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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 230 KB, 756x540, 439df18ead9510c23b07ecd5c00c606a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10809081 No.10809081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh yeah~

>> No.10809096 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.10809104
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>> No.10809117

That was not nice.
Why do you have to be such a bully

>> No.10809132

Wrong homu.
Don't post such heartbreaking pics please.

>> No.10809188

These bloodstains look so fucking artificial it kills the picture for me.

>> No.10809197 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10810452
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>> No.10810618
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i know shes amazingly attractive but please don't post lewdpics of my girlfriend on the internet

>> No.10810622 [DELETED] 

Yeah kill all the jews /b/ro >:D

>> No.10810640

I was an antisemite, but upon reading this post I realized how juvenile and nonsensical that is, so I've decided to stop hating Jews and start watching Hollywood movies and listening to Lady Gaga instead.

Thanks for making me see the light, Jarewitzgenstein!

>> No.10810643

Believing in Nazi ideals while being a NEET/hiki/otaku is the most ironic, laughable, and retarded thing I have seen on 4chan, congrats.

>> No.10810651

>and start watching Hollywood movies and listening to Lady Gaga instead.

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.10810657

Don't you know?
Hollywood movies and Lady Gaga are all part of the Jewish conspiracy to wipe out the white race.

>> No.10810659

Nazis are the only antisemites. If you are an antisemite, you are a Nazi. I totally agree.

Zionist shit that people with sense avoid, like fast food or chem-trails.

>> No.10810660

Hollywood movies and Lady Gaga is normalfag pandering shit nothing more.

>> No.10810667

High five fellow /pol/lack! Those niggers and jews don't contribute anything to society, unlike you and me.

>> No.10810669
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I love it when anti-Semitic Jews admit they were wrong.

Pic related. The guy made all these documentaries about how the Holocaust didn't happen (based on discredited evidence), then he wrote a long confession about how he was a self-hating Jew and he was sorry for lying to everyone.

>> No.10810670

I never said I contribute anything. I don't. I also said nothing about blacks, who I have no problem with.

If you had the choice to actively avoid being brainwashed and poisoned, why would you not take it? This has nothing to do with how useful of a human being you are.

>> No.10810675

Being brainwashed into hating jews/being brainwashed into constantly defending jews = same thing. I just don't really care about what happens in the outside world that much anymore and I think people on /jp/, the site for losers who love entertainment from Japan and hate working, shouldn't be defending a political movement that tried to force people to work and be racist and hateful to one another.

>> No.10810677

I'm not being brainwashed. You're the one who came to the conclusion that the holocaust didn't happen after watching a few shopped pictures on an anime imageboard.

>> No.10810680 [SPOILER] 
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She's such a tough girl in the series, it's something to see her so cute and soft or alluring in the fanart.

>> No.10810696

Stop making all these assumptions about me.

Even if you do nothing but consume media, there are media out there untainted by Zionists. Just as if you watch violent movies all your life you become desensitized to it, if you watch Jewish movies all your life you will think Zionism is okay (and not an extremist, racist ideology far worse than Islamic terrorism) because you're used to having these ideas planted in your brain. It simply won't occur to you that you might be wrong. Everyone else is a huge racist and probably a 13 year old /b/tard. You're the know-it-all, because you've seen every Adam Sandler movie and listened to every Amy Winehouse song.

>> No.10810705

>if you watch Jewish movies all your life you will think Zionism is okay

But I didn't watch Jewish movies all my life.

>You're the know-it-all, because you've seen every Adam Sandler movie and listened to every Amy Winehouse song.

I hate western movies, including Adam Sandler. And I have never listened to Amy Winehouse. I don't even know what you are implying anymore. You completely missed the point of my post. ( >>10810675 )

>> No.10810713

>Stop making all these assumptions about me.
It's funny because you're doing the same thing.
Do I support Zionism? No. I think that the Jewish occupation of Palestine backed up by the USA is a shameful affair, for example. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to turn into an hateful antisemite.

>> No.10810763

Good goys

>> No.10810765


>> No.10810780

>Worst meduka thread
>Jews shit
Serves you right op lelelelel

>> No.10810788
File: 95 KB, 277x315, jewman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Jewrassic Park


>> No.10810799

/jp/ discussing politics at all is just ironic and retarded.

>> No.10810801

>>Worst meduka


>> No.10810810 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10810818

This, we are shunning ourselves from society so why are we discussing these things? Not to mention almost everyone one of us would be killed if Hitler had his way considering the fact that most of us are lazy faggots.

>> No.10810827


If you have the prerequisites, being under Hitler's rule would be a good thing, because he would invoke in youth a sense of purpose that's missing in modern democracy.

>> No.10810830 [DELETED] 
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>Almost everyone one of us would be killed if Hitler had his way considering the fact that most of us are lazy faggots
Hitler wasn't a man of all-encompassing hate.

He cared about the people and would have given us all a chance.

>> No.10810836

top lel
he would scream "VERRÄTER VERSAGER" and give you the B

>> No.10810842

No but Hitler was definitely one of those people who thought laziness and abnormality is one of the things killing the ''volk''. His ''Weltanschauung'' was that single thoughts and people don't matter, it's the people as a whole that counts. While I understand this and I am opened minded to it I am against this for it goes against freedom, fun, creativity and enjoyment in life. But then again I despise the outside world in general, I think people are the cancer killing the world and that almost every political movement doesn't work just because of people.

Once again discussing this on /jp/ is retarded.

>> No.10810841

Those people are deluded, they seriously think that if Hitler had it his way they wouldn't have ended in a gas chamber.

>> No.10810852


They wouldn't, because that would be admitting that there's actually something wrong with them, rather than them simply being lazy.

Such people would more coerced to be productive or end up in forced labor.

>> No.10810861

I actually knew a Nazi back in my teen years. I live in Germany too, and he was not one of the Nazis just doing it to fit in. And I know that this anon that I am replying to is right, because this guy would dedicate his time to listen to Hitler speeches he downloaded, he had read Mein Kampf like 5 times, but more importantly he was a metal worker/forger and was fucking obsessed with his job and hated NEETs and people who got money from the government with a passion. So around the time where I descended into laziness, despising the outside world and being obssesed with 2D was exactly when this Nazi guy stopped talking with me.

>> No.10810860
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>Who thought laziness and abnormality is one of the things killing the ''volk''.
And it is.
At least half the people of the Chanosphere are crying about never finding a job, not reveling in their unemployment.

We're not the hopeless people in Ponyfag pictures, /jp/ would have been given a shovel and sent to build the Autobahn.

There was a lot more deviancy in Nazi Germany than you'd think. None here would have been "gassed".

>> No.10810862
File: 88 KB, 700x700, 1366837712520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're not the hopeless people in Ponyfag pictures

>> No.10810871

I also want to add he hated anime because there are anime with girls fighting in them and that goes against his believes, I always thought that was hilarious.

>> No.10810873

What are you even doing on the otaku culture board if you're disgusted by abnormality?
What makes you think that I would have been glad to work for the glory of the german reich with a showel in my hands?

>> No.10810890

We aren't. Most /jp/ers are rather attractive and would be labeled as "alpha males" if an /r9k/er were to see them in person. They could become anything if only they were interested in earthly pleasures.

Ugly losers need to fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.10810913
File: 293 KB, 558x561, 1365037463110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and would be labeled as "alpha males"
>Ugly losers need to fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.10810920

Its like /pol/ shitposters found /b/ shitposters on /jp/ and thus fierce battle of wits commenced.

>> No.10810924

Actually the only guy who looks like he is from /pol/ or /b/ is the guy who keeps defending Nazi ideals.

>> No.10810940
File: 645 KB, 4707x4495, 1359201365834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reaction image
>meme arrowing
Epic fail, dude.

>> No.10810958

This is a new level of ironic shitposting.

>> No.10810958,1 [INTERNAL] 

Quality thread.
