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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 232 KB, 960x1222, milk with portal shirt in mirrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10774583 No.10774583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your favorite net idols! (`・ω・´)

>> No.10774585 [DELETED] 

This is the fourth time today you force Fournier on us

>> No.10774588 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 2118x3000, IMGP4096_pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is clear that one of the new idols is more good AliceNoCosplay ... here I leave a picture of him

>> No.10774592 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 610x457, janny cheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Janny you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, go Janny !

>> No.10774593 [DELETED] 

looks a wee bit like nyanners

>> No.10774609 [DELETED] 

Post something decent.

>> No.10774612 [DELETED] 

That's a cute trap.
I hope to be as cute as him one day,

>> No.10774613 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 818x960, 1366440116786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep doing this OP?

>> No.10774619 [DELETED] 

That's a great picture.

>> No.10774617 [DELETED] 

Is the janitor babysitting this thread now?

>> No.10774621 [DELETED] 


>> No.10774622 [DELETED] 

milk is so cute!

>> No.10774622,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10774624 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 1224x876, milk with idiot hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite net idol is milk. She's not quite famous yet, but is up-and-coming!

>> No.10774624,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10774628 [DELETED] 
File: 975 KB, 1065x1600, we are the dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.10774631 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1280x960, tired milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing to do is admire milk. Isn't she inhumanly beautiful?

>> No.10774632 [DELETED] 

Didn't the old janitor do this with the NEET threads?
What the fuck is the point?

>> No.10774635 [DELETED] 


He's taking out his frustration.

>> No.10774640 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 902x1274, 34031537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10774643 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 500x500, distraught sasquatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*am the janitor*

*starts screaming and beating my fists on desk, pounds the delete button in a blur of white-hot fury*

*pissing my pants from just how angry i am, my seat is now drenched*

"heh this will show these shitposters to mess with me..."

>> No.10774649 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 1280x720, saten on the hunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my /jp/ visage when i smell the janitor's ass-blood

>> No.10774650 [DELETED] 

Is there some muting going on ITT?

>> No.10774643,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10774651 [DELETED] 



>> No.10774651,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seems so!

>> No.10774651,2 [INTERNAL] 

I got muted. Fug u janny

>> No.10774651,3 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man will you feel silly in twenty seconds when you get a trashcan.

>> No.10774655 [DELETED] 

I love you Janny.

A mute is worth it for me to tell you this.
Keep up the good work

>> No.10774655,1 [INTERNAL] 

In before this guy is the only poster to not get muted.

>> No.10774655,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why would the janitor mute himself?

>> No.10774655,3 [INTERNAL] 

Stop shitposting nerds.

>> No.10774655,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why /jp/'s jannies are always so mad?

>> No.10774655,5 [INTERNAL] 

What's happening when the janitor does this? Does he just get fed up with the shitposting and go on an ultra-diligent thread-cleansing spree?

>> No.10774655,6 [INTERNAL] 


And what does he put for the mute reasons? "Posting in a thread I'm abusing in?"

>> No.10774655,7 [INTERNAL] 

If it rids the board of shitposters like you I am all for it.

>> No.10774667 [DELETED] 

Why are you spamming this shit?

If you want the janitor to quit, you'll just make /jp/ worse.

If you want /jp/ to be deleted why are you even here? Just ignore the board.

Spamming /cgl/ whores is not /jp/ content.

>> No.10774655,8 [INTERNAL] 

Oh snap.

>> No.10774655,9 [INTERNAL] 

Stress relief. It's like popping bubblewrap after a hard day.

>> No.10774669 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, saten's erotic body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me licking up delicious tears from jani's sad-hole

>> No.10774667,1 [INTERNAL] 

The mute was worth it. Based Janikun!

>> No.10774669,1 [INTERNAL] 


hi janitor

>> No.10774669,2 [INTERNAL] 

Man, all these shitposters just got OWNED so hard.

>> No.10774669,3 [INTERNAL] 

Perfect tactic, really. Just ban everyone who replies to the thread. Take away the audience since the audience won't take itself away.

We should be ashamed of ourselves that we even need a babysitter.

>> No.10774669,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hey nerd, you could have posted an interesting and on-topic thread to distract people and improve the board. Instead you chose to post meta shit on the board itself and get yourself muted.

Great job.

>> No.10774669,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Implying you weren't one of them.

>> No.10774669,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why does the janitor always come to shitpost in the archive after he's criticized on the board?

>> No.10774669,7 [INTERNAL] 

Are you talking about gigs? He's just trying to stand out.

>> No.10774669,8 [INTERNAL] 

If only the Janitor could mute these nerd IRL too.

>> No.10774669,9 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know I was muted?

>> No.10774669,10 [INTERNAL] 

>get frustrated that your janitor powers are incredibly ineffective against shitposters
>mute everyone because it makes no difference what you do anyway

>> No.10774669,11 [INTERNAL] 

It's like this:
Except you're starting out with a crazy person.

>> No.10774669,12 [INTERNAL] 

I am going to make a Chihaya thread in a few minutes. You all ready for this?

>> No.10774669,13 [INTERNAL] 

Because everyone else was.

>> No.10774669,14 [INTERNAL] 


I'll proxy-report you for ban evasion.

>> No.10774669,15 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, my VPN is on standby to report you.

>> No.10774669,16 [INTERNAL] 

But I am not banned.

>> No.10774669,17 [INTERNAL] 


Yes you are, !bar.

I'm Dr. Seuss also.

>> No.10774669,18 [INTERNAL] 

You know what's sad about this whole thing?

The Janitors volunteered to help /jp/ because they like /jp/. When you apply to be a Janitor, you pick the board you want.

That means someone loved you so much, that he actually went to moot and said, "I want to help."

You take that love and you shit all over it and they're not even allowed to defend themselves because they have to remain anonymous. I hope that makes you happy.

You turn love to shit.


>> No.10774669,19 [INTERNAL] 

You had a point when you could claim I was Zun!bar ironically or unironically. But !bar lives in LA and I live in NYC. 3000 miles away in the opposite direction.

>> No.10774669,20 [INTERNAL] 

Don't feed the idiot.

I guess people just turn bitter after a while. Most normals hate their jobs.

>> No.10774669,21 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you should all stop shitposting and then maybe this level of moderation wouldn't be necessary.

>> No.10774669,22 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry.

>> No.10774669,23 [INTERNAL] 



Look at the janitor trying to pass this shit off as something 'selfless.' No. You are not an altruist for choosing to exert your internet power over a group of people who just want to have fun.

>> No.10774669,24 [INTERNAL] 

No. Most of them are egotists who have been telling themselves for years "if I was janitor, things would be different around here!"

They don't love the board, they just want the power to mold it into whatever they want.

>> No.10774669,25 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not the Janitor. This thread was linked on /q/.

I do know what it means to be a Janitor, though, and what it's like to do such a thankless job only to have people who think "Having Fun" means "Ruining the Board for everyone but ME".

I hope 1000 niggers rape you.

>> No.10774669,26 [INTERNAL] 

>I do know what it means to be a Janitor, though

Is this one of those "I used to be a forum moderator, so I know what I'm talking about" deals?

>> No.10774669,27 [INTERNAL] 

fuken /q/ueer, your just as bad

>> No.10774669,28 [INTERNAL] 


Yes. /q/ueefs are fucking retarded and love to throw their irrelevant opinions into the ring on all matters.

>> No.10774669,29 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder what /jp/ would be like if moot said to his staff, "Ok, it's how they want it? Nobody touch /jp/ for a week."

Would that be the /jp/ you want?

>> No.10774669,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10774669,31 [INTERNAL] 


The janitor needs to be straight-up removed from /jp/. We've never had a janitor who's capable of NOT deleting things he just personally dislikes.

>> No.10774669,32 [INTERNAL] 

I am pretty sure moot would rather delete /jp/ than cycle through more janitors.

>> No.10774669,33 [INTERNAL] 


I didn't say cycle through more janitors, I said remove the janitor. Do not replace, remove.

>> No.10774669,34 [INTERNAL] 

This happened a few weeks ago. It was fun.

2011 /jp/ was best /jp/.

>> No.10774669,35 [INTERNAL] 

Why is someone who's been here for like 6 months making determinations about what should happen to the board? Gigs is a joke.

>> No.10774669,36 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking genius

>> No.10774669,37 [INTERNAL] 

>implying i havent been here for five years just because i decided to adopt a new tripcode.

>> No.10774669,38 [INTERNAL] 

Except he is actually doing a good job? I honestly don't think he is intimidated by one goofy nerd spamming the board with his foul shitposts.

>> No.10774669,39 [INTERNAL] 

Talk to you later crazy anon. I gotta do "normalfag" shit.

>> No.10774669,40 [INTERNAL] 


You're not going to successfully convince anyone that you're the janitor, aaeru.

>> No.10774669,41 [INTERNAL] 

This. Innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

A couple of trolls and aspies will complain that some things shouldn't be allowed (e.g. Japan/General type stuff) but we can just ignore them. So what if some nerds make a thread where they watch a train station all day? /jp/ can have up to 165 threads. They should be deleted only if they are certain topics (anime, manga, some video games) not if they aren't certain topics ("Miniatures? Not on the list! DEL").

>> No.10774669,42 [INTERNAL] 

I am not the janitor, I think that has been made perfectly clear in the past.

>> No.10774669,43 [INTERNAL] 


I think you need to go outside, aaeru.

>> No.10774669,44 [INTERNAL] 

Don't start replying to him now, guys.
I think it's hilarious when gigs has to make himself look like an idiot just to get even a little bit of attention.

>> No.10774669,45 [INTERNAL] 

I think you need to suck my thick veiny cock.

>> No.10774669,46 [INTERNAL] 


>A couple of trolls and aspies will complain that some things shouldn't be allowed (e.g. Japan/General type stuff)

This is actually tokiko and his IRC friends who were doing that.

>> No.10774669,47 [INTERNAL] 

So you want a full blown Mod dedicated to /jp/ 24/7?

Mutes are like a warning. You piss off a full Mod and they tell moot, "Just delete the board and permaban anyone who ever posted on it."

There are like ... 8 Mods total. They don't want to babysit one board all the time. That's why there are Janitors.

Unless there's one who inhumanly never sleeps, I've noticed by pattern that there are 4 /jp/ Janitors. Good luck!

>> No.10774669,48 [INTERNAL] 


Do I need to write this out in shit stains for you? No. I don't want a janitor or a mod for /jp/.

>> No.10774669,49 [INTERNAL] 


By the way, you can train yourself to just skip past every post that is posted by a tripshit, without even reading their name. Every time you see some thin letters or a blue name in the email field, skip to the next available comment. It makes /ghost/ better, and /jp/.

>> No.10774669,50 [INTERNAL] 

Mutes are not a warning. When a janitor does it he fills out a ban template and it goes into a queue where a mod reviews it. Just because you went 15 minutes and you weren't banned doesn't mean you aren't going to get banned.

source - /q/

>> No.10774669,51 [INTERNAL] 

But in all honesty you guys went on /q/ and wanted increased moderation and new rules. You got what you asked for and you are complaining now?

>> No.10774669,52 [INTERNAL] 

So, you DO want a completely unmoderated /jp/.

Why don't you just go to /b/ or /pol/ or /s4s/ then? They're pretty much unmoderated.

Have fun!

>> No.10774669,53 [INTERNAL] 


Why don't you go to your mom's house and see me fucking her? :^)

>> No.10774669,54 [INTERNAL] 

Why do people try and derail threads like this? It seems perfectly harmless.


>> No.10774669,55 [INTERNAL] 


I have a better idea: I stay here and post whatever I like because no one can stop me.

>> No.10774669,56 [INTERNAL] 

About two years ago moot said there were about 30 mods on 4chan, but not all of them were active and most of them avoid IRC. I can name about 15 current ones off the top of my head.

4chan isn't hard-pressed for staff, they're just lazy assholes.

>> No.10774669,57 [INTERNAL] 

If anything /jp/ needs more janitors.

>> No.10774669,58 [INTERNAL] 

mentally ill person in this thread screaming for attention

it's like the death throes of a wounded animal

>> No.10774669,59 [INTERNAL] 

Not him, but please have mercy. You must be on /jp/ because you have some interest in Otaku Culture. Please be mature and don't abuse the freedom that anonymity gives you!

>> No.10774669,60 [INTERNAL] 

I love how butthurt you are that you can't even address me up front. Go yell at crossboarders or something.

>> No.10774669,61 [INTERNAL] 


Net idols are otaku culture.

>> No.10774669,62 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wait, you are already throwing a cute little fit in that Japanese Street thread.

#sacred /jp/

>> No.10774669,63 [INTERNAL] 

The city doesn't know what's coming,
She doesn't feel the heat.
The city won't know what hit her,
What knocked her out into the streets.
The city is thinking that it's over,
and she's already fast asleep.
So I'm breaking out of here tonight.
I am ready.

We're given only what we need,
Only the chance to survive.
And even then, it's a coin toss,
A roll of the dice.
There's gotta be something better,
Something that feels more alive.
So I'm breaking out of here tonight.
I'm breaking out of here.

You've got to feel it girl,
Feel the wind pick up.
It feels like something's gonna change,
but there's no use putting it in drive
if all the wheels are stuck.
There's somethin' wrong here,
like this whole city wants to scream,
But no one makes a sound.

But, you've got to feel it, baby.
So I'm going to find out what it is
and I'm going to tear it down

>> No.10774669,64 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when asleep and missed this

>> No.10774669,65 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, that I agree with.

Janitor needs to cool off about that. You could spam anything and have it become a banned topic. Maybe not Touhou or Touhou characters, but I could easily get a specific artist or visual novel banned if I spammed or trolled with it in a certain way.
Net idols are objectively otaku culture, it's not like /jp/ decided that.

>> No.10774669,66 [INTERNAL] 


Net idols were deleted before anyone spammed them. People started spamming them because they were deleted.

>> No.10774669,67 [INTERNAL] 

I don't necessarily agree with the increased moderation but at least it does seem to be working.

>> No.10774669,68 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't you check the thread I bumped earlier?

Yukapon is even a gaijin idol and the center of much scandalous drama.

Also: searching for "net idol" by OP posts only, only the post-milk and an edited copypasta one were deleted.

>> No.10774669,69 [INTERNAL] 

I give up.

>> No.10774669,70 [INTERNAL] 


None of this really matters. No one here is going to beg and plead for the janitor to stop deleting things on /q/ because we'll just remake them. It's simpler.

>> No.10774669,71 [INTERNAL] 

Until you get range ranged.

>> No.10774669,72 [INTERNAL] 

It would be faster to just ask for a threadban, though I guess this means janitors can't do that. Just like they probably can't turn permasage, another valid tactic I'd try in this situation. We could really use some mod around.

>> No.10774669,73 [INTERNAL] 


They've tried range banning me before. This does not work on anyone with a brain.

>> No.10774669,74 [INTERNAL] 

But that makes them get "more banned", because the janitor is a child who has to have his own way (so much for the janitor guidelines).

>> No.10774669,75 [INTERNAL] 

He's on /jp/ because he's mentally ill. We've invided those people by overemphasizing the "NEET lifestyle". You know that saying about mistakenly thinking they're in good company.

>> No.10774669,76 [INTERNAL] 

Do these retards really believe milk is /jp/ related?

So much for "I only spam milk because I want her to suffer."

>> No.10774669,77 [INTERNAL] 

How is she not /jp/-related?

Is Yukapon not /jp/-related?

You just hate the idea that a 3D female is being posted. You don't care how "on-topic" she is, because all women are whores! Back to /cgl/, all of you!

>> No.10774669,78 [INTERNAL] 

I think they're ironically posting milk threads to ciberbully her. But you never know

>> No.10774669,79 [INTERNAL] 

Yukapon is known in and has DVDs released in Japan.

milk is just an american attention whore.
