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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10753567 No.10753567 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10733273

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10753586

Prister was cool.
Too long for what it was though

>> No.10753589

Looking forward to LovelyxCation and 少女神域∽少女天獄 体験版 for this month.

With loli you have to go by shape, spats are always a good thing. Hime is easily the best in all facets of anything though.

>> No.10753948

Does anyone else feel obligated to do the heroine that seems the most important in the story over your favorite heroine when making the decision of whose story to read first?

>> No.10753961


>> No.10753963

If the order is not important I usually do favourite heroine->main heroine.

>> No.10753970

Depends on the game, plot heavy ones main heroine but in regular charage/moege I just go for my favorite?

>> No.10753973

Whoa huge tits


>> No.10753976

i usually go for my favorite if there's no route unlocking to do

worst case is when after doing that, i don't bother doing the others

>> No.10754006

Am I the only one who always hears this pronounced as "woe-uh" when I read it?

>> No.10754009

It's just you.

>> No.10754013


>> No.10754842

Looking at the change list for the full game I guess it's rather pointless to play the Madou Koukaku trial now.

>> No.10754860
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need to play the other girl's path. And the harem end. Other stuff keeps cropping up.

>> No.10754899

I always screw flags and end randomly

>> No.10754928

Source please?

>> No.10754993
File: 545 KB, 1024x641, yaoi blocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Venus Embryo and The Queen of Witches in PSS. The final battle was awesome and Lullshare is the best battle waifu. Plenty of battle system improvements, new OST and other neat stuff though it could have lasted a little longer seeing it had a sort of "true" route feel going for it. Voiced Shin was another welcome surprise.

TQoW was also rather entertaining but using the old sprites from Princess Witches for majority of the old cast made me want to gouge my eyes out. They were fine in the original game but looked a bit unnatural beside the other characters and remade backgrounds. Still totally worth reading for seeing KuruKuru cast get the pervert hamster treatment and also Shin&Masaki two timing Lillian.

I'm thinking of reading Emilina scenarios next. VNDB says the game includes stuff from Miracle Disc and judging from descriptions on PSS' official site I assume Beside You > 明けの晴れ着と姫の戯れ would be the correct order?

>> No.10755699

Lullshare is too OP for me to like using. Or rather, just Crossing Cosmos. Dear god, that attack is too broken. Hell, Lunear even uses it in the drama CD to teleport, and kills a moment between Synn/Nanaka.

On the flip side, Illear is a nice balance of situational powerhouse. Dishes out a lot of damage in various ways, but can't reliably stun or knockback, so she can confuse as a last resort. And she is superior goddess. Sucks that Lunear is canon though.

You should collect ten trophies for that special goddess date~

Anyway, yeah, I think that's the order for Amylina, but I haven't actually read either, so I can't be sure.

>> No.10755700

How come it always feels like godly games have awful ero and meh to bad games have good ero?

>> No.10755725

I liked the ero in Baldr Sky and a couple of the scenes in subahibi

>> No.10755748

what game is the op image from? I love those lewd harem girl outfits.

>> No.10755757

Boku no Google Image Search

>> No.10755759

You could have just clicked on that little google button. It's Otome Renshin Prister, doesn't seem like a very fulfilling experience.

>> No.10755870
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Finished Mayuri Route

>> No.10756066
File: 188 KB, 1277x719, zoa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why fakes tend to be better than originals, Airi puts so much more effort in being a good imouto character than Sana, who is basically standard loud imouto.
Backgrounds are so pretty too.

>> No.10756248

What game is that?

>> No.10756274
File: 365 KB, 660x520, 2041971702_nGTvarWH_top_20120824_5th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoujo Shinki, coming out this month.

On the trial, the production values are good, pretty backgrounds, solid character designs with expressions/tachi-es changing during the sentence, which is always a plus, nice music, but mostly the SoL parts of the soundtrack so it isn't saying much.
The characters seem pretty standard but it confirmed they all have secret sides going well with the wire-pulling and plans of their families for the mysterious festival the teaser video hinted (pretty sloppy and unexciting for the most part teaser video, to be honest), which also showed some of the sword combat, but barely nothing. So once it enters the plot, it should be quite interesting going by the more serious scenes showed.
Miori and Airi are the best girls for several reasons, but I suppose it'll push the real imouto Sana as the main heroine because she's related to the MC and the family's history and all, but I don't know.

>> No.10756318

It sounds kind of like Higurashi.

>> No.10756329

I actually thought that the sprites really didn't seem to match a lot of the backgrounds at all from what I've seen of it so far.

>> No.10756455

I just read about the story, and I have a feeling this could either be really good or absolute shit. How's the atmosphere? I really like games that take place in small villages.

>> No.10756976

Anything REAL DEAL released recently?

>> No.10757127
File: 204 KB, 800x600, lifechangingdecisions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard choice.

>> No.10757133

forgot your trip

>> No.10757129

disney only

>> No.10757131

i hate the poses the OP is in. it's just...badly composed.

>> No.10757144

Is there something behind the curtains?

>> No.10757213

I don't like to use my trip outside of /vn/. So sue me.

>> No.10757246

No, I feel obligated to do that one last.

>> No.10757579

When it gets down to business, which wasn't much in the trial since it pretty much ended the moment everyone started living in the same house, it's good. You can tell there's a lot of shit in the background the heroines and their families know about and the MC doesn't for some reason.

>> No.10757588

Is the writing better than in 11eyes?
Because the writing in it was horribly dull

>> No.10757724
File: 640 KB, 1171x720, backlog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my backlog jp,i know most of them shitty but still want to play at least half of them,so can you guys please teach me which of those are good or which of those so shitty that no one should play? i already read some of their's common route but for some reason i always find something more interesting than it and left at there.

>> No.10757791
File: 696 KB, 1171x720, 1366196083049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple: Haven't played
Orange: Meh
Red: did not like
Green: I liked

>> No.10757793

Uninstall friends at least, I remember it was pretty high up on the kusoge list of 2012

>> No.10757848

Why did you red kamikaze explorer
Now I'm going to be sad all day because someone doesn't like it

>> No.10757872

>Now I'm going to be sad all day because someone doesn't like it
You must be sad every day you browse 4chan

>> No.10757921

What is its appeal besides tits?

>> No.10757924

Does it need anything but tits?

>> No.10757988

thank you very much,to be honest i wasnt expecting something good from ツクモノツキ or かみのゆ but after this i have some expectation for them now.Still need some more options though,specially for those purples.

well i just installed that for those shiny hairs so i dont have any problem with deleting it, i guess it will be the first one i deleted in that backlog.

>> No.10758016

Do you guys count up your total playtime if it isn't built in?
I was thinking about using it as a gauge of my reading speed (since I really need to improve on that), but it seems like a lot of work.

>> No.10758023
File: 1.17 MB, 1278x712, toudou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

中の人などいない!is a pretty fun read, and it's relatively short. I suggest you give it a try if you're in between reading long and emotionally draining titles. Toudou is best girl.

>> No.10758026

How do I play VNs on non-Windows systems (OSX)? Should I just install Windows in a VM?

>> No.10758028
File: 28 KB, 650x359, 1363369856800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out that the hat of wafuu Machina belongs to a sect of Zen monks whose teachings are based on the absence of ego (hence why the full mask) and nothingness
No one cares probably but I thought it was a nice detail considering how it fits and it might easily be lost on someone as it was on me

>> No.10758233
File: 94 KB, 993x574, Muramasa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikado? What are you doing? Mikado? Staph.

>> No.10758241

It's Minato

>> No.10758252

Yeah. I'm kind of bad with remembering names.

>> No.10758275
File: 518 KB, 1024x576, nitroplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Axanael so far. I don;t get the hate for this game unless it is something that happens later. So far it has been fun and the cast is good.

>> No.10758363

Did you fuse Mido and Minato together?

>> No.10758379

Probably. How I said, I'm not very good with names. From time to time, I just "skip" the kanji knowing it's a name but can't remember how it's read.

>> No.10758406

Finished dorapeko's trial. It was a pretty fun read.
Especially the bad endings, they are hilarious.
The setting is pretty interesting too.
The text is interesting and fun to read. It didn't have parts that bored me to death like Pascha3 did.
This is still the 1st chapter though so I don't know if they can keep up that pace.

Also the background cgs are pretty awesome, someone spent alot of time drawing and painting those backgrounds. The only eroge I remember that has as good bg as this is dedenden.

Too bad I don't really like the artist, he isn't bad per se, the tachi-e are pretty good but the hcgs aren't erotic at all. Compared to the mainstay alicesoft artists its inferior.
The hscene text are no good either. For an 'ero-centric' game that's pretty bad, hopefully the succeeding hscenes are better.

I really like the flowchart system, hope more eroge has it, it makes saving completely unnecessary.

>> No.10758440

Flowcharts and "jump to line" are features every VN should have.

>> No.10758462

Agreed, it's a godsend when it comes to skipping. I hate it when some games force me to sit there waiting 30 minutes for it to finish skipping.

>> No.10758475
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, Kara.no.Shoujo.2.full.1423055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One WHOLE afternoon, kns2.

>> No.10758489

Did they ever fix the slow skip speed?

>> No.10758499

The patch fixed the whole issues with the expression/tachi-es fixing and some of the skip speed issues, but NOT NEARLY ENOUGH.
Though you have to skip about 30 hours of game, which is quite bad in itself.

>> No.10758527

does she die

>> No.10758532

Please put the answer to this in spoiler tags because I am planning to read it.

>> No.10758535

Magical imouto plot armor for the true end.

>> No.10758602

i'm playing wanko to kuraso
it's pretty cute

btw, why are of you sage-ing?

>> No.10758732

who's the fag next to her

>> No.10758751

Second MC Masaki, fun guy, good dynamics with Reiji, add asshole tsundere police and it's quite entertaining to see them interact.

>> No.10758797

Does anyone else find there hanging jewels and stuff very uncomfortable?

>> No.10758839


No, they're cool for me.

>> No.10758902

No I think it's sexy.

>> No.10759203
File: 243 KB, 720x405, graphic_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading the 百花繚乱エリクシル trail. I don't like the art, I hate the art in AXL games. Eyes are too far apart and the mouths are to high.

>> No.10759343

Nice detail indeed, thanks. Masada really pay atention to this things eh?

>> No.10759741
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, andromeda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she knows she is in the friend zone and wants to rectify it.

>> No.10760145
File: 103 KB, 600x1066, ced4240e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another version of 俺たちに翼はない is being released on the PS3, this one is finally going to have a route for Misaki.

I don't have a PS3 ;_;

>> No.10760157

I'd like to think Navel would port it, eventually. Another Takeshi-related heroine is too much though, throw Karura a bone sometimes.

>> No.10760169

who is this qt 3.14

>> No.10760179

I would guess アンドロメダ

>> No.10760226

ah ok I found it

>> No.10760256

In the last 6 months I only used my PS3 for White Album 2.
Still worth it.
I'll get the new Oretsuba too. Hopefully Misaki's route will be written by Jackson.

>> No.10760787

I guess the quickest way to get your illusion crushed about eroge seiyuu is to listen to their radio shows on Nico.
Well, not so much about illusion but rather the image of your characters being voiced by said seiyuu.

>> No.10760806

Or to the commentaries in drama CDs voiced by them. That's way more painful, you finish masturbating and then commentary tracks, huge turn off.

>> No.10761264

Are you referring to the seiyuu's personality or their thoughts and feelings regarding their work?

>> No.10761891

Their personality and the way they talk.

I'm not expecting them to talk like their characters, but the gap between ideal and reality is pretty harsh so it kinda messes with me a bit on how I perceive my favorite characters.

>> No.10761952

Everyone is human, I don't know what your preconceived notion for an anime girl is but it's not fully submissive.

>> No.10762101

Who cares about seiyuus anyway.

>> No.10762124
File: 136 KB, 1221x1737, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl

>> No.10762201

In before the immense butthurt that always occurs when someone posts anything related to Cross Channel.

>> No.10762606


>> No.10762614

You got the wrong thread

>> No.10762618


Am I reading this right, another Tsuyokiss? Didn't they just had a "complete" released a few months back?

>> No.10762626
File: 78 KB, 1000x1009, 20130418162259ea3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a new game with new heroines, it's just called Tsuyokiss because candysoft probably wants to be the new circus

>> No.10762627

Looks like it. Is Tsuyokiss that popular to deserve so many sequels? How are they linked together anyway?

>> No.10762628

『大図書館の羊飼い -Dreaming Sheeps-』

It was fast

>> No.10762637

Damn, it already has an anime and an FD while Eustia has none. ;_;

>> No.10762639

『カルマルカ サークル』

New Saga Planets too

>> No.10762653

I hope this time they have route where the protagonist becomes a shepherd. Probably not though, since that would imply doesn't pick any of the heroines.

>> No.10762666

As long there will be plenty more Kana I'm happy with it. Somewhat surprised that they're releasing a FD considering some other games like Fortune Arterial didn't get any. Maybe because there wasn't much content to expand on or something.

>> No.10762758 [SPOILER] 
File: 283 KB, 875x1200, 1366273498170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10762764

Fuck all these other announcements, the new elf game finally got an exact release date, 4/25. Only one week away.

>> No.10762798

Anyone play Eroge for the gameplay and hold the 'skip' button through every sex scene?

>> No.10762819

mite b cool

I wonder if they will make a game like Hatsuyuki Sakura again.

>> No.10762884

I wish Elf goes back to making good games like Biniku no Kaori instead of the NTR Gaten series.

>> No.10762948

Please no.

>> No.10762951

The writing team is completely different.

>> No.10763049

『大図書館の羊飼い -Dreaming Sheeps-』

>> No.10763055

 原画:ほんたにかなえ、とらのすけ 、都桜和(SD)、他
・主題歌はElements GardenとI’veの共同

>> No.10763097

trial for imouto paradise 2 is out

>> No.10763546
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>> No.10763549
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>> No.10763553


>> No.10763555

So they're both yandere.

>> No.10763559

what the fuck.

>> No.10763569


Just wouldn't be N+ without some edgy in it.

>> No.10763582



>> No.10763594

That's all.
Looks like every yandere game out there

>> No.10763598


Have you seen the ''portal'' in the sky?

>> No.10763604
File: 52 KB, 207x488, god plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus this

>> No.10763605



New Grisaia scans.

>> No.10763610

I know I want it.

>> No.10763612

Is that a gangbang on the bottom right?

>> No.10763615

I wonder if it will have a yandere?

>> No.10763616

Looks like it's going for something close to Owaru Sekai to Birthday but I honestly don't see it being good.

>> No.10763631

Looks like dp to me

>> No.10763641

>Looks like it's going for something close to Owaru Sekai to Birthday
I've read OwaSekai and I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

>> No.10763638



>> No.10763642


>> No.10763647

looks like a normal 3P with the heroines and the protag. Are you dumbfucks blind?

>> No.10763654

You're the blind one. The person on the bottom has brown hair while the heroine has black hair. The one standing behind her is man is thrusting into her ass so there must be another man under her who is thrusting up into her pussy.

>> No.10763656
File: 447 KB, 1135x1600, img_sp_mainvisual_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also updated.
Best friend character is voiced by Hiyama.

>> No.10763668

It's also possible the guy on the bottom is not partaking in the sex

>> No.10763676

I don't think so.
They say they wonder what will happen to the girl the protagonist doesn't choose.
Maybe only the black haired is yandere and the pink hair gets fucked by other men?
That is what I think

>> No.10763679


Maybe he's sleeping.

>> No.10763683

Feels kinda anticlimatic now that they've shown the tweest already. Then again surprise genre shift is a pretty big risk, or maybe preorders weren't the good so they tried to ramp up the interest

>> No.10763684

Yeah, that sounds likely to me as well. Unfortunately.

>> No.10763685

It's probably just the kouhai girl, Haru. Brown hair and all that.

>> No.10763697

You can see what appears to be a mouth but no eyes. Looks like faceless dude syndrome(doubt they'd do that on a woman)

>> No.10763700

Yeah that's likely. Kiss x 100 did something similar.
The heroine that didn't get picked gets pissed and decided to fuck as many guys as possible to get back at the MC.

>> No.10763719

That's probably not supposed to be the big tweest. The red-tinged world is more mysterious and interesting at this point.

>> No.10763745

Denpa girl confirmed for slut.

>> No.10763753


>> No.10763764

Well fuck. I was looking forward to this, too.

>> No.10763815

So you won't read it just because it has NTR? That's pretty pathetic

>> No.10763832

That's correct.

>> No.10763839

It's Nitro+ you should be prepared for some rape or NTR if looking forward to it.
Don't you know what is the very first Nitro+ game?

>> No.10763843


>> No.10763852

Of the N+ games I've played so far, a few have had rape, but none have had consensual NTR. I didn't realize that's something they are known for.

>> No.10763857

Are there n+ games that don't have some kind of rape? I'm sure all the ones I've played had.

>> No.10763861

Even before this, the dead eyes and the disheveled clothes gives it away.
Denpa girl is probably a mindbroken ex-sexslave or something.

>> No.10763867
File: 876 KB, 1562x2338, N 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, this reveal didn't change things much for me, I was expecting something like this, anyways. What I'm wondering at the moment is whether their least serious team got what it takes to say something new in a genre that Nitroplus are supposed to be so good at. If there is something I can't blame them for, it's the lack of experience or imagination.

And holy shit, no delays?

>> No.10763882

Demonbane didn't as far as I remember, but then I only played two of the routes.

Apparently I just had the wrong idea about the company this whole time. My fault I guess.

>> No.10763883


How long was the trial?

>> No.10763891


I felt like the trial was pretty short, so from what he's saying the "main game" doesn't seem to be that long. But what does he mean by あの後、怒涛の展開に突入していく?

>> No.10763908

3 hours or so, which would put the main story around 25-30 hours
probably that the story starts going fast after that prologue build up

>> No.10763911

> 『メイク Me ラバー』 KISS 年内予定
シナリオ:屑美たけゆき、シャア専用◎ 原画:弥舞秀人、くらすけ、笹森トモエ、カグユヅ、こかげ、安井竜郎

Sweet. More NTR.

>> No.10763921

Doh. I misread him saying that for the ending of the game, as opposed to the ending of the trial. If the game is high paced it's going to be over pretty fast which kind of makes me sad.

>> No.10763951

Sounds awesome, I've been waiting for this.

>> No.10763961

I'd prefer a medium size story with good pacing rather than a long one for the sake of it with lots of quicksand scenes

>> No.10763972

Baldr Sky and WA2 were both long and well paced but I suppose that'd be asking too much.

>> No.10764004

I don't really expect it to be much longer than Meikyuu. Good thing it comes out a week before most of the other releases, gives me enough time to finish it before Reminiscence comes out.

>> No.10764014

I really hope it doesn't get delayed again. ;_;
I'm more hyped for it than Grisaia.

>> No.10764024

Isn't Reminiscence released in may?

>> No.10764030

Well now you've jinxed it, thanks a lot. And yeah, it's my most wanted release in May too.
So does Rakuen or did I miss something?

>> No.10764048

You're right. I thought it was delayed until April first though?

>> No.10764057

The main story of Rakuen should be around 1.5mb which is well enough to tell a decent story with lot of action. Draculius from the same writer was around the same size.

Delayed or not I just hope it won't be an unfinished mess like the Akatsuki games

>> No.10764096


1.5 MB makes it about 2.5x the size of Grand, or the length of Amane's and Makina's routes in Kajitsu combined. Considering how much development and setup has already been done, that seems plenty long, yeah.

>> No.10764139

Seems like Santa works in real time on that tablet.

>> No.10764178
File: 1.17 MB, 806x625, 違和感しかない.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Machigurumi no Wana. I fapped to it a few years ago without knowing the story.
It's a shame Syrup hasn't released anything since then.

>> No.10764193

Didn't they announce a new game recently?

>> No.10764202

It's been announced almost a year ago. They are still adding stuff to the gallery (last updated last week) but still no release date.
They also have a page up for a Machigurumi FD but that was never updated.

>> No.10764210

It's probably delayed considering they have another subsidiary focused on vanilla nukige.
Pisses me off that companies do this to churn out as many titles as they can as opposed to making quality games.

>> No.10764227

So are VNs basically picture books with porn?

>> No.10764226

My smile and optimism: Gone

Why blow their load so early? Did they figure out no one would fall for it? Is there bigger things on the horizon? They said for awhile that this would be renai.

>> No.10764237

There are about two months left till the game's release, I think they've waited long enough for this reveal to make an impact, however predictable it might be.

>> No.10764243

IMO they should've kept it a secret until the game release.

>> No.10764249

Also note that the website still has nothing on the twist, it's just this particular magazine.

>> No.10764252

It is hard to think of Nitroplus as anything important as they haven't done a real game since 2010 and the last good one was in 2009.

I want to believe they are just giving us a taste and there are worse things in the game. I half wanted a renai game though.

Looks like May to June will be exciting times for this thread, though I think it will be likely that rakuen will get its own dedicated thread.

>> No.10764257

>It is hard to think of Nitroplus as anything important as they haven't done a real game since 2010 and the last good one was in 2009.
Exactly, but I still feel obliged to raise my expectations for their projects, since they are the company that got me into non-translated VNs. And they're having their 15-year anniversary next year (and a 5-year Muramasa one, too), so I hope they're going to get their shit together soon.

>> No.10764259

In one of the bad ends in Demonbane a heroine gets gangraped.

>> No.10764264

Its sad that we probably won't be able to play that game because of the USB drm. I doubt it will get cracked and leaked in a timely manner.

I hope someone atleast uploads the cgset.

>> No.10764270

Nice. that gets me erect.

>> No.10764277

Has it even been confirmed that the USB will have drm protection on it?

>> No.10764281

Yeah sure. Watch it be uploaded 1 day before the release date.

>> No.10764283

I'm not sure why people think USB DRM will be any worse than DVD DRM.

>> No.10764296

Yeah it's a pretty hot scene, especially since it's fishmen she gets raped by.

>> No.10764314
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, ningyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I could ask it here, anyone got a westside torrent?

Picture relatively related, I wanna rip the BGM, especially the title theme which doesnt seem to show up on the recollection list.

>> No.10764316


pls respond

>> No.10764317

>It is hard to think of Nitroplus as anything important as they haven't done a real game since 2010 and the last good one was in 2009.
Yet the thread goes into an uproar whenever something concerning them happens. I know what you mean but they are still important.

>> No.10764326

They don't list how much HDD space it would take so it probably runs directly on the USB only no installation needed.

>> No.10764339

If Nitroplus is gonna jew us with DRM shouldn't they lower the price? ¥7,875 still feels like they are jewing.

>> No.10764341

Yandere and seems the rejected heroine takes the world to the brink sort of thing? Well, nitro+ doing vanilla renai always seems like impossible thing given their reputation and past works style.


I hope so, for me akatsuki had quite a few likeable characters. Let's see how it is this time.

>> No.10764346
File: 164 KB, 1096x618, SnapShot_043400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still 辻堂さんの純愛ロード, currently on my first playthrough, 恋奈 route. I still don't know what to think of it. The characters are pretty charming and don't drift too much into the anime cliché territory and the protags feels like an actual human instead of the cookie cutter donkan-as-fuck or 2cool4u protags I'm used to, but still.. The story is pretty dry, the yankee stuff actually bores me and the humor is pretty much hit-or-miss, with a big tendency towards silliness thanks to 冴子. I still hope the story will build momentum, though.

>> No.10764365

Who else feels like a VN pleb? I only ever read big releases from known studios but I never play lesser known stuff or games from a companies first release.

>> No.10764378

The code and assets still have to be transferred to the PC in order for the game to run. The DRM could potentially be a pain in the ass, but it will not be impossible to break.

>> No.10764435



Why wouldn't they put that in a more elegant way? You think they are trying to ruse us?

>> No.10764451

I have the OST, but uploading it is a pain in the ass. Just search for it in hentai4u (freakshare links)

>> No.10764469

I'm probably worse: I only play the games that get positive comments in these threads.

>> No.10764490

Multi-layer pre-release trolling? Seems like something Nitroplus would do. I wouldn't bet on it, though.

>> No.10764503 [DELETED] 

Neat, thanks. Will fetch that. I'd still want a westside torrent/DDL though. I cant access share and dont wanna bug people for lossless rips every time I want something either...

>> No.10764509

You could always use erogamescape.

>> No.10764514

Are you pulling my legs? They only upload OVAs

>> No.10764515

I'm also doing this. I'm in the middle of 愛's route, really enjoying everything. Maybe it's just me, but I laugh at almost every joke. I can't stand 冴子 though. I don't even know if I wanna do her.

>> No.10764525

I'm also reading this currently and I'm in the middle of マキ's route...

>> No.10764532

I really wish there were routes for some of the side characters, just short ones. I want Kumiko ... so fucking much.

>> No.10764535

And add ddls for eroge releases, like pretty much every other site.

>> No.10764557

Aren't they making a fandisk? They might include her there

>> No.10764567

I think the fandisc is only adding routes for Azusa and Yoiko. The rest is just after stories.

>> No.10764582

Why would they add a route for Yoiko
Wouldn't it be better to make a Ryoko route instead

>> No.10764586

This is a comedy game with a fun plot and good characters right? That is what it looks like in my head. I have been meaning to pick it up but some people have been saying not nice things. What are th complaints?

>> No.10764605

Dont see any. Pic or it didnt happen.

>> No.10764610

I think it is a double ruse, hear me out.

Aoi might do perverted things in her head to understand people better and the red world thing is is just a delusion.

Miyuki's bat is from the fact she is in a play about softball and that a scene within the play is just her covered in blood.

No yandere and no slut, renai game confirmed.

>> No.10764612

And the release is in June? wat

>> No.10764662

Minor spoiler, but I'll hide it anyway.
Before the routes branch off, you are already quite intimate with one of the characters, so if you don't choose her you break her heart. I think a lot of people don't like this. Other than that, I don't know. It's comedy so you have to like the humor I guess.

>> No.10764676

>so if you don't choose her you break her heart
Is it kinda like getting a bit mopey about it or is it full blown depression?

How long is the game anyways?

>> No.10764707

Not him but it's less of a problem that they get mopey/depressed but more of a problem of the protagonists attitude towards it. Breaking up because she's a deliquent and then getting together with another one, yeah. Great job. At least that's how it felt for me.

>> No.10764719

Okay, that is retarded, I won't play it unless I get into a comedy mood.

>> No.10764728

The comedy was just really lacking for me and the protagonist being extremely bland didn't help.
Hanako was cute though

>> No.10764763
File: 197 KB, 825x625, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting tired of fatfuck. I can't fap if some autistic shit is mouthbreathing over the protagonist everywhere.

>> No.10764779

But then how will you like it when he rapes her?

>> No.10764847

>Miyuki's bat is from the fact she is in a play about softball and that a scene within the play is just her covered in blood
That seems even more delusional than the first point. Why did everyone want it to be a real renai game?

>> No.10765214

Want to try White Album...anime or vn?

>> No.10765247

The pc port of the ps3 version is orgasmic, so go with it.

>> No.10765259

It looks nice but the game itself is garbage.

>> No.10765282

>The pc port of the ps3 version
In donwload right now thx.

>> No.10766006
File: 120 KB, 795x594, SnapShot_031300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This game has some really hilarious moments.

>> No.10766165
File: 43 KB, 500x256, 1365814439912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10766189

One of the makers said it would be a pure love game on april fools. So it's been like half a month now.

>> No.10766199

Speaking of White Album; should I read the introductory chapter or can I skip straight to the closing chapter? The first part doesn't really sound that interesting, but I'm willing to put up with it if necessary.

>> No.10766213

The entire game is really about what happens in the introductory chapter, skipping it would be utterly retarded.

>> No.10766236
File: 176 KB, 429x600, 1358884894622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first part doesn't really sound that interesting
ahahahah....are you serious?

>> No.10766244

Go away.

>> No.10766262
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1334094744651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idiot.

>> No.10766310


Okay, thanks.

>> No.10766322
File: 445 KB, 696x602, 56149646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...did we ever get any information on this? It's been a while since I went on a fap marathon.

>> No.10766333

It comes out next week.

>> No.10766368

One heroine? It'd better not be an another NTR/gangrape/prostitution train like the one prior.

>> No.10766373

Yes, but there's absolutely no info about it on their site. Unless I'm missing something? Their last game had a trial and all that.

>> No.10766375

Have you seen the guy?

>> No.10766385

That was wishful thinking from me, obviously.

>> No.10766388

I too hope for some extreme vanilla

>> No.10766432
File: 90 KB, 389x560, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are such cutie pies.

>> No.10766855

Horrible slut. I hope she burn in hell.

>> No.10767128 [DELETED] 

Something is off about her... I wonder what it is.

>> No.10767140
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, sandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is off about her... I wonder what it is.

>> No.10767163


she has a dick

will you suck it?

[ ]No

>> No.10767461

No trial, no preview pics, not even a summary of what the game is about. Either elf is confident as fuck from their previous game that this game will sell or they dun' goofed.

>> No.10767602

Hi /jp/ I've been studying japanese for over a year now. I've learned over 1000 kanji and some basic grammars. I think I can take on some easy visual novels now. Any recommendation?

>> No.10767610

try Bengarachou Hakubutsushi

>> No.10767630

Well, like they're previous game, they're restricting sales to one company only. So I guess they are pretty damn confident.

>> No.10767719

What are some english eroge with traps?
Also, motherxson incest.

>> No.10767730

Hi, I had a question about a game I've been looking for. It's the 2D game with the fully customizable girls. I cannot for the life of me figure out what it was called.

>> No.10767732

Any game by KISS, the most recent one is Kanotsuku 2.

>> No.10767735


Hit "Filters". Choose language. Type in tags.

>> No.10767738

>Kanotsuku 2.
That was the one, thanks! I thought it was by kiss, but I wasn't completely sure(I haven't really payed attention to them since custom maid) Thanks alot.

>> No.10767761

A little late but I'll answer as best as I can.

They aren't actually connected.

Each game tells the same routes in a different way. For example, Tsuyokiss 1 has heavier drama (that's not good imo) and the protagonist does really stupid shit sometimes.

Tsuyokiss 2 removes the protagonist dumb and reduces drama, so it's a little more down to earth, but some people might think it's boring.

I was burned out by Tsuyokiss 3, but it seemed to be similar to 2, except there were a ton of sub-routes and after-stories.

>> No.10767809

For some reason on my new computer whenever i try to start a new game on Steins;Gate it just shows a black screen, but when i try to open up an old save it works until there's an FMV.
I'm assuming the video files aren't playing for some reason.
I know its not my install because i've used the same exact one on my old pc and it worked fine.
Any help?
Thanks in advance

>> No.10767848

Any help?

>> No.10767884

Disable MPEG playback in LAV Filter

>> No.10767927

Where would i do that form?
There's no LAV folder in my programs menu.

>> No.10767940

Actually, I don't even have LAV installed.

>> No.10767973
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, 56161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart can't take much more of this...

>> No.10767977

what game is this

>> No.10767981
File: 383 KB, 1920x1080, 56162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10768183

Speaking of seiyuu, anyone plays a game just because your favorite seiyuu(s) appear in the game?
Mine were Kazane, Natsuno Koori, and Isshiki Hikaru. The last game I played where they all appeared was Damekoi, which was a blast.

Recently there are many new seiyuu to the industry and most of the veterans appeared less and less though.

>> No.10768198

I try to give every game where Kawashima Rino has a main or important side role a go. I've tried several ones just cause she's in them.

>> No.10768208

That's a lot of games. I really like Rinocchi as well but ... she has her voice plastered almost everywhere.

>> No.10768216

Yeah, it's completely impossible to keep up with

>> No.10768229

I make it a point to at least be aware of every single eroge Norio Wakamoto has voiced in.

>> No.10768235

Tohno Soyogi

>> No.10768245


>> No.10768257

Aoyama Yuka- nah just kidding.
I like Gogyou Nazuna, Maki Izumi, and Isshiki Hikaru.

>> No.10768270

Why are you playing an NTR game if you hate sluts?

I believe they did the same thing with their last game. And they deserve to feel confident since they're the best NTR maker and really the only one that consistently releases good games.

>> No.10768304

Are you sure that I played it?

And I always attribute their lack of info to their lack of web coders and the interest/budget plan to hire one. Just look at their child brand, Silky's, for instance. They do have proper info pages for individual products.

>> No.10768344

This talk about seiyuu reminds me that I really liked Haruka Sora in daitoshokan. Gotta try some more games she's in.

>> No.10768369

>Are you sure that I played it?
If you haven't you really need to!

>And I always attribute their lack of info to their lack of web coders and the interest/budget plan to hire one. Just look at their child brand, Silky's, for instance. They do have proper info pages for individual products
So does elf, for all their other games. The lack of info about Gatenkei definitely made the game more intriguing, so I wouldn't be surprised if elf decided to do it on purpose, and is deciding to do it again this time.

>> No.10768391

>If you haven't you really need to!
I'd rather be fucked in the eye sockets by large, serrated dicks.

>> No.10768405

Oh come on, give it a try, you might like it!

>> No.10768437

Misonoo Mei is a huge favorite of mine. It's really nice to see her move up from almost purely smaller nukige roles to much bigger roles like pastel chime 3 etc

>> No.10768442

Shiho Kawaragi/Kaname Yuzuki. Her voice is so god damned erotic I can help but feel jealous of her husband. First heard her in Hitou Meguri and has been a fervent follower ever since.

>> No.10768451

After finishing Rewrite I stopped enjoying VNs. I stopped reading them a while ago and don't regret it a little bit. It's just that I realized how unsatisfying the endings always are after wasting all that time. Now I'm back to watching anime and I must say they make me much happier than most of the VNs back then.

>> No.10768457

I feel exactly the opposite.

>> No.10768467

Watching anime is relaxing, but I tend to lose interest after a few episodes. I have much more fun with eroge. All games aren't shitty like that. Discussing new games with my /jp/-bros makes my life worth living.

>> No.10768483

Funny because I stopped caring much about anime/manga precisely because the endings tend to be crap or alternatively takes a decade to end.

In my opinion it's better to enjoy them all in their own ways instead of comparing them though. I enjoy how eroge mostly have a complete story, good or not aside, only a handful of them require you to wait for the next part of it so they're like a mountain of short(?) stories for you to pick up and read.

>> No.10768601
File: 89 KB, 903x813, senshinkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10768607

Holy fuck new Masada.
Can't fucking wait for it

>> No.10768612

There is a new game by the Zero-Infinity team too

>> No.10768613

Pretty hardcore title

>> No.10768615

I can feel the chuuni oozing out of every Kanji.

>> No.10768620

Holy shit, how is that even read?
Aishuu Senshinkan Gakuen?

>> No.10768619

I wish they changed their engine.

>> No.10768627

oh man Kuzunoha Raidou the eroge, by MasadaxG-yusuke?
I'm going to be all over that shit

>> No.10768632

it's soushuu, the reading is given on the site

>> No.10768709

I went to /vg/ a few weeks ago and they were very hostile to moonreaders and they were convinced that anyone who read moon used machine translators like chiitrans or whatnot. I am never going back.

>> No.10768726

you could just say you played it on your psp if it has a port like many popular games do

and honestly those aren't that bad if you know basic japanese and grammar and just need help with a hanzi here and there
machine translation can take small knowledge of a language to being as good as fluent, it's kind of underrated imo

>> No.10768747

I sure like to hear about your little 4chan board-crossing adventures you stupid faggot.

>> No.10768766

Oh god the sample OST. I can't fucking wait.

>> No.10768872
File: 106 KB, 800x600, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dies Irae: Kato Yasunori edition
Fucking sold.

>> No.10769006
File: 50 KB, 256x368, 15656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out

>> No.10769013

A random low price nukige? Yay?

>> No.10769018

The scenario caught my attention. But the scenes seem disappointingly vanilla and the art is a mixed bag.

>> No.10769024

What did you expect...White Album 3? Bitch please.

>> No.10769039

That game is nothing special, though...

>> No.10769046

・今まで何度も強調してるけど、本当に神座シリーズとは関係なし。Dies<wbr> iraeの格ゲーが劇中出てきて、七人の内のゲーオタ女がシュピーネを使うぐらい

>> No.10769058

Can I borrow your time machine

>> No.10769067

I know this is just going to be a waste of time but it has yandere in the title so I'm obligated to play it

>> No.10769092

New thread

>> No.10769095 [DELETED] 

New thread: >>10769087

>> No.10769096

I trust Masada to make this better than it sounds

>> No.10769098

Do you guys always play through every route?
I usually do, but as of late, I've begun stopping after I get the route I want.

>> No.10769107

>teacher with shinai to beat those who peek at girls' baths
Did I get that right?
Is this some kinda comedy?

>> No.10769119


To be fair, that was all written a couple months ago on a 2ch thread so some of it might be bogus.

>> No.10770422

If it has Miru voicing a cute girl, I'm all over that.

>> No.10773318

You've got good taste, bro.

Ever since I played HatsuSaku and to some extent pocpoco, I've been a huge fan of Kiritani Hana. I just can't get enough of her voice (her stuttering lines with Yoru in HastuSaku was just godly). Before her, I used to follow Kawashima Rino, Toono Soyogi, Natsuno Koori, Kaibara Erena and Gogyou Nazuna. I actually dl'ed/played tons of eroge just because they were a heroine in it.

On the other hand, as much as possible, I try avoid games with Maki Izumi, Miru, Isshiki Hikaru and Hokuto Minami. No offense to their fans, but I'm just tired of hearing their voice. Oh and I hate Kaneda Mahiru. I avoid all of her games like the plague.

>> No.10773710
File: 244 KB, 800x600, Matsunaga.Tsubame.full.966032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majoki almost done with Tsubames route :( <3

>> No.10773718

Doing Kara no Shoujo because my savings fucked up some time ago, so i'm firing it up again
