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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10754865 No.10754865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an appointment with a doctor who is going to decide if i get disability benefits or not. I told them I have Agoraphobia/Social Anxiety which is basically true.

Any tips on convincing the doctor I'm all fucked up?

>> No.10754870

Piss yourself.

>> No.10754867

show him this place.

>> No.10754873

Suck his cock. ;)

>> No.10754879
File: 49 KB, 544x406, first-doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doctor who

wch doctor wd u fk

id fk bill hartnell

>> No.10754880

Act nervous and twitchy. Stutter, hesitate, speak quietly, wring your hands, get stuck in a sentence and start it over. Just don't overdo it.

>> No.10754881

I've never watched that show because I'm not british or a tumblr hipster.

>> No.10754883

How is this related to /jp/

>> No.10754889

>I want to be a Welfare Queen


>> No.10754890

Get out, newf*g.

>> No.10754886


>> No.10754892

Leave to le Reddit.

>> No.10754894
File: 31 KB, 300x468, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr hipster.

New Doctor Who is worst Doctor Who.

I never thought I'd miss things like this:

>> No.10754906

I want neetbux, I'm just too mentally stable. Also, a terrible actor

>> No.10754910

I read on that Uncle something guide to neetbux you shouldn't sleep 24 hrs prior to your apt. so you go in there and look all fucked up

Can't hurt, right?

>> No.10754918

I hear you can get neetbux for insomnia.
Seems somewhat easier to me to pull off.

>> No.10754917


I always look this way because I have insomnia. People constantly tell me I look sick/unwell because I have dark bags under my eyes.

>> No.10754924


If it prevents your ability to hold a job, yep.

You can support this by getting a burger-flipping job, then staying up every night and showing up to work very tired, falling asleep on the job, etc.

>> No.10754930

Can you get disability benefits for social anxiety?

I'm almost certain I have avoidant personality disorder but I don't think I could get bux for it. Britaku btw.

>> No.10754934


What country are you in? I have actual agoraphobia but I'm too fucking anxious to leave and go to a doctor but my mum's going to kick me out soon fuck

>> No.10754936

I act like that without trying.

>> No.10754937

I wish you could get money for having schizoid personality disorder.

That would be the best.

>> No.10754938


Exactly what I thought while reading that post

>> No.10754941

Bring some crayola crayons/markers and use them whenever they tell you to sign something or write anything.

>> No.10754950

I dropped out of school middle school and pretty much haven't left my house or had any social contact in almost a decade. Could I qualify for this?

>> No.10754953

I also called 911 twice because of panic attacks that I thought were heart attacks. Would they be on record somewhere as proof?

>> No.10754961

My dad's a doctor. I'll ask him the requirements for getting Autismbux.

Will post tips

>> No.10754962
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should i mention my /played?

140 days in early BC was a lot

>> No.10754963

This, but also assign a different colour to each letter and number and name the exact Crayola shade as you write (e.g. Antique Brass, Mango Tango). If you can, arrange things on the doctor's desk as you avoid eye contact with him.

>> No.10754969
File: 37 KB, 600x429, CGD2-16522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did your middle school uniform look like? Was it kawaii?

>> No.10754970
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>only 140

>> No.10754973

>69 days
Fug :-DDD Ebin :-DDD

>> No.10754975

>a lot

>> No.10754982

I could see these helping if you are trying to get diagnosed with autism, but for social anxiety/agoraphobia?

>> No.10754983

>panic attacks that I thought were heart attacks
I also had one of those. Scared the shit out of me and now I can only look back on it with incredible shame and embarrassment.

Although I think it was actually an anxiety attack or something, as I felt somewhat normal before it happened.

>> No.10754979

enjoy your western rpgs you fuckin nigger

i bet those white girls are really hot (not) (owned)

>> No.10754984

If you were a doctor and were trying to determine if somebody genuinely had a problem or was just looking for NEETbux, what questions would you ask?

>> No.10754985

Run away from him.

>> No.10754987

>early bc
>full s2
autists don't pvp you fucking phony

>> No.10754990
File: 29 KB, 250x303, 250px-Sakurako_olani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibbard, is that you?

>> No.10754991

Just don't go and never contact him.
That'll show them how afraid you are of social interactions!

But on a serious note, I think making an appointment and skipping it or trying to reschedule it the day of said appointment could be affective.

>> No.10754994

What's the difference?

>> No.10754996

I agree, although back in BC you just needed to afk on AV for hours to get gear.

>> No.10755005

Or make him annoyed at you.

>> No.10755001


Offer to the do the interview over the phone or through the computer, saying off-handed that this mode of conversation may hurt their chances of getting the money.

If they still go through the with in-person interview, they're probably after the money. If they stick with the over the phone they're probably too
socially anxious to care.

>> No.10755003

If you purposely try to act awkward that will probably be picked up upon and count negatively against you/be see as trying to fake it. I would say go in ready to be genuinely truthful

>> No.10755009


Just tell him you played WoW after Vanilla, that should get you on some looney payroll

>> No.10755013

>If you purposely try to act awkward that will probably be picked up upon and count negatively against you/be see as trying to fake it.
man what in the FUCK does that mean?

>> No.10755011

Now that you mention it, there probably isn't one...
Guess I just assumed wrong and that's just what they called mine.

I just didn't feel very "panicked" until I thought I was actually having a heart attack.

>> No.10755024

If you try to "force" your disability or act too strongly, they will probably pick up on it. This is their job, they have most likely seen both many real cases and fakes.

For example, many people with actual disabilities actively try to hide theirs at all times. Or at least they wouldn't be too blatant with how awkward they are.

>> No.10755027

What is your resume for getting money from the government?

>> No.10755028

Do you have trouble understanding what you read?
It says, quite clearly, that if they suspect you of acting to falsely qualify for benefits, they might ignore your actual symptoms and deny you help.

>> No.10755038

It means not everyone is as stupid as you, and can smell bullshit.

>> No.10755045

Can you get disability money without your parents knowing?
Like do you need them as references?

I thought about moving out and claiming I have a job to support myself while I actually lie on disabilities and food stamps. I wold be way too ashamed to have them actually know I am on disability. I would probably get disowned.

>> No.10755113

5/5 would laugh again

>> No.10755146

implying BC wasn't awesome

>> No.10755401


>> No.10755409

How did you manage to drop out of middle school?

>> No.10755450
File: 632 KB, 1920x1200, WoWScrnShot_072107_105531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1hr 41 min

Nobody normal stays in a 2v2 game for 1hr and 41 minutes

>> No.10755477

Unfortunately druid/warrior games could really last an hour if they wanted it to, it was the cancer of TBC.

>> No.10755527

hello NEETs

>> No.10755531

>Any tips on convincing the doctor I'm all fucked up?
ahaha good luck.

>> No.10755550

Walk into his office and ask him if he could please close the blinds on the window.

Start fidgeting during the interview, and then stand up and manually open and shut the blinds while counting to 3. Do this with every set of blinds in the room

If he tries to grab you, start wailing and attempt to bash your head against your own chest until he calms you down.

When you go back to take your sear, make sure to stand back up and sit down 3 times while counting out loud before finally settling down.

If you have any Otacool merch, have it on your person during the meeting and take it out, rubbing it against your cheek and cooing softly

>> No.10755555

Anyone else only go from socially anxious to angry? I'll avoid eye contact and stuff but if it keeps up I get mad as hell and want to scrap

>> No.10755565
File: 30 KB, 338x322, tearslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10755561

Yet it was still the best period in wow

>> No.10755570


Yeah you can start with showing this thread to a insurance agency so they can fine you for fraud

>> No.10755792

how is it fraud if I've really got a problem?

What about all the niggers receiving welfare and spending all their money on drugs?

what about the all the women who just need to get knocked up and they get free cash

These are dark times

>> No.10755818

I was forced to see a psychiatrist when I was 15 because I was a delinquent. So then he made me fill out some long ass form and he concluded that I have aspergers. So now I get free money every month and I don't have to do anything.

>> No.10755821 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x360, dubs guy man know your meme.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10755840

How much money a month?
how old are you now?

>> No.10755856
File: 80 KB, 650x366, 818679-red-shirt-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.10755854

Fuck, I wish my country had something like this. I used to do a mess in school but no one ever made me see a psychiatrist or gave me free money. Why I was born in this shithole

>> No.10755862


mfw* I used to skip school all the time because of social anxiety and they just called me a truant and gave me extra homework instead of therapy

fucking normals

*the f stands for "feelios", not "face", so it's not an epic /v/ meme don't worry

>> No.10755867
File: 59 KB, 420x316, AmeriPsycoI-DON'T-LIKE-LOUDnoises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dubs guy man know your meme
What are you like 12?
Take your shitty dubs somewhere else. No one on /jp/ does dubs or makes a big deal about them since yama left.

>> No.10755868

But feelios are a /v/ meme

>> No.10755880

>attempt to bash your head against your own chest until he calms you down.
That bit sounds tricky.

>> No.10755889


you're a fucking /v/ meme

>> No.10755890

My cousin gets disability for his weight.

I want to get fat bux like him, he's not even really that fat. He's only like ~400lbs and I worked with a guy who was fatter than him in high school when I worked at the grocery store. He was the guy who fried the chicken and made the rotisserie chickens...he was a cool dude, he died last year.

>> No.10755895

woah dude
did I hurt your feelings? lol

>> No.10755899

lol and we have lard asses who can't put the fork down getting fatbux

What's your excuse for not getting free money from the government?

>> No.10755900

>fat bux

>> No.10755907

Is this in America? God why I wasn't born there? I would get free money just for EATING. Fuck

>> No.10755904


you hurt my feelios

>> No.10755911

It takes dedication and a lot of money to get that fat. Some people just don't have the money to eat food like that.

>> No.10755913

Fat bux are no joke. My friend also gets them, he's about 500lbs and has diabetes. He got them no problem...he gets 1500 dollars a month from the government. I think his diabetes is what helped him out, just get type 2 diabetes and you'll get disability.

>> No.10755943


diabetes 2 makes you go blind, you couldn't browse /jp/ if youre blind

not worth it as HELL

>> No.10755950

I would kill myself if I weren't able to see cute 2D girls anymore.

>> No.10755948

I'm suffering from social anxiety but I guess it's not enough to get money. But damn it's hard sometimes,

I have problems just answering the phone and it's close to impossible to look people in the eye.

I worked at a grocery store once and I said like 10 sentences during 2 months. I just cannot into conversations anymore.

>> No.10755957

If you can work then you don't have it that bad. Just get a job where you don't have to talk to people.

>> No.10755976
File: 44 KB, 244x491, Aoi Haru Manga - I'm sick of it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any tips on convincing the doctor I'm all fucked up?
I'm just fucked up naturally and no matter what I say or do they will always be convinced I am so. I don't try. I just live; live and suffer with these things we call disabilities that plague me at every corner I turn in this short journey of life. Fuck your social anxiety. Fuck your fake attempts to get disability money which what others have to deal with everyday in every relationship they foster or hope to have. Fuck you.

>> No.10755999

Not OP here.

I have an interview scheduled for April 22nd to determine if I qualify for disability benefits. I told them that I was suffering from major depressive disorder and asked to do it over the phone. They asked me to prepare a list of my doctors and medication - I'm currently on antidepressants and have been in therapy for my depression and agoraphobia, although I stopped after just a couple of sessions because, predictably, I was too anxious to leave the house.

I've heard that most applications are denied the first time that they're submitted so I'm not very hopeful. If I'm rejected I may see another therapist so that I can get a second opinion to support my claim, and maybe even tell someone that I'm suicidal so that I can get committed and strengthen my application that way.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

>> No.10756025

Get a job. If you rely on disabilities then you'll become lazy and won't ever do anything.

>> No.10756028

The worst part about social anxiety is you feel like a bitch for being unable to communicate with others which is supposed to be a basic thing for any social animal.

And then all the normals will tell you its just shyness and to "man up" and the only reason you're that way is because you haven't practiced being outside which is stupid considering most people went to school which is 7+ hours of practice a day.

>> No.10756031

I don't think he wants to do anything

>> No.10756039

Not everybody is capable of getting a job.

>> No.10756058

Maybe right now. It's sweet to do nothing for sure but if that's all you do every day then you'll get burned out of that and then what will you do? Probably kill yourself or be miserable for the rest of your life.

>> No.10756064

I have yet to get tired of doing nothing. I think I could probably go on like this for the rest of my life.

>> No.10756086

How old are you? When you're young it feels like you can do anything and you'll never get burnt out. I remember being a young reckless cunt and thinking I was invincible, but age will catch up to you and then it will bring regret. It happens to everyone that's human nature.

>> No.10756106


>> No.10756178

Can you seriously get money just for aspergers? I'm pretty sure I have it, although I have never been diagnosed. I know for sure I have social anxiety though.

>> No.10756211

No, they'll just tell you to go work in IT and hang out with all of the other sperglords. Aspergers isn't a disability, it can actually be an advantage in many types of professions.

>> No.10756214

How easy is it to get for SA or depression then? Which is easier?

>> No.10756288


>> No.10756312

You can. Many people have. But I guess it really depends on your history and where you live.

>> No.10756345

Whenever I get really bored, to the point where I start to feel depressed, I just think "It could be worse, I could be working right now" and that always cheers me up.

>> No.10756366

I live in Canada, however I don't really know anything about how our government works.

>> No.10756415

Some problems you may face:

They're probably try to put you on SSRI anti-depressants. Don't take these - they don't help.

If you suggest something, they'll try to diagnose you with something else, because there's an assumption that patients can never be right. Describe the symptoms, not what you think it is. Avoid medical terminology.

They'll probably ask why this wasn't diagnosed earlier in life, how you could make it through school without anyone noticing and referring you. They best way around this is to say you didn't interact with anyone much.

Do not mention things which could be causes, such as family problems, or bullying, or they will think it is minor conditioning and they can fix you. Make your environment seem as unaffecting as possible, so they only logical cause is an inherant mental condition. Do not lie about what you do, but about what others do.

>> No.10756442

How many people here have actually gotten this? Does it last forever or just for a year or something?

>> No.10756449


>Just get a job where you don't have to talk to people.

Does really exist, any more.

Needless social aspects have been shoe horned into every job now.

>> No.10758497

Not the same person, but how does one get a job if one does not have any experience? I couldn't even finish school...

>> No.10758897

Why not?

>> No.10758923

>but how does one get a job if one does not have any experience?
You suck the jewish cock

>> No.10758962

