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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 512x512, seba_ohta_river_japan_vintage_nippon_ukiyo_e_postcard-rf13f365c55e741379a503bb9a30225d9_vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10727956 No.10727956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we call Nippon Japan?

>> No.10727960

Why do we call Angleterre England?

>> No.10727964

Why do we call USA America?

>> No.10727970

The better question would be why can't they speak promer American like the rest of the world. Their country is called Japan, they should get used to that.

>> No.10727975

Why do we call Moscva Moscow?

>> No.10727978

>speak promer American
You can't speak American, fuckface.

>> No.10727981

Right, I meant proper. My bad.

>> No.10727982

That's American spelling, dumass.

>> No.10727991

Why do we call the middle states, "China"?

Well, for Japan, it's a long and convoluted story, going back to Marco Polo, who learned of the island nations from the chinese, who called it Cipangu. Cipangu mutated to Zipangu, mutated to Jipang, mutated to Japan.

>> No.10728006

Why do we call Eire Ireland?

>> No.10728017

Why is Europa called "you're up"?

>> No.10728025

Why do we call the REAL China "Taiwan"?

>> No.10728032

Shitty anglophones must fuck up everything

>> No.10728034

Cipangu -> Japan


>> No.10728037

Why do we call /antiNEETboard/ "/jp/"?

>> No.10728039

Why do we call Corea Korea?

>> No.10728044
File: 363 KB, 443x443, 1347748884072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when was /jp/ "anitNEET"? I thought this place always catered to jobless losers.

>> No.10728046

Since moot and his faglords lapdogs decided so

>> No.10728049

Since a couple of rouge far-right janitors were put into power

>> No.10728058

change is left, right is conservative

>> No.10728062

They want us to work and hate discussions about government assistance.

>> No.10728065

Far-rightists are not conservative.

>> No.10728067

america is short for usa dumbfuck

>> No.10728072

what a fucking moran, it must be a miracle of God that you can still breathe on your own

>> No.10728073

We don't call the US America in other languages, you stuipid ignorant yank.

>> No.10728083

what do you call it? hambaguh land?

>> No.10728079

hypocrisy is left, right is a dick-tatorship.

>> No.10728081

You're right. We should call the USA by it's true name based on territory: the World.

>> No.10728085

most countries call us citizens americans, as well as call the country america.
please shut the fuck up.

>> No.10728088

How would you know nerd, it's not like you leave your room.

>> No.10728089

The only other language I know is French and it's Les Estates Unis d'Amerique in that.

>> No.10728094


No they don't, retard.

>> No.10728097

Woah, be careful there, European, you might cut someone with that kind of edge.

>> No.10728099

dont be fucking stupid idiot. you know goddamn well they do.

you fuckers start throwing your dung when an american calls themselves that and then you turn around and call them that in turn.

since we are on /jp/, amerika and amerikajin.

your asshole has been loosened cunt.

>> No.10728105

Why are Europeans so jealous of America?

>> No.10728115

>all those lowercases

Typical Fuckistan education.

>> No.10728118

Because American English is the standard form of English for most countries.

>> No.10728129

Not really. Most places that were part of the English empire still uses UK English.

>> No.10728131

too busy jerking off to your ass devastation to type with 2 hands you cheeky little shit.

you dont have anything, just that? fucking disappointing.

>> No.10728137

Why are you so angry?

>> No.10728139 [DELETED] 

Yea, faggot. We UK. Suck a cock American swine.

>> No.10728141


What exactly are some key differences between American and UK English? Also, is Canadian English more similar to American English or UK English?

>> No.10728145

There is a shift key on both sides of the keyboard.

>> No.10728146

And that's what, India, Australia, and a couple of African countries? Do humans even inhabit those countries?

>> No.10728148
File: 68 KB, 645x509, 1341518812073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't even arguing with facts, you fucking 'tard. Just stop posting please, you're making a disservice to your fat comrades.

Can't wait til you get drafted and die for Israel, burgerboy.

>> No.10728154

>No they don't, retard.
They do. Spanish speaking countries don’t.

>> No.10728159

Answer me, friend. Why are you so angry?

Please stop being angry.

>> No.10728167
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Who invited /pol/?

>> No.10728165


>> No.10728173

Who invited YOU?

>> No.10728175

How does she do that???

>> No.10728181

/pol/ is everywhere, watching your every move.

>> No.10728183

I can confirm that at least Russians and Canadians do.

>> No.10728187

Why are Americans so defensive?

>> No.10728190

Why do Finnians think that Americans are defensive?

>> No.10728195


Someone left the door open and they just came in. Moot needs to make some kind of lockable doors for all the boards. When things start getting bad he can just lock it down and nobody can leave until things settle down. It would solve alot of problems.

>> No.10728197
File: 147 KB, 649x557, 1317003677234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn the difference.

>> No.10728200

nigga, im not in school anymore so who the fuq cares

>> No.10728202

>mfw when Europe calls The New World "America"

>> No.10728207

Ask any one who an American is and they will all tell you the same thing. Facts do not always equate to social truth no matter how hard you non-factor nations want them to be. Sure in truth we are not Americans but the world makes us them.

>> No.10728220


This jokes asks why people from the US are called Americans, while calling them Americans.

Which is it, mate?

>> No.10728216

>we are not Americans
who is we, faggot?

>> No.10728217


>> No.10728222
File: 53 KB, 740x717, 1364621559603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Euorpeans, even in these troubling times, your sperm rations will not be cut.

>> No.10728225

"evrywun must b frum glorius uk"

>> No.10728231

u wot m8

>> No.10728237

moot should transform 4chan in a free2play FPS MMO. Every board has it's own world and if outsiders try to get in they get shot on sight.

>> No.10728239

The last one is the Americas, plural, since it's both North and South America.

>> No.10728246

/jp/ would shoot Danmaku and would only have female character options.

>> No.10728251

Make it happen.

>> No.10728266

Fuck off capitalist scum

>> No.10728267


>> No.10728273

Stay poor, Yurup.

>> No.10728274

What are you laughing at? That's the proper term. If you just say America, chances are, you are referring to the US.

>> No.10728278

That would be so much fun

>> No.10728290 [DELETED] 

You are so indebted to China and without next world war you are going to be that way.

>> No.10728294

Our debt to China is the only reason a major war hasn't broken out. They don't want to attack us as long as we owe them money because it would allow us to just get rid of the debts.

>> No.10728296 [DELETED] 

>this thread
>no real answers
We call it Japan because a long ass time ago a bunch of European explorers thought there was a mythical island east of China that was covered in gold. They called this island Zipang. In Japanese, it'd be pronounced じぱん, and after sufficient time the name morphed to Japan.

>> No.10728298


>> No.10728299

It was already answered, and this is way wrong.

>> No.10728300

No, I'm pretty sure Japan comes from the Chinese jih pun, which means sunrise. As in the land of the rising sun and all that.

>> No.10728302

The fight is over. Go to sleep.

>> No.10728305 [DELETED] 

That's why you want to attack China and clean your debt you huns.

>> No.10728307

No one said that America ever had plans to attack China. America was one of the first nations to recognize the People's Republic as a nation.

>> No.10728315 [DELETED] 

Big surprise. Stay the fuck out and pay the debts, capitalist pigdogs.

>> No.10728322

Because ``Angle'' is a shorthand of ``anglophone'', so ENGlish and ``terre'' is french for ``LAND.''

>> No.10728323

Economy exists because there's debt. Anyway, stop it already.

>> No.10728332 [DELETED] 

>economy exists because there's debt
Stay capitalist, die a capitalist

>> No.10728354

I have to go out to the grocery store to buy some milk and cookies. When I come back you'd better drop this shit.

>> No.10728361 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 300x360, 1364282150717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good goy.

>> No.10728361,1 [INTERNAL] 

>blocked for 5 minutes
Your time will come, buddy. Your time will come...

>> No.10728361,2 [INTERNAL] 

New janitors confirmed for shabbos goyim.
