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10749938 No.10749938 [Reply] [Original]

Did I miss the thread on chapter 16?

>> No.10749945
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Welp, so much for subtly.

>> No.10749947
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>> No.10749949
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>> No.10749954
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Yuuka being genial

>> No.10749975

She says nothing and does nothing but stare at the cup.

At least give her a line or two goddammit.

>> No.10749976

So... canon Momiji doesn't have wolf ears...? ;_;

>> No.10749982

Sakuya x Youmu is a beautiful thing.

>> No.10749988

Most likely the artist forgot.

>> No.10749994 [DELETED] 

Too late. Now all the retarded fans will cry "BAWW ZUN WHY DOESN'T MOMOJI HAVE WOLF EARS"

>> No.10749995

And Aya doesn't have wings.

>> No.10750004


>> No.10750005

She appeared already without the ears in some manga, and was WITH them in some other. We shouldn't really care, if you ask me.

>> No.10750006

Who says that Momiji?
Could be just a generic tengu.
In another manga she DOES have wolf ears, however her ingame sprite doesn't as far as I recall

>> No.10750011
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would you lift a Youmu?

>> No.10750022
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There's something sad about this.

>> No.10750027
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When did she get Down syndrome?

>> No.10750038

It was never subtle.

>> No.10750040

It cured Youmu's deep depression that she has to battle each day

>> No.10750049

Everyone else there is a regular so generic tengu seems pretty unlikely.

>> No.10750058

True. But it's not been blatantly stated like this till now.

>> No.10750051

So Suika has a gourd of infinite sake, Yuugi has a cup that makes any sake taste good, and Kasen has a box that gives sake oni healing properties.

What do you guys think the 4th deva will have?

>> No.10750059


She can hide them.

>> No.10750067

Hopefully she has 3 horns and Kasen will be revealed to have 4 horns

>> No.10750074

Her blood is sake

>> No.10750079

a beer mug

>> No.10750081

Does anyone have the mediafire? The one from the last thread is private now.

>> No.10750089


>> No.10750093


>> No.10750137

About time they start moving the story along. So happy that its basically confirmed that Kasen is a deva.
But, about Yuugi's dish... I thought that while it did increase the sake's quality, it rapidly deteriorated as well, so that you'd have to pour it and drink it right away.

>> No.10750163

I guess that's why the Sake lizard is still in there

>> No.10750167

That chapter was pretty mixed in terms of art. Sakuya has a quality face in one panel and Kasen on one coloured page also looks somewhat off.

>> No.10750193
File: 98 KB, 663x442, Momiji_Symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when SoPM got released?

I'm hoping ZUN will wait with introducing the fourth deva until he's truly out of other ideas. There are still numerous youkai species not represented in Touhou at all.

>> No.10750197

Wouldn't it be funny if ZUN somehow twisted it so that Kasen wasn't an oni since everyone and their mom are saying she is one?

>> No.10750208

My guess is that she didn't used to be an Oni, but is slowly becoming one now due to the Box, which she needs to keep her arm. Perhaps she is actually growing Oni horns instead of having little/broken ones.

>> No.10750218

Maybe Kasen is actually a shapeshifter who killed the original Ibaraki-douji and then assumed his/her identity for reasons not yet revealed.

>> No.10750219

That's actually an interesting idea. And she's trying to become a hermit to counteract that?

>> No.10750220


That'd be cool if she's revealed in TH15, with Kasen the 6th stage boss, 4th deva the 5th stage boss, and Yuugi and Suika in hardest touhou stage ever created EX-Phantasm-Omega.
And it also ends up being the last touhou game.

>> No.10750225


hmm but then how is she old friends with Yuugi and Suika?

>> No.10750239

By theory is that, back during Oni vs Human times, Kasen was the most vicious deva by far, raping and pillaging and murdering and generally just being an absolute monster. Then some human hero fought her, and hacked off her arm before dying. This leads to Kasen going all "OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" and stuff and ditching the rest of the oni in despair.
Now she's becoming a hermit in defiance to her brutal past, and is so focused on helping humans as a way of making amends or something.

>> No.10750243

Possibly. Either that, or she was a hermit beforehand- the reason she is being so stealthy about becoming an Oni is because it's so different from her disciplined hermit lifestyle, which she prefers. She might have sought out other Oni for advice, hence the Yuugi/Suika relationship. She doesn't want to make the full transition to Oni, so she drinks a maintenance dose, enough to keep her arm from rotting away but not enough to change her personality too much.

>> No.10750256

They kidnapped her when she was young and decided they liked her. Eventually she left/escaped.
Oh, and she lost her arm when they kidnapped her. Oni felt bad 'bout ripping off some little kid's arm, so they gave her the sake to keep her alive.

>> No.10750260


As someone pointed out in the previous thread, it's a newt. Now that I went on and checked, it's even called "salamander-like" in the SaBND already.

>> No.10750266

A weird hat that gives immunity from alchol to you kidneys making you gaining strenght at musical arts.

>> No.10750268

What does she by keeping her arm from rotting away? It's already made of mist. Mist doesn't rot.
Does she mean even that will go away if she doesn't drink, and is saying "rotting away" because people aren't supposed to know about the mist arm?

>> No.10750273
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It's happening

>> No.10750271

My bad, my eyes aren't the best so I didn't get a proper look.

Shame Yuuka said nothing though.

>> No.10750278
File: 98 KB, 600x600, kasen eat5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so happy this chapter was so good. The last one sucked.
Also this guy drew a whole bunch of stuff. Happy days~

>> No.10750279
File: 457 KB, 1048x1500, Konngara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the world would you think a new, final deval would be 5th boss and old characters would be EX, instead of other way around?

Watch Konngara make her dramatic return as the ultimate PC98 representative. Mima worshipers forget that Mima was originally a midboss for Konngara, who is probably both the Final Deva and ancestor of the Hakurei bloodline! The hellish antagonist from the very first game, back with a vengeance!

>> No.10750284

maybe her actual arm is still somewhere, and drinking from the box keeps it from rotting

>> No.10750285

Maybe she has retractili hears.
Since rin has two pairs of ears, she could have two pairs too, and if she needs to listen something far away (like in the OSP manga) she uses them.

>> No.10750292

The image of Momiji's ears popping out of her hair when she's surprised is too good to pass up.
I'll always prefer just straight dog ears, but this is a partially acceptable alternative.

>> No.10750294

Ibaraki-Douji is said to have actually retrieved his arm after it was cut off, so maybe she still has it somewhere, but can't reconnect it to her body. Drinking that sake might prevent that cut off arm from rotting, until she can reconnect it..

>> No.10750301

That would be actually quite a cool way for Reimu/Marisa to find out the truth, finding her real arm somewhere.

>> No.10750305
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Probably this, the old man from some chapters ago said the he could try to heal the arm, but she refused because her arm is somewhere (in the first chapter she thought she found her arm when she heard about the kappa one).

>> No.10750311

I just wonder why Kasen's hiding her identity and species in the first place.

>> No.10750317

In order to find her arm more easily maybe.
If there was the news of an oni looking for something the creature that took her of her arm would take precautions.

>> No.10750322

I like this idea

>> No.10750328

That or her arm is pickled in alcohol, like Admiral Nelson

>> No.10750351
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So now there are confirmed ways for humans of how to easily attain immortality and how to turn a shy /jp/er into a manly oni?.


And, so I suppose Kasen is confirmed for hiding her oni nubs under her hair buns?.

And Sakuya actually had calloused hands?, her feet must be the same then.

Not elegant at all.

>> No.10750380

I like how Youmu almost immediately lost her composure. I guess she doesn't drink often. Also how would gardening give her calluses?

>> No.10750383

Erin must be jelly of that box.

>> No.10750388


being the devil's maid is hard work....

>> No.10750392

youmu is weak minded, she went crazy in IN too

>> No.10750400

She's adorable.

>> No.10750407

What, like slow? I remember the half-baked comment, but I thought she was more of a stoic badass until she gets messed with, then she's a cute little kid.

>> No.10750425

i mean her mind gets easily influenced

>> No.10750435

Oh well yeah, since Yuyuko screws with her often.

>> No.10753492
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There's more. Heh.

>> No.10753538

maybe that old man Unshou will be important in future chapter, because after I re-read WaHH chapter 11, i think this Unshou is not just a one-shot character.

>> No.10753545

I can't stop laughing at this page

>> No.10753620
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>> No.10753670
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Holy shit, i thought someone from 2chan edited it at first.

>> No.10753681
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haha what

>> No.10753693
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lead protagonists confirmed for bitch

>> No.10753692

Super strength indeed.

>> No.10753696
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Poor Rinnosuke.

>> No.10753699
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>Yuuka with the personality of an oni

>> No.10753700
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The purest.

>> No.10753705

I love this page.

>> No.10753757

Youmu is that serious composed girl that everyone thinks she is.
Just read CoLa, she even tried tried to lie about the torch to Yuyuko, getting scolded of course.

>> No.10753761

You never did gardening if you're asking it.

>> No.10753767

Yuuka actually normally as a high class youkai personality, it's hard to explain, just call it calm badass charisma.
Now that she went nuts I pray that no one meets her.

>> No.10753772

Yeah, high-class youkai seem to have some kinda of classy restraint. Or rather are wise/experienced enough not to go batshit.

>> No.10753913

i love the leaf ahoge...

>> No.10753929

>Kyouko with tail

aw fuck yes

>> No.10753952

Wonder what youmu said to yuyuko to get that reaction.
>I am in no mood for your shit, ya cake-gorging bint!

>> No.10753975

So it is already a year and we have another flower viewing party....
Can we assume that they dont age anymore and are stucked in an infinite loop like ichigo mashimaro/minamike.

>> No.10753977

She is going to get the shit beat out of her. Youmu I mean. Actually wait why wasn't Yuyuko at a party that had food and drink? Though Yuyuko with the power and personality of an oni wouldn't end well.

>> No.10753979

nice catch

>> No.10753994
File: 101 KB, 377x219, Kyouko out of commission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had one last chapter too.

>> No.10754153

Azuma Aya, why your drawing are cute and QUALITY at the same time?
Really, Moe Harukawa are the best touhou mangaka now. It's good choice for ZUN to choose her to do Forbidden Scrollery manga.

>> No.10754162

i dig the simple style.

but wasnt he the guy who did the Symposium book illustrations. he can make good art when he wants to

>> No.10754172

Well, I'm not accusing Azuma Aya to draw QUALITY artworks all the time.
But, sometimes, his drawings are a bit.... off

>> No.10754187

The art is usually better. It's just this chapter that stands out. Probably tried too many unfamiliar view points/poses or ran out of time to fix stuff.

>> No.10754219
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>> No.10754232
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Konpaku Youmu


>> No.10754308

>Can we assume that they dont age anymore and are stucked in an infinite loop like ichigo mashimaro/minamike.
It was obvious from the very-very beginning. Seriously, man...

>> No.10754334

Your favorite touhou will never have another speaking role ;_;

>> No.10760817

Oh wait, I just got that Yuuka is probably so chill and happy because she's at a flower viewing party.

I hope no one crosses her when she's in oni-mode though.

>> No.10760880

Has Chen appeared yet? I'm new to 2hu manga.

>> No.10760907

Chen has been firmly placed in the cameo only spot that many characters share. She appears in some of the manga, but don't expect anything great.

>> No.10760990


A vagina and asshole that always stays tight no matter how long it's pounded and what size object is put into it

>> No.10761292

Try to make it at least tangentially related to alcohol.

>> No.10761300

Her BAC is always over the legal limit. You know, bloodplay.

>> No.10761323
File: 307 KB, 1204x940, 27959056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu yells at Sanae, and Marisa hits her, yet they both are still good friends.

Sanae confirmed for unloved.

>> No.10761344

They only hit her because they love her so much.

>> No.10761356
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>> No.10761603
File: 887 KB, 1500x1050, Kochiya_Sanae_122483_1500x1050[theAnimeGallery.com].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also refused to believe that her friends would be jerks and thought that they were imposters and thus in danger.

Sanae confirmed for being a trusting, loyal, and caring friend.

>> No.10761765

You spelled naive wrong.
But I suppose they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10761777
File: 925 KB, 720x1050, sanae despair14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just because of the oni sake...yeah, that's why they did that, that's it...

>> No.10761899
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>> No.10762028

Translate it weebs

>> No.10762128

Why do nips draw pottery with dried gloops of glaze around the rim?

>> No.10762129

folded 1000 times

>> No.10762139

Extremely cute Youmu, dude.

>> No.10762167

They really, really like Winnie the Pooh

>> No.10764552

at least this manga is most of the time youmu free

>> No.10764785
File: 27 KB, 237x427, frozentouhous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhous' parties are the cutest.
