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10793723 No.10793723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you help her open the door?

>> No.10793739

No. She can figure it out herself.

A lot of the problems with kids today would be fixed if we had the restraint and the common sense to let children solve problems for themselves. People act like it's cruel to watch a child struggle and figure something out. Sometimes it's nicer in the long run to let your child burn itself on the stove. Who's more likely to burn themselves in the future: the kid who did it once and discovered it hurt like hell, or the kid who has to be protected constantly whenever he's near any potentially harmful object?

Parents are stupid.

>> No.10793737

Sure, why not?

>> No.10793748

It's ok, dude. You can just say that you're an asshole.

>> No.10793753

In case it isn't clear, I was one of the kids with overprotective parents.

Remember /jp/: spoonfeeding is never the way!

>> No.10793757

Are you autistic.

>> No.10793761

Not in america, i'd probably be called a pedophile!

>> No.10793763

Why in the fuck would you let your kid touch a hot stove just to prove a point?

>> No.10793766

I had over-protective parent's and I turned out fine.
Not sure how you could even grow up and still manage to burn yourself on a stove when anyone could tell that hot equals pain

>> No.10793775

Because that point is useful.

>> No.10793776

I know right? Fucking brainwashed scum.

>> No.10793773

Nope. I don't want to end up in jail by doing a good deed.

>> No.10793774

>turned out fine

>> No.10793777

Most likely her parents would sprint up to her as soon as they see you getting close to her, the mother screaming "stay away from him, Katey!" and the father yelling "get away from my daughters you sick fuck!" before punching you in the face and calling the cops. At least, that's who I imagine it would go. I'd go near a bear cub before I'd go near a human child.

>> No.10793780

She looks like she's doing a pretty good job by herself.

>> No.10793781

>stay away from him, Katey!

At least we'll have the last laugh when we track her down on Facebook in three years' time.

>> No.10793800

You can't just leave them completely to themselves. You have to warn them about things and protect them from themselves sometimes. They're fucking kids. I can understand something like waiting for the kid to eat too many sweets and throw up to make him realize that he needs to control himself, but letting him burn himself is stupid. You can't just say "Oh let him figure it out for himself." for everything.

>> No.10793821

>can understand something like waiting for the kid to eat too many sweets and throw up to make him realize that he needs to control himself

How is that better than letting a kid burn itself?

>> No.10793846

I'd open her door... If you know what I mean... ;)

>> No.10793856
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>> No.10793858

What do you mean?

>> No.10793871

Well you know I'd... put my key in her lock... If you know what I mean...

>> No.10793873

No, I don't know what you mean. I'm sorry.

>> No.10793878
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>> No.10793884

I'd SURPRISE her... if you know what I mean............

>> No.10793887

T-Too lewd.

>> No.10793893

I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate.

>> No.10793895

>Sometimes it's nicer in the long run to let your child burn itself on the stove

I sorta see what you mean. When I was really young I burnt my hand on a hotplate and was rushed to the hospital. I probably would've done the same thing regardless, because I was a pretty fucking stupid kid.

>> No.10793920

Janny approved.

>> No.10793923

You have horrible parents. Good parents would've let you call 911 if you wanted to or die. The free market fixes stupidity.

>> No.10793928


>> No.10793937

Why don't you fartknockers go out to a fucking bar or something and hook up with a mature woman instead of jerking off to yours little girls fastasies

>> No.10793939

No she is 3D. I'm a 2D straight guy.

>> No.10793960

>hook up with a mature woman instead of jerking off to yours little girls fastasies
Give me 3 good reasons as to why I should bang a real woman instead of fapping to my perfect little girl fantasy.

>> No.10793968
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I had over-protective parents and I turned into a useless NEET that doesn't have to do anything and doesn't know how to because my Mom will do it for me.

I love you, Mom!

>> No.10793969

So is your mom happy to take care of you, or is she sad that she has to support you?

>> No.10793974


>> No.10793976

Eating a bunch of sweets at once isn't going to give you diabetes or rot your teeth. Although I guess that depends on the candy. I don't know if candy today is as bad it used to be. Either way, a burn can be a very serious thing. Not to mention you'd probably get the kid taken away, especially if you gave them an explanation like that.

>> No.10793980

Not anon but her mom is probably happy to take care of him, bonus point if he's an only child.

I literally have to, kindly, say to my mom to fuck off at some point because she just wouldn't leave me alone, even after moving out of the house.

>> No.10793982

Yes, and I would give her a warm smile as well while I did it.

>> No.10793988

More of a reason to fap at home while not bothering society and women.

>> No.10794004

When you were a kid, weren't department store doors hard to open? Even now, opening the door to Macy's is a struggle for me, so for a little girl it'd be nearly impossible. Of course I would help.

Afterwards we could go on a date.

>> No.10794011

I guess I was only fine since I forced her to teach me to do the things she was doing for me.
I mean I'm not alright in the sense that I could get a job but I can take care of myself if I have the money

>> No.10794045

A few of the shops where I live have these super heavy doors that are supposed to slow down thieves. But all they really do is cause people-traffic when there are kids or old people. They slow down actual thieves by maybe a second.

>> No.10794064

Is that why they're so heavy? That makes sense I guess.

>> No.10794072

I have a very cute nephew. She is 8 years old and very obedient and shy.

However when no one is around (except me) she turns very violent and dominant. She likes to pinch me, punch me, kick me and bully me a lot. When her parents appears she turns normal again.

I actually like this because I have a loli femdom fetish. Just yesterday she "tied" me to her bed and walked over me, stepped on my face with her bare cute little feet and rode me. She also put one of her mother's dresses over me and called me a cute girl.

However I think she is too young to know what sex is. Is there any way to trick her into doing something sexual to me?

>> No.10794082


Perhaps I'm missing something here.

>> No.10794083

I think you mean a niece. Nephews are always male, nieces are always female. As for tricking her, there are always ways. You just need to be creative.

>> No.10794087

Oh look, more people who need to CHECK THEIR FUCKING PRIVILEGE.

>> No.10794086

I don't believe you.

>> No.10794095
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>> No.10794098

You're right. English isn't my first language. I'm sorry.

>> No.10794104

A nephew is a male, a niece a female. Now end your life.

>> No.10794107

>puking equals 3rd degree burns that scar and can possibly infect

Cool logic bro

>> No.10794112

Spoonfeeding and over-protectiveness is the reason we have stupid people. Children who are given the opprotunity to be responsible from a young age are the geniuses of tomorrow.

>> No.10794116

Niece is female. Nephew is male.

>> No.10794127

Let me guess, this is coming from your vast experience watching TV shows on parenting?

>> No.10794128

I've touched a hot stove like three times in my life and you can barely see a mark.

Ran my hand under cold water, it was fine after a few days.

Stop being a pussy. We're talking half a second on a hot piece of metal, not minutes in a fire.

>> No.10794134

I do. I have a relative who likes to rub her feet on me, pinch me, hit me with pillows, and grab my butt. The only thing I do in retaliation is grab her butt back and do psuedo-wrestling moves to. Usually after she stops being rowdy she and settles down she likes me to lightly trail my fingers over her back.

Maybe you could say something like "Don't step on my balls!" or "Don't step on my weener!" or something.

>> No.10794138

Don't forget invaluable insight from people on the Internet.

>> No.10794141

She seems to be opening the door just fine on her own.

>> No.10794142

>puking equals burns that "barely leave a mark"

Cool logic bro

>> No.10794144

No, i am afraid of paedohysterical government bastards, they will put me in jail if she say something wrong about me. Better not to touch children. Better not to have children. Better not speak about children.

>> No.10794151

now you need to take care of the puking brat.

>> No.10794155

It's only an issue if you get your hand trapped between the hot surface and something else. Otherwise your withdrawal reflexes should pull your hand away before anything really bad happens.

>> No.10794162

nice try FBI

>> No.10794166

Right because you're assuming that the burn was from an accidental bump or touch. We're talking about children here. Children who have no grasp on the concept of "burn"

What do these children do? They grab pots of boiling who knows what, and they pull on them until it spills all over them.

Let's see how well these reflexes work when you're drenched in hot grease

>> No.10794169
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oh i know what you mean

jaypee wrote the book on this stuff

>> No.10794177

A child young enough to not understand the concept of burning shouldn't be tall enough to reach the top of the range. Why are you boiling a pot of grease to begin with? Do you live at a fast food restaurant?

>> No.10794178

Are you saying children aren't aware they're being burned? Are you literally saying it's not our human--no, animal--instincts that we let the fuck go when we grab something hot? Are you unironically trying to rustle my jimmies here?

>> No.10794185

One time I just boiled a pan of oil and "ate" it.

It was sub-par.

>> No.10794186

children feel no pain, so it's ok to use them as ruthless assassins.

>> No.10794187

Precisely my thought.

>> No.10794190

Some primitive cultures have been known to use children as shields against bullets.

>> No.10794193
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>> No.10794195

what a waste.

>> No.10794196

I'm detecting a huge faggot here. A huge faggot who's never cooked for himself anything more complex than a microwaveable meal. A huge faggot who's never had to live with a child for longer than a month.

Go grow up and then come back so you can have an intelligent conversation

>Are you saying children aren't aware they're being burned?
I'm saying they'll do irrational things that are crazy as fuck, causing their burns to be more severe more than not. But hey, if you need to put words in my mouth to make yourself feel better than go right on ahead. Otherwise work on your goddamn reading comprehension levels

>> No.10794199

I use children as onaholes

>> No.10794204

>I'm saying they'll do irrational things that are crazy as fuck
as irrational as anyone acting on reflex after feeling pain. are you made of ultra-dense material or something? maybe you are a robot who doesn't feel pain.

>> No.10794206

that's not a nice thing to say on a christian imageboard.

>> No.10794207

It's okay. Bullets bounce off children because of the Child Protection Act of 1998, which states that violent weapons are not allowed to harm children.

>> No.10794215

>as irrational as anyone acting on reflex after feeling pain
You're missing the "irrational things that are crazy as fuck" part. For example: children play around and even jump over fires. How well do these reflexes work when you're laying in a fire?

Also you do realize I'm explaining why burns are more dangerous than puking, right? So by arguing with me you're saying puking <= burns

>> No.10794216

>I'm saying they'll do irrational things that are crazy as fuck

When I was a kid I'd stop metabolizing, just to piss off my parents.

>> No.10794224

You're wrong, I've cooked big meals before. Though admittedly my diet has been pretty limited lately it has to do with dieting and not inability to cook.

>> No.10794225

>children play around and even jump over fires
I've never seen a kid do this. But still, that isn't the same as jumping into the fucking fire. It's like making faces at a lion in a zoo and not in the wild. They know they can get burned, which is why they jump OVER the fire, not in it.

>> No.10794227

>How well do these reflexes work when you're laying in a fire?

Super goddamn well, I'd wager.

Or what? do you honestly expect them to just lay in the fire like a dead fish?

>> No.10794228

I think you meant to say that you stopped eating. I don't think people can control what foods their body metabolizes into energy.

>> No.10794235

those are really particular cases that are not even likely, tailored-made to suit your point and comparing them to an extremely domestic case like "eating candy". You should at least be fair and compare them to other domestic cases like "touching a hot oven with your bare hand" not "jumping over fire" because that's ridiculous.

>> No.10794238

When I was a girl in the womb, my older brother turned me into a boy using magic. Kids do crazy stuff.

>> No.10794241


>> No.10794243

>I've never seen a kid do this
>Super goddamn well, I'd wager.
>Or what? do you honestly expect them to just lay in the fire like a dead fish?

Good to know I've been arguing with uneducated, inexperienced children this entire time. I'm out of here. Good luck when reality bites you in the ass.

>> No.10794244

hopefully we won't jump over fire or something.

>> No.10794249

Like you've had children before either. This is /jp/ not /pta/.

>> No.10794251 [SPOILER] 
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Don't let the door hit you.

>> No.10794253

Don't you mean when I jump into reality and it burns my ass?

>> No.10794255

My parents would be happy if I did that as a child as it means I've developed a spine. I was a total coward as a child. Still am one, actually.

>> No.10794255,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did this guy really get angry over this little argument? I don't understand why anyone give enough of a shit to get mad like that.
