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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1079837 No.1079837 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ do all day?

I just can't bring myself to do anything much anyone (watch a series, play a game, (help) create something...) and it's just tiring.

>> No.1079841

that makes the 2 of us, anon

>> No.1079845


>> No.1079848

We do useful things like creating new levels for free FPS games, experimenting with music trackers and learning networking coding. Also watching anime and having a job.

>> No.1079850

You play go play Dawn of War like the rest of us, thats what.

>> No.1079851

It's time to make a mother fucking video game.

Gameplay style?

>> No.1079852

Lurk /jp/, talk about lolis, play the vidya, talk about lolis, read doujins, fap to lolis.

>> No.1079864

I bought a new house, struggled to find something in common to talk about with my girlfriend, drank some alcohol.

At least Touhou doesn't judge me. At least anything above Easy Mode.

>> No.1079875

Sporadic trolling on /jp/ and /v/ punctuated by small bits of actual work gunsmithing. A liberal coating of piracy.

>> No.1079877

I never do shit either. It's weird. I have too many anime and jdrama series' to watch that I barely get around to watching. and I havent played a VN in months. last one I played was Bazooka Cafe, and it only provided decent fapping. I'm too much of a WOTA and have to force myself to watch anime and drama's now.

>> No.1079887

I've been combining /jp/ and fapping for the last four hours or so, although I think that's probably a personal record for "longest erection."

>> No.1079894

Tyranids confirmed for DoWII

>> No.1079886

FPSs are fucking disgusting, I can't make games by myself and I'm too bleak/lazy (not the words though) to help create something

>> No.1079898

I download videogames. I play them about 5 minutes before getting bored.

>> No.1079900

Exact same.

>> No.1079899
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>> No.1079903

I would spend all day watching animu, if it weren't for my roommate and extremely faulty door lock. I end up playing Elona, MGS4, and posting here all day.

>> No.1079911

I wish I could do something creative, like write. Or at least play video games. But no, I refresh /jp/ and other forums all day. Someone kill me.

>> No.1079923


Get out.

>> No.1079951

No you.
At least /jp/ doesn't judge me.
At least /jp/ doesn't question me about my collection of loli.
You are my refuge, and I thank god that you're here.

>> No.1079982

If you like /jp/ as much as you say you do, you should know better than to tell us you have a gf. Also, I hope she finds your loli collection; if for nothing else, just so I can find out her reaction when you post about it.

>> No.1080003

Hey, /jp/ turns out my girlfriend is a lolicon.

>> No.1080015

I do anyway; my roomates are tolerant of my "crazy Japanese crap" and don't mind me leaving my computer on 24/7 on account of the fact that I'm apparently the only one with sufficient know-how to work usenet and torrent clients and thus a source of unlimited free music and films. As for fapping, well, if they bring girlfriends home, they have to put up with a good hour's worth of "fapfapfapfapfapfap" coming from my door every day.

>> No.1080007

get out you normalfag

>> No.1080033

Whatever I want to do. Today I played StarCraft and Akatsuki Blitzkampf. Tomorrow I might watch some movies on Sundance on Demand. This month they have a lot of Asian stuff, Oldboy and a bunch of Korean/Japanese/Chinese/Thai horror movies. Or maybe I'll be too busy playing StarCraft to take a break for anything but fapping, who knows. Maybe I'll bust out one of the many visual novels on my to do list, get caught up on manga, or try a new anime. The possibilities are infinite.

In reality, I probably won't be able to pull myself away from /jp/ to do much of anything, even though it'll probably be just as shitty as the last few days. Addiction is a terrible thing.

>> No.1080042

>>1079851 It's time to make a mother fucking video game.
I like the gimmick, but I'm not sure how we could get decent gameplay out of it. Maybe we should settle for making a visual novel on the subject?

>> No.1080104

>Maybe we should settle for making a visual novel on the subject?

We've already got a VN about Anon's life (with the fantasy turned up a bit) which should be out before too long. If we're making another I want it to be in a high fantasy setting with elves, centaurs and CG dragons.

>> No.1080111

I want one starring cavemen

>> No.1080108

I'm actually in a group that has a great chance of being released, but I much on it anymore...

>> No.1080145

I'm actually on a group that has a very high change of getting a release, but I just can't bring myself to do anything on the project.

>> No.1080163

Mother fucking elves? Mother fucking centaurs? Mother fucking CG dragons?

>> No.1080170

Congratulations, you are dead weight.

>> No.1080193

Well, I'm not totally useless towards the game...

>> No.1080200

>the game


>> No.1080235

/b/ shit.

>> No.1080262
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Motherfucking poorly-MSpainted buxom witches.

>> No.1080298

This is a start, even if the thumbnail makes her look like Black Mage's mother.

>> No.1080337

I wonder if "hikki get sucked into fantasy world and solves some bizarre problem by guts and a large penis" would be too cliché a plot.

>> No.1080361

And in the end, it would all be in his head! What a twist!

>> No.1080379

I feel out of place here on /jp/. I'm not apathetic, not lonely, not into guro.

>> No.1080385

I'm literally just waiting for the fall semester to start. It sucks being one of the few people stuck in a college town during the summer... fuckin no one here except all the oldfags.

>> No.1080410
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>my girlfriend

>> No.1080504

then get out normalfag

>> No.1080842

I'm bored.

>> No.1081183

Too break up the monotony of studying language and watching/reading animu and mango all day or browsing /a/,
I've been learning how to juggle and just today made a set of flower sticks.
(power was out, stfu)

It was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be.

Just don't practice juggling by your lappy, Computers HAAATE tea apparently, especially when spilled on top of them, but mines a tuff one, still rocking on.

>> No.1081208

you're a retard anon-san..
