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File: 293 KB, 1026x768, siblings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10731656 No.10731656 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer imoutos or onee-sans?

>> No.10731661

booom there goes the dynamite...

>> No.10731664


>> No.10731665


>> No.10731667

Isn't that the game where the older brother turns into a girl?
I found it extremely hard to fap when their abusive, overweight father raped the brother onee-san in front of the imouto.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10731669


>> No.10731674

I can just tell from the art that this eroge is a rape fest. The fucking smile, the huge amounts of shininess. I've associated those art traits with those things.

Holy shit they're shiny.

>> No.10731677

>their abusive, overweight father raped the brother onee-san in front of the imouto.
that sounds like something i would fap extremely hard to

>> No.10731678
File: 206 KB, 336x438, 7_sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer ass nee-chans

>> No.10731682

I would prefer one where you play as a little boy and have a loli older sister.

>> No.10731687
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, umineko_stakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10731702

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... twin sister

>> No.10731705

It's only rape early on. Later the girl begs for cocks and goes around having sex with any man willing to fuck her.

>> No.10731706

A twin sister still comes out before or after its sibling though, so it's still technically an older or younger sibling.

>> No.10731707

so what game is this anyway? the google does nothing

>> No.10731710

What if she has a really loose vagina and they come out the same time?

>> No.10731712

I'm not big on rape unfortunately, despite how pure it is. I might have given this a read otherwise.

>> No.10731715


>> No.10731716

limited by pelvic bone
there's no birth canal that would be "loose" enough

>> No.10731724
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x768, 1346661555570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10731731

What if they had a c-section and the doctors removed both at the exact same time?

>> No.10731735

We're talking about eroge here, these women can take dicks bigger than their whole body

>> No.10731738

Itokos or bust!

>> No.10731754

Are you asian by any chance?

Cause I know in asian cultures even with twins there is a need to distinguish which is "older" for a plethora of reasons.

In the west however twins are generally considered to be the same age.

>> No.10731756

Even though I like loli a lot, I prefer onee-sans. They're wonderful.

Incest rape feels really good to masturbate to, especially if it's father/daughter, but I don't want to have to see what comes more than a day after. It gets pretty depressing then.

>> No.10731757

too far to be incest, too close to be a just schoolmate or childhood friend, shit all around.

>> No.10731764

imoutos don't have to be lolis.

>> No.10731768

Yes, but they often are. I'm saying that despite that, I still prefer onee-sans.

>> No.10731774

Considering most eroge protags are in their 20s.

>> No.10731783

>eroge protags are in their 20s.
I think the whole, "of age" disclaimer only applies to the girls.

>> No.10731785

I'm not Asian, but since in eroge twins have established older-younger roles it still applies.

The genderbent onii-chan gets loved tenderly by her futa imouto later.

>> No.10731805

>especially if it's father/daughter

Any such titles? Every single father/daughter game I've ever seen or heard of is consensual.

>> No.10731818

16 isn't a loli but still plenty young to be an imouto

>> No.10731816

Have a looks through this list: http://vndb.org/g391

This might be relevant to your interests: http://vndb.org/v2214

>> No.10732343
File: 865 KB, 1968x1400, sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onee-sans is where it's at for me. But be nice to your imoutos if you have them!

>> No.10732360
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x768, 20130407_010928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10733212 [SPOILER] 
File: 76 KB, 500x375, gallery_16a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10733223

Imouto is such a delicious word to say, so I'll go with it.
Imouto. Imouto.

>> No.10733262

There's a lot you can do with a loving imouto, an older sister? Not really.

>> No.10733294

Onee-san nukige are usually way hotter than imouto focused stuff.

>> No.10733364

imouto characters are entry level

>> No.10733398

A loving older sister would do a lot of stuff with you.

>> No.10733399


Who the hell designed the one on the right?

Has that artist never seen a woman in a piece of fabric in his entire life?

>> No.10733410
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 317686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called a "breasts sack".


>> No.10733414


I don't think those things actually exist, though. My immersion is ruined forever!

>> No.10733458

>I don't think those things actually exist, though.
They do actually. It's just not as common for a numerous number of reasons, and as one could expect they fit a considerably smaller amount of women as both the size and cup sizes has to match. So it's harder to sell your stock clean.
But it exists, albeit in smaller numbers.

>> No.10733471


Google image search doesn't have them. Where must one go to view actual examples of these mythical breast sacks?

>> No.10733473

Both are good, but I like older sisters.

>> No.10733489

I believe project runaway should have it, in some episode.
I am too lazy to google search a proper hit.

>> No.10733522


That-that's *less* helpful than nothing! That's trying to trick me into watching random episodes of some godawful reality TV show in the hopes of finding a single instance of the article of clothing you've implied actually exists!

You suck!!

>> No.10733536

It bothers me when the imouto character is responsible for her older brother. She does everything for him without reciprocating in the slightest. You have an adorable, helpless imouto, protect and love the shit out of her, goddamn.

>> No.10733938
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1362750160093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like mature imoutos that take care of their onii-chan. I find useless moeblobs rather boring.

>> No.10733939


>> No.10733943

>I do like mature imoutos that take care of their onii-chan
So basically onee-sans.

>> No.10733954


>> No.10736663

Just because a trait is found more often in onee-sans doesn't make it synonymous with them.

>> No.10736672

A tall nee-san is where it's at for me.

>> No.10736681

An onee-san who hugs me tight, pats my head and tells me I'm a good boy.

>> No.10736713
File: 347 KB, 800x600, image00157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha Ue

>> No.10736718

Where is that set from it's so hard to get good spanking hentai.

>> No.10736721

that's not spanking, she has her thumb up his ass

>> No.10736725

愛する息子の躾け方 by M-O
You've been warned though...
Well, she was spaking first then.... thing escalated rather quickly

>> No.10736744

I like onii-chans but that's because I'm a girl

>> No.10736769

I want a cute little girls.
Doesn't matter what the relationship is.

>> No.10736781

bwt I'm a gurl xD

>> No.10740366

Everyone on /jp/ is a little girl.
