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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 580x387, BHThODBCYAArMsK.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10723145 No.10723145 [Reply] [Original]

I'm introduced in English popular tweets of Japan. I to follow

>> No.10723153

This is going to end horribly.

>> No.10723178


Kyo-ani at it's best ladies

>> No.10723182

I like it

>> No.10723188

It's cute. It's not like they're the only ones who have a particular style that they stick to. Every studio does unless they're adapting a visual work in which case it's downplayed. I'm guessing it's because they have the same team for all these projects.

>> No.10723194
File: 935 KB, 1500x3266, iqgoHkYjJznHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamako Market was pretty much made by the exact same people of the K-On anime, but Hyouka wasn’t.
That pic is of course a simplification.

>> No.10723195


Only Japan would make a boob shaped soap dispenser and not have it come from the nipples.

>> No.10723228
File: 79 KB, 683x1024, BHV4CqlCMAEnrl7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant to /jp/

>> No.10723236
File: 150 KB, 955x800, slay the k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10723238

I forgot about loli in cheeseland.

>> No.10723248

would work much better as a tumblog seen as its all images

>> No.10723252

That's an interesting pic. I'm not familiar with most staff that work on anime, unless I'm a big fan. I just think it's silly that people will have issue with a studio that utilizes a similar style in their work. I mean, it's the same people that are making this stuff. I never see people attacking Gainax for doing it.

That's not to say the OP pic was meant to attack anything per se, but knowing 4chan, it's been used to that aim. I still don't understand the trolling against Kyoani.

>> No.10723258
File: 79 KB, 368x427, ...bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slay the k

>> No.10723255
File: 149 KB, 623x720, 1348163068486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyouka is easily the best out of those four

>> No.10723263

Too bad the main female character is pure shit.

>> No.10723277 [DELETED] 

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>> No.10723284
File: 69 KB, 550x320, 9d15f3c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not familiar with most staff that work on anime, unless I'm a big fan
In the case of K-On and Tamako Market it was mostly the exact same leading staff. Same screenplay writer, same lead director, same character designer.
I’m a fan, but they do have sameface going on, then again, most anime do.
Their latest announced show is a break though, the characters actually have noses, as weird as that sounds.
Not sure if I’m going to be a fan, it seems very chuuni and lots of blood makes me nauseous, and it’s about a girl that manipulates blood.

I really liked Mayaka, but Eru’s far from shit, that’s rude.

>> No.10723287
File: 120 KB, 638x565, 1364027144682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10723322

Wow, that looks phenomenal (though blood manipulation sounds just like Deadman Wonderland). The style's also wonderfully balanced; not too "gritty" with a nice blend of realism and 2D charm. I would watch it for the animation alone, but it's nice to see Kyoani stretch themselves. The only Kyoani I've been watching since the K-On movie is Chuu2. I'm gonna need to play catchup.

Fucking top-tier studio.

>> No.10723328

I would love to see them do another FMP or action anime with their current budget and animation. The action scenes in Chuu2 were amazing and it made it seem like they enjoyed it. I don't know why they don't do it, maybe it's too big of a risk or something.

>> No.10723332

>Wow, that looks phenomenal
Well, this was actually a CM from months back, they only recently announced they were making an anime about this. CM are often good quality, with lots of budget for 30 seconds.
Speaking of which, Do (the Osaka studio that’s basically KyoAni) made this CM recently:
Get ready for the homo! (That's not to say this is actually going to become an anime, it's just a CM)

>> No.10723335

Well, as posted above, they are doing something action again.

>> No.10723347

This made me wonder, would seiyuu discussion go on /jp/ or /a/?

>> No.10723350

Well, /a/. But if it’s along idol threads, then not.

>> No.10723353

Oh yeah, the Chuu2 action scenes were fucking amazing. If you think about it, though, an entire series with nothing but scenes like that would be too costly and would eventually get boring. They worked so well in Chuu2 because it was an imaginative blending of reality and fantasy and broke the "normalcy."

>I would love to see them do another FMP
If they do, I would actually just want a Tessa slice of life.

Yeah I know it's a CM, but knowing their record of quality only makes it seem more promising.

>Get ready for the homo!
My sister showed me that. So much manservice...I would watch it no homo.

>> No.10723357

Only otaku care about seiyuu.

>> No.10723372

That's true, but it's related to at least 4 boards, and to me it seems like /a/ would obsess about them the most so I'm not sure.

>> No.10723378

/a/ has seiyuu threads all the time.

>> No.10723405

Huh, I didn't know that. It's been a long time since I've been to /a/. It honestly wouldn't hurt if it were here, but that's not my call to make.

>> No.10723485

That would depend on whether they're voicing anime or VN characters, wouldn't it?

>> No.10723604

I liked the Haruhi looking style instead of the tiny hands and feet kon style. That's my problem with Kyo ani.

>> No.10723635

>tiny hands and feet kon style
So far that’s actually only been K-On! and Tamako Market. Chu2koi, Hyouka and Nichijou were different.

>> No.10723682

Chu2 Hyouka and Nichijou were my favorite art styles
hope kyoani sticks to those and steers away from godawful keion and tamako market.

>> No.10723766

Nichijou was beautiful.

>> No.10723768

The animation was pretty great. Damn they must have lost a lot on that show considering the problems they had that made them price the BD at that absurd price causing no one to buy it.

>> No.10723776

Most seiyuu work on VNs, games and anime. They don't usually stick to one.

>> No.10723884

i love that jp like chuu2. i love chuu2 a lot. /a/ despises it which further proves how much of a shithole it is.

>> No.10723891
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Tamako Market - 01v2 [D93CF8CB].mkv_snapshot_02.14_[2013.03.24_22.30.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you she's perfect

>> No.10723894

dropped at episode 2, somehow even more boring than k-on

Nichijou was a comedic masterpiece, it's a shame it bombed so hard and kyoani will never take another risk like that again.

>> No.10723898

How the HELL did nichijou bomb? It was probably the best show KyoAni has ever done and I've only heard good feedback about it from everyone I know.

>> No.10723902

>absurd price
The price was pretty regular.

>> No.10723907

each bd was over 90$. thats not typical

>> No.10723911

it sold terribly and kyoani blew so much money on it that even selling average would've been a failure. it bombed really hard in BD sales unfortunately.

>> No.10723914 [DELETED] 

It's a shame that it'll never get a second season because Japan has bad taste. If I thought it'd help I'd buy all the BDs.

>> No.10723915

Pretty sure it was about 8000 yen a volume.

Anime is between 7000-8000 yen a volume pretty regularly. So what its possibly $5 more expensive than usual? Nothing ridiculous.

>> No.10723930

when its.a 24 ep series and thus has double the volumes and price of any usual 12 ep show at 5 extra dollars per vol, yeah it starts to become an issue.

>> No.10723958

There was nothing unique about the Nichijou pricing. K-On! was released 2 volumes per disc at 7980 yen. Strike witches was 9240 yen per a 2 volume disc. Hyouka is doing well enough comparatively at just 500 yen less a volume with similar length. Steins;Gate was priced over 1000 yen higher and sold many times more. The idea that Nichijou was doomed to fail by some abhorrently steep pricing structure is just ridiculous people just didn't want to buy it.
