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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.10772648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

<h1>monafont thread! look inside!</h1>
<style type="text/css">blockquote,textarea{font-family:mona,ms pgothic!important;font-size:11pt!important}</style>

>> No.10772650

.     (( /|\ /~ヽ /|\ ))
.      ⌒⌒''.(。・-・)⌒⌒  

>> No.10772658

What have you done?

>> No.10772660

My eyes!

>> No.10772662

now everyone will know i'm japanese!!!


>> No.10772664


>> No.10772665

im confused

why do we have monafont now?

is today secretly imitate 2ch day?

>> No.10772665,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10772666

That is everyday.

>> No.10772670

It's only on the front page.

>> No.10772672
File: 46 KB, 642x361, carrotcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible idea.

>> No.10772673

○、     , '´ 〈ヘ.)
      /,ハ_)  /    `メ.
     /  └-‐'´      [__,ハ
    ./\_i>-‐‐ァ'´ ̄`Yヽ、_  |
   /_r'"´Y_>-‐'"´ ̄ ̄`ヽ./`ヽ!
  r'´7-‐'"´   i   ハ__i  \__,ハ
  〈Y´   i __ ,ハ   / _」__,ハ  | `ヽ〉   
  `! / ハ´ _」_ |/ '´i,ノ `リ  /   !/!
   | !   |ィ´i,ノ !    '、__ン|/   / /  ト 、
   ', \,ハ.` '、.ノ  .    ⊂⊃ ./、_,.!  / ,ハ   ,|
   \ | ヽ!⊃    -‐ '  ,.イ  〈    |/レへ,!  / !
     `ヽ,|`>ァ‐---rァ' /`ト、へ) ./       !/ |
       レへ!ノレアiレ'::::/ メ、 /        |、/ヽ|
     __ `\  _/ ,|.!:::::イ|_ ∨       ,ハ   |
     \/ ̄ /´ ̄`ァt‐ァ'´  ` i       /   /
      `ヽ〈    | | |     人/    /   /
     <⌒7`ーァ'i | ̄`i-r‐<ヽ.__,,..イ‐--‐<
      \! ./ //::::::::| |   ,ハ       く\
       rく/ く〈:ロ::ロ::|/      ト、    <  `>
       /\ン、_ `ー-‐'  /    ノ'〉>、,__,.>'´
          ト-‐/´ ̄`'トー‐ァ'´
          !__/     ト-‐/

>> No.10772675
File: 1.77 MB, 377x269, 1330728685499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10772677


i wish i could post on 2chan

is the only solution moving to japan?

>> No.10772678

Get out 4chan devs.

>> No.10772680

    ノノ   r'ア'"`ヽ.,_ _,,..-=-、    _,. -rァ
   r'ァ⌒ヽ、i7::::::::;>''"´:: ̄ ̄`"''<´:::::::::!(
   .||    r!:::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ:::::/i'
   ||      ^Y:::::;:::::i:::::::::/i::::::i:::::::;:::::::;::::Y (_
   ||    ./i::::::i:::/!--/ |:::;ハ_!_::i::::::i:::::::i r'ヽ.  あけおめ~  
   !!    く:::L__ハ/-‐‐'  レ' _!__;ハ::::ハ:::::|_,ゝ:::',
   ',',ヽ.   ヽヘ「7""         `レ7´)/:::iヽ;:::i
   i´`とン' ´`ヽ!,人  「' ̄ `i ""7_/'´':::::::! i:::!
   ヽ.,_//」 、_,ノ:::::ノ>.、、,___,ノ_,,.イ:::!、__!7ノ__. レ'
     i   ゝ-ァ'/ /)_iヽ/ /(/ゝ、.,_ノ   ̄「iー-、
    ノ〈)    `  /::::ソ^ヽ、/」::_r' _/ /」      |つ-'
   <.,  _____,,,... イ::::くr-、_」:::::::::Y^ヽ、    [] ',
      ̄  レ'   l>-、::;;_______;;::」〉'ノヽ.   __ 〉
   ((    r'ア'"/:::/ i ヽ;::::ヽ`''::ーァ、`''ー-┴'"
        r'i:::/::::::/ .l   ';:::::::::::::::::!,」
        `ゝ、:::::/  l   ヽ;::::::::::/」    ,. -- 、
          └へ>、,_!_______,,..>ァニン!    /::::::::::。:',
            'r-- 'i    ̄ヽ,_ノ    ',.-。-、,ノ!

>> No.10772682
File: 88 KB, 863x614, 1365747197351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking delete us already.

>> No.10772683
File: 51 KB, 450x532, 1325969142852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10772684

_,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-":::::::::::::`>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,,<wbr> '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.10772687

Maybe you could pay some Japanese dude to route your traffic through his internet and then he ends up blackmailing you for more money.

>> No.10772689

F u c k o f f y o u c a n ' t w i n u s o v e r w i t h s h i t t y f o n t wwwww

>> No.10772688
File: 312 KB, 500x624, 1333775455445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loath you...

>> No.10772691

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10772692


i want to post on 2chan but not that badly

i wish we had flags here just for japanese posters. i really want to discuss games with them but /int/ is not the place to do it.

sometimes i wish we could become one with 2chan

>> No.10772693

What the HELL?

>> No.10772695

,. -――――-  、
            ,∠ ----- 、      \
            / : : : : : : : : : : : \    :|  ヽ
        / : : : : ;{: : : : :人: :}: : : \ :|    〉
        ⌒{: :{/-\/ ―V\ : : : ∨__,/
         ∨ {         ヽ: : ;ハ  }
             ハx=ミ   ,x=ミ、 /: ∨}: ∨
           /: {.:.:. __ .:.:.:/: /r ,ノ: :!
         / : 人  {    }  |: :{‐く: \: :\
            {: :/ /` : . _´ ,.|: :|:\:\: \: :\
            |: |  |: : |: : |/{ V/|: :| ̄`ヽ \: \: :\
            |: |  |: : |: : { ‘、  |: :|`Y 人: : \: \: :\_
          r' : |   、:‘、: `Y 〉_,|: : Y二): }\: : \: \:_: : |_
          | : [_   \: /⌒  ]: : L`^⌒ヽ } : }_ } : :| | : : |
          | : :|    /_    \/     ,}_]: : :|「: : :|  ̄
          ̄   /_O`\____,/Oヽ : |  ̄
              \_{  `ト .O__O/⌒  ̄
                  ‘、 {` ー‐ ⌒ヽ)
                   ) 〉

>> No.10772697 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 393x546, 1355349963865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10772698

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels.......

>> No.10772699

Why did I laugh so hard at this?

>> No.10772703 [DELETED] 


if doubles delete this thread

>> No.10772702

        ,、、,ィ'"ィ'"ー--'ー-- 、、
      .r'⌒      ミ、 ヾ;:::::::::.ヽ
     ,r'"    ミソ  ,ィツ  ;i:::::::::::i^ヽ
    f   `ミ=彡'   ,ィ,,,,:'::::)(::::::::::::.<wbr> ゙!
    (:::.    ̄  ,,>;;r=''''' クフ´``=!:::::リ
   、Jミヾ ミ、__,ィヅゝゝ  ´    -'1:::ツ
    (   `ー=/ _、、、、、,_  ,、-─レ′
     ゝf ,r-、マ ´,ィrか;   f''セ)`' リ
     ( | l 仆、!    `´   ゙!   ,|!   
     `ヾゝ、_、      ..., ,〉  ,l!     Are you frustrated?
       )ィ :::ド、    _,,......、、 /
       '^1い:F\    ー  /
        `^ゴ  \、     /ゥ、
      __,,、、」ミ,l7/ハ.「>)ノ ン'",、-"^ `''…ーッ,ニy-
  ,-‐ゥrイl」[..、-'ヘ_/l|l.i ヒ彡チ、-''^ー--、、_f∠ //_
  ハ-─'''''三≡、 -:jjj:`""´. _,ィ'^ミニー-、、、,,,__
  ,r'ニ ̄r='''ヽヽ、 lll   ,、-',、-'´c=ヽ`''ァ ,ィ‐-、`:、
  ゙!∫`| |   `i | ||| r''"-''" '⌒ヽ_ノ,ノ//  ⊂ノ

>> No.10772701

Near its the beginning 10ch was good for that kind of stuff but it doesn't have the traffic for it these days.

>> No.10772709

I s this the NEET thread?

>> No.10772706 [DELETED] 

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

..........('(....´...´... ¯~/'..')

>> No.10772713

kuso thread award

>> No.10772714
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1309396812226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10772715


>> No.10772716
File: 241 KB, 489x399, 1364455644500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's definitely a pretty neet thread.

>> No.10772716,1 [INTERNAL] 

No fun allowed.

>> No.10772716,2 [INTERNAL] 

shit what did I miss

>> No.10772716,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10772716,4 [INTERNAL] 

What did I miss?
