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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10791699 No.10791699[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Condom culture haven't really penetrated into Asia yet, but after reading up on the subject out of curiosity it got me thinking. Why is AIDS prevalence in so low in Korea and Japan?
Condom use in both countries is very low and there is a multitude of examples of how the populace resist against it, like brothels and prostitutes with an enforced condom use struggling to find clients. Why isn't AIDS more widespread in Korea and Japan while the rest of Southeast Asia is festering in it? Can the statistics be skewed like we think they are in the case of rapes? The better quality of life definitely plays a factor, but I can't really see how it could be a deciding one.

Pic related, a japanese prostitute.

>> No.10791712

They slayed all the gays.

>> No.10791718

>>>/int/ would be more interested.

But, it's because there's not many gays or africans in Asia. And most Asians fuck their own kind, mixing races is only what rejects do.

>> No.10791730
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Maiko thread?
Maiko thread.

>> No.10791731

You seem to have a severe lack of understanding in the subject.
Gays were framed -and rightfully so- with spreading AIDS because they practiced unprotected sex. In this case this shouldn't matter, because the majority of the populace does so too.

>it's because there's not many gays or africans in Asia
>not many gays
>in Asia
Japs adore gayness and they have huge industries centered around gay drawn porn and promoting gay music bands.

>> No.10791734
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>> No.10791737

>condom culture
haha oh wow

this is /jp/ we don't care about asia or japan. go away.


>> No.10791774


Are you fucking stupid?

To get AIDS you musy have unprotected sex with someone who has AIDS. HIV viruses don't appear out of thin air when someones gets out of the closet as homossexual or when someone is born as a black person.

It means that there are very few people infected with AIDS in Japan, and apparently these people are not having any unprotected sex.

Jeez guys. It doesn't mean japanese race is a superior race immune to HIV...

>> No.10791788
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>It doesn't mean japanese race is a superior race immune to HIV
No, but their culture certainly helps minimize the proliferation of undesirables.

>> No.10791790

Because AIDs/HIV is some bullshit made up by some retard to scare children into not having sex. I remember there being a study where 100 couples, one of each having AIDS, had unprotected sex over a period of time. Not one of the other person in each couple was tested HIV positive.

>> No.10791794

And to think this was fap material back then.

I love looking at old world porn now and then and see the kind of stuff we got off on.

>> No.10791798

You make no sense.
When it appeared in other Asian countries it spread like wildfire.

>> No.10791804

Just look at the state of that.

It's no wonder why they still make mud huts and live in their own filth to this very day.

Their race simply cannot advance like all the others did hundreds of years ago.

>> No.10791805

Do they even have sex in japan?

>> No.10791806

no xD

>> No.10791807
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>> No.10791813

What's with the detergent pic?

>> No.10791816

No. This is the answer to the OP's question.

>> No.10791820

That inner feel when these girls are like 12 years old.
I wish it was socially acceptable to hire a child prostitute in 2013.

>Our time is too young to explore the stars and bang holographic loli
>Our time is too old explore the earth and bang real loli

>> No.10791819

It's a Bleach reference, you baka.

>> No.10791828

Truly this is the dark ages.

>> No.10791832
File: 213 KB, 730x1095, tell_us_about_islam__by_nayzak-d4m8f8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just convert to islam.

>> No.10791847

Thats even worse, like salt in the wound.

>> No.10791848

The Korean War happened before AIDs became a big issue and with Vietnam helping to spark sex tourism throughout south east asia, by the time AIDs became a true epidemic Korea and Japan were all but forgotten.

>> No.10791856

There's a bit more to this. During Korea, troops on holiday might stay in Japan or even indulge with the locals.

In the aftermath of the war, the reconstruction of Japan was in full swing along with the creation of the Korean DMZ and investment by the US in stabilizing both countries. This resulted in a dramatic increase in the quality of life, reducing poverty and the numbers of women involved in prostitution as a result.

Comparatively, South East Asia never saw the same kind of US investment and poverty remained prevalent, forcing many women to turn to prostitution to make ends meet.

The AIDs epidemic swept through South East Asia because they were too poor to refuse it basically.

>> No.10791858
File: 115 KB, 645x412, TumblrThirdWorldPrivilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. They seem to have a better grasp on keeping their women in check than western society, that's for damn sure.

>> No.10791860

Boy-love and gays are different things, dumb dumb.

The whole BL industry is for otaku girls, not guys. Everyone else is homophobic as fuck. You seem to think all the things you see on the internet about Japan applies to the majority, you are very wrong.

Also, males are way more susceptible to HIV.

>> No.10791864

You want the real answer OP? Asians are full of slutty people that have multiple sexual partners, they live boring lives.

>> No.10791875

Because HIV/AIDS was created by the CIA, which in turn is controlled by Jews, to wipe out the niggers. And since Asians don't usually breed with niggers, unlike whitetrashes, there are less Asians with HIV/AIDS

>> No.10791879

>To get AIDS you musy have unprotected sex with someone who has AIDS.

So since it can't be inherited there must be a lot of pedophiles raping their own children to pass it on.

Fuck sake. There's more vectors of infection than unprotected sex you inbred fucking moron.

I hope you get raped by someone with the disease. You deserve it.

>> No.10791903

and thus asians become HIV resistant plus they started to have sex with one partner due to their boredom of living a harem life. End

>> No.10791965


SJW please go.

>> No.10791991

Me on the left.

Kawaii desu. ^_^

>> No.10792007

I bet you were touched as a child... and liked it.

>> No.10792029

Around half of the infections come from drug use. I don't know about Korea, but in Japan you can get jailed for possessing marijuana.
This cuts down AIDS risk considerably.

>> No.10792036
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>> No.10792045
File: 49 KB, 728x800, 395651_534887353210478_1940979918_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Injecting marijuana
Please tell me if you're trolling because I'm autistic and can't tell.

>> No.10792049

EPIC reaction image, /a/ro

>> No.10792057
File: 19 KB, 108x169, 1349862835975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congrats for the epic post.

>> No.10792065

You missed the point. Even minor drug offenses can count as serious crimes in Japan, so drug use is next to none compared to other countries.

And yes, you can inject it, but I wouldn't recommend.

>> No.10792070

