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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 300x300, jp109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10796092 No.10796092 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

More love for midriffs.

Old thread

>> No.10796111

I wanna make a shoot em up but I can't make sprites. Anyone have any spare loli sprites they don't have any use for?

>> No.10796120

Made some liquid dnb


>> No.10796131
File: 2 KB, 86x116, sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10796191
File: 131 KB, 600x510, drawr 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10796207

why are their tits different sizes?

>> No.10796217

I like you. Can we be friends?

>> No.10796456
File: 234 KB, 570x684, 130424_midna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10796471

That double armpit pussy

>> No.10796477

Does anyone want to make a cute game together like people were talking about yesterday?

I'm a programmer.

>> No.10796483
File: 1 KB, 50x65, sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10796485

lets make a rpg maker game

>> No.10796487

>people were talking about yesterday
Mind explaining? Missed that discussion.

>> No.10796505

I have an image request.
Okuu and Megaman brofisting each other. You know, armcannon bros.

>> No.10796519

I've had this idea of "Cute girls going on cute adventures" kind of thing for a while now. One of the characters is obsessed with folklore and she drags her friend around places to see if the tales are real and shit. They beat up the folklore monsters, become friends with them, and call it a day.

The gameplay would be like Ragnarok Battle Offline with some platforming and shit.

In a sense, it's like 2hu and Fortune Summoners, and RBO combined.

Buuuuuut I'm just babbling here. Someone else can carry the idea, I have parts of the story built up in my head, I don't plan on getting started on it until next next year.

>> No.10796523

>lets make a rpg maker game
Larger projects aren't suitable for /jp/, it might be better to start with something simple and just add cute girls to it. Like say, one of those generic chess games, except the chess pieces are little girls and make cute gestures like jumping up and down whenever you take an opposing piece. For comparatively minimal effort, you could get to watch your drill-haired, haughty Queen ojou-sama as she waltzes all over the board while violating all the other little girls, or cheer for the plain, unappreciated Pawn-tan when she finally reaches the back rank and earns the recognition she deserves. Plus it'd be like Battle Chess, and Battle Chess was a blast to play.

It doesn't have to be chess, you could go for Space Invaders, Battle City or Arkanoid clones, a tower defense game, or any number of other simple games that could be further enriched by cute girls.

>> No.10796531

They were talking about making a game where you could take it easy like Harvest Moon.

>> No.10796533

I'd love to be a part of something like this if you need artists.
I have a lot of free time as I'm currently a NEET, and I've been thinking about taking on a project like this, but I haven't found the right people to work with.

>> No.10796538

I had a slightly similar idea. Basically like Pokemon but set in pre-Christian Ireland with Irish mythological creatures.

>> No.10796566

I'm willing to help. I only know the basics of coding but I can learn more I have lots of free time anyway

>> No.10796568

Poor unused loli sprite. So much potential to be someones waifu.

Now just tossed away in the trash by the hands of a neglectful creator...

>> No.10796574

when will /jp/ make an eroge?

>> No.10796580

I gave her to anon and his shmup.
Surely she will be used in a great game.

>> No.10796662

tool change? cool.

>> No.10797115

Do you at least have a programmer on your side?

>> No.10797260
File: 127 KB, 800x968, 13-25-04-youmu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried drawing with vectors. It was pretty fun.

>> No.10797309

Retroactively cute

>> No.10797312

Very cute!

>> No.10797449
File: 321 KB, 973x613, goddammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't depict depth very well...

Does anyone else like painting landscapes? I know I should work on people more but I don't find it as interesting.

>> No.10797521

I tried once...it was terrible, so I got back on girls and monsters.

>> No.10797583
File: 104 KB, 600x400, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried earlier today and ragequit

>> No.10797590

No sir. Would probably ask /jp/ when I get around to working on it though.

Could probably throw out all the ideas in the OC thread when I can put the entire thing into words and let you guys handle it.

>> No.10797610
File: 562 KB, 1278x691, sadfasdfsdfsafsadf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10797633
File: 214 KB, 500x750, mounttinthin copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find it easier in B&W, it allows you to focus primarily on the basic concept of objects being closer being darker.

Although maybe this isn't really /jp/ related.

>> No.10797919
File: 451 KB, 1080x1380, 270 homuha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the script for a VN I'm creating. It's about 30,000 words long, so I could use editing help and general critique. You can read it here:


I'll be taking questions, comments, etc. in this thread or by e-mail. Thanks!

Also, I forgot to thank whoever drew this pic for me. I think it's by Magister but I can't tell because of there's no huge boobs or cock. Thanks!

>> No.10797921

Is that supposed to be a TSF?

>> No.10797927


Nice belly...


would be cute if the eyes were aligned properly

>> No.10797951

that aircraft does not look like it would be able to fly.

>> No.10797971

Thanks, glad you like it.

>> No.10797989

Anything can fly with enough thrust~

>> No.10797997

No intelligent race strives for inefficiency.

>> No.10798027
File: 10 KB, 312x283, Pz.Kpfw. V Panther Ausf.G_colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently making a game based on Girls und Panzer.

I am only using Game Maker, but I think I can create the game I envision with it. I know this is frowned upon, but I will lose interest before I get close to being able to make it in any real engine.

I've got a lot of mechanic ideas, but I'll have to test which actually work in reality.

Work in progress sprite.

>> No.10798046

>My heart races. It beats and beats and beats. It pumps at 500 beats per minute, as if it were screaming 'Listen to me!'
>500 beats per minute
that's fucking breakcore right there, and I guess that means it's not an undead-kind of vampire

>> No.10798070


mite b cool

/k/ will help maybe /v/ too /vg/ has world of tanks generals

>> No.10798244
File: 829 KB, 750x1109, paint therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like painting landscapes; it makes me feel better when I'm down. (pic related, i made those when i was depressed).

>> No.10798252


it looks nice

what tool have you been using?

>> No.10798258


better yet, how does your process go?

>> No.10798273

Photoshop CS4. I mostly lay in the atmosphere first, like the color of the sky or the moody fog. I can't really describe the rest of the process- they are rather spontaneous. I do want to break out of these doodly organic landscapes and try planning one, with buildings and proper perspective. But that will be much later as I am practicing figures now.

>> No.10798301

Fuggin beautiful dude.
Do you have a Pixiv or Deviantart or blog or something?

>> No.10798316

Beautiful landscapes. I look forward to seeing your artwork more often.

>> No.10798326

Check out THIS masterpiece.
*whips out dick*

>> No.10798344

The anatomy needs some work, but otherwise it looks pretty good.

>> No.10798367
File: 240 KB, 1074x1347, batgirlreq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a request from the previous thread.
Open for some new requests now, if anyone has any.

>> No.10798384

Very nice, you should get depressed more often dude.

When I get depressed I just spend my day lurking 4chan like a zombie

>> No.10798388

You should've fixed the leg before coloring dude, its totally broken at the knee

Very nice picture otherwise, I like the way you render.

>> No.10798401

Her left or right? I can still have the layers so I can probably fix it. Thank you also

>> No.10798432
File: 66 KB, 1074x1347, leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a mirror and try to make that pose, its very unnatural.
I can see what you were trying to do though.

Something similar to this would make more sense.

>> No.10798439

So....World of Tanks without the grinding?

>> No.10798487 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 691x1040, 1366945203760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10798490 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 644x1098, 1366945266029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need to rough the conclusion but I am no good with gag panels.
Time to get to work on the real thing.

>> No.10798542

That is a lot to read. You probably should have just posted chapters as you finished them if you wanted response. Are you making pictures for it?

>> No.10798655

These days vampires might as well be regular people except better.

I think it's better when all chapters are complete. It shows that it won't just be vaporware.

I have an artist, but I would not mind some backup artists in case he gets abducted by aliens or something.

>> No.10798696

Vampire wrestling? I could get behind this.

>> No.10798725

Oh, I thought you would make pictures using your usual software. It could be better than nothing for this kind of story, but I didn't know you have an artist.

>> No.10798760

Why is Japan so obsessed with multiple men having sex with one woman at once? I never understood why any human being would ever want to see something like this in any shape or form.

>> No.10798770

Is that going to be published? Looks nice.

>> No.10798774

gangbang is not exclusive to japan

also one could ask the same thing about your aversion of it

>> No.10798795

Yeah you're right, but basing sex off of an absolute truth or sense of love has a lot more solid ground than whatever gang-bagging is based off of. Wouldn't you agree?

And yes, it's not just Japan. I think I was thinking Japan is so obsessed with it, because I am so heavily exposed to their media. If anything the arabs are more into that than anyone else I believe.

>> No.10798809

Not sure about you guys, but I'm really into the gang-rape genre. It arouses me more than anything else. It's a niche; I don't think any country or ethnicity would consider it normal to like this kind of stuff.

>> No.10798814

It really seems like it's just perfectly standard for your average erotic picture to have multiple dicks in it and not just one.

>> No.10798848

Idk man those sharia law Muslims as well as Mormons think it's pretty normal. Those are societies of themselves too. I've even heard of those Amish people doing it too in some communities too.

>> No.10798941

Can you draw Mokou with Jotaro's clothes and hat?

>> No.10798949

Oh right you asked that in the last thread too, I'm sorry I forgot, I'll draw it for you anon.

>> No.10798969

I am trying to produce more OC, are there any good options for OSX? Working with GIMP is frustrating beyond belief and Paintbrush sucks dick. Is there a Paint.net equivalent or other between paint and PS program for cumguzzling macfags?

>> No.10799027


>> No.10799061

>Working with GIMP is frustrating beyond belief

I thought I was the only one that felt this way everyone else I talked to said you just need to work with it longer.

But I'm on windows and just switched to SAI (When I get a better computer with more space I will get PS since it has lots of features that SAI simply cannot compete with)

>> No.10799070


I find GIMP horrific too.

I only use it for creating gifs.

Paint.NET is just so much more intuitive - even something as simple as changing brush colour is such a chore in GIMP.

>> No.10799121

If you want GIMP to be better, you'll have to contact the project. That's the price you must pay if you want a completely free, always available top-of-the-line tool.

>> No.10799144
File: 109 KB, 650x635, hap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this fits here. I made a happi-jacket in a workshop and then painted some icicles on it.

Painting on textiles is hard, hadn't done it before. How imprecise the process is annoys me. I'm pretty satisfied though. At the last minute it was looking kind of dull, then with really diluted paint-water mixture I added the shadowy bottom layer of icicles. While it doesn't make sense it looks better.

>> No.10799146

you aren't going to wear that in public are you? It wouldn't even be bullying if people beat you up just comunity service.

>> No.10799151

This was actually really good. Very relaxing to listen to.

>> No.10799164

There's one or two cons a year that I attend, maybe there, but not elsewhere. I'd fit in just fine from previous experience.

And it's unlikely that a touhou fan out of all people would come and beat me up, the nerds that they are.

>> No.10799211

But I'm not Japanese, I'm white.

Unfortunately my kanji and speaking skills are not up to par to do any of the dialogue besides the sex scenes, so until I get a translator that can do English - Japanese, it's up in the air. But yes, I had a contact(?) on /m/ last year who said he could have my stuff on consignment at comike if I could get it done.
Have an entire 14pg manga based on SRWZ2 that's been dead and completed since June last year due to no translator that was supposed to be out at C81.....

>> No.10799217

Take that con- crap elsewhere please. We are absolutely not interested in the real world.

>> No.10799222

Nice work trying to ruin an otherwise good thread with 3D shit.

>> No.10799225

Nice work trying to ruin an otherwise good thread with pointless meta whining.

I'm also very proud of myself, too.

>> No.10799235

People like you just throw your hobbies away ten years in the future.

>> No.10799240

You are quite right. I have only passing interest right now in the hobbies I had ten years ago.

>> No.10799244

Even my bf can make better costumes than you ;>> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.10799272


No, no, something the complexity of World of Tanks is far beyond me at the moment. I can make things of roughly the complexity of a 2.5D PSX game.

If I can even create something that a few people play once and enjoy it to any extent, I will consider it to be a major success.

>> No.10799276
File: 153 KB, 983x474, asmodee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After two weeks of being a lazy NEET, this picture is finally done!

Use Painter. It costs money though, but I'm sure you can find a cracked version somewhere

>> No.10799453
File: 290 KB, 815x483, clouds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wanna draw nice clouds too! How do you draw nice clouds?

>> No.10799944

Variety is nice.

>> No.10799963

Fuck what all the others say, I think it looks very nice anon. It's subtle enough to pass off as just random geometric designs on the back, which makes it kind of hipster looking and you would probably look pretty rad if you managed to pull it off. I don't think I'd recognize it as something touhou if I saw you on the street but that's a good thing I guess.

>> No.10800133
File: 254 KB, 959x672, tumblr_m7hbcpqvML1r0v3zro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800136
File: 347 KB, 952x716, tumblr_m7hbcpqvML1r0v3zro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10800140
File: 254 KB, 952x716, tumblr_m7hbcpqvML1r0v3zro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800144
File: 237 KB, 952x607, tumblr_m7hbcpqvML1r0v3zro4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800424

Appreciate it.

>> No.10800995

Will take a request. Make it interesting; just no lewd please.

>> No.10801377

Yuugi and Suika at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

>> No.10801384

Draw the J-list girl, Mangagamer girl, and Steparu girl in the same image, doing something non-lewd. Like a tea party or sleepover or playing mahjong with Wikipedia girl or something.




>> No.10801411

Draw suika with a hat

>> No.10801427

Yuuka and Youmu gardening

>> No.10801526

a lampshade

>> No.10801613

Suika, with a hat, holding a meeting for the girls in >>10801384

>> No.10801663
File: 87 KB, 800x600, plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jaypee/, I'm making a small game, here's a video.


>> No.10802670
File: 131 KB, 400x606, clouds2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the images... but I can't seem to quite do it myself. I'll keep trying though.

>> No.10802720
File: 1.28 MB, 1100x1500, 84729905fd3e6fa52fb941668ab25552dadb3e0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books or websites that are to music what SICP is to programming or Loomis is to drawing?

I have a keyboard but very little experience playing it. If there's any "must read" piano or music theory book, please share it!

>> No.10802889

>what SICP is to programming or Loomis is to drawing

Overrated shit that is barely applicable?

>> No.10803033

They're good books that deserve their reputation. Don't be a silly face.

>> No.10803229
File: 265 KB, 1334x510, Nori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do tattoos count as OC?
Got this done a couple hours ago on my inner arm.

>> No.10803233

That's pretty awesome, I wish I thought of it first but with Yuno.

>> No.10803237

Also there's no room left on my forearm.

>> No.10803298

Do you mind showing a picture? I'm quite interested. Also, Nori is my waifu and I can't find a dakimakura, so now she's with me forever.

>> No.10803299

I have a request, please draw Koishi riding on a Ultralisk.
Koishi should be cheering while the Ultralisk kills marines by cutting them into halfs

>> No.10803313

I-I'll try that!

>> No.10803320
File: 968 KB, 1436x960, tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's left and right. Ones otaku related anyway.

>> No.10803326

Replying to this just to say that at least two anons would be delighted to see this.

>> No.10803331

I would like this.

>> No.10803334

That's pretty cool. Are you going to try to implement a story as well?

>> No.10803343


>> No.10803360

falloout is not otaku culture.

>> No.10803365

You're right but the Hanny is and I said one.

>> No.10803421

You said ones, as in "these ones are otaku related" not one's as in "this one is otaku related"

>> No.10803434

I apologize I forgot the apostrophe.

>> No.10803624
File: 965 KB, 1600x868, okaki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10803636


good, good.

>> No.10803952

Neither do I!

>> No.10804226
File: 445 KB, 684x819, sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, wasn't me...

>> No.10804230

shitty westernized styles

>> No.10804237

I love your style anon, do you have a pixiv?

Fuck off faggot

>> No.10804256

You don't have to ask for the source out of pity, you know.

>> No.10804285

I wasn't asking for the source out of pity, I've seen that anon's art in the roll thread(s) before - I genuinely like the style they draw in and I want to know if they have a gallery/blog so I can bookmark it!

>> No.10804396

No, it's not. Are you blind?

>> No.10804415

Did you draw this? Would you mind if I coloured it in? It's very cute.

>> No.10804548

Her right arm is bend into an unnatural direction. Learn to fix up your crappy anatomy already.

>> No.10805212


Its a simple arcade game, there's not much of a story, you just shoot plant monsters and then fight a boss.

>> No.10805691

That means an anonymous person gave me fanart without me begging for it. I'm honored and intrigued.

>> No.10805784
File: 93 KB, 619x425, Testing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing construction (I erased all the lines though) and coloring

>> No.10806068

Seconding this.

>> No.10806158

Ear looks a bit too far out, but otherwise looks nice.

>> No.10806428

first one to describe their cute little girl form to me gets drawn

>> No.10806435


It agree with >>10806158

but yes very nice very cute keep it up

>> No.10806438

White hair, pale skin and shy with superiority complex.

>> No.10806441

Cool game dude, share it with us when you're done.

>> No.10806462


Very good mags ( you really like Miku )


I just looked it's fine the picture is a bit cluttered for non color but the rest is fine for the most part

That arm looks like it's being used for support while she's leaning back

I think the part that looks "bent" is just her sleeve and not her actual arm it seems windy

it's hard to tell anyway since a lot of her hair covers it up

>> No.10806478

Shoulder length permed black hair, green to yellow hazel eyes, deadpan expression, rabbit pajamas that are two sizes too big.

...in case you feel like doing it.

>> No.10806560
File: 74 KB, 558x550, baldcultureotaku - girl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure, coming right up

>> No.10806573


>> No.10806656
File: 106 KB, 502x1336, bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the guy you asked, but here

>> No.10806676
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, baldcultureotaku - girl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806723

why is she bald

>> No.10806736

She has cancer.

>> No.10806763

Bunny slippers too? Too cute.

Rhabdomyosarcoma, actually.

Thank you, both of you.

>> No.10807070

hey jp I miss my mom and my brothers.
we were so happy back then

>> No.10807101

Not your blog. I miss my father too.

>> No.10807407

Would someone be interested in working with me on a web-based dating simulator? I don't care about money, so I can give you 100% of the profits to you (if we ever have some).

This is a link to the project: http://www.projectshoujo.com/ the gameplay is really rough right now as there is almost no content, but almost everything is done (it will take me 15-20 days to finish everything for a playable bug-free beta).

You can contact me and I can give you my administrator account, and show you how the engine works and add content.

Eventually people will be able to create their own characters, after I polish the management system.

Development is on hold as I fought with the artist who was working with me. And I don't think I will work with her again.

I don't mind working all the time in my free time with this, but as I have 0 artistic skills I put the project on hold until I find people interested.

You can contact me at my email (it is in the email field and in the homepage of the project) for any question you might have.

>> No.10807436

why'd you get into a fight with the artist?

>> No.10807551

It is a personal issue.

I cared a lot about her, we were really close. Then she started to hang out with other people, and talked shit about me. I felt betrayed and I stopped talking to her.

>> No.10807563

Bitches, man.

>> No.10809061

Any progress on my request? i know drawing take time but i just want to know if you are still working on it.

>> No.10810612

What a bitch move.

>> No.10811752


>> No.10812395
File: 121 KB, 1000x500, cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to try this. How does it look?

>> No.10812498

Does anybody know some good resources for absolute beginners in drawing?

>> No.10812517

Are you 2?

>> No.10813799

Drawing on the right side of the brain. After that, it's pretty much drawing until you have the entire body (or whatever you're drawing) completely memorized.

>> No.10813799,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't anyone bump this thread during the spam attack yesterday? Drawthreads are the only threads worth saving on /jp/.

>> No.10813799,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think it was so much the spam that killed it as no one bumped it for an entire day. The consequences of always replying with sage.

>> No.10813799,3 [INTERNAL] 

Just make it again. It's not like there's anything special about #109 that won't be about #110.
