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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10751633 No.10751633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I wonder which one of those stars is Gensokyo......

>> No.10751638
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>> No.10751652


>> No.10751655

>me out of frame about to bully the shit out of those nerds for thinking gensokyo is in the stars and not in grorious nihon (unless they're on another planet which would explain why they're frogs and disfigured baldmen which we don't have on earth in which case i'd wonder how i got there and also point out earth to them)

>> No.10751661
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hits right in the feels....

>> No.10751670

>tfw no /jp/ buddy to form a suicide pact with

>> No.10751681

In your mind.
See: lucid dreaming

>> No.10751718
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>/jp/ buddy
>not warosubro

>> No.10751857

-Hey /jp/
-Yes, /a/?

-Most of you have been in this longer that we have, right?
-I guess so

-I'm starting to get burnt, things are not like before and time keeps flowing, my dreams, my videogame, my harem will never happen
-Is that so?

-How did you do it?
-Do what?

-Go on for so long in this new dirty world, mediocre anime, web 2.0, jobs with duties and normals flooding our homeboards. Doesn't the degeneration hurt?
-Well, it kind of does, but doesn't matter

-Why doesn't matter?
-Because I've found already the place where I belong

-The place where you belo-

BGM: Summer lights (AIR)

-But it's always been a dream! You can't attain it, like I can't attain mine so our lives revolve around chasing the unachievable.

-Don't "Heh" me, you know it's true, is always too far and doesn't matter how much we try or how much we run, we will never catch it
-But I'm telling you I did


-Show me
-There's is nothing to show, listen, you're right, you can't catch with the dream, it banishes along your youth, will and happiness once you grasp the tip, your legs will tire and get old trying to reach that special place and yet it won't be worth.

-Then how you did it?
-I understood.

- Stop beating about the bush!
-/a/ it's really naive to believe that such place exist for you, there's nothing such as a merciful God or a loving destiny lurking around to make this a ideal world, there's only us, you and me, well and the others.

-I fail to see
-We can't reach the place that, as you said, doesn't exist, but then how we do know about it? The answer to that, that's how I found my place.

-It lives in our hearts, we have to pull it out, a little piece for each one, and together we will build it, from the very begining it lived in my heart and in yours and in everyone else, in each heart a whole and a piece.


-Hey /a/! Again talking alone?
-Eh, no, I was talking to /jp/

-/jp/ has been gone for years now
-No, he's here as always, in our hearts.

>> No.10751864
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I miss the good old days before Milhouse became a meme and we all lived in /a/ together.

>> No.10751891
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>-/jp/ has been gone for years now
>-No, he's here as always, in our hearts.

>> No.10751900

More like this :

- Hey /jp/
- Yes, /a/ ?

- How do you deal with people who...
- We just don't care about them.

- But they'll say that you ar...
- We still don't care about them.

- ...
- Anything else?

- No, I think I'll go back to /a/ now.
- Alright. Have a nice day anon.

>> No.10751909
File: 1.83 MB, 287x154, 1355787845533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10751913


This is beautiful

>> No.10751931

- How's it going, /jp/?
- *shits on the floor*

- Alrighty then.

>> No.10751937

This works.

>> No.10751945


>> No.10751951

Hello, newfriend stalker-kun!

>> No.10751954
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You guys do realize I made this thread ironically, right?

>> No.10751955



>> No.10751960

WHo gives a shit reported.

>> No.10751956


If I were to stalk someone, it would be someone who was relevant.

>> No.10751959
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Don't f*cking talk to me, creep.

>> No.10751966


You wanna fight? I'm not afraid of you

>> No.10751963

Don't ruin the fun

>> No.10751964

What anime is this from?

>> No.10751967
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>> No.10751968

Reported for announcing your report. Have fun being permab&, faggot.

>> No.10751970
File: 330 KB, 509x361, American-Eagle-11489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring it, gook.

>> No.10751972


Ok, I am afraid of you...

>> No.10751973

I know people from #4chan and I am signaling them right now. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.10751974
File: 82 KB, 303x289, dgftf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You f*cking better be.

>> No.10752006



>> No.10752052


>> No.10752061
File: 179 KB, 571x689, 1359395081311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know one way to find out... sigh...

>> No.10752106

Is this sigh thing T's newest meme?

>> No.10752110

Looks like the subhuman king is out in full force tonight/

>> No.10752833

But gensokyo IS in the stars.


>> No.10752939

someone should shoop a feel guy on that

>> No.10752939,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10752939,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10752939,3 [INTERNAL] 

/neet/ is the best.

>> No.10752939,4 [INTERNAL] 

which one?
the textboard that died that was actually good?
or the shitty foolz board?
or do you mean a different one?
