>> No.10819892

the character description of the pink girl says she fucks very easily or something like that, and one of the CGs had double penetration

>> No.10819901

No. I haven't seen the scan.
It can just mean that she's a loose girl/not a virgin. Doesn't mean that she has to star in an NTR scene.

Fuck. I really wanted to like this VN, since I like the theme and the vibe. Nitro+ helps too.
I guess I won't be playing it then.

>> No.10819910

Don't worry even if you want to, you won't be able to play it anyway. Thanks to the USB hardware drm it has.

>> No.10819911

Couldn't it just be a delusion or something?

There's no way that a major studio like Nitro+ would risk an NTR scene, especially considering what happened before with that major studio.

>> No.10819913

Crackers will always find a way. Give them a month or so.

>> No.10819914

If you like the dark tone why would you drop it just because of things related to heroine purity? Doesn't it sort of come with the territory?

>> No.10819921

I don't care about the heroine purity. Like I said, her being a non-virgin is fine. Even a slutty character or a literal whore is fine.

But I just vehemently dislike NTR scenes and how they're usually portrayed in Japanese media.

>> No.10819918

Seriously? I thought that was just an April fool's joke.

>> No.10819923

>USB hardware drm

I haven't been on VN thread for a grand total of two months. What is this new insidious DRM method you're talking about?

>> No.10819928

The same description and some of the cgs are on the site up to this day, it would be a very elaborate joke

>> No.10819935

Will Totono only have 2 heroines total?

I can't remember the last time this has happened in VN history. Besides indie games.

>> No.10819934
File: 340 KB, 1024x683, 1366297394224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never visited the site after 11PM or watched the latest trailer, have you?

>> No.10819942

release dies irae

>> No.10819941

>Never visited the site after 11PM
Does the site content change after a certain time?

>or watched the latest trailer, have you?
If I'm not mistaken, the latest trailer only reveals happy birthday to you, bloody bat, yandere osananajimi, and the alternative (delusional?) world of red

>> No.10819947

I just check the website. I don't see any NTR CG.

>> No.10819949

Nope, but that mag scan doesn't sound good. I've heard that something weird happens in the site after 11PM, but I haven't seen it myself. I guess I'll check it out tonight.

>> No.10819950

You just wait.

This will be Chaos;Head all over again.

>> No.10819953

Didn't mean to quote

>> No.10819955

Does it go by your system time or Japan time?

Japan time 11PM is in an hour an a half

>> No.10819964

I meant that some of the cgs featured in the scan are on the site, so the joke theory doesn't hold up.

>> No.10819960

System time.

>> No.10819966

Do you have a copy of the scan?

>> No.10819976

Changed the system time.
Checked the whole website again after closing the browser.
Nothing happened.

>> No.10819977
File: 137 KB, 1024x683, 1366297442754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10819984


I really wanted to play this VN too.
Tell me if she becomes addicted to cock or is drugged, has a phone call with the MC while she's getting fucked, etc etc. common (or uncommon) NTR tropes appear designed to make you rage/feel inadequate.
If she's just having sex with someone else without it being an overt NTR scene, then it's fine.

I'm sorry about my autism, but I can't handle my emotions after getting invested in a story or a character.
Thank you in advance.

>> No.10819989

Though on second thought that hair looks like the secondary female character? dunno

>> No.10819994

Pls respond

>> No.10819992

I thought the same thing.

Since the magazine's cut at the bottom, it'd be helpful if anyone can post the scan that shows the whole picture.

It can also be a "twist" and be an NTR scene with two female characters.

>> No.10819996

If you haven't heard the game will come in a usb drive stick instead of dvd, quite probably as an antipiracy measure.

>> No.10820000

I get the same feeling.

Everything feels too much like Chaos;Head. At least before chapter 4.

I liked Chaos;Head until chapter 3, but who knows which direction this might take.

>> No.10820001

But what about my beautiful DVD cover art

That's one of the major reasons as to why I'm paying $100 for VNs.

>> No.10820005

Has any anti-piracy measure ever worked? Why do they even bother?

>> No.10820003

There's also a possibility that it's the pink girl's delusion - e.g.the MC and his clones are gb'ing her.

>> No.10820007

They don't work, but delay the inevitable and weak-minded people eventually give in and buy it instead of waiting.

>> No.10820013

Aiyoku and Majikoi had fairly strong DRM.

I believe it took a month to crack Aiyoku, but that might just be my memory failing.

>> No.10820015

You don't need to have an uncrackable DRM.

It just needs to take a while to crack, so that the customers who are willing to buy it can download/torrent it on day 1 or week 1.

It's not meant to deter or convince dedicated pirate base.

>> No.10820044

Tsujidou had a nasty anti-debugger, people couldn't even search for text-hooks.

Someone pulled it off, eventually.

>> No.10820065

Oh right. I couldn't see the obvious from my gaijin pirate perspective.

>> No.10820073

>so that the customers who are willing to buy it can download/torrent it on day 1 or week 1
meant to say "can't download/torrent it on day 1"

>> No.10820093
File: 226 KB, 800x600, back0001sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how in the world do you get to z1?
91% event completion, but I am stuck.

>> No.10820097

I can say without a doubt if I lived in japan I would buy it day 2 if a crack didn't come out day one. This VN, besides Rakuen, is the main game I am excited for.

>> No.10820109

I won't tell you anything rapist scum

>> No.10820110

I would probably buy more than I want to admit if I lived in Japan.

>> No.10820191

Does anyone happen to have the ost for Kagerou Touryuuki?

>> No.10820212

I want to rape you anon...

>> No.10820241
File: 184 KB, 1024x576, グリザイアの果実-2013-04-30 01_53_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to finish the postponed routes of Grisaia before Rakuen comes out.

>> No.10820299
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, 百花繚乱エリクシル-2013-04-28 09_43_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also started 百花繚乱エリクシル. I'm liking all the heroines so far.

>> No.10820719


>> No.10820739

any out there worth playing on linux?

>> No.10820762

Any NScripter games work with ONScripter.
Otherwise, do a proper wine setup, only few games can’t be played.

>> No.10820810
File: 965 KB, 1290x772, ひとつ飛ばし恋愛_2013-04-30_20-06-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying this game but some parts of it drag on for way too long. Lisa moments get tiring pretty quick.

>> No.10820938

The dude on bottom looks like the MC to me, what with the hair color/style and the lack of eyes.

And for the people fearmongering about the DRM, give it a rest. It's unlikely that they would attempt a hardware lock for a variety of reasons, and given N+'s history with regards to code quality, it's unlikely that it'd work even if they did. At worst it might delay the crack for a little while, but I'm sure it'll still be out within a week of release.

The reason they're releasing it on USB is because a lot of new laptops don't come with optical drives. Expect to see more companies doing it this way in the future.

>> No.10820958

>because a lot of new laptops don't come with optical drives.
Seriously? When did this start?

>> No.10821011

When thin and small laptops started becoming the norm. They might want this to be able to play on a tablet as well.

>> No.10821018
File: 172 KB, 800x600, data0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea why

Ookami Shoujo Reona -Yasei Houkai Hakuchi Kyouiku-

when ran in fullscreen mode, is reduced to a tiny little 640x480 thing letterboxed in the middle of the screen?

>> No.10821037

See if there's something called Engine Settings.exe, SetupTools.exe or Config.exe on the game folder.

You might be able to change a bunch of things you can't in-game.

>> No.10821055

Sadly no such thing for Valkyria's games. At the very least not these.

Ignoring the system.ini with with one line of gibberish written in it that is. I don't really know if editing of this line potentially could fix things, but it is gibberish and incomprehensible nontheless.

>> No.10821099

Maybe you haven't enabled low resolution mode stretching in your video driver/monitor?

>> No.10821110

Doubt it has anything to do with that.
Their other games work fine. So I don't really know what's up.

Here is the thing in question.

Valkyria's nukige have been quite good though, so I am assuming this one is quite good too.

>> No.10821154

On the off chance that anyone else is having the same problem as me and is interested in a fix, I figured out one.

As the game runs natively in 800x600. I set my native resolution to 800x600 (you would think that would be enough, but no).
You still can't run the game in fullscreen, as it still shrinks itself in the letterbox.

But you can get around this if you download "WindowedBorderlessGaming_1.1.1.2",<wbr> make sure that your native resolution is 800x600, and then you run the game in borderless windowed mode. At its native resolution without ever going fullscreen.
And congratulations, you got around Valkyria's shoddy Windows compatibility.

Quite the ghetto alternative. But it works.

>> No.10821166

Sorry, anon, it's me again. Some video drivers allow zooming a preset rectangular area to full screen, thus emulating full screen mode. I know nvidia has this feature in Linux, so it must have it in Windows, too. Just saying a way that should not require downloading additional software, I'm glad you have found a fix that works for you.

>> No.10821793

no dude it says play

>> No.10822053
File: 167 KB, 1279x715, hitoren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This route is starting to feel like netori at times.

>> No.10822087

So, is there going to be a fandisk where the sub-heroines become main, and main sub?

>> No.10822131
File: 388 KB, 1600x1200, img20130501030548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Reminiscence won't be postponed after all

>> No.10822159

I would be okay with this.
Chino and Sakura are fucking adorable.

>> No.10822164

No, I meant the other way around, I'm taking Sakura from Chino, which feels kind of wrong.

>> No.10822244
File: 59 KB, 200x288, c759248package_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this kind of shit, why the hell did you give me a choice between proposing a cease fire and continuing the war if you're suddenly going to raise my enemy's level by fucking 20.

>> No.10822261

It's really meant for NG+, a lot of Japanese were pissed about it too.

>> No.10822270

They should've made it hidden until NG+, what were they thinking.

>> No.10822285

They probably weren't thinking at all. Anyway you should start with invading Ranaheim to the southwest since they are the easiest.

>> No.10822305

if having to fight two 13-15 characters and a 23 one with your party being mostly 8-10 (with a following forced battle with the 23 character plus a 30 level boss) is the easiest I guess I'm in for loads of fun later.

>> No.10822311

Lovely, am I missing some kind of grinding here ?

>> No.10822327

You can't grind in the beginning (unless you waste turns against the enemy)

Around mid-game you will be able to build monster huts, these gives you access to repeatable quests that you can use to grind in every turn after that.

>> No.10822623

For the /jp/ bros who are playing 魔導巧殻, did you use the hetare training mission to level up your troops?

>> No.10822838


>> No.10822915


>> No.10822934
File: 111 KB, 1278x718, oto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Motomete. I would a Kenny.

>> No.10822939

Great. I thought I was the only one being an M for leveling my troops normally.

>> No.10823106
File: 225 KB, 696x602, 456548361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the ETA on a crack for this? I'm dying over here.

I heard it's really short.

>> No.10823497

To be honest the game feels like a rushed job.
I don't think they have playtested it. I'm scratching my head at the retarded UI they did. There isn't even a proper inventory screen...
The NG+ contents are lacking. Hell I don't see any NG+ events at all.
Haisherra isn't voiced and the append events are short. They only have an introduction event + when you win against her.
Eushully-chan and co. not in the game. They even renamed Eushully-chan's room in EU-room.
Also only Aru has changable costume, the other 3 is stuck with they default clothes.

Storywise the game is lacking closure, both routes ended without the big bad being revealed and capital is still frozen. Though I don't know if there are other routes besides orfan and eida.

They should've just delayed the game. It's way less polished compared to their other games.
Btw there's a Madou Koukaku thread here >>10815388.

>> No.10823590

According to the wiki there's a true route available, it doesn't say how to access it though.

I'm actually having fun playing it. Although it does kinda feel rushed, I still prefer this game over the shitty card game they previously released.

>> No.10823794

So has anyone figured out what effect 人口 has?

>> No.10823844

The higher it is the higher the production of the territory. Also, once the population is over 60% (I think), there's a chance that the territory will be able to produce rare products.

For more info, check out this wiki:

>> No.10823869

Chuuni drivel saved by the addition of CRAZY manipulative incestuous imouto.

>> No.10823871

fuck yeah I love Orikasa, picked up.

>> No.10823873

>There's no way that a major studio like Nitro+ would risk an NTR scene

dude shut UP. The Elf stuff was ages ago. and you're a moron.

>> No.10823875


>> No.10823880

Is that a G-Sen shoutout, because that would be hilarious.

>> No.10823882

freckles are hnnnnng

>> No.10823915

Plus the controversy wasn't that a major eroge studio made a game with NTR (elf had already released games with NTR before Kakyuusei 2) but rather the type of game they put it into.

And I think we discussed this in an older thread but Nitro+ has already done NTR.

>> No.10823958

Wouldn't be the first eroge to have one.

>> No.10823975

Is it just me or is the trial of Reminiscence implying that Tae's route is canon?
That's weird

>> No.10824082


Yes it is, but it's just background setting and not core to the story (unless later she gets a flashback arc), ie, easy to use from the writer's view. Also does away the background explanation of Yuuki being the first generation.

>> No.10824091

Kaito probably unlocked the secret harem ending.
Or he just did Tae's mother.

>> No.10824139

Its Tae route, look at the usb stick Yuuki is wearing as a necklace. That's the same USB stick at the end of Tae's route.

>> No.10824147

I should reread her route, I don't remember much of what happen it.
Actually Tsuki's route is the only one that stick in my mind

>> No.10824268


May's release

>> No.10824291

I suppose Grisaia for me and kami sama (kari) too. Also reminiscence if I end up liking akagoei and futagoza no paradox because I liked owaseka and parts of the setting had potential.

>> No.10824301

Rakuen's cover stands out like a sore thumb, lol.

>> No.10824310

There's no point in showcasing the heroines by now.

>> No.10824395
File: 328 KB, 1296x758, inpyuri04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly what I thought when I was confronted with that selection.
But it's not like I had much of choice if I wanted to enter her route now, did I? Stop being mean about it.

>> No.10824608

This looks exactly like that elf NTR game that was released about a year ago.

>> No.10824615

That could be related to it being a game made by elf in the same vein. But what do I know, I'm just a poster on /jp/.

>> No.10824694

I wish I could keep up with every noteworthy release in a month.

>> No.10824919

>elf NTR game
You're being redundant

>> No.10824921

You easily can if you just lurk these threads.

>> No.10825643
File: 109 KB, 640x960, 顰蹙.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10825763
File: 523 KB, 1360x768, 完全勝利.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinata up next. I hope the other girls will make my heart explode as well.

>> No.10825865

I'm alternating between Hime and Hinata routes. It's interesting how they are complete opposites of each other in most ways.

Still, while I love both of them, Hime takes the cake. She's a really fun heroine all around, easily one of the best this year so far. That H scene in Jellyfish's bathroom was quite amusing.

>> No.10825977

Tell me more...

>> No.10825987
File: 233 KB, 800x600, fujoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10826188

Currently playing Madou Koukaku. Does anyone know how to hit Aru route or well, any other route that doesn't involve an abrupt ending to a random nation?

>> No.10826214

check the wiki linked a few posts ago, it has info for routes and endings that's being updated

>> No.10826752
File: 124 KB, 1278x718, yui-kaori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art/sprites are really damn good, the BGM is nice too.
Should have tried this sooner. I didn’t read much about the plot but I’m curious about how the time travel will work.

>> No.10826794

I could not get into the plot at all. I spent the majority of the time staring at the sprites. Then I gave up and skipped to the h-scenes.

>> No.10826801

Downside of making high quality art sprites, or was it the writing?

>> No.10826813

Wish they had put the same effort on backgrounds.

>> No.10826862

I mostly enjoyed reading this, but you shouldn't have too high expectations for the plot. The characters are pretty great, though.
Also, getting the true route is kind of difficult if I remember right, so maybe get a guide. (or just skip it if you ask me)

>> No.10826920
File: 134 KB, 1278x718, wherehaveiseenthathatbefore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you shouldn't have too high expectations for the plot
I don’t know what to expect except for the aforementioned. I’m not expecting a work of high literature or anything, as long as it’s enjoyable.
I’m using the foolmaker guide, so I don’t think I should have much problems?
Seems to be play all the routes, then start over for the true end.

>> No.10826972

>Downside of making high quality art sprites, or was it the writing?

Both. But mostly the writing.

>> No.10827355

Agreed on this. The art is fantastic, but the writing is pretty bad. Ended up CTRL skipping and even gave up on that.

At least the CGs were nice.

>> No.10827364

I guess it’s too much to have great writing and great art at the same time.

>> No.10827481

I didn't think the writing was too bad, the main problem with this game is that it's full of empty blank of emptiness in between the few plot related scenes.
The last route isn't bad at all though

>> No.10827486

>Also, getting the true route is kind of difficult if I remember right
Not really, just always choose Yui.
The last route in this game was pretty good.

>> No.10827500

Yeah I read that Yui was focused on disproportionately.

>> No.10827543

Finished my first playthrough of Madou Koukaku
I don't know if I would call it bad or not, I guess it's just full of good ideas (city building, monster mixing) that went nowhere due to a flawed game design.
The plot also started well but went nowhere interesting fast, though I don't know how Wakamoto's route fares.

>> No.10827717 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 250x300, 14142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god i can understand that they didnt want a sister route but why the hell they didnt make an cousin route? She certainly deserves a route and even if they make it on psp since i dont have fucking psp i cant play it, it became really annoying asaproject.

>> No.10827744
File: 37 KB, 250x300, 14142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god i can understand that they didnt want a sister route but why the hell they didnt make a cousin route? She certainly deserves a route and even if they make it on psp since i dont have fucking psp i cant play it, fuck it became really annoying asaproject i hope all of you burn in hell or make a FD for this.

>> No.10827763

You can use an emulator anon

>> No.10827834

Sorry but i dont want to play +15 version of this since without h-scenes routes become somehow hollow,and it makes worse playing it on an emulator.

>> No.10827851

Why are you playing a non-nukige for the H-scenes?

But then, moege is mostly a hollow experience in itself.

>> No.10827887


Will we ever see it or have people given up on it? Is nitroplus even working on it?

>> No.10827917

It would be reasonable to assume we'll hear more about it after Totono is released, assuming they're still working on it. When did they first announce it, anyway?

>> No.10827929

The director retired so probably not.

>> No.10827932

2008 I think.

>> No.10827942

Do eroge developers (beside KEY and Nasu) make enough money to ever retire?

I was under the impression that most if not all of them were barely getting by.

>> No.10827953

Just like everyone else in the LN/manga/anime/eroge industry

>> No.10827968

I think that quite a lot of LN and manga authors do well, even if they aren't enormously successful.

>> No.10827994

I think that the ones that can live well from the trade are very few in numbers
Most do it as a side job

>> No.10828004 [DELETED] 

im not playing moege for h-scenes, but without h-scenes somehow that romance feels like more like best friend or something like that.i cant put it on words,but without h-scenes i dont feel moege as complete.There must be some h-scenes at every routes,i dont care if its 1 or 3.

>> No.10828009

im not playing moege for h-scenes, but without h-scenes somehow that romance feels more like best friend or something like that.i cant put it on words,but without h-scenes i dont feel moege as complete.There must be some h-scenes at every routes,i dont care if its 1 or 3.

>> No.10828016

Kissing and flirting is enough for me, most games don't have art that is easily fapped to.

I want the totono trial to come soon.

>> No.10828038

Damn, didn't realize it was so long ago. I guess if they haven't said anything about it by now it's probably dead. Haganeya has written stuff since then, too.

>> No.10828041

New thread:

>> No.10828131


>> No.10828144

Muramasa is one exception, yes
For most games it fits though. Good art —> bad story

>> No.10828168

I can see LN writing being a side job.

Wouldn't manga (with the exception of bimonthly and quarterly magazines) and eroge development be full-time though? I've heard that the mangaka/developers have crazy schedule.

I've personally seen Murata go on multiple 20+ hour drawing sessions to meet the deadline.

>> No.10828194

Just because a game isn't a nukige doesn't mean h-scenes are worthless. The h could easily be replaced with cuddling and kissing scenes though in most cases.
Too bad they rarely take that route and just cut it up.

>> No.10828261

>The h could easily be replaced with cuddling and kissing scenes though in most cases
Now I really really want this instead of forced or awkward H-scenes stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Is there any VNs that do this instead, or just have sweet cuddling scenes in general?

>> No.10828424

I like how easily ignored Yui being found naked is.
On the third day and no one’s made a fuss except for one line when Kaori questioned them on the beginning.

>> No.10830757

Started reading the trial for gemini of paradox, I love flowcharts so much, especially the one in owaseka was great because of the route system.
