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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10736884 No.10736884 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of Maid in Bunny?

>> No.10736891
File: 16 KB, 480x360, d167417805b02f34fd90d3d658d5a902426f91ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there a Touhou Zelda-like?

>> No.10736898

I want to play that

>> No.10736908

Me too. Please tell me it isn't a shoop?

>> No.10736911

I do t-too!

>> No.10736918

Pass me a download link and a few hours, and I'll give you my opinion.

>> No.10736939


Is there porn in this?

If not, pass.

>> No.10736956



It's a mock-up by a pixel artist on Pixiv.

>> No.10737013


2hu sure has killed the doujin game scene good

>> No.10737019

Thanks! I'll post again this evening when I have an opinion.

>> No.10737047
File: 163 KB, 603x768, haters_gonna_hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so? It's really nice to have a setting and characters everyone is familiar with. Look at how many people have resorted to doing their own interpretations of stories like Alice in Wonderland. Having a series that is actively developed and free for almost anyone to use is a wonderful thing.

Plus there's enough content that you can be judgemental about it. There are some amazing Touhou fan works and some absolutely terrible ones. It's not like Slender Man or SCP where people will automatically like it just because it's Slender Man or SCP.

>> No.10737085


holy shit this is a really old game

>> No.10737113

Not everyone likes Touhou (I personally hate Touhou and I'm sick of seeing so many Touhou games) and some people would like something more original.

>> No.10737144

There are still non-Touhou games out there.

I think it probably balances out. A lot of the doujin circles making Touhou games got into making doujinsoft through Touhou. Sure, some of the circles who previously or otherwise would have made non-Touhou games are hopping on the bandwagon, but at the same time a lot of groups are establishing themselves through Touhou and then doing other things.
Touhou is the new porn, basically.

>> No.10737146

This. Everything is fucking Touhou. Everything that's uploaded is Touhou. give me some goddamn OC or something.

>> No.10737179

Nobody wants to learn new things.

Reading the Elona threads scares me. People learn so much shit about one game. The Kamidori thread is a little similar, but there's less overall stuff. I've played both games but I play them "casually" without spoilers (same deal with NetHack, I play that game completely differently to most NetHack fans).

Unless your original characters and settings are pretty boilerplate (in which case you might as well do Touhou), I don't think I can muster up enough effort to care. There are exceptions of course.
But whether you're making ultra-complicated game rules or sophisticated characters, you'd better have a damn good game or story to back it up with.

>> No.10737218

>I personally hate Touhou

Trash detected. Post discarded.

>> No.10738768
File: 230 KB, 637x476, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. It's lightheartedly fun, it's cute, the porn is hilarious. The plot is stereotypical and dumb, but in that way where everything feels familiar. Not like directly lifted, but nostalgic.

I haven't actually gotten very far at all, but it's been enjoyable. I'm stopping for a while, but I have that draw to return and keep playing.

The combat though, is sloppier than Sanae's inner labia. I'm holding out hope that the later weapons handle better. The movement is sticky, and feels very rpg-maker. Overall, the controls just don't feel responsive.

Also, the bgm keeps shutting off after one loop. I'm sure that's just a problem for me, but it's weird. Eventually I just shut it off and played something else in the background, which is fine by me because it wasn't anything special.

I'm really just a few screens into the game, so I'll give a real opinion when/if I get closer to the end.

What did you think of maid in bunny, OP?

>> No.10738776

>Hating Touhou and still browsing /jp/
I don't get it.

>> No.10738783

do i need to know jponos to play?

>> No.10738802

Why would you even ask that unless you didn't know Japanese?

>> No.10738809

If you want to enjoy the bland story, yes.

If you can utilize the skip button, wank to images without catching the ``subtleties"" and guess what pictures mean, then no.

>> No.10738840
File: 499 KB, 520x411, link attacks clayface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALttP was the best Zelda.

The 3D ones were all terrible.

>> No.10738848

>not links awakening

>> No.10738854

>dad leaves house
>you follow
>dads dead
>take his sword
>become hero

Epic game, loved every second

>> No.10738855

I don't know why people love this game so much.

It was a lot of fun but even the Oracle games were better.

Also "it was all a dream" is the worst storytelling ever.

>> No.10738881

>The 3D ones were all terrible.

Wow! You have an opinion thats different from the vast majority of people's opinions! You sure are cool, unique, subversive, and edgy!

>> No.10738886

Can we stop responding to things people didn't actually say?

>> No.10738898

My opinion is unpopular but it's my opinion nonetheless. I just didn't like the 3D ones as much as the 2D ones. I'm not trying to be special or different, I simply enjoyed the 2D games a lot more.

>> No.10738931


I'm just going to step in here for one second:
1. This is quite a common opinion.
2. There's a decent chance that he was being sarcastic anyway.
3. If you meant that you "didn't like the 3D ones as much," then you should have said that instead of " the 3D ones were all terrible." Those are different sentiments. Say what you mean. This is 4chan.
4. I love you.

>> No.10738934

Would have been nice if they actually did three games for oracles.

>> No.10738935
File: 67 KB, 640x360, lanayru_desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a boring looking desert in your image.

>> No.10738940

Holy shit, the time stone level. That was fucking awesome. Remember the scene on the boat?

>> No.10738941
File: 132 KB, 698x566, gayyyyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everyone need to see how much of a gay you are.

>> No.10738948

I still could punch you in the face for saying Majora's Mask was terrible. It is one of the most amazing and memorable videogames. The only weakpoint is that there are not enough dungeons/bossfights.

I liked ALttP the best too, though.

>> No.10738955

Oh no! My assumed sexuality's been exposed on the internet!

>> No.10738981

Too bad Touhou isn't declining. At all.


Well, my opinion is supported on robust pillars of NOSTALGIA anyways.

And, did a full version of the Hartman.exe game ever get uploaded?

>> No.10738983
File: 217 KB, 449x489, touhou is reclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10738999 [DELETED] 

Sounds like I hit a nerve, subhuman. Do you really want to know how the average Toufag looks like? Because I can show you just how shit you and your games are.

>> No.10739003
File: 34 KB, 600x340, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10739004

Come at me faggot.
I'll wipe the fucking floor with your faggoty ass.

>> No.10739021

Stop. You didn't make >>10737113, I did.

>> No.10739020

I don't have any /jp/ related reaction images, but just imagine your favorite Touhou harshly laughing at that subtitle.

>> No.10739035

What does /jp/ think of Maid in Bunny?

>> No.10739036

Which is me. Are you serioiusly trying to pick a fight right now?

I don't want to hurt you, friend.

>> No.10739070

The 3D ones were all terrible. I have played them all, except for the DS ones. Throughout them, I was generally bored or frustrated. In ALttP I had fun on almost every screen. Similar deal with LoZ, the Game Boy games, and even TAoL (even if that game was unfair as hell).

Majora's Mask was terrible. It's exactly the sort of game I'd describe as having "nice moments". I didn't have fun playing it, but there were nice moments. Remember when you first saw the Happy Mask Salesman? That was a nice moment. Remember fighting the Iron Knuckle? That was a nice moment. Remember saving up all your rupees and banking them? That was a ni--oh wait.
Overall it was a terribly dull game with a few highlights. A and B were fun, but the two hours going from A to B were not.

>> No.10739104

>The 3D ones were all terrible.
And that's a perfectly fine opinion to have. I'm not arguing that they were great. I personally liked every top-down Zelda better than any of the 3D ones as well.

I was just trying to point out that it's not an uncommon opinion. Lots of people dislike the 3D Zeldas. And lots of people like them.

>> No.10739121

Well, I guess I can't really disagree with that, which is also why I like the 2D ones better.

However, Majoras Mask had a lot more than just "Nice moments". The setting and the time travel mechanics were very nice. The way the world actually changed over the course of the 3 days and that you could influence it by doing the right thing at the right time were pretty awesome and gave you a far greater ability to interact with the world than most other games.

>> No.10740553

Well, I was just responding to >>10738881
I figure it's unpopular to say that the 3D Zeldas weren't good.

It did have a lot of neat stuff, I'll admit to that. I completely agree about the world changing, I love stuff like that. It really added a new dimension to the game and made for some pretty clever quests.
But as a game you sit down and play, I didn't find it overall very enjoyable.
