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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10746473 No.10746473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NEET Thread
NEETs only
NEETs neeting

>> No.10746484

I'm NEETing it up with my cute /jp/sie boyfriend right now.

>> No.10746509


>> No.10746511
File: 181 KB, 567x800, 1349471133164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im neet

look like meat

with cute smelly feet

>> No.10746576
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>> No.10746590
File: 5 KB, 121x118, -1192841461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I've read in all week, from time to time 4chan still manages to pull some good satires.

>> No.10746614

There's something indescribable about that show.

It's really chock-full of cliches and sections of it are even directly copied from other shows. EX: the protagonist climbs a tower to meet a master of a martial art for training, only to find that climbing the tower taught him the skill already. If you don't know where this is from you honestly don't belong here, by the way.

Anyway, despite it being technically awful, something about it is attractive.

>> No.10746626

its the same as anything else. the chicks are hot, but its dogshit. the producers know this and the only reason this is afloat now is because of the softcore porn merchandise.

the author is also a hack.

>> No.10746637

lol this is so true

>> No.10746692

Man, I hate summer because it's so hard to justify shitting in the trash can. I always shit in a trash bag and take it out to the big can that I take out to the curb twice a week, and when I go to take it out to the curb, all of my poop has been cooking in the sub all week and it's extra stinky. I didn't really have this problem when it was colder out, and I don't know where I'm going to poop now.

>> No.10746703

There's no reason to hold yourself back. Just go with wherever.

>> No.10746714

Maybe I don't belong here. Where is that from?

>> No.10746719
File: 72 KB, 420x750, 1364836528175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you feeling comfortable?

>> No.10746718

ITT: Shitposting general

>> No.10746728
File: 325 KB, 576x432, korin tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dargonball sea

>> No.10746729
File: 493 KB, 1475x830, a anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10746739

I see. Thank you.

>> No.10746757

But climbing the tower was just a PART of training. He also had to steal magic water bottle from Korin.

>> No.10746765


>that teepee

I imagine if I came accross this thin, manmade spire that reaches up into the heavens I'd probably live by it and worship it.

>> No.10746786


And the little fat fuck had to get the cum-drenched rocket wings from that whore, too.

>> No.10746826

Genuine hiki looking for more more NEET friends

Please respond

>> No.10746830


i'll be your friend
genuine hiki here

>> No.10746837


Skype me , or I have steam if you rather

>> No.10746851
File: 29 KB, 352x288, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out this pic

>> No.10746853

Are NEET threads not killed killed on sight now? I'm not a truNEET yet but am considering it and was wondering if any could give a breakdown of their living expenses/ budget.

>> No.10746859

He's cute

>> No.10746863

damn dude she looks hot as HELL
she looks liek an otaku too id definitely wan to fugg her

>> No.10746865
File: 46 KB, 480x640, 1127506023621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another pic

>> No.10746871
File: 402 KB, 1287x725, 1359438800714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol man, never though about it that way!

>> No.10746884

Having school doesn't mean that you have a good sleep schedule.

>> No.10746881

Did janny go to sleep early because he has school tomorrow?

>> No.10746888

Maybe his mum forced him and unplugged the internet.

>> No.10746898

I just hate when my mom does that, why does she have to be such a bitch?

>> No.10746912

Used to happen to me too. I think she was mad and jealous I got to be a NEET and she had to work all day.

>> No.10746921

Maybe you should move out? I live alone with my boyfriend.

>> No.10746914


The events of the past week(s?) read to me like:

Moderator/admin from other board comes to /jp/ and does the fun /jp/posting thing > janitor tries hard to clean it all up for days > burns himself out/becomes angry at moderator > is absent now

>> No.10746923
File: 16 KB, 278x278, 1364105822794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

>> No.10746932

If you live with your boyfriend, you don't live alone.

Does he have a cute cock?

>> No.10746941

How can I prove I'm a truNEET?

>> No.10746933

I don't have any money.

>> No.10746934

Add me on skype and I'll tell you all about it

>> No.10746945

I feed off my parents like a parasite, do odd chores around the house every now and then, and get whatever I want on christmas/birthdays.

>> No.10746948

Show us your piss bottles.

>> No.10746951

Sorry, I was trying to say that I live with only my boyfriend and nobody else.

I think his cock is adorable and I like to kiss it all over. It's very cute how excited it gets when I do.

>> No.10746957
File: 290 KB, 1287x965, 1335574013419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that collection and the AF bunk beds, do you have anymore of his room pictures? I looked in both archives and the full size pictures were gone. I'm collecting a little fumos in military subfolder and its coming along well.

>> No.10746958

show your mancave/battlesation. You aren't a truNEET unless you have 10 dakimakura and 30 waifu figurines.

>> No.10746959

Yeah, but the guilt man...

>> No.10746963

After a while of assuring them you're retarded they stop caring.

>> No.10746964

sadly no! Found the pic on /jp/

>> No.10746965


After the second year you don't mind at all.

>> No.10746973

I love NEETs so fucking much.

So fucking much.

And all of /jp/ as well!

>> No.10746978

Would anyone here adopt a NEET?

>> No.10746982


Are you educated?

>> No.10746983

That's really sweet. I hope you'll give his cock a nice big kiss for me.

>> No.10746984

Are you cute?

>> No.10746988

My imouto complained at me for "doing nothing in life", today, when she got back from work. She was NEET herself, once, but was pressured into getting a job, now she's a complete bitch and victim of the system.


>> No.10746996

Only if we can have sex, I want a maid/cook I can fuck.

>> No.10747007

Free her from the system by making her a slave to your dick.

>> No.10747022


I think you're confusing NEET with weeb

>> No.10747026

Dick N' Chains

>> No.10747028
File: 415 KB, 1280x960, NEET cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cave

>> No.10747029

Does your sister smell nice? Mine should get here later today.

>> No.10747031

are you です?

>> No.10747047
File: 98 KB, 217x186, vfdsvdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the f*ck are you using my images?

>> No.10747043

NEET room picture sharing threads reveal that everybody who sits at home inherited a large amount of money

We should consider killing off richNEETs

>> No.10747048

2/10 wouldn't rape

>> No.10747049


Having character posters on your wall is repulsive. They don't ever change. Every day you'll wake up and they'll be the same as the day before. It's like a never-ending reminder that they aren't real. They cement the characters as something fictional. They drain all of the magic out of them.

>> No.10747055


hehe its my favorite funny irony poster, trevor-san. he makes bad posts but its all in good fun! he's not really trying to make good ones

>> No.10747053


>> No.10747058

That's like saying a picture is a crude reminder that you're not joined at the hip to that person.

>> No.10747059

Thanks for the tip autismo

>> No.10747060


I barely have a sense of smell, so I couldn't tell you what anyone smells like - I don't really understand the concept of people smelling like something.

>> No.10747069


No it isn't.

>> No.10747075

I wish I had a cute boyfriendo. I'd sit under his desk and give his cock kisses while he played 2hu.

>> No.10747086

Fuck! My mom just told me that if I don't graduate my the end of the month, she is not going to support me anymore. I'm 27. And there is no way I can finish all my course work in such a short amount of time. I have been lacking and neeting it up for months.

Is this a bluff or is she serious about kicking me out? She was in tears while telling me. I'm her first born...

>> No.10747086,1 [INTERNAL] 

RIP in peace another NEET thread bites the dust
