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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 251 KB, 810x810, Defend your farm Tomohisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10768199 No.10768199 [Reply] [Original]

Gardening is now overpowered Edition

Current Version: Elona+ 1.18R

Download: http://wikiwiki.jp/elonaplus/
Elona pasta: http://pastebin.com/bdHxMfJ7
Elona Wiki: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Elona_Wiki

New fruit and vegetables, potato and corn don't rot, Radish +4. Monsters spawn in your farm to wreck your crops.

Ranch changes, you can now brush your pets to make their meat higher quality (also effected your autonomy skill).

Various other things like changing the name, description and icon of your weapons and armor at Garoku.

>> No.10768324

>Gardening is now overpowered

I thought it was always overpowered

>> No.10768332

Wait people have had the monsters wreck their crops? I thought it said they would just fight you but not mess with the crops.

>> No.10768335

They don't mess with your crops. It was just a mistranslation.

>> No.10768339

What if a fire monster spawns and sets fire to everything?
Now its just even more overpowered with quality food.

>> No.10768343

That, I don't know about.

>> No.10768364
File: 580 KB, 1286x793, godinsideehekatl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And not a single Mewmewmew! was casted that day. I guess I should consider myself lucky.

>> No.10768368

Was there ever an explanation as to why these shit threads are here and not on /vg/? Does everything that originated in Japan belong on /jp/ now? Can I make Naruto threads?

>> No.10768373
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, [Doremi].Kaiji.S2.Episode.23.[78C5180F].mkv_snapshot_11.06_[2011.09.08_17.22.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How in the hell did you get over 1000 speed

>> No.10768480

In the south continent you can trade AP for Speed.

>> No.10768482

He is riding a fast monster

>> No.10768848


The speed increase costs a lot though and its only a 20 Boost. What pet in particular is it?

>> No.10768866

how do I get the eng version?

>> No.10768868

It's a doujin culture

>> No.10768883

Opatos doesn't accept junk stones anymore?

>> No.10768901
File: 122 KB, 1086x724, Clipboard Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably this.

>> No.10768904

Wait, did they ever make a Johnny look-alike from CT?

>> No.10768907

Hahahaha I never even noticed that it really is a snail on the head of an android! Snail tourist FTW!

>> No.10768912

the changelog on the english wiki is shit tier.

here's the real thing:

wild animals appearing in farms are lower in level, lower in numbers, and show up less often.
many monsters no longer appear as wild animals.
the appearance rate of seedlings after harvesting has been adjusted. Rate is increased for field tiles, decreased everywhere else.

sex-changed NPCs keep the same portrait.

bug fixes:

lots of typo fixes
You can no longer use fertilizer outside field tiles
Corn and Potatoes no longer rot.
Fixed conditions for skill use of evolved monsters.
Fixed bugs with void bosses.
Fixed bug with icons of ranged weapons.
Fixed bug where pets with relationship of *love* don't get Boosted when petted.
The food value required for Fairies/Goose to drop items is increased.

>> No.10768918

cheap way to increase speed:

1. drink a speed-upper.
2. make/buy shitloads of inferior material scrolls. make/buy shitloads of shoes.
3. change the shoes into Raw. eat them all. visit a hungry demon to eat faster. at 400% potential probably ~6 pairs give 1 speed.

>> No.10768924
File: 454 KB, 708x364, elona94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex-changed NPCs keep the same portrait.

IIRC speed potential was removed a few patches ago

>> No.10768932

no, I'm pretty sure it's still there. speed upper rests it back to 400%.

can't find any mention in the wiki change logs, either.

>> No.10768936

>IIRC speed potential was removed a few patches ago
Never mind, thinking of the boost from hermes blood

>> No.10769004

Already level 18 and I haven't stumbled across a single rabbit tail.
What the fuck.

>> No.10769999

Sooo, what will happen once they run out of tiles for characters?

>> No.10770109

You are honestly going to complain after seeing some of the other threads on /jp/? Elona isn't big enough to sustain it's own /vg/ thread, and doesn't really fit in with the roguelike thread. I'm sure the mods would delete the threads if they got too spammy, but since the newer Elona stuff requires so much digging into japanese, it makes it easier to sustain threads here.

Anyone else had custom music problems since the 1.18R patch? I almost thought it was a filename thing since some of them worked. I didn't want to have to go through tracks one by one to convert to something that'll work with the changes they made.

They'll probably have fewer problems with that than with portraits. Unless they put all the new portraits below the female portraits, I guess. They managed to put in that custom sprite thing for pets, so I imagine they can do a little bit of reprogramming Noa's code. I'd actually like to see if the java Elona project would help out with some of Plus' problems once it gets finished. Of course, that's far into the future.

>> No.10770114

>Elona+ General

So it's come to this. It was all a ruse to segue into your shitty hack of an awesome game.

I bet you play Slash'EM too.

>> No.10770155

>awesome game.
>shitty rpg maker tier grindan game

>> No.10770183
File: 272 KB, 606x396, oh boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first drop from a treasure map
This is gonna be a good run...
Most roguelikes are pretty much the same, what was your point again?

>> No.10770211

>Most roguelikes are pretty much the same

This is why I hate Elona and think it shouldn't be considered a roguelike.

You faggots probably look at real roguelikes and say, "LOL it's all just an @ chasing a D in some #s xDDD WTF all the same :PPP!!!"

>> No.10770337

Do rods of alchemy have any use in Elona+ now that they can't be used on containers?

Also how the hell do I get that stupid 300s chest out of my home, I've tried throwing 3 molotovs on it to no effect.

>> No.10770345

Become capable of carrying it and then dragging it outside.

>> No.10770354

If I ever become capable of carrying it, I'm gonna throw it at Lomias' face instead.

>> No.10770403

It's not a hack, the creator abandoned Elona.

It was picked up and continued to be worked on and expanded by fans. It's technically a modified Elona. Thus, Elona plus.

>> No.10771014
File: 1.15 MB, 1584x1200, map1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated a higher-quality map1.bmp I used with vanilla to work with Plus.

>> No.10771082

Get out of /jp/

>> No.10771087
File: 9 KB, 96x96, up4077_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has potential. Here's the original sprites for the compost heap so that won't clash with the rest of the grass. I think you didn't use the 1.18 map1.bmp, so it's missing the dark portal thing up near the gate.

>> No.10771096

I can't find that dark portal in the 1.18 version. Where is it?

>> No.10771106
File: 11 KB, 96x96, up3823-stairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, some people get very angry about roguelikes for some reason. Elona isn't really close enough to a true roguelike that anyone should get defensive about it, though.

Here are some stairs too, in case the newer RPGmaker tilesets don't have those. It's actually pretty neat to see some of the same character sprites and graphics in much better quality and color.

>> No.10771111

It might only be in the 1.18R version. It's up between the stairs and the spike trap.

>> No.10771119
File: 954 KB, 1286x793, chocobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a custom NPC.

>> No.10771190

Whoa, thanks, that was quite an improvement

>> No.10771200

I updated it with better stairs and compost.
Please see if it works.

That was pretty hidden.

>> No.10772031

Is it possible to buy a microwave oven in Cyber Dome?

>> No.10772602
File: 17 KB, 1088x37, charisma break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be your best bet, if not you can also check the furniture stores at the Embassy

>> No.10772730

Is there a significant content difference between 1.22 yet? I just know I'll spend a solid week playing up to midgame and then suddenly lose interest.

>> No.10772933

>Is there a significant content difference between 1.22 yet?

You mean in Elona+? Yeah there is since the South Tyris main quest is complete.

> I just know I'll spend a solid week playing up to midgame and then suddenly lose interest.

Considering how slow and unfair the progression in Elona can be that simply can't be helped. This is just one of those games where you're allowed to think you're hot shit but then as you advance notice you've got a fuckload more work ahead of you.

>> No.10772937

Your question makes no sense as you used the word between with only one object.

If you mean between Elona 1.16 and 1.22 then there's very little difference.

If you mean between 1.22 and Elona+ then there's massive differences.

>> No.10773856

Sorry, yeah was referring to 1.22 vs Elona+.
I always start out a Wizard. So I only ever feel like hot stuff in dungeons 10 levels below me.

>> No.10773918

There has been a couple people that have had success as higher level wizards, but since everything ends up with natural resistance bonuses to elements at higher levels, you have limited choices. These people end up using the crystal spear spell, since very rarely does anything have natural resistance to pure magic, raising it up to triple-digit levels and using one of the weapons that have the enhance magic power attributes like the scythe of void. You have to end up beating a level 200 chaos fort boss to get the Vital Flayer, which has a 2.2 times multiplier on magic effects to get the maximum effect.

The good news is that it's a lot easier in Plus to raise your guild rank for the crystal spear spellbooks. The Wizard Harvest spell is loses the wish rods, gimps the medal/plat award a bit, but adds in ancient books as an award. You can use that to get your rank up to get those spellbooks from the spell writer.

It's always seemed like a gigantic pain in the ass though. It seems like the easiest way to start out would be to hide behind an army of pets until you raise your spell rank enough.

>> No.10773945

I've always done just that. Hide behind my little girl until I can catch a silver bell, hide behind a silver bell until my throwing skill is good enough, and then slay everything with PANTIES. With the occasional spell here and there just to remind myself I'm supposed to be a wizard.

>> No.10773959

>occasional spell

Stock systems are truly how you perfectly defile any Magic oriented class. You have my pity.

>> No.10773960

Shouldn't obsidian stuff have a darker hue?

>> No.10774306
File: 413 KB, 1280x962, mad scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know NPCs could join you. I met this mad scientist on a beauty and the beast quest and it popped up with something like it seemed friendly and wanted to join me.

What exactly happened here? And how can I do it again?

>> No.10774315


>> No.10774328

Same thing happened to me with the same NPC

>> No.10774372
File: 252 KB, 800x600, isca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also <Goda> the orc, <Isca> the fallen angel, and winged snail will join you if you beat him/her.

>> No.10774508

Really? I thought you minced them the first time around and then maybe you could catch them in the void or something (never actually been to the void, myself).

>> No.10774542

Wish the same could happen but rarely to dungeon bosses.
That would have been nice.

>> No.10774546

Plus has the unique NPCs that can join you. In normal Elona they just drop a card and statue, then never show up again. Kind of sucks since they can show up in places like the pet arena, and of course you can't pick up their stuff after they die there.

Goda, Isca, and the Mad Scientist are all in normal Elona. Plus adds the winged snail, Pascal, and Lityou. The last two are really good, and even make excellent mounts. Of the others, Isca is decent but the others are horrible.

I am probably responsible for that because of the monster girls overlay. I put in some female sprites for males, since gender really doesn't do anything in this game anyway. It'd actually be nice if the forbidden meat hermaphrodite/sexless thing did something to pets, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

>> No.10774725

mine crashes when i try to view an item (x) in the beginning, the crim ale is it? Does the same with a new character.

What other bugs are there?

>> No.10774733

You know, for "increasing the chance of higher quality chosen" these blessed inferior material scrolls sure love making EVERYTHING RAW.

>> No.10774749

Even blessed, you still don't get that good of a range with inferior quality scrolls.

There's really no reason to bless them and not change material scrolls.

>> No.10774784

I can't make change material scrolls yet, so I was hoping these inferior material scrolls would suffice when blessed. Or at least be useful in the slightest.

I made 17 of these and tested them on my rings and arrows, raw 12 times, bronze once, metal once, paper twice, and glass once.

I mean, I guess I got a extra 4 speed on my other non-glass engagement ring. But seriously. What the fuck with all these raws.

>> No.10774808

Inferiors are only useful for making speed rings grass and making equipment edible.

Also, RNGs are fickle like that. Sometimes you can see the same material several times in a row. It has to do with how their seeds are generated.

>> No.10774829 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 960x1280, milk drinking juice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss your favorite net idols! (`・ω・´)

>> No.10774848

What's your OS?

You will never get a superior material from an inferior material scroll, even if blessed. The best you'll get is iron or steel.

>> No.10774854

>Also, RNGs are fickle like that.
Real randomness is fickle like that

>> No.10774858

>Real randomness

No such thing.

>> No.10774877


>> No.10774982

Do bells become considerably less powerful at some point? I haven't had to do a thing in dungeons ever since I gave her the wind bow.

>> No.10775037

When mages and enemies start one shotting them without caring.

Generally if an enemy is strong enough to actually be able to hit it consistently. It will also be strong enough to kill it in very few hits.

Though yeah, gold and silver bells can eaily serve you for the entirety of North Tyris. Whether you wish to use them is your own choice. After a certain point, bells don't do nearly enough damage to kill stuff as fast as I would like at least.

However, then there's the new bells, which if caught utterly break the game, there's the third tier bell, bell of emergency, the cleaning doll you get from clearing out the cockroaches in the maid mansion, and the bell of termination.

The cleaning doll and bell of termination are warriors so have melee AI, but no hand slots. If you give them handslots, they will make your enemies blend. Gene engineering the cleaning doll is a lot easier than the bell of termination though.

>> No.10775828

What feats should I get next?
I already maxed luck and the speed ones.

>> No.10775852


>> No.10775861

Eh, I don't use pets often, though...

>> No.10775862

There's still a lot more useful feats to get like the leadership feat, stamina feat, life feat, teleport feat, poison/dark res feat and the chr/con/str/pv/dv feats.
As for recommendations on what to get next, I'd say leadership and the stamina one.

>> No.10775864

How rare are scrolls of flying?

>> No.10775867

Rarer than potential pots on a magic shop, but more often than descent pots.

>> No.10775898

Which is the first God I should choose as a Wizard?

>> No.10775901

Welp I guess my fairy fist wizard won't be using that tonfa for a long time then...

>> No.10775978

I'm guessing Itzpalt.

>> No.10776041
File: 28 KB, 515x385, ElonaAndroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great if you're riding too. Additionally, it can be used to great effect when getting ambushed when escorting anyone. The contingency saves your butt a lot. I usually take shield bash too, but other than that extra resistance for poison and dark is nice. Speed is actually not that great in Plus, at least once you reach South Tyris and can boost your speed with AP.

The faith one is sort of helpful too, if you don't want to hunt for as much faith boosting stuff. You have to luck out too much to boost it normally. At high levels, the life/mana boosts can help as well. But that'd probably be something you'd consider around the end of your feats. I think you end up with around 13 total feats naturally. After that, you have to rely on kumiromi experiences dropped from fairies or something.

I sometimes find ranged pets annoying since you have to sit through their attack spam before you can move. I ended up using a bell of termination to tank the south tyris chaos fort bosses, so yeah, they are almost too good.

Itzpalt is pretty easy to raise favor for in Plus since he takes rods. But taking Opatos for the extra carrying weight can help a lot in the early parts of the game. The powered up gardening means Kumiromi can be even better, coupled with his amazing stamina regen feat. Problem with wizards is that it's hard to just use magic at the start because of low mana/stocks.

>> No.10776056
File: 28 KB, 222x192, Shootting Squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't feel that I have enough bells.

>> No.10776665
File: 2 KB, 48x96, up2608_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something wrong with you. But I like your bell sprite.

I had the idea of doing a gundam character with like 7 bells with sprites to look like funnels, shooting laser guns. I think it's one of those things that would be a lot less interesting actually implementing.

>> No.10777232
File: 535 KB, 700x399, 2013-04-21 10_19_56-ElonaPlus 1.18R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fairies are amazing when scaled up. Her mind bolt/darkness bolt rivals my level 269 crystal spear and sometimes even surpasses it depending on the enemies resistances or when she uses her insanely high nightmare spell. Seen some 50k bolts so far, without spell enhancing gear.

Also I like how she uses the steal gold action to pay for her own potential training and even uses cure of Eris on herself, making her somewhat self sufficient. Only problem is her "low" hp, compared to other scaled enemies in her range at least.

Thankfully she already has a full set of equipment due to being a humanoid, very useful as I could never hope to gene engineer this high, nor would I want to waste her already low life on adding new ones.

With her in my battle team, I finally managed to beat the level 151 Ex battle on page 2. I cant tell if that team is legit, but it sure is one of the more challenging ones that doesn't seem to use custom pets.

>> No.10777300

>level 151 Ex battle on page 2
Did you actually kill the guy's bell? I am making scratches to that damn thing.

>> No.10777314

Yes it died from something while off screen, I believe it was my tsathoggua that decided to insanity touch it for the whole battle. I've uploaded my new team, level 437 page 1.

>> No.10777364

what the effect of a "your digestion is slow mutation"?

>> No.10777373

That is the Juere race feat, takes longer to get hungry.

>> No.10778321

4025, 41 faith skill

>> No.10778314

how much faith needed to get a god weapon?

>> No.10778316
File: 292 KB, 585x466, e+spellbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've invested in the spell book shop and I haven't seen a change from rank 40ish to 95. Does the list stop there?

>> No.10778328


>> No.10778352

The spell book shop sells books that you have successfully read at least once (have gained stock in that spell as a result), with a few exceptions such as Harvest. Increasing the shop rank only increases the total number of books for sale.

>> No.10778445
File: 749 KB, 641x625, befor and after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not done feeding her herbs yet.

>> No.10778524

New to this. What's the easiest way to get potions of descent? Would breeding zombies on a ranch be a good idea?

>> No.10778527

Can I play this safely without spoilers or will that bite me in the ass?

Any hints a newbie definitely should know?

>> No.10778547

These both depend on whether you're playing normal or Plus. Zombies in Plus don't drop those normally anymore, the potions are generated only randomly.

>> No.10778553 [DELETED] 

>Quoting the OP

>> No.10778562

Aww, man. Thanks for telling me. Guess I'll just have to wait for them to pop up.

>> No.10778573

Your first wishes should be:
1. Happy Bed
2. Seven League Boots
3. Vindale Cloak
4. Aurora Ring
5. Speed Ring

That's what I do in the start of my runs, anyway.

You should get Sense Quality and also Weight Lifting early on since it will help you a lot, both of those skills can be bought from the trainer in Yowyn.

>> No.10778598

Honestly, other than the boots the other wishes could probably be used on something like skills by typing #(skillname). You can save yourself many, many hours of quests for platinum by doing that. The other stuff can be found randomly, usually taking much less time. I'd argue that you don't even need to bother with the cloak or aurora ring, and just pick those up if you happen to run into one.

>> No.10778616

Can I get my FUG on in this game and FUG some girls?

>> No.10778622


>> No.10778664

no ;)

>> No.10778678

Well, it's implied...

>> No.10778750


One day the nips should get together and implement text action behind the intercourse. Just imagine describing a PC going down on his Spiral King. It'd be great.

>> No.10778762


I think that's as far as we will go but, who knows, it's nips we're talking about here.

>> No.10778894

>Polite the little girl
Sometimes, I feel the names are not that random at all.

>> No.10779498

I understand the rest, but why happy bed?

I've just been using a eastern bed and it's served me well, I'd get a lot more use out of seven league boots than a 70 quality better bed.

>> No.10779529

Better bed = better dreams.
Which means, chances of positive things happening while you sleep increases.

>> No.10779561

It's worth it. Not before the boots, though.

>> No.10779589

Not only that, it also affects the potential increase you get after going to sleep. With a happy bed, you're always guaranteed to get an increase of some sort. However, I'd still make the Seven Leagues a priority over the happy bed.

Though honestly, it's not necessary to wish for most of that gear. You can just use the king's bed in Palmia or even steal one to tide you over until you find a happy bed drop from a cupid of love.

Artifact seven league boots, vindale cloaks, and aurora rings appear at the Strange Scientist and not too uncommonly as well. You can even reroll their attributes somewhat by repeatedly going into the menu when she does have them. Seven leagues you'll probably want earlier than when you can defeat big daddies so I'd probably use a wish for them if you get one early on. Vindale Cloaks aren't really needed if you simply pay attention to the months or get a Shena's Panty. If you're lucky it will have spawned when Palmia was created, if you aren't then take an oracle scroll into every party time quest or simply check the art.log file whenever you go into one.

With all the new ways to get speed in Elona+, speed rings aren't really that worth it anymore as the tradeoff is not using the Ring of Steel Dragon and Palmia Pride.

If you're at 4k+ favor with your God and are in a temporary place you might want to consider wishing for your God for their final reward. If you're in a static place, you might want to wish for a different God who you plan on switching to eventually and coming back to that place later when you're at 4k+ favor for that God.

You may also want to consider secret experiences of Kumiromi, just be sure you don't accidentally get the Lomias type by shortening the whole thing as they drop fairly commonly off Lomias in Party Time quests.

>> No.10779607


happy beds are bit heavy tho

>> No.10779621

I usually just get the seven league boots and a secret of Kumiromi if I'm near the level req and then start wishing for skills.

If its raining and you have some fire res gear you can free Ebon and let him kill everyone, sometimes people drop a happy bed.

You can also get Shena's panties from the nobles in Palmia if your lucky, and not have to waste a wish on vindale's cloak.

Heavy Rain is too rare for me to really care about an Aurora's Ring (I also stole one from an adventure, also I'm worshiping Yacatect so having it my inventory is really annoying when offering things)

Speed ring would be arguable if you had a rod of wish and save scummed it, since its speed stat if RNG hell.

Also if you have a grenade, 18 strength and a Rod of wall and teleport you can easily steal one from a low level party time quest.

>> No.10779628

>you can easily steal a barbeque set from party time quests

>> No.10779666

You have to use all that carry limit for something.

You can already use a miromi at level 1.

>> No.10779747

What's the easiest way to create/modify character.bmp and center everything?

>> No.10779796

All the sprites are 48x48 pixels so just turn grid and snap to grid on, as most sprites you download are already 48x48 blocks.

>> No.10779847
File: 9 KB, 626x31, little sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10780461
File: 287 KB, 806x625, what type of Insult is that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insult and Tactical Curse are working fine

>> No.10780547

I just feel that they're using them too often, especially on monsters that perfectly resist hexes, like bosses, rendering my pet's attack power halved. In the end, I removed both.

>> No.10780577


all i keep was insult tho

To many things later on that resist hexes

>> No.10780609

However, I have come to like the provoke skill. It always works, even on bosses, and on top of the rage, it gives also makes a guaranteed mist of frailness, which is just perfect against bosses.

I've also found a number of enemies and bosses that resist insult. Not to mention.... it's not very helpful to begin with. At least for my fairy claymore-turned-dual-wielding-something, spellcasters aren't really a problem, and prove to be my favorite meal, and against melee-heavy enemies, it seems practically useless. I'd really rather have my pet continue slashing the provoked-frailed enemy rather than wasting specious turns insulting the already incapacitated enemy. Though that though is quite arousing.

>> No.10780749
File: 307 KB, 645x430, Nope, not an odd name at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, my first panty.
I feel somewhat happy...?

>> No.10780767

Looks good. Auto Holy Veil's somewhat useless, though, since you usually need it in specific times, not randomly, always.

>> No.10780785

If you don't have many sprites, you can just put the sprites in your user/graphics/ folder, then name them chara_(whatever sprite number they are).bmp. Otherwise you'd need a graphics program that works with layers, and paste your new sprites onto a transparent layer over the current sheet. Don't combine the character sheet with yours, because you'll have to redo the whole sheet when the sheet is updated by the developers. You can create seperate layers for each sprite, but make sure you name the layers and organize them in a way where you can find the right one if you need to replace it. That makes it a lot easier to change individual sprites, since you can layer the same sprite number on top of each other, then drag the one you feel like using to the top of the stack.

I have an example one of mine I can throw up in a while, but with hundreds of sprites it's only half completed since I've been slicing apart my bigger spritesheets into singles.

>> No.10780865

Does your initial class have any effect beyond just your initial stats/potential and skills?

>> No.10780886

In Elona+, each class got unique feats.

>> No.10780901
File: 474 KB, 675x368, worms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never saw this one before

>> No.10780907



for elona+

>> No.10780917


>tourist feat
That's just being cruel.

>> No.10780949
File: 297 KB, 641x428, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10780999

Speaking of which, I was messing with Garok's item appearance change thing today. If anyone hasn't tried it, talking to Garok and choosing the first option lets you spend 5 plat to mod an item a bit. You have to modify the files in the user/item/ folder for it to work, since rather than you typing in a name, you type in a number and the sprite and description change to the information contained in the files marked from that number, 1-15. Although for the sprite, it uses positions marked on the item.bmp sheet, so you could potentially put the sprite on that instead.

It's kind of disappointing. You can mod the "flavor" text, but that's just the description when you look at the item that's above it's attributes. The lines that say "description" write to lines that the english version rarely uses, but are on a bunch of items as extra information when the japanese version is enabled. And while you can obviously mod the name, when you're wielding something that already had a name, that old name will still show up when it says "you wield (weapon name) proudly". It does this when the game is in japanese mode too. I guess it could be nice for stuff that isn't a weapon, or maybe something you wanted to display in your home.

>> No.10781045

Oh cool an elona+ thread. Any one of you guys living in Japan? I want to contact the creator to get the scripts to translate them.

http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/45610/1365853151/l50 is the current thread.

If you can post there(are in Japan) can you tell him to contact Trantez@yahoo.com ? I had an acquaintance contact him before but my other e-mail he can't send messages.

>> No.10781063

I suppose you can contact them though their wiki, and if you're confident enough in your Japanese to translate this, talking to them there shouldn't be a problem. However, convincing them to let you do so is another question.

Do that here:

>> No.10781083
File: 283 KB, 806x625, well now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like 8 of them was just over kill then

>> No.10781099
File: 62 KB, 560x112, zeropercentcrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened?

>> No.10781105

any combination of heavy armor, dual wielding, shield, riding and shit casting.

>> No.10781112

Yeah, but isn't the casting rate supposed to not go lower than 5%?

>> No.10781124

Well the thing is I don't even know if the mod developer reads the wiki. He's tried to contact me but comcast doesn't like throw away japanese e-mail addresses.

>> No.10781127

I think it does go below 5% on the new versions. Doesn't matter much though - 5% or 0%, either way, you're never going to cast that.

>> No.10781132

Why don't you like Wizard's Harvest?

>> No.10781141

After last update my fairy shave she's hair. How to fix it?
Where i can download a latest english patch? http://wikiwiki.jp/elonaplus/ doesn't work
And how to get a custom pet?

>> No.10781183

5% is still better than 0%. I can actually cast wishes on 5%, granted that I savescum enough to succeed. Well, not like casting it successfully matters right now. I'm just surprised to see that it went lower than 5%. And it looks like it's going up again, just leveled it to 67 and it's at 2% now.

I'll use it someday. I swear!

>> No.10781241

You're missing the hair sprite that you selected from your last save. That of the selected current one has a wrong dimension or position.

>> No.10781257

What do you mean it doesn't work? The game should ask you the first time you run it which language you want it to run it on.

>> No.10781264

cannot reach the site

>> No.10781269

There is no english patch for Elona+. Be thankful enough that you're able to play new content in a game that is 2 years dead.

>> No.10781271

The problem is in your side, it works for me.

>> No.10781292

If you just want the game, you may want to try out this link to download it.

>> No.10781326

thanks you

>> No.10781361

In elona+ they changed it so spells now can be 0% to get rid of the save scumming from spells, so people who aren't mages can't cash in on it.

>> No.10782089

How many levels do you have on your dominate?

>> No.10782123

221, 486 with flayer.

>> No.10782127

I went into the Nightmare quest lv50 at lv 25 with 4 bells and one little girl all at lv 15, I left only my two best bells... Eat that Loyter you loser.

>> No.10782135

Ah, so I just have to multiply my domination level by 2.2x when using the flayer to get the total level range of what I can dominate?

>> No.10782140

Yes, assuming you have the monster heart in your inventory of course. I believe the mind res of the target can cause resists, nightmare has helped in those cases.

>> No.10782148

I see, guess I'll spend some time putting some levels into nightmare as well. Thanks.

>> No.10782764

Hot damn, looks like it was just China being blocked by Japan (lol)
Looks like I'm going to start on the English Translation of the story in part 1 and 2.
Euh, Going to probably post it here or on the wiki before it will be added to the game.

>> No.10783036

So, I kept having Treasure of Dream where my pets would show up in it. Then, I noticed that my home rank was lower than it should be. I found "blood of younger catsister" and "little sister" on my bed.

I like you, devs.

>> No.10783531
File: 2 KB, 48x48, up1223_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news. I think there is one person at least on the wiki that has done some direct translation, and at least one anon in these threads have put up translations. It's probably more worth your time to just post things you're not sure about, or that you think might sound awkward. Good luck not burning out. One thing I think might be worth your time is trying to get them to add in the class feat descriptions into the class choices. I don't think most english speakers playing Plus would ever realize those things are in the game unless they read about it here or buried in the wikia page.


>> No.10783583
File: 424 KB, 806x625, what and why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me craft some light sabers

>> No.10783591

Just so you know, you CAN change lightsaber materials with material kits. The ether is not that big a drawback, but it does bother some people.

>> No.10783595

Jesus Christ, why are scythes so hard to find?

>> No.10783599
File: 428 KB, 806x625, muh gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not for me any way

its for the spaghetti monster

>> No.10783624
File: 413 KB, 806x625, silly things you get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


try my luck at crafting pantys

may be i get some silly form it

>> No.10783678

I don't get how anyone can play elona+.
I used to play regular elona and it was already grindy as fug, but the elona+ guys are having characters with hundreds and hundreds of hours put into them.
Do you guys have insane amounts of willpower?

>> No.10783739
File: 8 KB, 57x31, Whatisit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searched for ages so I throw myself on your mercy. What the fuck does this mean?.

>> No.10783779
File: 100 KB, 776x476, Ahegao_zps01c0c9c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving an Arbalest to a bell with a neck

>> No.10783815
File: 413 KB, 806x625, magic fairy pantys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to bad my throwing skill sucks

>> No.10783830

Don't you have Travelling?

>> No.10783840



>> No.10783848

Abandoned feature, nobody really knows what was it going to be used for, some say it would be for item fusion.

>> No.10783852
File: 34 KB, 234x198, aliceinwonderland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



71 traveling

and throwing only at 61 vs 87 firearm

>> No.10783855

Ok thanks was bugging me spent about an hour searching before I gave up and posted it here ><

>> No.10783866 [DELETED] 


>> No.10784128
File: 61 KB, 613x198, herbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fed it to the pets

you never get huge boost like they do any way

>> No.10784260

I'm gonna start savescumming wells for stats from now on. Never gonna reach 2000 allstats like the japs at this rate.

>> No.10784297

The beginning part seemed a lot easier for me in elona+. For example, you can actually train performer. And the updated traveler makes it a lot easier to get started.

>> No.10784530

I'll ask again, do your pet's spells ever level up? Like when I evolved my little girl into the witch that uses Crystal Spear, will the spell ever level up? Because right now, it's shit.

>> No.10784664

Pet spells are dependent on casting.

>> No.10784747

That is, their Casting skill? Will it 'increase' the spell level in a similar way that it would for a player using the spell often? To clarify, I'm talking about the damage here.

>> No.10784765


>> No.10784787

Sweet. Thanks. Oh, and in a tangent, would the same system apply to monsters, that is, a monster that has a high casting skill would throw much more powerful spells than that of a monster with little casting skill?

>> No.10784857

Pretty much. Don't forget to factor in Mag though.

>> No.10785023

Yes, I will. Thanks again. I guess I'll go get my little girl again. I have been quite overwhelmed recently at the strength of pro-jet that basically broke my game.

>> No.10785130
File: 395 KB, 806x625, very nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some neat things form crafting

>> No.10785168

You can craft bullet-proof jackets with tailoring? I did not know that. I have been pumping out godly spears, but not that.

>> No.10785245


sewing kit for bullet proof jackets and wings etc

Tailoring skill of 35 to craft the jackets

>> No.10785368

What are you talking about? Elona+ speeds everything up so there is much less grind. If you don't want to see the new continent that was added, just stop before it or something. You can kill Zeome in half the time it took on vanilla.

>> No.10785731

What is the small ECG like flash that happens above my character in combat?

>> No.10785741

That means you've gained 1 AP. It's like special exp you can only spend in South Tyris after beating Zeome. You get it after killing a rather strong monster in reference to you or your pet.

>> No.10785778

Are aliens the only monsters I can get the travelling skill from for my pets?

>> No.10785780

Fire dragon child and little girl also has it, as far as I know.
Probably dog too.

>> No.10785789

Should I let my little girl become a Valkyrie or a Witch?

>> No.10785952


>> No.10786044

How many hours did you guys grind?

>> No.10786148

Right now, I'm at about a hundred. I know, I'm small time, but it's a new save I made just for Elona+.

>> No.10786166


>> No.10786447
File: 538 KB, 696x400, 2013-04-23 08_34_48-ElonaPlus 1.18R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

646 hours. I started this in may last year on Elona+ 1.04, its actually my first character ever as I regrettably never played original Elona when all the threads were around.

However I tried Elona Xmas a few weeks ago, I guess I've been spoiled by + as original Elona feels extremely slow when it comes to gaining potential for skills. Maybe I should've picked an older version for reserving harvest, or should I just learn to deal with it and carry on performing forever?

>> No.10786451

Where can I easily get potions of potential?

>> No.10786470

In Elona+, they're sold relatively commonly by high level magic vendors. The one at my house is at around 100-120, and they're being sold at around an average of once per 3-5 visits, however, the amount being sold every time is a bit random mostly just 1 though.

>> No.10786484

I wish you can go to other peoples shops in Elona.

>> No.10786615

I had about 200 or so hours in normal Elona. On my Elona+ character I only have 60 hours though. I'm trying to keep my stats low for AP grinding, or should I just ignore AP till I get to the next continent?

>> No.10786633
File: 105 KB, 465x199, 136588282051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter a random room in a moongate
>insta-gibbed by a old man when I take just one step

I'm going to start killing all elderly I see from now on.

>> No.10786770

No, you want that AP and you want as many of it as possible. By the time you get to the second continent, you'll wish you were still weak enough to get AP from monsters that have no skill whatsoever.

>> No.10786884 [DELETED] 

Just reporting. It seems to be an extremely rare drop, though. To put it into perspective, I did get all luck feats, but it was not, I repeat, not a lucky day. And this would probably be the hundredth or so chupa I've killed.

>> No.10786885
File: 383 KB, 1148x642, chupas drop another hearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reporting. It seems to be a very rare drop though. To put it into perspective, I did get all luck feats, but it I do NOT have lucky day. And this would probably be the hundredth chupa I've killed so far.

>> No.10786897

Just how rubbing works exactly?
Can someone explain?

>> No.10787147

what's the best pet to ride?

>> No.10787167

If you want to maximize AP, grab "Disturbs Growth" gear. I have a shitty hat that has max level growth disturbance, and it BARELY keeps me from rocketing up in levels.

>> No.10787172

Also, a good source of consistent AP would be named NPCs, like Loyter, the King, and that guy with the Ragnarok sword in Vernis. They're relatively easy to kill with a full pet team. The difficulty is getting the killing shot.

>> No.10787602


Earning AP from enemies stronger than the player

The game seems to use the characters strength and magic stat in relation to the enemies (possibly Dexterity and perception too) to determined the stronger than requirement. Level, Life, Mana, Charm and Luck does not affect this check.

It uses the stats shown on your characters status screen (the values shown in parentheses) this means it only uses your BASE stats rather than current buffed or debuffed status.

Even if your character has higher speed, you can still get AP from fighting enemies stronger than you.

work same way for pets but the ap gain double for them

>> No.10787672

Does wearing Shena's panty or a vindale cloak negate the effect, or is the effect like ether wind constantly blowing?

>> No.10787992

I don't think it would be negated by the disease protection stuff, but the effect of wearing anything ether is very minor. It's nowhere near anything like being out in the etherwind. You might see an extra ether effect happen very rarely, but it's easy to manage with potions from blackjack. The only real reason not to wear ether equipment is that there are better materials out there to use.

>> No.10788150

So in order to get the minmax my char I should:
Level up skills
Get godly equip
Be low level
Have low base stats

How can you do all that?

>> No.10788257
File: 130 KB, 486x327, Druids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10788529

To be low level, get "Disturbs growth" on an item. Preferably high-level, and two if you can. For low base stats, nothing you can do. Don't drink potential potions, don't scum wells, and avoid killing monsters/using magic. AP growth seems to be based on speed and str/mag damages.

You're not going to get worthwhile items until you get into higher-level dungeons, as most of the good items only start dropping when you get higher-quality base item types, like plate, jackets, traveling boots, etc. Your best bet is to level up a magic shop and buy change material scrolls, then bless a fat stack of them when you can. Use the blessed scrolls on miracle equipment with GOOD bonuses, and hope for superior material types.

If you don't want to level yourself, max out your charisma and use pets.

>> No.10788549

If it helps you to understand, I had adamantium equipment by level 18 or so, just leveling up my magic vendors and pumping out change material and superior material scrolls, then blessing them and using them.

It really is amazing, getting 6-7d* damage base equipment at such a low level.

Be on the lookout for living weapons of a decent material type. I managed to find an adventurer with a living titanium bow. I'm currently working it for nerve damage, wondering what to go with next. Nerve is the best damage type, I think, because paralyzing is just that effective, and it works on so much.

>> No.10788614


>> No.10788729

At that start of the game you already have the etherwind disease, wearing the vindale's or shena's panty just slows down the rate at which the disease grows. etherwind just multiplies the rate at which it grows when you're outside during it.

>> No.10788745

You find a big brush then you use the special (a)ction on an adjacent pet, they get a temporary stat boost based on their relationship level with you.

Supposably brushing farm animals increases the quality of their meat when you kill them. (I haven't tried this yet.

>> No.10788845
File: 232 KB, 1286x796, stonesmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently ran into some adventurer carrying this around and he wasn't even a high tier adventurer, how the shit are they rolling items like this?

>> No.10788859

Must've had rich parents.

>> No.10788910

You should be thankful - they're easier to pickpocket, or if you're bold enough, kill and loot exactly for those sweet equips.

>> No.10788950

>it was a stolen item

That's how.

>> No.10788970

I stole it from him, and I could be wrong but I don't think adventurers are able to generate items with the stolen attribute.

>> No.10789083

Nothing generates with "Stolen" attribute. It's directly related to PC Pickpocket.

I've seen the weirdest shit show up on low-level adventurers. You can usually get all of it for a crappy miracle or potions of corruption. Steal the potions of corruption back.

Potions of Cure Corruption are like SoJs for this game, except you can steal them back after the trade.

>> No.10789260
File: 139 KB, 803x603, Shitty character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell did you get your attributes that high?

>> No.10789292

>133 year old virgin
Not the anon you're quoting but, anyway, descent potion is one way. Very rare in Elona+, but he could have made a huge stash from Elona before making the jump though a gene or something.

Herbs are another. Directly increases stat with little exp boost.

>> No.10789301

I have 5+ pieces of gear with EXP drain on them and I let my pets do pretty much all combat so my only exp gain is from training abilities.

>> No.10789345
File: 326 KB, 1286x796, amikawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's my full stat sheet.

>> No.10789383
File: 82 KB, 620x250, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


farm up that ap mang

>> No.10789421
File: 409 KB, 806x625, dah best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more fun with crafting

this time on lucky day

>> No.10789439

Sonuvabitch. That's it. I'm getting those skills. Now.

>> No.10789452

Not all that worried about AP until I can feasibly kill Zeome. Only feasible way I can think of for a while would be to summon another sister with the diary i have laying around and going full pet panty mode then throwing cursed booze at Zeome for a few hundred turns and hope I'm not dead.

>> No.10789470

I've also found a nice way to get more firepower on Zeome wih little risk. Riding seems to block all area damage from your ride - meaning that balls and bolts will never hurt them. That means I could let them focus purely on physical attack and defense, specifically because Zeome doesn't do good darts and even if he does, he darts me, the one who is pumped with all the resistances. As a Fairy I also have good Evade. It wasn't too pretty, but me and my ride were able to kill Zeome relatively fast this way.

>> No.10789523

A shame the damage is so shitty. The speed proc is the best part, though. Dual wield it with something better and proc speed all the time.

>> No.10789536

All lightsabres have shitty damage, but in return, look at the 100% pierce. Of course you'll only really appreciate that if you don't already have Gloves of Vesda or some other armor piercing proc on all of your combatants.

>> No.10789537

I wish you could craft scythes.
I fucking love decapitation.

>> No.10789556

Play a farmer in Plus. They have an innate chance of decapitating with each attack. Don't remember if it's melee only, but probably.

It also helps that Plus lets you go up to +10 on non-living weapons, so you can make up a lot of that difference.

Has anyone tried forbidden meat with opposite sex evolutions lately? I know it worked in the past with slimes, but it didn't work when I tried it yesterday with a king cobra for the lamia evolution. I just figure that I'll ask before I hunt another sex-dependent evolution pet down.

>> No.10789572
File: 433 KB, 806x625, Decapitating Grenade Speed and Shining wave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i be fine with this set up

>> No.10789576
File: 121 KB, 504x298, chop chop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get lucky with decapitation on non scythe weapons

>> No.10789585
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>> No.10789614
File: 425 KB, 806x625, spears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you craft it

it may come

>> No.10789623
File: 571 KB, 512x288, 1334851054385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get two extra hands?

>> No.10789632

You can get new limbs from Dr. Gavela in South Tyris. That or he used some debug or other voodoo.

>> No.10789644

Why I don't appreciate Decapitation much is because it will only ever activate at <10% hp, and the way i see it, if I'm strong enough to bring something down to <10% hp, I'm strong enough to bring it to 0.

>> No.10789645
File: 696 KB, 806x625, many hero cheezes later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As of version 1.17, doctor Gavela can add limbs to you and your pets at the cost of life for up to a maximum of 15 slots. The life cost is roughly 10% per limb for the PC and 1% per limb for pets. Unlike normal mutant limb growth, it's possible to obtain extra chest slots through this method. However, Mutants who already have 16 slots will be unable to add any more slots.

Note that the type of limb is random, like for mutant limb growth. Also note that limbs gained in this manner cannot be donated to another pet with Gene Engineering.

The biologist from the Ambitious Scientist subquest can re-initialize the PC's or pet's body pieces at the cost of 1 life. Be warned however that for mutants this will also remove all slots gained through levels, and it may not be possible to regain these limbs through earning xp.

>> No.10789839

does it matter what tile you plant crops on>

>> No.10789880

Most recent patch made it so actual field tiles give you better crops and non field are shittier.

>> No.10789934

ok thanks

>> No.10789959

It helps a lot in long fights, like Big Daddies at a low level.

The Farmer decapitation only works with weapons that already have the decapitation chance, though. I'm not enjoying the new Farmer bonus since I haven't found a good scythe since the start of the game and am using something else.

You can use a command flag to set your pets to defensive mode, so you can score the killing hit.

>> No.10790019

I had to wish for a scythe, decent scythes are ridiculously hard to find.

>> No.10790065

A lot of bosses have scythes as drops, though.

>> No.10790082

any way to make more field tiles? right click doesnt work

>> No.10790096

You can buy another farm.

>> No.10790119


wait for Kumiromi Sythe or Scythe of Void

>> No.10790184

Yeah, the kumiromi scythe is a keeper, especially now that gardening is better in Plus. The rotten food consumption, weightlifting, and the weight of the weapon for dual-wielding are all really nice. I guess it wouldn't work if someone wanted to two-hand, but they probably wouldn't want to use a scythe for that anyway.

It also helps against very high level bosses since they tend to run away at low life. The really fast ones end up taking forever because of that, and the decapitation can keep that to a minimum.

Seriously about the decap chance? I must have read the translation wrong a while back.

>> No.10790218

>implying Slash'Em is bad

You do know Nethack was a mod too, right?

>> No.10790222


I don't think you've actually played a roguelike.

>> No.10790286

Anyone know where I can purchase a bunch of barrels?

>> No.10790314

Well, if you haven't already done so, you can pick a few up in the thieves' hideout in Vernis. Otherwise, probably just randomly in a goods/general store, whichever one carries furniture.

>> No.10790484

what another attribute should I add for living weapon?

>> No.10790723
File: 573 KB, 692x391, Charisma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting this game up again.

Why does my charisma keep dropping? It isn't temporary, it just keeps getting lower and lower. It was like 12 when I made the character and now it's hovering around 2-4. It's the only stat that ever goes down.

I spend 99% of my time either doing Harvest Time, hunting quests or evading putits in my cave. I don't steal from people or do "bad" things.

>> No.10790741

If you're losing charisma, you get the message "you start to avoid the eyes of people" in red. That can happen if you die, or sometimes when drinking from wells. Usually dropping charisma is because of some ether disease or mutation, so have you checked your feat page maybe?

>> No.10790748

Sometimes I die from taking hunting quests that are too tough for me to test the waters, but that's about it.

No diseases or mutations at all. I'll have to keep an eye on it. I've never actually caught it going down, I just know it's happening because I'm "levelling up" to a lower level.

>> No.10790757

Dieing in quests now lowers your charisma and will as a penalty.

>> No.10790765

Oh... good to know. I gotta be more careful then!

>> No.10790766

Just finished the Main quest. It was too short and it didn't feel like a main quest at all. It did remind me of Runescape quests though.

>> No.10790789

if you read the japanese version which has a storyline to go with it, the main quest is basically some other people doing some world-saving shit off-screen and you exploring the dungeon and ignoring them all, and having nothing at all to do with any of it. neat.

>> No.10790796


>> No.10790844

This sucks. It has a nice story and should've been translated.

>> No.10790843
File: 117 KB, 686x394, Room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just walked into a room and saw this.

I'm afraid to do literally anything. Maybe I could sit on the staircase and go back and forth to heal... I kind of need to go down there.

>> No.10790846

Why don't you have a pet, anon? Unless it died in the previous floors. Also, have a scroll of return whenever you go inside a dungeon if you haven't already.

>> No.10790851

I let her die and didn't bother to revive her due to laziness.

I'll probably just charge in like an idiot to see what happens. I actually just died. About to try again. Kinda interested to see what happens. Only a couple of them are dangerous.

>> No.10790856


If you had pets that sort of set up would be hardly worth batting an eyelash at

Wait till the game starts bullshitting you with rooms full of exploding enemies whom in the later game gain the ability to draw you 1 tile away from them before they explode.

>> No.10790870

how do I fish or survive in this game?
can I make my own cabinets and stuff?

>> No.10790887

Actually, Plus has the same kind of cutscene content, but the cutscenes don't show up when you have it in english mode. Of course, it's not really a cutscene, and more just text with portraits. Even a story you aren't involved in is passable if there's actually a reason for you to be doing things, though.

Yeah, pets really save your butt early on. Most of the building up of your own character is easier to do outside of dungeons. Doing farming quests, even if you fail, helps train strength a ton. Then you can go in places like the puppy cave and just grab a lot of loot. It takes a long time before it's even worth the effort to actually clear a real dungeon.

There should be some beginner tips somewhere in the links of the first post. You might want to look those over first.

>> No.10790911

Is Utima supposed to be this frustrating compared to the other 2 north forts of chaos? I'm fine until he either powers up in which case I need to drown myself in healing potions or he chaos balls and kills me instantly. My resistances to sound and nerv are superb but chaos is normal. Should I come back when I've got enough bonus hit gear to hit him consistently or when I'm able to pickpocket his damn ammo?

>> No.10790930

Try getting the special action called Zero shoot. It's a skill that will make you do a critical hit with a ranged weapon at close range. Alternatively there's Shining Wave, if you did melee most of the time in your game. It's a special action that deals magic damage but is based on your Tactics and STR.

Also, you should really find gear with chaos resist. Rail gun's chaos ball isn't really something you can laugh about. It can still deal decent damage even if you have superb resists to it.

Bravery (2000 AP special feat) should help you massively against Ultima as well.

>> No.10790955

I'll work on that, thanks. I suppose I should tame some better pets too, since at the moment all they're good for is cannon fodder until it's my turn.

>> No.10791144 [DELETED] 

Is there anything else I should do to get into Remhido? I'm trying to talk to Dr. Gavela after getting all 3 mini-dungeons and the quest items: the Ankh of Sun, Data Chip and Chaos Wing, but there isn't any new option to progress the quest with Gavela yet. I tried entering Remhido anyway, but it said that I needed the card key. I know because I read from the Wiki that I'll be getting it from Gavela, so... I'm stuck here. Anything I might have missed? And inc ase you ask, yes I've tried all options with Gavela, and the available ones are just for limb addition.

>> No.10791145

Is there anything else I should do to get into Remhido? I'm trying to talk to Dr. Gavela after getting all 3 mini-dungeons and the quest items: the Ankh of Sun, Data Chip and Chaos Wing, but there isn't any new option to progress the quest with Gavela yet. I tried entering Remhido anyway, but it said that I needed the card key. I know because I read from the Wiki that I'll be getting it from Gavela, so... I'm stuck here. Anything I might have missed? And inc ase you ask, yes I've tried all options with Gavela, and the available ones are just for limb addition.

>> No.10791157

Talk to the guy inside the house west of Gavela's.

>> No.10791213

Fuck. Not it seems I've cleared the dungeons before I activated the quest. I talked to Gavela again and the info for each quest is revealed, but now how do I turn in the items I've already acquired?

>> No.10791221

There should be a dialogue option in where he takes the stuff you've acquired from the bosses. I am not too sure about it, though. But I do remember trying out all of his dialogue options since I had the same problem as you before.

>> No.10791222

On, never mind. I just needed to go out and back in of Melugas.
Thanks for the help, >>10791157

>> No.10791390

I love this game. It's one of the only games where I can still sit down for 8+ hours straight playing it as an adult. Most of the games I used to be able to do that with as a kid I can only go like 2-3 hours on. Same with new games.

There's something very special about this game and I'm surprised it's not more popular. Don't think I could dump 500+ hours into it like many people though. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't have that kind of dedication with singleplayer games.

I'm only 22 though... I didn't grow up with roguelikes or anything similar. The closest thing I had to this was Diablo 2 and that's a bit of a stretch.

>> No.10791434
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spiteful faggot pls go

>> No.10791624


Chaos ball Effect: does (1+magic/20)d8 chaos damage to everything around you. Doesn't have a target. May inflict blindness, confusion, poisoning.

>> No.10791885
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>> No.10791910

i was accidentally blessed my decent potions, how to change it back to unblessed or cursed?

>> No.10791911

I don't want to play as a warrior or an archer since I always do that, but it seems playing as wizard is going to be a pain in the ass.

Which class should I pick? Priest?

>> No.10791925

drop everything else you have and read scrolls of curse

>> No.10791944

Where do you get those potions?

>> No.10791954


>> No.10791968


>> No.10791990

That's the only way?

>> No.10792004

They can be sold by magic/goods vendors, I've seen one at around 30-40 shop rank.

>> No.10792013

Ah, cool. Thanks.

>> No.10792034
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At this point, what am I supposed to be doing to get stronger?

I mean, I've got fairly solid equipment, besides the glass helmet which I'm trying to find something good enough to replace it with. I've got a shitload of blessed change material scrolls so all that really matters is bonuses. But all of my potentials are pretty bad.

Do I just want to continue investing in my magic shop till she starts selling evolution and potential potions?

>> No.10792200


eating herb food/herb herbs

blessed potential pots (can craft potential pots later on)

at shop level 50+ or so they start poping up for both evo and potential

>> No.10792233

I use a juere swordsman for my shop and it's rank 48 and I haven't stumbled across any pots until now.

>> No.10792243
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Recently got a lucky day so I went ahead and opened up about 30 yen coin balls and bejeweled chests in a level 82 dungeon and it was nice enough to give me three new pieces of EXP leech gear. One of them is a wing with only ## disturb's growth which I don't feel like using because mine has nice bonuses including traveling.

>> No.10792762

He means a magic vendor's rank, not YOUR shop rank.

>> No.10792798


>> No.10793174

Huh, how exactly do you use the organic fertilizer? I just made some and stood right on top of some budded plants, but I keep getting a message that says it's fully grown.

>> No.10793179 [DELETED] 

How do I level up Performer really fast? Faster than performing to little sisters?

>> No.10793181

How do I level up Performer really fast? Faster than performing to little sisters?

Or at least a better way to recognize the little sister shopkeeper from the rest other than targeting everyone.

>> No.10793186

you have to use it on a field tile

>> No.10793203

Ahh, thanks!

>> No.10793204

Go and hunt for performer boosting equips and switch over to them during party quests. A feather hat in Elona+ for instance gives Performer (##). And along my hunts I did come across to a bow with ##, a girdle with ###, and amulet with ## and my godly feather hat had ###. Even at performer level 5 I was able to please Loyter with this setup. However, as soon as I learned Ensemble (Performer 30), I didn't need any of these any longer.

>> No.10793205

I seem to remember it only works on partially grown stuff. Try something at a different time in it's growth.

Well, you could always try to teleport the high level one to a side, then wall her in with wall creation or something. That would keep her from wandering back towards you.

>> No.10793227

She won't attack you even if she closes in, never. And you can simply kill every other little sister to clear room, if you can't find her.

>> No.10794099

Can you expand your pet's inventory?

>> No.10794149

I had a dream that you could impregnate pets and even had a baby caretaker near Palmia.
I need to stop playing this so damn much.

>> No.10794214

You post this in Elonaplus wiki now.

>> No.10794263

But I can't into japanese.

>> No.10794906

I can see this happening.

>> No.10795061
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What is the appeal of this game?

>> No.10795076

It's sandboxiness.

>> No.10795305

How do you make lots of money in this game? Spellbooks are pretty expensive, I'm running out of Before it's too Late quests, Performing only gives me 300g on average, and Dungeon loot sells for too cheap.

>> No.10795318

I also have this problem. My Harvest Times are starting to give 300-500 gold when they used to give 1-3K.

>> No.10795330

It's nothing to fear. The rewards are also decided by RNG. Just wait a little and some better quests are bound to turn up.

>> No.10795346

Pick up a crafting skill and trade cargo until quests with better rewards appear, you can make a lot of money at the start by just making barrels with carpentry.

>> No.10795365

trade cargo between port kapul and lumiest, do dungeons you can do along route, visit farm to harvest between each run, produce more food, fill shop with more items.

>> No.10795409

Whore yourself out. Literally. Buy every item off of a merchant, whore all of your money back, sell the same items for huge profits, rinse and repeat.

>> No.10795419

You get more gold for going over the needed amount (about 1:1 so if you get 3 times the required you get x3 the posted money, x3 is about the maximum)

You should be joining the mages guild or spamming puppy cave for spell books, you can also read spell books down to 1 charge and sell them, as for rods if you have magic device you can use them up till 0 charges and sell them, when you get the fill charge skill you can use that on spell books to get more uses out of them.

Also if you're having money problems consider switching to Yacatect of Wealth as the drop rates for monster parts (bones,blood,skin,heart) are greatly increased and once you identify them once they sell for a decent price (150+ based on negotiation and power of the monster)

>> No.10795458

Geez... I bought like 45 cargo and got ambushed. Decided to run. I take ONE step (w/ 143 speed) and in a single turn my pets wipe out the entire enemy team of like 10, securing the area. Meanwhile, I struggle to kill one person per turn.

I will never underestimate them again.

>> No.10795566

did they moved somewhere?

>> No.10795573

It's up for me. Try again.

>> No.10795588

dont works
but can get catched copy from 18 apr

>> No.10795667

How do I get my pets to stop drinking out of the well? It was cool when they accidentally got me a wish. Now within the span of 10 turns they've managed to summon monsters and get pregnant. Both of those problems have been dealt with, but it could've been worse.

>> No.10795671

Beat them with a Tamer's Whip.

>> No.10795699
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How lewd.

Now, I admit I am a bit shocked by the jump in level disparity from the dungeons before and after Remhido. For the first floor, though, I am still chugging on quite happily. That, thanks to my Little Witch Girl and mounted (in my car) Black Angel.

I'm now making my way down in pursuit of the Unicorn Drill and Stormbringer, for my black angel, so her variable storm becomes chaos instead of fire... Also because they're nice weapons, but that is of secondary importance.

>> No.10795769

If you're using the little sister sprite there should be sprite sheet for her riding. Also why do you have two health bars?

>> No.10795799

It's the health bar of his ride.

>> No.10795918
File: 587 KB, 1282x794, TaxExemption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already went to the trouble of modifying the little sister sprite a bit so her feet don't show up underneath the car, and I'm quite satisfied with that. And yeah, as I and >>10795799 noted, I am riding, technically my Black Angel, but I like to imagine it like we're inside a car and we're both doing drive-by's and stuff while in it. I'd also have liked to bring my little girl along, but you can only have 1 pet as a ride.

In other news, pic related is one of the many perks of being evil. Nuked Palmia and never looked back.

>> No.10796595

Shouldn't stones have different materials besides metal?
It would make sense if stones would be limited to ores after all.

>> No.10797161

Oh I've never bothered to use riding before.

>> No.10797194 [DELETED] 

only 50 speed

nah pets got this

>> No.10798104

Does anyone know how long ago the resistance boost for NPCs had the level range changed? I feel like this is something I would have noticed before, but I only saw it yesterday when checking out a chaos mushroom in Elona and Plus seperately. It's gone from like 15 in Elona to 25 or so now.

>> No.10798173 [DELETED] 

secret experience of Kumiromi

if you don't have any yet

(them extra feats)

>> No.10798202
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Martial arts dwarf making progress

>> No.10798265

I suddenly feel like making Spike Siegel.
The title will be hard to do though...

>> No.10798270
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>Virgin of Eternity

>> No.10798323

That virgin of eternity wasn't much of a virgin anymore after she visited my estate if you catch my drift.

>> No.10798444
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What is the most fun race to play from all of them, not only default ones? Is there some race more interesting than mutant?

>> No.10798459

Snail nigga

>> No.10798466

nope, mutant is pretty much it
